The main characters of the work are the white poodle. Characteristics of the main characters of the work White Poodle, Kuprin. Their images and description. The lady orders to bring Artaud

In the work of A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle", a similar characteristic has the main character a story named Martyn Lodyzhkin. The hunched over, seemingly exhausted old man looks rather sickly. His younger comrades, who became his family - the twelve-year-old boy Seryozha, for whom he replaced his father, and the poodle Artaud, are loyal and help at any moment.

There are two categories of heroes in the story, one of whom looks down at Martyn during his acquaintance and performances, giving him an assessment only on the basis of his social status in society. The second - treats with respect, like to a loved one... But grandfather always remains calm. Without complaining about fate and his condition, he continues to lead his group of acrobats, moving from one settlement to another.

The old man has neither a permanent place of residence, nor a penny to his heart. Making money for lunch with performances, he rejoices in every coin he receives.

Martyn is endowed with only positive qualities. He became a role model for his pupil Seryozha. Thanks to the care and compassion that my grandfather showed, there was respect and cohesion in the group. He demonstrated such true human qualities as purposefulness, honesty, justice. He proved that life is a great happiness, one should enjoy every moment, nature, love loved ones, try to earn a living honestly. He is a patriot, a true connoisseur of the landscape, for example, the Crimean coast, where he leads his friends.

Generosity is one of its main characteristics. He divides all the daily wages, but not into equal parts. The grandfather always leaves the smaller part for himself. This also shows his concern for Seryozha, whom he wishes to purchase a new suit and shoes. "Tears ran down the wrinkles" - this is how his pity for the boy manifests itself.

The organ-grinder's image is complemented by fair, firm decisions that make him worthy of respect. He does not recognize the inequality of people, considering everyone to be one. Resignedly continues to work, but does not lose dignity, devotion even when they want to redeem the poodle. The old man proudly leaves this house with the dog.

A connoisseur of true friendly relations, a disinterested hard worker has absorbed the best qualities characteristic of a wise man who has seen a lot of bitterness, injustice and poverty on his way.

A huge number of pages in literary works are occupied by images of older people. Their portrait sketches, characters, behavior are varied. However, this age category is not chosen by the authors by chance.

The life of the elderly is the result of the past years: sad and joyful. But in any case, they are experienced, wise people who have a lot to learn from.

Several interesting compositions

    The image of Alexander is a combination of the best human qualities for warriors of the past. The author of the work characterizes him as a brave, wise, strong man, and at the same time very handsome.

    There are many activities in life that are enjoyable. Camping, cycling, computer games... However, you can not always do what you love as much as you want.

  • Composition Man is often his own worst enemy (reasoning)

    When certain events occur in a person's life, he begins to reason about what caused this. We tend to blame other people, circumstances, whatever, but not ourselves. But often we ourselves are to blame for our failures.

  • The meaning of the ending of the novel by Eugene Onegin Pushkin

    The love story "Eugene Onegin" has a clear conclusion. Tatiana does not want love affairs with Onegin. He finds himself in despair. It becomes clear to the readers what the fate of the heroine will be.

  • Last Thursday my family and I went to the zoo. The largest animal that was there was an elephant. His name was Marquis. It was gray in color. He had huge ears, the size of a satellite dish. And the trunk was like a snake.

Before describing summary"White poodle", it is necessary to get acquainted with the main characters of the work. At the center of the story is a small roving troupe, consisting of only three members. Its oldest member is grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin, an organ-grinder. Martyn is invariably accompanied by a twelve-year-old acrobat Seryozha, a goldfinch trained to pull out multi-colored leaves with predictions from a special box, and a white, trimmed like a lion, a poodle named Artaud.

Meet the characters

The barrel organ was almost Martyn's only material wealth. Although the instrument had long fallen into disrepair, and the only two melodies that he could somehow reproduce (Launer's dull German waltz and the gallop from Travels to China) were in vogue thirty or forty years ago, Martyn treasured it. The organ-grinder has repeatedly tried to hand over the organ-grinder for repairs, but everywhere he was told that it would be better to hand over such an ancient thing to a museum. However, Seryozhe Martyn often repeats that the hurdy-gurdy has fed them for more than one year, and will continue to feed them.

As much as his instrument, the organ-grinder loved, perhaps, only his eternal companions, Seryozha and Artaud. The boy appeared in his life unexpectedly: five years before the beginning of the story, Martyn took him from a wicked, widowed shoemaker, “for hire,” and paid two rubles a month for it. However, the shoemaker soon died, and the boy remained connected with his grandfather and soul, and household chores.

A summary of "White Poodle" begins on a hot summer day. The troupe travels around Crimea hoping to earn some pretty penny. On the way, Martyn, who has already seen a lot in his lifetime, tells Seryozha about unusual phenomena and people. The boy himself listens to the old man with pleasure, and never ceases to admire the rich and varied Crimean nature.

Attempts to make money

However, our heroes did not have a good day: from some places the owners chased them away, while in others servants came out to meet them and said that the owners were not yet available. Lodyzhkin, a good-natured and modest man, was happy even when he was paid a little. And even if they were driving him, he did not begin to murmur. But one magnificent, beautiful and seemingly very kind lady still managed to piss the old man out of herself. She listened to the sounds of the barrel organ for a long time, looked at the acrobatic acts that Seryozha showed, asked questions about the life of the troupe, and then asked to wait and retired to the rooms. For a long time the lady did not appear, and the artists had already begun to hope that she would give them something from clothes or shoes. But in the end, she simply threw into Seryozha's hat that was framed by Seryozha, an old, worn out on both sides, and even a leaky dime and immediately left. Lodyzhkin was extremely outraged that he was considered a rogue who was able to drop such a coin to someone at night. The old man throws a worthless coin with pride and indignation, which falls right into the road dust.

Desperate to earn something, the heroes stumble upon the Druzhba dacha. Martyn is surprised: he has been to these parts more than once, but the house was always empty. However, now the old organ grinder senses that they will be lucky here, and sends Seryozha forward.

Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the dacha "Druzhba"

Describing the summary of "White Poodle", it should be said about several more characters. The heroes were just getting ready to perform, when suddenly a boy in a sailor's suit flew out of the house, and six adults ran after him. There was a complete commotion, people were shouting something - it was immediately clear that the cause of the anxiety of the servants and masters was the same boy. All six tried in different ways to persuade the boy to drink the potion, but neither the reasonable speeches of the gentleman in golden glasses, nor the lamentations of the mother, nor shouts helped the cause.

Martyn told Seryozha not to pay attention to what was happening and start performing. The phony, husky notes of an old gallop began to echo through the garden near the dacha. The masters and servants rushed to chase away the intruders. However, here the boy in a sailor's suit again reminded of himself (it turned out that his name was Trilli) and said that he did not want the beggars to leave. His mother, without stopping to lament, orders to fulfill the wish of her son.

The performance took place. Artaud carried Martin's hat in his teeth so that the owners would reward the artists. But here the summary of "White Poodle" again takes an unexpected turn: Trilli begins to demand a dog in a squeaky voice. The adults call Lodyzhkin and try to bargain with him, but the old man proudly declares that the dog is not for sale. The owners continue to insist, Trilli bursts into hysterical screams, but Martyn, in spite of everything, does not give up. As a result, the whole troupe is kicked out of the yard.

The lady orders to bring Artaud

Finally, the heroes get to the sea and enjoy swimming in cool water, washing off sweat and road dust. Having got out to the shore, they notice that the very same janitor from the Druzhba dacha, who just a quarter of an hour ago drove them around the neck, is approaching them.

It turned out that the lady had sent a janitor to buy Artaud at any price - the boy did not calm down. Lodyzhkin repeats to him several times that he will never give up faithful dog... Then the janitor tries to bribe the animal with sausage, but Artaud does not even think of leaving with a stranger. Martyn says that the dog is his friend, and friends are not sold. Despite the fact that the frail and weak old man can hardly stand on his feet, he radiates pride and dignity. The heroes collect their modest belongings and leave the shore. The janitor remains standing in the same place and looks after them thoughtfully.

Further, Kuprin's story "White Poodle" leads us to a secluded place near a clean stream. Here the heroes stop for breakfast and a drink. Summer heat, recent bathing and a meal, albeit modest, exhausted the artists and they lay down to sleep in the open air. Before finally falling asleep, Martyn dreams of how his young friend will eventually become famous and will perform in one of the luxurious circuses in some big city - Kiev, Kharkov or, say, Odessa. Through his sleep, the old man had time to hear Artaud growling at someone or something, but then a nap finally took possession of the organ-grinder.

When the heroes woke up, the dog was nowhere to be found. The old man and the boy began vying to call their faithful four-footed friend, but Artaud did not respond. Suddenly, the old man found on the road a half-eaten piece of sausage, and beside it - dog tracks going into the distance. The heroes understand what happened.

Hope disappears

Seryozha is ready to rush into battle, to sue, so that Artaud will be returned. However, Martyn sighs heavily and says that this is impossible - the owners of the Druzhba dacha have already asked if he has a passport. He lost his own Martyn a long time ago, and when he realized that it was useless to try to return the document, he took advantage of the offer of a friend and made himself a fake passport. The organ grinder himself is not a philistine Martyn Lodyzhkin, but an ordinary peasant, Ivan Dudkin. In addition, the old man fears that a certain Lodyzhkin may turn out to be a criminal - a thief, an escaped convict or even a murderer. And then a fake passport will bring even more problems.

The artists did not perform that day. Despite his young age, Seryozha perfectly understood how many problems someone else's "patchport" could bring (this is how the old man pronounced the word). And therefore, Artaud did not stutter either about turning to the world, or about the search. However, the impression was that the boy was concentrating on something.

Without saying a word, the heroes once again walk past the ill-fated dacha. But the gates of "Friendship" are tightly closed, and not a sound comes from the courtyard.

Seryozha takes the situation into his own hands

For the night, the heroes stopped in some kind of dirty coffee shop, where, in addition to them, Greeks, Turks and several Russian workers spent the night. When everyone fell asleep, the boy got out of bed and persuaded the owner of the coffee shop, Turk Ibrahim, to let him out. Under cover of darkness, he left the city, reached the "Friendship" and began to climb over the fence. The boy, however, did not manage to resist. He fell and was afraid to move, fearing that now there would be a commotion, the janitor would run out. For a long time Seryozha wandered around the garden and around the house. It began to seem to him that not only would he not be able to find the faithful Artoshka, but he would never get out of here himself. Suddenly he heard a soft, muffled squeak. In a whisper, he called his beloved dog, and he answered him with a loud bark. Simultaneously with the joyful greeting in this bark, one could hear anger, and a complaint, and a feeling of physical pain. The dog struggled to free himself from something that was holding him in the dark basement. With great difficulty, the friends managed to break away from the woken up and enraged janitor.

Returning to the coffee shop, Seryozha almost immediately fell asleep in deep sleep, not even having time to tell the old man about his nighttime adventures. But now everything was fine: Kuprin's work "White Poodle" ends with the fact that the troupe, as in the very beginning, is assembled.

The lady is a minor character in the story; a wealthy landowner who spends the summer at her dacha in the Crimea; mother of the capricious and wayward boy Trillie. By nature, this woman is soulless and unkind.

Janitor working at the Druzhba dacha; the man who lured Martin Lodyzhkin's dog. In fact, this is a bonded person, since he obeys the orders of his mistress, but even this does not justify his vile act.

Granddad - main character story; an elderly and poor organ-grinder named Martyn Lodyzhkin, who is forced to earn his living by touring small villages. Together with him, his faithful friend - the white poodle Artaud and the twelve-year-old orphan Serezha - are on tour.

Poodle Artaud is the main character of the story; mischievous dog, touring with grandfather Lodyzhkin and Serezha. Everyone knows that the poodle is a breed of decorative dog, which is characterized by such qualities as loyalty, kindness, intelligence and learning.

Seryozha is one of the main characters of the story; a twelve-year-old orphan boy whom Martyn Lodyzhkin took away from some bum five years ago; faithful companion of Lodyzhkin and the poodle Artaud. The character of Seryozha is not accidentally shown in this story.

Trilli is a minor character in the story; a spoiled boy of about eight; representative of the wealthy. Trilli lives in a luxurious dacha in the south of Crimea. He is surrounded by his mother - a rich and soulless lady, as well as a whole regiment of servants - a janitor, a cook, a nanny, etc.


The doctor is a fat and bald gentleman with golden glasses. He is constantly present with the boy Trilla, as the lady is afraid that something might happen to him.


The lackey is an episodic character in the story, old and fat. Wears long sideburns but does not wear a mustache or beard. Dressed in a tailcoat. Fulfills any whims of the lady and Trilli.

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White poodle (A.I. Kuprin)

1. Characteristics of the main characters:

  • Artaud - cheerful, dexterous, loyal, kind, trusting
  • Sergey - kind, brave, inquisitive, patient, desperate
  • Martyn Lodyzhkin is old, wise, reasonable, experienced, modest.

2. The names of the heroes ..

  • I want to be like Sergei, as he is very brave and dexterous, he was not afraid to take his dog from the masters.
  • I would advise Trillie to correct himself, because otherwise he will grow up to be a very bad spoiled person.

3. If you had a brother .. how much would you sell him for?

  • Sergey - I would never sell my brother or friend for anything.
  • Ladies from the dacha "Friendship" - depending on the circumstances.

4. Characteristics of the heroes:

  • Sergey - courage, kindness, dexterity, courage, dedication, responsibility
  • Trilli - greed, tearfulness, heartlessness, disrespect for elders.

5. The story "White Poodle" teaches mercy and compassion. I would give my clothes to these poor people. The story evokes a feeling of pity for the poor and teaches that even the poorest person is worthy of respect.

Wonderful Doctor(A.I. Kuprin)

1. Round chart - PIROGOV, the surname belonged to the professor.

2. Episodes

  • Grishka Mertsalov - 2
  • Professor Pirogov - 1, 3
  • Mertsalov -

3. Aphorism:

  • Miracles are beautiful, and comforting a brother, helping a friend rise from the depths of suffering are the greatest miracles in the world.

4. The story is called "The Miracle Doctor" because the doctor appeared in an absolutely miraculous way at the right time in a suffering family and saved them by doing a miraculous act.

Yaroshenko Zhenya, grade 6

A.I Kuprin wrote the story "White Poodle", in which the main character was the boy Seryozha.
Seryozha was a kind boy, he treated his grandfather and Artaud well. He wore shabby tights, he had no shoes. The leotard was striped blue white.
After lunch in the fresh air, Seryozha and grandfather went to sleep with Artaud, but when Seryozha woke up, he saw that Artaud was nowhere to be found, and decided to call him, but Artaud did not respond. Artaud stole a janitor for a rich lady and for her capricious son ..
Grandfather understood that Artaud would not return, although he called him. He knew that he could not compete with this lady, because he did not have a passport and money. If grandfather had turned to the police, he could have been fined for a lot of money, and, most importantly, he would have lost Seryozha. And Seryozha was very afraid that he would not see Artaud again. He had despair in his soul, anxiety for Artaud, although his grandfather consoled him, he said that Artaud would return, but this did not help Seryozha.
At night, when grandfather was asleep, Seryozha got up and went to look for Artaud. He walked for a very long time.
Finally, he reached this house. There were several moments during which Sergei experienced hesitation in his soul, almost fear. Seryozha climbed over the fence.
-Arto! Artaud! ”Seryozha called him. Artaud responded and barked. But at that moment the thief's janitor woke up! Robbing! Shouted the janitor.
But Seryozha managed to elude the janitor along with Artaud.
It was Seryozha who saved Artaud, because no one else could have saved him.
Grandfather could not save him, because he did not have a passport and he did not want to lose Seryozha. So who, no matter how Seryozha, would have saved Artaud? No one! Because Artaud had no one besides grandfather and Seryozha.

Tarasova Christina, grade 4

Artaud's dog is one of the heroes of A.I Kuprin's story "White Poodle".
Artaud is white, trimmed to resemble a lion, with a merry tassel on his tail, poodle breed.
The poodle is very playful, kind and calm. He never pounced on anyone.
The artists were walking around the Crimea and came across the Druzhba dacha. Rich gentlemen lived in this dacha. The lady had a son, Trilli, a spoiled boy and hysterical, like his mother.
And when he saw the dog, he immediately wanted it. Mother could not refuse him, because he is her only son. The lady wanted to buy a dog, but grandfather refused her all the time. She offered him 100, 200, 300 rubles, but grandfather refused to sell the dog and left.
The lady considered the dog to be a toy, a thing, that is, for nothing. She thought a dog could be bought and sold. But she was wrong. For grandfather and Seryozha, the dog was a friend, or maybe for Seryozha - a brother, and for grandfather - a son.
I believe that everything breathes should not be sold.

Novikov Sasha, grade 6

I read Kuprin's story "White Poodle". This story is about the incident with Seryozha, Artaud and the old man.
Seryozha was a boy of twelve years old. He was dressed in old clothes, walked barefoot, was of average height. Seryozha was curious and very sensitive.
Seryozha had a friend - the dog Artaud. And in the morning it was stolen by a janitor for a rich lady. Seryozha could have interfered with the janitor, but he was so tired that sleep overcame him.
It was evening when they woke up. Grandpa didn't want to believe that the dog was stolen by the janitor.
And when he believed, he tried to calm Seryozha, saying that the dog would return, although he knew that this was impossible. Seryozha could not put up with the theft of the dog. At night, when it was dark, he tried to get the dog back by taking risks. He succeeded in his attempt: he saved the dog, despite the fact that he was very scared.
Seryozha saved Artaud because he loved his dog very much and treated him like a friend.

Levillien Danya, grade 4

I read the story of A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle", and there is a poodle Artaud. White color, haircut like a lion, trained. He wandered around the Crimea with his comrades, earning his living like itinerant artists. They were once at the Druzhba dacha, where a lady lived. She was nervous, and her son was even worse. He wanted to have Artaud with him. The lady offered from 10 to 300 rubles for him, but even so, the artists did not agree to sell Artaud. The lady thought that he was a thing, because she was rich and could buy anything.
And Seryozha thought that he was a friend, because with his help they could earn money with grandfather Lodyzhkin for food. Seryozha risked himself even for the sake of Artaud!
Artaud is not for sale, because friendship cannot be bought and, probably, that is why the following proverb was invented: "Not everything that is for sale is bought." I think that Artaud is still a friend, and, probably, the lady did not know such a saying.

Zaitsev Yura, grade 6

I read the book "White Poodle". The main characters are Seryozha with his grandfather Martin Ladyshkin and their beloved dog Artaud.
Seryozha is a young man of twelve years old, of average height, flexible physique. Dressed in old leotards. The artists walked through the villages and gave performances, thereby earning a living. Seryozha was brave, brave, inquisitive, hardworking, courageous.
Seryozha had a dog, Artaud, which he loved. When the dog was stolen, Seryozha rushed to look for it.
Martyn Lodyzhkin, Seryozha's grandfather, understood everything and did not want to go looking for a dog, since he did not have a passport, and it was unprofitable to contact the police. Seryozha has already decided everything for himself: to take a decisive step towards fear and risk.
And then night came, Seryozha got out of the Zvezda coffee and rushed to the lady’s house, where they recently gave a performance, at which the lady’s son wanted a dog and began to scandal. With fear and dexterity, Seryozha climbed over the hedge and went into the basement with fear and uncertainty. He said: "Artaud!" The dog began to bark, whine and soon fell off the chain. She rushed to Seryozha. Together they ran away from this house to their grandfather.
Seryozha loved the dog and could not remain indifferent, like his grandfather.

Larionova Dasha, grade 4

I really liked the story of A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle", there was a dog named Artaud. Artaud with Seryozha and grandfather Lodyzhkin walked around the Crimea and earned money. Artaud was white in color. They cut him like a lion, because he looked so good. Artaud had a very friendly character. Artaud was calm, did not bark and was a faithful friend. Once this group of artists came to a dacha called "Friendship". There lived a lady, and she had a son who really wanted this dog. The lady offered a bunch, a huge bunch of money, but grandfather Lodyzhkin and Seryozha could not sell Artaud. The lady believed, or rather, her views were as follows: she thought that Artaud was a toy. And Sergei and grandfather thought so: they thought that dogs, dogs are best friends, especially Artaud. You can't part with him, friends all the same. And friends, as you know, cannot be sold or bought.

Recruited work Yaroshenko Zhenya, 6th grade

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