The most reliable foundation for a brick house. Calculation of the depth of the strip foundation for a two-story house. The main stages of the arrangement of the strip foundation

Brick house

The foundation is the main structural element of any building. A brick house is no exception. It is impossible to build a durable and comfortable home without a reliable supporting base. An improperly laid foundation of a building can cause many troubles, up to the destruction of the entire building. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right and qualitatively fill the foundation for a brick house. This article is intended to answer the questions, which foundation is better, and how it is filled.

Selection Aspects

In the arsenal of modern builders, there are several types of foundation foundations that differ from each other in their design, technical characteristics and scope. Due to these features, the correct approach to choosing a foundation for brick house... There are a number of criteria that have a direct impact on the operation of load-bearing bases. The most important among them are:

  • Dimensions and weight of the building.
  • Physical characteristics of the soil at the construction site.
  • The relief of the site.
  • Subsoil water level.
  • The depth of soil freezing in winter.

You should familiarize yourself with each of these aspects in more detail in order to better understand what the foundation should be for the house.

Building dimensions and weight

A distinctive feature of a brick or stone structure is their large weight. One floor of a brick building in its mass can be more than two floors of a house from a bar. The thing is that the density of building bricks is up to 1.5 tons per 1 cubic meter. For pine or spruce, the density index is only 500 - 600 kg. This puts forward special requirements for the strength and reliability of load-bearing foundations for brick buildings.

Big brick house

According to building regulations, the foundation for a brick house should not be a shallow strip foundation. Will not work and columnar foundation from metal pipes. This is due to the low bearing properties of tape shallow foundations and susceptibility to corrosion of metal pipes.

The size of the house also plays a role. So, the foundation under two-storey house should be much stronger than for a one-story building. And if we take into account that sometimes the height of a private building is not limited to two floors, then the foundation must be poured in full accordance with the SNiP standards. To properly equip the supporting base for a two-story brick building, you need a construction project with all the accompanying engineering calculations.

Soil characteristics

The type of soil also largely determines which foundation for a brick house should be chosen in each case. In terms of their bearing characteristics, soils can be weak, medium and strong. Weak soils include swampy and clayey soils, primarily because of their ability to accumulate moisture. In warm times, such soils do not have sufficient strength to withstand the massive structure of the base, especially the foundation for a two-story house made of brick or stone.

In winter, swampy or clayey soils are subject to seasonal heaving. The water accumulated in their thickness freezes and turns into ice, as a result of which it significantly increases in volume. Expanding, the soil saturated with moisture begins to bulge out, deforming and breaking improperly laid foundations, therefore, on weak soils, the pile foundation for the house is the most preferable option.

The piles should be driven below the freezing depth.

Pile foundation

Hard soils include rocks and sandstones. They are strong enough to withstand any kind of foundation foundation - from a lightweight shallow foundation to a powerful strip foundation for a two-story house.

The sand and the rock practically do not retain moisture, therefore they are not very susceptible to the forces of frost heaving. Sandy loam and loam are intermediate types of soils, the strength of which depends on the degree of their moisture saturation, therefore, when choosing a foundation for a house made of bricks on loamy or sandy loam soil, you should pay attention to such a parameter as the height of groundwater.

Groundwater height

The depth of the base of the bearing base depends on this indicator of soils. A high groundwater level means that the soils on the site are most likely subject to frost heaving, therefore it is not recommended to erect a strip foundation under a brick house in such a place. The best way out in this case is to build a pile foundation or a monolithic "floating" slab. True, such options are most often used for small light buildings.

For a two-story brick house, the pile or slab foundation base will have to be significantly strengthened due to the large massiveness of the building. Another option is to equip an effective drainage and drainage system on the site and lay a foundation tape.

The depth of the strip foundation in this case should be below the level of soil freezing so that the heaving forces do not destroy it. This option is perfect for the southern regions, where the rate of soil freezing does not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 m.In the northern regions, where the depth of freezing can reach 1.5 meters or more, the device of a deep-laid base may become economically unprofitable , since it will significantly increase the total estimated cost of the building.

Also, when constructing a strip foundation with a high level of subsoil water, one should take into account the costs of high-quality multi-layer waterproofing of the walls and floors of the basement. Without this, soil moisture will penetrate into the basement through the smallest cracks and pores in the concrete walls, which will cause the development of mold and mildew. Water trapped in the pores of concrete, when frozen, will expand them, forming cracks.

Many private developers have a question: "What should be the depth of the foundation for a two-story house?" The strength of the entire building depends on this, and if you take into account its considerable dimensions and weight, then you should approach the device of such a supporting base very responsibly, taking into account all the nuances. The table shows the recommended foundation depth for a two-story brick house on soils with different groundwater levels.

Soil susceptibility to heavingDepth of waterNecessary deepening of the base sole
Non-porousNot regulatedNot less than 0.5 m, regardless of the level of soil freezing
PuffyAbove the level of soil freezingBelow the level of soil freezing
Puffy0 ... 2 m below the freezing levelAt ½ the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 50 cm
PuffyMore than 2 m below the freezing levelAt ¾ depth of soil freezing, but not less than 70 cm

Types of foundations

After familiarizing yourself with the main criteria for choosing load-bearing bases, you should consider in more detail technical features one or another foundation for a brick house. Three types of bases are most often used in this capacity:

  1. Tape.
  2. Pile.
  3. Plate.

To understand how to make the right foundation, you should familiarize yourself with the technological nuances of its construction.

Tape base

Strip foundation for a brick house

A strip foundation for a brick house is the most common type. Among the advantages of this option are its simplicity and the ability to withstand very heavy loads, which is especially important for massive buildings, for example, for a two-story brick house. Base-tapes depending on design features are classified into two types:

  • Monolithic.
  • National teams.

Monolithic bases are cast directly on site from concrete mortar. Before starting concreting, formwork is built and a reinforcing frame is assembled in it. Prefabricated belt structures are assembled from blocks using lifting equipment. Structurally, the foundation tape is a concrete strip running under all the supporting walls of the building, both external and internal.

The width of the strip foundation can vary from 30 to 60 cm: it is this size of monolithic foundation slabs that is regulated by construction GOSTs. If the width of the strip foundation for relatively small and light brick buildings can be 300 mm, then the thickness of the foundation for a two-story house should be at least 400 mm.

In addition, the strip foundation of a two-story brick house must be buried at least 50 - 70 cm, provided that it is built on solid, non-porous soils. Shallow-buried base options in this case are absolutely unacceptable, since they have insufficient strength.

Pile foundations

This type of foundation is usually used when erecting a building on weak, marshy or heaving soils. A feature of construction on such soils is the need for a solid foundation that can ensure the stability of the building. For these purposes, the base of the foundation must be buried down to solid rocks, excluding the shrinkage of the building. Or the bottom of the base should be below the level of soil freezing in the cold season. This will exclude it from being squeezed out of the ground by the forces of frost heaving.

Pile foundation for a brick house

In this case, the most optimal technology is the method of driving or twisting piles into the ground. This saves a lot of effort, time and money that would be needed to excavate and fill a monolithic tape of similar depth. There are three technologies for constructing a pile foundation:

  • Hammering.
  • Bored
  • Screw.

Driving method consists in burying the pile into the ground using a special pile hammer. It can be mechanical, suspended from a crane or excavator. In private construction, a hand-held headframe, driven by the muscular strength of people, can also be used. Bored technology provides for drilling a well of the required depth in the ground, after which it is reinforced and poured with monolithic concrete.

When self-pouring piles, the construction technology should be strictly observed - use high grade concrete (from M-400) and vibrate the poured solution. If these rules are not followed, the support piles may turn out to be too weak, having air cavities and cavities inside them.

With the screw technique, special piles with a spiral tip are used to construct the bearing base. They are deepened with mechanical or manual twists, and the whole process resembles twisting a self-tapping screw or a corkscrew.

Slab foundation

Slab foundation

A relatively rarely used technology in residential construction. The classic slab foundation is a reinforced monolithic slab poured on a sand and gravel bed. The low prevalence of this option is associated with a number of operational disadvantages. Firstly, the base plate excludes the construction of a basement, basement or underground under the house. Secondly, such a foundation is used only in the construction of buildings that are small in weight and size.

The slab foundation of a two-story brick house can be too expensive for the developer due to the large volume of concrete pouring.

Therefore, the base-slab in brick private construction is used only in case of emergency. For example, if the construction is carried out on fragile soils. In this case, a large area of \u200b\u200bthe base plate will prevent the building from sinking, reducing its specific pressure on the ground.

The slab technology can also be used on dense soils, when it is necessary to combine the foundation and subfloors to optimize the work. Such a need may arise during the construction of baths, garages or warehouses.

Having become familiar with the features of various foundations and the criteria for their selection, a private developer can independently mount a high-quality foundation for his brick house.

The foundation is the foundation of any capital construction, therefore, before proceeding with the choice of the type of foundation, several important factors related to both the soil and future loads should be determined. If you intend to build a two-story brick house, first of all, you need to do some research.

In order to prevent the foundation from sagging over time, cracking and distorting it, you need to order engineering and geological studies. At this stage, specialists take soil samples, identify their quality characteristics, and, based on the studies carried out, will provide a report and recommendations on which foundation is better for a brick two-story house.

A mandatory criterion for deciding the type of foundation should be a general load indicator, which carries a large number of indicators associated with the weight of all structures and payload... Such values \u200b\u200bare also very important in order to determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation. The foundation for a house is a delicate matter. The foundation for a two-story house should not be too large, as this will make it more expensive.

What type of foundation is better for a two-story brick house?

The choice of the type of foundation is influenced by such factors: the weight of the building structures, the type of soil, the level of groundwater and the depth of soil freezing. Taking into account all these factors, specialists determine the required type of foundation and its dimensions. A visual diagram showing the basic principles of laying a strip foundation for a brick house.

For brick houses, it is necessary to arrange deep strip foundations.

Image of a recessed strip foundation:

A visual diagram of a strip foundation shows what basic components this type of structure consists of.

To build a quality foundation yourself, you will need:

Dig a trench;

It is good to tamp the bottom of the trench, it is the base of the future foundation;

Make an underlayment of rubble, tamp it well into the ground;

Make a sand pillow;

Tamp the sand pillow well;

Install the formwork corresponding to the dimensions of the future foundation;

Install the reinforcement cage;

Pour with concrete.

We do not recommend choosing slab foundations for two-story houses. Such foundations are not durable and stable. They are intended for small buildings like garage. Buildings of two or more floors need reliable reinforcement from below.

Foundation depth for a two-story brick house

A very important point in building a house is the depth of the foundation for a two-story brick house.

It is worth remembering one of the basic principles when determining the depth of the foundation - the depth of its foundation should be below the freezing mark in the region. This primarily applies to heaving soils (clay, loam). Freezing, these soils swell, increase in volume, and raise the foundation. This leads to cracks and deformations of the structure, and sometimes to the destruction of the foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the foundation in heaving soils below the freezing mark.

Sandy soils are less or not at all prone to swelling. Therefore, there is no need to lay the foundation in sandy soils below the freezing mark. The depth of the foundation will depend more on the structural load and the bearing capacity of the soils. But in order for the soil to be considered non-porous, the content of clay particles in it must be less than 50%. These characteristics must be determined by specialists during geological surveys in order to correctly determine the type of foundation and the depth of its foundation.

The frost penetration depth is given in the building regulatory literature and depends on the climatic region. The calculation is made according to a formula that takes into account the monthly average of negative temperatures, the duration of the period with negative temperatures and the type of soil. For settlements with the same temperature index but different types of soil, the freezing depth will be different.

Roughly, you can determine the freezing depth on a map showing the depth of soil freezing by region. The red line is the border of the climatic region with a certain index of soil freezing, which is indicated in centimeters. Thus, in the area between lines 120 and 140, the depth of soil freezing is from 1.2 m to 1.4 m. Intermediate values \u200b\u200bare determined by interpolation. Learn more about the depth of the foundation.

What else should you pay attention to?

On the need for a drainage system, especially if the house is planned to be built near a reservoir or in a lowland, where the level is high groundwater level. Since in winter the groundwater freezes and increases in volume, they try to push out the foundation, as a result of which it will gradually collapse. There are a few additional factors worth looking into, but we will not go into them deeply as they depend on the choice of the construction team. After all, a good foundation of the house is already half the battle, so you should not save on the construction team in any case, especially, when the foundation is laid for a brick two-story house.

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About strip foundations

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Perhaps the most basic part of the house, responsible for its strength and safety, is the foundation. Whatever foundation you choose for the house (brick foundation, concrete, pile), you need to know a number of features regarding its construction, since the service life of your house will depend on this. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of the foundation with great responsibility and knowledge of the matter. Today we will consider all the nuances of the foundation for a brick house.

For the strength and durability of the house, you need to build a strong, reliable foundation for it.

After reading the information, you can easily decide on the choice of the correct and reliable foundation. All you need to build it yourself is the information below, building materials and tools:

  • concrete mixer;
  • level;
  • welding;
  • crochet hook;
  • shovel;
  • lacing;
  • boards;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer and others.

And most importantly - a great desire and a little construction experience.

So how to build the right foundation for a brick house? Let's start by examining the different types of foundations and their main characteristics.

The foundation for a brick house: types, methods of construction, useful tips

Since we are talking about the construction of a brick house, then first of all you need to think about what kind of foundation is able to withstand this rather large weight load. If you make a mistake at this stage, then in the future it can lead to the destruction of the walls of the house or the appearance of serious defects in the form of cracks. Most often, a foundation of one of three options is made for a house for the construction of which a brick was used:

  • the foundation is tape-like;
  • pile-type foundation;
  • slab-type foundation.

Choosing any of the above, you must remember that each of them requires a serious approach to construction and the implementation of certain rules and regulations. Only in this case, during operation, you will not have to worry about the reliability, strength and safety of your home.

So, for any of the three foundations listed above, a number of factors must be considered:

  • qualities characterizing the soil from the side of physics and mechanics;
  • relief of the site for construction;
  • the depth to which the soil freezes in a given climatic zone;
  • groundwater level.

If you do not know the quality of the soil on your site, then it is best to seek help from specialists who, after analyzing, will answer all your questions. And only after familiarizing yourself with the information provided, you can start choosing a foundation for a house built from such building materiallike a brick.

Here are a few illustrative examples... So, if your site is dominated by non-porous, dry soil, for example sandy, then a tape-type foundation is suitable for building a brick house. This applies to prefabricated, and monolithic, and combined base options. But in the presence of moving and heaving soil, it is better to opt for a slab solid foundation. The pile foundation option is suitable for almost any type of soil. However, it is not very suitable for a brick building (heavy weight). Back to the table of contents

The foundation for a brick house: tape type option

This is one of the most popular and common options for the foundation for a structure, for the construction of which a brick is used. In addition to brick, a house built on such a foundation can be built from concrete or stone. The device of this foundation is quite simple, but despite its simplicity, it can easily withstand high weight loads. The foundation is carried out along the entire perimeter of the structure, as well as in the locations of the internal walls. The strip foundation also has one more advantage - it is a real opportunity to equip a basement or basement. In this case, the function of the basement walls will be performed by a strip foundation.

The strip foundation can be of two types. This is a prefabricated and monolithic foundation. As for the latter, its design is presented in a one-piece version with the use of reinforcement. Concrete is used to create it. The strength of this foundation is very high. Everyone is quite capable of building such a foundation with their own hands. By cons monolithic foundation can be attributed to the long period allotted for the procedure of hardening of concrete and the subsequent acquisition of the required strength. You can, of course, use other building materials to create the foundation, for example, make a brick foundation.

Types of prefabricated foundations.

The prefabricated foundation is made of separate blocks. These can be stone or concrete parts. Its construction takes much less time, but it is in this connection that you cannot do without the help of workers and special equipment. If we compare these two options in terms of strength, then the second is significantly inferior in this indicator.

In addition to the classification voiced above, the strip foundation is subdivided into such types as shallow and buried. The first option does not exceed a depth of 70 cm, its minimum value is 50 cm. Shallow foundations are more suitable for the construction of light buildings; this option is absolutely not suitable for a brick house. In this case, a recessed type of foundation is more suitable. Its depth corresponds to a value 30 cm greater than the depth of soil freezing. Please note that these values \u200b\u200bare based on the arrangement of the basement.

The order of work for the construction of the foundation: marking, digging a hole, waterproofing, formwork construction, reinforcement, concrete pouring.

We will not describe in great detail the entire front of work on the arrangement of the foundation. But the main points should be noted:

  1. The building site needs to be cleared. For this, the sod layer is removed and the foundation is marked. The most important thing is to provide right angles.
  2. The next step is to dig a pit. This is done either manually or using special equipment. For the arrangement of the basement, it is necessary to make a foundation pit, but if it is absent in the plan, it is enough to dig a trench for the foundation. As for their size, it is advisable to increase them a little, since later you will have to perform formwork, which takes up quite a lot of space. The bottom of the finished pit must be leveled and the depth value in the corners must be checked.
  3. If you dug a trench for a monolithic foundation, then its bottom must be watered, and then sprinkled with gravel and sand. The thickness of this layer should be 200 mm. Further, this layer is rammed using a vibrating plate. Next comes a layer of waterproofing material, and then a layer of concrete mixture, prepared in a lean version. If your foundation is prefabricated, then all these actions are performed only at the locations of the blocks. Please note that in order to install concrete blocks in their intended places, you will need to involve special equipment. After placing them, it is necessary to ensure their fastening with a solution of cement and sand.
  4. A monolithic foundation requires formwork. Boards are suitable for it, the thickness of which is not more than 50 mm. They are fixed with spacers. It is very good if you have the opportunity to use collapsible formwork. Pay particular attention to controlling the verticality of the walls. In this case, the height of the foundation above the soil surface should be at least 40 cm. If the soil is wet on the site, then an increase in this parameter is necessary. Based on these factors, we choose the height of the formwork.
  5. The next stage involves the installation of a frame made of reinforcement. For these purposes, rods are suitable, the thickness of which will be at least 6 mm, but not more than 10 mm. Having prepared the segments of the required size, we create a frame by welding. Then we place this structure in the trench. In this case, do not forget to prepare props for it in advance. For their arrangement, you will need either a brick or a stone.
  6. Move on to the preparation of the concrete mixture. After it is ready, it remains only to pour it into the prepared trench. The pouring procedure is carried out in several stages, in layers. Each of the layers does not exceed 20 cm. After the distribution of each layer, it is necessary to compact the concrete mixture using a vibratory hammer or any handy tool (shovel). Thus, you will save the solution from the appearance of air bubbles in it, and your future foundation will be solid, which will affect its strength and reliability. I would like to note that for a solid and reliable foundation, the concrete solution must have an average fat content. This consistency will allow it to spread evenly in the trench.
  7. After the foundation is poured, it is necessary to leave it without interference until it dries completely. Typically this period takes about 1 month. In the first days after pouring, you need to moisten its surface with water. This method will avoid drying out and the possible appearance of cracks.
  8. Now that the concrete is completely frozen, you need to remove the formwork and perform waterproofing work. For these purposes, various kinds of materials are usually used, intended for waterproofing roll or coating type.
  9. And the last stage involves backfilling the finished foundation. This must be done carefully enough, since there is a possibility of damage to the waterproofing layer.

The foundation is the main structural element of any building. A brick house is no exception. It is impossible to build a durable and comfortable home without a reliable supporting base. An improperly laid foundation of a building can cause many troubles, up to the destruction of the entire building. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right and qualitatively fill the foundation for a brick house. This article is intended to answer the questions, which foundation is better, and how it is filled.

Selection Aspects

In the arsenal of modern builders, there are several types of foundation foundations that differ from each other in their design, technical characteristics and field of application. Due to these features, you need the right approach to choosing a foundation for a brick house. There are a number of criteria that have a direct impact on the operation of load-bearing bases. The most important among them are:

  • Dimensions and weight of the building.
  • Physical characteristics of the soil at the construction site.
  • The relief of the site.
  • Subsoil water level.
  • The depth of soil freezing in winter.

You should familiarize yourself with each of these aspects in more detail in order to better understand what the foundation should be for the house.

Building dimensions and weight

A distinctive feature of a brick or stone structure is their large weight. One floor of a brick building in its mass can be more than two floors of a house from a bar. The thing is that the density of building bricks is up to 1.5 tons per 1 cubic meter. For pine or spruce, the density index is only 500 - 600 kg. This puts forward special requirements for the strength and reliability of load-bearing foundations for brick buildings.

Big brick house

According to building regulations, the foundation for a brick house should not be a shallow strip foundation. A columnar foundation made of metal pipes will not work either. This is due to the low bearing properties of tape shallow foundations and susceptibility to corrosion of metal pipes.

The size of the house also plays a role. So, the foundation for a two-story house should be much stronger than for a one-story building. And if you consider that sometimes the height of a private building is not limited to two floors, then the foundation must be poured in full accordance with the SNiP standards. To properly equip the supporting base for a two-story brick building, you need a construction project with all the accompanying engineering calculations.

Soil characteristics

The type of soil also largely determines which foundation for a brick house should be chosen in each case. In terms of their bearing characteristics, soils can be weak, medium and strong. Weak soils include swampy and clayey soils, primarily because of their ability to accumulate moisture. In warm times, such soils do not have sufficient strength to withstand the massive structure of the base, especially the foundation for a two-story house made of brick or stone.

In winter, swampy or clayey soils are subject to seasonal heaving. The water accumulated in their thickness freezes and turns into ice, as a result of which it significantly increases in volume. Expanding, the soil saturated with moisture begins to bulge out, deforming and breaking improperly laid foundations, therefore, on weak soils, the pile foundation for the house is the most preferable option.

The piles should be driven below the freezing depth.

Hard soils include rocks and sandstones. They are strong enough to withstand any kind of foundation foundation - from a lightweight shallow foundation to a powerful strip foundation for a two-story house.

The sand and the rock practically do not retain moisture, therefore they are not very susceptible to the forces of frost heaving. Sandy loam and loam are intermediate types of soils, the strength of which depends on the degree of their moisture saturation, therefore, when choosing a foundation for a house made of bricks on loamy or sandy loam soil, you should pay attention to such a parameter as the height of groundwater.

No. Type of foundation Type of soil 1 Belt prefabricated or monolithic Non-heaving soils - sandstones or rocks 2 Slab Solid non-heaving and heaving, prone to subsidence 3 Pile Any kind of soil 4 Belt rubble Non-heaving and non-subsiding sandy loam and loamy

Groundwater height

The depth of the base of the bearing base depends on this indicator of soils. A high groundwater level means that the soils on the site are most likely subject to frost heaving, therefore it is not recommended to erect a strip foundation under a brick house in such a place. The best way out in this case is to build a pile foundation or a monolithic "floating" slab. True, such options are most often used for small light buildings.

For a two-story brick house, the pile or slab foundation base will have to be significantly strengthened due to the large massiveness of the building. Another option is to equip an effective drainage and drainage system on the site and lay a foundation tape.

The depth of the strip foundation in this case should be below the level of soil freezing so that the heaving forces do not destroy it. This option is perfect for the southern regions, where the rate of soil freezing does not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 m.In the northern regions, where the depth of freezing can reach 1.5 meters or more, the device of a deep-laid base may become economically unprofitable , since it will significantly increase the total estimated cost of the building.

Also, when constructing a strip foundation with a high level of subsoil water, one should take into account the costs of high-quality multi-layer waterproofing of the walls and floors of the basement. Without this, soil moisture will penetrate into the basement through the smallest cracks and pores in the concrete walls, which will cause the development of mold and mildew. Water trapped in the pores of concrete, when frozen, will expand them, forming cracks.

Many private developers have a question: "What should be the depth of the foundation for a two-story house?" The strength of the entire building depends on this, and if you take into account its considerable dimensions and weight, then you should approach the device of such a supporting base very responsibly, taking into account all the nuances. The table shows the recommended foundation depth for a two-story brick house on soils with different groundwater levels.

Soil susceptibility to heaving Depth of water occurrence Necessary deepening of the bottom of the base Non-heaving Not regulated Not less than 0.5 m, regardless of the level of soil freezing Heaving Above the level of soil freezing Below the level of freezing of the soil Heaving At 0 ... 2 m below the freezing level At ½ the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 50 cm Heavy More than 2 m below the freezing level At ¾ the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 70 cm

Types of foundations

After familiarizing yourself with the main criteria for choosing load-bearing bases, you should take a closer look at the technical features of one or another foundation for a brick house. Three types of bases are most often used in this capacity:

To understand how to make the right foundation, you should familiarize yourself with the technological nuances of its construction.

Tape base

A strip foundation for a brick house is the most common type. Among the advantages of this option are its simplicity and the ability to withstand very heavy loads, which is especially important for massive buildings, for example, for a two-story brick house. Base-tapes, depending on the design features, are divided into two types:

Monolithic bases are cast directly on site from concrete mortar. Before starting concreting, formwork is built and a reinforcing frame is assembled in it. Prefabricated belt structures are assembled from blocks using lifting equipment. Structurally, the foundation tape is a concrete strip running under all the supporting walls of the building, both external and internal.

The width of the strip foundation can vary from 30 to 60 cm: it is this size of monolithic foundation slabs that is regulated by construction GOSTs. If the width of the strip foundation for relatively small and light brick buildings can be 300 mm, then the thickness of the foundation for a two-story house should be at least 400 mm.

In addition, the strip foundation of a two-story brick house must be buried at least 50 - 70 cm, provided that it is built on solid, non-porous soils. Shallow-buried base options in this case are absolutely unacceptable, since they have insufficient strength.

Pile foundations

This type of foundation is usually used when erecting a building on weak, marshy or heaving soils. A feature of construction on such soils is the need for a solid foundation that can ensure the stability of the building. For these purposes, the base of the foundation must be buried down to solid rocks, excluding the shrinkage of the building. Or the bottom of the base should be below the level of soil freezing in the cold season. This will exclude it from being squeezed out of the ground by the forces of frost heaving.

Pile foundation for a brick house

In this case, the most optimal technology is the method of driving or twisting piles into the ground. This saves a lot of effort, time and money that would be needed to excavate and fill a monolithic tape of similar depth. There are three technologies for constructing a pile foundation:

Driving method consists in burying the pile into the ground using a special pile hammer. It can be mechanical, suspended from a crane or excavator. In private construction, a hand-held headframe, driven by the muscular strength of people, can also be used. Bored technology provides for drilling a well of the required depth in the ground, after which it is reinforced and poured with monolithic concrete.

When self-pouring piles, the construction technology should be strictly observed - use high grade concrete (from M-400) and vibrate the poured solution. If these rules are not followed, the support piles may turn out to be too weak, having air cavities and cavities inside them.

With the screw technique, special piles with a spiral tip are used to construct the bearing base. They are deepened with mechanical or manual twists, and the whole process resembles twisting a self-tapping screw or a corkscrew.

Slab foundation

A relatively rarely used technology in residential construction. The classic slab foundation is a reinforced monolithic slab poured on a sand and gravel bed. The low prevalence of this option is associated with a number of operational disadvantages. Firstly, the base plate excludes the construction of a basement, basement or underground under the house. Secondly, such a foundation is used only in the construction of buildings that are small in weight and size.

The slab foundation of a two-story brick house can be too expensive for the developer due to the large volume of concrete pouring.

Therefore, the base-slab in brick private construction is used only in case of emergency. For example, if the construction is carried out on fragile soils. In this case, a large area of \u200b\u200bthe base plate will prevent the building from sinking, reducing its specific pressure on the ground.

The slab technology can also be used on dense soils, when it is necessary to combine the foundation and subfloors to optimize the work. Such a need may arise during the construction of baths, garages or warehouses.

Having become familiar with the features of various foundations and the criteria for their selection, a private developer can independently mount a high-quality foundation for his brick house.

Calculation of the depth of the strip foundation for a two-story house

The foundation is the basis of any structure, therefore, it is extremely important to avoid even the slightest mistakes during the arrangement. A well-made base will not only strengthen the structure, but also extend its service life. The construction of a two-story house also begins with the study of the foundation, but first you need to examine the soil for its condition and the height of the ground aquifers. Such geodetic studies are required in order to calculate what depth and height are needed for the foundation of the future house.

Determination of depth for a two-story house

To determine the depth of the foundation, not only the type of soil and the height of the aquifers are calculated, but also the point of soil freezing. In particular, several types of soil are divided:

  1. Fluffy - these are fine sandstone, loam and other non-heavy compositions.
  2. Non-powdery are semi-rock and rocky rocks.
  3. Weakly fluffy are considered more severe. This includes gravelly (large and medium-sized), as well as coarse soils.

Important! A strip foundation for a two-story house on soft soil will take away not only strength, but also finances. Therefore, it is better to choose any other type of foundation.

The height of the approach of groundwater aquifers also affects what dimensions the foundation will have for a two-story house. In the case of a close finding of the exit point in the presence of heaving soil, the depth should be as small as possible. And this combination is fraught with high costs and a choice of non-standard solutions. However, the strip foundation is good because it can be buried 0.7 meters and at the same time be confident in the strength of the foundation. Additional work will be required, not the most difficult - waterproofing the supporting structure.

Advice! Semi-rock and rocky soils do not depend on the approach of the aquifers and the freezing point. Therefore, geodetic surveys are not required here, and the depth of the laying of the bearing base can be standard.

The freezing point of the soil is the last criterion in choosing the depth of the bearing base for a two-story house. But there is a secret here: in the case of non-heaving soil on the site, the freezing point does not have much effect.

Calculation of the depth and width of the foundation for a two-story house

After determining the main factors, the main parameters of the supporting base are calculated: depth, width, height of the strip foundation.

Advice! In the case of erecting a two-story frame house, the trench depth is calculated according to the standard parameters of a frame with a height of 70 cm.

As a rule, the width of the base of the house is determined as the estimated thickness of the outer walls plus 15 cm.But such calculations are very approximate, in order to determine more accurate parameters, the following data must be taken into account:

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe pit bottom, to determine the dimensions of which it is necessary to know the mass of the structure and the bearing capacity;
  2. The thickness of the main walls of the building;
  3. Looseness of the soil;
  4. Freezing point.

Advice! The depth of the supporting base also depends on the materials used to build the house, climatic conditions and the place of construction. A two-story house is considered a low-rise type of structure, so a material such as a brick, cinder block is quite suitable. The strip foundation for such houses can be of a shallow type.

Formula for calculation: multiply 0.8 m by the number of floors of the future house. It turns out the figure 1.6 - it is this depth that is considered standard for a two-story house.

Features of the strip foundation

The strip foundation is of the monolithic type and is ideal on sandy, clayey soils. It is also used on soils with drops of 20-50 cm. The difference of this type of bearing base is located along the entire perimeter of the building, including bearing walls.

The width of the base must be greater than the thickness of the walls, taking into account the maximum ground load for the type of soil available. The thickness depends on the building material. For example, if using concrete, the base width is taken as standard - 25 cm, reinforced concrete - 10 cm wide, natural stone - 50 cm wide.

In matters of determining what exactly should be the depth of the foundation, it is worth paying attention to the type of structure. In particular, for wooden buildings, a depth of burial of no more than 15-20 cm below the freezing point of the soil is chosen, but for a heavier two-story brick house, the depth of burial is required from 30-40 cm below the freezing level.

Advice! After the depth of the bearing base has been determined, the height is calculated. Sizes vary at the request of the customer, but the standards offer their own parameters: for houses made of brick or aerated concrete, the height is from 20 cm, for wood from 35-40 cm. Builders recommend taking the following parameters: plus 10 cm to the height of the snow cover typical for the area

Options for the device foundations for a brick house

Based on the experience in construction, a strip foundation for the construction of a brick house is the best option. On one condition that a one-story structure is being erected and a suitable type of soil is present. The laying of a two-story building requires a more careful approach and miscalculations of the entire supporting structure.

The cottage always wants to be finished with the most modern materials that weigh a lot. For example, polymer tiles weigh 17-28 kg per piece. Plus, its supporting structure has sufficient weight. Therefore, the reserve of strength should be sufficient (15-20%).

The technological process of the foundation device requires careful study and implementation of all advanced technologies. Let's try to disassemble on the shelves not only the strip version of the foundation, for a brick house, but also a combined method. How to strengthen the foundation for a two-story option. What is the main thing for a fortress? Technology, materials, or correct calculations and precise adherence to the project during construction.

Construction and site selection

In general, you can build everywhere, but not everywhere there is a suitable soil.

It is possible to visually determine with a probability of 90%, only the presence of groundwater, having briefly examined the vegetation.

There should be no sow thistle, reeds, large thickets of bushes.

When choosing a plot to bookmark a house, invite a specialist to carry out work on geodetic surveys, thereby solving more than one issue.

Determine the type of soil, its density, the presence of groundwater.

How to choose the type of foundation

Normal buried strip foundations are standard. The main supporting structure rests on the topsoil. On dense soil, with ground movements, the strip foundation of standard, up to 1400 mm., Deepening, works normally. Like any other by type.

Shallowly recessed bases are also made from this series from concrete and reinforcement, and the supporting frame simply lies on the ground, the depth of the laying is up to 600 mm. And the main weight loads are transferred to the ground by the building's weight and pressure. This is a floating type of foundation. It is better to choose it for the construction of a one-story, not heavy building on a slightly heaving ground. An excellent choice for suburban or suburban construction.

The pile-tape version of the foundation, laid according to the construction technology of TISE (Technology of Individual Construction Ecological), is used more often when moving on heaving soils. To prevent the tape from tearing off the piles, a stabilizing pillow is made under it. This combined use is advantageous where the depth of dense soil is below 2.0-2.5 meters.

This type is suitable for the construction of a two-story brick house, but only with a light finish inside.

It is necessary to build in a swampy area adhering to certain standards, and the use of a foundation that stands on screw piles will perfectly protect the building from all kinds of distortions and shrinkage. You can also apply the screwing of piles, they are driven to the required depth into the soil itself, trying to get below the groundwater level, which gives undeniable advantages in stability.

Such a foundation is suitable for the construction of a two-story house on stable soils. The base on screw piles almost does not react to the change of seasons, the building will serve for a long time.

Preparation and arrangement of a crushed stone pillow

Having decided the number of storeys, and choosing the type of strip foundation, it is time to develop the soil and install a pillow under the strip foundation for your brick house.

The width of the ditch should correspond to the loads for a one-story building, but not less than 500 mm., Width. The depth when building a brick house is 1-1.2 meters.

Taking into account the depth, they dig 1300 mm., Of which 100 mm., Will go to filling the pillow with rubble. The ditch bottom is compacted manually or using vibrating plates with a mass of at least 120 kg. Enough 8-10 passes with such a slab along the bottom of the trench.

For a brick two-story house, the strip foundation is poured deeper, soil development is carried out to a depth of 2 or more meters, to dense layers of earth. With the combined method, piles are buried directly in the ditch to a depth of 5 meters. The installation of piles should be carried out strictly in a vertical position, and their diameter during laying should not be less than 1800-200 mm.

Tip: To reduce the pressure on the foundation walls, you can use damping backfills, sand, rubble or a mixture of them. They are arranged around the entire base, with a layer thickness of 200-400 mm, to the depth of the entire foundation.

How to reinforce the strip foundation

Technology is marching forward in construction. Recently on the market of materials appeared rebar that does not rust, made of basalt fiber on a composite floor. Its fibers are strong enough to create load-bearing structures even for a two-story house.

In lowlands and damp places, it is better to give preference to her. For fidelity, having laid a rod with a diameter of not 12 mm, but 14. Under normal conditions, a standard frame made of Class A-3 reinforcement bars, made of metal, is used to strengthen the concrete structure.

In the case of reinforcing a mine field for a pile-strip version of the foundation, a rod diameter of 10-12 mm is used for the construction of vertical frames. Having clasped them with rings of thin reinforcement 6-8 mm., In diameter. The rings are mounted with a step of 30-40 cm, along the length of the rods. Releases are also important, for bandaging with a tape frame, it is easier to cut off unnecessary ones before pouring than to tie up pieces inside, the spatial frame itself.

Important: For the construction of strip foundations for a two-story house, it is better to reinforce in accordance with the norms 7.3.5 SNiP 52-01-2003, "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures". And the protective layer of concrete from the edge of the finished reinforcement frame must be at least 35 mm.

When laying a two-story house, the foundation should not have four longitudinal rods in the concrete section, but at least 6. 14-18 mm thick, with a foundation section of 1200 * 600 mm. In order to adhere to the protective layer within a given range, plastic products can be used: distances.

Reinforcement under a brick house is simply necessary. This is not a lightweight construction of profiles and profiled sheet. Where can I make a shallow recessed version of the base.

Formwork selection

The speed of the pouring work as a whole depends on the formwork device. It is economical to choose a non-removable option. But for 2 floors, the best option would be a block formwork made of metal or a modular version of plastic.

The design of such equipment allows you to work without problems in the pit, and it can be assembled in just a few days.

Many developers are in a hurry to dismantle the formwork, this should not be done. Break off the edges of loose concrete. You can speed up the process by adding an additive or plasticizer to the concrete, and in winter it will have to be done this way.

For small volumes of concreting up to 20 cubic meters, it is better to make the formwork yourself from a board and a bar, and in another case it is cost-effective to rent it.

Do not forget to insert the foil between the timber formwork and the frame. If you have chosen metal formwork, lubricate it with used oil, any will do.

Pouring the foundation tape

You can pour the tape manually using a concrete mixer, arranging several auxiliary galvanized steel gutters around the perimeter. If its depth is not more than 600 mm, and the volume is 5-9 cubes.

Important: A pile strip foundation for a brick house is built in 2 main stages, filling the shafts or screwing in piles and pouring concrete into the bearing strip. If the piles are made of concrete, then they can be loaded no earlier than after 30 days.

Otherwise, the concrete must be ordered in advance and the exact volume must be calculated. Deep vibrators for compacting the mass itself are also useful here, the denser the rammer, the better the concrete.

The production of concrete casting of load-bearing structures requires experience and knowledge. Having agreed with the specialists, you will perfectly solve the problem of assembling all structures, as well as solve the issue of concreting.

Foundation for a two-story brick house

For any structure, a strong support is required; this element can serve as the foundation for a two-story house.

When laying this design, it is important to avoid flaws and mistakes in order to extend the operational life.

To do this, you should qualitatively examine the soil in order to choose the most suitable type of foundation laying.

The main indicators of the soil

To determine the depth of the foundation for a two-story brick house, you must have the following data:

  • type of soil;
  • the depth of freezing of the soil;
  • the depth of finding groundwater.

Determine the soil type before laying the foundation

The soil water level is located at a great distance from the freezing level (more than 2 meters). For this reason, building a foundation will not be expensive.

The type of soil is one of the important factors affecting the depth and choice of material to fill the foundation. From the influence of weather conditions, the soil changes its volume, therefore, by determining its properties, it is possible to determine the classification of the type of soil. They are divided into:

  • rocky ones are reliable, strong enough;
  • coarse - a combination of sand and various solid particles, the base is reliable;
  • sandy - they contain sand of different density, they perfectly pass water, they are not subject to heaving, but shrink under load;
  • clayey - the main percentage consists of clay, they retain water, can shrink or erode, are exposed to frost heaving;
  • loamy - a soil containing from 10 to 30% loam with sand, retain moisture, which contributes to severe freezing and an increase in volume;
  • peat - a mixture of clay, sand and other organic impurities, compacted unevenly under load.

Ground water level

The groundwater level is an indicator that helps to establish the depth of the foundation, which is necessary for this particular type of structure. If the level indicators are high, then it is better not to use this site for construction.

This can entail high costs and incorrect design decisions, and additional waterproofing must be done afterwards.

All the necessary information should be found out even before the start of construction. This can be done without special geodetic surveys: ask neighbors, visit real estate agencies, or use the help of a company that conducted tests in the area.

Soils that are not greatly influenced by the level of freezing and the rise in water are rocky rocks.

The amount of soil freezing

Many companies engaged in construction use a simplified version of determining the depth of laying the foundation, since they consider the main criterion on which it depends is winter freezing of the soil.

To some extent, this is the right decision, but on the other hand, this method can increase the cost of work several times.

If the soil is not collapsed, then the amount of frost will not have a big effect on the foundation, no matter how deep it is laid. But be that as it may, this factor must be taken into account.

Foundation parameters

For the construction of a brick house, the optimal depth and width of the base are important points. The basic principle to be followed is the correct location of the foundation. It should be lower than the freezing limit in the soil.

This applies mainly to clay and loamy soils, since they tend to raise the foundation when they increase in volume. It also leads to the appearance of cracks, and subsequently contributes to the destruction of the structure.

Sandy soil is not subject to swelling, so there is no need to lay the foundation below the freezing mark. In this case, the depth of the foundation will depend on the supporting capacity of the soil and the structural load.

The depth is calculated according to a special formula that takes into account the critical temperature indicator, the length of time with this temperature within a month, as well as the type of soil.

To determine what the soil freezing depth is, you can refer to the table, which indicates data by region.

Other important points

It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of a drainage system, in particular, when it is planned to build a house next to a reservoir, where there is a high level of soil water.

Also, this fact should be taken into account if the house is planned to be built with a basement.

In order for a brick house built on several floors to have the correct foundation, all conditions that may affect further operation should be studied:

  • compare the load on the base with the standards;
  • the height, width and thickness of the planned building are necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the entire system;
  • the minimum width of the sole of the support system;
  • number of floors.

To determine what depth is required, you should adhere to the following formula: multiply 0.8 m by the planned number of floors. For a house with two floors, the value will be 1.6 m.For more information about drainage work on the site, see this video:

For long-term operation, it is necessary to correctly carry out the construction and arrangement work, which will save the house without distortions, various cracks and other damage.

Features when determining the dimensions of the base

The width and height of the foundation in the calculation requires the identification of some characteristics. To build a brick house on several floors, you need to lay the tape up to the freezing line. But for greater strength, it is better to make the pit depth 30 cm more so that the height of the strip base above the zero point is appropriate.

What the width of the base will be depends on what dimensions the house will have. The following parameters play an important role in determining this indicator:

  • sole area;
  • the dimensions of the thickness of the walls of the structure;
  • the weight of the reinforced belt frame, as well as the width and correct spacing between the reinforcement.

What should be the strip foundation? Strong so that after the completion of the work, taking into account all the total loads, the structure does not go into the ground. After all, the structure can not only push the structure out during frosts, but also, under the influence of a large weight, press into the soil.

Correct consideration of all parameters when calculating the strip foundation is the key to the long-term and reliable functioning of the structure.

Strip foundation

Given the many years of practice, it is not practical to use a pile foundation for a brick house with two floors. After all, for this it is necessary to rent special equipment. To transport piles and arrange monolithic grillages, large investments are required. The most common for brick buildings are strip foundations. In most cases, prefabricated or monolithic structures are used.

The prefabricated base, as a rule, includes concrete blocks and reinforced concrete slabs, the thickness of which is about 50 cm.For how to make a strip foundation with your own hands, see this useful video:

To prevent the structure from being pushed out by the soil, an expansion is performed at the sole of the base. For small elements, this process is done with metal rods. When erecting a building at the junction of the strip base and walls, it is necessary to install a polyvinyl chloride film and perform insulation.

What is the standard for the foundation when building a two-story house? These are cast structures, which are made of concrete with the addition of crushed stone or gravel. The prepared mortar must be poured into the previously made formwork and compacted.

Foundation depth for a two-story house

The foundation is the foundation of any structure. Therefore, it is very important not to make mistakes when laying it down. A well-made foundation will strengthen the structure and significantly extend its service life. Let's say you want to build a two-story house. Where should you start? Start with surveying to find out the type of soil and the height of the water table. This must be done in order to correctly calculate the depth of the laying and determine the type of foundation that is most suitable for a given area. The depth of the foundation for a two-story house is one of main characteristicsto be determined. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Dependence on soil type

So, we learned that three main factors affect how deeply any foundation needs to be laid:

  • Soil type,
  • Groundwater level,
  • The depth of soil freezing.

To find out how deep to dig the foundation, you first need to determine the type of soil in your chosen area. Soil type is one of the fundamental factors that affects both the material of the building and the depth of the installation and the type of foundation that is best used in a given environment.

The fact is that the soil can change its volume, depending on weather conditions. Based on this property, there is a classification of soil types. They are divided into three types:

  1. Heavily soils. These include fine sandy soil, loam and others.
  2. Non-porous soils. These include semi-rock and rock.
  3. Weak soils. These include coarse and medium gravelly sands and coarse-grained soils.

Dependence on the level of groundwater

Another factor, the definition of which will help determine what depth of foundation is needed for your structure, is the level of groundwater. If the site you have chosen for construction is too high, and the soil is heaving, then this is not the best option for construction. This combination promises increased expenses and non-standard solutions when designing a building. Additional waterproofing for the supporting structure will most likely be required. Therefore, it is best not to stop your choice on such sites. Be sure to find out this information before starting the construction of the building. This can be done without carrying out any surveying. Interview the owners of the plots in the neighborhood, pay a visit to real estate agencies, or contact firms that study and test the soil in the area.

There are also a number of soil types on which neither winter soil freezing nor the height of groundwater rise have a significant effect. These types of soil are, for example, semi-rock and rock.

Dependence on the depth of soil freezing

Almost all construction companies use a lightweight method for determining the optimal depth of the foundation. They believe that the main criterion on which the depth of the foundation for a house depends is the depth of soil freezing in winter. On the one hand, this is absolutely correct, but on the other hand, this approach sometimes increases the cost of construction work many times over. Why is this happening? The fact is that such developers do not take into account the type of soil. If the soil, for example, is not heaving, then the force of frost heaving will not have any effect on the foundation, no matter how deep it is laid.

But still, this factor should be taken into account. It depends on the climate of the area in which the house is being built. For example, the depth of soil freezing in Moscow is 140 cm, and in Novosibirsk - 220 cm.

Calculation of the depth and width of the foundation for a 2-storey building

Any work on the construction of a house begins with digging a trench. Since the planned building has only two floors, the load on its base will be relatively small. Therefore, the width of the trench can be no more than half a meter. As for the depth of the trench, it must be done as much as possible. This will only increase the bearing capacity of the structure.

If you plan to build a frame house, then when calculating the depth of the trench, you need to take into account the dimensions of the frame for a two-story structure, the height of which is 70 cm. When the trench is ready, you can start installing the formwork. And then you need to make a frame from reinforcement, welded or wire.

The depth and width of the foundation depend on many parameters. Some builders determine the width of the base of the house as the expected thickness of the walls to add 15 cm. But these are very approximate calculations. To calculate the width more accurately, you need to take into account data such as:

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation pit, for the calculation of which it is necessary to know the weight of the entire structure, its bearing capacity.
  2. The thickness of the main walls of the building.
  3. Looseness of the soil.
  4. The depth to which the soil freezes in winter.

The depth of the foundation is determined on the basis of information about the material used to build the house, the characteristics of this type of soil and climatic conditions in the area where the building is being erected.

A two-story building is considered low-rise, so a brick or cinder block may well serve as a material for it. As for the type of foundation that is suitable for low-rise buildings, it can be shallow.

The calculation of the depth of the foundation is made according to the following formula: multiply 0.8 m by the number of floors in the future house. Thus, for a two-story building, this value will be 1.6 m.

Foundation types

In construction, various types of foundations are used, the choice of which depends on many factors.


The tape type is monolithic and is suitable for use on clayey, very sandy soils. It can be used only if there are differences in the height of the soil from 20 cm to 50 cm on the plot of land. The main difference between the strip foundation from other types is that it is located under the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house, including the load-bearing walls.

The width of this type of foundation must exceed the thickness of the walls of the building. In addition, when determining it, the maximum load on the soil for a given type of soil is taken into account. Its thickness depends on the material used. For example, if concrete is used, then the thickness will be 25 cm, reinforced concrete - 10 cm, natural stone - 50 cm, etc.

To find out what depth of the strip foundation will be optimal, you need to pay attention to the type of structure. For example, for wooden structures, a shallow strip foundation is most often used, and for heavier concrete structures, it is better to use a deep one. It should be located 20-30 cm below the freezing of the soil in your chosen area.

The material for the strip foundation is traditionally rubble stone or brick.


Pile foundations are the most popular type in construction. Its main advantages are strength and lack of deformation. The piles of which it is composed are usually made of heavy concrete and anti-corrosion coated reinforcement. Piles are made in such a way that they can withstand the load when they are installed, they are driven into the soil. Before they release products for sale, they are thoroughly checked and tested.

Piles are the strongest material used to build a house today. They are suitable for erecting buildings even in areas with soft soil. For each type of soil, a different type of pile is used.

The depth of the pile foundation should be from four meters for a one-story building and up to eight meters for two-story buildings and buildings with more than two floors.


This type of foundation, and especially its subspecies - supporting-columnar, is most suitable for small buildings. It is one of the cheapest and least labor-intensive used in construction today. It can be laid even in winter, but at temperatures not lower than 10 ° C.

The depth of the columnar foundation may change if parameters such as:

  • The depth of soil freezing in a given area. The columnar foundation is always laid below this depth.
  • Soil type and composition. Better if it is sandy soil.
  • Groundwater rise level. If the level is too high, additional soil drainage and waterproofing must be done.
  • The weight of the building itself and the load it gives to the load-bearing part.

Concrete pillars are dug in along the entire perimeter of the base and at the locations of the load-bearing beams. The distance between them should be about 2 m. From above they are covered with roofing material, which provides reliable waterproofing.

Thus, we see that the depth of the foundation for a two-story house can be different, and depends on many extraneous factors.

Brick houses have always been considered a solid building. In pre-revolutionary times, only rich people lived in them, thereby emphasizing their social position. Today, brick has become an affordable material, so houses made of it are just a tribute to the preference for strength and long-term operation.

The weight of such houses is enormous, the masonry weighs 1.8 tons per 1 m³. And this suggests that the foundation for a brick house should be built on the basis of this particular indicator. But before calculating the foundation structure, you need to understand that different foundations will be laid for structures with different number of storeys, and its type will also be selected.

What should it be?

The main task of the foundation is to evenly take on the loads of a brick house and distribute them evenly on the ground so that the latter does not sell through in any one area. Therefore, it does not matter which of the three types will be used as the basis for a brick structure. It is tape, slab or columnar. The main question is which foundation is better for a brick building, taking into account the following indicators below:

  • type of soil at the construction site;
  • the level of soil freezing;
  • groundwater level;
  • the size of the house, and therefore its weight;
  • relief of a suburban area.

It is these parameters that will form the basis for calculating the foundation for a brick house. Of course, the main parameter is still the type of soil and the weight of the building. Because the type of soil on a building site indicates its bearing capacity. For example, if these are soft moving soils, then slabs or pillars are used to build the foundation. If the soil is solid, then it is better than tape, structures cannot be found.

At the same time, in slab structures, the main bearing function is performed by the thickness of the foundation, in strip structures, the width of the foundation, in columnar sections of piles and their depth. It should also be borne in mind that the approach to the foundation for a two-story brick house is not the same as for a one-story one. An increase in the mass of a building requires an increase in the size of the base for it. Therefore, this must be taken into account at the stage of calculations.

But it must be noted that laying the foundation for a one-story brick house is no different from this procedure associated with the construction of a multi-story building. That is, the technology is no different. The differences are only in the greater volume of work carried out. And the sequence of construction operations, the types of materials used are the same.

And yet, the question of whether the foundation is being laid well or there are claims to it requires a thorough analysis. Therefore, we will consider all types of foundation structures that can be used for a brick house.


Video about a brick house with a basement.

Consider the basis for a one-story house. Its advantage is the minimum amount of earthwork. To do this, you just need to dig a pit with a shallow depth under the entire structure. Although this dimensional indicator will depend on the weight of the house, and in particular on its number of storeys.

Then the following operations are carried out:

  • leveling the bottom of the pit;
  • shaping with compaction of sand;
  • installation in one lattice or several, it depends on the thickness of the slab;
  • pouring concrete solution.

It should be noted that the slab foundation for a brick house is the most expensive construction in terms of concrete. And the larger the thickness of the foundation slab, the greater the consumption of concrete solution.

But, as practice shows, this type of foundation for a house is used quite often today.

After all, you have to build on different soils. And the slab foundation for the house copes well with various ground movements. He is not afraid of frost heaving, soil subsidence, displacement of layers and other troubles.

The only thing that can be advised to reduce costs is to build a shallow or surface foundation. Thus, you can save on earthwork.

The project of the foundation for a two-story house should be approached in the same way as for designing for a one-story house. After all, the main task of the designer is to precisely comply with all the above-mentioned requirements for the structure itself.

The strip foundation for a brick house is a closed loop in the form of a tape, which is located under all the walls. It is this type of foundation that is most often used when laying the foundation for both a one-story brick house and a two-story one. The advantages of this variety:

  • saving materials during construction in comparison with slab structures;
  • the highest strength with competent technological operations;
  • the possibility of forming the walls of the basement;
  • simplicity of the work carried out.

The tape is poured based on the depth of the foundation itself for a one - or two-story brick house. That is, in many cases, this technological parameter is the main one.

But this position is rarely used for brick houses, if only for one-story houses. We will have to accurately calculate the bearing capacity of the structure, because the small height of the retaining soil layer may not ensure the reliability of the foundation.

By the method of construction, the strip foundation for a brick house can be monolithic or

  • It is constructed by pouring concrete or rubble concrete.
  • Assembled from separate blocks: concrete goods, brick, blocks, stone.

The monolithic reinforced concrete version is still widespread. What is used for concrete of a brand not lower than M 400 and a reinforcing frame made of steel reinforcement, which is knitted into cages. The construction process itself is not so difficult if you know all the nuances of the technology. Here is the sequence of operations:

  • trenches are dug with a depth and width corresponding to the calculated data;
  • a sand cushion with a thickness of 20 - 30 cm is formed at the bottom;
  • the formwork is installed, if the soil is solid, then the formwork is installed only on the basement part;
  • a reinforcing frame is installed, but not on the pillow, but on supports that lay the frame into the body of the concrete structure;
  • concrete mortar is poured, which can be prepared by hand or bought ready-made, it will be brought to the construction site in a concrete mixer;
  • after 7 days, the formwork is dismantled, and after 28 days, the walls of the house can be erected.

The foundation for a brick house in the form of piles is usually used on "low-quality" sites.

That is, if it is loose soils, with a high level of groundwater, loose soils, an area with flooding or swampy areas, near water bodies.

That is, where other types of foundations will not correspond to a high bearing capacity. Moreover, this variety is considered the most economical in terms of the consumption of building materials.

But it must be noted that the pillars themselves are not used as foundations in the construction of a brick house. They are necessarily complemented by a horizontal element that ties them all together.

This element is called. For brick buildings, the grillage is poured as a monolithic tape structure, firmly connected to the support pillars. In fact, this is the strip foundation, which means that the technology of its pouring from the construction of the strip is no different.

Just the grillage can be hanging or recessed... In the first case, a formwork is constructed for it with the installation of a lower horizontal supporting part, in the second, the formwork is two parallel vertical planes. In all the rest, it is an ordinary monolithic tape with a reinforcing frame in it.

The reinforcing frame of the grillage must firmly bond with the frames of each pillar. This is how the solidity of the foundation structure as a whole is achieved.

With a pile foundation for a brick house, the situation is exactly the same as with a strip foundation. That is, it can be monolithic or prefabricated. The concrete is poured into prepared wells, where the reinforcing frame is installed. The same category includes a pile foundation, which is driven into the ground using special equipment.

Such piles are purchased from precast concrete factories as finished products. Support pillars assembled from concrete blocks, bricks or stones, where cement mortars are used for binding and fastening.
The only thing to be noted is that for heavy brick houses it is necessary to accurately calculate the cross-section of the pillars erected as an assembly structure.

The load on the supports is too heavy, which must withstand the additional loads in the form of snow and wind. therefore when it comes to columnar foundation under brick buildings, it is recommended to use a monolithic version of it. But even here it is necessary to accurately calculate the loads from the house.

The work sequence is quite simple. In some cases, no formwork is even used.

  1. Wells are formed at the designated places with the exact placement of the pillars and the measured distance between them. You can use a garden drill for this. The main requirement is precisely maintained dimensions of depth and diameter.
  2. A sand cushion with a thickness of 10 - 15 cm is formed.
  3. A reinforcing frame is installed with the release of reinforcement from the well up to 0.5 m, depending on the location of the grillage.
  4. Often, a cylinder made of roofing material is lowered into the well, which will partially perform the functions of formwork, and the main purpose is to waterproof the foundation.
  5. The concrete solution is being poured.

If you need to make a hanging type grillage, then the pillars are poured with a ledge from the ground to the required height. To do this, you will have to install formwork above the ground. In this case, a pipe (plastic, cast iron, steel or asbestos) is usually used. If the soil in the area is soft, then the trunk of the pillars is formed due to the pipe lowered into it.


The fact that brick foundations perfectly cope with any load is evidenced by multi-storey buildings inherited from architects of the 18th - 19th centuries. And these houses are still standing, and there are no problems with the foundation.

It should be noted that a brick foundation can be strip and columnar. Here the main task is to choose the right brick itself. It should be full-bodied and well annealed.

Let's look at how to assemble a columnar foundation for a brick house with your own hands.

  • according to the project on the site, the places for assembling the pillars are determined;
  • square depressions are made in them: depth - 10 - 15 cm;
  • a pillow is formed by pouring sand so that when tamping it completely covers the recesses made;
  • a waterproofing layer is laid - roofing material in several layers;
  • brick laying is carried out with a sling, that is, with an offset of half the stone;
  • the masonry rises to the calculated value of the pillars.

Bricks are laid on a cement-sand mortar with a component ratio of 1: 1. Seam thickness - 2 cm.

Every 3 - 4 rows are laid with a metal mesh, which will serve as a reinforcing frame. Pores and voids should not be allowed it is in the masonry mortar, therefore, the bricks are laid with a clamp.

It is better to build the brick foundation of a two-story house in the form of a tape... For this, it will be strictly necessary to adhere to the thickness of the structure. It should be no less than the thickness of the wall being erected on it. In this case, the basement of the house is also built of brick. But it is formed on top of the grillage if a columnar structure is laid.

Although the choice of the shape of the brick foundation largely depends on the loads. For example, the same columnar option. If the house is one-story, then the size of the cross-section of the pillars, taking into account the thickness of the masonry mortar, is 40 x 40 cm, that is, it is a masonry of one and a half bricks, if the house is two-story, then the masonry is two bricks or the size of the pillars is 50 x 50 cm.

Features of brick buildings

Brick houses have two negative qualities, which negatively affect the foundation structures.

  1. Shrinkage.
  2. Large specific gravity.

In the first case, the brick works well for compression. It can withstand vertical loads without problems. But it does not withstand bending and tensile loads poorly. Therefore, uneven shrinkage of the foundation or its partial bulging leads to the appearance of cracks on the walls of the house. It is very important here, not yet at the design stage of the house, to choose the right type of foundation so that it can hold back the loads from the soil.

As for the weight of brick buildings, they often fall into the calculation of the foundation structure. For example, if the wall of a house is laid in one and a half bricks, its height is 4 m, and its length is 8 m, then it is easy to calculate how much this wall will weigh.

First, we find its volume: 4 x 0.4 x 8 \u003d 12.8 m³.
Multiply the resulting value by the density brickwork: 12.8 x 1800 \u003d 23000 kg or 23 tons.
A large foundation made of high quality materials with precise dimensions calculated according to special formulas can withstand such a load.


Considering the various foundations for a brick house, it is necessary to correctly understand one thing - all the above constructions are used today. D main task designer - deal with the bearing capacity of the soil at the construction site. Because this indicator determines what kind of foundation is needed here. You cannot look for ways that will lead to savings in the construction budget. You can't save on the foundation, even if it takes half of all the finances spent, it will have to go. This is the right move.

A small error in calculations, a small deviation from the norms and requirements will lead to the destruction of the foundation structure, and, accordingly, to the destruction of the brick structure. Therefore, strictly follow the rules and regulations that have long been developed through practice and laboratory research. You cannot trust your intuition or do something by eye. This will not work with the foundation. The main task of the work contractor is not to deviate from the assigned tasks, which are confirmed by accurate calculations.

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