Chimney in a private house requirements. Thoughtfully thought out, installed once and for life: a chimney for a wall-mounted gas boiler. Stone and brickwork

The traditional brick chimney for a gas boiler is quite in demand, despite the many existing disadvantages and low thermal performance. Despite the seeming simplicity of the design, during the construction of a channel from bricks, it is extremely important to adhere to the existing norms set forth in SNiP. The safety of operation and the efficiency of the gas equipment depend on compliance with the requirements.

Whether or not a brick chimney with a gas boiler is allowed

Existing standards allow the use of brick chimneys for gas boilers. At the same time, the conditions that the smoke exhaust system must meet are separately stipulated. In the event of violations identified, the gas service inspector may refuse to commission the heating equipment.

The canal must be laid by a qualified bricklayer. It is better to refuse the device of a chimney for a gas boiler made of bricks with your own hands, without the presence of special construction skills. As practice shows, only an experienced stove-maker can take into account all the nuances associated with the calculation and subsequent installation of the structure.

Chimney requirements for a gas brick boiler

The main purpose of the chimney is to safely remove combustion products from the boiler. The essence of all the requirements is to prevent a possible fire, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning during the operation of heating devices. In particular, SNiP and PB indicate:

From time to time, new requirements appear for a brick chimney for a gas boiler. Before starting construction, check with the Gas Service about existing regulations. Up-to-date information will avoid unnecessary costs and facilitate the commissioning of the structure.

Mono-brick chimneys for gas boilers

There are several options for brick chimneys, among which the mono-design has the worst heat engineering performance. Under the constant influence of an aggressive environment, the brick collapses, the seams crack and lose their tightness. For this reason, after 5-6 years of operation, it will be necessary to repair the pipe and replace the damaged sections.

During construction, the following conditions are met:

The disadvantage of a brick smoke exhaust system is a short service life and high requirements for the quality of masonry. It is difficult to lay out the chimney yourself correctly, so it is better to use the services of a qualified bricklayer.

Combined brick smoke extraction systems for gas boilers

Combined systems are distinguished by better heat engineering performance than a conventional brick chimney. The main design feature is the presence of a core made of steel, ceramics or asbestos cement. Thanks to the combined installation scheme, the disadvantages inherent in brick channels are almost completely leveled.

When choosing combined systems, it is necessary to pay attention to the technical parameters of the core, which ultimately determine the operational characteristics of the chimney.

Chimneys made of bricks and stainless steel

The existing schemes for the construction and restoration of existing chimneys provide for the possibility of using three main modifications, which differ in the material of the inner contour. The consumer is offered one of three options:

Before commissioning, the old brick chimneys must be insulated for use with gas boiler equipment.

Combination of brick and ceramic pipes

This design is one of the best in terms of its characteristics. Ceramics are acid resistant and can withstand heating up to 1000 ° C. The ceramic pipe has good traction performance, heats up quickly and goes into operation.

A freestanding brick chimney with an internal ceramic pipe for connecting a gas boiler is used as an alternative.

Problems with a brick chimney with a ceramic core are extremely rare. The design is distinguished by a long service life and the resistance of the ceramic pipe walls to burnout. Subject to correct installation, the chimney will last at least 50 years.

Chimney of asbestos-cement pipe lined with brick

A chimney made of asbestos pipes, lined with brick, cannot compete in its characteristics with stainless steel and ceramics. Asbestos-cement systems gained popularity due to their low cost and material availability. Along with this, pipes have several significant disadvantages:
  • Abundant condensate production - an asbestos-cement pipe, even inside a brick, cools quickly, which leads to a large amount of condensation. As a result, the chimney often becomes damp and the structure is destroyed.
  • Low aerodynamic performance - asbestos pipe cannot be used for condensing boilers and gas equipment with a closed combustion chamber.

In terms of its thermotechnical and aerodynamic properties, as well as the ratio of cost and durability, a brick chimney shaft with a stainless pipe inside occupies a leading position.

How to make a brick chimney for a gas boiler

If the existing SNiP and GOST are not observed, the danger of a brick chimney with gas heating increases. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of building material, masonry mortar, thermal insulation.

It is important to avoid the rapid formation of condensation and to allow for regular maintenance of the flue system.

What kind of brick is a chimney for a gas boiler

To use the chimney from gas appliances, a ceramic brick made of baked clay is used. The material retains heat well and is able to withstand temperature extremes. It is strictly forbidden to make a chimney of silicate bricks.

Any ceramic brick is not suitable for a smoke exhaust system, but only of a certain brand. Moreover, for the manufacture of the outer and inner parts, material with different markings is used.

  • Fire resistance - the material is assigned a class "A" or "B". The first is designed for heating up to 1400 ° C, the second 1350 ° C.
  • Strength - brick of the M 250 or M 200 brand is needed for masonry. High density leads to an increase in the heating time, therefore, it is not recommended to use building material marked M300 and higher.
  • Frost resistance - the chimney is made of solid ceramic bricks with a resistance factor of F300.
The wall thickness of a brick pipe should be 15 cm. (Masonry in half a brick). When laying, the geometry and right angles of the structure are strictly observed.

The chimney can be made from facing bricks, but frost-resistant material does not tolerate heat / cooling well. After several heating seasons, the surface begins to crack and crumble. When condensation occurs, the facing material loses its strength.

It is correct to make a brick chimney for a gas boiler in a private house, from solid bricks, class "A" or "B", with strength M 250 and frost resistance F300.

What kind of masonry mixture is used for construction

The composition of the mixture for laying a brick chimney is selected depending on which part of the structure is being built. As practice shows, it is optimal to use ready-made refractory and heat-resistant masonry mixtures. The resulting solution is distinguished by acid resistance and the ability to withstand negative atmospheric phenomena.

If there is no financial opportunity to buy a ready-made adhesive composition, the mixture is made independently.

  • Clay solution - is heat-resistant, used for the construction of a structure located in the house. The clay is soaked by water, so the mixture is not suitable for the outer parts of the chimney.
  • Cement composition - it is necessary to use cement mortar for parts of the chimney outside the building. To increase the strength and give the solution acid-resistant characteristics, special additives are added to the finished mixture. The same solution is used in the manufacture of the chimney foundation.
A brick chimney is laid out on a clay or cement-sand mortar, depending on which part of the structure is being built. Ready-mixes are used for the entire flue system, regardless of location, relative to the gas equipment and the building.

The ready-made composition of the solutions includes all the necessary additives and plasticizers, which allows you to make a perfectly even seam without leaving voids. The only drawback is the high cost of masonry.

How to insulate a brick chimney

The need to insulate a brick pipe is primarily associated with the need to reduce the amount of condensate produced. The walls are warmed up above the dew point faster, which leads to a decrease in the amount of moisture deposited.

The technology for insulating an external brick chimney is as follows:

  • First you need to repair the brick pipe. The damaged areas are replaced. Sinks are removed from the masonry mortar, the pipe is primed.
  • To level the pipe and remove cracks and chips that appear, you will need to plaster the brick surface. The work is carried out on the lighthouses. The solution is allowed to dry. It is prohibited to heat the chimney during this period.
  • Thermal insulation of a brick pipe is carried out - the thickness of the insulation is 5-10 cm for the outer cladding, it is attached to a special adhesive, after which the plates are fixed with anchors. A reinforcing mesh is pulled from above, embedded in a layer of glue.
  • Finishing is in progress.
Any basalt thermal insulation can be used to insulate brick gas chimneys. Stone wool is non-flammable even when exposed to direct fire.

To insulate a brick pipe in an unheated attic, mineral wool is used. The material costs approximately two times cheaper, and in the absence of atmospheric precipitation, it performs well thermal insulation functions.

Chimney device above the roof

Most often, the rules related to the passage of the roofing, installation and cladding of the overhead part are violated. The rules for the passage of a brick chimney through a wooden floor when heating with a gas boiler are as follows:
  • When passing through slabs or roofing, fire breaks are observed. In SNiP 41.01.2003 it is stated that from the non-insulated chimney to combustible structures there must be at least 38 cm. For insulated pipes, the gaps are reduced to 5 cm. The space is filled with basalt insulation.
  • For penetration, a special box is made, installed under the roofing.
  • The head of the chimney is insulated with basalt slabs, lined with ceramic tiles on top or faced with facade plaster.
  • The height of the pipe is calculated depending on the distance from the ridge. There is a general recommendation that the brickwork in a private home should be above the top level of the roof. In some cases, in accordance with this instruction, it will be necessary to rebuild the existing brick chimney for the installation of a modern gas boiler.
  • The pipe head is covered with a deflector to increase the traction force.

The connection of the gas boiler to the existing brick chimney is carried out only if the pipe height is sufficient and after the mandatory sleeve of the system.

How to prevent condensation and moisture removal methods

The main factors for the formation of condensation are the following:

Elimination of condensate moisture is carried out using a special condensate drain, which hermetically closes the chimney duct.

Repair of a brick chimney from a gas boiler

Reconstruction of an old chimney may be required in several cases:
  • Fault discovered during regular inspection of the masonry.
  • Re-equipment of the chimney system, allowing the use of conventional brick oven chimneys for modern gas boilers.
Before carrying out repair work, determine and eliminate the cause that led to the destruction of the brickwork.

Why does a brick collapse on a gas chimney?

The frequency of checking brick chimneys at least once a year, before the onset of the heating season. Inspection shows the presence or absence of mortar falling out of the seams, brick cracking and other violations. The causes of destruction are:

Do I need to sleeve a brick chimney and what?

A chimney plug is required in the following cases:

In order to avoid the destruction of the structure of the brick flue system in the future (average service life is 6 years), a sleeve is carried out. A stainless pipe or corrugation is installed in the chimney.

Additional sealing of chimneys in brick walls for individual gas boilers is required only if ducts intended for ventilation are used.

How to clean a brick pipe with gas heating

You can clean the pipes yourself, which, as practice shows, often leads to the destruction of brickwork. Without certain qualifications, it is not recommended to clean the chimneys, since the inner walls of the channel are destroyed during the work.

Alternatively, you can call a specialist for cleaning. Work will cost on average from 600 to 3000 rubles. The occupied time is 3-6 hours, depending on the degree of pollution.

Advantages and disadvantages of connecting a gas boiler to a brick chimney

Brick chimney ducts have certain pros and cons. The advantages are:
  1. Low cost with the ability to use an existing pipe.
  2. Possibility of connecting a gas boiler with an open combustion chamber to a brick chimney.
  3. Availability of building and finishing materials.
Disadvantages of the design are:
  1. Short service life.
  2. High requirements for the quality of the masonry and the qualifications of the worker performing construction work.
  3. The need for insulation.
  4. There are many restrictions - it is forbidden to make a gas chimney in an external brick wall, use an old duct without a sleeve, connect the system to condensing boilers and equipment with a closed combustion chamber.
Technical characteristics, in particular traction indicators, aerodynamic properties, short service life, call into question the advisability of installing a gas boiler with a brick smoke exhaust system. To connect, choose or.

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D for the removal of combustion products inside the furnaces of heating devices, chimneys for a gas boiler in a private house of different designs from not the same materials are used. The SP 7.13130 \u200b\u200bstandards specify the requirements for cross-sections, height, location of chimneys, safe circuits of nodes for passage through structures made of combustible materials.

Chimney from a gas boiler on the facade of the house

Chimney requirements and installation rules

Combustion products have high temperatures, so chimneys for must fully comply with SP 7.13130. The use of factory products that have not been certified by the Russian Federation is not allowed.

The main provisions of the fire safety code are:

  • internal section of the chimney - 14 x 14 cm - 14 x 27 cm, depending on the heat output of the boiler (3.5 - 7 kW, respectively) for concrete, brick, ceramic structures, the area of \u200b\u200bround or asbestos-cement pipes must correspond to these dimensions;
  • height - 5 m minimum from the firebox to the deflector;
  • chimney thickness - 6 cm for heat-resistant concrete, 12 cm for ceramic bricks, not standardized for asbestos cement, sandwich.

The height of the deflector (umbrella structure that protects the pipe from rain, wind) relative to the ridge depends on the degree of distance from the chimney:

  • 0.5 m higher at a distance of within 1.5 m;
  • flush with the ridge at a distance of 1.5 - 3 m;
  • at the level of an imaginary line at an angle of 10 degrees relative to the horizontal drawn from the ridge to the pipe, at a distance of more than 3 m from it.

When removing the chimney outside, bends are allowed within 1 m from the axis of the main pipe to the side at an angle of less than 30 degrees relative to the vertical. The grooves should exceed the thickness of the slabs with decorative ceiling cladding by 7 cm with an even distribution of this size from the bottom / top.

The distances from the external surfaces of structures to the wooden elements of load-bearing structures (lathing, rafters, beams, crossbars) must be greater than the indicated dimensions, depending on the material of the chimney:

Attention!It is forbidden to combine chimneys with ventilation ducts without a special project. But in one pipe, you can run combustion products from two boilers, if necessary.

Chimney structures

When choosing a chimney or channel, you should focus on the best combination of the budget for the construction of the structure, resource, maintainability. Depending on the materials used, chimneys for a gas boiler in a private house are fastened with clamps to the enclosing structures or rest on separate foundations.

In all vertical structures, a serious problem is the formation of condensate released when hot gases come into contact with cold pipe walls. In coaxial modifications, which are often located horizontally, this minus is absent. In addition, it is enough to give a slight slope of the pipe to the ground so that possible condensation can drain from it without additional costs on its own.

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The installation of a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house is carried out according to the general scheme for asbestos-cement, sandwich, ceramic pipes. For coaxial aluminum, plastic pipes, a circuit is in principle not needed. In the manufacture of masonry from blocks, modules, bricks, standard techniques of stone work are used.

Sandwich setting

Chimneys from two pipes of different diameters, inserted one into the other, with a heat insulator between them are called sandwiches. The design allows you to reduce the external temperature of the walls (increase fire safety), eliminate the formation of condensation (useful for increasing the resource).

A sandwich chimney of a wall-mounted gas boiler is mounted in a private house using two technologies:

Attention!Gas boilers have low temperature gases at the exit from the combustion chamber. Therefore, the "condensate" technology is used.

The chimney assembly technology is as follows:

  • installation of a gate on the boiler outlet to adjust the section of the flue duct;
  • installation of pipes before overlapping "by condensate";
  • making a cut from a steel box attached to the floor from below;
  • chimney cutting, building up to the roof;

  • fastening to the roof lathing - a plate with a conical branch pipe located at the desired angle to it, depending on the slope of the slopes;
  • fixing the sandwich chimney pipe to the roof with an entrenchment (conical clamp of complex profile), which decorates and seals the joint.

After that, it remains to install one of the elements at the pipe mouth:

  • wolper - deflector to increase traction with a flat cover;
  • weather vane - deflector to improve traction of the original design;

  • fungus - conical nozzle for protection from precipitation.

These elements are made of stainless steel, fully consistent with the style of sandwich chimneys.

Stone and brickwork

Chimneys for a private house can be built into brickwork (only into a load-bearing internal wall) or created from blocks. Domestic manufacturers produce several types of chimney modules:

  • concrete - used only with ceramic pipes passing inside them, the outer surface is square, the inner surface is round;

  • ceramics - pressed out in special forms, then fired in ovens, have the structure of an inner pipe, an outer square thin-walled box, connected by stiffening ribs.

The Ukrainian company Schiedel produces chimney blocks from pumice of volcanic origin. The modules, called Isokern, are a budget option for individual developers. The material is much lighter than concrete, ceramics, the only drawback is the rough inner surface, the lack of Russian certificates. Regional fire safety services accept structures from this material in 50% of cases.

Brick chimneys are built into the walls during the construction of the enclosing structures. For laying blocks, it is necessary to pour concrete into a free-standing foundation. But, the pipes can be put in any convenient place, there are no problems with the nodes of passage, rafter systems, ceilings.

Asbestos-cement pipe

Aggressive advertising of sandwich chimney manufacturers cites the main disadvantage of asbestos - the lack of environmental safety. In fact, only safe raw materials and technologies are used in domestic production. According to the reviews of the masters who mount all types of modern chimneys, the asbestos-cement pipe has the following advantages:

  • is self-supporting - does not need to be fixed to the walls;
  • does not condense moisture - there are no leaks inside the combustion chamber;
  • resistant to combustion products - the resource is higher than that of concrete, brick;
  • cheaper than ceramics - the cost is much lower.

Installation of an asbestos-cement pipe is extremely simple:

  • the first pipe is installed on a foundation, secured with racks or a frame;
  • the chimney is built up to the required height, the pipes are connected with couplings;
  • the top is covered with a deflector, at the bottom a hatch is made for installing the cleaning door.

The boiler feed-in is carried out by a steel elbow, which can be replaced if necessary.

Installation of a coaxial structure

Unlike other versions of the chimney, the coaxial pipe can only be used for closed combustion chambers. (boost) is a prerequisite for the system. The design of a coaxial chimney is similar to a sandwich, however, instead of insulation, there are jumpers between pipes of different diameters. The inner pipe is used to remove the combustion products, the street air necessary for burning natural gas is sucked into the annular space.

Unlike conventional chimneys, the pipe does not need to be pulled vertically through all floors. Instead, a 90-degree bend is put on the outlet pipe, the coaxial chimney is attached to it horizontally, goes out through the nearest wall, observing the fire safety distances:

  • the maximum length of the horizontal part is 3 m;
  • at least 0.2 m to the ceiling, floor, ground;
  • more than 30 cm from the axis of the chimney to the wall surface;
  • at least 60 cm from the mouth of the pipe to the opposite wall.

The coaxial structure can be brought vertically above the roof, horizontally through the wall, or connected to the smoke channel built into the brickwork of the wall.


Thus, for closed combustion chambers, a coaxial chimney is preferable, saving the construction budget, aesthetics of the roof, in which there will be no holes. The most reliable for open fireplaces are asbestos-cement pipes or sandwiches. The most concealed wiring is provided by built-in smoke channels in masonry, structures made of concrete, ceramic blocks or Isokern modules made of volcanic pumice.

To ensure a pleasant life in a cottage in the winter, excluding the occurrence of dangerous situations, it is necessary to develop and install a competent heating system. Of all types, gas is the most economical. However, when selecting and installing equipment of this type, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the existing set of rules. Then the accommodation will be not only comfortable and economically profitable, but also safe. At the same time, it is important to correctly mount the chimney for a gas boiler in a private house, because the required heat transfer of the boiler depends to a greater extent on its throughput, tightness and safety.

Read in the article:

Chimney for a gas boiler in a private house: purpose, features

When designing heat supply for houses and cottages, you need to correctly choose chimneys for boilers that remove hot air containing harmfulness. The task is important, therefore, the following requirements are put forward for such elements of the system:

  • Ensuring sufficient traction.

The main thing is to correctly position and choose the diameter of the chimney on the gas boiler.

  • Elimination of deformation and damage under the influence of high temperature of the transported medium.

The temperature is high enough, therefore, the chimney for a gas boiler must be made of heat-resistant material.

  • There should be no change in material properties under chemical action.
  • Suitable form.

Nowadays, round pipes are more common, since less soot is retained on their walls.

Basic requirements for a chimney in a private house

If you are installing a chimney in a cottage yourself, study and strictly adhere to the rules described in the following regulatory documents:

  • SNIP 40-01-2003.
  • SNIP 42-01-2002.

In this case, the most important points that must be taken into account when installing the chimney: correct calculation of the smoke exhaust system, that is, the height and diameter of the chimney for a gas boiler; selection of pipe material; the frequency of service work (cleaning and maintenance).

In addition, the fire safety regulations clearly define the requirements for the chimney of a gas boiler. Of course, every year they will change somewhat, but general provisions can be highlighted:

  • The room in which the gas boiler is located must be adequately ventilated, that is, an exhaust ventilation device (mechanical or natural) is required. In this case, the chimney is strictly prohibited to be taken out into the exhaust shaft. The combustion products from several boilers can be discharged into one chimney, the main thing is that the room must be of sufficient volume (height - at least 2 meters, area - 7.5 meters per 1 boiler), and it is strictly forbidden to obstruct the chimney with any grates.
  • Equipment located in different boiler rooms cannot be combined into one chimney. If it is located in the same room, such a device is allowed with two reservations: boilers must be connected to a chimney located at a distance of more than 100 cm in height from each other; installation of the dissecting device is required.
  • It is necessary to comply with fire safety standards when crossing a partition that is prone to fire. That is, when crossing wooden partitions, it is necessary to install fire protection strips. In addition, a small distance between the pipeline and combustible materials (for example, insulation) of at least 5 centimeters must be left free. For this purpose, sandwich pipes are excellent, which do not require additional work in this case. To the load-bearing combustible structures must be more than 100 cm from the pipe. The fulfillment of this condition is supplemented by a horizontal channel outlet. The main thing is not to make such a section too long, otherwise the system may not work correctly.
  • It is necessary to comply with the fire safety requirements for the construction of combustible floors. Beams and walls located near the chimney must be treated with special fire retardant solutions, the fire resistance limit of which is at least 120 minutes.

  • To pass through the roof of the building, a special passage must be installed. In the case of ceramic and sandwich pipes, it is quite simple to arrange this, the necessary element is in the standard line of materials.
  • The maximum length of all horizontal sections should be no more than 3 meters.
  • When installing a steel chimney, it is necessary to insulate it, moreover, it is forbidden to mount it with breaks or leaking joints inside the building.

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In this review, we will try to make out. How to choose the best option and prioritize for ordinary users, what models exist, how to properly carry out the installation on your own.

Features of the chimney device in a private house: calculation of the diameter and height, the choice of insulating material

How to make a chimney correctly so that it works correctly and for a long time? When installing a chimney for a gas heating boiler, it is necessary not only to adhere to fire safety rules, but also to carry out correct calculations of the height and diameter of the pipe. Since the quality of traction depends on these parameters, which means the safety of removal of combustion products.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you should entrust this calculation to professionals. However, the SNIP prescribes the rules, having carefully studied which, you can calculate the length and diameter of the pipe for a gas boiler yourself.

  • To ensure the required draft, it is necessary to mount a chimney at least 5-7 meters.
  • The height of the part of the pipe protruding above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge of the building.

  • It is necessary to take into account the speed and direction of the wind at the point where the chimney exits on the roof, since in some cases the combustion products may blow almost vertically downward, which will lead to noticeable inconveniences.

Interesting! Some modern gas boilers are equipped with a draft sensor. If it often shows an error, the height of the pipe is not chosen correctly, and it is necessary to increase it or move the chimney.

Rules for the diameter of the chimney:

  • In most cases, the diameter of the chimney should be equal to the size of the boiler outlet. However, if a very high channel height is required, it may be necessary to increase the diameter to avoid creating unnecessary resistance.

  • The narrowing of the channel is not allowed under any circumstances. For example, if the outlet from the boiler is 200 mm, then the pipe must be at least 200 mm.

Important! The boiler room ventilation is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases in the room when the device is turned off. The main thing is to choose the right section of the exhaust duct.

Another important point in the device gas pipe - its insulation. This must be done to prevent condensation from forming and pouring it into the boiler. The main purpose of the insulation is to keep the outside cold so that when warm air moves inside the pipe, the walls heat up as quickly as possible, and the air does not cool down to the "dew point". You can insulate gas ducts for gas boilers in one of the following ways:

  • Twisting and fastening with clamps of basalt wool on the pipe.
  • Covering the chimney surface with basalt shells is the best option, since they have the best thermal insulation properties.
  • A brick chimney is usually insulated with cardboard or basalt mats, since in this case this option is the simplest. After installation, the mats are covered with an even layer of plaster.

Choosing a chimney for a gas boiler: materials

If you decide to install a chimney for a gas boiler yourself, first of all you need to choose the material from which it will be made.

Each of the options listed below has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, usually only one of the types is ideal for a specific case:

  • Coaxial.

  • Stainless steel.

  • Brick.

  • From asbestos-cement pipes.

So that you choose the right way to make a chimney in a private house, we will analyze each type separately.

Features of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers

A coaxial chimney is a type of metal or plastic pipe. It is made in the form of a structure of two pipes of different sizes (the smaller one is inserted into the larger one), moreover, along the entire length, there are jumpers that prevent them from touching in order to achieve maximum efficiency. You can buy a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler in any specialized store, but its cost is quite high, so it is used only in extreme cases.

The principle of air movement through such a pipe is somewhat different from the standard version. Supply air enters the firebox not from the room, but along the outer contour of the pipe, while combustion products are emitted along the inner one. Thanks to this device, coaxial chimneys have the following advantages:

The overall heat loss of the building is reduced, because in this case the air for maintaining the combustion of the furnace does not come from the room, but heated due to the removed one (the principle of recuperation).

The possibility of fire in places where the pipe touches the building structure is reduced due to the insulation of the hot pipe.

High efficiency, due to which the minimum amount of pollution enters the atmosphere.

In this case, only closed-type cameras are used, which are the safest. In addition, the size of such a device is much smaller, which makes it possible to arrange a boiler room with a minimum area.

This option also has disadvantages:

High price of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers.

Length limitation of horizontal pipes (maximum 2 meters).

Interesting! Such pipes are usually used when using gas boilers without a chimney. Since their installation is the only way removal of heated air without installing a complex chimney system.

Stainless steel chimney: features, advantages and disadvantages

The use of simple stainless steel chimneys for gas boilers is a rather rare case. Since they are susceptible to corrosion, they quickly heat up, which means they are fire hazardous. The only option is to use acid and heat resistant metal pipes. They are somewhat more expensive, but more reliable and durable. In addition, their thickness does not exceed 0.5-0.6 mm, due to which the chimney made of this material is quite light, therefore it can be attached directly to the walls of the building.

The main thing when installing a galvanized chimney is to securely fix the pipe outside the building using an additional supporting structure. If this is not done, a strong gust of wind can simply blow it down.

Advantages of galvanized pipes:

Aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Smoothness of the inner surface, due to which less soot settles on it (in comparison with a brick chimney).

Installation can be done both inside and outside the building. The main thing here is high-quality insulation of the channel.

There is no need to build a foundation for the canal (due to its low weight).

Brick chimney

The most common and reliable way to remove hot air is to install a brick chimney for a gas boiler. The main thing is to correctly calculate its size and location at the stage of building design. If a mistake was made and the system does not work correctly, it will be almost impossible to make changes to the design.

Advantages of brick structures:


With a competent calculation, the cost of installing this type of chimney will be minimal in comparison with other types.

Heat storage capacity.


The brick does not burn, so even if a fire breaks out, the fire will not spread through the building.



Great weight.

Soot settling on the channel walls due to the roughness of the inner surface.

Lack of resistance to acidic environment.

Destruction of the structure due to strong temperature changes.

Chimney made of asbestos-cement pipes

Installing a chimney for a gas boiler from asbestos-cement pipes is not very simple in terms of installation, but an inexpensive option. These non-metallic pipes are supplied to the boiler using standard fittings. In this case, a condensate collector must be installed in the lower part, and a roof umbrella in the upper part to prevent the pipe from flooding during rain. Such air ducts are installed on special supports made of brick or metal. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load in order to avoid the collapse of the structure.

Most often, a separate chimney of this type is provided for each boiler. The main thing is to insulate the pipelines well so as not to burn yourself, and to mount the condensate collector in the right place.

How to make a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house with your own hands?

Before installing a chimney for a gas boiler, you need to correctly calculate its size and height. Installation, however, must be carried out strictly following the proposed plan. Otherwise, reverse thrust or rapid destruction of the structure may occur. In addition, it is necessary to determine the material and location of the structure. After all, the need for insulation and installation features depend on these parameters.

Installation of metal pipes takes place according to the plan below:

  • Preparatory stage.

It includes the purchase of the necessary materials and the application of markings on the floors of the building in places where the chimney will pass.

  • Drilling holes for pipes
  • Connecting the boiler to the chimney using an adapter adapter.
  • Extending the pipe to the required length.
  • Installation of passages through the floors.
  • Strengthening the joints with clamps and screws.
  • Attaching the pipe to the walls of the building with clamps (step - 2 meters).
  • Installation of a roof umbrella.

  • Chimney insulation.

If the installation is carried out correctly, the repair of the chimney for a gas boiler will need to be carried out after a very long period of time. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, entrust this work to professionals.

Upon completion of the installation, the question arises: how to check the draft in the chimney of a gas boiler, and is everything arranged correctly? Indeed, if there is insufficient traction, not only the formation of condensation can occur, but also the flow of gas into the house or the damping of the burner.

You can check traction in the following ways:

  • With an anemometer.
  • Bring a sheet of paper to the chimney.

If the draft is insufficient, it is necessary to suspend the operation of the equipment and not turn it on until the errors in the installation of the chimney from the gas boiler are eliminated.

Chimney price table for gas boilers

You can buy a chimney for a gas boiler at any specialized store. Moreover, the price mainly depends on the pipe material and the number of fittings. Below is a table of average prices for chimneys of different types.


Mistakes in the selection and installation of a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house can lead to an emergency. Therefore, if you are not sure about your calculations, contact the professionals.

A typeDiameter, mmLength, mAverage cost, rub.

100 0,75 3200

Stainless steel
120 1 550

From asbestos cement pipe

Chimneys of various designs are used to remove the combustion products formed during the combustion of natural gas. Previously, chimneys were built only from asbestos-cement pipes and bricks. Now, the chimney can be assembled from durable and lightweight materials that have a much lower cost.

Chimney requirements for gas boilers

Design, assembly, installation and other activities aimed at the construction of the smoke channel are regulated by regulatory documents, which clearly and clearly spell out the basic requirements for these structures.

The normative documents regulating the arrangement of chimneys for gas boilers include SNiP 2.04.05–91 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, as well as DBN V.2.5–20–2001 “Internal arrangement of gas supply”.

For floor and wall gas boilers, a steel chimney is most often installed.

On the basis of these documents, the following requirements are imposed on the smoke exhaust structures that will be used in conjunction with heating boilers:

The above requirements are general and must be met in all cases without exception. When installing the chimney, it should be remembered that even small deviations from the values \u200b\u200bspecified by regulatory documents can cause a decrease in the service life of the chimney, and in some cases lead to more serious consequences.

Boiler structures and chimney outlet

Structurally, a gas boiler is a device consisting of a gas burner, to which gas enters through nozzles, and a heat exchanger, which is heated by the energy obtained during the combustion of the gas. The gas burner is located in the combustion chamber. The movement of heat takes place using a circular pump.

In addition, modern types of gas boilers are equipped with various self-diagnosis and automation modules, which allow the equipment to be used in an autonomous mode. When choosing a chimney, pay attention to the type of boiler combustion chamber. It is on its design that the method of air intake required for gas combustion will depend, and as a result, the optimal type of chimney.

Different types of chimneys are suitable for different types of combustion chamber

The combustion chamber of gas boilers is of two types:

  • open - provides natural traction. Air is drawn from the room in which the heating equipment is installed. The combustion products are removed by natural draft using a chimney with an outlet through the roof;
  • closed - provides forced draft. Air intake for fuel combustion takes place from the street. In rare cases, air can be taken from a special room equipped with forced ventilation. For the simultaneous removal of flue gases and intake of fresh air, a coaxial chimney is used, which is led out through the nearest supporting wall.

Knowing the type of combustion chamber, you can easily select or manufacture a chimney suitable for the design. In the first case, when the boiler is equipped with an open combustion chamber, a conventional thin-walled or insulated chimney is used.

For boilers with a closed combustion chamber, a coaxial chimney is used, which is a structure consisting of pipes of different diameters. A pipe with a smaller section is fixed inside a pipe of a larger diameter by means of special racks. Through the inner channel, carbon dioxide and other combustion products are removed, and through the gap between the outer and inner pipes, fresh air enters the closed combustion chamber.

Methods for arranging chimneys

According to the method of construction, chimneys are divided into:

  • internal - chimneys made of metal, brick or ceramics. They are both single-walled and insulated double-walled structures. Placed vertically upward. The presence of several knees with an offset of 30 ° is possible;
  • outdoor - coaxial or sandwich chimneys. They are also located vertically upward, but the chimney is led out through the load-bearing wall horizontally. After the pipe is withdrawn, a 90 ° swivel elbow and support brackets are installed, allowing installation in the desired direction.

The chimney can be led out into the street through the wall in the immediate vicinity of the boiler or in the traditional way through the roof

When choosing a method for constructing a chimney, one should take into account the size of the building in which the equipment is located. For small buildings, it is more expedient to use external chimneys, since they allow you to bring the chimney outside the room.

In other cases, one should start from personal capabilities. If space permits and it is possible to perform high-quality insulation in the places where the pipe passes through the ceilings, then an internal chimney will be the best solution. Especially if the structure is lined with bricks or protected by a ceramic box.

Do-it-yourself chimneys for gas boilers

As with other heating equipment, a gas boiler chimney can be purchased at specialized stores. This will be a standard modular product, which is selected taking into account the type of boiler and its capacity.

What to make a chimney for a gas boiler

A chimney for a gas boiler can be made from various materials. The main thing is that the material is non-combustible, resistant to a chemically aggressive environment and does not allow gases escaping through the smoke channel to pass through.

For the manufacture of parts of steel chimneys, steel is used with the addition of molybdenum, titanium and nickel

Taking into account the regulatory requirements for the manufacture of the chimney, the following materials are used:

  • brick is a traditional material for the manufacture of chimneys for solid fuel stoves. For laying the chimney, class A or B fire-resistant bricks are used. When using gas equipment, a combined approach is often used, when a steel or asbestos-cement pipe is used as an internal channel;
  • steel - used to create chimneys of any configuration. The quality and heat resistance of the material is determined by its alloy, which is indicated by a special marking. So, for the manufacture of chimneys, products from steel AISI 316i, AISI 321 or AISI 310S are better suited;
  • ceramics - a fired mixture of clay and sand, from which combined chimneys are made. The inner channel is made of a ceramic tube of a certain section. As a protective casing, a box made of expanded clay concrete shell or brick is used.

If we make a detailed comparison, then the best material in terms of price-quality ratio is galvanized steel grades AISI 321 and AISI 310S. Chimneys made of such steel are designed for flue gas temperatures up to 800 and 1000 o C, respectively.

Ceramic chimneys have high operational characteristics, but their cost is much higher than steel counterparts

The average service life of steel chimneys is 13–17 years, but due to the high unification of parts, it is not necessary to completely change the design. During the repair, only a part of the burned-out modules is replaced.

Ceramic chimneys have high performance characteristics and a service life of over 50 years, but their cost is much higher than steel counterparts. Therefore, this type of chimney is recommended to be used only if there are sufficient funds and you want to build a structure for a long time. The use of brick chimneys together with gas equipment is unjustified both in terms of labor costs and the final cost of the structure.

How to calculate the parameters of the chimney for a gas boiler

In order to correctly select or manufacture a chimney, it is necessary to calculate the section of the chimney, as well as its height relative to the level of the ridge. The total height of the chimney is selected in accordance with the regulations specified in SNiP 2.04.05-91.

Table: dependence of the chimney section on the power of the gas boiler

To calculate the cross-section of the pipe, the following formula is used - F \u003d (K ∙ Q) / (4.19 ∙ √ˉ Н), where:

  • K is a constant value, the value of which varies from 0.02 to 0.03;
  • Q is the maximum capacity of the gas equipment specified in the specification;
  • H is the estimated height of the chimney according to SNiP.

For gas boilers, the minimum chimney height must be at least 5 m. The height relative to the ridge is selected from the rules described at the beginning of the article. Recall that the minimum height relative to the ridge must be at least 0.5 m.

After the pipe area is calculated, it is necessary to compare the obtained value with the data indicated in the table. If necessary, the calculated diameter of the flue duct is rounded up.

DIY chimney installation

To assemble the chimney, single-circuit steel pipes or special sandwich pipes of the required diameter are used. If the first option is chosen, then after assembling the chimney, it is recommended to insulate it. In the second case, there is no need to insulate the chimney.

When using a sandwich chimney, additional insulation of the chimney is not required

As an example, we will give the technology of installing a steel chimney for a gas boiler. To assemble the chimney, you will need straight steel pipes 50 or 100 cm long, chimney outlets 30 o, a passage box for walls and ceilings, a deflector, crimping clamps and a heat-resistant sealant.

If the diameter of the outlet pipe does not match the diameter of the chimney, then a suitable adapter is used. It is better to use basalt wool as an insulating material.

Installation of a chimney for a gas boiler is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A single-wall or insulated pipe is connected to the outlet of the gas boiler. For this, the branch pipe is coated with a heat-resistant sealant, after which an adapter is put on it, which is tightened with a compression clamp.
  2. A similar approach is used to connect the adapter to the pipe. First, the mounting end of the adapter is sealed with a sealant. Next, a straight pipe is pushed onto it to the desired depth. Then the connection is tightened with a clamp.

    Before assembling the chimney, it is recommended to check its completeness for the presence of all modules and fasteners

  3. To withdraw the chimney through the ceiling, you will need to cut a square hole in it. The size of the hole is selected in such a way that a distance of at least 20 cm remains from the chimney to the ceiling.
  4. A steel box is mounted in the hole sawn in the ceiling. For fastening, steel screws with a length of 30-50 mm are used. Then a pipe is passed through the box, which is mounted on a module connected to a branch pipe. The space between the pipe and the box is filled with mineralized insulation. The top of the box is closed with a steel plate.

    The chimney outlet through the ceiling must be insulated with a steel box

  5. If, after inserting the pipe into the inter-attic space, its displacement is required, then the 30 ° knee is installed according to the scheme described above. In other cases, a straight pipe section is installed.
  6. To remove the chimney through the roof, similar actions are performed. First, a square hole of the desired size is cut. Next, a mounting plate with a hole for the pipe is installed. Then a straight section of the chimney is mounted. Finally, a tapered steel or non-combustible plastic element is put on the chimney.

    A deflector must be installed at the outlet of the chimney

  7. At the final stage, the remaining section of the chimney is being installed. A head and a deflector are installed at the end of the pipe. After assembly, the performance of the assembled structure is checked. For this, it is enough that the equipment has worked at 50-60% of its maximum power for one hour.

When installing an external chimney, a 90 ° swivel bend is used. The elbow connects directly to the adapter, which is also mounted on the gas boiler branch pipe.

To remove the chimney, you will need to cut a hole in the supporting wall. The size of the hole is selected in the same way as in the case of the ceiling and roof. Further, a steel box is mounted in the wall through which the pipe is passed. Basalt or mineral wool is used to fill the box.

To re-turn the pipe, another 90 ° bend is mounted. A special support with a bracket is used as a supporting structure, which is installed under the swivel bend. The step of installing the hanging brackets is 1–1.5 m. Further steps are similar - it is necessary to assemble the chimney from straight products, which are connected with clamps and sealant.

DIY coaxial chimney for a gas boiler

Before installing the coaxial chimney, you must check the completeness of the purchased product. If any of the elements is missing, then the missing kit should be replaced with a complete one, which should include:

  • pipe with flange;
  • coaxial elbow 90 about;
  • connecting adapter;
  • wall pads;
  • sealing rings;
  • connecting clamps;
  • decorative rosette;
  • mounting screws.

To assemble a coaxial chimney, you must have a complete set of pipes and fittings

The installation process for a coaxial chimney consists of the following steps:

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of the kit for installing the chimney may differ slightly, but the main elements in the form of an elbow, pipe, clamps and linings must be included in the kit. It is strongly recommended to study the instructions before installing the coaxial flue.

Video: sandwich pipe chimney for a gas boiler

How to reduce the temperature of flue gases in the chimney

The combustion of natural gas produces carbon dioxide, steam, sulfurous salt-forming oxides, etc. The optimum temperature of the flue gases at the exit from the chimney should be 100–110 o C.

If the temperature of the flue gases is below the dew point, that is, the condensation temperature of the air, then the water vapor contained in the combustion products will settle on the walls of the chimney. If this happens constantly, then the chimney can quickly collapse.

If the flue gas temperature is too low, condensation will form at the exit from the chimney, and the outer part of the chimney will begin to freeze

In addition, the presence of permanent condensation in the smoke channel leads to a weakening of the natural draft. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the flue gas temperature, which directly depends on the chimney cross section.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that with the correct calculation, the flue gas temperature will be in the region of optimal values. If the temperature is too high and needs to be reduced, this directly indicates that the chimney cross section does not correspond to the capacity of the gas boiler. To reduce the temperature of the flue gases, it is recommended to reassemble the flue system taking into account the standard values.

Video: condensate in the chimney

How to check and adjust the draft in the chimney of a gas boiler

Thrust is the pressure drop in the place where fuel is burned. Pressure reduction occurs due to the removal of combustion products through the flue duct. If we talk within the framework of this article, then thrust forces fresh air into the combustion chamber, where there is a reduced pressure arising from the fact that the products of combustion of gas are discharged outside.

The presence of a draft indicates that the chimney is designed and installed correctly, and the equipment is working properly. Lack of draft can be a direct or indirect confirmation of the need for preventive maintenance or repair of equipment and flue gas system.

The air flow rate in the chimney can be measured with a special device - an anemometer

The following methods are used to check the thrust level:

  • visual inspection - in the room where the heating equipment is located, there should be no smoke;
  • using improvised means, for example, a sheet of paper. He is brought to the viewing hole. If there is a pull, then the sheet will deflect towards the hole;
  • measurement with a special device - anemometer. It is used to control air speed.

For traction control, it is better to use the latter method, as only it will show the exact value. When measuring natural draft, the flue gas velocity should be in the range of 6-10 m / s. The value is taken from SP 41–104–2000 "Designing Autonomous Heat Supply Sources".

If it is required to reduce the level of draft, then this will require reassembling the chimney based on a chimney of a larger section. To increase traction, it is recommended to check the quality of the mounting joints and carry out mechanical cleaning of the smoke channel using a steel cable with a brush nozzle.

If this does not help, then the only way out is to replace the chimney with a preliminary calculation of the section of the chimney. In this case, it is desirable to minimize the number of rotary elements or remove them altogether.

Why the boiler blows out and how to fix it

The main reason why the burner blows out in the boiler is the backdraft effect that occurs due to problems with the chimney.

Before proceeding with any measures, you should check the height of the chimney above the level of the ridge and the presence of an installed deflector, which allows to reduce the penetration of wind flows into the chimney. If the pipe device is not made according to the rules, then after the steps described below, you will need to build up the pipe and install a deflector.

Sometimes, in order to increase traction, you need to clear the chimney from soot.

In order to solve the problem with the boiler blowing out, you will need to do the following:

  1. The first step is to check the level of draft in the pipe. For better use an anemometer. If it was not possible to find it, then with the boiler operating, you need to lean the paper against the outlet of the chimney. If the sheet is attracted to the chimney, then there should be no problems with draft.
  2. If it was possible to find that blowing out occurs due to a loss of natural draft, then it will be necessary to check the joints of the chimney. For this, a thermal imager is used. If the pipe is leaking air, the device will show a strong temperature difference between the main pipe and the joint of the two modules.
  3. If the chimney is assembled correctly, then it is necessary to clean the smoke channel using a cable with a nozzle. The diameter of the nozzle is matched to the section of the chimney pipe. An inspection hole at the bottom of the chimney is used to remove soot, tar and other combustion products.
  4. After completing these simple steps, you will need to check the thrust level again. If the natural draft has not improved, then it is necessary to carry out work to correct the height of the chimney and install a deflector. The installation uses a heat-resistant sealant and clamps.

In cases where the work described above has not yielded a result, you should contact the gas service in order to check the gas equipment. Perhaps the problems with blowing out are related to the supersensitive automation.

Video: how to check traction in a gas boiler

Compliance with regulatory requirements is a guarantee that during the operation of the chimney there will be no abnormal situations. This is especially true for vertical chimneys, when it will take a lot of time to correct mistakes made during their installation.

A chimney for a gas boiler in a private house must be equipped according to certain rules. The part that rises above the roof surface is just a small visible element of a rather complex mechanism. The pipe is responsible for the removal of gas and smoke. Homeowners should definitely be familiar with the chimney arrangement in their own home. This will allow you to properly operate the heating system. If you are just going to make the arrangement gas heating, then you first need to decide on the type of chimney and get acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.

Which chimney to choose

If you will be equipping a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house, then first you should decide on the choice. The classic brick options have long been abandoned today by experts and private homeowners. Such a structure is complex, high cost, and the construction takes quite an impressive amount of time. In addition, in terms of operational characteristics, a brick chimney is inferior to modern structures.

Using a stainless pipe

The chimney for a gas boiler in a private house can be made of stainless steel. In the shop building materials you can see a wide range of models. Among the advantages are resistance to mechanical damage, as well as to the effects of aggressive substances. Such structures are made in the form of sandwich systems, which assume the presence of two pipes of different diameters. The entire space is filled with heat-resistant basalt wool. Such products are characterized by reliability, and they look very presentable. Today, a sandwich-type stainless steel chimney is one of the most successful solutions.

Using a coaxial chimney

The chimney for a gas boiler in a private house can also be coaxial. It cannot be confused with any other design. An attractive appearance acts as a distinctive feature. It should be admitted that the operating parameters are also at a high level. Such products have a specific shape, and condensation is not capable of forming on the inner surfaces. This circumstance is most important for systems that operate on gas fuel.

Using a ceramic chimney

Installation of a chimney for a gas boiler can also be carried out using a ceramic structure. Such solutions today do not receive much attention from buyers who are in the luxury construction segment. However, if you are pursuing the goal of installing a reliable, fireproof and affordable chimney, then today there is no other alternative besides the ceramic structure. Among other things, such products are easy to install.

Requirements for the chimney arrangement of a gas boiler

Installation of a chimney for a gas boiler requires maximum attention to the work. Particular emphasis must be placed on the tightness of the structural elements in those areas where the connection was made. You should try to achieve maximum tightness. This excludes the penetration of hot gases outside the chimney. If the heating system has several units, then common connecting flue pipes can be used.

Chimney installation inside the building

Chimneys for boilers are installed both outside and inside the building. In order to understand what the difference is, it is necessary to make a comparative analysis. Thus, the internal chimney does not require thermal insulation if all rooms are to be heated. A chimney will pass through them, and only the outer part of the pipe will need to be insulated.

As for the external chimney, the thermal insulation must be fully equipped. Indoor chimneys have a high risk of carbon monoxide entering the building. This indicates an increased fire hazard.

If we talk about external structures, then they have a high level of safety during operation. Internal pipes have many different components, which differ in design. This will certainly lead to certain difficulties during installation. The opponent's components are very similar, which makes it easy to install. Internal chimneys are difficult to repair. The outdoor chimney is easy to repair, no matter what problems arise.

Features of the internal chimney device

When the internal chimneys for boilers are being equipped, then initially it is necessary to carry out the marking in the roofing cake and ceilings, which will allow making holes. The correctness of these works should be analyzed several times. Only after that you can start cutting the opening. The branch pipe that extends from the heating equipment should be connected to an adapter adapter. Next, the revision and the tee are connected, the metal sheet is fixed, and the main bracket is also mounted. When extending the pipe, it may be necessary to use elbows.

You should stock up on a special pipe if it is supposed to be installed through the ceiling. It is necessary to put on a galvanized sheet on the pipe, in which a hole of a more impressive diameter should be made in advance in comparison with the chimney pipe. The galvanized coating should be fixed to the ceiling. In order to make the joint more reliable, clamps should be used, which are pulled together with good wire or bolts.

Final work

The rules involve fixing the chimney with wall clamps. They are installed at a distance of 2 meters from each other. Among other things, it is recommended to use brackets in 4 meter increments. To complete the design, you should use a special tip, which has a tapered shape. At the last stage, insulation work is carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney.

Additional requirements for the chimney

The rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house provide for compliance with all requirements that apply to the chimney. For the removal of gases and air supply to the boiler, special equipment must be used. Outwardly, it looks like a shaft, in the inner space of which a pipe is installed. The chimney must be installed strictly vertically. The presence of constrictions and expansions within the channel is absolutely not allowed.

The device assumes the use of exclusively non-combustible and non-melting materials. The structure should not have cracks and any mechanical damage through which combustion products can seep into the room. During installation, use only high-quality sealants that are resistant to high temperatures. The height of the pipe and its diameter must correspond to the output parameters of the boiler. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve sufficient traction.

As mentioned, the chimney can be either internal or external. There are standard schemes for connecting. If you have to choose an option that is not considered standard, it must comply with the regulations. Any connection system provides for a slope towards the boiler of the horizontal section of the chimney within 3 degrees and higher by one meter.

Connecting the chimney to a gas boiler

Chimneys for gas boilers, the price of which can vary from 700 rubles per 1 meter, are not connected according to a scheme that involves the connection of several heating devices by combining a pipe to one chimney. In this case, combustion products can enter the room. It is forbidden to connect elements that consist of asbestos, galvanized, brick and aluminum. As optimal height the chimney is a parameter within 5 meters or more. If we are talking about a flat roof, then the chimney device assumes an elevation of the element above the surface by 1.5 meters.

As for the height of the pipe, the axis of which is located 3 meters from the roof, this parameter should be determined by the level of the ridge. If the pipe rises above the last element by more than 2 meters, then additional fixation should be made using building braces.

Chimney outlet to the outside

The diameter of the chimney for a gas boiler must correspond to the output parameters of the heating equipment. In order to bring the element outside, you should mark the area, and then align it by comparing them with the markup. Only then can you start making holes. A passage element should be connected to the boiler branch pipe, leading the pipe to the street. For the transition, use a branch pipe. The hole in the wall and the piece of pipe that goes through it should be well insulated.

When chimneys for floor gas boilers are removed, you should install a tee with a revision, and then put on a plug. The master must build up the pipe, gradually attaching links to it. The structure must be fixed to the wall in 2 meter increments. The fastening should be reinforced with clamps.

After the desired height has been reached, the tapered tip should be installed. If the outlet channel was formed from a sandwich material, then thermal insulation is not performed, if it is not there, then such manipulations should be carried out. A chimney for a wall-mounted gas boiler, first of all, must be safe as well as efficient. Only after that it is necessary to think about the aesthetic appearance of the product. If you are not sure of your abilities and strengths, then it is preferable to entrust the connection to professionals in their field, this will allow you to receive a security guarantee.