Alyosha popovich and tugarin snake main idea. Plots of epics about Alyosha Popovich. Rethinking the image. This is a saying, and now a fairy tale

Alyosha Popovich is a legendary Russian hero and warrior, who, as the youngest, is one of the three famous ancient Russian epic heroes. The image of this hero is more folklore and collective than real, but this character, according to historians, had its own real prototype, who lived around the 13th century on the territory of Kievan Rus. According to various versions, it could even be several people: the son of the Orthodox Rostov priest Leonty, a resident of the city of Piryatin in the Poltava region, and the famous hero Alexander the Horobr (Olesha), a famous historical and public figure who lived in Rostov in the 12-13 centuries.

The image of a hero - an epic hero

(Illustration of the hero-warrior Alyosha Popovich)

In the famous painting by artist Vasnetsov "Heroes" ( approx. fragment in the first image), written at the beginning of the 19th century, he is presented as a young warrior, in age he is much younger than the rest of the heroes, with a slightly sly and mysterious smile. As a weapon, he has a bow and a quiver of arrows, and a harp are tied at the saddle, which testifies to his cheerful disposition and lyricism of his character. In the epics, not even his strength as a warrior was noted in the first place (sometimes it was even emphasized as a kind of weakness of his lameness), but his prowess, dexterity, ingenuity, cunning, sharpness and resourcefulness. Alyosha is also fearless and strong, like other Russian heroes, but in his battles with enemies he tries to defeat them not by strength and power, but by intelligence, cunning and frankly reckless courage.

In general, the image of this hero is inherent in a certain duality, because along with his positive sides, the Russian people also rewarded him with not very flattering traits of character, such as boastfulness and arrogance with his exploits, cunning and resourcefulness, the ability for evil and sometimes insidious jokes, which were censured and were condemned by his older comrades in the military cause. Also, the weaknesses of the character of this epic character are envy and pride. However, in spite of all his shortcomings, he is a deeply religious and pious person (probably, the upbringing of the priest's father affected).

The famous exploits of the youngest of the heroes

The main occupation of the legendary hero was the service of the Kiev prince in the role of the defender of the Russian people from the enemies of the Kiev state. The main feat we attribute to this legendary hero is his victory over Tugarin, the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan who actually existed in life. In epics, this character is depicted as a kind of mythical monster, sometimes with the prefix Snake or Serpent, which makes him more frightening and mysterious. He comes to Kiev as a foreign invader, grand Duke Vladimir and his entourage are unable to resist him and accept him as a dear guest. Alyosha Popovich alone does not bow his head before him, treats him without respect and fear, challenges him to a duel and wins in a difficult battle, Again, according to the epic version, not with the help of strength and valor, but using natural ingenuity and cunning. The character of this epic hero is distinguished not only by courage and daring, but also by unrestrained youthful recklessness, adventurism, harsh statements and some thoughtlessness of actions. The battle with the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan turned out to be victory and glory for Alyosha, later folk storytellers created their own mythological version of this event, in which the khan was turned into a snake-like monster, defeated by Russian ingenuity, cunning, and of course courage.

The famous hero was seen in many internecine conflicts and battles of that time; he died in May 1223 on the Kalka River as a participant in the historical battle of the combined forces of the Slavs and Polovtsians against the Mongol-Tatar army.

It is a collective image of the Russian hero.

History of creation

Perhaps the hero Alyosha Popovich had a real prototype - a boyar from Rostov named Alexander, also Popovich. The chronicles describe this man as a famous warrior who was first in the service of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest, then of Konstantin Vsevolodovich, his son. This Alexander sided with the latter against Yuri, his brother, who wanted to seize the Vladimir princely throne.

A number of fights are described, where Alexander Popovich defeated the strongest warriors of Yuri Vsevolodovich. As a result, Yuri nevertheless becomes the prince of Vladimir, after Konstantin dies, and the prototype of Alyosha is forced to leave for Kiev, where he goes to serve the Grand Duke Mstislav, nicknamed the Old. In 1223, Alexander Popovich dies along with the new prince in the battle of Kalka.

Some scientists, however, argue that the situation is exactly the opposite, and these epics about Alyosha Popovich influenced how the chronicles say about the actually existing boyar Alexander. The image of Alyosha Popovich proper was formed on the basis of ideas about some ancient mythological hero. Scientists see archaic features and connections with the chthonic element in the descriptions of the hero.


Alyosha's father is Leonty Rostovsky, priest. how the main character Alyosha Popovich is present in two epics - “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin” and “Alyosha Popovich and the Zbrodovich's sister”. The hero also appears in fifty other texts, but by no means always appears to be a positive character. For example, in the epic Dobrynya at the wedding of his wife, the role of Alyosha is frankly negative.

The epics often indicate the hero's shortcomings, his lameness, weakness, etc. Alyosha's strengths are cunning and resourcefulness, onslaught and daring. The hero knows how to play the harp. At the same time, Alyosha does not behave honestly, even in relation to “his own”. The hero Dobrynya Nikitich is the named brother of the hero, nevertheless, Alyosha encroaches on his wife Nastasya. Having decided to take this woman as his wife, the hero spreads a false rumor that Dobrynya died.

Alyosha is the owner of an ambiguous and contradictory character. The hero is prone to evil and jokes, Alyosha is characterized by boastfulness, arrogance, dodging and slyness. The hero is often censured by his own fellow heroes, who treat him with condemnation. The main occupation of Alyosha, like a possible historical prototype of the hero, was the military service with the prince.

A number of legends are associated with the image of Alyosha. When a hero is born, thunder roars. As a baby, Alyosha asks him to wrap himself in chain mail, not in diapers, and immediately demands that his mother bless the hero, because he is impatient to walk around the world. Barely born, the hero already knows how to ride and wield a saber and a spear, shows dexterity and cunning, prone to all sorts of tricks and jokes.

The epic “Alyosha Popovich and the Zbrodovich's Sister” tells how Alyosha finds his wife Elena (Alenushka) and is endangered by the brothers. In one of the versions of this plot, the hero is even beheaded.

The duel with the evil hero Tugarin is the most archaic plot of those where Alyosha Popovich is mentioned. This battle takes place either in Kiev, or on the way there. Tugarin throws threats at the hero - he threatens that he will swallow him alive, burn him with fire, strangle him with smoke, etc. Often the scene of the fight takes place near the water, and Alyosha, after defeating Tugarin, cuts the corpse and scatters it across a clean field. The victory over Tugarin became the main feat of Alyosha.


Nowadays, Alyosha Popovich is known mainly from the series of animated films "Three Heroes" from the "Melnitsa" studio. The hero is present in four of them:

  • Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent (2004);
  • “Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen” (2010);
  • “Three heroes on the distant shores” (2012);
  • "Three heroes and the Sea King" (2017).

In the cartoon Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent, viewers learn about the hero's childhood. He was born into the family of a Rostov priest and grew up as a strong, but unlucky guy - he constantly created trouble. You get a chance to show yourself to the hero when a horde of nomads attacks the city. The adversaries demand tribute in gold, and Alyosha, together with old Tikhon, comes up with an "ingenious" plan: to put the collected gold in a huge heap under the mountain, and when the enemies enter the cave to collect the tribute - fill the entrance with a stone and immure the villains there.

The heroes did not take into account the laws of physics: the dropped stone rolled down the gentle slope of the mountain and fell on the city, causing unprecedented destruction, and the enemies disappeared along with the gold. Alyosha's "rating" in the eyes of his compatriots after that falls nowhere lower, and the hero goes in search of the missing gold. Behind him are tied old Tikhon, the loving girl Lyubava on a donkey and the bent grandmother. On the way, the heroes meet a talking horse - the horse Julia, and after that - an old one, who accidentally sends them on the wrong track. The heroes quarrel, reconcile, save Julia from the talking tree, defeat the army of nomads and Tugarin the Serpent, and then the greed of the Prince of Kiev, and together with the gold return to their native Rostov.

In the cartoon "Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen" Alyosha Popovich, his comrades begin to find out who is the best hero in Russia, and they quarrel. Meanwhile, the Shamakhan queen bewitched the prince of Kiev and wants to force him to marry himself. Alyosha Popovich receives a letter written by the horse Julius, who asks to get them and the prince out of the property.

The three of them go on a mission, but when they reach the place, they do not storm the gates at once, but go to rest. Alyosha, who climbed into the palace alone at night, is bewitched. The hero stuns his own comrades and drags them to prison. Bogatyrs overcome obstacles set up by enemies, fight monsters and even end up in China, and evil eventually wins over itself.

In the cartoon “Three heroes on the distant shores,” the dishonest merchant Kolyvan seizes power in Kiev, and the prince and his horse Yuli go underground. The conspiracy against the official authorities succeeds thanks to Baba Yaga, which lures the heroes into an enchanted barrel and throws them into the ocean, depriving Russia of its main defenders.

The place of the heroes is taken by magic "clones" who blindly obey Baba Yaga, while the real Alyosha, Ilya and Dobrynya find themselves on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, where they manage to relax and defeat the local monster at their leisure. Meanwhile, arbitrariness reigns in the principality, the disgraced prince organizes a partisan movement, and the wives of the heroes - Lyubava, Alyonushka and Nastasya Filippovna - come along with them to deal with the usurpers ...

In the latest cartoon, Three Heroes and the Sea King, Alyosha Popovich and his comrades travel to China to get a dragon's tooth. In all parts of the series, Alyosha was voiced by the actor.

Screen adaptations

In addition to the famous series of cartoons by the Melnitsa studio, you can also watch a number of films featuring Alyosha Popovich. The first - the movie fairy tale "Ilya Muromets" - was released in the days of the USSR. This tape was the first Soviet film released for the wide screen. The film was shot on the basis of epic plots and fairy tales, and the role of Alyosha Popovich was played by an actor.

Much later, in 2010, the film "Adventures in the Thirty Kingdom" was released with Alexei Shutov as Alyosha. There are modern kids, fans computer gamesgoing to the seashore, they find themselves in a fairy tale. The film received mostly negative audience reviews and low ratings.

The film "The Real Tale", released a year later, was already appreciated much higher. This is an alternative fairy tale story, where the characters of fairy tales moved to modern world and live among people. Vereshchagin. The painting was intended for the palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg (now it is the House of Scientists on the Palace Embankment).

In the second half of the twentieth century, a young artist who has a painting "Alyosha Popovich and the Red Maiden" began to develop the epic and mythological theme. There is no clear description of the hero's appearance, so the artists mainly relied on their creative imagination.

In the 19th century, the hero "seeped" into literature, wrote poems and ballads about him Nikolai Radishchev and.


“I'm afraid of a serious relationship ?! Ha ha! I don’t smile at myself in the mirror because I’m so serious! ”
“Hungry, shaggy? Taste the heroic strength! "
"Is this a heroic thing - to do the woman's work around the house ?!"
"Lyubava: - Don't break the composition! ...
Alyonushka: - Have a conscience, finally! You are disrupting our competition "The Image of Heroes in Folk Art"!
Alyosha: - If only the adversaries had swooped down, or something, they would have tasted the heroic strength!
Dobrynya: What are the enemies now, they killed everyone ...
Ilya: Yes ... hurry up. "

Topic: "Epic" Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich. "

Purpose: to acquaint with the Russian folk tale "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich".


  • to consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian heroes, armor.

develop the ability to independently answer questions with a full sentence, use in
speech adjectives (definitions) and be able to coordinate them with a noun in the right
number, case.

To develop the ability to express their impressions in speech, express judgments, assessments.

  • develop aesthetic feelings, thinking, memory, imagination.

foster respect for the historical heroic heritage of the native country, pride in
their homeland.

Equipment: painting by V.MVasnetsov "Heroes"; pictures of armor, weapons, costume
hero, horse; models of trees, stone; cut pictures; video quiz.

The course of the lesson.

1. Game moment.

Educators-Hello, good fellows, red girls, my name is Vasilisa the Wise
i invite you on a journey through the fabulous Russian forest.

This forest is unusual, fairy-tale heroes live in it, but you will find out which ones by guessing riddles:
Nightingale whistle,

Eagle eye
Not a beast, not a hunter,

A (Nightingale - Robber).

From behind the hills and fields
A certain beast appeared.

He had fire in his nostrils.

The night became like day.

He stole Fun

Dragged into the oak grove. (The Fiery Serpent).

2 Main part.

Guys, who defeated the Fire Serpent and the Nightingale - the Rogue? (Bogatyr).

Educator : "Listen, I think someone is coming to us"

(The "hero" enters).


"Strong, mighty
Bogatyrs in glorious Russia!

Do not gallop enemies on our land!

Do not trample their horses on the Russian land!

They cannot outshine the red sun! "

Bogatyr: “Hello, I heard the rumor of people and galloped to you for help. rubbed off on
scroll words from time to time, do not read the second part of the proverb. "

Educator: "Let's help the Bogatyr read the proverbs."

"Die yourself, - help your friend out "

"The happiness of the Motherland is more precious than life"

"For a just cause -stop boldly "

“The hero dies once,and a coward - a thousand "

"A man without a homeland -what a nightingale without a song "

"There is safety in numbers"

Bogatyr: "Thank you, you helped, and what are these proverbs about?"(About the Motherland, about glory, about valor)

  • Who are the heroes?(Warriors, strongmen, fighters).
  • What are they - heroes?(Strong, brave, brave, fearless, brave).
  • What were the heroes famous for?(Protected our land from enemies).
  • How did you and I learn about the heroes?(From fairy tales, epics).
  • What is an epic?(This is a reality that was a long time ago).

What epics do you know?("Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - a robber», "About Dobrynya Nikitich
Snake Gorynycha "," Nikita Kozhemyaka ".)

Educator: - guys, do you want to become heroes too? (we want).

Fi zminutka

They got up together - one, two, three.
We are now heroes.

We will put our palm to our eyes,
Let's set our strong legs,
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.

And to the left, too.

Look from under the palms,

And right, and more

Let us put our legs apart with the letter L.

As if in a dance - hands on hips.
Leaned left, right.

It turns out wonderfully well!

Educator : “Guys, do you know before you go on a long journey what was
to choose a Russian soldier? "
(They had to rip out the road on which to go. They stood in front of
the stone on which it was written where to go).
There is such a stone in our fairy forest and it
will show us the way: if you go to the right, you will not go far.

If you go straight, you will find yourself in a strange group.

if you go left, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Educator: Children, where are we going?

Educator: “Guys, what a miracle, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful? What kind of picture has appeared before us? "

(map on In M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs")

Conversation on the picture.

  • Remember the name of the hero in the middle?(Ilya Muromets)
  • (The oldest, most powerful, experienced hero.)
  • Why is he called Ilya Muromets?(Because he is from the city of Murom),
  • What else do you know about him?
  • What kind of armor protects Ilya Muromets?(Chainmail, helmet)
  • What is he armed with 1? (He has a spear in one hand,in another - damask club, shield on the side)
  • Tell us about the horse.(The horse is black, his name is Burushka, he is just as mighty and strong,
    as his master)
  • Who is on your left?(Nikitich).
  • What can you tell us about him?(He is strong, brave...)
  • Who else will add?
  • What kind of armor protects Dobrynya Nikitich?(Chainmail, helmet)
  • What is he armed with? ( In one hand he holds a shield, in the other a sword)
  • Tell us about the horse.(Horse white, with a white mane, he looks into the distance, like his master,
    looking out for enemies)
  • Who is pictured to your right?(Alesha Popovich)
  • Why was he so nicknamed "?
  • What can you tell us about him?(Alyosha Popovich is the youngest hero, but the same

brave and brave ...) d

  • What kind of armor protects Alyosha Popovich?(Chainmail, helmet)
  • What is he armed with? (Bow and arrow)
  • What weighs from his side?(gusli).
  • Why do you think?
  • Tell us about the horse.(The horse is bay, red in color, he lowered his head, as if he was listening
    to the trampling of the hooves of enemy horses)

What are the heroes guarding?(Russian land and its borders)

  • AND now look at the landscape surrounding the heroes. Describe it.

(We see hilly meadows, a forest, small Christmas trees, pines, heavy, leaden clouds in the sky.)

Educator: That's right, you said. Fir-trees and pines - native trees of the Russian land, show
that the heroes stand on their native land, guarding its peace. Small trees emphasize strength
heroes. Looking at the low lead clouds, it seems that nature is on the alert
together with the heroes. This picture contains all the strength and kindness of the Russian people.

Fishy is sympathetic

Bogatyr, this is what he isshow "strongman"

He is strong and healthy.

He fired a bow.imitate movements

He threw his club aptly,

I stood at the border.

Keenly, keenly watched.

We are growing up, look

Let's become like heroes!raise their hands up.

  • Today we will meet the epic "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich."

Dictionary work by words. 1. Fathom - the distance between outstretched fingers outstretched
(swinging)hands : oblique fathom - the distance from the toes with the toe turned sideways to
copies of paliae of the hand extended diagonally above the head: mountain - unheated, clean
a room in a peasant dwelling
upper room means higher (cf.mountain ). that is high
a place.

Reading the epic "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich."

Video quiz on what was read.

1 Who did Alyosha Popovich go to Kiev with?

  • Ilya Muromets,

Tugarin Zmeevich.

Yakim Ivanovich.

  1. How did Alyosha Popovich set off?

Rode a horse

I went on foot

I went on a bike.

  1. Who met Alyosha Popovich in the prince's court?

Prince Vladimir with the princess,

Nightingale the Rogue,

Tugarin Zmeevich.

  1. Who sat down at the table next to the prince and princess?

Alesha Popovich,

Yakim Ivanovich.

Tugarin Zmeevich.

  1. What dish did Tugarin swallow first?

Fried potatoes,

Fried swan

Fried fish.

  1. With the help of what Alyosha Popovich defeated Tugarin Zmeevich?




Sedentary game "Collect the armor of a hero".Slide captions:

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich The presentation was prepared by Popova Oksana Yurievna

Vocabulary work: Fathom

Vocabulary work: room

Quiz based on the epic "alesha popovich and tugarin the serpent"

How did Alyosha Popovich set off? 1. On a horse 2. Went on foot 3. By bike

Who did Alesha Popovich go to Kiev with? 1.Ilya Muromets 2.Nikita Kozhemyaka 3.Yakim Ivanovich

Who met Alesha Popovich and Yakim Ivanovich in the prince's court? 1. Prince Vladimir with Princess 2. Tugarin Zmeevich 3. Nightingale the Robber

Who sat next to the prince and princess at the table? 1.Yakim Ivanovich 2.Tugarin Zmeevich 3.Alesha Popovich

What treat did Tugarin Zmelevich swallow first? 1.Fried potatoes 2.Fried swan 3.Fried fish

With the help of what Alyosha Popovich defeated Tugarin Zmelevich? 1.Sword 2.Maces 3.Spears

IN Ancient Rus believed that in reality there lived a fellow named Alyosha Popovich - the son of a Rostov priest, a brave, mighty and cheerful hero. And we have every reason to believe this. The chronicles tell about the brave Rostov hero Alexander Popovich. He died in 1223 in the famous battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the Kalka River, showing miracles of daring and strength. The story of the Tver chronicler about the exploits of Alexander Popovich, famous in the Rostov land, had as its source some local legends about the hero Alyosha Popovich. The names Alexander and Alexey have a common root. Alyosha is called in some epics the son of St. Leonty, the glorified Rostov saint, whose relics still rest in the Assumption Cathedral of Rostov the Great. The fact that Alyosha Popovich is from Rostov is also evidenced by the most important epic about this hero - “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich”. It begins with the words "From the glorious city of Rostov ..." But the hero protects not only his hometown, but the entire Russian land. On the Rosstani near the stone, the hero of three roads chooses the one that leads to the capital.
The first road to Murom lies
Another road to Chernihiv-grad
The third is to the city to Kiev ..
Alyosha Popovich Young told him:
-It's better for us to go to the city to Kiev
After all, the Kiev prince in the era of the unification of the Russian principalities is the head of the united Russian land. The main feat of this hero is a duel with Tugarin, a dangerous oppressor of Russia, who threatens her with death. Alyosha defends his homeland and takes revenge for all the disasters that Tugarin brought to Russia. The epic of many peoples praises the struggle of heroes-heroes with mythological creatures who represent a world hostile to people: snakes, dragons, monsters. In Russian epics, in the images of serpents, dragons and other monsters, the real enemies of Russia are depicted, foreign invaders who raided Russia. They are endowed with both animal and human properties. So Tugarin, who is also called the Serpent-what, is depicted as a vile and dangerous monster. There are versions of the epic about Tugarin, where he is represented as a man - a fiery rider, whose horse spews fire. Some scholars of epics believe that Tugarin is the Polovtsian Khan Tugor-kan. But the historical details in the epic indicate that the image of the serpent Tugarin carries the generalized features of the Mongol-Tatar invaders. Prince Vladimir and the princess welcome Tugarin with honor, because they are powerless to resist the ugly, disgusting monster.
Tugarin Zmeevich breathes fire, throws sparks.
Only Alyosha watches Tugarin without fear, who in one sitting swallows a swan and drinks half a bucket of wine. Alyosha is a hero who not only has a good command of the sword, but also will not miss a word. On his lips there is always a well-aimed and sharp joke. Tugarin got mad at these words. He threw a damask knife at Alyosha, but Alyosha managed to grab it. They go to the open field to fight one on one. Alyosha is strong, but he knows that over everyone there is the power of God. He prayed all night with tears that the Lord would give rain and it would rain. The wings of the serpent were soaked, and the evil serpent could not take off. Not only courage, but also cunning helps the hero to defeat Tugarin. He distracts the enemy by asking:
"What kind of power are you leading?" Tugarin looked around ...
Vtapory Alyosha jumped up, cut off his head.
And my head fell on the cheese earth like a beer cauldron.
The bogatyr defeats the opponent not only by strength, but also by superiority of mind. If it were not for the sharpness of the hero, he himself would have perished and ruined the case. Alyosha Popovich is not as strong as Ilya and Dobrynya, but other qualities help him. As Ilya says: "Alyosha is not strong by force, but he dared to admit it." The boundless courage of this hero, lively, perky character, dexterity, resourcefulness help to destroy the invincible Tugarin.
Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich, despite the fact that they are so different, form, as it were, a single whole. They are brothers of the cross, they have a common aspiration: they do not know a higher goal than serving the motherland, for which they are ready to give their lives.

The hero of the Russian land, Alyosha Popovich and his servant Yakim Ivanovich rode from the glorious city of Rostov. They drove, drove through the fields, along the valleys, and came across a stone lying at the intersection of three roads. He asked Alyosha and Yakima to look at what was written on that stone. The servant dismounted and read the inscription, it was written there that these roads lead to three different cities of Murom, Chernigov and Kiev. The heroes decided to go to the capital city of Kiev, to Prince Vladimir.

They arrived in Kiev, bowed to Prince Vladimir, his wife Aprakseevna, and met. The prince seated the good fellows at the table to feast, offered Alyosha the best place, but he refused, sat down next to his servant Yakim. Bogatyrs are sitting eating, and then the filthy monster Tugarin Zmeevich is brought in. Alyosha began to compete with the snake, comparing him with his father's animals, which eat without knowing the measure, and then die. Popovich did not like how ugly the monster behaves at the table, and in relation to Prince Vladimir, to his wife he sticks. The courtiers scoff at Vladimir. Alyosha expressed his displeasure with the snake. And the snake was also not happy with the hero. He threw a damask knife at Alyosha Popovich, but then his faithful friend Yakim Ivanovich arrived in time, took the trouble away from his master, intercepted the dagger on the fly. The hero and Tugarin agreed to go out to battle.

To the wife of Prince Vladimir Tugarin Zmeevich was a heartfelt friend. The whole city thought that the serpent would win, and Prince Vladimir hoped for a hero, his wife, Aprakseevna, dreamed of seeing Alyosha amazed, and her lover a winner.

It's time to fight. Alyosha prayed to God, asked for intercession and rushed to the enemy. In an unequal battle, the hero, thanks to his wisdom and the Lord's help, defeated the snake, beheaded him. Alyosha took Tugarin's head, fitted it to the horse, and drove to Kiev, to the prince's court. When Aprakseevna heard the noise, she thinks that the bogatyr's serpent has overcome, and the body carries him, but she turned out to be wrong. Alyosha Popovich arrived, threw the head of his enemy to the ground. Nobody even hoped to see the hero alive, but here is such a turn. The princess was upset at the eternal separation from her friend Tugarin, and Vladimir was delighted, led Popovich to the table, to celebrate the victory. Then the prince called the hero to serve him and live in Kiev, and Alyosha agreed.

Good always triumphs over evil, and friendship and faith in God helps to cope with any difficulties. If we did not have friends and hope in God, life would be hard.

Picture or drawing Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin snake

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