Mochalov sergey gennadievich FSB biography. Mochalov sergey gennadievich. State Duma deputies and the FSB leadership took part in the opening of the only Dzerzhinsky museum in Russia

It took operatives from the departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kamchatka Territory only a few hours to establish the personal data of all members of the killer brigade who flew to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to eliminate the FSB officer. But when the criminals were detained and began to testify, the criminal case opened on the fact of attempted murder (Articles 30 and 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was classified, and information about the brilliant result of the coordinated joint work of the employees of the Kamchatka departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not get into press releases law enforcement agencies and news feeds of news agencies. Perhaps they decided to cover up the criminal case with a camouflage of secrecy because the thread of the perpetrators' testimony led to the customer, who supposedly turned out to be ... an FSB colonel.

FSB operative Alexander Nechaev was attacked on October 18 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There were three attackers. But the officer was not frightened, did not lose his head, did not humbly wait until he was killed. Nechaev rebuffed the criminals. The officer was taken to the hospital with multiple knife wounds and operated on. Nechaev was still in the intensive care unit, was recovering from anesthesia and could not testify, and the joint operational-search group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB had already seized all the recordings from CCTV cameras in the area of suspects look, but also identify them by finding out their personal data.

By the time the suspects were identified, they had already left Kamchatka and were on board a plane flying from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow. At this time, the central office of the FSB received an encrypted message with the flight number, names, surnames and descriptions of the suspects in the attack on the FSB officer. A special rapid reaction unit moved to Domodedovo, and when the plane landed, all the suspects were detained. And they sent them back to Kamchatka, where they were escorted to the pre-trial detention center by the decision of the city court. At the very first interrogations, the testimony of the killers stunned the investigators. It turned out that the "liquidation order" came from Voronezh.

By the time of the interrogations, the investigators had already broken through the billing of the suspects' phones and what in the language of the operatives is called "the contacts of the defendants", and had already established that the guests of Kamchatka who were interested in the investigation were actively in contact with the Voronezh businessman Alexander Asafov.

In the late nineties, Asafov was better known in Voronezh as the leader of the “boxer brigade” under the nickname Strong. But since 1998, having been released after his fourth conviction, Asafov went into business, in fact, almost monopolizing the alcohol market in the Voronezh region. Asafov no longer came into the field of view of law enforcement officers. And even, on the contrary, he was friends with many security officials. Including with the first deputy head of the FSB department in the Voronezh region, Colonel Oleg Burlin.

The investigation suspected that Asafov acted as an intermediary between the killers and the customer of the murder of Alexander Nechaev.

Based on the principle of the presumption of innocence, we cannot call Oleg Burlin the mastermind behind the murder of Alexander Nechaev. But we can try to reconstruct the events that took place before the attempt on Nechaev's life and after the perpetrators of the attempt were arrested and transferred to the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky pre-trial detention center.

Prior to his appointment to the Far Eastern Federal District, Alexander Nechaev served in the Voronezh department of the FSB. In Voronezh, they say that Colonel Oleg Burlin "developed personal hostility" towards Nechaev (some sources hint at a classic love triangle). It was Burlin who allegedly had a hand in transferring Nechaev from Voronezh to the Far East. True, the head of the Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia Nikolai Zakharov, in response to an inquiry from Novaya, denied this rumor, writing that “The employees specified in the request have never been among themselves in relation to subordination, which excludes the possibility of one of them making decisions about transferring the other to a new duty station”.

Two weeks before the attack on Nechaev, on October 4, 2014, Oleg Burlin was appointed head of the FSB department for the Kirov region. But already on January 15 of this year, a new leader was introduced to the Kirov Chekists ( Colonel Sergei Mochalov.THEM.). At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, Colonel Burlin was not present at the ceremony of introducing the new leader. In the already mentioned response to our request, the head of the DSP of the FSB of Russia Nikolai Zakharov emphasized: "We draw your attention to the fact that the employee who replaced the post of the head of the FSB department of Russia in the Kirov region was dismissed from military service in 2015 for family reasons in accordance with the report he submitted."

Agree, it is at least bewildering that an officer appointed to the general's position on October 4, three months later, submits a letter of resignation of his own free will. But even greater bewilderment was caused by the response to Novaya's inquiry, which we received from the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Kamchatka Territory, which is currently processing a criminal case on the assassination of FSB officer Alexander Nechaev. Senior Assistant to the Head of the Department, Major of Justice Elena Matafanova told Novaya Gazeta that "Asafov and Burlin were interrogated as witnesses in the criminal case."

The interrogation of Asafov as a witness can also be explained by the fact that the suspects who attacked the FSB officer testified about the Voronezh businessman, explaining their visit to Kamchatka by his request. But why did Burlin become a witness in the criminal case? If, according to the FSB DSP, Burlin and Nechaev, I repeat the quote from the response to the request: "... have never been among themselves in relation to subordination"? Or is the status of "witness" an intermediate status, and the investigation took a break before bringing charges so that the current FSB colonel had time to remove his shoulder straps? Or has it already been decided that the assassination attempt on the FSB officer had no customers?

P.S. We continue to follow the progress of the investigation into the attempted murder of FSB officer Alexander Nechaev and are ready to listen to Oleg Burlin and Alexander Asafov in order to acquaint Novaya's readers with their versions of the motives for the crime.

The FSB generals, who are currently in charge of this service, form the basis of this key structure, which is designed to ensure the national security of the state. in its current state it was formed in 1995, since then the closest attention has been riveted to its leaders.

Director of the FSB of Russia

Only FSB generals are currently in key leadership positions in this department. There are no lower-ranked military personnel in the positions of either first deputies or deputy directors of the service.

The head of the FSB of Russia is currently Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov. He has been in this post since May 2008, after his predecessor Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev resigned.

Bortnikov was born in 1951 in the city of Molotov, as Perm was called at that time. He is a graduate of the Institute of Railway Engineers, from which he graduated in Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB. Then he began to serve in the state security agencies. Supervised the counterintelligence divisions. The service remained in this direction even after the liquidation of the KGB and the formation of the FSB of Russia.

In 2003, Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov headed the regional administration for the Leningrad Region and the city of St. Petersburg. Then he headed the economic security service, which works as part of the department. In 2006 he was promoted to Colonel General of the FSB. According to some reports, he received the next rank of army general in a few months - in December of the same year.

In 2008, he headed the department, at the same time taking the post of chairman of the national. Member of various government and interdepartmental commissions on the widest range of issues.

Vladimir Kulishov

In order to get the most complete picture of the leadership of the FSB department, let us dwell on the personalities of the first deputy directors of this department. There are currently two of them. All of them are generals of the FSB of Russia.

Vladimir Kulishov holds the rank of General of the Army. He has been the first deputy director since March 2013. In parallel, he heads the Border Service of the Russian Federation, which is also part of the FSB.

Kulishov Vladimir Grigorievich was born in the Rostov region in 1957. He studied at the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, which was based in Kiev. After receiving a diploma of higher education, he worked at a civil aviation plant.

He found himself in the structure of state security agencies in 1982. By that time, Vladimir Grigorievich Kulishov had already graduated from the KGB Higher School. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he continued to serve in the state security agencies. In 2000, he got into the central administrative apparatus of the FSB of Russia.

Then, for a year, he headed the department for the Saratov region. Since 2004, he began to supervise the department for combating terrorism, headed the FSB department for the Chechen Republic. Since 2008, he has held the post of Deputy Director of the Federal Office. In 2013, he was promoted to the post of first deputy and headed the Border Guard Service.

He served in Chechnya, has the Order of Military Merit and the Order of Service to the Fatherland, III degree.

Sergey Smirnov

The FSB general is another first deputy director of the department. He is from Chita, where he was born in 1950. In his infancy, the family moved to Leningrad, where he spent his childhood and youth. At school he was a classmate of Boris Gryzlov (ex-minister of internal affairs and ex-chairman of the State Duma) and Nikolai Patrushev (ex-director of the FSB of Russia).

He graduated from the Bonch-Bruyevich Electrotechnical Institute, which was opened in Leningrad. In his student years, he was also closely acquainted with Gryzlov, they studied together again. He began to work at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications.

He got into the structure of the KGB of the USSR in 1974. Since 1975 he has been working in the Leningrad administration. First, he held operational and then leadership positions.

In 1998 he got a job in the central office of the FSB. He headed the department of his own security. In 2000 he became deputy director of the FSB, and since 2003 - first deputy. Has the rank of General of the Army.

First head of department

Throughout Russian history, 7 people were in charge of the federal department of the FSB. The very first in 1993 was Colonel General Nikolai Mikhailovich Golushko. At that time, the structure was just being formalized and was officially called the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Golushko held this post for only two months, after which he was appointed by President Boris Yeltsin as an adviser to the director of the FSB. During the years of Soviet power, he headed the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR.

Stepashin - Director of the FSB

In March 1994, Lieutenant General Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin became the head of the Federal Counterintelligence Service. Under him, the Federal Security Service was founded in April 1995. Formally, he became the first director of the FSB of Russia. True, he spent only two and a half months in this position.

After that, he did not get lost in high government positions. Stepashin was the Minister of Justice, headed the first deputy and until 2013 headed the Accounts Chamber. Currently, he is the head of the supervisory board of a state corporation, which is engaged in promoting the reform of the Russian housing and communal services.

FSB leadership in the 90s

In 1995, General of the Army Mikhail Ivanovich Barsukov came to the post of director of the FSB. He has been in the KGB system of the Soviet Union since 1964. He was the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, acted as an attesting witness during the arrest of the Deputy Prime Minister of one of the inspirers of the Emergency Committee.

In the 90s, Barsukov was often criticized by colleagues in the shop. In particular, accusing him of low professional qualities. For example, according to the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov, Barsukov's entire service took place in the Kremlin, he was responsible for the security of the top officials of the state. Many believed that Barsukov ended up at the head of the security service only thanks to the head of Yeltsin's security, Alexander Korzhakov, who had some influence over the president.

In June 1996, he resigned after a scandal during Yeltsin's election campaign. His name is closely related to the detention of activists from the presidential campaign headquarters, Lisovsky and Yevstafiev, who tried to take out half a million dollars in a paper box.

Director Nikolay Kovalev

In 1996, the service was headed by FSB General Nikolai Dmitrievich Kovalev. Unlike his predecessors, he spent a little over two years in this post. Nikolai Kovalev has been serving in the state security agencies since 1974. He was appointed to the post of FSB director after a scandal over alleged violations of the rules of currency transactions and the conduct of Boris Yeltsin's presidential campaign in 1996.

During his leadership of the service, Nikolai Kovalev managed to organize the productive work of the department. Its employees have become less likely to get on the pages of the press in connection with various scandals.

After his release from office, he became. Occupies the chair of the people's choice from the third to the seventh convocations, inclusive. He is a member of the "United Russia" faction, heads the expert council of the "Officers of Russia" organization.

Future president

In July 1998, Kovalev was replaced by the future president of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was the only head of department who by that time did not have a military rank. Putin was only a reserve colonel.

The future head of state entered the KGB system back in 1975, immediately after graduating from Leningrad State University. He ended up in the KGB through distribution.

Having become the head of the FSB, he appointed his well-known Patrushev, Ivanov and Cherkesov as his deputies. Reorganized the entire service. In particular, he abolished the department for economic counterintelligence, and also liquidated the counterintelligence department for the provision of strategic objects. Instead, he created six new directorates. Achieved significant salary increases and uninterrupted funding. Interestingly, Putin himself wished to be the first civilian director of the FSB, abandoning the rank of major general, which Yeltsin had suggested to him.

Putin left the post of FSB director on August 9, becoming the chairman of the government. Two days earlier, Chechen fighters under the command of Khattab and Basayev entered Dagestan. The creation of the Islamic State of Dagestan was proclaimed.

Already prime minister, Putin spearheaded an operation against the militants. In mid-September, they were finally driven out of Dagestan.

Nikolay Patrushev

After the transfer of Vladimir Putin to leading positions in the federal government, the FSB was headed by Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev. He held this post for 9 years.

It was during the period of his work that he had to confront the militants and terrorists. The Federal Security Service began to occupy a key position in ensuring the country's security.

Patrushev currently holds the post of Secretary of the Federal Security Council.

FSB General Ugryumov

Over the years, a large number of officers have held the post of deputy director of the FSB. Perhaps the most notable of them was Admiral German Alekseevich Ugryumov. This is the only naval officer to hold such a high position.

Ugryumov was originally from Astrakhan, in 1967 he entered the Navy. In 1975 he found himself in the system of the Soviet KGB. Supervised the special department of the Caspian military flotilla. In the 90s, he became one of the initiators of the case against journalist Grigory Pasko, who was prosecuted for espionage.

As deputy director of the FSB, he oversaw the work of the Special Purpose Center. It was to this unit that the famous special groups "Vympel" and "Alpha" belonged. He was noted for the conduct of counter-terrorist operations in the Chechen Republic. In particular, the liberation of Gudermes in 1999, the capture of one of the militant leaders Salman Raduev, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazorevskoye are associated with his figure.

In May 2001, he was awarded the rank of admiral. The next day he died of a heart attack.

FSB general uniform

To distinguish the generals to whom our article is devoted is quite simple in form.

It was last modified in 2006. Now the uniform is of a khaki color, it is distinguished by buttonholes and chevrons, as well as the cornflower-blue color of the gaps on the shoulder straps.

- Russian statesman, general of the army (December 20, 2006). Since May 12, 2008 Director of the FSB of Russia, Chairman of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and Chairman of the Council of Heads of Security Bodies and Special Services of the CIS countries


FSB declassified service data

A book dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the regional FSB was presented in Kirov.

Today, May 29, in the library. Herzen hosted a presentation of the book released for the 100th anniversary of the regional FSB, the press center of the regional government said. The head of the Kirov FSB department, Sergei Mochalov, said that the idea of ​​creating a book was born a little over a year ago. The faculty of the Vyatka State University, veterans and current employees of the Kirov FSB Department worked on the book. “The concept of the book was formed almost immediately. Throughout history, the state security agencies have been renamed many times. We decided to divide the edition into significant dates. We started with the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission. The book contains many memoirs of veterans, historical essays and copies of important documents, ”said Sergei Mochalov.

State Duma deputies and the FSB leadership took part in the opening of the only Dzerzhinsky museum in Russia

In the village of Kai, Kirov region, the only house-museum of F.E. Dzerzhinsky, restored with the support of URALCHEM. The opening ceremony was attended by Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov, State Duma deputies Rakhim Azimov and Nikolai Zemtsov, First Deputy Head of the Department of Organizational and Personnel Work of the FSB of Russia, Lieutenant General Sergei Shishkalov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the FSB of Russia Alexander Zhdankov, Head of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov Region Sergey Mochalov and other officials.

FSB officers neutralized the "terrorists" who hijacked the plane at Pobedilovo. Photo and video

Yesterday, September 6, 2016, the operational headquarters under the leadership of the head of the FSB of Russia for the Kirov region, Major General Sergei Mochalov, conducted a planned exercise at an air transport facility.

The exercise was attended by units of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, TsSSI FSO, FSIN, executive authorities of the Kirov region.

FSB officers neutralized "terrorists" in "Dymka"

From May 27 to June 2, 2016, the operational headquarters in the Kirov region under the leadership of the head of the FSB of Russia in the Kirov region, Sergei Mochalov, conducted a planned exercise.

The exercises were attended by units of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, TsSSI FSO, FSIN, executive authorities of the Kirov region. According to the plan of the exercise, the terrorists took hostages in the building of the "Dymka" children's and youth sports school and put forward political demands against the Russian leadership.

The FSB Directorate for the Kirov region introduced a new chief

According to the source, Sergei Mochalov became the new head of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov Region. Today, January 15, 2015, he was presented to the personnel.

According to a source familiar with the situation, Colonel Sergei Gennadievich Mochalov previously held the post of deputy head of the Vologda Oblast Directorate and the Central Office of the FSB of Russia. He began his duties as the head of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov region today, January 15. Sergei Mochalov replaced Colonel Oleg Burlin in this position, who was forced to leave his position at the end of December 2014.

The head of the regional FSB assured that the "90s" will not return to Kirov

Is it possible, against the background of the current economic situation in the country, the emergence of new organized criminal groups in the Kirov region, which will be engaged in the redistribution of business? Those who have received serious sentences of imprisonment in the "dashing" 90s have been released and are still going free. Will they all learn to live according to the law in the new realities?

The Kirov department of the FSB was headed by Sergei Mochalov.

In this position, he replaced Oleg Burlin, who arrived in Kirov from the Voronezh department of the FSB and worked in the Kirov region for only three and a half months. Prior to this, the Kirov Chekists were headed by Sergei Trushkin, who left to work in the North Caucasus. All that is known about Sergei Gennadievich Mochalov is that for some time he served in the FSB Directorate for the Vologda Region and in the central office of the RF FSB.

FSB prevented terrorist attacks in Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk: two residents of Kirov were detained on terrorism charges

The amount of explosives discovered by the terrorists was 700-800 grams, a substance more powerful than TNT, which made it possible to detonate all the objects they planned. During the operation, on January 25 at 18 o'clock, FSB officers in the Kirov region, in addition to homemade explosives, found F-1 grenades, many cartridges for PM, revolver and hunting weapons, a clock mechanism, a fuse, as well as letters with threats and documents, by rail confirming the guilt of those arrested.

Colonel Mochalov Sergey Gennadievich has been appointed head of the FSB of Russia for the Kirov region, the press service of the department reported. It is noted that earlier he served in the central office of the FSB of Russia and the FSB of Russia in the Vologda region.

The only information about the former head of the Kirov security service, Oleg Burlin, is that he has been relieved of his post.

By the way, Colonel Burlin took over as head of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov Region in September 2014, replacing Sergei Trushkin, who had left to work in the North Caucasus.

Sergey Mochalov became the new head of the Kirov FSB department

He replaced Oleg Burlin, who served in this position for only three months.

Business news in Kirov and the Kirov region January 16. Sergei Mochalov became the new head of the Kirov FSB Directorate.

Sergei Mochalov: "Dashing" 90s will not return

The head of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov region, Sergei Mochalov, commented to the portal about the possibility of new organized crime groups appearing in the region.

The Kirov department of the FSB has a new head

Yesterday, a new head was introduced to the employees of the FSB department in the Kirov region. According to a Kommersant source, Colonel Sergei Mochalov became him, previously held various positions in the structures of the FSB in Moscow and Vologda. Sergei Mochalov replaced Colonel Oleg Burlin in this position, who worked in Kirov for three months - he was transferred to the Kirov FSB department from the post of the first deputy head of the FSB department in the Voronezh region.

The new head of the regional FSB took up duties

This week, Colonel Oleg Burlin took the place of the head of the federal security service in the Kirov region, the press service explained. The decree on his appointment was signed by the President of Russia. Earlier Burlin served as the first deputy head of the FSB of Russia in the Voronezh region.

Let us remind you that the former head of the regional FSB department, Sergei Trushkin, is leaving to work in North Ossetia. He was appointed head of the local department of the federal security service. Governor Nikita Belykh presented Trushkin with an award for services to the region.

Who ordered the FSB officer?

Two weeks before the attack on Nechaev, on October 4, 2014, Oleg Burlin was appointed head of the FSB department for the Kirov region. But already on January 15 of this year, a new leader was introduced to the Kirov Chekists (Colonel Sergei Mochalov - IM). At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, Colonel Burlin was not present at the ceremony of introducing the new leader. In the already mentioned response to our request, the head of the DSP of the FSB of Russia Nikolai Zakharov emphasized: "Please note that the employee who replaced the position of the head of the FSB of Russia in the Kirov region was dismissed from military service in 2015 for family reasons in accordance with the report he submitted."

New head of the FSB appointed in the Kirov region

The FSB of Russia for the Kirov region has a new head again. The other day he was introduced to his subordinates. Colonel Sergei Mochalov, who previously served in the central apparatus of the FSB and in the Vologda region, was appointed the new head of the department.

"Blowing up is no longer fashionable": the head of the FSB for the Kirov region says that the 90s will not return

Sergei Mochalov said that, despite the economic crisis and the massive release of people who received long prison sentences in the 90s, one should not be afraid of a new rampant banditry.

FSB anti-terrorist exercises were held in the Kirov region

The head of the FSB of Russia for the Kirov region, in agreement with the Chairman of the NAC - the director of the FSB of Russia, made (within the framework of the exercises) a decision to introduce a legal regime and conduct a counter-terrorist operation.

Sergey Solodovnikov may be transferred to Samara

Let us remind you that this is not the first rotation in power structures in the Kirov region. In January 2015, the head of the FSB department for the Kirov region was replaced. Colonel Sergei Mochalov replaced Oleg Burlin, who was appointed in October 2014, in this post. Also this year it became known that the chief prosecutor of the Kirov region, Sergei Berizhitsky, may go to service in Orenburg. On January 26, at a meeting of the government of the Orenburg region, his candidacy was agreed upon for the post of prosecutor of the Orenburg region.