The foundation for two floors is made of bricks. What is the best foundation to fill under a brick house. Types of strip foundations

Brick house

The foundation is the main structural element of any building. A brick house is no exception. It is impossible to build a durable and comfortable home without a reliable supporting base. An improperly laid foundation of a building can cause many troubles, up to the destruction of the entire building. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right and qualitatively fill the foundation for a brick house. This article is intended to answer the questions, which foundation is better, and how it is filled.

Choice aspects

In the arsenal of modern builders there are several types of foundation foundations that differ from each other in their design, technical characteristics and scope. Due to these features, you need the right approach to choosing a foundation for a brick house. There are a number of criteria that have a direct impact on the operation of load-bearing bases. The most important among them are:

  • Dimensions and weight of the building.
  • Physical characteristics of the soil at the construction site.
  • The relief of the site.
  • Groundwater level.
  • The depth of soil freezing in winter.

You should familiarize yourself with each of these aspects in more detail in order to better understand what the foundation should be for the house.

Building dimensions and weight

A distinctive feature of a brick or stone structure is their large weight. One floor of a brick building in its mass can be more than two floors of a house from a bar. The thing is that the density of building bricks is up to 1.5 tons per 1 cubic meter. For pine or spruce, the density index is only 500 - 600 kg. This puts forward special requirements for the strength and reliability of load-bearing foundations for brick buildings.

Big brick house

According to building codes, the foundation for a brick house should not be shallow tape. A columnar foundation made of metal pipes will not work either. This is due to the low bearing properties of tape shallow foundations and susceptibility to corrosion of metal pipes.

The size of the house also plays a role. So, the foundation for a two-story house should be much stronger than for a one-story building. And if you consider that sometimes the height of a private building is not limited to two floors, then the foundation must be poured in full compliance with the SNiP standards. To properly equip the supporting base for a two-story brick building, you need a construction project with all the accompanying engineering calculations.

Characteristics of the soil

The type of soil also largely depends on which foundation for a brick house should be chosen in each case. According to their bearing characteristics, soils can be weak, medium and strong. Weak soils include swampy and clayey soils - primarily because of their ability to accumulate moisture in themselves. In warm times, such soils do not have sufficient strength to withstand the massive construction of the base, especially the foundation for a two-story house made of brick or stone.

In winter, swampy or clayey soils are subject to seasonal heaving. The water accumulated in their thickness freezes and turns into ice, as a result of which it significantly increases in volume. Expanding, the soil saturated with moisture begins to bulge out, deforming and breaking improperly laid foundations, therefore, on weak soils, the pile foundation for the house is the most preferable option.

The piles must be driven below the freezing depth of the soil.

Pile foundation

Hard soils include rocks and sandstones. They are strong enough to withstand any kind of foundation foundation - from a lightweight shallow foundation to a powerful strip foundation for a two-story house.

The sand and the rock practically do not retain moisture, therefore they are not very susceptible to the forces of frost heaving. Sandy loam and loam are intermediate types of soils, the strength of which depends on the degree of their moisture saturation, therefore, when choosing a foundation for a brick house on loamy or sandy loam soil, you should pay attention to such a parameter as the height of groundwater.

Groundwater height

The depth of the base of the bearing base depends on this indicator of soils. A high level of groundwater means that the soils on the site are most likely susceptible to frost heaving, therefore it is not recommended to erect a strip foundation under a brick house in such a place. The best way out in this case is to build a pile foundation or a monolithic "floating" slab. True, such options are most often used for small light buildings.

For a two-story brick house, the pile or slab foundation base will have to be significantly strengthened due to the large massiveness of the building. Another option is to equip an effective drainage and drainage system on the site and lay a foundation tape.

In this case, the depth of the strip foundation should be below the level of soil freezing so that the heaving forces do not destroy it. This option is great for southern regions, where the index of soil freezing does not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 m.In the northern regions, where the depth of freezing can reach 1.5 meters or more, the device of a deep-laid base-tape may become economically unprofitable, since it will significantly increase the total estimated construction cost.

Also, when constructing a strip foundation with a high level of groundwater, one should take into account the costs of high-quality multilayer waterproofing of the walls and floors of the basement. Without this, soil moisture will penetrate into the basement through the slightest cracks and pores in the concrete walls, which will cause the development of mold and mildew. Water trapped in the pores of concrete, when frozen, will expand them, forming cracks.

Many private developers have a question: "What should be the depth of the foundation for a two-story house?" The strength of the entire building depends on this, and if you take into account its considerable dimensions and weight, then you should approach the device of such a supporting base very responsibly, taking into account all the nuances. The table shows the recommended foundation depth for a two-story brick house on soils with different groundwater levels.

Soil susceptibility to heavingDepth of waterThe necessary deepening of the sole of the base
Non-porousNot regulatedNot less than 0.5 m, regardless of the level of soil freezing
PuffyAbove the level of soil freezingBelow the level of soil freezing
Puffy0 ... 2 m below the freezing levelAt ½ the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 50 cm
PuffyMore than 2 m below the freezing levelAt ¾ depth of soil freezing, but not less than 70 cm

Types of foundations

After familiarizing yourself with the main criteria for choosing load-bearing bases, you should consider in more detail technical features one or another foundation for a brick house. In this capacity, three types of bases are most often used:

  1. Tape.
  2. Pile.
  3. Plate.

To understand how to make the right foundation, you should familiarize yourself with the technological nuances of its construction.

Tape base

Strip foundation for a brick house

Strip foundations for a brick house are the most common type. Among the advantages of this option is its simplicity and the ability to withstand very heavy loads, which is especially important for massive buildings, for example, for a two-story brick house. Base-tapes depending on design features are classified into two types:

  • Monolithic.
  • National teams.

Monolithic bases are cast directly at the construction site from concrete mortar. Before starting concreting, formwork is built and a reinforcing frame is assembled in it. Prefabricated belt structures are assembled from blocks using lifting equipment. Structurally, the foundation tape is a concrete strip running under all the supporting walls of the building, both external and internal.

The width of the strip foundation can vary from 30 to 60 cm: it is this size of monolithic foundation slabs that is regulated by construction GOSTs. If the width of the strip foundation for relatively small and light brick buildings can be 300 mm, then the thickness of the foundation for a two-story house should be at least 400 mm.

In addition, the strip foundation of a two-story brick house must be buried at least 50 - 70 cm, provided that it is built on solid, non-porous soils. Shallow foundations in this case are absolutely unacceptable, since they have insufficient strength.

Pile foundations

A similar version of the foundation is usually used when erecting a building on weak, swampy or heaving soils. A feature of construction on such soils is the need for a solid foundation that can ensure the stability of the building. For these purposes, the base of the foundation must be buried down to solid rocks, excluding the shrinkage of the building. Or the bottom of the base should be below the level of soil freezing in the cold season. This will exclude it from being squeezed out of the ground by the forces of frost heaving.

Pile foundation for a brick house

In this case, the most optimal technology is the method of driving or twisting piles into the ground. This saves a lot of effort, time and money that would be needed to excavate and fill a monolithic tape of similar depth. There are three technologies for constructing a pile foundation:

  • Hammering.
  • Bored
  • Screw.

Driving method consists in burying the pile into the ground using a special pile hammer. It can be mechanical, suspended from a crane or excavator. In private construction, a manual headframe, powered by the muscular strength of people, can also be used. Bored technology provides for drilling a well of the required depth in the ground, after which it is reinforced and poured with monolithic concrete.

When self-pouring piles, the construction technology should be strictly observed - use high-grade concrete (from M-400) and vibrate the poured solution. If these rules are not followed, the support piles may turn out to be too weak, having air cavities and cavities inside them.

With the screw technique, special piles with a spiral tip are used for the construction of the bearing base. They are deepened with mechanical or manual twists, and the whole process resembles the twisting of a self-tapping screw or a corkscrew.

Slab foundation

Slab foundation

A relatively rarely used technology in residential construction. The classic slab foundation is a reinforced monolithic slab cast on a sand and gravel bed. The low prevalence of this option is associated with a number of operational disadvantages. Firstly, the base-slab excludes the construction of a basement, basement or underground under the house. Secondly, such a foundation is used only in the construction of buildings that are small in weight and size.

The slab foundation of a two-story brick house can be too expensive for the developer due to the large volume of concrete pouring.

Therefore, the base-slab in brick private construction is used only in case of emergency. For example, if the construction is carried out on fragile soils. In this case, a large area of ​​the base plate will prevent the building from sinking, reducing its specific pressure on the ground.

The slab technology can also be used on dense soils, when it is necessary to combine the foundation and subfloors to optimize the work. Such a need may arise during the construction of baths, garages or warehouses.

Having familiarized himself with the features of various foundation structures and the criteria for their selection, a private developer can independently mount a high-quality foundation for his brick house.

The foundation for a two-story house is a fundamental element with a high degree of reliability. The strength of the entire building will depend on how skillfully the work on its laying is performed. The algorithm of actions at each separate stage of the construction of the foundation of the house involves taking into account all kinds of requirements and conditions, both advisory and mandatory.

Strict adherence to the instructions presented will help not only avoid negative consequences during the construction of a residential two-story building, but will also strengthen the guarantee of its safety.

Types of foundation

According to the method of execution, it is divided into several types. The most common ones are:

  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • tape;
  • monolithic slab.

Private residential building


The use of the presented type is more justified in the construction of panel board townhouses, and, for example, houses made of aerated concrete or a Finnish mansion made of timber planks resting on poles have gained popularity not only in our country, but also abroad.

The technology for the construction of such a foundation is reduced to the fact that supports are installed along the planned perimeter of the future building. They are installed at a certain interval in pre-drilled holes. The diameter of the latter is variable.

These indicators are determined when calculating the degree of load per unit area.

Taking into account what depth is the most acceptable in a particular case, builders give preference to different types of pillars. Pipes, reinforced concrete stepsons, logs, natural stone can act as supports.


Another type of support element that has become widespread in various areas of construction is a pile. Modern technology the use of piles as a key component of the supporting surface is a single complex of complementary structural elements.

This engineering solution eliminates deformation of individual peripheral parts and ensures an even distribution of the force on the ground.

According to the principle of pile installation, the pile foundation is divided into hanging and retaining.

Diagram of the pile-tape design option

The first category of bearing supports is installed in dense soil layers, the height of which reaches several meters. Piles are driven into the ground at a calculated interval. A significant part of the load of such a support falls on its lateral surface, while the base plays a secondary role.

In this position, the soil under the pressure of the support walls can, as they say, "crawl". This disadvantage is compensated for in the following ways:

  • an increase in the section of workpieces;
  • increasing the length of the pile;
  • shaping the pile into bulges at the base and in places of lateral contact with the ground;
  • an increase in the density of piling.

Screw pile installation diagram

Retaining piles in their functionality are strikingly different from previous samples. Unlike pile and hanging supports, this type of basic structure sinks to a shallow depth with a small gap between two adjacent elements. The average height of such supports is 40–70 cm. This technology is typical for 1-storey frame-type buildings.


Special attention should be paid to the so-called strip type of laying the foundation of the building. Its fundamental difference lies in the fact that in the presented case, a block type of bookmark or a solid concrete tape is used.

In accordance with the requirements for strength and degree of load, blocks can have a solid or hollow structure. Aerated concrete houses based on this technology are distinguished by high seismic resistance and durability.

Depth drawing

Monolithic slab

Slab foundation - it is characterized by a large load-bearing area and an exceptionally high level of resistance to seismic ground vibrations.

Read also: Foundation care after pouring: spring, summer, autumn and winter

In the event of natural disasters that cause displacement or subsidence of the soil, such a structure will remain intact due to the large base area monolithic foundation, made in the form of a single plate.

The height of such a platform varies in accordance with the conditions of a particular area. Nevertheless, the implementation of such a project will require significant material investments. On average, only a slab takes about 20-25 m3 of concrete to make, but it all depends on the size and load of the building.

Reinforcement of a monolithic slab

The best choice for a two-story house

The choice of the most optimal technology for mounting the base is the key to trouble-free durable construction. At this stage, it is extremely important to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the features of a particular object. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the maximum allowable values loads on the supporting structure.

To resolve the dilemma of which foundation is better, one should turn to statistics. Wide practice of use different types foundation for a two-story brick house allows us to say with confidence that tape technology in this case acts as the most priority direction.

For example, the foundation for a two-story foam block house based on this technology has already gained popularity among many happy owners. The prerequisites for choosing the presented method are based on the optimal combination of various criteria of a technical, material and operational nature.

The advantages of this method are as follows:

  • high level of bearing capacity;
  • high performance indicators;
  • resistance to deformation and tearing;
  • ease of installation;
  • low level of material costs;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • the ability to choose different types of layouts;
  • minimum of technical equipment.

Formwork installation

It should be noted that all the positive aspects of the recommended technique will manifest themselves only under the condition of strict compliance with the requirements in the presence of benign materials.

Foundation calculation

This procedure, as a rule, does not cause serious complications if approached with the proper level of responsibility. It involves the collection of load data and the study of the bearing layers of the soil. The thickness of the foundation for a two-story house will be determined depending on the ratio of these two components.

The video explains in detail how to calculate the base yourself.

The first step is to conduct a thorough study of the working area. The depth of the foundation for a two-story house made of foam blocks should be 35–55 cm higher than the average freezing depth.

Formwork and reinforcement

Such data are acceptable only if the living space is heated in the winter season. Otherwise, it is necessary to adhere to the set freezing temperature for a particular region.

The relative value of the width of the tape will be 25 cm. This value is approximate and will change during the calculation.

The next step is to calculate the pressure on the strip foundation for a two-story house. It is advisable to use the table below to determine the appropriate value.

Construction typeDensity (kg / m2)
Brickwork (half brick)210–240
Foam concrete houses170–180
Log houses (d = 240 mm)130–145
Houses from a bar (150 mm)11–125
Overlap elements
Attic (wooden beams)10–120
Hollow concrete slabs30–380
Reinforced concrete floors450–520
Metal tile, profiled sheet25–35
Two-layer roofing material35–45
Slate (comb height - 4 cm)50
Snow load for the central regions of Russia100–120

The next step is to calculate the total weight of the strip slab. To do this, you must first calculate its volume, which is calculated using the product of length - L, width - A and height - B.

The resulting value is multiplied by the specific gravity of reinforced concrete, which is 2500 kg / m3. The end result is total weight. To calculate the total load - M - on the supporting soil layer, it is enough to add this value with the weight of the building.

Read also: Finishing the foundation of the house with panels: siding, stone and other materials

Now it becomes necessary to set the optimal value of the base sole width - O. It is derived by the following formula: O = 1.3 * M / (L * R). A value of 1.3 acts as an indicator of the bearing capacity, and R is the density of the soil layer, which is indicated in the table below.

If the width of the tape is less than the approximate value, the final width will be the declared 20 cm. If, according to the results of the calculations, this value has exceeded the initial figure by more than 4–6 cm, it is necessary to re-calculate the base mass with a new value of the width of the tape.

Calculations should be carried out until the increase in the width of the tape is less than 5 cm.

Installation of strip foundation

The sequence of actions in this case involves the following work:

  • digging a trench;
  • laying pillows;
  • installation of block elements and pouring of concrete tape.

Building tape

Before starting to dig a trench, it is necessary to mark out a section of the future structure and outline lines with a breakdown of all axes. The depth of the strip monolithic foundation for a two-story house is calculated taking into account payload the entire building and in accordance with the results of geodetic surveys of the area.

The width of the strip reinforced foundation for a two-story house is set according to the results of the above calculated data.

Most often sand, gravel or concrete acts as a pillow. The choice of material should be determined by the quality of the soil and the degree of load on the base. Sand, as a rule, is laid in one layer with a thickness of 150-200 mm. Such a pillow should be thoroughly moistened with water and tamped.

The photo shows a building tape.

Before waterproofing

It is advisable to use a mixture of sand and gravel in the presence of soil with a high content of loose rocks. This mixture is prepared from equal parts of both ingredients.

After applying the pillow, it should also be moistened and tamped. Concrete blocks are used as a base layer under extremely unfavorable soil conditions.

Such a base of blocks will eliminate the possibility of subsidence and will significantly facilitate the installation of load-bearing elements.

Installing blocks for a 2-storey house does not imply special professional skills and abilities. By a similar principle, houses are erected from aerated concrete, as well as buildings of foam block and aerated concrete. The blocks are installed according to the marking one to one with the ends pre-coated in the solution.

Section and section

The tape is poured in several stages. First, reinforcement is laid on the pillow, poured with a thin layer of concrete. It should not come into contact with the surface of the trench and formwork.

After that, the cavities of the reinforced structure are poured with a concrete solution of medium viscosity until the bottom layer is completely filled. And finally, the final stage involves filling the basement part and setting the zero mark.

After completing the above work, it is imperative to ensure the proper insulation level. To a greater extent, houses made of timber and foam concrete need it.

Formwork and reinforcement

The installation of the formwork is carried out using wooden panels, boards or flat slate sheets.

Membrane in formwork

This event assumes a strict sequence of the following operations:

  1. Before proceeding with the installation of individual formwork sections, it is necessary to mark the site to visually determine the contours of the above-ground part of the basic structure. As a rule, posts / pins are installed in the corners, through which the thread is passed. Pre-cut fittings are ideal for these pins. Thus, the thread will serve as a guide for the installation of the formwork, which determines the dimensions of the foundation and indicates the base of the base.
  2. For ease of installation, boards or other work material are best mounted as prefabricated panels. Shields are exposed on a plumb line and attached to wooden supports using screws or nails.
  3. Before the shields take their place, you need to take care of the holes for various communications and vents. For this, the corresponding slots are preliminarily made in the panel board elements of the formwork.
  4. To give the structure more rigidity, the flaps should be reinforced with transverse bars. The frequency of using such reinforcing elements is determined individually for each separate type of formwork.
  5. Reinforcement is an integral part of the strip structure. Its purpose can hardly be overestimated, because it is she who creates a solid frame for the entire load-bearing part as a whole.

Basement of the basement floor

To reinforce the strip base, rods with a diameter of 12 to 16 mm are used. Soft steel wire is used for tying reinforcement. Unlike a welded contact, such a connection gives the entire structure flexibility and ductility.

A correctly chosen foundation is a reliable basis for a house and the term and quality of the structure's operation directly depends on it. A brick house will require a more powerful foundation than a building, for example, from foam blocks. That is why it is worth deciding in advance on the type of foundation for a brick house and its possible strengthening.

Choosing the type of foundation

Since a brick house has a rather impressive mass, this fact must be taken into account when choosing a foundation. If the base is equipped without taking into account the load, then cracks in the walls and even their destruction are possible. To understand the future mass of the structure, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how to calculate this indicator. A brick house can only withstand a slab, tape and pile views grounds.

A brick house, as a rule, is not built on a shallow foundation. This fact has a relation only to the tape or pile foundation, since they will not be able to withstand the large weight of the structure.

Regardless of the type, the chosen foundation must be built in accordance with all existing norms. These include taking into account the type of soil and the depth of its freezing, the terrain and the level of groundwater. A specific answer for all these indicators can only be given by a specialist who will conduct a detailed analysis and more accurately determine the characteristics of the soil and other indicators, in accordance with which he will calculate the foundation.

The following tables provide data on the dependence of the type of foundation on the soil lying on the site and on the load.

Tape type foundation

A strip foundation for a brick house is a strip-like base that lies under the load-bearing and internal walls. It differs in that it is simple to perform, but at the same time it can withstand significant loads. Such a base is widely used for heavy concrete or brick houses. The convenience of this foundation is that it is possible to create a basement or basement under the house, where it is the foundation strips that will be used as walls.

The strip base is subdivided into monolithic and prefabricated. In the first case, the tape is obtained by pouring mortar into the formwork with additional reinforcement. Such a foundation can be done with your own hands, but you will have to wait about a week until the solution hardens and gains strength.

The prefabricated foundation is made of ready-made elements, which are laid in the order dictated by the project. The difficulty lies in the fact that for its installation you will need heavy equipment, with which you can move the blocks. This foundation is not as solid as the first.

Also, the strip base can be divided depending on how deep it is in the ground. For light buildings, shallow foundations are used, which go into the soil to a depth of only 50 - 70 cm. But, as mentioned earlier, this type of foundation is not the best solution for a brick house. It is better to use a recessed foundation as a basis for a brick house. It is built so that the structure is approximately three tens of centimeters below the level of soil freezing. The strip foundation for a brick house is erected as follows:

  • Site clearance, topcoat removal and marking.

    Important! At this stage, it is important to maintain strict geometry.

  • Digging a pit or trench. This can be done with the help of an excavator or, which is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, but cheaper, with your own hands. The pit is dug in the case of equipment of the basement floor, if it is not needed, then only a trench will be enough. In terms of dimensions, the pit and trench should be slightly larger than indicated in the calculated plan. This is necessary for the design of the formwork and more convenient pouring of the solution into it. The bottom of the dug trenches must be leveled with a theodolite, and all corners are leveled.
  • Formation of sand and gravel cushion. This layer should be at least 20 cm. Before backfilling, the bottom of the trench should be moistened with plain water.
  • Tamping the prepared pillow with a vibrating plate and laying a waterproofing material on it.
  • For precast foundations, the cushion is installed in the places where the concrete blocks will be installed. The blocks are put into place and fixed with a cement-sand mixture. The masonry algorithm is the same as for bricks.
  • For a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to install a formwork made of boards with a thickness of approximately 5 cm and secure it with spacers. The best option would be the collapsible formwork of the frame-panel type. Since the foundation above the ground should raise at least 40 cm, then based on this, we make the height of the formwork.
  • Creation of a frame from reinforcement. It is welded from rods with a cross-sectional index that is between 6 and 10 mm. The reinforcement mesh is laid in the formwork.
  • The concrete is poured in 20 cm layers, constantly processing each layer with a special vibrator to eliminate voids.

    Important! The consistency of the concrete should not be too liquid; efforts must be made to move it.

  • Waiting for the concrete to dry completely, which can take about 1 month. The first days the surface of the foundation is watered with water to increase the moisture level of the material.
  • Removing the formwork and forming a waterproofing layer on the foundation.
  • Backfilling of the foundation, which is done carefully so that the waterproofing is not damaged.

Installation of a slab foundation for a brick house

This foundation is the simplest in its design, since it is a monolithic slab that lies under the entire area of ​​the house. It is able to take on loads and distribute them evenly during ground movements. Perfect for settling on heaving and subsiding soil, as well as on too waterlogged soil.

For a brick house, you can mount both shallow and recessed types of slab bases. They are created from prefabricated reinforced concrete beams, a reinforced monolithic slab, as well as from precast slabs, which must be connected together.

The installation algorithm for a shallow slab base for a brick house is as follows:

  1. Clearing the site, removing the top fertile layer and marking the future foundation.
  2. Removing a small amount of soil to a depth that is slightly greater than the thickness of the foundation.
  3. Leveling the surface and backfilling with sand and crushed stone cushion. Thorough leveling of the finished layer and passing over it with a vibrating plate. Lightly pouring concrete over the finished pad.
  4. Vinyl-type film, roofing felt, geotextile are laid on top of the poured surface. On top of all this, thermal insulation material is laid.
  5. Formwork execution around the perimeter.
  6. Laying the reinforcement mesh inside the formwork.
  7. Pouring concrete in one step so that cold bridges do not form. The finished layer is processed with a vibrator.
  8. Waiting for complete solidification from two weeks to a month.

Foundation on piles for a brick house

It is able to transfer the load from the house to those layers of soil that are harder than those lying on the surface. That is why such a foundation is installed on those soils that are crumbling and unstable, since they cannot withstand the weight of a brick house. Ideally, the pile foundation is also suitable for solid soil. Its use in such conditions is due to lower costs for installation and materials. To create a pile foundation, you will need to rent equipment for drilling wells and installing piles.

At the moment, there is a huge variety of pile foundations, depending on the type of piles used and their installation. For a brick house, the best option would be a reinforced concrete foundation with bored piles with a wide base. To install it, follow these steps:

  1. Clearing the foundation, removing the sod and marking the places where the piles will be installed in accordance with the plan.
  2. Excavation of soil at places marked for piles.
  3. Drilling wells under piles with a hand drill or using specialized equipment.
  4. Preparation of the reinforcing frame by welding several reinforcing rods together. The reinforcing frame is made about 30 cm above the ground level. This is necessary so that a grillage can be installed on it later.

    Advice! As a formwork for piles that rise above ground level, metal pipes that are suitable in diameter can be used.

  5. Laying a layer of sand and gravel at the bottom of each trench and installing a reinforcing frame.
  6. Pouring concrete into a prepared trench and processing it with a vibrator.
  7. During the hardening of concrete in the piles, you need to make a reinforcing frame, which will be a good foundation for the grillage and tie it to the piles.

    Advice! The formwork for the grillage can be made of wood, but the most successful option would be to install a prefabricated panel board. It is easier to install, and the grillage itself is of higher quality.

  8. Pouring concrete into the grillage formwork in several trips, shaking the concrete after each layer.
  9. Waiting for complete hardening of concrete and a set of fortress, carrying out waterproofing work.

How to strengthen the foundation for a brick house

In a situation where the foundation is already ready and a decision has been made to change the material of the house to a brick or the house is purchased, but there are cracks on the walls, the foundation can be strengthened. The easiest way is to increase the base area, but other options are possible:


If it is conceived to build a brick house on the site, then you need to carefully select a base that can withstand the weight of this structure and will make it possible to operate it without any problems and the threat of destruction.

Perhaps the most basic part of the house, which is responsible for its strength and safety, is the foundation. Whatever foundation you choose for the house (brick foundation, concrete, pile), you need to know a number of features regarding its construction, since the service life of your house will depend on this. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of the foundation with great responsibility and knowledge of the matter. Today we will consider all the nuances of the foundation for a brick house.

For the strength and durability of the house, you need to build a strong, reliable foundation for it.

After reviewing the information, you can easily decide on the choice of the correct and reliable base. All you need to build it yourself is the information below, building materials and tools:

  • concrete mixer;
  • level;
  • welding;
  • crochet hook;
  • shovel;
  • lacing;
  • boards;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer and others.

And most importantly - a great desire and a little construction experience.

So how to build the right foundation for a brick house? Let's start by examining the different types of foundations and their main characteristics.

The foundation for a brick house: types, methods of construction, useful tips

Since we are talking about the construction of a brick house, then first of all you need to think about what kind of foundation is able to withstand this rather large weight load. If you make a mistake at this stage, then in the future it can lead to the destruction of the walls of the house or the appearance of serious defects in the form of cracks. Most often, a foundation of one of three options is made for a house for the construction of which a brick was used:

  • the foundation is of a tape nature;
  • pile-type foundation;
  • slab-type foundation.

Choosing any of the above, you must remember that each of them requires a serious approach to construction and the implementation of certain rules and regulations. Only in this case, during operation, you will not have to worry about the reliability, strength and safety of your home.

So, for any of the three foundations listed above, a number of factors must be taken into account:

  • qualities characterizing the soil from the side of physics and mechanics;
  • relief of the site for construction;
  • the depth to which the soil freezes in a given climatic zone;
  • groundwater level.

If you do not know the quality of the soil on your site, then it is best to seek help from specialists who, after analyzing, will answer all your questions. And only after reading the information provided, you can start choosing the foundation for a house built from such building material like a brick.

Here are a few illustrative examples... So, if your site is dominated by non-porous, dry soil, for example sandy, then a tape-type foundation is suitable for the construction of a brick house. This applies to prefabricated, and monolithic, and combined base options. But in the presence of moving and heaving soil, it is better to opt for a slab solid foundation. The pile foundation option is suitable for almost any type of soil. However, it is not very suitable for a brick building (heavy weight). Back to the table of contents

The foundation for a brick house: tape type option

This is one of the most popular and common options for the foundation for a structure, for the construction of which a brick is used. In addition to bricks, a house built on such a foundation can be built from concrete or stone. The structure of this foundation is quite simple, but despite its simplicity, it can easily withstand high weight loads. The foundation is carried out along the entire perimeter of the building, as well as in the locations of the internal walls. The strip foundation also has one more advantage - it is a real opportunity to equip a basement or basement. In this case, the function of the basement walls will be performed by a strip foundation.

The strip foundation can be of two types. This is a prefabricated and monolithic foundation. As for the latter, its design is presented in a one-piece version with the use of reinforcement. Concrete is used to create it. The strength of this foundation is very high. Everyone is quite capable of building such a foundation with their own hands. The disadvantages of a monolithic foundation include a long period allotted for the concrete hardening procedure and the subsequent gaining of the necessary strength. You can, of course, use other building materials to create the foundation, for example, make a brick foundation.

Types of prefabricated foundations.

The prefabricated foundation is made of separate blocks. These can be stone or concrete parts. Its construction takes much less time, but it is in this connection that you cannot do without the help of workers and special equipment. If we compare these two options in terms of strength, then the second is significantly inferior in this indicator.

In addition to the classification voiced above, the strip foundation is divided into types such as shallow and buried. The first option does not exceed a depth of 70 cm, its minimum value is 50 cm. Shallow foundations are more suitable for the construction of light buildings; this option is absolutely not suitable for a brick house. In this case, a recessed view of the foundation is more suitable. Its depth corresponds to a value 30 cm greater than the depth of soil freezing. Please note that these values ​​are based on the arrangement of the basement.

The order of work on the construction of the foundation: marking, digging a hole, waterproofing, formwork construction, reinforcement, concrete pouring.

We will not describe in great detail the entire scope of work on the arrangement of the foundation. But the main points should be noted:

  1. The building site needs to be cleared. For this, the sod layer is removed and the foundation is marked. The most important thing is to provide right angles.
  2. The next step is to dig a pit. This is done either manually or using special equipment. For the arrangement of the basement, it is necessary to make a foundation pit, but if it is absent in the plan, it is enough to dig a trench for the foundation. As for their size, it is advisable to increase them a little, since later you will have to perform formwork, which takes up quite a lot of space. The bottom of the finished pit must be leveled and the depth value in the corners must be checked.
  3. If you dug a trench for a monolithic foundation, then its bottom must be watered, and then sprinkled with gravel and sand. The thickness of this layer should be 200 mm. Further, this layer is rammed using a vibrating plate. Next comes a layer of waterproofing material, and then a layer of concrete mixture, prepared in a lean version. If your foundation is prefabricated, then all these actions are performed only at the locations of the blocks. Please note that in order to install concrete blocks in their designated places, you will need to involve special equipment. After placing them, it is necessary to ensure their fastening with a solution of cement and sand.
  4. A monolithic foundation requires formwork. Boards are suitable for it, the thickness of which is not more than 50 mm. They are fixed with spacers. It is very good if you have the opportunity to use collapsible formwork. Pay particular attention to controlling the verticality of the walls. In this case, the height of the foundation above the soil surface should be at least 40 cm. If the soil is wet on the site, then an increase in this parameter is necessary. Based on these factors, we choose the height of the formwork.
  5. The next stage involves the installation of a frame made of reinforcement. For these purposes, rods are suitable, the thickness of which will be at least 6 mm, but not more than 10 mm. Having prepared the segments of the required size, we create a frame by welding. Then we place this structure in the trench. In this case, do not forget to prepare props for it in advance. For their arrangement, you will need either brick or stone.
  6. Proceed to the preparation of the concrete mixture. After it is ready, it remains only to pour it into the prepared trench. The pouring procedure is carried out in several stages, in layers. Each of the layers does not exceed 20 cm. After the distribution of each layer, it is necessary, using a vibrating hammer or any handy tool (shovel), to compact the concrete mixture. Thus, you will save the solution from the appearance of air bubbles in it, and your future foundation will be solid, which will affect its strength and reliability. I would like to note that for a solid and reliable foundation, the concrete solution should have an average fat content. This consistency will allow it to spread evenly in the trench.
  7. After the foundation is poured, it is necessary to leave it without intervention until it dries completely. This period usually takes about 1 month. In the first days after pouring, you need to moisten its surface with water. This method will avoid drying out and the possible appearance of cracks.
  8. Now that the concrete is completely frozen, you need to remove the formwork and perform waterproofing work. For these purposes, various types of materials are usually used for waterproofing roll or coating type.
  9. And the last stage involves backfilling the finished foundation. This must be done carefully enough, since there is a possibility of damage to the waterproofing layer.

The foundation of any construction project is the foundation. When building it, you need to approach the work very responsibly, because the quality of the entire building depends on how it is built and how the type of foundation is chosen correctly. The foundation for a brick house can be of the following types: tape, pile and slab.

If the house is planned with a basement or basement, then it will be necessary to dig a pit, but if they are not there, then just trenches for the foundation are enough.

Choosing the type of foundation for a brick house

When planning the foundation for a brick house, you should take into account its large mass. Therefore, for these purposes, not any foundation is suitable, but only one that is able to withstand such a load. For a brick house, it is not recommended to use a shallow and columnar foundations, since they are unable to withstand the load of a brick house. Therefore, it is better to choose tape, pile and slab type.

Each of these foundations requires compliance with certain rules and regulations. Consider the following:

  • physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil;
  • depth of soil freezing;
  • relief;
  • ground water level.

Only a specialist can determine the type of soil, and after his conclusions, you can already choose a foundation suitable for your soil. If you have sandy, non-porous and dry soil, you need to. If your site has heaving, mobile, subsiding soil, you need to choose a slab foundation. And for the construction of a pile foundation, almost all types of soils are suitable.

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Construction of a strip foundation for a brick house

A strip foundation is usually cocked under a house made of concrete, brick or stone. It is distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time it can withstand heavy loads. placed under the inner walls and around the entire perimeter of the building. Another important advantage of it is the possibility of constructing a basement or basement, where the walls will be the foundation tape.

There are two types - monolithic and prefabricated. Monolithic is a one-piece concrete structure with increased strength characteristics and simplicity of the device. Its main disadvantage is the long time of hardening and gaining strength. It consists of concrete or stone blocks, is erected quickly, but special equipment and additional labor are required.

Requires the following materials and tools:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • roofing material for waterproofing;
  • concrete;
  • reinforcement rods from 6 mm to 10 mm;
  • shovel;
  • theodolite;
  • vibrating hammer.

At the very beginning, you need to clear the area. After garbage collection, the top layer of sod is removed and a place for a brick house is marked. When marking, the corners must be strictly straight. Further, with the help of an excavator or manually, a pit or trench of the required depth is dug. If a brick house is planned with a basement or basement, you need to dig a pit, if they are not there, then just trenches. The dimensions of the trench and foundation pit need to be made 1.5-2 m larger, which will provide us with the convenience of making formwork and pouring concrete. The bottom of the trench is aligned with the theodolite and the depth is checked in all corners.

If you are building a monolithic strip foundation, the bottom of the trench is first watered with water, and then covered with a small layer of 200 mm of gravel and sand. Then everything is rammed with a vibrating plate. Next, the pillow is covered with waterproofing and poured on top with a small layer of concrete. If you are building, then everything is done the same, but the pillow and tamping are done only in the places where the concrete blocks are installed.

For this, you will need the help of special equipment, since concrete structures are very heavy. Concrete blocks are installed and bonded with cement-sand mortar. Blocks are laid according to the same principle as bricks, the only difference is in size.

For the construction of a monolithic strip foundation, formwork from wooden boards is installed and fixed with spacers. You can also use a collapsible frame-panel formwork. During operation, you need to constantly check the verticality of the walls. should be about 40 cm, and even more for wet soils.

For high-quality insulation, roofing material is laid on the bottom, the ends of which are brought up.

Next, a reinforcing cage is created, for which rods up to 10 mm thick are used. Before you weld them together, the rods should be cut to the desired length. A ready-made reinforcing cage is lowered onto the pre-laid out brick supports into the trench.

Then the concrete is prepared and poured into the formwork. Pouring takes place in several approaches and in layers of 15-20 cm. After each approach, the concrete is shaken using a vibratory hammer or a shovel. This is done to eliminate voids. In order for the strip foundation to be strong, the consistency of the concrete mass must be of medium fat content.... It does not flow around obstacles and some effort must be made to distribute it.

After pouring, the strip foundation must be left until it is completely dry. It may take 25-30 days. In the early days, the concrete must be watered a little with water so that it does not crack and dry out. After complete drying, the formwork is removed and waterproofing is performed. For this, roll materials are used, for example, roofing material or any coating materials.

And at the very end, the work is done. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the waterproofing.

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Pile foundation

The pile type of foundation is chosen in cases where a brick house is built on crumbling soils that are not able to withstand a significant load. When using this type of foundation, the load is transferred to denser layers that are at a considerable depth. It consists of individual piles, connected at the top with a reinforced concrete or concrete grillage, on which the walls of a brick house rest.

Such a foundation can also be built on more solid ground, thereby reducing the amount of excavation and materials used. Among the disadvantages of building this type of foundation, one can single out the use of special equipment and tools for drilling wells and driving them into the ground.

There are several types pile foundations depending on the material used for the construction. To build a brick house, it is better to use a reinforced concrete bored foundation with wide pile soles.

For a brick house, you need the following materials and tools:

  • concrete;
  • roofing material;
  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • wooden boards for formwork 50 mm thick;
  • reinforcement rods;
  • shovel;

At the very beginning of construction, it is necessary to clear the site, remove the sod layer and make the markings. The corners must be straight. Next, a place is outlined for the piles. For this, a special excavation is done with a step indicated in the project. Now, with the help of a drill, you need to drill holes for piles in the marked places.

Next, the reinforcement rods are prepared, cut to the required length and welded into the frame. The frame height should be 30 cm above the ground level. This is necessary in order to then bind to it. After drilling is completed, a layer of gravel and sand is poured into the bottom of each hole. Further, a reinforcing frame is lowered into the pit and everything is poured with concrete. To create a monolithic structure and fill voids, it is necessary to periodically shake the concrete.

Then a reinforcing frame is made for the grillage, which must be attached to the pile frame. Then the formwork is made, which is placed around the grillage. A prefabricated panel structure can be used as a formwork. It is easily assembled and strengthened and the grillage is of higher quality.

After installing the formwork, concrete is poured. Pouring is carried out in stages in several layers, while the concrete is compacted and shaken. It remains only to let the concrete dry completely and gain strength. After 25-30 days have passed, you can waterproof the grillage and build brick walls.