Lyceum 11 Phys. Gobu Phystech Lyceum named after n.p. capitza. Main profile directions

In the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, the P. L. Kapitsa Phystech Lyceum operates. This is a fairly strong school of natural sciences, in which physics, mathematics, programming, chemistry and biology are taught at a high level. Increased requirements for admission, high academic load, good rating.

Some time ago, the Lyceum moved to a building that was overhauled at public expense (and a change in its legal status also occurred); over the past few years, several new buildings have been built on the territory (also at public expense), including dormitories for boarding school students. Next year it is planned to start construction of additional laboratory buildings of the technopark worth over one billion rubles.

November 21 at the meeting of representatives parenting committees the school administration, represented by the director M.G. Mashkova and the representative of the supervisory board from MIPT, Yu.O. Alasheev, announced that in 2019 the school will receive the status of ANOO (autonomous non-profit educational organization). In the status of GOBU, the school will continue to exist only until the summer of 2019, therefore, parents will be asked to write applications for the transfer of children to a school with a new status and conclude an agreement for payment of educational services in the amount of 10 thousand rubles or more. per month per child. At the meeting, it was strongly recommended to conclude contracts from the beginning of the year, since in this case the child will be transferred to the school with a new status "automatically", the rest will be asked to enter "on a general basis."

Also mentioned was the "successful" example of the gymnasium named after Primakov, who recently switched to a similar financing scheme. Note that the cost of training at the gymnasium. Primakov is currently about 50 thousand rubles. per month per child, plus large additional annual fees. MG Mashkova assured the parents that this will not happen in our school, and that especially talented children will be provided with the opportunity to continue their studies through targeted grants and scholarships. At the moment, there is no definite information on the criteria according to which the child's abilities will be determined, as well as on the amount of funds that are supposed to be allocated for such targeted tuition fees.

It should be noted that the opinions of the parents were divided. Some advocated the preservation of state guarantees of the right to free education. Others expressed unconditional support for the school administration: in their opinion, the transition to a paid form of education is logical. But a fairly large number of parents are still taking a wait and see attitude.

Those parents who consider it necessary to preserve free education in the Lyceum initiated a collection of signatures against the change in the status of the Phystech Lyceum, sent appeals to various authorities with a request to understand the situation. Most of the answers currently look like unsubscriptions, they say that no final decision has been made on this issue. The Director made a statement that at the moment she does not have any official documents on this issue.

Unfortunately, what is happening with the Phystech Lyceum is not a special case, but a trend. Education in our country is becoming paid. In schools, as in all of society, stratification occurs. We (partly rightly) are reproached that, they say, “you really need it”, because the Phystech Lyceum has long been significantly inclined towards “elite” education. Allegedly, we are fighting not for universal justice, but for our own, separate, inside the fence of the Phystech Lyceum.

A fairly informative discussion on this topic took place in the comment thread to the video “ The state will not survive without mathematicians and physicists »On the YouTube-channel of the journalist Konstantin Semin. Here is a fragment of it.

BB : This lyceum has always been available only to children of solvent parents and is considered a local "elite". Children were taken exclusively after a paid preparatory department.<…> There is a simple school within walking distance from the lyceum, 1200 schoolchildren are accommodated in a building for 500 people, even rooms without windows are adapted for teaching, since there is simply nowhere to conduct classes, there are not enough teachers, primary school teachers teach two classes in two shifts.

The situation is the same in most schools in the city. That is, the children of the city have long been divided into those who do not need to be taught and those who are taught. But in simple schools exactly the same children study as the majority of children in the lyceum. The city's parents are fighting to improve education in all schools in the city, and the parents from the lyceum - just for their children to be taught well. That's the whole difference.

DM : Yes, indeed, Phystech Lyceum has never been an ordinary school. Yes, there was a selection. Training courses - paid. My eldest son entered on a general basis from another school. Is free. The younger ones, yes, they went to training courses... So now there are many places. But until now, children of parents with very different incomes studied here, the criterion for admission was primarily the ability, and not the ability to pay of the parents. Now it will be different.

BB : Perhaps, as a graduate of a technical university, you yourself were able to prepare your child. Many cannot because they do not have the appropriate education. Let's fight together for the Phystech Lyceum to become the property of the entire city, so that it becomes a free educational center for all children of the city with physical and mathematics. circles and other benefits.

DM : I agree. Not even the whole city, but wider. Dormitories were built there to enable children to study here from afar.

BB : Dorms - for high school students. Do you want only children after the 9th grade to study at the Lyceum? To be recruited based on the results of the OGE? Not. Do you want your kids to attend both elementary and high school at the Lyceum instead of the usual crowded school in the city? So why should the state teach your children separately from other children of the city? Let us until the 10th grade this will be an accessible free educational center for all interested children, where they will be admitted without entrance testing. And then we'll see ...

DM : Actually presence specialized schools - this is also in the interests of the state, oddly enough. If you are talking about the fact that the Phystech Lyceum should be more open and accessible, then yes, I agree with you. If you propose “let's kick out all the students and we will show Professor Nicolas's show on the basis of the Lyceum,” then I cannot agree with you. "Accept without entrance testing" - why no testing? Let there be testing, only it should be transparent and understandable.

Education - for whom at all? For each separately, to get a better job in life later? Or for everyone, for society, for the state? By the way, the workload is really serious, I don't know when someone else has time to go to tutors, as you say. My kids - only in English. It's like a big sport: select the most capable and bring them to the record. And it's not as easy as it sounds. At the same time, one should not forget about mass public sports. Who is against something? <…>

BB : <…> You consider the fact of entering the first grade of the lyceum as the measure of a child's abilities. It's funny, well, and sad at the same time.<…> We need a serious educational center, with serious training, not a show. You yourself say that if a student has problems with mathematics, he will not go there, but who is interested or who has success - will be. What confuses you? Are you afraid of competition? That not only your children will have access to quality education? What's not enough for everyone? Do you want enough for just you ??

DM : You are right about something, of course. I don’t know at all what kind of educational psychologists can determine when entering the first grade, who is more capable and who is less. "Do you consider the fact of entering the first grade of the lyceum as the measure of a child's abilities" - no I do not think so. At the Lyceum, by the way, last year or two, there is no beginning, some first grade was recruited entirely on a paid basis, but they study somewhere separately, not in the building of the lyceum on Raketostroiteley Street. This process of commercializing the lyceum - it apparently did not start today.

And yes, you are right, until it touched me personally, I somehow did not think about it. Everyone has their own life. Competition? No, we are not afraid. I came from a small town, entered the Faculty of Phystech "RT". I graduated and work in my specialty, oddly enough. That education is not enough for everyone - we are not afraid either. There are many different ways to get an education. Internet resources, books, etc. have not been banned yet either. Here it is more likely that the state, represented by officials from education, is doing something very strange. Or not, not strange. It depends on what goal to set.

I can add the following to the above dialog. Despite all the negative tendencies, the Physicotechnical Lyceum has remained quite strong in physics and mathematics. a school, where the child's abilities were first assessed, and then the income of his parents. Children from families with different material incomes continue to study here. I am afraid that the introduction of even a minimum property qualification will radically change this situation, affect the social climate and the values \u200b\u200baccepted in the team.

Apparently, the time has come for everyone to make a difficult moral choice. I personally made my choice. If in the end we do not change the situation and the Phystech Lyceum becomes a “school for the rich” in the status of an ANOO, then my children have nothing to do there.

Dmitry Maslov,
mIPT graduate in 2004, father of four children,
three of which are studying at the Phystech Lyceum

Status Dolgoprudny city "Phystech Lyceum" will be raised to the regional one and on its basis a boarding school for gifted children of natural and mathematical orientation will be created, which will open its doors for talented children already in the new building on September 1, 2014. This was announced at the annual scientific and practical conference "Start in innovation"held on February 01, 2014 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

"The General Education Lyceum No. 11" Phystech "in Dolgoprudny will become the core of the regional school of natural and mathematical orientation at MIPT, - said Veronica Zapalatskaya, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region. “This is a big project for the Moscow region, and we are now doing a lot of preparatory work so that the new school year will be met by lyceum students, and later gifted children from all over the country, in a new school.”

purpose a new boarding school - the creation of a system of education and socialization of children with academic giftedness, including not only a school of fundamental knowledge, but also the development of creative abilities based on modern pedagogical and information technologies... Vice-rector for academic affairs and pre-university training MIPT Artem Voronov emphasized the need for the harmonious development of the student, which includes both the development of his potential in the natural sciences, and the formation of interest in the sciences of the humanities and the development of skills for successful professional socialization.

Such a system of education and upbringing, when, along with deep academic education, an environment is created for the disclosure of the abilities and creative realization of each student, was laid in the basis educational system "Phystech"created by prominent Russian scientists led by the Nobel laureate Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, is being successfully implemented at the Phystech Lyceum. This system, which has been educating in high school the best Russian scientists, has proven its exceptional effectiveness for school education. All graduates of the Lyceum enter leading universities, where they invariably find themselves among the best students, and after graduation they succeed in their careers.

The project to create a boarding school at MIPTinitiated as part of the creation of a scientific and educational cluster "FIZTECH XXI", realized thanks to the active support of the current leadership of the region and personally its governor Andrey Vorobyov. In 2013, an order was received from the Government of the Moscow Region to create a boarding school for gifted children on the site of the former vocational school No. 21 in Dolgoprudny, whose buildings were transformed beyond recognition in just six months and now represent an example of a modern world-class school.

“It is a great honor and responsibility for the entire staff of the Phystech Lyceum, its students and parents - to become the core of such a project,” said a member of the MIPT Supervisory Board and one of the founders of the Phystech Lyceum Development Fund Andrey Ivaschenko... - I am sure that the unique culture of hard work and creativity created in 20 years in this school will serve good foundation and the key to success. "

This year, another parallel will be recruited, and it is planned that on September 1, more than 400 lyceum students will cross the threshold of the new school buildings, and in a few years, when a boarding house for 300 people is built, more than 700 people will study at the school.

Fund for the Development of Phystech Lyceum The goals of the Fund are the development of the secondary education system created at the Lyceum No. 11 “Phystech” of the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, as an example of the practical implementation of an innovative model of school education, which has proven its effectiveness by the highest level of admission to leading universities in the country and the results of the USE. AOU Lyceum No. 11 "Fiztech" Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 11 "Fiztech" was established in 1991 on the initiative of teachers and employees of MIPT and the support of the administration of Dolgoprudny. “We planned to create such a school where it would be difficult to work and study, but it would be interesting where the spirit of Phystech would reign. And "Phystech" means to think creatively…. "Phystech" means the eternal striving for perfection in everything "(NV Karlov, rector of MIPT 1987-1997 from the book" I am Phystech "). The Lyceum today is a stable structure with well-established programs in various subjects, but flexible enough to react vividly to all interesting changes and innovations. The lyceum is interesting lessons and numerous victories of students at city and regional Olympiads, trips and an extensive program of extracurricular activities.

General secondary education institution
GOU, founded in 1991
Persons. No. A 189618 dated December 29, 2005 Accr. No. АА 136497 dated 04.06.2004

Municipal educational institution Lyceum 11 "Phystech" was founded in 1991 by a group of enthusiasts who decided that new times require new forms of education. The lyceum is licensed and state accredited.

Since the formation of the Lyceum, the teaching staff has been continuously expanding and diversifying innovative activities. Training here is conducted at a high professional level with the participation of teachers from PhysTech and other universities in Moscow. Lyceum programs in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave been developed with a focus on university requirements; for high school students, a course in the physical foundations of nanotechnology has been introduced at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

The efforts of the teaching staff are aimed at the harmonious development of students, the upbringing of an intelligent person who is able to think independently, to bear responsibility for their actions. Here, close attention is paid to the formation and strengthening of lyceum traditions, the organization of multidisciplinary, extracurricular and extracurricular work. Every year on September 1, a ceremonial admission to the lyceum students for the first grade is arranged, "Days of Science", "Boldin Autumn", mini-performances based on the works of English classics in English are held annually. Lyceum students showed performances based on the works of English classics even in the Oval Hall of the Moscow Library foreign languages... Lyceum evenings, "Literary drawing rooms", "Day of self-government" are popular.

The lyceum has developed a unique system of teaching a foreign language, which combines traditional and newest methods. English language Lyceum students study from the 2nd grade, from the 6th - a second language of choice is added. The high level of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200ballows children to successfully enter and study at MGIMO and the Linguistic University.

Tuition is paid.

The lyceum has its own kitchen, there are laboratories, a gym, a camp

Foreign languages: English, German, French
A computer: Informatics

Non-standard items: in accordance with the profile of study: natural and mathematical; special courses, scientific studios, library

Electives:on subjects

Mugs:press center, theater studio, choreography, guitar class

Sport sections:basketball, volleyball, athletics


Has been working at the Lyceum for many years preparatory department.

The purpose of its creation is to prepare children for school, and the program of the department also includes the psychological adaptation of the preschooler. Not only teachers, but also a psychologist deal with children.

Classes are held 2 times a week for 4 lessons. Literacy training (writing), literacy training (reading), mathematics, psychology, art work. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. Classes are taught by teachers of the highest category.

Reference materials History of Dolgoprudny lands Memories of city residents Enterprises and organizations of the city Airships, airship building, aeronautics People of our city Honorary citizens of the city Dolgoprudny Their names are immortalized in the names of streets, parks, schools History of the development of public education Emergencies in the city "My city - Dolgoprudny" - historical essay "The history of schools in Dolgoprudny" - the book "The outskirts of the city of Dolgoprudny" - the book "The big story of a small village" - the book "Put the ship in the air!" - the book "The history of DNPP. From airships to rockets" - the book "OAO DNPP. Memoirs of veterans" - the book "Village Vinogradovo" - the book "My five years with Soviet airships" - the book of U. Nobile "Far and Near" - the book Poems and prose about Dolgoprudny It's interesting

http: //site/doc/index.php general information on the history of public education in Dolgoprudny Kindergartens School No. 1 School No. 2 ("Ostrovok") School No. 3 (Khlebnikovo) School No. 4 (Sheremetyevsky) School No. 5 "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum" School No. 6 School No. 7 "Development" School No. 8 "Ecos" (Paveltsevo) School No. 9 School No. 10 Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech" Gymnasium No. 12 Gymnasium No. 13 School No. 14 Municipal Education Center (MTSO, UPK) GPU-21 (RU-45, SPTU-21, SGPTU -21, GPU-21) GPU-94 (KhRU-60, SPTU-4, SPTU-94, GPU-94) Aviation College (DMZ Training Center) Additional education institutions

Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech"

In 1991, with the participation of the Institute of Physics and Technology, the Executive Committee of the Dolgoprudny City Council opened Lyceum N11 "Phystech" - a secondary general educational non-core institution operating in an innovative mode.

Mashkova M.G. was appointed director of a small lyceum, consisting of three classes. The Lyceum did not have its own building, for some time it was located in the house of pioneers, then in the aviation technical school, in the building of d / s N2, and only since November 1994 they settled in the current building on the street. May Day.

The director and the teaching staff had to put a lot of effort into making sure that the building of the school building N117 was well renovated with the support of the City Administration and with appropriate funding. There were certain difficulties with the formation of the team, the definition of the concept of the lyceum.

Since the formation of the Lyceum, the teaching staff has been continuously expanding and diversifying innovative activities, the main focus of which is: the development of programs for in-depth study of individual subjects and the preparation of individual curricula, an introduction to educational plans disciplines that are absent in the basic set, but necessary to complete the tasks facing the lyceum; organization of research activities of lyceum students; introduction of specialized training; organization of the studio "Noosphereum" of ecological direction, provision of educational services to the population.

Teaching is carried out at a high professional level, the teachers of the Physics and Technology Institute are involved.

The efforts of the teaching staff are bearing fruit: every year 100% of graduates enter leading universities, the vast majority of students take part in various kinds of Olympiads and competitions, many of which become winners, including regional Olympiads and competitions. For three years they have been participating in the Sakharov Readings in St. Petersburg.

Efforts ped. the collective are aimed at solving such problems: the harmonious development of students, the upbringing of an intelligent person who is able to think independently, be responsible for his actions. An important part of this work is the formation and strengthening of lyceum traditions, the organization of multidisciplinary, extracurricular and extracurricular work.

Teachers - veterans working in the Lyceum N11 "Phystech": Baranova F.B. - Honored teacher of the RSFSR, Sergeeva O.P., Korshunova A.A., Vodovozova B.M., Belkova L.O., Glushenko A.I., Sagiyan L.P., Chernova N.V.

Teachers from MIPT: Yakovleva T.Kh., Krylova V.V., Rastrenin V.A., Kuzmichev S.D.

Chief Specialist of the Department of Education,

Veteran of pedagogical work

V.Ya. Marinina, 2001

1991, the collapse of the USSR. And in Dolgoprudny - the opening of the Phystech Lyceum. Then it was an unusual experiment, a new type of school. The founders were MIPT and the Administration of Dolgoprudny. Fedko O.S., Skorovarova L.P., Guz S.A., Alyabyeva T.A., Soboleva N.N. made a great contribution to the creation of the lyceum.

The first 1991-1992 academic year, grade 7 was held within the walls of the MIPT Auditorium, where they were allocated the largest and brightest audience. During breaks, lyceum students ran along the corridors of the institute building and angered the dean's office workers who were accustomed to law-abiding students.

The next school year, 1992-1993, grades 7 and 8 were huddled in the building of the Dolgoprudnensky technical school, and the two younger grades studied for the first two years in the building of the House of Pioneers, where music was constantly played, and our kids learned the basics of knowledge under the incessant accompaniment of violins and pianos.

The reunification of all classes of the Lyceum took place in September 1993 in the building kindergarten "Kolobok". The building was old, in severe cold, the junior lyceum students canceled their classes, since the verandas where their classes were, froze through and through. But the lyceum students did not lose heart and lived a full life.

In November 1994, the Lyceum moved to the building, where it is now located at the address: Pervomayskaya Street, 50/4. Now all grades from the first to the eleventh (196 people) study at the Lyceum. On June 4, 1996, the Lyceum received a license and became official educational institution Dolgoprudny.