Requirements for the preparation of a report on industrial practice. How to format an application into a practice report

General requirements

The practice report is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (Bibliographic link); GOST 7.32-2001 as amended. Amendments No. 1 dated 01.12.2005, IMS No. 12, 2005 (Report on research work); GOST 7.1.-2003 (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up).

Registration of the report begins 2-3 days before the end of the practice on the basis of the diary, in accordance with the schedule of its passage. The practice report should be 15–20 pages long.

The text should be printed, observing the following margins: right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 30 mm.

Font - 14, type Times New Roman.

Line spacing is one and a half.

Paragraph - 1.25 cm.

All pages are numbered sequentially. The numbering should be continuous from the title page to last page, including all illustrations, tables, etc. both within the text and in the appendix.

Pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals, observing end-to-end numbering throughout the text. The page number is put in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot.

Title page are included in the general page numbering. There is no page number on the title page. Practice report sheets are numbered starting with the "Contents" sheet.

Text alignment - in width.

Word hyphenation is not allowed.

The font color of the main text of the WRC is black.

The initial pages are arranged in the following order: title page, content, introduction, the main part of the practice report (in accordance with the tasks of the head), conclusion and attachments.

Allocation of headings of sections and subsections and their placement

Sections should have sequential numbers and are designated with Arabic numerals without a dot and written with paragraph indentation... Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of a subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items.

Subsections within a section are two spacing after the end of the previous subsection on the same page if there is room for text on it. The presence of text outside of sections and subsections is not allowed, placement on different pages subsection heading and its text. Therefore, after the section heading, the name of the subsection is printed in two intervals, and then, after 1.5 intervals, the text of the subsection.

The headings of subsections and paragraphs should be typed with an uppercase (capital) letter without a period at the end, without underlining. If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period. If the title is 2 or more lines, then the spacing will be 1.5.


1.1 General requirements

The section (subsection) name is preceded by its serial number according to the content.

Example - 1, 2, 3, etc.

The names of individual components are not numbered parts of WRC: content, introduction, conclusion and list of used literature. Applications are numbered consecutively.

Design and numbering of illustrations, tables and formulas

All tables, formulas and diagrams included in the work should be drawn up clearly and accurately, provided with headings, numbered with Arabic numerals.

Illustrative material, contained in the report on practice, can be represented by drawings, graphs, diagrams, pictures, photographs, etc. Illustrations of any kind are called drawings.

All figures in the text should be referenced. Figures should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of the annexes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively. The figure caption is located below it in the middle of the line. The word "Picture" is written in full and its name is placed in the middle of the line under the illustration. There is no period at the end of the name.

The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and positioned as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device

Figure 1 - Distribution of foreign investment by groups of regions, in%

The test should not contain illustrations in the form of diagrams, figures, tables, without links to them.

For clarity of presentation of the material, numerical values \u200b\u200bare recommended to be placed in tables. The title of the table should reflect its content, be precise and concise.

Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The name of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and short. The table name should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, in one line with its number separated by a dash.

All tables are numbered. Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the table, separated by a dot, for example, Table 1.1. The table should be placed immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

The table is bounced off the text by an empty line above and below. The table must be necessarily aligned to the center of the page.

Table 1 - Number of resident population (thousand people)

Region names Population change in relation to 1990 (thousand people) Population change by 1990 (in%)
Depressed regions
Oryol Region 896,7 907,4 880,4 846,2 824,3 -72,4 -8,0
Smolensk region 1158,1 1153,1 1090,8 1025,7 988,4 -169,7 -14,7
Tver region 1664,7 1616,9 1531,7 1434,6 1385,0 -279,7 -16,8
Tula region 1852,7 1814,7 1731,5 1633,3 1573,4 -279,3 -15,1
Republic of Karelia 791,6 767,0 732,1 705,9 691,9 -99,7 -12,6
Murmansk region 1190,2 1052,0 932,0 876,4 854,0 -336,2 -28,2
Novgorod region 752,6 737,5 714,4 678,4 655,0 -97,6 -13,0

Continuation of table 1

It is allowed to use a font size smaller in the table than in the text. The font of the text in the table is 12, type Times New Roman. Interval - 1.0

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the graph - with a lowercase letter, if they form one sentence with a heading, or if they have an independent meaning. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables, periods are not put.

Graph headers are written parallel to the table rows.

Table 1 - Number of students (people)

Entering empty columns and lines into the table is not allowed. If there is no data in any row of the table, then a dash (dash) is put in it.

The numbers in the tables are arranged so that the classes of numbers in all columns are located exactly one below the other: units under units, tens under tens, etc. In one column, the same number of decimal places must be observed for all values \u200b\u200bof quantities.

It is allowed to transfer the table to another page, observing the numbering of the columns and indicating "Continuation of Table 1" above.

Tables on the left, right, and bottom are usually delimited with lines.

If additional clarification is required in the report, it is allowed to issue it in the form of a footnote. The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which the explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed in superscript Arabic numerals with a parenthesis. It is allowed to use asterisks instead of numbers "<*>". It is not allowed to use more than three stars on the page.

The footnote is placed at the end of the page with paragraph indentation, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left. A footnote to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation must be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (\u003d) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning next line is repeated. When transferring a formula on a sign symbolizing a multiplication operation, use the sign "X".

Formulas should be numbered by ordinal numbering in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the rightmost position on the line.

Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

The order of presentation in the report of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.

The values \u200b\u200bof the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula should be shown directly below the formula. The meaning of each character is given on a new line in the order in which they are given in the formula. The first line of the decryption must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

Break-even point calculation

TB \u003d Sc / (P - Sv), (1)

where TB is the critical production volume;

Sc is the amount of fixed costs;

P - price per unit of services of LLC "XXX";

Sv is the sum of variable costs per service unit.

Registration of transfers

Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each element of the enumeration should be preceded by a hyphen. If it is necessary to refer to one of the enumeration elements in the text of the report, instead of a hyphen, lowercase letters are put in the order of the Russian alphabet, starting with the letter a (except for the letters e, z, d, o, h, b, s, b).

For further detailing of enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with paragraph indentation, as shown in the example.

and) __________________

b) __________________

1) ______________

2) ______________

When you won the tender, you have, among other things, to prepare and sign with the Customer a state contract for the work, terms of reference and a schedule. These documents determine the order, sequence and essence of the work performed. In accordance with these documents, the acceptance of the results of the work is carried out, which must be presented in the report on the research work. All these documents are prepared by your organization, and then they are coordinated and approved with the Customer and the Monitor organization.

For participants who have won the competition for research projects for the first time, we post on the Expir website several publications explaining the procedure for preparing and maintaining research documentation. It is supposed to prepare materials on the following documents related to research and development:

  • Government contract;
  • Technical task;
  • Calendar plan;
  • Research report.

Documentation for research and development carried out under government contracts must be prepared according to certain rules and comply with the requirements set out in the tender documentation. The rules and requirements for the above documents are not always simple. We hope that the publications we have prepared will help with the preparation of these documents and serve as a useful source of information.

Research Report

A research report is a scientific and technical document in which the basic data related to research work is presented in a structured form: a scientific and technical problem is formulated, problems solved in the course of work are described; a description of the research process and the results obtained in the course of the work is given.

After completing the research, a final report is drawn up. If the Terms of Reference provides for several stages, then interim reports are drawn up based on the results of the stages. Terms of preparation of reports are indicated in the Schedule of the research work performed.

In the report on research work, materials should be presented in a systematic form. How this should be done is determined by "GOST 7.32 - 2001" - an official document that should be followed when preparing a report. Like every GOST, this document is very formalized. GOST 7.32 provides a detailed description of the procedure for drawing up a report, the structural elements of which the report should consist, the requirements for the structural elements of the report and the rules for their design. GOST 7.32 contains references to other state standards.

It makes sense to consider many details related to writing a report with explanations and illustrate with examples. Therefore, in a series of publications considering the "Research Report", the following are separately highlighted:

  • General structure of the report;
  • Requirements for the content of structural elements of the report;
  • Report formatting rules.

In these publications you will find all the information you need to properly format your research report.

General structure of the report

The report on research work on the structure, content and design is drawn up according to the rules determined by GOST 7.32 - 2001. The specified state standard was introduced on 01.07.2002, and it is this document that should be guided by when preparing materials for the report, and then when writing a report ...

State standard GOST 7.32 - 2001 is not the only document that must be followed when preparing a report. GOST 7.32 - 2001 also refers to other standards related to the preparation of scientific and technical documentation. True, not all of the standards listed in GOST 7.32 - 2001 are currently in force. Some canceled, some replaced with new ones. We will consider below how you can find the standards required for work and check their relevance.

This publication contains three sections.

  1. The first section "Research Report" provides basic definitions, links to sources from which you can get additional information.
  2. The section "Main provisions of GOST 7.32" considers where and what recommendations related to the design of the report can be found. For convenience, the material in this section is presented to sections that structurally correspond to GOST.
  3. Appendix A lists the national standards that can be referenced in this publication, shows the current status of the listed standards, and provides sources where you can find the information required for the listed standards.

Considered below general structure report.

1. Research report

A research report is the official document that concludes a research or research phase.

The structure and rules for preparing the report are regulated by the interstate standard GOST 7.32 - 2001 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules ". The specified standard refers to the system of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. The standard was put into effect from 01.07.2002. instead of GOST 7.32 - 91 and is a 21-page document.

State standards are official documents, information on which (including free) can be obtained on the information portal on standardization federal agency on technical regulation and metrology ( The official text of GOST 7.32 - 2001 is posted on the website of this agency. The same portal contains other reference information on standards. In particular, it is indicated whether the standard is currently in force, and if it is discontinued, which standard should be followed at the present time.

This publication suggests which sections of GOST 7.32 - 2001 should be guided by when preparing a report, but the official text of the standard should be read from the original source. You can also download the text of GOST 7.32 - 2001 from the websites of educational or scientific organizations on the Internet, for example, from here.

In GOST 7.32, as in other standards, it is written that partial or complete reproduction, duplication and distribution of state standards as official publications without the permission of Gosstandart of Russia is not allowed. Copies of the standard obtained from other sources on the Internet cannot be considered official documents.

GOST 7.32 - 2001 "Report on research work" contains references to other standards, their list is given below in Appendix A to this article.

How the report should be prepared:

How the report should be drawn up is determined in six sections of the main part of GOST. These sections are listed below:

  1. Application area
  2. Normative references
  3. General Provisions
  4. Structural elements of the report
  5. Requirements for the content of the structure of report elements
  6. Report formatting rules.

To clarify the application of the provisions set out in the main part of GOST, three appendices are given in its text:

  • Appendix A An example of drawing up an abstract for a research report;
  • Appendix B Examples of cover pages design;
  • Appendix B An example of a list of performers.

These appendices show examples that can be useful as templates when writing your own reports. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with these examples, and then (if necessary, and independently search for other examples on the Internet).

2. Basic provisions of GOST 7.32 - 2001

The standard defines all the information necessary for the correct execution of the research report. Pay attention to this information and this information is guided by both the customer and the organization-monitor when accepting the work. Therefore, the absence of some mandatory elements can delay or seriously postpone the acceptance of the work or stage.

2.1 Scope

This section refers GOST 7.32 to reports on fundamental, search, applied research work (R&D) in all areas of science and technology, carried out by research, design, design organizations, higher educational institutions, scientific-production and production associations, industrial enterprises, joint-stock companies and other organizations.

GOST 7.32 - 2001 does not apply to reports on research in the humanities.

This section of the standard contains documents (standards) referred to by GOST 7.32 - 2001. GOST was put into effect in 2002, therefore not all of the normative references listed in GOST 7.32 - 2001 are relevant to the present time. Many documents were amended (new editions), some of the documents were adopted anew, and some documents became invalid. A list of these documents is provided in the note to this publication. Links are also indicated there by which documents can be obtained (as mentioned earlier, it is better to obtain official documents on the website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Pay attention to the standards you use. They are listed in various R&D documents. But you should always follow the standards that are currently in force when registering.

2.3 General

This section defines the concept of "Research report", correlates the writing of the report with the Schedule and Terms of Reference for research, determines the responsibility for the content of the data in the submitted report and responsibility for the compliance of the report with the requirements of GOST 7.32 - 2001. This GOST defines the obligatory conduct of standard control and recommends using for this GOST 2.111.

Note! The signature of the inspector must be present on the report.

2.4 Structural elements of the report

The R&D report must contain sections that are called structural elements of the report in GOST. GOST defines required and optional structural elements, naming conditions under which an optional element can be omitted.

The R&D report should contain the following structural elements (determined by section 4 of GOST 7.32-2001). A list of them with section and notes is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Structural elements of the report

Structural element


Title page

Required element

List of performers

Required element

Required element


Designations and abbreviations


Required element

Main part

Required element


Required element

List of sources used


Non-mandatory structural elements are included in the report at the discretion of the R&D contractor, taking into account the requirements of Sections 5 and 6. The names of structural elements serve as the headings of the report. The title page is not named, and other structural elements should be named as in Table 1: List of performers, Abstract, Contents, etc.

ATTENTION! Mandatory structural elements are called mandatory because they MUST be present in the report!

2.5 Requirements for the content of the structure of report elements

GOST lists the structural elements of the constituent parts (sections) of the report. For definiteness, Section 2.5 of GOST defines what should be presented in each component of the report.

Here the content of each structural element is determined, it is indicated which information must be present, and which can be omitted. This section contains links to other standards. This section of the standard is quite extensive. It must be analyzed with examples, so it makes sense to consider it in a separate publication (see Requirements for the content of structural elements of a report).

2.6 Rules for preparing a report

IN p. 2.5 indicated what should be written in each component part of the report. IN p. 2.6 indicated as this information should be documented.

Report formatting rules are closely related to the previous section. As well as section 2.5, this section is quite lengthy and full of details. It covers:

  • general provisions;
  • rules for building a report;
  • pagination;
  • numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the report;
  • use of illustrations;
  • using tables;
  • use of notes;
  • registration of formulas and equations;
  • link design;
  • design of individual structural elements of the report (title page, list of performers);
  • registration of lists (designations and abbreviations, conventions, symbols, terms, units physical quantities);
  • drawing up a list of sources used;
  • application design rules.

This section, as well as the section "Requirements for the content of the structure of report elements", will be considered in detail separately (see Rules for Reporting).

2.7 Applications

The requirements for the structural elements of the report are voluminous, the design rules are numerous and abundant in details. Therefore, GOST 7.32 includes examples of the design of some structural elements of the report.

This section of GOST 7.32 provides examples of the design of some structural elements of the research report:

  • Appendix A: An example of drawing up an abstract for a research report
  • Appendix B: Examples of Cover Pages
  • Appendix B: An example of a list of performers

In many cases, these examples can serve as templates for reporting. In more complex cases, you should use the text of GOST 7.32 or look for examples on the Internet (specifying details in the text of the standard).

Appendix A

National standards referenced in this publication:

This appendix shows references to those standards that are found in GOST 7.32. Not all of the standards mentioned in GOST are currently in effect. How to determine this and what new standards need to be guided by is shown below.

References to the following standards are used in the GOST 7.32 - 2001 standard:

A.1 GOST 2.105 - Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents... You can find the standard by following the link:

A.2 GOST 2.111-68 (currently 2.111-2013) Unified system for design documentation. Norm control. This standard can be viewed for reference at the following address:

А.3 GOST 6.38.-90 - Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.

The standard is now no longer valid: see

A.4 GOST 7.1-84 (currently valid a new version: 7.1-2003) - Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up. The text can be read at the following link:

A.5 GOST 7.54-88 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Representation of numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in scientific and technical documents. General requirements

The referenced standard has now ceased to be in force: see details.

A.6 GOST 7.9-95 - System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements.

A.7 GOST 7.12-93 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules

The referenced standard is now no longer valid: see.

But there is a valid standard with a different number:

R 7.0.12-2011 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Reduction of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules

A.8 GOST 8.417-81 (currently valid 8.417-2002) State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Physical units

This standard can be downloaded from:

A.9 GOST 13.1.002-80 (currently valid 13.1.002-2003) Reprography. Micrography. Documents for shooting. General requirements and standards

A.10 GOST 15.011-82 System of product development and launching into production. The procedure for conducting patent research. This standard is no longer in force: see

A newer version of the text of the standard is currently valid:

GOST 15.011-96 System for the development and launching of products. Patent research. Content and procedure

A.11 GOST 9327... - Paper and paper products. Consumer formats

This standard can be viewed at:

As mentioned above, the text of the standards should be read on the ROSSTANDART website, but there are many other (unofficial) sources on the Internet, for example, belonging to universities or scientific organizations. For the above standards, links are shown where their text can be found.

It is rather difficult to find the page of the ROSSTANDART website where you can check the GOST status on your own. Therefore, the required reference to the Catalog of National Standards is provided below:

To go to the search, you need to click on the “Catalog of national standards” slide-out menu item, and then, in the form that opens, click on the “Search in base” text field. A form will open (Figure A.1), the fields of which can be used to enter search information.

It is convenient to search for both the standard number and keywords. To execute a search query, you must specify a value in the field with a security question (in the lower left corner of the form), and then click the "Search" button.

Figure A.1 - Form with search fields for standards

Figure A.2 shows the query results related to the GOST 7.1-84 standard - Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up.

Figure A.2 - Result of request processing

Figure A.3 - Description of the status of the standard

The table gives information about the current state of the standard. This information can be used for further search.

font size

REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK- STRUCTURE AND RULES FOR REGISTRATION- GOST 7-32-2001 (approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of ... Actual in 2017

6. Rules for preparing the report

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The presentation of the text and the design of the report are performed in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 2.105 and GOST 6.38. The pages of the text of the research report and the illustrations and tables included in the report must correspond to the A4 format in accordance with GOST 9327.

6.1.2 The R&D report should be made by any printing method on a typewriter or using a computer and a printer on one side of a sheet of A4 white paper at one and a half intervals. The font color must be black, the height of letters, numbers and other characters must be at least 1.8 mm (size is at least 12).

The text of the report should be printed with the following margins: right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, left and bottom - 20 mm.

It is allowed to use computer capabilities to focus attention on certain terms, formulas, theorems, using fonts of different typefaces.

6.1.3 Regardless of the way the report is executed, the quality of the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables, and printouts from a PC must meet the requirement of their clear reproduction.

6.1.4 When executing a report, it is necessary to maintain uniform density, contrast and clarity of the image throughout the report. The report should have clear, undisturbed lines, letters, numbers and signs.

6.1.5 Typos, misprints and graphic inaccuracies found in the process of preparing the report may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place by typewritten method or black ink, paste or ink - by handwriting.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompletely deleted previous text (graphics) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microfilming requirements established by GOST 13.1.002.

6.1.6 Surnames, names of institutions, organizations, firms, product names and other proper names in the report are given in the original language. It is allowed to transliterate proper names and give the names of organizations translated into the language of the report with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name.

6.1.7 Abbreviation of Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12.

6.2 Building a report

6.2.1 The names of the structural elements of the report "List of performers", "Abstract", "Contents", "Normative references", "Definitions", "Abbreviations and abbreviations", "Introduction", "Conclusion", "List of used sources" serve as headings structural elements of the report.

6.2.2 The main part of the report should be divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs. Items, if necessary, can be divided into sub-items. When dividing the text of the report into paragraphs and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each paragraph contains complete information.

6.2.3 Sections, subsections, clauses and subclauses should be numbered in Arabic numerals and written with paragraph indentation.

Sections should be sequentially numbered throughout the entire text, with the exception of annexes.

Example - 1, 2, 3, etc.

The subsection or clause number includes the section number and the subsection or clause ordinal number, separated by a dot.

Example - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

The subclause number includes the number of the section, subsection, clause and the ordinal number of the subclause, separated by a dot.

Example -,,, etc.

After the number of the section, subsection, paragraph and subparagraph in the text, no full stop is put.

If the text of the report is subdivided into paragraphs only, they should be numbered, with the exception of annexes, by serial numbers within the entire report.

If a section or subsection has only one paragraph, or the paragraph has one sub-paragraph, then it should not be numbered.

6.2.4 Sections, subsections should have headings. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

6.2.5 Headings of sections, subsections and paragraphs should be typed with a paragraph indentation with a capital letter without a period at the end, without underlining.

If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period.

6.3 Numbering of Report Pages

6.3.1 The pages of the report should be numbered with Arabic numerals, observing the sequential numbering throughout the text of the report. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot.

6.3.2 The title page is included in the overall page numbering of the report. There is no page number on the title page.

6.3.3 Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering of the report.

Illustrations and tables on an A3 sheet are counted as one page.

6.4 Numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the report

6.4.1 Sections of the report should have serial numbers within the entire document, designated by Arabic numerals without a period and written with paragraph indentation. Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items.

6.4.2 If the document does not have subsections, then the numbering of clauses in it should be within each section, and the clause number should consist of the section and clause numbers, separated by a dot. There is no full stop at the end of the item number.

1 Types and basic dimensions

2 Technical requirements

If the document has subsections, then the numbering of clauses should be within the subsection and the clause number should consist of the section, subsection and clause numbers, separated by dots, for example:

3 Test methods

3.1 Apparatus, materials and reagents

3.2 Test preparation

6.4.3 If a section consists of one subsection, then the subsection is not numbered. If a subsection consists of one item, then the item is not numbered. The presence of one subsection in a section is equivalent to their actual absence.

6.4.4 If the text of the report is subdivided into paragraphs only, then they are numbered with serial numbers within the entire report.

6.4.5 Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into sub-clauses, which should be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example,,, etc.

6.4.6 Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each enumeration should be preceded by a hyphen or, if necessary, a link in the text of the document to one of the enumerations, a lowercase letter (except for e, h, o, r, b, d, s, b) followed by a parenthesis.

For further detailing of enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with paragraph indentation, as shown in the example.

and) ____________
b) ____________
1) ______
2) ______
in) ____________

6.4.7 If the report consists of two or more parts, each part must have its own serial number. The number of each part should be entered in Arabic numerals on the title page under the indication of the type of report, for example, "Part 2".

6.4.8 Each structural element of the report should begin with a new sheet (page).

6.4.9 The numbering of the pages of the report and the annexes included in the report should be continuous.

6.5 Illustrations

6.5.1 Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Illustrations can be computer-generated, including color.

6.5.2 Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in the report must comply with the requirements of the state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).

It is allowed to execute drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams by using computer printing.

6.5.3 Photographs smaller than A4 size should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper.

6.5.4 Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of the annexes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals continuously.

If there is only one picture, then it is designated "Picture 1". The word "picture" and its name are placed in the middle of the line.

6.5.5 It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a period. For example, Figure 1.1.

6.5.6 The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and are positioned as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device.

6.5.7 The illustrations of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of an appendix before the number. For example, Figure A.3.

6.6 Tables

6.6.1 Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The name of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and short. The table name should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, in one line with its number separated by a dash.

When transferring part of the table, the title is placed only above the first part of the table, the lower horizontal line limiting the table is not drawn.

6.6.2 The table should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

6.6.4 A table with a large number of lines may be transferred to another sheet (page). When transferring a part of a table to another sheet (page), the word "Table" and its number are indicated once to the right above the first part of the table, above the other parts they write the word "Continuation" and indicate the number of the table, for example: "Continuation of table 1". When transferring a table to another sheet (page), the title is placed only above its first part.

A table with a large number of graphs can be divided into parts and placed one part under another within one page. If the rows and columns of the table go beyond the page format, then in the first case the head is repeated in each part of the table, in the second case - the side.

If the text repeated in different lines of the table column consists of one word, then after the first spelling it is allowed to replace it with quotes; if from two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced with the words "The same", and then with quotation marks. It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols. If digital or other data is not given in any row of the table, then a dash is put in it.

6.6.5 Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables. An example of the table design is shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1

6.6.6 Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the table number, separated by a dot.

The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of an application designation before the number.

If there is one table in the document, then it should be designated "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is given in Appendix B.

6.6.7 The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the columns - with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with a heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables, periods are not put.

6.6.8 Tables on the left, right and bottom are usually delimited by lines. It is allowed to use a font size smaller in the table than in the text.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not complicate the use of the table.

As a rule, graph headers are written parallel to the table rows. If necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table.

6.6.9 The presentation of tables in the report must comply with GOST 1.5 and GOST 2.105.

6.7 Notes

6.7.1 The word "Note" should be capitalized from the paragraph and not underlined.

6.7.2 Notes are given in documents if explanations or reference data are needed to the content of text, tables or graphic material. Notes should not contain requirements.

6.7.3 Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes refer. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in Arabic numerals without a period. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Note -_______________________________________________________________


Several notes are numbered in Arabic numerals in order.




6.8 Formulas and Equations

6.8.1 Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation must be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (\u003d) or after the plus (+), minus (-) signs, multiplication (x), division (:), or other mathematical signs, and the sign in the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring a formula to a sign symbolizing the operation of multiplication, use the sign "X".

6.8.2 An explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given immediately below the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

6.8.3 Formulas in the report should be numbered by sequential numbering throughout the entire report in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.

A \u003d a: b,(1)
B \u003d c: e.(2)

One formula is denoted - (1).

6.8.4 Formulas placed in annexes should be numbered separately in Arabic numerals within each annex with the addition of an annex designation before each digit, for example, formula (B.1).

6.8.6 Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

6.8.7 The order of presentation in the report of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.

6.8.8 In the report, it is allowed to execute formulas and equations by handwriting in black ink.

6.9.1 References to this document, standards, specifications and other documents are allowed in the report, provided that they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document.

6.9.2 Reference should be made to the document as a whole or its sections and appendices. References to subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations are not permitted, except for subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations of this document.

6.9.3 When referring to standards and specifications, only their designation is indicated, while it is allowed not to indicate the year of their approval, provided full description standard in the list of sources used in accordance with GOST 7.1.

6.10 Title page

6.10.1 The title page contains the details:

The name of the superior organization or other structural entity, the system of which includes the executing organization, the name of the organization (including the abbreviated one);

UDC index, VKG code of the All-Russian product classifier (OKP) (for reports on research work preceding the development and modernization of products) and the number of state registration of research work, affixed by the executing organization, as well as the inscription "Inv. N" - these data are placed one below the other;

Special marks (if there are numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in the report, this part is abbreviated GSSSD - civil service standard reference data);

Approval signature, approval signature.

The stamp of approval consists of the word "APPROVED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval of the report. The seal of the organization that approved the report is also affixed here.

The approval stamp consists of the word "AGREED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, his personal signature, its decoding, date of approval, seal of the coordinating organization.

If the approval was carried out by letter, the abbreviated name of the approving organization, the outgoing number and the date of the letter should be indicated.

In the requisites "approval stamp" and "approval stamp", component parts consisting of several lines are printed at 1 line spacing, and the component parts themselves are separated from each other by 1.5 line spacing.

Signatures and dates of signature should be in black ink or ink only.

Date elements are given in Arabic numerals in one line in the following sequence: day of the month, month, year, for example: the date April 10, 2000 should be drawn up on April 10, 2000;

The type of document is given in capital letters, the name of the program (R&D) - lowercase letters with the first capital, the name of the report - in capital letters, the type of report (intermediate or final) - in lower case letters in parentheses. If the name of the report coincides with the name of the topic of the program (R&D), then it is printed in capital letters.

Code of the state scientific and technical program, work code assigned by the executing organization;

Positions, academic degrees, academic titles of the heads of the research organization executing research, research and development managers (if printed in several lines, then print after 1 line spacing), then leave a free field for personal signatures and place the initials and surnames of the persons who signed the report below the personal signatures put down the dates of signing (if all the necessary signatures are not placed on the title page, then it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);

City and year of issue of the report.

6.10.2 Examples of cover pages design are given in Appendix B.

6.11 List of artists

6.11.1 Surnames and initials, positions, academic degrees, academic titles in the list should be in a column. On the left indicate positions, academic degrees, academic titles of performers and co-performers (if printed in several lines, then print after 1 line spacing), then leave a free field for genuine signatures, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of performers and co-performers. The number of the section (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer should be indicated in brackets near each surname. For co-executors, the name of the co-executing organization should also be indicated.

6.11.2 An example of the design of the list of performers is given in Appendix B.

6.12 List of designations and abbreviations, conventional designations, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms

The list should be in a column. On the left, in alphabetical order, abbreviations, conventions, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms are given, on the right - their detailed decoding.

6.13 List of sources used

Information about sources should be arranged in the order in which references to sources appear in the text of the report and numbered in Arabic numerals without a period and printed with paragraph indentation.

6.14 Applications

6.14.1 The appendix is \u200b\u200bdrawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document.

6.14.2 All attachments should be referenced in the text of the document. Appendices are arranged in the order of their references in the text of the document, with the exception of the reference appendix "Bibliography", which is the latter.

6.14.3 Each application should start with new page indicating at the top in the middle of the page the word "Application", its designation and degree.

The application should have a title that is written symmetrically relative to the capitalized text on a separate line.

6.14.4 Applications indicate in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, 3, Y, O, H, L, Y, b. The word "Application" is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O.

When full use letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets are allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

If a document has one annex, it is referred to as "Appendix A".

6.14.5 The text of each annex, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses, which are numbered within each appendix. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

6.14.6 Annexes shall have consecutive page numbering in common with the rest of the document.

If necessary, such an application can have "Content".

6.14.7 Applications or parts issued in the form of an independent document, the designation is assigned as part of the document, indicating its serial number in the document code.

Research papers

When you won the tender, you have, among other things, to prepare and sign with the Customer a state contract for the work, terms of reference and a schedule. These documents determine the order, sequence and essence of the work performed. In accordance with these documents, the acceptance of the results of the work is carried out, which must be presented in the report on the research work. All these documents are prepared by your organization, and then they are coordinated and approved with the Customer and the Monitor organization.

For participants who have won the competition for research projects for the first time, we post on the Expir website several publications explaining the procedure for preparing and maintaining research documentation. It is supposed to prepare materials on the following documents related to research and development: - State contract; - Technical task; - Calendar plan; - Report on research work.

Documentation for research and development carried out under government contracts must be prepared according to certain rules and comply with the requirements set out in the tender documentation. The rules and requirements for the above documents are not always simple. We hope that the publications we have prepared will help with the preparation of these documents and serve as a useful source of information.

Research Report

A research report is a scientific and technical document in which the basic data related to research work is presented in a structured form: a scientific and technical problem is formulated, problems solved in the course of work are described; a description of the research process and the results obtained in the course of the work is given.

After completing the research, a final report is drawn up. If the Terms of Reference provides for several stages, then interim reports are drawn up based on the results of the stages. Terms of preparation of reports are indicated in the Schedule of the research work performed.

In the report on research work, materials should be presented in a systematic form. How this should be done is determined by "GOST 7.32 - 2001" - an official document that should be followed when preparing a report. Like every GOST, this document is very formalized. GOST 7.32 provides a detailed description of the procedure for drawing up a report, the structural elements of which the report should consist, the requirements for the structural elements of the report and the rules for their design. GOST 7.32 contains references to other state standards.

It makes sense to consider many details related to writing a report with explanations and illustrate with examples. Therefore, in a series of publications considering the "Research Report", the following are separately highlighted: - General structure of the report; - Requirements for the content of structural elements of the report; - Reporting rules.

In these publications you will find all the information you need to properly format your research report.

General structure of the report

The report on research work on the structure, content and design is drawn up according to the rules determined by GOST 7.32 - 2001. The specified state standard was introduced on 01.07.2002, and it is this document that should be guided by when preparing materials for the report, and then when writing a report ...

State standard GOST 7.32 - 2001 is not the only document that must be followed when preparing a report. GOST 7.32 - 2001 also refers to other standards related to the preparation of scientific and technical documentation. True, not all of the standards listed in GOST 7.32 - 2001 are currently in force. Some canceled, some replaced with new ones. We will consider below how you can find the standards required for work and check their relevance.

This publication contains three sections. 1. The first section "Research Report" provides basic definitions and links to sources from which additional information can be obtained. 2. The section "Main provisions of GOST 7.32" considers where and what recommendations related to the design of the report can be found. For convenience, the material in this section is presented to sections that structurally correspond to GOST. 3. “Appendix A” lists national standards that can be referenced in this publication, shows the current status of the listed standards, provides sources where you can find the information required for the listed standards.

The general structure of the report is discussed below.

1. Research report

A research report is the official document that concludes a research or research phase.

The structure and rules for preparing the report are regulated by the interstate standard GOST 7.32 - 2001 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules ". The specified standard refers to the system of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. The standard was put into effect from 01.07.2002. instead of GOST 7.32 - 91 and is a 21-page document.

State standards are official documents, information on which (including free of charge) can be obtained on the information portal for standardization of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology ( The official text of GOST 7.32 - 2001 is posted on the website of this agency. The same portal contains other reference information on standards. In particular, it is indicated whether the standard is currently in force, and if its effect is discontinued, which standard should be followed at the present time.

This publication suggests which sections of GOST 7.32 - 2001 should be guided by when preparing a report, but the official text of the standard should be read from the original source. You can also download the text of GOST 7.32 - 2001 from the websites of educational or scientific organizations on the Internet, for example, from here.

In GOST 7.32, as in other standards, it is written that partial or complete reproduction, duplication and distribution of state standards as official publications without the permission of Gosstandart of Russia is not allowed. Copies of the standard obtained from other sources on the Internet cannot be considered official documents.

GOST 7.32 - 2001 "Report on research work" contains references to other standards, their list is given below in Appendix A to this article.

How the report should be prepared:

How the report should be drawn up is determined in six sections of the main part of GOST. These sections are listed below: 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. General provisions 4. Structural elements of the report 5. Requirements for the content of the structure of the elements of the report 6. Rules for preparing the report.

To clarify the application of the provisions set out in the main part of GOST, its text contains three appendices: - Appendix A An example of drawing up an abstract for an R&D report; - Appendix B Examples of cover pages design; - Appendix B An example of a list of performers.

These appendices show examples that can be useful as templates when writing your own reports. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with these examples, and then (if necessary, and independently search for other examples on the Internet).

2. Basic provisions of GOST 7.32 - 2001

The standard defines all the information necessary for the correct execution of the research report. Pay attention to this information and this information is guided by both the customer and the organization-monitor when accepting the work. Therefore, the absence of some mandatory elements can delay or seriously postpone the acceptance of the work or stage.

2.1 Scope

This section refers GOST 7.32 to reports on fundamental, search, applied research work (R&D) in all areas of science and technology, carried out by research, design, design organizations, higher educational institutions, research and production and production associations, industrial enterprises , joint stock companies and other organizations.

GOST 7.32 - 2001 does not apply to reports on research in the humanities.

This section of the standard contains documents (standards) referred to by GOST 7.32 - 2001. GOST was put into effect in 2002, therefore not all of the normative references listed in GOST 7.32 - 2001 are relevant to the present time. Many documents were amended (new editions), some of the documents were adopted anew, and some documents became invalid. A list of these documents is provided in the note to this publication. Links are also indicated there by which documents can be obtained (as mentioned earlier, it is better to obtain official documents on the website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Pay attention to the standards you use. They are listed in various R&D documents. But you should always follow the standards that are currently in force when registering.

2.3 General

This section defines the concept of "Research report", correlates the writing of the report with the Schedule and Terms of Reference for research, determines the responsibility for the content of the data in the submitted report and responsibility for the compliance of the report with the requirements of GOST 7.32 - 2001. This GOST defines the obligatory conduct of standard control and recommends using for this GOST 2.111.

Note! The signature of the inspector must be present on the report.

2.4 Structural elements of the report

The R&D report must contain sections that are called structural elements of the report in GOST. GOST defines required and optional structural elements, naming conditions under which an optional element can be omitted.

The R&D report should contain the following structural elements (determined by section 4 of GOST 7.32-2001). A list of them with section and notes is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Structural elements of the report

Structural element


Title page

Required element

List of performers

Required element

Required element


Designations and abbreviations


Required element

Main part

Required element


Required element

List of sources used


Non-mandatory structural elements are included in the report at the discretion of the R&D contractor, taking into account the requirements of Sections 5 and 6. The names of structural elements serve as the headings of the report. The title page is not named, and other structural elements should be named as in Table 1: List of performers, Abstract, Contents, etc.

ATTENTION! Mandatory structural elements are called mandatory because they MUST be present in the report!

2.5 Requirements for the content of the structure of report elements

GOST lists the structural elements of the constituent parts (sections) of the report. For definiteness, Section 2.5 of GOST defines what should be presented in each component of the report.

Here the content of each structural element is determined, it is indicated which information must be present, and which can be omitted. This section contains links to other standards. This section of the standard is quite extensive. It must be analyzed with examples, so it makes sense to consider it in a separate publication (see Requirements for the content of structural elements of a report).

2.6 Rules for preparing a report

Clause 2.5 indicates what should be written in each component of the report. Section 2.6 specifies how this information should be formatted.

Report formatting rules are closely related to the previous section. As well as section 2.5, this section is quite lengthy and full of details. It considers: - general provisions; - rules for constructing a report; - pagination; - numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the report; - use of illustrations; - use of tables; - use of notes; - registration of formulas and equations; - links design; - design of individual structural elements of the report (title page, list of performers); - registration of lists (designations and abbreviations, conventions, symbols, terms, units of physical quantities); - drawing up a list of sources used; - rules for the design of applications.

This section, as well as the section "Requirements for the content of the structure of report elements", will be considered in detail separately (see Rules for Reporting).

2.7 Applications

The requirements for the structural elements of the report are voluminous, the design rules are numerous and abundant in details. Therefore, GOST 7.32 includes examples of the design of some structural elements of the report.

This section of GOST 7.32 provides examples of the design of some structural elements of the R&D report: - Appendix A: An example of drawing up an abstract for an R&D report - Appendix B: Examples of title pages - Appendix C: An example of a list of performers

In many cases, these examples can serve as templates for reporting. In more complex cases, you should use the text of GOST 7.32 or look for examples on the Internet (specifying details in the text of the standard).

Appendix A

National standards referenced in this publication:

This appendix shows references to those standards that are found in GOST 7.32. Not all of the standards mentioned in GOST are currently in effect. How to determine this and what new standards need to be guided by is shown below.

References to the following standards are used in the GOST 7.32 - 2001 standard:

А.1 GOST 2.105 - Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents. You can find the standard by following the link:

А.2 GOST 2.111-68 (currently 2.111-2013) Unified system for design documentation. Norm control. This standard can be viewed for reference at the following address:

А.3 GOST 6.38.-90 - Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.

The standard is now no longer valid: see

A.4 GOST 7.1-84 (currently a new version: 7.1-2003) - Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up. The text can be read at the following link:

А.5 GOST 7.54-88 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Representation of numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in scientific and technical documents. General requirements

The referenced standard has now ceased to be in force: see details.\u003d7&id\u003d140267

A.6 GOST 7.9-95: System of standards for information, library and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements.

A.7 GOST 7.12-93 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules

The referenced standard is now no longer valid: see.

But there is a valid standard with a different number:

R 7.0.12-2011 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Reduction of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules

A.8 GOST 8.417-81 (currently 8.417-2002) State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Physical units

This standard can be downloaded from:

A.9 GOST 13.1.002-80 (currently valid 13.1.002-2003) Reprography. Micrography. Documents for shooting. General requirements and standards

A.10 GOST 15.011-82 System of product development and launching into production. The procedure for conducting patent research. This standard is no longer in force: see

A newer version of the text of the standard is currently valid:

GOST 15.011-96 System for the development and launching of products. Patent research. Content and procedure

А.11 GOST 9327. - Paper and paper products. Consumer formats

This standard can be viewed at:

As mentioned above, the text of the standards should be read on the ROSSTANDART website, but there are many other (unofficial) sources on the Internet, for example, belonging to universities or scientific organizations. For the above standards, links are shown where their text can be found.

It is rather difficult to find the page of the ROSSTANDART website where you can check the GOST status on your own. Therefore, the required reference to the Catalog of National Standards is provided below:\u003d/gost/GOSTRU/directions/Standardization/standards/catalog

To go to the search, you need to click on the “Catalog of national standards” slide-out menu item, and then, in the form that opens, click on the “Search in base” text field. A form will open (Figure A.1), the fields of which can be used to enter search information.

It is convenient to search for both the standard number and keywords. To execute a search query, you must specify a value in the field with a security question (in the lower left corner of the form), and then click the "Search" button.

corner of the form), and then click the "Search" button.

Figure A.1 - Form with search fields for standards

Figure A.2 shows the query results related to the GOST 7.1-84 standard - Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up.

Figure A.2 - Result of request processing

Figure A.3 - Description of the status of the standard

The table gives information about the current state of the standard. This information can be used for further search.

Upon completion of the research, it is necessary to submit a report on the work done. The form of the R&D report is determined by the Interstate Standard GOST 7.32 - 2001. It defines the requirements for the structure of the report and the rules for its execution.

A uniform clearance procedure was introduced to improve the efficiency of information exchange. For this purpose, the processing of reports in information systems is constantly being improved. The standard contains all the basic information for the correct design of the report. These points are paid attention to, and the Customer and the Contractor are guided by them. The absence of some mandatory elements of the report can seriously delay its acceptance.

Particular attention should be paid to the changes made to GOST 7.32 - 2001 (version 2006), according to which the last paragraph from Section 1 has been removed from the previous edition: "The standard does not apply to reports on research in the humanities".

Research report. GOST

A research report is an official document that describes the state of the problem, the nature of the work carried out and the results obtained. The final report is drawn up based on the results of the work as a whole and may include interim reports. This should be reflected in the Terms of Reference and calendar plan performing research. Research report structure should include the following sections:

  1. Title page;
  2. List of performers;
  3. Abstract;
  4. Content;
  5. Introduction;
  6. Main part;
  7. Conclusion;
  8. List of sources used.

In addition to the listed structural elements mandatory for all reports, there are also optional elements that are included in the report at the discretion of the contractor.

These include: definitions, designations and abbreviations, applications.

Title page


This section contains the following information: the volume of the report, the number of tables, illustrations, applications, sources used. At the end of the text, keywords are listed, the number of which can be from five to fifteen.

The abstract should reflect the object of the study, the purpose and methodology of the work, the results of the work performed, the scope and recommendations for implementation.


The "Introduction" provides an overview of the current state of the problem under study and justifies the need for research work, shows the relevance and novelty of the topic.

Main part

The "main part" contains the following subsections:

  1. Selection and justification of research directions, description of the general research methodology.
  2. Description of theoretical and experimental studies, research methods and calculations.
  3. Generalization and assessment of the obtained results of the research, determination of further areas of work and their technical and economic efficiency, comparison of these results with similar results of domestic and foreign studies. Negative results should also be indicated if they lead to the need to stop further work in this direction.


The conclusion contains the main results and conclusions of the work done both as a whole and its individual stages, an assessment of the results obtained and their comparison with the best domestic and foreign samples, recommendations for their implementation.

List of sources used

The list of sources used is given at the end of the text and is drawn up in accordance with general rules registration of a bibliographic list for printed works (GOST 7.1).


This section includes materials of the work performed, which for some reason cannot be included in the main text of the report.

What's included in the apps?

  • intermediate evidence, formulas, calculations, tables of numerical data;
  • description of instruments and equipment used in research, test reports, conclusions of metrological examination;
  • new techniques developed in the process of empirical research;
  • copies of TOR for research, work performance program;
  • documentation on the implementation of the obtained research results.

General requirements for the Rules for preparing a research report

The text of the report with illustrations and tables should be printed on sheets of A-4 format

(GOST-9327). In the case of a large number of illustrations and tables, it is allowed to use the A-3 format. Font in black only (bold not allowed), size - at least 12, spacing - 1.5. Margins in mm: left - 30, right - 10, top and bottom - 20.

Page numbering is continuous throughout the text of the report. The page number in Arabic numerals is placed in the center of the bottom sheet. The title page is included in the general page numbering, but the number is not affixed on it. Separate sheets with tables and illustrations are included in the general numbering.

Sections of the report are numbered and designated with Arabic numerals. Subsections have their own sequential numbering within a section and consist of a section number and a subsection number separated by a period.

The numbering of all pages of the report and attachments should be continuous.

All illustrations, which include drawings, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and the like, must be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time. Each illustration must be referenced in the text of the report, and all of them are drawn up in full compliance with the requirements of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD). The illustrations have a single sequential numbering, except for those illustrations that are given in the Appendices. If illustrations are separately numbered within a section, then they are numbered as in the Appendices: in Arabic numerals with the addition of the section or appendix designation before the number.

Formulas and equations are highlighted in a separate line, and explanations of the meanings of symbols are given under the formula in the same sequence as in the formula itself. Formulas are numbered in Arabic numerals in parentheses with a uniform numbering throughout the report at the end of the line. It is allowed to write formulas by hand in black ink.

References to sources that were used in the text are indicated under their ordinal numbers in the bibliographic list. The reference number is put in square brackets and is indicated in the order in which they are presented in the text of the report, regardless of division into sections. The list of sources used is placed at the end of the report, and the sources themselves are arranged in the order of their mentioning in the text.

In this article, the goal was to tell the reader which sections of the Gosstandart should be paid special attention to when writing certain sections of the research report. However, it is necessary to read and refer to the text of Gosstandart according to the original source. The official text of GOST 7.32 - 2001 is posted on the website: