Erosion of the stomach and duodenum treatment. How to treat duodenal erosion: clinic of pathology, proper nutrition. Treatment with medications

Violation of the integrity of the surface of the mucous membrane of the duodenum occurs when erosive foci occur. They do not penetrate deep into the tissues, do not affect muscle tissue, and therefore do not lead to perforation. Erosions of the duodenal process are common diseases that have an optimistic prognosis. With a timely response and adherence to all recommendations, the pathology disappears without scarring.

The destruction of the walls of the duodenum is often due to poor nutrition.


The main provoking factors:

  1. eating rough, junk food. This includes salty, spicy, too hot dishes;
  2. infection of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with Helicobacter pylori;
  3. overuse of medication or use of strong anti-inflammatory drugs;
  4. constant stress, depression;
  5. pathology of the gastrointestinal tract ( chronic pancreatitis), kidney and liver dysfunction;
  6. cancer of the stomach, esophagus or duodenum 12.

Constant intoxication of the body with poisonous volatile chemical compounds.


According to clinical signs, duodenal erosion is of two types:

  1. Ulcerative form. Manifestations: severe pain in the epigastrium, which often occurs after eating, less often on an empty stomach; belching; nausea with vomiting; heartburn.
  2. Hemorrhagic form. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic.

If signs appear, then patients develop:

  • bleeding in the affected organ;
  • anemic signs.

General symptoms of damage to the duodenum:

  • vomiting;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • soreness in the epigastric region, which periodically increases.

With the development of bleeding, additional symptoms appear:

  1. darkening of feces;
  2. viscous vomit with blood impurities.

If a blood test is done during this period, the result will show a low hemoglobin level.

Erosive gastritis can be distinguished by the nature of the pain, which is periodic aching or cramping, and may be absent for a long time. The discomfort increases after eating, sometimes on an empty stomach. In most cases, the pain is accompanied by heartburn and sour belching.

Along with general signs, the manifestation of symptoms of primary pathology is possible, which led to inflammation of the bulb of the duodenal organ or its other part. The process is accompanied by inflammation of the vagus nerve with branches, which leads to neurological changes, such as slowing heart rate. Against this background, the patient develops weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, excessive sweating.


To diagnose the disease, tests are taken

To diagnose erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the duodenal organ, a number of measures are required. It:

  1. Assessment of patient complaints.
  2. Review of medical history and family history. For example, with a genetic predisposition, the disease occurs in 10-15% of cases.
  3. Clinical analyzes: general tests of blood serum, urine, feces for occult blood.
  4. Diagnostic tests for the presence of Helicobacteria (respiratory analysis).
  5. Probing of the duodenum by assessing its secretory function.
  6. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy performed with targeted biopsy. The method allows to determine two types of erosion: flat near-surface defects characterized by edema; chronic erosion in the form of a small swelling of the mucous membrane with a small depression in the center.
  7. Fluoroscopy. The method allows you to determine cancer, lymphomatosis, polyposis neoplasms, deformities of the bulb and other parts of the organ.
  8. Blood biochemistry, the results of which assess the concentration of iron, bilirubin, protein and protein fractions, urea, creatinine.


Principles of therapy for erosion of the duodenal process:

  • the use of modern therapeutic methods;
  • taking into account the specific signs of the disease: type of surface defects, healing time, complications;
  • stopping bleeding with their further prevention;
  • achieving protracted remission.

You can judge the patient's recovery by the following manifestations:

  1. the onset of clinical remission, accompanied by the absence of bleeding symptoms, the disappearance of the pain syndrome, an improvement in well-being;
  2. healing of erosions of the mucous membrane with epithelialization in the absence of hemorrhagic changes, reduction of swelling and redness.

After a therapeutic course for acute erosions, endoscopic control is recommended every 60-90 days. In chronic forms - after 90-120 days.


Classical drug therapy includes the following drugs:

  • inhibitors of acid secretion for digestive juices;
  • enveloping agents from the category of antacids;
  • healing medicines;
  • drugs that stop bleeding and restore blood composition (with anemic symptoms).

The goals of treatment are stabilization of duodenal secretion, elasticity and evacuation function of the duodenum. Additionally, the regulation of the working capacity of the stomach, restoration of the intestinal biocenosis, and stabilization of the immune system are performed.

Therapy consists in taking medications. In case of infection with Helicobacteria, a shock antibacterial course is carried out. Erosion can be treated at home, but in case of complications and background diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to conduct an additional examination with treatment in a hospital setting.

Folk remedies

In the absence of complications, as additional measures, it is recommended to use folk recipes in the treatment of erosive diseases of the duodenal organ. Folk remedies increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy and improve the general condition of the patient.

If erosion is characterized by rapid development and is accompanied by bleeding, herbal treatment is strictly prohibited.

  1. For the prevention of bleeding, sea buckthorn oil is used. The product is endowed with antiseptic and wound healing effect.
  2. Herbs with antiseptic properties such as chamomile, calamus, celandine, gentian, bearberry are also endowed with a calming effect. You can drink infusions instead of tea.
  3. Eating 1 banana on an empty stomach is recommended as a good enveloping agent.
  4. To accelerate the healing of erosions, a walnut tincture is taken, a mixture of honey with butter or aloe juice, composition on sea buckthorn juice in olive oil.

In case of erosion, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic tinctures, as they can additionally irritate the mucous membrane. Rosehip broth should be drunk with caution, avoiding overdose. This remedy is not suitable for acidic erosion.

I was HEALTHY PRESSED, at first I did not understand. PAIN in the stomach and in the right hypochondrium - neither breathe nor ... ... be. EVERYTHING around is annoying and you freeze disgustingly. Belching unnaturally often and quickly you get tired and puffy. Imagine how “good”! When I put all the symptoms together, I understood, I returned either Gastritis or erosion of the duodenum... Immediately from work, I rushed to the pharmacy, but I know that these ailments respond well to folk methods recovery.

because in the pharmacy I took SEA BUCKTHORN OIL.

I brewed 5 herbs at home:

Pharmacy chamomile - the best natural antiseptic (Moreover, it is really a pharmacy, because in nature I have met it only a couple of times. It's easier to buy at a pharmacy.);

Yarrow (kryvaunik, podbel) - anti-inflammatory, bactericidal antispasmodic (grows everywhere in the middle lane);

St. John's wort (perforated) - astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, promotes regeneration (grows everywhere in the middle lane)

Mint - analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, disinfectant (all numerous types of mint have these properties, but peppermint is considered the best, it is sold in the pharmacy).

Sage - anti-spasma medicinal and soothing antiseptic (if you did not plant it on your personal plot, it is sold at the pharmacy).

i poured about one canteen without a top into a liter mug and poured boiling water to the top.

She sat and breathed this awesome aroma while the herb was brewing, i.e. minutes 15. Soothing aromatherapy - not the last thing in the treatment of the stomach!

Strained. The broth should not be hot. In warm, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey. Finally, wait! I drank a whole glass (200 ml.). Then, during the day, 5 times 100 ml.

Well, yes, no options, a decoction of oatmeal or rice without salt and sugar (I'm lying, I added honey). And 30 minutes before meals 1 teaspoon sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil... And, by tomorrow evening, that is, right now I am much better.

P.S. If I had heartburn (i.e. high acidity), then St. John's wort and yarrow, I would exclude.

And if there is no time to brew, you can buy tinctures of valerian, wormwood and mint at the pharmacy, mix and take 30 drops in 1/2 cup of warm water. (the finished medicine is called "Stomach drops" JSC "Valentis" Lithuania - it costs a penny and it still contains belladonna)

Licorice syrup helps me the same way. (At work, it is convenient to hold a bottle in the table. I swallowed and put it back in the desk drawer. And the employees think: “Is she drinking brandy there?”)

If you don't like to use herbal preparations For any acidity, great folk methods are:

1) freshly squeezed carrot juice (drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day, healing juice for 40 minutes)

2) drink fresh chicken eggs (be sure to make sure that the shell is intact and wash the egg with hot running water and soap).

3) drink sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day (1-2 teaspoons).

Gastritis, erosion of the duodenum - treatment at home - a little dumb, and suddenly the ulcer, but it perforates. Therefore, if you are not sure - go to the doctor, swallow the "light bulb". As my employee used to say, referring to the Japanese probe.

Now, by the way, a new service has appeared. You can not swallow anything. The analysis for the bacteria Helicobacter responsible for the ulcer is done by exhaled air. Expensive only.


New information. Found a wonderful remedy. It is a pity that in Belarus it disappeared from pharmacies. This is a Russian bad. Sea buckthorn oil. I take 8 balls during lunch and forgot that the stomach exists. Quite inexpensive and very convenient.


Erosion of the duodenum is formed when the integrity of the epithelial layer of the organ is damaged. Unlike peptic ulcer disease, erosion does not affect the deeper layers and muscles of organs, and also does not cause intestinal perforation. Erosion of the stomach or duodenum is the second most common disease diagnosed after peptic ulcer and gastritis in the world. Predictions for a complete cure for this ailment are quite favorable, provided that all the recommendations of the attending physician are followed. Erosion of the stomach and other organs heals in the shortest possible time without scarring.


When the duodenum is damaged by erosive formations, the patient has the following symptoms:

When the above symptoms appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor for a complete diagnosis and diagnosis. Also, do not forget that if you already have erosion of the stomach or duodenum 12, and any other symptoms have joined this disease, you should not ignore them. Perhaps this is a disease of the liver or cardiovascular system, which requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnostic measures

In the presence of erosion of the stomach or duodenum 12 - patients mainly complain of a feeling of pain and a feeling of heaviness in the projection of the stomach. In such a situation, the patient will be recommended to carry out the following diagnostic measures:

  1. X-ray examination with a contrast agent.
  2. General clinical examination, namely blood analysis of urine and feces.
  3. The patient will undergo a general external examination, palpation and auscultation of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is recommended. This examination will determine the presence of the disease, the degree of its severity and assess the inner layer of the stomach and 12 duodenum. Also, importantly, fibrogastroduodenoscopy allows you to biopsy the inner layer of the epithelium, which will determine the acidity inside the stomach and intestines, and also identify the presence of infection.

When making a diagnosis of a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer, first of all, the patient must exclude all signs of gastrointestinal bleeding ... If there is bleeding, the primary treatment will be to stop it.

Treatment of erosion of the duodenal bulb 12

After the bleeding from the 12th intestine has been stopped, the gastroenterologist prescribes a comprehensive therapeutic one, which consists of the following points:

  1. Due to bleeding, which was caused by erosive damage to the stomach or duodenal bulb 12, therapy will be prescribed, which should be aimed at restoring the bloodstream of the body. The first few days after an exacerbation, transfusions of fresh citrated or preserved blood will be prescribed, and intravenous plasma administration is also possible.
  2. Treatment of organ damage to the bulb includes the appointment of hemostatic drugs, in particular the appointment of fibrinogen.
  3. Hemostatic drugs may be needed to stop bleeding.
  4. If the erosion of the stomach or intestinal bulb is mild, it is possible to dispense with transfusion measures and limit ourselves to medication to reduce the acidity of the stomach and drugs that contribute to the speedy healing of erosive lesions.
  5. If the bacterial analysis reveals the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the doctor prescribes antibacterial treatment that will last at least 7 days.
  6. Treatment of bulb erosion can be performed at home without hospitalization, but provided there is no extensive blood loss.
  7. In addition to all the listed methods of treatment, prescriptions will be written to maintain the general tone of the body, namely multivitamins and immunostimulating therapy.

Folk recipes for the treatment of erosion of the duodenal bulb 12

Folk recipes for the treatment of this ailment are allowed to be used only when light condition the degree of damage to the bulb or other part of the gastrointestinal tract. Still, it is worth noting that folk recipes are not an exception to traditional medicine, they are possible only as its addition. Especially if the erosion of the bulb was complicated by bleeding or with an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, folk recipes will be strictly prohibited. And they can be used only after the removal of the acute inflammatory process and the onset of remission.

The key methods of alternative medicine are the use of decoctions that have an antiseptic and wound healing effect, in particular, it can be chamomile, which soothes the mucous wall of the organ.

It is also important, with an exacerbation of this disease, to contact a qualified specialist to diagnose and prescribe drug treatment, and only after his recommendations, start using alternative methods.

Diet for duodenal ulcers, during an exacerbation, should exclude all food products that can irritate the mucous wall of the stomach. This number includes all fried foods, fatty, sour, salty, with a bright, rich taste. During the exacerbation period, a water-tea break will most likely be prescribed. And before the onset of remission and scarring of the lesions, the patient will eat non-acidic vegetables and steamed dishes.

The diet for duodenal ulcer during the period of remission is practically no different from the usual, healthy diet of a person. Except for the fact that it is necessary to exclude more fatty, fried foods and foods oversaturated with spices. It is also recommended to follow the daily regimen and consume more vegetables, fruits, cereals and lactic acid products.

You have erosive gastritis. Erosions are more often located in the antrum of the stomach, closer to the duodenum, so night hunger pains may occur. Night hunger pains are relieved with milk.
Diet should be followed closely.
Diet 1 is prescribed for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, erosive gastritis and gastroduodenitis, for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice.
The purpose of the diet is mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, normalization of secretion and motility (motor function) of the stomach.
Variants of this diet: pureed and non-rubbed version.
The rubbed version is prescribed for a sharp exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the first 10-14 days of treatment; a sharp exacerbation of chronic gastritis in the first days of treatment; acute gastritis in the first 2-4 days of treatment.
Non-rubbed version - the same diseases after diet 1 (pureed version) with an improvement in well-being, as preparation for the transition to diet number 1. energy value and chemical composition the diet is complete. Diet 5-6 times a day. The amount of salt consumed per day is up to 12 g. All food is cooked in boiled or steam form. Diet No. 1 (pureed version) is used only in the first days of treatment. In case of a low-symptomatic course of the disease, an unprotected version is used immediately.
Diet number 1 - Sample menu (shabby version)
1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, pureed milk rice porridge, tea with milk. 2nd breakfast: baked apple with sugar. Lunch: pureed milk oat soup, steamed meatballs with carrot puree, fruit mousse. Afternoon snack: low-fat non-acidic cottage cheese, rosehip broth, crackers. Dinner: boiled fish, baked with milk sauce, mashed potatoes, tea with milk. At night: milk.
Diet number 1 - Sample menu (non-rubbed version)
1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea with milk. 2nd breakfast: fresh non-acidic cottage cheese, rosehip broth. Lunch: vegetarian potato soup, boiled meat baked with milk sauce, boiled carrots, boiled dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack: decoction wheat bran with sugar and croutons. Dinner: boiled fish, baked with milk sauce, mashed potatoes, tea with milk, carrot-apple roll.
At night: milk
The main thing is to exclude fried, smoked, salty from the diet
I can recommend some folk remedies, the bale itself suffers from erosion of the duodenum. In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, drink 1 teaspoon sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil (it is better that after taking the oil you lie down for half an hour before breakfast, the pain syndrome is well removed by warm water with honey (about 1-2 teaspoons per glass of water, milk (it is advisable to get goat's milk, it perfectly cicatrizes ulcers, heals erosion and reduces acidity) , buy in the pharmacy a set of herbs "Gastric collection" (ask the pharmacist), heartburn is well removed with baking soda (1/2 tsp for 1/2 water). Medication will be prescribed for you by a gastroenterologist. I would advise you to take a blood test on Helicobacter pylori-bacteria, which is currently a frequent causative agent of type B gastritis, gastroduodenitis, erosion and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum .. You can read about this microbe on the Internet. If the cause of your erosion is in this, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. I just had erosion of the duodenum, they found Helicobacter Pylori in my blood
The treatment was as follows:
1. Antacids (Maalox "," Almagel ")
2. Antibacterial therapy: an approximate scheme of flemoxin + De-Nol + omeprazole - 14 days. So that you can only be prescribed by a gastroenterologist after a detailed examination
Now there are many new drugs, but do not forget about vikalin. (It should be taken 1.5-2 hours after meals 3 times a day. Vikalin korosho removes acidity)

Erosion of the duodenum is a local destruction of the superficial epithelial layer of an organ without affecting deep tissues. Timely treatment of pathology gives a favorable prognosis - erosive defects of the mucous membrane heal quickly and do not leave scars.

In most cases, the pathology is characterized by a pronounced picture due to the presence of hemorrhagic syndrome. Often, erosion occurs in the gastroduodenal region, that is, along with the small intestine, the mucous layer of the stomach is damaged. In this case, the pathology is called -.

The reasons for the appearance of erosion in the intestine are well understood to date. The main risk factor is the defeat of the duodenum by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which also colonizes the stomach wall. Usually, defects arise against the background of an already existing chronic inflammation of the intestine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bulb or as a result of drug aggression.

Other causes of the disease:

  • Acute infectious gastroenteritis, in which symptoms of body intoxication, disruption of the digestive system appear. Such a patient needs timely medication, fluid deficiency, and diet.
  • Not proper nutrition, addiction to spicy foods, hot, spices, alcoholic beverages... Abuse of these products leads to a violation of the acidity of the stomach, dyspepsia.
  • Chronic inflammatory lesion of the duodenal wall, not associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. A prolonged inflammatory process leads to the appearance of superficial defects in the mucous membrane - erosions.
  • Long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, including reserpine, antibiotics, NSAIDs, steroid hormones.

The psycho-emotional factor also contributes to the appearance of erosive areas on the inner wall of the intestine. The development of pathology may be preceded by severe stress, depressive disorder. Treatment is effective only with the use of psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with drug therapy.


The nature and intensity of the symptoms of erosions in the duodenum depends on the severity of the hemorrhagic syndrome (mucosal defects are prone to bleeding), the number and size of defects, the degree of the inflammatory process.

The manifestations of the disease include:

  • painful sensations in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe duodenum (in the epigastric region);
  • nausea, vomiting, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • against the background of latent chronic bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, general malaise appears, pallor of the skin;
  • less often, there is acute massive bleeding (sharp paleness, drop in systemic pressure, fainting);
  • a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;


Treatment begins with the elimination of the causative factor. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are carried out; the patient is examined by a surgeon, gastroenterologist and nutritionist (if necessary, by an infectious disease specialist, immunologist).

With intestinal erosion, there is a deterioration in appetite, since food intake is accompanied by pain. Chronic hemorrhagic symptom and persistent inflammation lead to the appearance of deficiency anemias, which are characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and nervous system.

Such patients can be treated by therapists, gastroenterologists, and less often by surgeons. Modern therapy is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease and inflammation of the 12-PC mucosa, relief of dyspepsia. When diagnosing bleeding erosions, hemostatic treatment is performed.

The following drugs are most commonly used:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin or macrolide series - with confirmed Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • antacids and antisecretory agents (Omez, Fosfalugel, Ranitidine or Maalox) - they neutralize increased acidity, protect the duodenum and stomach wall from further damage;
  • prokinetics (Cerucal, Domperidone) - medications restore normal motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate nausea and vomiting;
  • injectable vitamins (C, B6, 9 and 12, PP) - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight against the phenomena of anemia;
  • angioprotectors (Etamsilat) - stop internal bleeding. Can be injected or taken in pill form.

The duration of drug treatment on average takes 3-4 weeks. Vitamins are administered strictly according to indications and in the absence of their intolerance. In adults, amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole are most often used from antibiotics to suppress H. pylori infection.

In consultation with the doctor, they can be used in addition to the main treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment is assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. The symptoms of the disease subside (pain disappears, the patient's well-being improves significantly). During this period, supportive treatment continues, a diet and restriction in physical activity are prescribed.
  2. The beginning of the healing of surface erosion; hemorrhagic changes are absent, edema, redness disappears.
  3. Epithelialization of chronic affected areas, endoscopic control is performed.

Complicated erosion

Patients with bleeding are admitted to the surgical department. Gastric and duodenal lavage is performed cold water, after which hemostatic drugs, glucose-salt solutions are introduced.

With massive blood loss (a rare occurrence for erosions), the patient is prescribed infusion with whole blood, plasma.

Alternative treatment of the disease

Herbal tinctures or decoctions can be used only during a period of complete remission, when the complaints have completely disappeared, and the mucous membrane has recovered from erosion. Before starting treatment folk remedies you should consult your doctor as they also have contraindications and side effects.

Popular remedies to help get rid of erosion:

  • Sea buckthorn oil (preferably in capsules). It is taken three times a day before meals, it is contraindicated in diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • A decoction of mint, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and yarrow. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts with each other. It is recommended to brew a small spoon in 150-200 ml of boiling water, drink 50-100 ml (warm) before meals.
  • Swamp dried tea. For its preparation, a tablespoon of herbs is brewed in one glass of boiling water, after which it is insisted. Tea should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. The herb is believed to have wound healing properties.
  • Eucalyptus tincture. In 500 ml of boiling water, it is necessary to insist a large spoonful of plant leaves for 30-60 minutes. The tincture is drunk before meals, 50 grams three times a day.

When using any folk recipes it is important to take into account the existing chronic diseases, as well as adhere to the rules for their preparation and use.


Nutritional therapy is essential for patients with diseases of the duodenum. The diet involves the elimination of irritating food, hot meals, and alcohol.

The diet is based on the following principles:

  • compliance temperature regime when cooking;
  • fractional meals;
  • preference for liquid and soft foods, soups, cereals and mashed potatoes;
  • all dishes are allowed boiled and steamed;
  • fried food, canned food, salted, smoked foods are excluded;
  • a therapeutic diet allows you to drink a little milk or kefir, but only with normal stool.

Food that can provoke an increase in the secretion of gastric juice is prohibited:

  • meat and mushrooms, all salted, fish broths, seasonings, pickled foods, spices;
  • rye and fresh bread, yeast baked goods;
  • sorrel, onion, radish, cabbage, corn;
  • foods that increase gas formation and provoke pain: carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea.


In the case of diagnosing a lesion of the duodenum, the patient always needs treatment and medical supervision. Since erosions are superficial defects, they are able to "heal" without leaving scars (the average duration of epithelial renewal in the digestive tract is 1 month).

With timely treatment and adherence to all recommendations, the disease has a favorable outcome, and properly selected prevention will help to avoid relapses.