What are Russian Tatars afraid of? Symbiote peoples: Russians and Tatars are brothers forever What Tatars plan to do with Russians

Genetic studies have shown that
Russians are one of the most pure-blooded peoples in Eurasia. Recent collaborative
studies by Russian, British and Estonian geneticists have put
big and bold cross on the everyday Russophobic myth that has been introduced into
the consciousness of people - they say, "scratch the Russian and you will definitely find a Tatar."

Results of a large-scale experiment,

published in the scientific journal "The American Journal of Human Genetics"
quite unambiguously say that “despite the widespread opinions about the strong
Tatar and Mongolian impurities in the blood of Russians, inherited by their ancestors back in
times of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the haplogroup of the Turkic peoples and others
Asian ethnic groups practically did not leave a trace on the population of modern
north-western, central and southern regions ".

Like this. In this longstanding dispute, you can safely put an end to it and count
further discussions on this occasion just irrelevant.

We are not Tatars. We are not Tatars. No influence on the Russian genes of the so-called. "Mongol-Tatar
yoke "did not work.

We Russians never had any admixture of the Turkic "Horde blood" and do not have it.

Moreover, genetic scientists, summarizing their research, declare about
almost complete identity of the genotypes of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, proving
thus, we were and remain one people: “genetic variations
Y-chromosomes of residents of the central and southern regions Ancient Rus found themselves
practically identical to those of Ukrainians and Belarusians ”.

One of the project leaders, Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky admitted to
interview with Gazeta.ru that Russians are practically a monolithic people with
genetic point of view, destroying another myth: “everything is mixed, purely
there are no Russians anymore. " Quite the opposite - there were Russians and there are Russians. One people
a single nation, a monolithic nationality with a distinctly distinct genotype.

Further, examining the materials of the remains from the oldest burials, scientists
found that "Slavic tribes mastered these lands (Central and Southern
Russia) long before the mass migration to them in the 7th-9th centuries of the main part
ancient Russians ". That is, the lands of Central and Southern Russia were inhabited
Russians (Rusichi) already, at least in the first centuries A.D. If not before.

This makes it possible to debunk another Russophobic myth - that Moscow and
the surrounding areas, allegedly, from ancient times were inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes and
Russians there are "aliens". We, as proven by genetics, are not aliens, but
completely autochthonous inhabitants Central Russia where the Russians lived with
time immemorial. “Despite the fact that these lands were inhabited even before
the last glaciation of our planet about 20 thousand years ago, evidence
directly indicating the presence of any "original" peoples who lived on this
territory, no ”- stated in the report. That is, there is no evidence that
before us, some other tribes lived on our lands, which we supposedly
supplanted or assimilated. If I may say so - we live here from
creation of the world.

Scientists also determined the distant boundaries of the habitat of our ancestors: “analysis
bone remains indicates that the main zone of contacts of Caucasians with
people of the Mongoloid type were on the territory Western Siberia". What if
take into account that archaeologists who excavated the oldest burials of the 1st millennium BC
on the territory of Altai, they found the remains of pronounced Caucasians (not
speaking of the world famous Arkaim) - the conclusion is obvious. Our ancestors
(ancient Rus, Proto-Slavs) - originally lived throughout the territory
modern Russia, including Siberia, and quite possibly Far East... So
Ermak Timofeevich's campaign with his comrades for the Urals from this point of view was quite
legal return of previously lost territories.

That's it, friends. Modern science destroys Russophobic stereotypes and myths,
knocking the ground out from under the feet of our "friends" - liberals.

Genogeographer Oleg Balanovsky: “Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians on

the level of the gene pool sometimes cannot be distinguished "

Five years have passed
since "KP" in the article "A sensational discovery of scientists: The secret is revealed
of the Russian gene pool "spoke about the works of the geneographer Oleg Pavlovich
Balanovsky with colleagues and their research on the gene pool of the Russian people.

"I want to

find out how the Russian gene pool works, and try on modern features
restore its history, ”the scientist said then. Today, in the light of new data
science, we'll get back to this conversation.


Oleg Pavlovich, where did the Russian people come from? Not the ancient Slavs, but
exactly the Russians?

Regarding the Russians, we can only say for sure that the Mongol conquest
XIII century, contrary to popular belief, did not have an impact on the gene pool - in
Russian populations practically do not find Central Asian variants

That is, the famous expression of the historian Karamzin “scratch the Russian - you will find
Tatar ”is not confirmed by science?

Before geneticists, anthropologists studied the Russian people for a long time. How much
Do the results of yours and theirs coincide or do not coincide?

Genetic research of peoples is often taken as the ultimate word
science. But this is not the case! Before us, it was mainly anthropologists who worked. Studying
the appearance of the population (as we study genes), they described the similarities and
differences between the population of different regions and from this reconstructed the ways of their
origin. Our entire field of science has grown out of ethnic, racial
anthropology. Moreover, the level of work of the classics largely remains

What are the parameters?

For example, on the details of the study of the population. Anthropologists have examined more than
170 populations within the historical territory of the settlement of the Russian people. A
we in our research - so far 10 times less. Perhaps this is why
Victor Valerianovich Bunak (an outstanding Russian anthropologist, one of the
founders of the Soviet anthropological school. - Ed.) And was able to highlight
as many as 12 types of the Russian population, and we are only three (northern, southern and

linguists and ethnographers have collected information about almost all the peoples of the world.
Huge amounts of information have been accumulated about the physical appearance of the Russian population
(the science of somatology is engaged in this) and about skin patterns on the fingers and palms
(dermatoglyphics, which reveals differences in different peoples). Linguistics
has long been studying data on the geography of Russian dialects and the distribution of thousands
Russian surnames (anthroponymics). Many examples of matches can be listed.
the results of modern genetic research and classical research
anthropologists. But I cannot name any insurmountable contradictions.

That is the answer
scientists are unequivocal - Russians exist as a nation.

This is not a question for scientists, but for those people who identify with the Russian.
people. As long as there are such people, scientists will record the existence of the people.
If these people from generation to generation also speak their own language, then they are ridiculous
attempts to declare such a people non-existent. So, for example, for the Russians and
Ukrainians do not have to worry.


And yet, how homogeneous is the Russian genotype?

Differences between populations of different regions INSIDE the same people (in this
case of Russian) is almost always less than the differences BETWEEN different
peoples. The variability of Russian populations turned out to be higher than, for example,
populations of Germans, but less than the variability of many other European
peoples, such as Italians.

That is, the Russians differ from each other more than the Germans, but less than

Exactly. At the same time, genetic variation within our
The European subcontinent is much less varied than, for example, in
within the Indian subcontinent. Simply put, Europeans, including
Russians, much more similar to each other than the neighboring peoples in
in many regions of the planet, between European peoples it is much easier to detect
genetic similarity and more difficult - differences.

Now many are questioning the existence of "fraternal Slavic peoples"
- Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian ... They say, they are completely different peoples,
completely different.

- "Slavs"

(as well as the "Turks" and "Finno-Ugric peoples") - these are not genetic concepts at all, but
linguistic! There are Slavic, Turkic and Finno-Ugric groups
languages. And within these groups, genetically distant from each other quite coexist.
other peoples. Say, between the Turks and the Yakuts who speak Turkic
languages, it is difficult to find genetic similarities. Finns and Khanty speak
Finno-Ugric languages, but genetically far from each other. Not one yet
the linguist did not doubt the close relationship of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian
languages ​​and their belonging to the Slavic group.

What up

the similarities of the gene pools of the three East Slavic peoples, then the initial
studies have shown that they are so similar that sometimes it is impossible to distinguish
succeeds. True, these years we have not stood still and now we have learned to see
subtle differences of the Ukrainian gene pool. Belarusians from the northern and central
areas across the multitude of studied genes are still indistinguishable from Russians,
the originality of only the Belarusians of Polesie is shown.


Are Russians Slavs? What is the actual share of "Finnish
inheritance "in the Russian gene pool?

Russians are, of course, Slavs. Similarities between northern Russian populations and Finns
very small, but rather high with Estonians. The problem is that exactly
the same genetic variants are found among the Baltic peoples (Latvians and
Lithuanians). Our study of the gene pool of northern Russians showed that
interpret its features as inherited from those assimilated by the Russians
the Finno-Ugric peoples would be an unreasonable simplification. There are some peculiarities, but they
connect northern Russians not only with the Finno-Ugrians, but also with the Balts, and with
the German-speaking population of Scandinavia. That is, these genes - I would venture to suggest -
could have been inherited by the ancestors of the northern Russians from such ancient times, when
neither the Slavs, nor the Finno-Ugrians, nor the Germans, nor the Tatars have simply existed in the world.

You write about
the fact that for the first time shown the two-part nature of the Russian gene pool by markers
Y chromosomes (that is, along the male line). What are these two forefathers of the Russian
gene pool?

One genetic "father" of the Russian people is northern, the other is southern. Their
age is lost through the centuries, and origin is lost in the fog. But in any case already
a whole millennium has passed since the inheritance of both "fathers" became common
the property of the entire Russian gene pool. And their current settlement is clearly visible on
map. At the same time, the North Russian gene pool has features of similarity with neighboring
Baltic peoples, and the southern - features of similarity with neighboring eastern Slavs,
but also with the Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs and Slovaks).

Are raging
political passions around research? Is there pressure? Who distorts and how
your data? And for what purposes?

Fortunately, we have never met with politics and even more with pressure. A
there are a lot of distortions. Everyone wants to fit scientific data to their own
familiar views. And our data, with an honest approach, does not fit them.
That is why our conclusions in their totality are not to the liking of both sides -
to those who say that the Russian gene pool is the "most-most" in the world, and to those who
declares that it does not exist.

The January issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics featured
an article has been published about the study of the Russian gene pool carried out by
Russian and Estonian geneticists. The results were unexpected: according to
in fact, the Russian ethnos genetically consists of two parts - the indigenous population
South and Central Russia is related to other peoples who speak
Slavic languages, and the inhabitants of the North of the country - with the Finno-Ugric peoples. And the second is pretty
amazing and one might even say sensational moment- typical for Asians
(including the notorious Mongol-Tatars) of a set of genes in none of the Russians
populations (neither in the north nor in the south) were not found in sufficient numbers.
It turns out that the saying "scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" is not true.

mystery or gene of "Russianness"

Scientific evidence,
the ones below are a terrible secret. Classified secrets.

Formally, these
the data is not classified, since it was obtained by American scientists outside the sphere
defense research, and even published here and there, but organized around
their conspiracy of silence is unprecedented. What is this terrible secret
the mention of which is a worldwide taboo?

This is the secret of the origin and historical path of the Russian people. Agnation
Why information is being hidden - more on that later. First - briefly about the essence of the discovery
American geneticists. There are 46 chromosomes in human DNA, half he inherits from
father, half from mother. Of the 23 chromosomes received from the father, in
the only one - the male Y-chromosome - contains a set of nucleotides,
which is passed from generation to generation without any changes during
millennia. Geneticists call this set a haplogroup. Every living
now a man has exactly the same haplogroup in his DNA as his father, grandfather,
great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, etc. in many generations.

American scientists have found that one such mutation occurred 4500 years ago
on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a slightly different one than his father,
haplogroup, to which they assigned the genetic classification R1a1. Paternal
R1a mutated and a new R1a1 appeared. The mutation turned out to be very viable.
The genus R1a1, which this very boy started, survived, unlike
millions of other genera that disappeared when their genealogical lines were cut off,
and bred over a vast area. Currently owners
haplogroup R1a1 make up 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and
Belarus, and in ancient Russian cities and villages - up to 80%. R1a1 is
biological marker of the Russian ethnos. This set of nucleotides is
"Russianness" from the point of view of genetics.

Thus, the Russian people are genetically modern form was born on the European part of present-day Russia about 4500 years ago. The boy with the R1a1 mutation became the direct ancestor of all men living on earth today, in whose DNA this haplogroup is present. All of them are his biological or, as they said before, blood descendants and among themselves - blood relatives, in the aggregate they constitute a single people - Russian. Realizing this, American geneticists, with the enthusiasm inherent in all emigrants in questions of origin, began to wander the world, take tests from people and look for biological "roots", their own and those of others. What they have done is of great interest to us, since it sheds true light on the historical paths of our Russian people and destroys many long-standing myths.

Now men of the Russian genus R1a1 make up 16% of the total male population
India, and in the higher castes there are almost half of them - 47% .Our ancestors migrated from
ethnic focus not only to the east (to the Urals) and to the south (to India and Iran), but also
to the west - to where the European countries are now located. In the west
In the direction of statistics, geneticists have complete statistics: in Poland, the owners of Russian
(Aryan) haplogroup R1a1 make up 57% of the male population, in Latvia, Lithuania,
Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%, in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%, in Bulgaria - 12%,
and in England - the least (3%).

The resettlement of the Russian-Aryans to the east, south and west (further north to go was
there is simply nowhere; and so, according to the Indian Vedas, before coming to India they lived
near the Arctic Circle) has become a biological prerequisite for the formation of a special
language group - Indo-European. These are almost all European languages, some
languages ​​of modern Iran and India and, of course, Russian and ancient Sanskrit,
closest to each other for an obvious reason: in time (Sanskrit) and in
space (Russian), they stand next to the original source - the Aryan
proto-language, from which all other Indo-European languages ​​grew. "Challenge
impossible. You need to shut up "

The above are irrefutable natural scientific facts, moreover, obtained
by independent American scientists. Challenging them is like not
agree with the results of a blood test at the clinic. They are not disputed. Their
are simply hushed up. They are silent amicably and stubbornly, they are silent, one might say,
totally. And there are reasons for that. For example, you will have to rethink everything that
known about the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russia.

The armed conquest of peoples and lands was always and everywhere accompanied by
time mass rape local women. In the blood of the male part of the Russian
the population should have left traces in the form of Mongolian and Turkic haplogroups.
But they are not!
Solid R1a1 - and nothing else, the purity of the blood is amazing.
This means that the Horde that came to Russia was not at all what it is customary to think about it:
Mongols there, if they were present, then in a statistically insignificant
quantity, and who was called "Tatars" is generally incomprehensible... Well, which of the scientists
will refute scientific foundations, supported by mountains of literature and great
authorities ?!

The second reason, incomparably more significant, relates to the field of geopolitics.
The history of human civilization appears in a new and completely unexpected
light, and this cannot but have serious political consequences. During
the whole new history the pillars of European scientific and political thought came from
the idea of ​​Russians as barbarians who recently got off the trees, by nature
backward and incapable of creative work. And suddenly it turns out that the Russians
- these are the very arias who had a decisive influence on
the formation of great civilizations in India, Iran and in Europe itself!

That the Europeans owe a lot to the Russians in their prosperous life,
starting with the languages ​​they speak. What is no coincidence in recent history
a third of the most important discoveries and inventions belong to ethnic Russians in
Russia itself and abroad. It was no coincidence that the Russian people were able to repel the invasions
the combined forces of continental Europe led by Napoleon, and
then - Hitler. Etc.

A great historical tradition It is no coincidence that behind it all lies
great historical tradition, thoroughly forgotten over many centuries, but
remaining in the collective subconscious of the Russian people and manifesting itself
time when the nation is faced with new challenges. Manifesting with iron
inevitability due to the fact that it grew on a material, biological
basis in the form of Russian blood, which remains unchanged for four seconds
half a millennium. Western politicians and ideologists have something to think about,
to make the policy towards Russia more adequate in the light of the geneticists discovered
historical circumstances. But they don't want to think and change anything, hence -
and a conspiracy of silence around the Russian-Aryan theme. The collapse of the myth of the Russian people
The collapse of the myth of the Russian people as an ethnic mixture automatically destroys
another myth is the myth of Russia's multinationality.

Until now, they tried to present the ethno-demographic structure of our country as
vinaigrette from the Russian "mixture you can't understand what" and many indigenous peoples and
alien diasporas. With such a structure, all its components are approximately equal in size,
therefore Russia is supposedly "multinational." But genetic research
give a completely different picture. If you believe the Americans (and there are reasons not to believe them
no: they are reputable scientists, value their reputation, and to lie - such and such
in a pro-Russian way - they have no reasons), it turns out that 70% of all
the male population of Russia is made up of purebred Russians.

According to the penultimate census (the results of the last are still unknown), by
80% of the respondents consider themselves to be Russians, i.e. 10% more - these are Russified
representatives of other peoples (it is these 10%, if you "scratch", you will find
non-Russian roots). And 20% are accounted for by the remaining 170-odd peoples,
nationalities and tribes living in the territory Russian Federation... Total:
Russia is a mono-national, albeit multi-ethnic, country with an overwhelming
by the demographic majority of natural Russians. This is where it starts to work
the logic of Jan Hus.

About backwardness Further - about backwardness. This myth has a solid hand
churchmen: they say, before the baptism of Russia, people lived in it in complete savagery. Nothing
yourself "wildness"! They mastered half the world, built great civilizations, taught
Aborigines to their language, and all this long before the birth of Christ ...
fits, does not fit in any way real story with her church version. Is in
the Russian people are something primordial, natural, not reducible to religious life.
In the north-east of Europe, in addition to the Russians, lived, and now live, many peoples,
but none of them created anything even remotely similar to the great Russian
civilization. The same applies to other places of civilizational activity.
Russian-Aryans in antiquity. The natural conditions are different everywhere, and ethnic
the environment is different, therefore, the civilizations built by our ancestors are not
are the same, but there is something in common for all of them: they are great on a historical scale
values ​​and far exceed the achievements of neighbors.

"Scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar" - says a wise French proverb, which was born after Napoleon Bonaparte's unsuccessful military campaign to Russia. Paradoxically, the French were right. In the genealogy of almost every fifth Russian, Tatar roots can be traced, not to mention the fact that the Russian throne until the middle of the 17th century was regularly occupied by tsars, in whose veins pure Tatar blood flowed.

Taking into account that this article is not scientific, we will not delve into the distant past, so as not to tire readers with meticulous digging in the genealogical tree of Russian tsars, but only draw their attention to vivid examples from the history of Russia, carefully rewritten by Russian and Soviet historians-falsifiers.

Russian tsars of Tatar origin

Such a controversial personality as John IV the Terrible does not need an introduction much has been written and told about him. Let us dwell only on its origin. John IV was the eldest son of the Grand Duke Vasily and his second wife Elena Glinskaya. But the fact that he was a Russian tsar can be said with a stretch. His paternal grandmother was the Byzantine princess Sophia Palaeologus, and his mother, Elena Glinskaya (who was undeservedly attributed to Lithuanian origin), a purebred Tatar, was the male granddaughter of Mansur-Kiyat, the eldest son of the powerful emir of the Golden Horde, the governor of the Crimean ulus-yurt ... By the way, Mansur-Kiyat is the ancestor of the Crimean Tatar Beysky clan of Mansurov. Unfortunately, the chronicles did not preserve the real name of Queen Helena, who was baptized, replacing her predecessor on the Moscow throne, also a Tatar, but from the Golden Horde clan of Murza Atun to Solomon Saburov. But the same chronicles eloquently tell about the years of the regency of the young Crimean Tatar princess with her young son John. After the death of her husband, Elena becomes the de facto ruler of the Moscow state. However, the boyars, fearing that the educated, intelligent, young queen. Instead of living a terem life away from the vanity of the world, he will completely take the reins of government into his own hands, hastened to poison her.

As for John himself, no matter how the boyars strove from a young age to influence the young tsar, the Tatar blood and the upbringing laid down by his mother affected his friendly relations with the Crimean khan. A lot of information has survived (the main source is letters to the Crimean Khan) that he freely expressed himself in his native Tatar language and considered himself a direct descendant of Temnik Mamai. As for his appearance, there is no doubt that he belongs to the Mansurs; in the surviving portraits of Ivan the Terrible and his son Theodore, one can see a face with clearly Asian features.

In the era of Grozny, the Tatar elite of Muscovy became even stronger. For example, during the Kazan campaign (1552), which in history was presented as the conquest and annexation of the Kazan Khanate to the Moscow state, the army of Ivan the Terrible included more Tatars than the army of Ediger, the ruler of Kazan. Among the Moscow commanders were "Crimean prince Taktamysh", "prince of Shiban Kudait", "Kasimov king Shigaley", "Astrakhan prince Kaibulla", "prince Derbysh-Alei", not to mention tens of thousands of ordinary Tatars under their command. The chronicler of those events paid great attention to the Chingizids in order to please his tsar, because the Russian commanders could not in any way be equal to the first in nobility. That is, for the Moscow consciousness of those years, the Asian prince was higher in nobility than any boyar-Rurikovich.

This is evidenced by another vivid episode from the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when in 1575 he retired to the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, leaving in his place in the Kremlin a Tatar - Chingizid Sain-Bulat of the Golden Horde (known as Simeon Bekbulatovich), descending from the same Crimean Bey Mansur, but only in the male line.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the "Russian" royal house finally became related to the Tatars. The fact is that Grozny's father Vasily gave his sister Evdokia in marriage to the brother of the Kazan Khan Muhammad-Emin, the son of Nur-Sultan, the second wife of the Crimean Khan Mengli Girai, Tsarevich Kaidulu, from this marriage they had a daughter, known as Anastasia, who was married to the head of the boyar government, Prince Vasily Shuisky. The Shuisky became related with Ivan the Terrible, since the princess Anastasia was a cousin of the young tsar. In turn, in this marriage, a daughter, Martha, was born, who later became the wife of the boyar Ivan Belsky, who came from the Golden Horde Tatar family.

In continuation of traditions, Ivan the Terrible married his sons to Tatars - the elder Ivan to Evdokia Saburova, and the younger Theodore to Irina Godunova. Through the marriage of his sister and Tsarevich Theodor Chet-Murza, better known as Boris Godunov, he became related to the Tsar.

The last of the Rurikovichs, Tsar Theodore, reigned for 14 years and died in 1598, leaving no heir. Power was completely transferred to the Tatar Tsar Boris Godunov, who actually already ruled since 15887. By the will of Tsar Boris Godunov, the Moscow throne passed to his son, the Tatar Theodor Godunov. However, the young tsar could not retain power in his hands and was killed by a boyar group.

Peter I Murza Narysh

After three years of interregnum, a new dynasty came to power - the Romanovs. At the time of the accession of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, his cousin was married to Prince Ismail (Semyon) Urusov, whose children were second cousins ​​to his son, the future Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who in turn married Natalia Naryshkina for the second time.

This is where the fun begins. First, I must say that the well-known Russian history Natalya Naryshkina, mother of Peter the Great, was a purebred Crimean Tatar. It is quite natural that Russian historians at the time of her birth tried to make her into a Russian with distant Turkic roots. It could not be otherwise, would it be nice for Russia to promote the greatest "Russian" tsar, in whose gene pool were the Crimean Tatars?

Natalya Naryshkina (unfortunately, whose Tatar name has not reached us) came from the Crimean Tatar clan of Murza Ismail Narysh (Narysh means pomegranate in Turkic). Her father in Russian history, known as Murza Kirill Naryshkin, married the daughter of the Golden Horde, Murza Abatur. In 1669, Naryshkina married the widowed Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and gave him three healthy children, a son, Peter, and two daughters. It was the elder Peter who radically differed from his half-brothers from the tsar's first marriage with Miloslavskaya, frail, infirm and sick. One by one, they passed away, not having survived their father. Only Feodor Alekseevich remained, who was hastened to marry the Tatar woman Marfa Apraksina, whose family line went back to the Turkic Murza Salikhmir, and Tsarevich Ivan. But, having inherited the throne of his father, Theodore died childless at the age of 21. The second brother, Ivan, a little older than Peter himself, lived to be 30 years old, however last years life did not take any part in public affairs. Natalya Naryshkina, a woman of modern times, educated, intelligent and domineering, took over the reins of government until her son Peter came of age. It was from this time that the progressive Crimean Tatar clan of the Naryshkins became the head of state.

Peter the First Alekseevich was very attached to his Tatar relatives. He entrusted his uncle Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin with the management of Russia during his European voyages. And in general, Peter's Tatar genes pulled him to his fellow tribesmen, as evidenced by his strong friendship with the Tatar Fyodor Apraksin, the brother of Queen Martha, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, as well as with Mikhail Matyushkin from the Turkic clan of Murza Albaushu, whose brother Ivan Matyushkin was married on the sister of the first wife of Peter Lopukhina. Peter the First did not leave behind a male heir, but ten years after his death, the throne was returned by his daughter Elizabeth, who resembled her Crimean Tatar grandmother Natalia Naryshkina in her character and manner. According to her will, she left her throne to her own nephew Peter III, the son of her sister Anna, in which Tatar and German blood was already mixed.

So, on the Russian throne, three great Russian tsars - Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov and Peter the First - were of Tatar origin. Therefore, we can safely say that Russia was ruled by the Tatars, whom the Germans replaced, so that the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II could be called Russian with a big reservation.

Gulnara Abdulaeva, MesoEurasia.

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With great surprise I read an article where some jingoistic patriot hysterically argued that Russia spends too much money on the city of Kazan and Tatarstan in general.

Hurray-patriot indignantly squealed that the Tatars had made a city, but there was no sense from them. The Tatars immediately ran into the discussion of the article and, instead of neighing, just as hysterically began to prove that they were infringed on their rights, oppressed and generally offended by the Russians.

I looked at this whole zoo and could not understand one thing: why, since when did the Tatars cease to be Russians ?!

As far as I know, the yoke stuck to Russia and settled here for centuries. During this time, the Tatar murzas stole Russian girls, continuing their kind from them.

Yes, you see for yourself: a typical red-haired Tatar, blue-eyed - a real Slav! And how many dark Russians you can't count!

After the yoke, the capture of the Golden Horde began. Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan, and the Tatars themselves took part in this battle on the side of the tsar! Having driven the local population into the Volga, Ivan baptized everyone in it. All current Tatars are descendants of Orthodox ancestors.

Beautiful Tatars were taken to their homes by princes and boyars. They gave birth to bastards, everyone was tightly mixed. The same Karamzin, a historian of the Russian state, a real Tatar, and there are many Russian nobility among them.

Over the centuries we have become one people. There is no such nation as a Tatar. Mordovians, Chuvashs, Tatars - all of them are called so only nominally, mixed with the ancient Russians and turned into one people - the Russians.

Let's not engage in nationalist nonsense, but turn our heads on: there are no Tatars, there are no more Russians - there are Russians, and we are all one people.

Kazan is the same Tver as Yaroslavl. Tatar is Russian, like Mordvin or Chuvash. And we have nothing to share, if we are all of the same nationality!

Russians, what do you think of Tatars? Tatars, as well as muzzle and Chuvash, how do you feel about Russians? Do you consider us one people?


As you know, Putin once again denied the Russian people the right to consider themselves the state-forming nation of the Russian state, citing the risk of the division of peoples into first and second class, which, in his opinion, would entail the disintegration of Russia. This time during a meeting with State Duma deputies.
What do I think about this?

Firstly, I believe that there is no such risk, that is, we are dealing with our own phobia, since the peoples inhabiting the Russian expanses are much smarter than our tolerated rulers. It only seems to us ("us" figuratively, personally to me not) that the calling of the Russians by the state-forming people will offend and / or offend someone. To think so is delusional. Because our neighbors, as a rule (I do not take into account the Caucasus), are very, very complimentary to the Russians. Otherwise, Russia would have collapsed long ago. Soviet Union.
Secondly, the bulk of the non-Russian population a priori considers the Russian people to be state-forming.
Thirdly, the national sovereignty of other peoples has already been realized at the local level, so to speak, at the level of the subject of the federation. By and large, Chechens subconsciously do not consider Chechnya to be Russia, and Tatars do not consider Tatarstan to be Russia.
Fourthly, the introduction of such an amendment to the preamble of the constitution does not make any people the first grade, but some the second, since it does not entail discriminatory legal consequences. After all, no one says that someone is better or someone is worse. After all, this is a completely different matter. The Tatars, ksati, have a similar norm in the constitution. Which he is in no hurry to cancel, despite the decision of the Constitutional Court, which recognized some provisions of the Tatar Constitution as not consistent with the provisions of the Russian Constitution. Let me remind you that in terms of its territorial structure, Russia is a so-called asymmetric federation. That is, there are national-territorial formations in it (Tatarstan, Buryatia, Chechnya and others) and, as it were, neutral "simply" -territorial formations (such as the Vladimir region and Krasnodar Territory, for example). "Simply" -territorial formations are, as it were, general, non-national, that is, they are not Russian. As in a communal apartment - a toilet. In general, we resemble a communal apartment in which each room belongs to someone, and the share of Russians is only in the common property. We can be proud that we are a corridor of connective tissue. Small peoples in the conditions of such an asymmetric federation, as a result, have a fundamentally greater scope of powers than the Russian people, generally deprived of legal personality. In simple terms, the Russian people simply do not legally exist. And all these old Putin songs about the main thing about the backbone, connective tissue and unique cultural code the usual pre-election blah-blah-blah in the execution of the Russophobic Eurasian power for the Soviets and the Racians.
Nevertheless, the position of some national persons is interesting. They very successfully use the voluntary Russophobic position of the Eurasian Russophobes from the central government. So, for example, Farid Mukhametshin, Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan, in an interview with the official agency Tatar-inform, said "On the proposal of one of the deputies to change the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, replacing the expression" multinational people "with" Russian people and those who have joined it ", Putin categorically, very reasonably said that we cannot divide all Russians into first and second grade. All citizens of Russia should enjoy the same rights and opportunities. We are one all-Russian family. This is very important. "
Nevertheless, it is in the Constitution of Tatarstan (the former Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) that literally the following is established: "This Constitution expresses the will of the multinational people of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Tatar people." In general, there is a multinational people of Russia (rootless Rasians), there is a multinational people of the Republic of Tatarstan (rootless Rasians living on the territory of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) and there is a Tatar people. And where are the Russian people here? The answer is simple: nowhere. Russians have neither land nor status. Russians cannot do what Tatars, Chechens, Chuvashes and so on can do. Why?

In 1993, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" on September 18 published an article by Murad Adzhiev "And there was a holiday ... Reflecting on the hoary antiquity." In 1994 his book "Polynya Polovtsian Field" was published, Moscow, Pik-Context publishing house. We will cite here excerpts from this article, since Adzhiev's data receive their natural explanation in our reconstruction of Old Russian history.

Let's make a reservation right away that Murad Adzhiev himself may not agree with the conclusions that we draw on the basis of his material. The point is that he tries detach Russia from the Steppe, sometimes even oppose Russians and Tatars, Turks. With which we cannot agree in any way, based on our results described in the book.

the main idea Adzhieva is formulated by him as follows:

Of course, our culture (that is, the culture of the Steppe - auth.) Has greatly elevated Russia, opened her "golden age". And it's nice. However, it would not hurt to say to whom Russia owes its rise. The Russians borrowed whole areas of activity from us.

“Rising… very delicate! - question: where are our people? What happened to our great people, which for fifteen hundred years inhabited the vast steppe areas of Europe and Asia? "

We can give an answer to the question of Murat Adzhiev.

Having suffered defeat in the internecine struggle with the Romanovs, the old Russian, "Mongol-Tatar" empire - it is the Horde or, as they like to write today "Steppe" - entered a new era, when a new dynasty, striving to consolidate its position, military force suppressed the resistance of the Horde Cossacks. And in general - the multinational population of the huge empire, both Russian and Turkic.

Murad Adzhiev confirms this conclusion:

Peter I, for example, ordered: "And the bastard is very quiet, so that they do not know how much it is possible to subtract." And they diminished from around the corner.

Right. The Romanovs tried in every possible way to distort the previous history, changing the coverage of many events of antiquity.

Murad Adzhiev continues:

The Kipchaks were not wild, slanting, as it is customary to exhibit us in Russian history. We are usually blue-eyed, fair-haired, stocky people... Before, the society of the steppe inhabitants was divided into three estates. The aristocrats were called bridles, simple people- Cossacks(! - author), and the slaves are kuls. These social differences were also emphasized by clothing: bridles wore astrakhan hats, Cossacks - sheepskin hats, and wearing hats was forbidden for kulam ... Fleeing from Mongol barbarism, part of the steppe aristocracy in the XIII-XIV centuries found refuge in the Caucasus.

Thus, from the words of Murat Adzhiev we, for the umpteenth time, see that Cossacks are a whole class of Turkic, that is Tatar people... Therefore, our statement that the Cossacks are the main component The horde is confirmed from many different angles. According to our reconstruction, the Cossacks-Turks came to the Caucasus during the military expansion of the Great Russian - "Mongol" Empire in the XIV-XV centuries. And got there simultaneously with the Russian Cossacks. Tertsi, for example.

“Part of the bridles found salvation in Russia. Dozens of Turkic clans then rushed to the north. It is enough to reveal the genealogical books of the Russian nobility to see what happened to these people, who is who in Russian history. Türks-Kipchaks who came from the Steppe, called RussiansMysterious transformation.

And the genealogical books are inexorable, they remind descendants that, for example, the Ermolov family comes from Arslan-Murza-Ermol, who in 1506 came to Russia from the Golden Horde. The Godunovs - from the Murza Chet, who left the Horde in 1330 ... Golitsyns, Kurakins, Dashkovs, Bulgakovs, Suvorovs, Kolokoltsevs, Ushakovs, Golenishchevs-Kutuzovs, Musins-Pushkins, Turgenevs, Aksakovyrs, Barakadyazins, Timyazovs other noble families are the descendants of the Polovtsian khans. "

“Just think - only three centuries ago everything was different in the Steppe. Three centuries is a very short period for history, only seven or eight generations. And then the inhabitants of the Tula, Tambov, Oryol and other now "Russian" regions were called Tatars. There were Don, Belgorod, Ryazan and other Tatars. Isn't it curious that old cemeteries in the same Ryazan, Orel or Tula are still called Tatar ».

Take a look at geographic map, almost all the names of black earth Russia are of the Turkic root... Oryol - "road to the rise", Oka - "river with the flow", Tula - "full", Saratov, Penza, Rostov, Azov, Aydyr, Buzuluk, Khoper. Dozens and dozens of titles. All of them are silent witnesses of the past ... How many deceptions and secrets are there in the history of the Russian state! »

“At the same holiday of the Adzhievs, do you think what melodies did the accordion play? Everything in the manner Kamarinskaya! Because this is our national music... What did we dance? I swear to say ashamed Russian square dance! Because this is our national dance tyuz tepsev, steppe people at weddings danced only him and the abezek. We danced in circles, they are called inderbay. We sang ditties, our national creativity ... Guard and hunting dogs, a loaf, a hut, a stove, a balalaika, a bathhouse, an accordion ... you can't list everything. In the 19th century, everything suddenly became "Russian", and we - a small unknown people. "

We must understand Murad Adzhiev.

He quite rightly points to the kinship of Russians and Turks (Tatars), Cossacks. But he is mistaken, contrasting the ancient Russians and the ancient Turks.

We affirm that they were once a single people. As well as by and large now. Mongolo-Tataria and Great Russia are one and the same. Not in the wild feather-grass steppes blown by cold winds, in the intervals between the disorderly horse raids, the "steppe inhabitants" gave birth to their culture. And in the cities and villages of the Great, that is, the "Mongolian" Horde Empire.

And the Cossacks - not former exiles - exiled, allegedly for their sins to the outskirts of the empire, but the great - "Mongolian" Russian Horde, which for several centuries kept strict order in the empire on its shoulders. No wonder the empire has grown to such an enormous size.

But Adzhiev correctly points to the secret, not widely discussed so far, but clearly manifested in real life, the policy of the Romanovs to a serious change in the entire structure Russian Empire... Artificial opposition of "steppe inhabitants" and "Russians", declaring the Mongol-Tatars "bad conquerors". And since the medieval "Mongol-Tatars" were declared alien enemies, both the Cossacks and the "steppe dwellers" of the Romanov times, the heirs of the Horde, fell under the blow of the new dynasty.

Adzhiev continues: “The Russians borrowed whole areas of activity from us. The Turks taught them to trade in the XIV century, before that the Russians traded and did not know money, they only exchanged goods at fairs. "Money", "goods", "customs", "comrade" and other words from the commercial vocabulary of Turkic origin. "

Everything is true with the exception of one - the erroneous Scaligerian chronology. Adzhiev, naturally, is convinced that Steppe Older"Rus", and therefore Russia borrowed everything from the Steppe.

They arose at the same time, and the Steppe, the Horde, the cavalry army, was originally part Rus. Together and at the same time they began to trade, together and at the same time they introduced the words “money” into circulation, and so on.

Therefore, many of Adzhiev's thoughts, based on correct remarks, are incorrect in interpretation. Therefore, they could be conventionally called right-wrong.

It should be said that many misunderstandings arising around our new chronology are due precisely to such correct-misconceptions... The fact is true and the interpretation is wrong. And each time this must be overcome, since we are all dominated by the long-term tradition of the erroneous Scaligerian chronology and Romanov history.