A short summary of a boy in a striped briefs pajamas. The actors of the film are a boy in striped pajamas. How Bruno took what Shmuel said

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a 2008 film directed by Mark Herman. The plot is based on the relationship of two little boys who, during the Second World War, found themselves on opposite sides of the "barricades". A film about the fact that you always have to pay for your decisions and beliefs, even if you think that it will never touch you

The script is based on the novel of the same name by the Irish writer John Boyne. The work has won numerous awards and has been translated into more than fifty languages. Mark Herman himself was personally involved in the adaptation of the script, involving also John Boyne himself.

The film "Boy in Striped Pajamas" has been nominated for a number of awards in European countries, including Best Motion Picture of the famous Spanish national Goya Award. The critics also noted the excellent acting performance of Vera Farming, who played Bruno's mother in the film. Ace Butterfield and Jack Scanlon are recognized as leading young performers.

The events unfold during the Second World War, when the genocide of the Jewish population was already quite widespread. The main character - a boy from a German family named Bruno. His father, a high-ranking official, is appointed to a new position, so the whole family has to move to another place. Bruno is not fully aware of what is happening around and what events actually affect their move to new house.

Walking around the neighborhood and exploring the territory, Bruno sees an unusual so-called "farm", which is surrounded by wire. Strange people walk there, dressed in striped pajamas with sewn numbers, and they burn old things in very large cauldrons, from the pipes of which black smoke often pours. Bruno wonders who these people are and why they play these numbers.

Herr List, a teacher with strict anti-Semitic views, comes to the boy and his sister to teach history and tell in more detail about the features of the Third Reich. The father supports such undertakings and in every possible way encourages this position, explaining that everything is being done for the good of the country. The mother, on the other hand, is worried about such training and is upset about everything that happens around, in particular, because of the proximity of their new housing to the concentration camp, where the Jewish population is periodically exterminated.

However, young Bruno is unaware of anything. One day he meets Shmuel - a boy from the "farm" who, like everyone else there, is dressed in striped pajamas. It seems to Bruno that this boy has settled down very well, judging by the information he accidentally saw about the camp: cafes, bars, football games and other street fun.

Soon Bruno has to leave, and finally he wants to see his new friend again. So he learns that Shmuel cannot find his father anywhere. In order to somehow help a friend, Bruno decides to get to the camp, where they would start looking for the missing together. Not knowing the real purpose of this place, they begin their adventure, which will turn into tragic events for them.

Why watch a movie

Although the film "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a military one, it does not show the kind of war that viewers are used to seeing on the screen. All that is genuine is hidden behind the young boy Bruno's perception of the world around him. This motion picture is an example of when everything is clear without words, when you start to worry about the characters even before something happens, because the feeling of anxiety is constantly in the air.

The theme of the Jewish genocide during World War II is often covered in cinematography, such cult films as « » or « » ... However, a special place among them is occupied by films showing the life of Jewish children in harsh military conditions, for example, as in the film « » ... It always looks very innocent, with a touch of recklessness.

However, there are few films that show the life of German children and how they react to everything that happens around. This is the value of Mark Herman's motion picture, here you can see events from the other side, feel the general mood of all events. After all, the audience's sympathy always stops at those against whom the main aggression is directed. However, in this film, sympathy is ultimately felt both for the Jewish people and for the German family, whatever that may be.

Bruno Bruno Berlin

once Bruno met a little Jewish prisoner Shmulem, it happened when, without asking, he explored the area behind the fence of his new home. How will this acquaintance turn out for both of them, can childish cordiality and purity turn back the destructive mechanism of fascism?


Genre: drama, military

Tagline: "Adult childhood of war"

The country: UK, USA

Producer: Mark Herman

Cast: Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga, Rupert Friend

Actors and their roles in the film "Boy in Striped Pajamas"

Asa Butterfield - English actor 1997 year birth. For Asa Butterfield film "Boy in striped pajamas" became a ticket to the world of big cinema, since then this talented blue-eyed actor has starred in many films, in which he often played the main roles.

Asa Butterfieldin film "Boy in striped pajamas" played a German boy Bruno. Bruno explores the world, believes in friendship, loves his parents and does not know that his father is the commandant of a concentration camp for Jews, the boy does not know that the acrid, cloying smell that reaches the windows of his room is smoke from the ovens of the crematorium located over the fence from his home.

Jack Scanlon - English actor 1998 year birth. Although the film "Boy in striped pajamas" and did Jack Scanlon famous, he often did not act in films, but focused on his musical career. Today Jack Scanlon is a singer, songwriter and guitarist.

Jack Scanlon played Shmul - an eight-year-old boy in a concentration camp. This actor got used to his role superbly, and many viewers on the network admire this talented little actor to this day.

David Thewlis - English actor 1963 birth, played Ralph - the father of the protagonist.

Ralph is the head of a concentration camp for Jews.

Vera Farminga - American actress 1973 year birth. Have Vera Farmingi Ukrainian roots, her parents emigrated to USAand there they had seven children. Vera until 6 years old did not speak English. The younger sister of Vera Farminga– Taissa Farminga is also an actress, the age difference of the sisters is twenty years.

Vera Farminga played Elsa - mother Bruno. Elsa does not delve into the affairs of her husband and does not even realize for the time being that the Nazis burn people in the ovens, having learned this terrible secret, she can never be the same again. She will never be able to accept what her beloved husband is doing yesterday.

Rupert Friend - British actor 1981 year birth. Rupert Friend notable for the fact that for five years he met with the actress Keira Knightley, in addition, of course, Rupert is a great actor.

Rupert Friend played Kurt Kotler - SS lieutenant. Kurt cruel to the prisoners of the camp, he does not spare them and beats them to death. For the role of lieutenant Rupert Friend dyed his dark hair light and began to look like a true Aryan.

Plot, summary film "Boy in striped pajamas"

Once upon a time there was an eight-year-old boy named Bruno, this boy was "lucky" to be born in Nazi Germany and be the son of an SS officer. Bruno does not know what is happening in the world, how many people die at the hands of the Germans every minute while he and his friends are running through the streets Berlin... This blue-eyed boy knows that his father is a soldier who works for the good of his homeland, and his beloved dad cannot do anything bad.

One day father Bruno transferred to another military unit, now he is the commandant of a concentration camp, and the whole family including dad, mom, 12 year old daughter Gretel and already familiar to us Bruno should move from Berlin to the periphery - closer to military operations.

Bruno I don't like his new home, there are no children nearby with whom to play boyish games, in addition, this young explorer is prohibited from leaving the territory of the courtyard.

Children do not attend school, a school teacher comes to their house, who propagandizes fascism and genocide, Gretel succumbed to nationalist ideas and hung all her room with posters depicting Hitler and the ideological German youth.

How easily the seeds of fascism sprout, thrown into the fertile soil of a child's mind. But Bruno does not give in, he has his own view on everything. The fact is that this German boy met a little Jewish prisoner Shmulemwhen, without asking, he explored the territory behind the fence of his house. Shmul sat near the barbed wire and hid from the overseers, in his secret hiding place he could sometimes rest a little and be alone with his sad thoughts.

Bruno But everything is seen in a different light, he thinks that the people behind the barbed wire are wonderful farmers who for some reason walk around the field in striped pajamas during the day.

once Bruno I saw German officers watching a propaganda film about a concentration camp. The film showed how well people live in it, they play various games there, eat well, sing songs, do not live. The little boy does not realize that with this film the insidious fascists simply want to attract more naive Jewish people to the camps. After all, not only forcibly people in those days ended up in such places, many went there purposefully with whole families, because they believed that they would be safe there - they would simply be isolated from society, but they would not be harmed - it seemed to many.

Bruno continues to secretly meet with his new friend, he asks Bruno bring at least a little food if possible. Bruno brings, but sometimes forgets, he is not aware of how people are starving behind barbed wire.

once Shmul appears in the house Bruno, the fact is that in order to wipe narrow glass goblets, the hostess of the house needed children's fingers. Bruno treats his new friend to cakes, and when Shmul the lieutenant caught eating a treat Kurt, a scandal broke out and, to cover up his little German heel, Bruno says he is not familiar with Shmulem and did not give him any cake.

After a bad deed, Bruno tormented by conscience, he goes to the former place of their meetings with Shmulem, but he no longer meets the little prisoner with sad eyes. It is possible that about a week had passed since the incident in the kitchen, when Bruno I was able to see my friend again. One eye Shmul swelling, it was clear that the boy was beaten, so much so that he could not get up for a long time.

T eat time mother Bruno learns that people are being burned in concentration camp furnaces, the woman is shocked by this fact, she cannot come to her senses and insists that her children leave this ominous place and the sooner the better. Bruno does not want to leave, because now he has a friend to whom he is sincerely attached, but nevertheless the departure is already planned, the suitcases are packed, in a couple of hours the mother and children must leave for another - not so gloomy place.

Bruno he decides to do his own thing, a plan has matured in his head - he must help Shmul find his father, who disappeared a few days ago. Shmul got hold of striped pajamas for Bruno, the children dig under the barbed wire, and now both are on the territory of the camp. Meanwhile, the parents notice the disappearance Bruno and go in search of him.

Unfortunately the movie "Boy in striped pajamas" ends tragically, both boys perish in the ovens of the crematorium. Perhaps someone hoped to the last that little Brunoparents will have time to save - but was there any point in that? Was it fair to save your child and remain indifferent to the fact that his friend Shmul shall we perish in terrible agony? This tragedy opened the eyes of parents Bruno harm done by any form of fascism, but did that fact change the course of the war? Will such tragedies stop happening in the future? Will people understand that the destruction of their own kind is unnatural? I propose to answer these questions honestly to each of you, my readers, and above all to ourselves.


The idea of \u200b\u200bthe lesson based on the novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" arose in preparation for the celebration of the Great Victory Day over fascism. I invited the guys to read a novel by John Boyne. In completing the assignments for the lesson, the sixth graders said that before they knew nothing about the Nazi camps. Talking about Nazism is not an easy conversation. Not all children were able to understand the last lines about the main characters and asked the question: "What happened to Bruno and Shmuel?" The children could not believe what had happened. "Was that really?" - the students asked with pain.

The children experienced the novel deeply, and the footage of Mark Herman's film added to the impression of what they read. The lesson was held in April 2015. In October, when the children had already become seventh graders, I asked them which of the books they read in grades 5-6 they remembered the most. The answer was "Boy in striped pajamas."

The purpose of this lesson is to show what is terrible about Nazism, to evoke an emotional response from sixth graders to the novel.

- Today we are giving a lesson based on the novel by the modern Irish writer John Boyne "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". Novel
was written in 2006, filmed in 2008 by British director Mark Herman; the novel was published in 50 countries ..

What are the themes of the novel? (Nazism theme, war theme, childhood theme, friendship theme, etc.)
What is Nazism?

Nazism - Hitler's regime in Germany in 1933-1945.

Genocide is the extermination of certain groups of the population, entire nations in peacetime or wartime for racial, national or religious reasons.

In Germany, after Hitler came to power, Jews were required to wear armbands with a yellow star on their sleeves, and were later sent to
concentration camps and were subject to destruction.

When and where does the novel begin? Where is the action transferred to? Why?

The action of the novel begins in 1943 in Germany, in Berlin, and is transferred to Poland, to the town of AZh-Vys. AZH-Vysi has a new home for the main characters. This is where they have to live because my father got a promotion.

Which of the heroes of the novel did you like?

Bruno, Shmuep, Pavel, they are kind.

Who didn't like? Why?

Lieutenant Kotler. He is cruel, angry, constantly shouted at Paul and beat him, shouted at Shmuel and Bruno

What attracted you to Bruno?

Bruno is kind. He loves mom, dad, grandmother. He has friends. Bruno is observant.

Read the description of the area that Bruno and his sister Gretel see from the window of a room in their new home. Read about the people they see here. (4th chapter. "View from the window.")

“Ten meters from the garden, flowers and a bench with a sign, the situation changed dramatically. A powerful fence made of wire ran parallel to the house.
loki, bending on both sides and going somewhere into the distance, so far that it was impossible to discern where it ends. There were people on crutches, and even more with bandages on their heads. Some walked in formation with shovels in their hands, and were led by soldiers, but it was impossible to determine where they were going ... Gretel looked where her brother was pointing, and saw a group of children coming out of a small house in the distance.

Children huddled together, soldiers shouted at them. And the more they shouted at, the closer they clung to their comrades, but then one
of the soldiers rushed to them, and they unhooked themselves from each other, finally doing what they seemed to want of them - lined up in a row. Then the soldiers began to laugh and applaud. "

How do children perceive this picture? What amazed them the most?

Bruno and Gretel do not understand what they are seeing. They lack words to describe their amazement. Why would anyone want to build such hideous buildings? Who are these people behind a high fence with coils of barbed wire? Why are they all dressed exactly the same: gray striped pajamas and a gray striped hat on their heads? "And why did dad transfer to a new job in such a different place?" Bruno felt cold and scary, and “Gretel, looking at the sharp thorns sticking out everywhere, suddenly felt like she had something
cute inside.

The image of barbed wire is one of the central images of the novel. Think about what the image is a symbol of. Towards the end of the lesson we
back to this question.

What he saw haunts Bruno, and he turns to his father: "Who are these people, what do they live here?"

Retell the episode "The Conversation in Father's Study" from chapter 5. How does Bruno feel about talking to his father? What do his feelings tell the reader?

From the window of his father's office, the boy sees a dreary landscape with a fence and wire. Bruno does not like Al-Vysi, he wants his father to understand how terrible this Al-Vys is, he wants his father to agree to leave here forever, because there is no their beautiful home, no friends, no one to talk to, no one to play with ... Bruno is very upset that his father does not understand his feelings, does not understand how hard it is for him. The feelings he experiences in conversation with his father speak of the boy's sincerity, that he is scared here, that he is unhappy here, that he wants to return home, to Berlin, to his friends.

bruno, like any boy, has activities and games that he likes. What are his favorite activities and games. What does he want to be when he grows up?

Bruno enjoys reading and drawing. He is reading Treasure Island, a book donated by his father. The boy also loves stories about knights who were looking for adventures in overseas countries. When he grows up, he wants to be an exploratory traveler like Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. Bruno is attracted by their adventures and amazing destinies. He also loves swinging and playing. Every Christmas, every birthday, Bruno played in a piece that his grandmother invented for him and Gretel. For the performance, he was dressed up as a prince, then as an Arab sheikh, or as a Roman gladiator. But most of all he likes to explore the unknown world. There is one game that does not require partners, and this game is called "expedition to new lands." Bruno played it alone in Berlin.

Despite the strict prohibition not to walk behind the house, not to approach the fence, not to play the research expedition in Azh-Vysi,
Bruno still breaks it. While playing an expedition along the barbed wire fence, he made a discovery.

What discovery did Bruno make? Title the episode

Bruno can't help but play. Left alone, he plays the expedition. Bruno's "expedition" led to an acquaintance with the boy Shmuel. He was smaller than Bruno, wearing striped pajamas and a striped cloth hat, like the rest of the people behind the fence. He was not wearing shoes or socks. And on his sleeve he wore a band with a star. Bruno had never met such a skinny and dull boy with huge sad eyes in his life, but he decided to chat with him and said that he was conducting a research expedition here. A conversation ensued, in response to his question why there are so many people on the other side of the fence and what are they doing there, Bruno heard the story of how Shmuel ended up here. This episode can be titled "New acquaintance". Meeting a new best friend should become a secret, their common secret, this decision was made by Bruno.

How did Bruno take what Shmuel said?

Bruno does not understand why Shmuel, talking about his suffering, almost cried. He tries to cheer up a new friend and
believes that nothing so terrible happened to Shmuel, “Didn't I have to go through the same thing,” Bruno exclaims,
rejoicing that he is not the only boy in the world who was forced to leave home, Bruno sees Shmuel's upset and
does not understand the reasons for this, Bruno does not understand the difference in their position, for him a new boy friend, with whom he is interested, and everything else does not matter.

Bruno knows from his father that the people outside the fence, living in low long houses, dressed the same, "... And not people at all ... And they have nothing to do with you and cannot have anything." But Bruno did not learn these lessons, his heart is not spoiled, and the acquaintance grew into friendship.

What brings Bruno and Shmuel closer together? What are they talking about? (1st chapter. Episode "Friendship".)

Bruno and Shmuel were born on the same day: April fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, they are both nine years old. Boys love their mom and dad, grandparents, Bruno is proud of his father, Shmuel talks about mom with love, Children remember their home and hometown with sadness, Bruno recalls Berlin, Shmuel recalls Krakow. It's hard for them in AZ-Vys, Bruno exclaims that he
he hates this place, and Shmuel quietly says: “You don't know what life is like here”. They also tell each other about their relatives, about their adventures, about old friends, about those people they met here.

Bruno and Shmuel are kind, sincere boys. Bruno is worried about his friend and, seeing that Shmuel is losing weight in front of his eyes, brings him bread and cheese, Shmuel is grateful for his kindness and for food. He tells Bruno that he loves animals and when he grows up,
wants to work at the zoo, Bruno constantly asks Shmuel if he can crawl under the wire so that they play together on the other side of the fence. But each time Shmuel, worrying about him, answers: "No, not worth it." Both boys value their relationship, Bruno and Shmuel became friends, despite the fact that they are separated by a fence with barbed wire and despite the fact that one of them is the son of the camp commandant, and the other is a prisoner Jewish boy.

Let's turn to the 15th chapter, to the episode "Betrayal". Why did Bruno betray his friend? How does he feel after that?

Lieutenant Kotler brought Shmuel to the camp commandant's house and left him alone to work in the kitchen. The unexpected meeting in the house caused joy in the boys and became a test for Bruno. Having offered food to Shmuel (It's just food), Bruno does not understand why his friend is so scared, why he, very hungry, refuses the treat, and then, unable to bear it, swallows the food in a few seconds.

Suddenly, Kotler appeared and guessed that the boys were talking and the Jewish prisoner was eating. from the wild rage of the lieutenant, which fell on Shmuel, Bruno could not utter a word, he had never seen a man be so scared as Shmuel now, He wanted to protect his friend, but it was not in his power, because he too became very scary. Bruno is horrified by the brutality of the officer and, with all his heart hating Lieutenant Kotler, not in his own voice blurts out treacherous words.

Bruno had never been so ashamed, he could not imagine that he was capable of betrayal. "How could he be as cowardly as he could
betray your friend? " - these thoughts torment him. He bitterly thinks that he has no forgiveness.

What happened next?

Bruno could not recover from the shock for a long time and continued to reproach himself for renouncing his friendship with Shmuel, Shmuel forgave his friend and did what he had never done before: he lifted the wire from below, stuck his hand into the gap and did not remove it while Bruno did not hold out his own, "Both smiled as their palms intertwined in a handshake." Their strange friendship grew and strengthened, but Bruno worries that they can't even truly be together, because there is always this wire fence between them.

What is the symbol of the barbed wire image?

Bruno often thought about the fence, about what was happening on both sides of it, and why they had put it here at all. Behind the fence is his friend Shmuel and hundreds of other children. Gretel explains to her brother that the fence was set up to keep people of a different breed, Jews, behind the barbed wire, because they "are not people at all ..." The image of the barbed wire is a symbol of separation, a symbol of hatred and cruelty.)

For what purpose does Bruno make a great expedition to the camp? What did Bruno expect to see and what did he actually see?

Together with his mother and sister, Bruno must return to Berlin. On the eve of parting, the boys came up with a plan for a great adventure. There is no barbed wire for Bruno and Shmuel! Bruno wants to explore the unknown world beyond the fence and help Shmuel find his father.

To do this, he changed into a striped jacket brought by Shmuel, put on striped pants, pulled a striped cloth cap over his head. Shmuel lifted the wire, and Bruno crawled under it on his stomach, the Great Expedition began, But "... nothing that Bruno drew in his imagination was found in the camp." And "it was this: people, huddled in a heap, were sitting on the ground, and they looked terribly dull, They were related not only by gloom, but also by a terrible thinness, sunken eyes and shaved heads", Bruno did not like the camp, Shmuel too I don't like it, They did not find any traces of his missing father - Bruno's time to return home.)

What happened next?

“Sorry, Shmuep. Sorry we didn't find any information. Shmuel nodded sadly. He was not surprised, deep down he did not even hope that they would find traces of the Pope. But at least it is good that his friend visited him and saw how he lives.

“I think it's time for me to go home,” Bruno said. - Will you walk me to the fence? Shmuel did not have time to answer. At that moment, a loud whistle rang out, and no less than ten soldiers ... surrounded the platform, the very platform where Bruno and Shmuel stood ... Shmuel pressed close to Bruno and looked up at him, fear froze in his eyes.

“I'm sorry we didn't find your dad,” Bruno said.
"Nothing," muttered Shmuel.
“And it’s a pity that we didn’t manage to really play, but when you come to me in Berlin, we will definitely play… And then he did something that was not at all in his character: he took Shmuel's thin hand and shook it tightly. “You are now my best friend, Shmuel. My faithful friend for life ...

And then it became very dark in the room, and in the midst of the confusion and terrible noise, Bruno suddenly discovered that until now
squeezes Shmuel's hand in his, and now nothing in the world will make him unclench his fingers, ”Bruno and Shmuel were burned in one of the furnaces of the Nazi camp.

4.5 / 5. 2

    The Boy in the Striped Pajamas [[Image: File: Theboyposter.jpg | 200px | Movie poster]] Genre Drama Director Mark Herman Producer Rosie Alison, Mark Herman, David Heyman Posted by ... Wikipedia

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  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Boyne J. .. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a parable about the Holocaust, told by Bruno, a naive and little understanding boy. This is an extremely unusual, non-trivial and therefore especially terrible angle on ...
  • Boy in Striped Pajamas, Boyne John. It is not so easy to tell in a few words about this amazing book. Usually, the annotation lets the reader know what it will be about, but in this case we are afraid that any preliminary ...

1. John Boyne

2. "Boy in striped pajamas"

3. For grade 10

5. The work was written in 2006. A rather late date, considering that the book is about World War II. Nevertheless, this can be explained by the fact that the author began to engage in creativity only in 2000. And the way he approached the brutality of war was not approached by almost anyone, so the book was a discovery to the public, earned many awards and nominations, and was published in 50 languages.

6. The action of the work takes place in 1943-45 in Germany and Poland. Actions take place near the concentration camp "Azh-Vys", where thousands of Jews were taken.

7. The main character of the work is the boy Bruno. We see how he tries to understand the world around him. We see that he is often faced with the injustice and inconsistency of adults.

Often he does not receive the answers he wants to know in order to understand how this world works. And only acquaintance with the same nine-year-old boy Shmuel saves him from loneliness. Bruno was born in Germany. He is smart and inquisitive - he dreams of different adventures and exploration. Therefore, he is often interested in everything that is happening around him, and looks for an explanation. Bruno is notable for his short stature, which becomes the subject of ridicule from his older sister and an unpleasant German soldier. Bruno's father holds a high position, he leads the work of the concentration camp. Bruno's grandmother never came to terms with the choice of her son until her death - she could not understand what she did wrong, that he chose this cruel and terrible path. And after all, by himself, he was a good person, he raised good children. He explained his choice by patriotism, the desire to restore his nation, but is it in this way?

8. One day Bruno comes with his parents and sister to a house near the concentration camp - his father was appointed to a new position, now he was in charge of the camp. Escaping loneliness, Bruno walks for a long time and finds a boy in striped pajamas on the other side of the wire. They talk for a whole year, share their thoughts, experiences, and Bruno brings food to his new friend. They never fully understand each other - Bruno does not understand why the Jews are on the opposite side, and Shmuel, why the commandant has such a good and kind son. But Bruno must go back to Germany. Finally, he decides to make a short trip to the other side of the fence with Shumuel to help him find his missing father the other day. They think over a plan - Chamuel brings Bruno pajamas so that he won't be recognized in the camp. And Bruno crawls over the wire. The trip ended sadly. For both of them.

9. The book is certainly impressive. It seems to be a small novel, but it gives the most accurate and large-scale picture of what was happening. The attitude to the war and the atrocities of the Germans, the position of the Jews in the camps, and the influence of all this on the growing children - still innocent, but already found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades. We can see what guided people in those days. What was the reason that everyone submitted to the inhuman regime. A really strong piece that I advise everyone to read.

Updated: 2018-10-27

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