Education at the lyceum: advantages and rules of admission. The director of the nip lyceum on how to get into the number of the best schools in russia What mark will be in the certificate in subjects that the lyceum student did not choose to study

Admission to the Lyceum

Are preparatory courses organized at the Lyceum?

There are no preparatory courses at the Lyceum.

How many points do you need to score for admission to the Lyceum?

Every year the situation with the passing scores is different, so you should not be guided by the figures of the previous year. Try to get as many points as possible.

Can students from other cities enter the lyceum?

The Lyceum was opened as part of a project of the Moscow Government and is funded by Moscow, therefore, Moscow registration is a prerequisite for admission to the Lyceum. Temporary registration in the capital will be sufficient.

Is there a hostel at the Lyceum?

There is no dormitory at the Lyceum.

Is it possible to transfer to a lyceum?

You cannot transfer to the Lyceum. You can enter it on a competitive basis.

How much does it cost to study at the Lyceum?

Education at the Lyceum is free.

What areas are taught at the Lyceum?

From 2019/2020 account. years at the Lyceum are implemented ten educational directions in grade 10: "Economics and Social Sciences", "Economics and Mathematics", "Jurisprudence", "Humanities", "Informatics, Engineering and Mathematics", "Design", "Oriental Studies", "Psychology", "Natural Sciences" and "Mathematics". And two specializations in the 9th grade: "Universal" and "Mathematics".

Will Lyceum studies be considered for admission to the Higher School of Economics?

All lyceum graduates, if they want to enter High school economics, will enter this university on a general basis. But the level of training of lyceum students will be higher than that of many applicants.

In addition, studying at the Lyceum gives bonuses for admission to paid places at the Higher School of Economics. Based on the results of training, a rating of lyceum graduates is compiled. A high place in the ranking is the basis for obtaining a discount from 25% to 70% when studying on a paid basis for undergraduate programs of the NRU HSE.

In the lyceum, two foreign languages \u200b\u200bare compulsorily studied, and the second is optional, provided that the group is recruited?

It is compulsory in the lyceum that two foreign languages \u200b\u200bare studied in the direction of "Oriental Studies" (one European and one Oriental). In the direction of "Humanities" lyceum students can choose the second foreign language, but this is optional.

In other areas of study, one foreign language is required (English, German, French or Spanish), others are optional (in optional classes at the Lyceum. Including there are courses on a paid basis, which are organized by the Faculty of pre-university training).

Is the academic year divided into quarters or semesters? When do lyceum students have holidays?

For students in grades 10 and 11, training is organized in six months.

Grades 9 have trimester training.

Holidays - four times a year at the end of the quarters. There is also a May vacation.

How many days a week do lyceum students study?

Lyceum students in grades 10 and 11 study six days a week, once a week (on Thursdays) they have faculty days.

Grade 9 lyceum students study six days a week, Saturday is a day of extracurricular activities.

Does the lyceum have a school uniform?

What mark will be in the certificate in subjects that the lyceum student did not choose to study?

In the certificate, grades are given only for those subjects that the lyceum student studied in grades 10-11. In addition, the document will contain grades for an individual project and classes within the faculty day.

Do I have to go to electives? What is the minimum number of them to choose?

To go or not go to electives is the choice of every lyceum student. If the student has no desire and (or) opportunity, he may not attend them at all.

As for the number of electives, it can be absolutely anything, there are no restrictions here.

Where can I get a student's social card?

To apply for a social card, you need to apply with a certificate of admission to the MFC at the place of residence received at the lyceum.

Lyceum education

Answers to most of the questions related to the learning process at the Lyceum can be found on the pages .

What electronic journal is used in the Lyceum?

Is it possible to choose subjects in the lyceum and subsequently change your curriculum?

Lyceum students independently compose an individual academic plan... It includes both a mandatory part and an optional one. The compulsory part includes subjects that every lyceum student must master. You cannot refuse them, but for a number of disciplines you can choose the level of their study: basic or advanced.

It is possible to make changes to the curriculum only at a certain time - on "St. George's Days".

Does the lyceum provide reduced price meals and for which categories of students?

The Lyceum provides nutritional benefits in accordance with the law. The following students have the right to receive them (upon presentation of supporting documents):

  • children from large families;
  • children receiving a survivor's pension;
  • children from low-income families;
  • orphans left without parental care and children under guardianship;
  • children with disabilities and children with disabilities;
  • children with parents - invalids of the 1st or 2nd group.

Mom, who is there to study in preparation, or who is already studying at this lyceum ... Please share information, any information that you have - for study, for recruitment, who is going to get there how or has already gotten (interested in those who are not registered ).

I signed up my son for preparatory studies, we go regularly, but so far there is no information on enrollment in the first grade ...

I want to make a reservation right away, our son is a pure mathematician (6 years old) solves equations, examples within 1000 by + and -, knows multiplication, and, accordingly, division, solves problems in one and two actions, reads not badly and retells, poems are enough on the fly , thinking is purely logical, plays well at chess, checkers, backgammon. But lazy - we write like a chicken with a paw. Now we are writing the handwriting.

I understand that in a regular school he will be bored and he will lose interest in studies in general. Our eldest goes to school 27 in the second grade, she is comfortable there (she is a humanist pure water). Our youngest helps her solve math, learns English with her.

We live on the second Balashikha, about 29 schools (registered elsewhere), by registration we now belong to the Zemskaya gymnasium (when my daughter entered school, we belonged to school 27). I don’t want to take the younger one there. I do not like Zemskaya - separate education and other wisdom. The taste and color - of course, there are no comrades, it is good for someone there, as they say, each frog praises its swamp. I ask you to unsubscribe from the Lyceum, I already know everything about Zemskaya, I heard and saw.

Thanks to everyone who responds.


We also go to training in group 1, we live next door with you, but we belong to school 29) there is a very strong program in the lyceum and in preparation too)

my nephew was studying there and the boy is in 11th grade now, he is also fumbling in mathematics))) but I decided for myself that I wouldn’t try to get there, it’s hard for us there))) I know what is excluded there if you don’t pull from the 1st grade and even more so from all the others! For me, education is almost the same everywhere, and if we say that higher education does not really decide something in our life !!!)))) I am for convenience! first of all for myself and the child), so I will drive to school 29 without stress (I have 2e of them, and I am alone)

About the Lyceum only the most best reviews! and the composition of teachers and the program and in general it is considered one of the best in Balashikha)))

in any case, I would be reinsured in your place and attached by registration (we will have a meeting in the 29th school for preparation for this year), and at the lyceum I suppose that at the end of the course (March-April) they will say the results and which of the children their opinion is drawn))) well, in any case, first children who are enrolled by registration, well, as an option in our life, money decides everything!

We do not belong to the 29th school, although we live right next to it. We are registered according to Sverdlov 53, and this house now belongs to Zemskaya, and I don't want to send my child there. I just try to soberly and objectively evaluate the child, either one or the other. With my daughter, I have problems with mathematics since preparation, and I am incredibly glad that we ended up in school 27, although we have to go to it (fortunately there is a car), but I've been driving there for the second year. There for primary grades The Planet of Knowledge, and it is clearly designed for the humanities, math is chewed and chewed there ... But I really want my son in this lyceum. And I'm ready to take it there, I'm used to it - for the second year we go to 11 kindergarten, which is next to the Lyceum ... will sleep on math ...


Not all parents agree that it is necessary to study at the lyceum with. The load on the child in such schools is very high, which can undermine his health and desire to acquire knowledge. Therefore, parents often send their children to the middle or even senior classes of the lyceum. To enter this type of educational institution, future students will have to pass a number of tests.

To begin with, it should be noted that the lyceum has a mathematical, physical or natural science, and not a humanitarian bias. Educational institutions with a humanitarian bias are called gymnasiums. Therefore, before assigning a child to a lyceum, look at his preferences in school subjects - whether he loves physics and mathematics, whether he is given chemistry and biology. If everything is in order with this, choose the right educational institution that suits the location, form of study, cost and other characteristics.

To transfer to a lyceum, a student will need to have good success in various school subjects and a high average score of all grades. As a rule, first of all, when accepting documents, it is the value of the average score that is assessed, therefore, if this score is low, the student may not be admitted to the next tests.

In addition, the personal merit of a student in various subjects, his participation in Olympiads, school conferences, educational competitions can be assessed in lyceums. Such merits and activity of lyceum students are very much loved and appreciated by the teacher. If a child is the winner of regional, regional or All-Russian Olympiads, then he has the right to enter the lyceum out of competition.

The enrollment in many lyceums is so large that they open the competition only for applicants in grades 1, 5 or 10. But this is not a hard and fast rule, so you can find out in a specific educational institutionwhether they have a place in another class. As a rule, documents for admission to the lyceum begin to be accepted at the end of April or in May, when it becomes clear how many students are required for enrollment in the new academic year.

Entrance tests are conducted in different forms depending on the specificity and focus of the lyceum. So, for students entering middle grades, you will need to write test in mathematics and dictation in the Russian language. For ninth-graders wishing to continue their studies at the lyceum from grade 10, a GIA certificate with grades in mathematics, Russian language and the profile subject of the lyceum or the class in which the student enters will be required. Also, he, most likely, will be asked to write a test on a certain subject in the Lyceum itself. The list of entrance examinations is determined by the leadership of each lyceum independently, therefore it is necessary to clarify the conditions of admission in a particular educational institution.

It is difficult to study at the lyceum, especially at the beginning, when the student goes there after the secondary school. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the child for a responsible attitude towards learning in a new institution for him. After all, the success of each student in the lyceums is monitored quite strictly. And if the child's GPA falls below a certain mark, the student may even be asked to change schools.

EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO GO TO THE SECOND SCHOOL. SHARING EXPERIENCE OF ADMISSION. My son goes to a regular general education school, with a score of 4-5 in mathematics. We tried to enter the Second School Lyceum. They did not pass the written exam ... We wanted to see the exam paper. Mr. Kovalji received in the middle of the working week: strictly one day from 4 pm to 6 pm The queue was unbearable to him! This Mr. received me within ONE minute. His speech boiled down to the following: Your son is a dunce - he knows nothing. I asked to show the exam paper - they showed it "from afar" - I examined only the plus-minus signs in the margins, they did not give me a copy, they were not allowed to make a copy. Did my son draw a diagram of some super-modern weapon there ?! Why was his work so classified ?! All. A Neanderthal-faced guard slammed the doors of this amazing school behind me. And here I am, a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, and I think at my leisure: what the hell to my child is this "cavalry school" with its boorish abbots? What is so special about it if the ordinary process of passing exams turns into a humiliating procedure ...
If you don't mind, I will answer "a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University" on each item (my answer is unlikely to help her - the case, I'm afraid, is a clinical one, but I consider it necessary to cleanse the Lyceum's reputation for applicants from the spitting of offended and not passed). So, the written test. For his successful delivery, we needed two attempts. After the first one, they got a "failure" with 18 solved out of 20. They were also invited to Kovaldzhi on any (!) Tuesday from 16 to 18. The line of 7-8 people moved catastrophically slowly, since A.K. spent a minimum on each 3-5, maximum 8-10 minutes: I asked all the questions I was interested in, received quite comprehensive answers, photographed the work of a friend of my son, whose mother could not come, on the mob. telephone. And so did almost all the parents with whom we managed to get acquainted during the period of exams. On the second attempt, the written test still obeyed us. Then there were oral mathematics, dictation, trial lessons, psychologists ... It is difficult to imagine a more respectful attitude towards both parents and children. Yes, the Lyceum knows its own worth, so it has every right to meticulously choose new students. I cannot say that the selection is particularly tough. My son is an excellent student in an ordinary school, but he is not particularly distinguished by perseverance and attention. Psychologists of the Lyceum honestly warned that it would not be easy for him. But IN A VERY CORRECT form. As a result, my son was recommended for admission. Which is unspeakably happy. Yes, those children who try to enter without preparation (for example, the Higher School of Music of the Lyceum) and without a special love for mathematics (4-5 in a regular school ...) rarely succeed. Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. And you need to understand that not all children are able not so much to enter here as to become a student. Knowing the specifics of teaching, both teachers and psychologists warn parents, even if the child has passed all the tests, that only they can see ... And there is no need to be offended - at least, taking out this offense is so obviously funny and not like an adult, or something ...