Terms of 1st wave of admission. How is admission to the university going (enrollment in the first and second wave). Illustrative example: admissions campaign at the Mukhomran Institute of Fence

An important change in the admission rules for this year is the new enrollment formula: 80% will be credited to the first wave, 20% - to the second. The executive secretary of the MIET admissions committee told about the advantages this gives applicants and what will help them better navigate in the competitive situation.

Tatyana Vladimirovna, in 2015 the rules for admission to MIET were changed. Please explain what they are?

- Yes, the rules of the game have changed. But not in MIET, but in all universities of the Russian Federation. As in the previous year, the applicant has the right to apply to five universities for three areas of study in each. The main drawback of the 2014 system (enrollment according to the lists of recommended) was a high degree of uncertainty both for the applicant (who did not know where and from what time he would be enrolled) and for the university (which had to guess in advance which of the recommended for admission would bring the original) document and will come to study). They usually found out with the help of phone calls.

Now there will be no people recommended for enrollment. After the appearance of the competition lists, each applicant within five days will have to submit the original document on education to any university from those where he announced his desire to study. Selection committee the university will select the best from those who submitted the original of the certificate and fill 80% of the places with them. This is the "first stage" of recruitment.

After that, the second stage is carried out for the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof vacancies according to the same scheme. The time to bring the originals of documents in this case is three days.

- What advantages do you see in this scheme?

There are benefits. First of all, for applicants. For the "strong middle peasants" (the golden mean of the competition list) there is an opportunity, following the competition lists, to navigate how the originals enter the university, respectively, to independently determine what is the probability of being enrolled in the first wave.

For applicants with the highest scores, the opportunity is left to "hold" the original of the certificate until the second wave and bring it exactly where the person wants to enter. According to the new scheme, after the first wave of enrollment, NOBODY will be eliminated from the competition.

Finally, those who are not the favorites of the entry race win partly. While the “top” is being determined, even the last one in the competition list can be included in the first wave (if it presents the original and gets into the first 80%). There is such an opportunity in the second wave.

Now many applicants are trying to understand the situation with the competition and immediately submit documents with the original certificate to the university in which they want to be enrolled. What advice would you give them?

Applicants should understand: competition lists are formed and changed as applicants submit documents. The first thing to start with is to submit documents to the selected universities as quickly as possible. There is still more than a month to track the competitive situation and decide which university to bring the original to.

If applicants "hide" and then run to the admissions offices at the last moment, at the end of July there will be a powerful "stuffing" of documents in universities. He will change the competition lists beyond recognition. By acting in this way, applicants can disorient themselves.

- And if an applicant wants to immediately leave the original in one of the universities, what should he pay attention to?

First of all, you should find out how soon the Admissions Committee of the selected university will return the original in the event that the applicant changes his decision. Unfortunately, some universities detain originals under various pretexts.

- What is the position of MIET?

- I want to emphasize that for many years we have adhered to the "two hours" rule.

- That is, within two hours after the appeal?

- Yes, even though the law provides for one day. We understand that applicants are making important decisions that will affect their lives, and we help them make it happen.

- What else should you pay attention to when choosing a university?

- Information openness and transparency. If a university opens competition lists with all points from the first day of operation, it means that it values \u200b\u200bthe trust of applicants and is a partner in admission.

- Does MIET have open competition lists?

- We have always been proud to have one of the most open and transparent systems for informing applicants in the country. We update three times an hour.

Tatyana Vladimirovna, what advice would you give to applicants who have not yet decided on the choice of areas of study?

- Those who want to learn more about the educational process and graduating departments, the MIET Admissions Committee invites you on excursions around the university (from Monday to Saturday, at 11:00 and at 13:00 according to the schedule published on our website). In addition, on July 7 at 11:00 a traditional meeting of applicants with the deans of faculties and heads of departments will take place. Welcome to MIET!

Every year throughout Russia, thousands of former schoolchildren meet with admission to the university. Because for them it is all new and unknown. Everyone has an incredible number of questions.

Since at school about admission do not inform enough after all, usually only representatives of universities come to schools, who agitate to enter this or that institution higher education, but no one tells how to act upon admission.

Usually, the parents of applicants also understand a little about this issue, because they have been applying for a long time and a lot has changed during this time. Therefore, a former schoolboy, accustomed for 11 years to what was in school, is left alone with such a difficult matter as entering the university.

Admission rules the universities are quite difficult, and former schoolchildren have many questions. Especially a lot of them about the first and second waves.

Many are interested in how the enrollment takes place, whether the presence of originals affects the order of admission. You can't figure out what the second wave of enrollment is without talking about the first. The first wave lasts almost until the end of July, most of the applicants are trying to submit documents at this very time, and rightly so.

It is worth noting that in the first wave three categories of future students must submit documents, while it is necessary bring exactly the originals... These are beneficiaries who enter the results of the Olympiads (they are enrolled without results entrance examinations), social beneficiaries, as well as students entering targeted training.

If an applicant belonging to one of these categories, did not have time to submit documents before the specified period, then they are deprived of all the benefits provided.

It is very important that students are enrolled in the first wave for 80% of the available places, and in the second - for the remaining 20%. If, in the first wave, less than 80% entered this specialty, then the remaining percentages go to the second wave, that is, there will be more than 20 percent.

The university compiles one list, ranked by the number of points, for all applicants participating in the competition. In this case, only those who brought the original documents are credited. Consequently, only those students who brought their original documents are considered for enrollment, and the rest are not enrolled, regardless of how many points they have.

If a person aims to enroll in this particular specialty, then he must have time to bring original documents before the end of the first wave, because the chances of admission during the second wave are much lower.

The second wave ends at the end of August, just before the start of training. Those students who did not pass in the first wave can enter it, but they have enough points. People who entered the first wave can pick up their documents, thus freeing up space for applicants with fewer points.

In general, everything happens here in the same way as in the first wave, that is, only those who brought the originals of documents are credited.

Enrollment goes through the listsin which the person with the most points is in the first place. For a more precise understanding, let's give an example. Let's say there are 100 students for the specialty "Economics" budget places... For this specialty, original documents were submitted by 20 people applying for benefits, that is, there are 80 places left.

64 people will be enrolled in the first wave, this is 80% of the remaining budget places, it turns out that only 16 places remain for the second wave. However, in our situation, 6 people who entered the first wave took their originals. It turns out that 26 people will be enrolled in the second wave.

Very many applicants are interested in the question: what to do if there is an opportunity to enter the desired specialty only in the second wave, however, there is a second option, and in another specialty I passed in the first wave.

The experience of applicants in past years suggests that in such a situation it is imperative to bring documents to the place where you entered in the first wave. And after that, if you still find yourself on the lists for admission in the second wave in the specialty in which you want to study, you can simply pick up the documents and bring them to a priority specialty for you.

In such a situation, you should not be afraid that you will not have time to carry the documents, because the university is obliged to issue you the originals within one working day after your request for this.

So, the second wave of university entrance is like dispersal field. It comes after the first wave, which enrolls 80% of applicants. It is important to understand that those who are higher in the ranking are credited, that is, who have a higher total score for the exams. And also only those who brought their original documents are credited, that is, if you are the very first on the list, but do not bring your documents before the end of the first wave, then you will not enter it.

Most universities now exhibit lists of recommended for admission so that applicants understand whether they can be counted on to enter this university. When entering, the main thing is not to make rash decisions, so as not to run from university to university with documents, but at the same time not to be left without a budget place due to the fact that the originals of documents were not brought in time.

The admission period is one of the most important moments in a person's life. This, of course, can be regarded as a kind of transition to a responsible and adult life. Yesterday you were schoolchildren, and today there are applicants. It is important to decide on the place of admission, because the whole future life depends on it. As you already know, all applicants, this year, admission takes place according to a new scheme - in two stages. Thanks to this, some will have a second chance to exercise cherished dream about the desired profession. The first, main wave is already over. That is why it is important to have information about the second wave of admission to universities in 2018, the timing.

Recall that it was in the current year that some adjustments were made to the basic set of rules for those wishing to enter Russian universities. Detailed information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Due to the fact that the time of school final exams and the USE passed too quickly, and the period for submitting documents to the institute was too rushed to determine the choice of a future profession, some were not able to clearly determine with it. First of all, in order to become a student, one had to pass the USE well, it was on the basis of this important criterion that it was worth giving preference to one or another university.

Note that documents for those wishing to get into the first wave of admission were accepted until June 20. The entire selection committee was dissolved and officially ended only by 26 July. One rule has remained unchanged, applications can be submitted for no more than three specialties at the same time and a maximum of 5 different universities. It is quite possible this season to submit an application using the global Internet network, by entering email online.

Rosobrnadzor concretized the number of points, they established how many points it was necessary to score in order to just enter the competition for the right to be called a student. At the time of filing the applications, the following situation developed. For testing in the Russian language, it was necessary to score at least 36 points, and in mathematics, about 27 points. The parameters described are for secondary schools. In more prestigious and leading universities, the selection criteria are more stringent and the rules for admission are selected individually, at the discretion of the institution's management. It is logical that each university is interested in the most promising and diligent students studying within its walls.

Second wave for admission

If, for some reason, you did not enter the first wave, or simply failed the exam the first time. The second wave is your last chance for admission this year. The work on accepting applications for the second wave will begin immediately after the publication of the lists of those who have already become students and are officially enrolled in the university. Please note that each institution has its own rules on this subject, but later than August 3. Those applicants who intend to submit documents for admission in the second wave will be able to carry out their plans within the prescribed period until August 6. Remember that the chance to enter the second wave is several times lower. Almost 80% of the seats have already been taken, entering the first wave. It is in the first wave that there is a real chance to get a budget seat, in the second wave it is practically impossible to get it. The order that the applicants for the second wave are enrolled is approved on August 8.

In our country, recent schoolchildren, as well as graduates of previous years, continue to enter universities. The applicants have no time left to submit documents. Since today it is allowed to simultaneously enroll in several different universities, that is, a separate procedure for admission to the country's universities. They are supposed to have 2 orders for admission, this admission procedure is the same for all universities in the country without exception. Applicants and their parents may not fully understand this procedure, and it is necessary to study it more carefully. How is admission to a university in 2018: the procedure and timing of admission, what is the first and second wave of admission, when orders for admission are signed.

Photo: pixabay.com

Until what date is it allowed to apply for admission to the university

The introductory campaign in Russian universities ends today - July 26. This is the deadline for submitting documents to Russian universities. Enrollment will begin on July 27.

Universities make a special rating of applicants according to the points they received on the exam. In addition to applicants on a general basis, places in universities will go to all kinds of beneficiaries: target students, Olympiads, orphans, etc. A certain number of guaranteed places are always allocated for them.

The first order on crediting to the budget will be promulgated on July 29, the second on August 3. Enrollment to free/ paid seats will be produced from August 8, 2018.

The main question in terms of how enrollment to universities in 2018 takes place, which is not fully understood by many applicants - what are the first and second enrollment orders, and how the lists of applicants are formed in these orders.

Photo: pixabay.com

The procedure for enrolling in universities in the first wave

First of all, places are given to beneficiaries, target groups and Olympiad winners. They must submit original documents to the university within 1 day.

Also, based on the rating of the points received on the exam, a preliminary list of applicants passing the competition and having the opportunity to be enrolled in this university is formed. 80% of the remaining budget places are allocated for them in the first order. For applicants on a general basis, the deadline for submitting original documents is 5 days.

There are a number of nuances to tutu. The first is related to the timing of the submission of original documents by beneficiaries / target students / Olympiads. If they wish to enter this particular university and at the same time do not have time to submit documents within the allotted time, then they lose the privilege as such and can be enrolled only on a general basis based on the results of the exam.

The second caveat is that applicants have the opportunity to apply for admission to several universities. This is the most important advantage of the exam.

Naturally, graduates of schools with good USE results often go to several universities on the first order. In this case, they get the opportunity to choose an educational institution. And then everything is simple - the applicant submits the originals of documents to a higher educational institution for himself, in other universities he is not expected, and he will not be included in the second order. And his place will be given to a person from among those who received a lower number of points on the exam.

Another potential situation is more complicated. For example, a graduate, first of all, wants to enter university A, but has applied to university B. On July 29, it becomes clear that he is guaranteed to enter university B, and at university A is not included in the list of applicants, but is among the leaders in points Unified State Exam among those who did not pass by the first order.

Here you should not be upset and take the originals of documents to a conditional university B. You will have to wait for the second order of admission to appear.

The updated rules for admission to universities are such that an applicant, even if he has not submitted the originals of documents within 5 days after the first order, is not completely removed from the lists. He is included in the second list, so a place in university B in the conditional example will still guarantee him. But if in university A he finds himself among the leaders among those not included in the first list, then he is almost guaranteed to be in the second order. When those for whom this university was a reserve will be eliminated.

Photo: pixabay.com

How is admission to universities on the second order

The second enrollment order will be issued at universities on August 3. It will fill the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof budget places. Any benefits are not valid here, everyone will act in accordance with the points earned on the exam.

The deadline for submission of original documents for those included in the second order is 2 days.

20% of budget places filled with the second order are at least. Sometimes the number of seats can be more. Let's say, if someone submitted the originals of documents after the first order, and then took them away. Or not all of those who got into the first order submitted original documents (which happens more often).

The number of free budget places for enrollment in the second wave (data as of 5.08.12):

Day department:

  • Competition group 1.1 (directions of training bachelors of the IT faculty) - 40
  • Competition group 1.2 (directions of training bachelors of the Faculty of Cybernetics) - 0
  • Competition group 1.3 (specialties of the Faculty of Cybernetics) - 0
  • Competition group 1.4 (directions of training bachelors of the Faculty of RTS)– 30
  • Competition group 1.5 (specialty of the RTS faculty)– 1
  • Competition group 1.6 (directions of training bachelors of the Faculty of Electronics)– 16
  • Competition group 1.7 (specialty of the Faculty of Electronics)– 2
  • Competition group 1.8 (directions of training bachelors of the Faculty of E&U)– 1

Evening (part-time) department:

  • Competition group 2.1 (directions of training bachelors of the IT faculty) - 5
  • Competition group 2.2 (direction of training bachelors of the Faculty of Cybernetics) - 10
  • Competition group 2.3 (directions of training bachelors of the Faculty of RTS) - 20
  • Competition group 2.4 (direction of training bachelors of the Faculty of RTS) - 12
  • Competition group 2.5 (direction of training bachelors of the Faculty of Electronics) - 6


  • Competition group 2.6 (directions of training bachelors of the branch in Dubna) - 2
  • Competition group 2.7 (directions of training bachelors of the branch in Fryazino) - 3
Please note that the number of seats may be increased due to the deduction of those who were previously enrolled.

Explanations on the procedure for enrollment in the second wave:

For free seats can claim ALL applicantswho were not recommended in the first wave, but only applicants who submitted to the selection committee will be admitted original certificate.

You can replace the copy of the certificate with the original from August 6 to August 8 from 10.00 to 17.00 or on August 9 from 10.00 to 15.00.

For example, if after the enrollment of the first wave there are 10 places left, then 10 applicants with maximum points will be enrolled, who provided the original certificate to the admissions office until August 9 inclusive.

You will be able to track the current competitive situation on your own, since the data on the submitted originals are updated daily in the "Rating lists" section.

10th of August on the information stands and on the website of the admissions committee in the appropriate section, orders for enrollment of the second wave will be published.

Enrollment on paid branch carried out only after filling all budget places, that is, on August 10. For admission to a paid department, you must conclude an agreement and pay for the first semester... According to the experience of past years, there was no competition for paid places, but theoretically it is possible.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Enrollment orders can be viewed on the admissions office website at or at the admissions office stands. If you found your name in the orders, then congratulations: you have become a student at MSTU MIREA!

In accordance with the procedure for admission to higher schools, which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in the first wave, people from the list of recommended for enrollment are enrolled in the first wave of budget places, who have provided the original document on education to the admissions committee and have a higher number of points scored in the entrance tests.

In accordance with the procedure for the competitive selection at MSTU MIREA in 2012, enrollment is carried out in competitive groups, and the distribution of those enrolled is carried out according to the amount of points scored and taking into account the applications of applicants. For clarifications on this issue, please contact the dean's offices of the relevant faculties.

Yes, you can drop out of the university. The original education certificate is returned in accordance with the Admission Rules.

The number of places for admission to the second wave is determined by the difference between the total number of places and the number of places previously enrolled. The number of remaining budget places for enrollment in the second wave is indicated at the top of each rating list.

The number of places may increase if applicants who were enrolled earlier take their documents for admission to another university in the second wave.

The second wave includes applicants from the updated rating list (regardless of whether they are above or below the yellow line) who have submitted the original document of education to the admissions office before August 9 inclusive and have a higher number of points scored in the entrance tests.

You can assess your chances of admission yourself in the section of the site "" or on the information boards of the Admissions Committee. Data on the submission of originals by applicants is updated daily. We draw your attention to the fact that only those applicants who have submitted to the Admissions Committee the original document on education before August 9 inclusively apply for admission, therefore, for a better understanding of the competitive situation, we advise you to look at the rating list by originals.

All applicants from the updated rating list are considered for admission to the second wave. The yellow line only shows that applicants who are above the line are guaranteed to enroll, provided the original certificate is submitted by August 9 inclusive.

The original of the certificate can be submitted until August 9 inclusive on weekdays from 10.00 to 17.00 (on August 9, the Admissions Office is open until 15.00). You must have a receipt for documents and a passport with you.

If you were recommended for the first wave (that is, you were above the yellow line), but did not provide the original of the certificate until August 4, then you cannot participate in enrollment in the second wave in this competition group. However, applicants recommended for enrollment in the first wave, who provided the original certificate before August 4 and were not enrolled in the first wave, continue to apply for enrollment both for places with tuition fees and for “vacated” budget places.

You can conclude a contract for paid education no later than August 20, however, we strongly recommend that you do this in advance, when you make sure that you have not entered budget places. Lists of recommended admissions to tuition-paid places are published on the website at.
Please note that admission to places with payment of tuition fees is possible only after all budget places are fully filled, that is, not earlier than August 10.

No, on a contractual basis, you can only apply to those areas of training / specialties for which you applied before July 25.