The festival of yard games started in Ulan-Ude (photo). Sports entertainment for senior preschool children "festival of yard games" Tournaments festivals projects events yard games


The Yard Games Festival is a great alternative to gadgets!

In order to popularize mass games as a form of active leisure for children and adolescents, as well as to form the ideology of an active and healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, on June 19, 2019, from 18.00 at the Bench "Read and Play Know" in the Amusement Park of the Spartanovka village, the Festival of yard games will be held in within the city leisure project "Your Summer".

Children and parents of the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd are invited. The organizers of the festival are employees and volunteers of the PMK "Athlet" of the MU "Youth and adolescent center of the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd".

The wonderful world of yard games is familiar to every adult firsthand. Everyone played, regardless of the city, village and company, played until late, returning home with broken and scratched knees and elbows, to the screams of a disgruntled mother.

With the advent of computers, the Internet and other attributes of modern life, yard games are becoming a thing of the past, but can they really replace live communication, the development that children receive in the process of playing.

Courtyard games are folk games that have been passed down from generation to generation. They are very diverse, require a lot of movement, resourcefulness, ingenuity, give a lot of all kinds of physical skills and abilities. Such games are not only good for health, but also necessary for fostering courage, dexterity, perseverance in achieving the goal, that is, for the formation of a person's character!

Olga Tarasova

Wonderful world yard games are familiar to every adult firsthand. Everyone played, in big cities and villages, played late, returned home in dirty clothes, under the reproaches of an anxious mother, but completely happy. With the advent of the computer, the Internet and other attributes of modern life yard games are becoming a thing of the past, but how can the most diverse techniques replace live communication, development?

Yard games are folk entertainments that have been passed down from generation to generation. They are diverse, require dexterity, resourcefulness, ingenuity, reinforce physical skills and abilities. These games are not only good for your health. But they are also necessary to educate courage, will, perseverance in achieving the goal, in other words, to restore a person's character.

July 2, 2015 in our kindergarten was held Yard Festival games in order to familiarize themselves with Russian culture through outdoor games, where children got acquainted with Russian folk games: "Banks", "Chains, chains forged", "Zarya-lightning" played famous games "Swan geese", "Lapti", "Bouncer", "Towns", "Dog", "Candles", "Potatoes", "I know five names", "Ball with a stomp", "Rope", "Classics", and also painted with colored crayons on the asphalt, jumped on skipping ropes. Through these games, children developed the ability to interact with partners in the game, the obligation to comply with the rules of the game, developed such qualities as endurance, quick reaction, dexterity, coordination of movements, resourcefulness, the ability to navigate in space.

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All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief goes around the circle, puts it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs in a circle, and the one to whom the handkerchief was put takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Both are trying to take a free space in the circle.

If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and can put the handkerchief on his shoulder before he takes a free space in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free space. If the runner is the first to enter the circle, then the player with the scarf remains the driver. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone's shoulder, the game continues.

Rules: Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn while the driver chooses who to put the tape on the shoulder.

All participants in the game are built in 2 columns. The driver stands at a distance of 2 meters from them, with a scarf in his hand. Children in chorus pronounce the words:

Burn, burn oil

Burn, burn clear

So as not to go out

Look at the sky, the birds are flying!

After the words: - the birds are flying! The players of the last pair quickly run forward, who quickly takes the handkerchief from the driver, the loser becomes the driver (on).

The players stand in a circle, in the center is the driver holding a rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground (floor), and the children jump up on two legs, trying not to touch the bag on their feet. Having described two or three circles with a bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of children whose feet has been touched by the bag are counted, and the necessary instructions for performing jumps are given. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The participants in the game choose the wolf and the owner (using a counting-ringer), and the rest of the geese are swans. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and the geese live, on the other - a wolf lives under the mountain. The owner lets the geese go for a walk in the field and nibble on the green grass. Geese go far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese: -Geese-geese!

Ha - ha - ha. - Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes! - Well, fly home!

The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings.

The geese run home, the wolf tries to catch them. Caught, get out of the game

Rules: Geese "run" all over the site. The wolf should catch after the words: "Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings"

Instructor: Guys, guess the riddle: They kick him with a stick

No one feels sorry for him

And why are the poor fellow beaten?

Yes, for being inflated!

What are these children? (Ball)

Rules of the game:

Players are divided into bouncers and drivers.

Bouncers stand 5-10 meters apart.

The drivers stand between them.

The bouncers are trying to knock out the drivers with the ball.

Drivers dodge the ball and can catch the "candles" (the ball before it hits the ground).

The knocked out one comes out and waits for the end of the game or until he is given a "candle". - The one who caught the "candle" can return back one of the previously knocked out.

Game description: Children form a circle. In the circle there are two leading "duck" and "drake". A duck in a circle, a drake in a circle. The players walk hand in hand and sing: “There was a duck along the bank,

Was going gray in a circle.

She led the children with her.

Suddenly a drake swooped down!

I was catching up with the duck!

Fly away duck quickly

Children raise their hands, the duck runs through the gate,

Yes, into the collar, do not be shy! "

Drake tries to catch up with her. If he caught up, the leaders change.

"Shackles" - children are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other, holding hands, at a distance of about 10 meters. And the roll call begins:

Shackles! - Shackled!


My friend!

What's your name?

Players from the first team name one of the players from the second team. He runs and with a running start tries to break the players' clasped hands.

Rule: if a running child managed to break the clasped hands, then he takes one of the participants to his team. And if not, he himself remains in the opposing team. Next time the second team starts. They play until there are no players left in one of the teams.

Wednesday, 08 January

13th lunar day with the element Iron. A good day for people born in the year of the Mouse, Cow, Dragon, Dog and Pig. It is favorable to perform virtue, conduct the dallga abakha ceremony, arrange a holiday, play a wedding, register a marriage, put on new clothes, treat illnesses, carry out an operation, comprehend science, study astrology, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, order a taban haryuulga. Going on the road - to success, everything planned will come true. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Snake and the Horse. It is not recommended to get a job, hire a nurse, employees, or buy livestock.

Hair cutting - for happiness and success.

Thursday, 09 January

14th lunar day with the element Sky. A good day for people born in the year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Chicken. It is favorable to start treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, buy livestock, for tough resolution of issues. Going on the road - to an increase in well-being. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Cow, Dragon, Sheep and Dog. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a business, get a job or help get a job, hire workers.

Hair cutting - to increase wealth and livestock.

Friday, January 10

15th lunar day with the element Water. All deeds committed on this day will multiply a hundred times. A good day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. It is favorable to perform virtue, to carry out the "dallga abakha" ritual, to arrange a holiday, to play a wedding, to register a marriage, to put on new jewelry, clothes, for good deeds. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to move, change your place of residence, work, bring your daughter-in-law, give your daughter to a bride, hold funerals and commemorations. Going on the road is in big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones.