What documents are required for a child up to 15 years old? Who can apply for the service. Complete list of documents

Child care benefit up to 1.5 years in 2020 paid to persons who care for a child during the leave of the same name.

Please note that leave is provided until the child reaches three years of age, and benefits are paid only up to one and a half years.

Who is paid child care benefits up to 1.5 years of age?

Unlike the maternity benefit, which is paid only to the mother of the child, in 2020 other relatives can also receive a childcare benefit for up to 1.5 years: father, grandmother, etc., the main thing is that they actually care for the child and are therefore deprived of the opportunity to receive wages or other income. If the baby is cared for by two or more relatives, at their choice.

Amount of benefit for child care up to 1.5 years

By general rule,amount of child care benefit is . In some cases, payment is made in .

From February 1, 2019 minimum amount of care allowance for the first child is 3,277 rubles 45 kopecks, for the second and subsequent children - 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks, from January 1, 2020 maximum size care benefits - 27,984 rubles 66 kopecks. The following are entitled to benefits in the specified amount:

    mothers dismissed during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the organization

    mothers, fathers, guardians, full-time students

    relatives caring for a child in the event of deprivation of parental rights to the mother and (or) father

Calculation of child care benefits up to 1.5 years

For convenience, we present the calculation algorithm child care benefits in 2020 in the form of a diagram:

Child care allowance

average earnings for the two previous calendar years (must not exceed for each year the maximum base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund: in 2018 - 815,000 rubles, in 2019 - 865,000 rubles, that is, for calculations we choose an amount that is less)
per number calendar days in the same period (excluding periods of temporary disability, maternity and child care leave, the period of release from work with retention of salary). We get the average daily earnings, which cannot be more than the control value (= the sum of the limit values ​​(see above) divided by 730)
by 30.4
by 40%

Payment terms for child care benefits up to 1.5 years

You can apply for child care benefits in 2020 no later than the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Note: Regardless of the date of application, the benefit in 2020 will be paid for the entire period from the date of provision of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Benefits provided for payment to families upon the birth of children can be paid at the place of work or study of one of the spouses, but in some cases these benefits are paid by social security. We list the cases in which you will need to contact social security to receive child benefits:

  • both parents work in organizations with fewer than 15 employees;
  • one of the spouses is an individual entrepreneur (IP), and the second works in an organization with a staff of less than 15 people;
  • one of the spouses is unemployed (it is not necessary to register with the Employment Center), and the second works in a small enterprise that employs no more than 15 people;
  • one of the spouses is an individual entrepreneur, and the other is unemployed (registration with the Employment Center is not required);
  • unemployed single mother;
  • mother is a private notary;
  • mother is an individual entrepreneur;
  • creative workers;
  • physical persons engaged in craft activities provided for by law, as individual entrepreneurs without state registration;
  • farm members;
  • working under a civil contract in the service sector or on the creation of intellectual property.

Documents for social security to receive a one-time benefit for a child at birth

To receive a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child, you will need to provide:

  • statement;
  • the child’s birth certificate and a certificate from the registry office;
  • parents' passports;
  • marriage certificate, if registered;
  • a certificate from the other parent’s work indicating that he did not receive this benefit;
  • a correctly certified extract from the last place of work, service or study. This could be an extract from a military ID, work book, certificate from an employment center or other document;

If both parents of the child do not work or study, they do not have work records due to the fact that they have never worked anywhere before, then in order to receive a one-time benefit for a newborn, you must provide:

  • child's birth certificate and certificate;
  • parents' passports;
  • marriage certificate, if registered;
  • an application for granting benefits, indicating in it that the parents have not studied anywhere and have not yet worked;
  • birth certificates of other children in the family.

The benefit can be paid as per bank card, and for a savings book. If you decide to receive child benefit using a savings book, then you need to bring it too.

Documents for social security for a single mother to receive child benefits

If the mother is not married, and the father is recorded on the child’s birth certificate only according to the mother’s words, then she is considered a single mother. The entry “according to the mother” indicates that the family is not complete, which means that there is no need to provide any certificates from the husband’s work or a marriage certificate.

Documents to be provided to a third party to receive benefits for the birth of a child in social security

Article 11 of the Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” and Clause 19 “Regulations on the Procedure for Assigning and Paying State Benefits to Citizens with Children”, benefits at the birth of a child can be received by one of the parents or a person replacing them (guardian, adoptive parent). The benefit can also be received by the child’s grandmother, grandfather or other relative by proxy of the parents, if they themselves do not have the opportunity to handle the documents.

Documents for receiving benefits up to 12 weeks

A separate allowance is assigned to those mothers who register with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. To receive such benefits, you will need to take a certificate from your gynecologist and attach it to other documents.

Documents for assigning child care benefits for children up to three years old

To receive monthly child benefit up to three years need to provide:

  • Your passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificate from the housing office about family composition and place of residence.

It is worth understanding that if the benefit was paid to you based on deliberately incorrect information, hiding family income, and its amount exceeded the amount of the benefit that you are actually entitled to, then the overpaid amount can be recovered through the court. Bodies that assign and pay state benefits to citizens may request information about the applicant from all organizations.

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For demographic purposes, the state pays significant attention to the creation and implementation favorable conditions for families with children and encouraging Russian citizens to have children.

One of the important areas of ongoing social events introduced in Russian Federation To support motherhood and childhood, cash child benefits are provided.

The legislative terminology “child benefit” includes several options for benefits paid in connection with the birth of a baby (for example, payments to women during pregnancy, occurring even before the birth of the child, or a benefit for caring for a newborn, which is assigned to the mother, or father, or even other persons).

Types of child benefits

Since 2007, the legislator has introduced the following types of child benefits paid to date:

1) Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth(the so-called maternity payments), the size of which is determined based on the insurance period of the woman expecting a child, as well as her average salary. If the expectant mother’s insurance period is more than six months, then benefit payments are assigned in the amount of her full average earnings for each month. If a woman’s insurance coverage at the time she went on maternity leave was less than six months, the benefit is paid in the amount of the legally defined minimum wage.

This benefit is paid throughout the entire period sick leave issued to a woman when she goes on maternity leave. Accordingly, working mothers, as a general rule, receive payments from the 30th week of pregnancy for 140 calendar days. If a pregnant woman is not officially employed, she is immediately assigned a monthly care allowance, paid only from the day the child is born.

Individual entrepreneurs also have the right to receive these payments if they participate in voluntary social insurance for entrepreneurs in the Social Insurance Fund and have paid the due insurance premiums for the year immediately preceding the year the woman went on maternity leave.

2) One-time benefit, prescribed to pregnant women visiting medical institutions in early pregnancy, namely up to twelve weeks.

3) One-time benefit paid at birth baby.

4) Monthly child allowance prescribed to a woman when caring for a young child up to 1.5 years. This type of child benefit also depends on the woman’s salary before going on maternity leave.

As a general rule, for working mothers who have taken leave from their employer to care for a newborn baby, the amount of monthly payments assigned as part of this benefit is 40% of the average salary. In this case, the said child benefit cannot be accrued less than the established minimum amounts.

Such minimum payments are also provided for unemployed mothers. In 2014, the minimum monthly payment is 2,576.63 rubles when a mother (or father) is caring for her first child. If a Russian citizen is already caring for a second and subsequent child under 1.5 years old, the amount of the specified payment increases to 5153.24 rubles monthly.

Regardless of the salary of a working woman, the maximum monthly benefit paid for child care is legally limited to 17,990 rubles. If a mother (or father) simultaneously cares for several (2 or more) young children under 1.5 years of age, benefit payments are summed up. However, the amount of such a summed up child benefit, according to Russian legislation, should not exceed 100% of earnings.

When determining the specific amount of child benefit, it is necessary to take into account that in certain Russian regions and localities where regional earnings coefficients currently apply, cash payments are assigned taking into account these coefficients.

Where to contact

The procedure for applying for the assignment of entitled child benefits is somewhat different for officially employed and unemployed citizens.

Employed women should contact the accounting department directly at their place of work with a set of required documents. However, in some Russian regions, a new procedure for applying for child benefits has been established, according to which employed citizens who wish to apply for the appropriate allowance must apply to the social insurance fund.

For unemployed citizens, all child benefits are processed and paid at the territorial department of social protection.

Documents required for assigning child benefits

1. To process the due cash payments for pregnancy and childbirth, the woman applicant must promptly submit the following set of documents to the accounting department at her place of work:

  • sick leave issued by a medical institution when a pregnant woman goes on maternity leave at 30 weeks;
  • application for the above benefits;
  • salary certificate from the previous place of employment (if the woman has work experience with some other employers for the required pay period).

2. To apply for one-time benefits at the birth of a baby, you need:

  • application for accrual of the corresponding benefit;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • birth certificate of the baby, which is issued by the registry office;
  • a certificate from the employer company where one parent is employed to certify that this child benefit was not previously paid to him or her and was not accrued (if both parents work);
  • original and photocopy of the child's birth certificate.

3. To receive payments that stimulate early registration of pregnant women with medical registration, you need:

  • a certificate from a gynecologist indicating that the pregnant woman actually registered early;
  • application for the appointment of the named type of child benefit.

4. When applying for benefits for caring for a newborn up to 1.5 years, the following documentation is required:

for employed citizens:

  • application for the need to provide leave to care for a minor child;
  • application for the appropriate benefit;
  • birth (or adoption) certificate of the baby for whom it is planned to care, and its photocopy;
  • birth (or adoption) certificate of the previous child (or several children) required to determine the amount of benefit, and its copy;
  • a certificate from the place of employment (study) of the second parent, indicating that he is not currently using leave to care for the same child and, accordingly, is not receiving this benefit.

for non-working persons:

  • application for the assignment of this child benefit;
  • child's birth certificate with a copy;
  • employment history;
  • a copy of the order from the previous place of work to provide the applicant with the required leave to care for a minor child up to 1.5 years, as well as information on the average salary from which the specified benefit should be calculated (necessary for persons dismissed during the period of parental leave provided by the previous employer for a baby up to 1.5 years old);
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming that the applicant has not received unemployment benefits.

Established application deadlines

The legislator has established certain deadlines for applicants to apply for the accrual of various child benefits.

To apply for benefits when caring for a child under 1.5 years old, a six-month period is established from the day the child reaches the specified age - one and a half years. Accordingly, when the child turns 2 years old, it is too late to apply for benefits. The employer, having received the required documentation from the applicant, assigns monthly payments for child care within 10 calendar days, calculated from the date of the applicant’s application. Payment of the specified benefit is made by the social insurer on the day closest to the date of assignment of the benefit, determined by the enterprise for the payment of wages.

For applying for maternity benefits (maternity benefits), a six-month period is established from the date of completion of the corresponding leave (that is, from the date of termination of the sick leave), issued by the employer in connection with the woman’s pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

The due lump sum maternity payment must be submitted with the application and the above set of documents within a year after the birth of the baby.

The deadline for applying for the one-time benefit due to a woman, which is paid when a pregnant woman applies early to a medical institution for registration, is: no earlier than the twelfth week of pregnancy and no later than 12 months from the birth of the baby. This type of benefit is assigned simultaneously with maternity payments, if a confirming certificate from a gynecologist has by that time been issued and submitted to the accounting department.

If the woman provided the specified certificate later (within the specified period), the benefit is paid to the applicant no later than 10 days after presentation of this certificate from the gynecologist, indicating that the pregnant woman is registered with medical authorities as established by law early dates pregnancy.

They work in the Russian Federation social programs promoting expectant mothers and stimulating the birth rate of the population. Payment of child benefits is one of the areas of social assistance from the state. In some cases the fee continues up to 14 years old,up to 16 years old and even an extension is possible up to 18 years old child(). Conditions, rules for accruals and payments are constantly changing, so it is important for expectant mothers to use only up-to-date information.

Child benefits in 2020

Payments for children are financial assistance that is paid to a certain category of the population. Conventionally, they are divided into two types:

The procedure, conditions for payment of benefits, where to apply, as well as the package of documents that is necessary, are set out in.

The state annually carries out a procedure for increasing benefits. How much will child benefits be? Expected indexation of child benefits in 2020 will be 3.8%.

Types of child benefits

Today in the Russian Federation, pregnant and young mothers can receive several types of payments, such as:

  • – paid to women who are registered in medical institutions during a pregnancy period not exceeding 12 weeks (obstetric). In the current year 2020, the amount of payments is 680.4 rubles;
  • – is issued once, does not have fixed size, the basis for calculation is the average salary or minimum wage;
  • – a document for child benefit, allowing a woman to receive free services in a antenatal clinic, maternity hospital, as well as visit the mother and child clinic for free for the first six months;
  • – if a woman is registered with a antenatal clinic, she has the right to receive free medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • one-time assistance upon the birth of a child - payment is made in the amount 18,143.96 rubles;
  • child benefit (monthly, ) - paid monthly to the mother, the amount and duration depend on social status, marital status and other factors;
  • – paid every month from the moment the father begins his military service until the child reaches 3 years of age or the end of the father’s term of service, amount 12,314.07 rubles;
  • – one-time assistance, paid in the amount 28,732.85 rubles;
  • – a benefit to which pregnant women and those whose child is under 3 years of age are entitled in case of financial instability or relevant medical conditions.

List of required documents

Pregnant or young mothers will not have to visit many authorities and collect a large list of documents. Usually, a minimum of papers are required confirming the fact of pregnancy or the birth of a child, the income and identity of the mother. Re-registration is carried out at the Social Insurance Fund or at the employer. To register with the accounting department, you need to provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • certificate (registration with a medical institution);
  • document confirming birth;
  • passport of the second parent (if necessary);
  • a certificate from the employer of the second parent (if necessary).

To order a payment from the Social Insurance Fund, you must submit the following documents to receive child benefits:

  • passport (copy);
  • application for receipt;
  • baby's birth document;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • confirmation of single mother status;
  • marriage certificate (for wives of military personnel);
  • document from the employment center (for unemployed);
  • confirmation of payments under the Social Insurance Fund;
  • certificate of registration in the antenatal clinic;
  • details for enrolling benefits.

If registration takes place at the social security service, the woman can receive any advice on the spot about the amount, procedure and timing of payment of benefits.

Application for granting benefits;
Certificate of joint residence of the child and parents.
Child's birth certificate (for children over 14 years old - passport);
Certificate of family income for the last three months;
Parents' passports and copies thereof;
Certificate of secondary school education for children over 16 years of age
Benefits will be paid within ten days unless you receive a written refusal.
You should contact the social security service at your place of residence or registration with this list.
Thank you for your attention. Good luck!

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Allowance for a child under 16 years of age or 18 years of age with a certificate of education (Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”)

A monthly child benefit is paid to low-income families. Families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level are considered low-income - 7,083 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of the Rostov Region dated July 2, 2012 No. 553 “On the procedure for recording family income and calculating the average per capita family income when determining the right to receive a monthly child benefit in the Rostov Region”). Re-registration this manual, i.e. confirmation of family income that the family is low-income is made once a year.
To assign benefits, the following documents are provided:
1. Application for granting benefits (download)
2. Certificate of family composition (in a rural settlement)
3. Copies of parents’ passports
4. Copies of birth certificates of children under 18 years of age (if the child is 16 years old and if he is studying at school, a certificate from the school is required to extend the payment of the benefit; if the child is not studying at a general education institution, the payment of the benefit is terminated)
5. Copy of personal account or plastic card
6. Information about wages for the three previous months preceding the month of application
7. A copy of the work book for unemployed citizens
8. Declaration of income (to be completed at the social protection department)
9. A copy of the certificate of entrepreneurial activity and income statement for the last quarter for entrepreneurs

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Nadezhda Vladimirovna

To receive a monthly child benefit until the age of 18, you must prepare the following documents:
- original and copy of the passport of the parent (or guardian) applying for the benefit;
- birth certificates (or passports) of all minor children in the family;
- a certificate of family composition (this is done when applying to the passport office, and its validity period is one calendar month);
- certificates from work, extracts from work books or certificates from the Pension Fund. If one of the parents does not work, but is still receiving education, then you must submit a certificate from educational institution or from the Employment Center.

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You need to collect a package of the following documents:

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Child's birth certificate and its copy;
Certificate from the applicant’s place of residence regarding family composition;
A document confirming the place of residence of the second parent (adoptive parent), if the marriage between the parents is not dissolved;
Certificate of study at a general education institution for a child aged 16 to 18 years;
Work records the child’s parents and their copies;
Documents on family income for 3 calendar months preceding the month of applying for benefits.
You must go to the local branch of the Social Security Administration at the place of residence of the applicant parent.

The amount of the benefit varies depending on the region. For example, in Rostov, the monthly benefit for a child under 16 years of age is 297 rubles, and in the Krasnodar Territory, a child benefit in the amount of 144 rubles is provided, and so on.

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Passport containing confirmation of the citizen’s registration at the place of residence;

When the documents are collected, a completely logical question arises: “Where should I take them?” And you need to go to the local branch of the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of residence of the applicant parent.

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You need to collect a package of the following documents:

Application for granting benefits;
Certificate of joint residence of the child and parents.
Child's birth certificate (for children over 14 years old - passport);
Certificate of family income for the last three months;
Parents' passports and copies thereof;
Certificate of secondary school education for children over 16 years of age.
The benefit will be paid until the child reaches the age of sixteen (read more about benefits up to 16 years). If, upon achieving this, he continues his studies at a general education institution, then the payment is assigned until he reaches adulthood.

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Passport containing confirmation of the citizen’s registration at the place of residence;
Child's birth certificate and its copy;
Certificate from the applicant’s place of residence regarding family composition;
A document confirming the place of residence of the second parent (adoptive parent), if the marriage between the parents is not dissolved;
Certificate of study at a general education institution for a child aged 16 to 18 years;
Work records of the child’s parents and their copies;
Documents on family income for 3 calendar months preceding the month of applying for benefits.
Child benefit is issued for two years. Then you will need to again collect documents that will confirm the status of a low-income family, and bring the same documents as the first time. A monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age is assigned no more than three months before the month of application to the local branch of the Department of Social Protection of the Population with the necessary package of documents.