Ten famous people worthy of emulation. Question: What historical personalities, in your opinion, are worthy of imitation? Have you put yourself in the place of these personalities and how has this helped you in self-education? Famous personality as an example to follow

Each person during his life meets with a large number of people who behave differently and turn out to be decent, mean, weak, strong-willed and other personalities. And how should a person show himself so that one can say about him that he is a strong personality? This is a person with certain character traits, such as self-confidence and strength, dedication, optimism, the ability to really look at things, resilience, the ability to take responsibility for decisions taken, the ability to control the situation, be a leader and lead other people.

Outstanding people in history

Not about every person who lived in the past or exists in the present, we can say that he is a really strong personality. The history of our state and the whole world has captured the examples of people who became famous for their unbending willpower, their ability to lead entire nations, their fateful responsible decisions that changed the outcome of many important events. Such people can be called Prince Vladimir, Vasily II, Alexander Nevsky, Empress Catherine II, Emperor Peter I, Nicholas II and many others.

A concrete example of a strong personality

You can still give examples of a strong personality in history for a long time, but I would like to consider one outstanding person as a role model. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind, can deservedly be considered such a person. The strength of this person's personality is not in doubt. He went through many trials and difficulties during preparation for a flight into space and during the flight itself. Yuri Gagarin was a very purposeful, hard-working person, able to mobilize in difficult times to make the right decision. He was able to maintain inner calm in absolutely any situation and transmit this calm state to others. It is this trait - the ability not to panic and make informed decisions in a difficult situation - that was the main characteristic of an astronaut for the first manned space flight.

Yuri Alekseevich was a simple, open person, he helped other cosmonauts and his colleagues in preparing for the flight. He knew how to organize people and lead them. Every morning, Gagarin took his family and residents of his entire house outside for morning exercises, going around every apartment and ringing the doorbell. He did not allow anyone to shirk and be capricious. And no one even tried to refuse - all people happily obeyed the advice and instructions of this outstanding person.

Having become famous, Yuri Gagarin passed the test of fame and did not become arrogant. But not everyone can withstand the pressure of fame in order to remain the same person, a model of endurance and self-control.

It is a pity that this great man passed away early, died in a plane crash, true reason which still remains unclear. If his fate had turned out differently, and he had not died, we can say with confidence that he would have done many more important things, he could have led many people and show them the right path in life. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is a real example of a strong personality in the history of mankind.

Strong personality: examples was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

Some people, despite their wealth and position, remember that they are no better than others and try to be humble, take care of their neighbors and do good deeds in imitation of the Lord.

Today we would like to tell you about ten such people - worthy examples for each of us, especially for many powerful Russians.

The actions of these people are striking and respectful. Having achieved a lot in life, they did not become slaves to their wealth and position and are grateful to other people:

1. Bishop Longinus (Heat)

This hierarch (photo in the title) has proved in his life that the image of the bishop, which is being replicated in the media, as a swaggering fat man in an expensive car, neglecting the flock entrusted to him by God, does not correspond to the truth.

While still a priest, the bishop rebuilt the Holy Ascension male monastery in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine and with him he founded a church boarding school for more than 1000 orphans and children with disabilities, more than 400 of which he adopted.

In addition to his pastoral duties for the revival of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, Vladyka Longin has been involved in the upbringing of children taken into his care for many years.

IN last years from also actively opposed the beginning and then the continuation of the civil war unleashed by the Kiev Nazi regime in the South-East of Ukraine. And this despite the regular threats against them from schismatics and neo-Nazis.

His life and work is well described in the film "Outpost", known to almost all Orthodox Christians in the CIS.

2. Vladislav Tetyukhin

Ural magnate, engaged in the extraction of titanium as a co-owner of a large metallurgical company.

At the age of 80, he did not buy himself a villa in warm countries. Instead, Vladislav Tetyukhin sold all his shares and built a medical center for fellow countrymen in Nizhny Tagil with the proceeds of 3.3 billion rubles.

In the future, the billionaire plans to build a hotel, new homes for the clinic's employees with 350 apartments, a hostel for students, a transport block and a helipad.

Now Tetyukhin holds a post here general director and at 82, he comes to work strictly according to the schedule: by 9:00 am, 6 days a week.

3. Swedish princess Madeleine

The princess of the Swedish royal house is not proud of her position.

At the royal receptions, Princess Madeleine appears in dresses for $ 130, bought in Stockholm markets, and does not hesitate to clean the poop after her dog for a walk with her own hands.

It should be noted that this behavior is typical for many representatives of the royal houses of Europe and its financial and management elite. The wild kitsch is left to the nouveau riche.

4. Brian Bernie

Bernie can be called a British construction oligarch.

This millionaire was doing fine until his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Then Bernie took up charity work.

He donated a significant part of his fortune to the creation of an entire column of medical machines. These cars drove through small villages in northern England and provided high-tech medical care to the sick. Brian Bernie paid the salaries of doctors out of his own pocket.

FROM God's help his wife recovered. To celebrate, Brian Bernie sold most of the property and donated money to charity.

He now lives on a small pension in a small apartment and drives a used car.

5. President of Uruguay

Jose Cordano is the President of Uruguay, but the locals call him El Pepe. He donates 9/10 of his presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world.

Jose earns 263,000 Uruguayan pesos (400,000 rubles) a month, and keeps only 26,300 pesos (40,000 rubles) for himself.

He lives in a country house on a farm, without debts and a bank account. Jose carries water for the household himself from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of his entire life was a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle.

6. Boris Johnson

Boris is the mayor of London. He rides a bicycle to work, does not hesitate to walk without a tie, freely wears a sports jacket, a backpack and a bicycle helmet.

The official is one of the main and most consistent supporters of the development of cycling in the UK and advocates for a healthy lifestyle.

7. Olaf Ton

The Norwegian billionaire lives quite modestly. He is married but has no children. Therefore, he decided to donate all his wealth, calmly parting with 6,000,000,000 dollars: “I have a bicycle and skis, but I eat a little. So I think everything will be fine. "

Olaf Ton planned to spend all his money on funding medical research so that they would benefit people, saying: "I still can't take it with me."

Michael Bloomberg was once mayor of New York (USA).

He is a very interesting person, even if you do not know that he is the 13th richest person in the world.

At the same time, the businessman does not stop taking the subway. And at his workplace he works in an ascetic atmosphere: on ordinary office furniture, traditional monitors, papers, graphics, some knick-knacks and ... a can of peanut butter next to the keyboard.

9. Chuck Feeney

The founder of the famous chain of stores "Duty Free" Chuck Feeney lives very modestly.

Over the past 30 years, he has traveled all over the world, carefully getting rid of the acquired capital of $ 7.5 billion. Feeney spent his business income on charity.

His charitable foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, has invested $ 6.2 billion in education, science, health care and nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all his capital to help those in need.

10.Sergey Brin

Sergey is a legend of the computer business, co-founder and president of technology at the Google corporation.

A billionaire and one of America's richest men, Sergei behaves rather modestly - he lives in a three-room apartment in San Francisco and drives a used Toyota Prius with an environmentally friendly hybrid engine.

His hobby is to visit Kati's Russian Tea Room in San Francisco and recommend borsch, pancakes and dumplings to the guests of the establishment.

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Not all millionaires and celebrities boast of their high office or financial position. And there are many examples in the world when a person in a high position continues to lead a modest lifestyle. Or does not leave in the past youthful tomfoolery.

In the end, money and position in society are not the main thing in our life, and, it seems, people about whom website in this material wants to tell you, understood it.

Just a princess of Sweden

The poorest president in the world

Jose Cordano is the President of Uruguay, but the locals call him El Pepe. He donates nearly all of his presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world. Jose earns 263,000 Uruguayan pesos (400,000 rubles) a month. He leaves for himself only 26,300 pesos (40,000 rubles).

Lives in a country house on a farm. The president himself carries water for the household from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of all time was the 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. Mujica has no bank accounts and no debts.

Senor Mujica is sitting in line at the clinic.

Mayor of london

Mr Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, is not shy about wearing a tie, wears a blazer, backpack and bicycle helmet. Which is not surprising, because it is Boris Johnson who is one of the main supporters of the development of cycling in Britain.

Mayor of Reykjavik

Jone Gnarre is the current mayor of Iceland's largest city, Reykjavik. This man did not study at a university, he was a comedian and a taxi driver, but in 2010 he managed to create his own political party and at the same time call it the sonorous name "Best Party". The party consisted mainly of creative personalities: artists, musicians, comedians, and none of them had been involved in politics before. Surprisingly, the residents of the city elected the leader of this party as mayor with a numerical indicator of 34.7% of the vote.

Ex-mayor of New York

Michael Bloomberg is a very interesting person, even if you do not know that he is the 13th richest person in the world. At the same time, the ex-mayor of New York traveled by subway. In the photo, the mayor sits at his workplace in the city council building. On ordinary office furniture, there are traditional monitors, papers, charts, some knickknacks and ... a can of peanut butter next to the keyboard.

Hippie billionaire Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Airlines. For 10 years, he managed to turn a small music store into a giant diversified business, scattered across all continents of the planet. But Branson, among other things, is also a bright, non-standard personality, for which he received the nickname "hippie billionaire." The last trick of the businessman is the appearance at the airport of Chuck Feeney - the creator of the famous chain of Duty Free Shoppers. Over the past 30 years, he has traveled the world, undertaking a covert operation to get rid of $ 7.5 billion of capital. He made it by trading brandy, perfume and cigarettes in his empire. His charitable foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, has donated $ 6.2 billion in education, science, health care, civil rights advocacy, and nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all his capital to help those in need.

Psychologists say that there are many ways of self-realization. Everyone can choose the ideal option for themselves to completely change their lives for the better. One of these ways experts call imitation. Of course, it is desirable that the object of imitation was higher than you in status or older in age. Such a person probably has a lot of experience that he is able to convey. It is very easy to find role models - you don't need to methodically read biographies of famous people. Perhaps such an example is next to you - it is someone more successful, a person from whom you can learn a lot.

The psychology of imitation

To imitate also means to copy the habits of another person. It often happens that young people choose the wrong ideal for themselves. Having chosen him, young people strive for him with their whole being, and sometimes such actions can greatly ruin life. It is necessary to choose the right role models - people who were able to achieve certain heights or are on the way to achieving them are worthy candidates. But it is worth remembering that full copying in this situation will not benefit you, since each person has an individual mindset, capabilities and physical data. An ordinary man in the street will not be able, having seen enough flexible gymnasts, just as quickly sit on the twine. This requires time, which should be spent on achieving the desired result - this will be the most the best way self-development. You can also borrow a little of the desired qualities from each personality: run around in the morning like your neighbor, cook delicious delicacies every day like a friend does, or learn languages \u200b\u200bthat a work colleague is fond of. Just remember: by copying other people's interests and preferences you cannot lose your own “I”. This technique is only a way of working on yourself, and when the task is completed, you need to find your own path that will ideally suit you.

Role models for teens

Teenagers are especially susceptible to other people's influence. They are still deprived of life experience, in their mental and physical condition they undergo a series of shocks, sometimes leading the teenager to rash and stupid decisions. It is very important that the child finds the right example for himself, a person through whom he will become better.

There is no need to look for distant ideals - there is probably such a person among classmates or close acquaintances. You look and wonder how he can do so many different things and at the same time remain vigorous and successful in his studies. He just trained himself or, perhaps, also took an example from more successful people. Observe him, learn habits and subtleties of character. If he attends any sports section or is always prepared for lessons, then try to do the same. Be sure that this will not be worse - you need to learn to live someone else's life in order to properly build your own.

Their own parents can also be a good example for teenagers. If they are successful and have achieved everything they once wanted, then this can be a great incentive for the child. Particular attention should be paid to friends who graduated from school and entered prestigious universities. Against their background, the teenager will not want to look flawed, so he will try to achieve the same result or even better.

Role examples for schoolchildren

It is very difficult to direct children of school age to the true path. They live as they see fit, but if they have been told about good studies all their lives, they will try to do their homework with quality. But in this, it would seem, positive line there are flaws - it means that the teenager very quickly succumbs to someone else's influence, which even parents cannot defeat. For such children, it is especially necessary illustrative exampleperhaps such an ideal could be a teacher who enjoys authority. Teachers sometimes share a piece of their biography with their students, so often children try to imitate them.

There are, of course, other role models. At school age, they can be cartoon characters or the main characters of books. In the second case, there is a large group of personalities who can be imitated. Most of the Russian classics in their works describe highly moral persons who, despite all the difficulties of life, remain true to their principles. There are a great many such examples: Petya Ivanov from the story by S. Prokofieva, Andrei Bolkonsky from the epic novel War and Peace. You can list them for a very long time, the main thing is to look into the book and find the ideal option for yourself.

Examples to follow from history

World history is also rich in outstanding people from whom it is possible and even necessary to take an example. So, great scientists, thanks to whom our world has changed a lot, are excellent objects to emulate. You can start looking for them from the ancient era. For example, Aristotle is a man whose thoughts are popular to this day. His teaching has survived several thousand years, and even now people write books and prepare dissertations using his works.

In choosing outstanding personalities, one should be guided by the desire to perform a worthy act that people will always remember. Try and, perhaps, it is your ideas that will bring something new to the world. Then, even after thousands of years, humanity will not forget about your existence, and descendants will strive to reach the same heights.

Examples to follow in Russia

Our country has always been famous for the fact that a large number of talented people are born on its territory. Take, for example, the Golden Age of literature, when in such a seemingly short time dozens of writers left an outstanding mark. This is Pushkin, who is considered the true "ray" of Russian literature, Lermontov and Gogol, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, as well as many others.

It is very easy to find role models in Russia - for this you need to choose one outstanding person, with whom the Russian land is so rich. It can be a writer, a politician, an athlete or a ballerina - all of them are certainly talented and their biographies are great motivation.

Role models: celebrities

Probably one of the best examples of personal motivation would be celebrities. After all, they are not just people who are known all over the world - they are also very stubborn and Many of them achieved fame on their own, for example, actors who were waiting for the results of the next tests. Not everyone believed in them, predicted failures. Despite everything, they managed to achieve their place in this life, and their names will always be remembered, since films and songs will live forever.

Stephen's path to success

The personality of Steven Spielberg is familiar to everyone because his films are some of the best in the history of cinema. As you know, his path to success was very thorny. After leaving school, he collected documents for admission to the university in order to obtain the profession of a director, but did not pass entrance exams and was sent home. But the guy did not give up - the next year he again tried to enter the same faculty, but again failed. If that attempt had been the last, perhaps we would never have seen his famous films. But, fortunately, young Stephen was not going to give up and for the third time he entered the university of his dreams, and the profession acquired within its walls brought the director millions of dollars.

Marilyn's story

Marilyn Monroe's story is also not without failures. Her career began with small roles or even playing in the crowd. For a long time, directors considered her an ugly and untalented actress, so they did not let the girl go further than secondary roles. But, as we know from her biography, Marilyn became a sex symbol, made a fortune, and was courted by celebrities. Thanks to her perseverance, she was able to achieve unprecedented heights, and her name is still associated with beauty and charm.

Role models for a girl

Sometimes girls just need to be like someone, but they cannot choose the ideal for themselves. Although there are definitely people nearby who are suitable for this role. For example, a best friend, who always turns out everything quickly and correctly, and life is very successful. Often, girls are simply jealous of such friends, believing that all their merits are just a gift from heaven or an incredible level of luck.

By the way, it is possible to envy, and sometimes even necessary, but this feeling should be "white" and harmless. You should not reproach a person for being more successful; it is better to try to achieve even greater results on your own. Take a luckier friend as an example. Repeat some habits after her: regular self-care, hard work and persistent movement towards the goal, for example. By taking all of this as a foundation, you can create your own foundation that will lead to a better life.

Each person is able to change what does not suit, the main thing is to get rid of laziness and choose the right goal. Role models are people who have already achieved certain successes or are on the way to achieving them. Observing them, borrowing the qualities you need, tirelessly working on yourself, you can significantly change your own life towards improvement.

Role models are important. They help us become who we want to be and inspire us to do great things. It is important to make the right choice, that is, absorb the influence of a positive person, whose example will make you become better. Choosing a role model from your social circle is not the same as choosing a celebrity as an example. This article provides tips to help you find people who will inspire you.


Choosing a role model from your friends

    Choose a role model from friends and become better. This person can help you mature and grow as a person. He will guide you in the right direction, give you advice, and give examples of your development paths.

    Determine what bad habits and negative personality traits you have. These things should be what you don't like and what you want to change in yourself. They will help you understand what changes should be.

    Make a list of what you want to achieve. Maybe you want to live in a certain way? To achieve something specific? Become any kind of person? Make a list of all the desires that relate to both your personality and the lifestyle you want to lead.

    Work on building faith in yourself. When choosing an example to follow, try to believe in yourself. The challenge in finding a role model is to motivate you to change for the better. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and so you can become who you want to be.

    Decide which people have the qualities you want. If you want to inspire people, think about who inspires you. Collect all possible ideas. Why does everyone love this man so much? What message does he convey to others through his actions?

    • Great role models can be found in those around you. These people can have a significant impact on you. They can become mentors, which makes them very attractive to you.
  1. Pay attention to people who know what they want. Such people can be good role models. You should not follow the example of a person who seems ideal, but cannot figure out himself. Instead, look for someone who won't pretend to be someone else.

    Choose a person in whose company you enjoy being yourself. The person you will follow should appreciate the uniqueness of each person, even if it means accepting some oddities. When dealing with such a person, you should feel that you are comfortable being yourself.

    • The purpose of a role model is to push you to change for the better. If you do not have such a desire when communicating with some person, it is better to take another friend as an example.
  2. Pay attention to the person who gets along with others. Such a person will be courteous with the people around him and will be able to communicate normally with them. It is much easier to take an example from someone and understand this person if he knows how to communicate.

    Take a closer look at people who are not the most visible in their business. It is much more useful to learn from people who have achieved their goals through perseverance and work. Very often, the greatest successes come from people who have taken great risks and made the right decision, and not from those who have worked for a long time on any task. It is better to choose people who constantly work to achieve the desired result.

    Choose someone who is not like you. We all strive to take as an example a person in whom we see a part of ourselves, however, such role models will not help you move forward, because you will not change the character traits that you want to change in yourself, but you will strengthen those qualities that you already have. Choose a person who will have something that you do not have, but that you want to see in yourself.

    Learn more about this person's successes and failures. This is a very important stage. Oftentimes, knowing about the mistakes of the person you want to emulate can motivate you more than telling stories of success. Knowing that there were failures too, you will understand that this person can also make mistakes and is no different from others. It is important to learn from other people's mistakes and work on yourself.

    Find someone who is right for you and see how their achievements in life resonate with your values \u200b\u200band beliefs. A role model should be made by a person whom you admire in all forms and who leads a healthy lifestyle.

    • Look for qualities such as passion for what you love, the ability to inspire, a clear set of beliefs, commitment to the community, selflessness, the ability to accept others, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  3. Don't completely copy a person. Everyone makes mistakes, including the people you want to follow. These people should only become a guide, not a model. Do not blindly follow the example of others.

    Work on your own style. Taking an example from someone is helpful, but it is very important to maintain individuality. Don't lose yourself in trying to follow someone else's example. Take on the character traits that you need, and leave everything else as it is.

    • Be yourself and remain confident. Don't copy others - stand out. If people copy someone, it means that they have no confidence in their abilities and there is nothing special, but in this they are not like you!

    Choosing a Celebrity Role Model

    1. Choose a role model from a celebrity or a hero who has achieved success in the area that interests you. A hero is usually a person who has excelled in several areas. You should find out more about this person from funds mass mediarather than just relying on personal observation.

      Figure out what good qualities you have. What are your strengths? What are you good at? These qualities you will need to strengthen and develop, but it is not necessary to look for them in a role model. Think about your positive qualities and the kind of person you want to be.

      Make a list of your bad habits or negative personality aspects. You don't need these qualities; you want to change them. They will be critical in how you change.

      Write down the essential qualities you want to have. Do you want to lead a certain lifestyle? To achieve something specific? Become a different person? List the qualities and aspirations you need.

      Build faith in yourself. As you think about who to take as a role model, work on self-confidence. The key goal of choosing a role model is to motivate yourself to become better. You have to believe in yourself and in your abilities if you want to become a better person.

      Pick people who have done something that impressed you. It could be the person who collected large amount to charity, saved many lives, helped those in need, or found a cure for some disease. Find someone who has qualities that you don't have yet.

      Remember, people are not perfect. Gods can be flawless, but humans are not. Don't expect the person you decide to follow an example from to be perfect - he can be wrong too. Try to strive for the same achievements as this person, but do not try to repeat their habits in your personal life.

      • It is very important to take this factor into account, especially for children, because many celebrities lead a lifestyle that you would hardly want for yourself or your children.
    2. Look for someone who lives the way you would like to live. If you want to become a famous writer, look for someone who has excelled in literature. If you've always wanted to become a nurse, look out for the workers at your local hospital who have dedicated their lives to this work and are respected for their accomplishments.

      Find out all about their successes and failures. It is important to consider not only the victories, but also the defeats of the person from whom you want to take an example. Often, other people's failures motivate more than achievements, because this way you understand that this person is not perfect and is capable of making mistakes. It is important to learn from these mistakes and continue to work on yourself.

      Find out what these people have weaknesses. Many celebrities in their personal lives behave in such a way that it is definitely not worth copying them. Analyze how people's weaknesses affect them and their careers. Remember that many famous people get away with things because of their fame and / or money. By identifying where the weaknesses of the person you want to take an example are, you can avoid the bad habits they have.

      Don't completely copy a celebrity. All people make mistakes, including those you want to be role models for. Use the celebrity as a guide, not a behavior.