Help for obtaining a loan work book. How to certify a work book for a loan? Rules for certification of a copy of the work book by the employer

The work book is currently one of the most important documents for an able-bodied citizen.

During the entire period of work at an individual entrepreneur or in an enterprise, it is stored in the personnel department and is handed over to the employee only at the time of dismissal.

If a citizen needs to contact the bank to apply for a loan, the manager is obliged to issue a certified copy of the document. You can find out how this copy is made by reading the article.

Why does the bank need a copy of the labor?

Any citizen who at least once in his life took a loan or a money loan from a financial institution knows that such institutions require proof of the person's solvency.

This can be done using a certificate of income received or a certified photocopy of the work book.

If the information in the certificate can be changed, it is extremely difficult to fake a second document, which is why some banks prefer a copy of the labor one.

This document is not only able to prove the fact that the applicant has a permanent income, but also confirm that he receives the profit legally.

Who certifies a copy of a document?

The method of certifying a photocopy of this document depends on who has the labor. If the book is stored in the personnel department, the citizen needs to contact the head or personnel officer with an appropriate application for a copy of the work.

If the document is in the hands of a person (for example, in connection with dismissal), the certification procedure falls on his shoulders.

In the latter case, a copy of the labor for the bank is obtained and certified at the nearest notary office.

The cost of the service depends on the region of the country and the rates of a particular organization. All costs must be paid by the citizen himself.

How to certify a copy of a work book for a bank?

Making a duplicate is a simple matter, it is enough to print the labor sheets necessary for contacting the bank on a copier. In practice, all pages containing entries are copied.

A scanner can also be used for this purpose. All printed or photocopied sheets must be stapled (stitched or stapled).

There are 2 ways to certify a duplicate:

  • at the notary;
  • in the personnel department.

Certification of a copy of the document by the employer

An employed citizen must apply with an appropriate application for the provision of a certified duplicate of the document to the personnel department of the enterprise or directly to the authorities.

The request is usually made in free form, unless the internal rules of the organization provide for a different course of action in such a situation.

Consideration of the submitted application takes no more than 3 days, after which the citizen is provided with a written response. If the employee’s request is approved, an authorized person (personnel officer, accountant or the manager himself) makes copies of the document and certifies them accordingly.

Refusal to provide a duplicate must be justified. In this case, the citizen has the right to appeal against this decision of the authorities.

Each photocopy page must contain:

  • seal of the organization or individual entrepreneur (if any);
  • date of certification;
  • surname and initials of the official authorized to certify the authenticity of the duplicate;
  • the signature of the witness;
  • an inscription confirming that the copies are correct.

Formally, the personnel officer or the manager himself should deal with the registration, however, if the individual entrepreneur or organization does not have a personnel department, this responsibility passes to the accountant.

The last sheet of the duplicate may also have additional entries that are missing from other pages. For example, if an employee continues to work in the company, it is necessary to record this in the wording “works to the present”.

In practice, the employee's management rarely refuses to provide a copy of the work, because without good reason such a decision violates the rights of an employed citizen.

Certification of a copy by the citizen himself

Both the owner and the specialist can make copies of all sheets of the work book and flash them. A citizen independently chooses a notary's office that will certify a duplicate.

The notary has the right to certify photocopies only after familiarization with the original documents - the citizen's passport and his labor.

In this case, there is no need to write an application for the provision of services. After the verification is completed, the specialist enters the following data on the last page of the duplicate:

  • your last name and initials;
  • notary office contacts;
  • date of certification;
  • personal signature;
  • a record that the copy is correct.

The last sheet must also be signed by the applicant, confirming familiarization with the text of the photocopies.

It is worth noting that the citizen himself does not have the legal right to certify a duplicate document.

Person entitled to certify a copy of the work book

According to the established regulations, a copy of the labor certificate is certified by the person responsible for personnel documents. In large companies, this is the personnel department or the personnel management service. In small enterprises that do not have staff employees, their functions are performed by an accountant. The director of the company can also certify a copy of the work book.

How to certify a copy of a work book

Up to 3 days are allotted for issuing a copy of the work book and issuing it to the employee. If you need complete information about the length of service and places of work of the employee, then it is recommended to certify a copy of the work book as follows:

- make copies of all work sheets on which there are entries, starting with the title page indicating personal data and ending with a sheet containing information about the last place of work;

- on all sheets, except for the last one, the personnel officer or manager writes “the copy is correct”, puts the current date and seal, indicates the position and signs, the seal and text should be located partly on the direct copy of the document, and partly on the blank part of the sheet;

- a copy of the last page of the work book is drawn up in the same way, only the phrase "Currently working" is added.

If it is necessary to provide selective information about a specific place of work, then the employer issues an extract from the labor, which is also a legal document. To do this, a copy of the title page and pages containing the necessary entries are made, which are certified in the same way as the work book.

Whatever records of length of service or place of work are needed, they must be certified by the employer or his representative, who currently employs the employee and has a work book.

To certify a copy of the labor, and this document was legally binding, it is necessary to place each spread of the book on a sheet in A4 format.

Copy of work book: validity period

A copy of the work book is valid for one month after its issuance, provided that no new entries have been made to the document. If the employee quit or changed his profession, then the copy of the labor becomes invalid.

You can certify a copy of the work book at a notary office. Then it will have an expiration date without restrictions, but until new data is entered into the document.

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Before reworking the example, be sure to carefully check the articles of the codes written in it. After a large number of months, they can probably lose their freshness. Free money for the boss is not superfluous. The right example will strengthen in overcoming difficulties when coming up with a letter of claim. This will provide a way to save on lawyer fees.

A work book as one of the documents confirming the borrower's creditworthiness may be asked at a banking institution to obtain a loan. Since this important document in institutions and organizations is drawn up, recorded, stored in the personnel department and is not handed out except at the written request of the employee, this is where you should apply for a copy of the document.

Copies for the bank: how to certify

At the request of the employee, in which he asks for a confirmed copy of the work book, the responsible employee of the OK is obliged to prepare it within 3 working days from the date of the request. There is no particular difficulty in this. It is enough to print a photocopy of all the pages included in the document, starting with the title page, which indicates the surname, name and patronymic of the applicant. On the last page, a note is made by hand that its owner still works in the organization in a position (it is written which one). The entry must have a serial number. After it, the OK employee puts his signature, its transcript indicating his own position and certifies the record with a seal. However, the design of the copy does not end there. To correctly certify a work book for a bank means the need for an appropriate mark “correct” on each of its sheets. It is stamped or handwritten. But in both cases, the signature of an official from the personnel department, its transcript, and the date are required again.

This is followed by flashing a copy according to the requirements of office work. It is necessary, according to the page numbering (if not, put it in the lower right corner), fold all certified copies of the pages, lace or stitch. Leaving the ends of the cord or threads free, stick a paper plate on them with an inscription on the number of numbered and stitched sheets with the date and signature (with decoding) of the certifier. The stapled sheets are sealed with OK.

Labor certification for other institutions

However, there are financial institutions that do not require a copy of the work book. This applies primarily to those who are engaged in express lending. Most often, without such confirmation of employment, you can purchase household appliances in shopping centers or in specialized stores, applying for a loan through a bank representative office in them.

It is more difficult to get a cash loan in this regard, however, there are banks that in this case do not require a certified copy of the work book. They need a salary certificate and a passport.

How to certify a copy of a work book for a bank?

A copy of the work book is included in the list of documents that the borrower must provide to the bank in order to obtain a loan. In this post, we will talk about how a copy of a work book should be certified correctly. So, a properly certified copy of the work book must be drawn up as follows:

  • a stamp or the inscription "copy is correct" must be on each page of a copy of the work book;
  • without fail, on each page of a copy of the work book, the position of the person who certified the copy, as well as his personal signature with a transcript (i.e. surname and initials) is indicated;
  • immediately below the entry for employment at the last place, in the column “Record number”, the next serial number of the entry is indicated, then the date (day, month and year) of the assurance is entered in the appropriate columns, and then the phrase is written: “Working to the present time”.

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    How to certify a copy of a work book

    When processing some papers, the applicant is required to provide a copy of the work book. You need to understand: it’s not enough to take the book to a photocopier and reshoot the pages. To be of official value, the copy must be certified. Who can do it and how?

    Let's start with the fact that a copy of the work book may be needed when obtaining a passport, for a bank when issuing a loan, it will be required for a pension fund when it comes time to apply for a pension. Done wrong, it will not serve as a document. Let's consider everything in order.

    Where to make a copy

    By contacting the personnel department at the place of work, you should ask for a copy of the work book. This is usually done within 1-3 days. If the organization is small, then accounting for employees can be assigned to an individual - a secretary or accountant. You need to contact him. In the event that you are no longer working and you have a work book in your hands, it is clear that you can Xerify the sheets yourself. Where to assure - we will tell later, let's first make a copy correctly.

    How to make a copy

    They make copies of all pages, starting with personal data and ending with the indication of the last place of work. Spreads are placed on sheets of A-4 format, each on a separate one. Do not make duplex copies.

    Each page must be certified. It is stamped with the seal of the organization, the inscription "Copy is correct", the date, the position of the certifier and his personal signature. In this case, the inscription and seal should capture part of the printed text. On the last page, in addition, the phrase is added: “Works to the present” or “Fired from such and such a date” - according to the circumstances.

    They also practice this option: all sheets are numbered, folded in order and stitched with threads. On the last page they indicate: “Stitched and numbered ... pages”, again they write “Copy is correct”, date, position, signature. The seal is placed in such a way that, in addition to the inscription, it is also located on the stitching threads.

    The employee who is entrusted with the responsibility for maintaining them has the right to certify copies of work books. In other words, personnel. If necessary, this can be done directly by the head of the organization. If you do not work, and the work book is in your hands, you can apply with this request at the last place of work or simply to a notary.

    They say that when processing documents for a passport, your copy can be certified right on the spot (if you have the original), but it’s better not to risk it and prepare everything in advance. Moreover, it is not so difficult.

    How to certify a work book for a bank

    Today, it is almost impossible to get a bank's approval for a loan, mortgage or other loan without providing, among other documents, a copy of the work book that has passed the certification procedure in accordance with all the rules. If a potential borrower is not currently working, the work book is in his hands, then in this case, as a rule, there are no difficulties. But if a working person needs a loan, whose book is kept in the organization, what should be done in this case?

    If you have the book, you can contact the notary's office to perform the certification procedure. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that the notary does not immediately issue a certified copy. For this procedure, you must have a passport or other document proving your identity. In the absence of such documents, a special form of power of attorney is used. After all the rules are followed, the identity of the applicant is established, and the requirements for the certified document are met, the notary will make a copy of the work book provided by you and certify it in accordance with the law. This procedure is not long and usually takes a few minutes. In some cases, it can take up to an hour.

    A certified copy has an expiration date, which is limited only by the validity of the original. But do not forget that as soon as you change jobs or quit, a notarized copy of the work book becomes invalid.

    When the relationship between the employee and the employer is formalized in accordance with all the rules of the Labor Code, the work book must remain in storage with the employer's organization. In order to get a book, you must contact the personnel service, the personnel department, and in some cases directly to the boss. In the name of the head of the organization, you need to write an application with a request to issue a copy of the work book certified by the employer. The reason should indicate the need to provide this information to the bank. Keep in mind that the Human Resources Officer has three working days to complete this procedure.

    Once a copy is ready, it can be obtained from the Human Resources Department. Check that the copy of the work book contains all the necessary details. Each sheet must contain: the inscription "Copy is correct"; company seal; Full name, position and signature of the person who certified the copy; certification date.

    In addition to all the above data, the last page should also contain the following entries:

    - "He is currently working in the position of ...";

    - seal, full name and position of the person who certified the copy, his signature, date.

    Such a copy is valid for one month from the date of certification. If additional entries appear in the work book, when changing jobs or dismissal, the copy becomes invalid.


    Filing an application

    In many cases (for example, when applying for a loan or various subsidies), when submitting documentation, an extract from the labor is requested. Here the question arises: how to submit a document that (according to the prohibition prescribed in the Labor Code) is prohibited for issuance to an employee until the moment of dismissal?

    If necessary, at the request of the employee, the employer issues an extract/copy of the form. A prerequisite is that the employee submits a written application to the head of the enterprise or the personnel department (OK). According to Government Decree No. 22, a copy is issued no later than 3 working days from the date of acceptance of the application.

    Applying is a practice carried out in large companies that employ a large number of employees. In small organizations, the process is simplified to a verbal request for the need for a copy of your work. If the citizen is unemployed, and the work is in his hands, you can certify a copy of it at any notary office.

    In addition, there is no need to submit a full copy of the document - most often a page with personal data and sheets with information about individual periods of time of work is enough.

    It is also not necessary to photocopy the work paper on the printer; if the print quality is poor or the text of the form is blurred, it is allowed to type the necessary information on the computer.

    The next step: certification of a copy of the labor

    A copy of the form is only valid if it is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, an inexperienced manager may certify the document incorrectly, therefore, you yourself need to know all the nuances and carefully check the copy before submitting it to the necessary authorities.

    The certification rules are detailed below:

    1. So, each page is stamped with the corresponding stamp “Copy is correct”;
    2. After that, it is certified: a signature is applied, the full name of the performer, the actual date and the seal of the organization;
    3. Do not adjust the scale on the printer when printing or print a scan;
    4. The spread of the book, on which the last mark is fixed, is confirmed by a handwritten note “Working to the present time”, the certification procedure is repeated;
    5. Many employers copy the form in 2 spreads on one sheet. Unfortunately, this can only be called correct to save paper, nothing more. This is due to the obligation of all authorities to require that all pages of the form be printed on a separate A4 (GOST R 6.30-2003);
    6. Copy those sheets of the document that are filled out;
    7. The copy must be printed in portrait format for ease of reading and displaying the actual dimensions of the document;
    8. There is no signature area in the work book (which must be stamped on top), therefore, when certifying, some managers put “Copy is correct” at the top right, as when certifying a duplicate of such a document. However, this is not the correct solution, because duplicate and copy are different types of forms for completely opposite purposes; in addition, the stamp will overlap the number and series of the book. It would be most logical to put a stamp in the lower left corner of the document - this rule is comparable with GOST;
    9. It is unnecessary to mark the place of storage of the original, since, according to the prescription, the labor record is stored at the enterprise until the moment the employee is dismissed;
    10. A certified copy will be valid for a month (if no changes are made to the original during this period).

    The trace of the stamp must be completely superimposed on the signature and partially on the text of the document itself, and not on the empty space of the table, if this condition is not met, the copy may be invalidated.

    Sometimes it is enough to certify only a copy of the last entry form. All pages are sewn together with a thread, which is then brought out to the last sheet and glued with a paper strip with information about the number of certified forms and the artist's signature.

    Such a document is certified by the head of the organization or an employee of the personnel department.

    When it is needed by an unemployed / pensioner, he may ask to make a copy from a duplicate in the last place of employment. If there is no OK, the chief accountant can draw up the form.

    Thus, today GOST R 6.30-2003 is the only regulatory document that specifies the norms for certifying a copy of a document, but:

    • it was introduced as a list of recommendations, and therefore it is impossible to force a person to fully follow GOST;
    • formed for organizational and administrative papers, it does not affect the work book at all, since this document is of a completely different order;
    • unfortunately, it has been little processed since the end of the last century and is therefore outdated;
    • GOST is not widely distributed among employees and is familiar only to specialized employees, therefore, sometimes a correctly certified copy can be regarded by a bank employee as invalid and vice versa;
    • there is no consensus on whether it is necessary to put “copy is correct” or still manually write “correct”.

    Institutions that may require such a document

    The work book is asked to be submitted to confirm employment at various enterprises, official employment and length of service. With parallel employment, a citizen cannot provide the original, because it is stored at the main place of work, so he also has to draw up a certified copy of the paper.

    Previously, it was also required for issuing a passport, but today it has been excluded from the list of submitted documents.

    The provision of such a form is the main criterion for issuing a bank loan to a citizen. Small amounts can sometimes be handed over without confirmation of stable employment, however, a document confirming officially certified employment provides better lending conditions - more favorable repayment amounts and loan interest.

    Therefore, most often, when applying for a copy of the work book, the required organization indicates the bank.

    Thus, its assurance is a short but painstaking process. The slightest deviations from GOST (many still draw up according to it) allow organizations to invalidate the document, and they have to re-register everything.

    However, with knowledge of the necessary norms and rules, the employee can independently check the received copy of the work book and, in case of errors, immediately contact the organization / notary office in which the document was drawn up. So you can painlessly avoid clashes with other organizations, paperwork and waste of time.

    From this video you will learn how to properly flash documents.

    Situations requiring a certified copy

    The information contained in the labor indicates that the citizen has a permanent income, the qualifications of the work performed by him and the duration of employment.

    This information may be needed in the following situations:

    • when applying for subsidies;
    • to obtain a loan from a banking organization, including a mortgage;
    • when writing a resume when looking for a job;
    • upon retirement and registration of pension maintenance;
    • to obtain a passport.

    Certification procedure

    Certification of a document is a step-by-step process. Let's figure out how to properly certify a work book for a bank.

    • The first step is to apply to the personnel department or (if the organization is small) to the employer. This can be done by verbal request or (if it is regulated by the internal acts of the company) by means of a written statement. The appeal is made in any form. It must be indicated: to whom it is addressed and from whom. The application should formulate a request for the issuance of a certified copy of the work book.
    • The second step is the certification of a copy of the document by the employer or other authorized person.
    • The third step is the issuance of a certified copy to the owner of the document. This must happen no later than 3 days from the date of submission of the application (written or oral). This period is prescribed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of 04/16/2003.

    Certified copy requirements

    A copy of the document must be certified in a certain way, otherwise it will not have legal force. Consider, as an example, a sample of certification of a work book for a bank. Sometimes it is required to certify only a certain time interval reflected in the document. In this case, only a copy of the title page is certified, and then the necessary pages.

    Requirements for certification:

    • a copy of the document can be made either by photocopying or in the form of printed text;
    • on each page of the copy, the text is written (or a stamp is made): “The copy is correct”;
    • under this inscription is the signature of the certifying employee with a transcript and an indication of his position, as well as the official seal of the organization;
    • all copied sheets are stapled or stapled with thread.

    Features of certification of the last page of the labor

    Certification of the last page of the document has some peculiarities. A copy of the final page, except for: "The copy is correct", must contain the written wording: "Works to the present." After this entry, the date of certification, the position of the certifying officer and his surname with initials must be indicated. Then a seal is placed. An important point: the seal impression should not be located on the empty space of the page, it should cover part of the test and the signature, otherwise the copy may be declared legally invalid.

    Let's figure out who certifies the work book for an unemployed and employed citizen. An employee of the organization with special powers must certify the document to the current employee.

    This may include the following individuals:

    • Head of the organization,
    • head of personnel department,
    • chief accountant of the company.

    If a citizen no longer works for any reason (retired, quit, etc.), then he must certify a copy of his work at his last place of work. If it is impossible to do this (for example, a citizen has moved from his former place of residence to another), you can certify a copy of the document with an officially acting notary. This service is paid.

    general information

    How to make a copy of a work book for a bank? It will not be difficult to get a copy of your work book if you listen to some of our advice, and also learn a number of rules that will help you accomplish your plans faster.

    Of course, the question of obtaining a photocopy depends on where exactly the labor office is located. As a rule, the location of labor can be determined depending on whether you are performing a labor function somewhere or not.

    So, if you are officially employed, then the work book, along with some other documents, will be stored in the employer's organization or in the personnel department.

    If you do not work, then, accordingly, the work book is in your hands. Thus, depending on the position of the document, the methods of making a photocopy also change.

    You can read about the certification of a work book for other reasons here.

    In the HR department

    The personnel department of an organization is a kind of body that is responsible for all internal documentation of the enterprise, regulatory consolidation and settlement of a number of problems with paperwork.

    Also a function the personnel department of the organization is the maintenance and storage of work books. When you are enrolled in a position, a personal file is created in your name, where your documents are then sent, starting with a copy of your passport and ending with a work one.

    Therefore, if you need an appropriate copy, you should contact a member of the Human Resources Department.

    As you know, the personnel department follows the official execution of all actions in the organization, therefore, a work book can only be issued to you in an official manner.

    An application is a document that, depending on the requirements of the organization can be made according to a certain pattern or at one's own discretion.

    Before drawing up a document, be sure to ask the personnel department what requirements they place on such statements.

    The application must be written on a blank sheet of A4 format with a black or blue pen, and can also be printed on a computer.

    The application is written in the name of the head of the organization, so in the upper right corner you must write the name of the organization, as well as the initials of the employer.

    After that, you write from whom this application is coming, that is, your initials and position.

    Now, in the middle of the line, the word “statement” is placed and a brief and concise statement of the reason begins, according to which you need to issue a photocopy of the work book.

    Sample application for issuing a copy of a work book for a bank:

    If you take a copy for the bank, then write for which purposes needed copies of the document. At the end of the application, put the date and your signature.

    When submitting an application to the Human Resources Department, remember that can be reviewed within three working days, which means that you may not be able to get the desired document right away.

    Certification of a work book for a bank

    How to certify a copy of a work book for a bank? Sample and photo in the article. Once the application has been reviewed, you will be told the results. If you are refused to receive a document, then this decision must be motivated, for example, the reason why such an action is impossible and it is important that the situation complies with the law and does not infringe on your rights.

    If there is no reason for you to refuse, you will be allowed to issue a photocopy of the labor. A copy is also certified in the personnel department, for this there is a proper procedure, which is prescribed in the instructions for personnel officers.

    First, copies of all pages of the work book, including the title page, are made. These sheets are fastened together. Each page is stamped with the seal of the organization. Please note that printing is not for packages, but general printing.

    Also, in addition to printing, on each page at the bottom there should be a signature stating that the copy is correct. It is also necessary that the person, namely the employee of the personnel department who would be involved in setting the seal, leave his initials, and also indicate in what position he works.

    But the assurance of a copy of the labor does not end there. The last page puts the date when the copy was made and information is written that the employee who received the copy is still working in this organization in the same position.

    This completes the certification process.

    How to certify a work book for a bank? Sample (photo):

    It is worth remembering the limited period of validity of this document. Remember that you must use the copy within a month. In the future, legal force is lost.

    How to get a copy of a work book for a bank?

    How to certify a work book for a bank? Proper certification consists in the presence of all the required seals and signatures.

    After you have been given a certified copy, carefully check the presence of seals on each of the sheets of the photocopy. Also next to the seal should be a record that the copy is correct.

    Do not forget that on each sheet the employee of the personnel department must leave his initials.

    On the very last sheet, check the entries. In addition to the seals and signatures of the personnel officer, your initials should also be there.

    Sample (photo) of a certified copy of a work book for a bank:

    How long is a copy of a work book for a bank valid?

    As we have already said, the validity of such a photocopy is a month, but the validity of a copy of a work book for a bank can be either extended or reduced, depending on your preferences.

    So, on the form of a photocopy, a shorter period can be prescribed, for example, an employee of the personnel department sets the date from what date to what date the document is legally valid.

    If he wants to increase, then he writes again the period from which to which the photocopy is valid and also makes a signature that, if necessary, a new photocopy can be issued.

    Of course, all these entries are made on the very last sheet of the photocopy.

    If the work book is in hand

    If you have a work book in your hands, this means that you do not work anywhere, and even more so, you do not have the opportunity to contact the personnel department for a photocopy.

    But do not despair, there is always a way out and, first of all, it consists in issuing a photocopy from a notary.

    Certification by a notary

    Since the work book is already in your hands, feel free to go to the notary's office, do not forget to take your passport with you. In the notary's office, you will be offered to draw up an application on a special form to certify a photocopy. After reviewing the application, the notary decides to refuse your request or, on the contrary, to agree.

    If the decision is made in your favor, provide the notary with a labor document. He himself will take photocopies of it and put a seal. Also in the photocopy, he will confirm that the copies are correct and put a signature and date.

    Thus, you have met two legal ways to obtain certified photocopies. By providing them to the bank, no one will have any doubts that you are really a law-abiding citizen. The main thing - do not forget about the expiration date of the photocopy.

    In 2018, new rules are introduced regarding the certification of work books. They must be taken into account by the personnel department of the company. If the rules are not followed, the certified copy will be considered invalid.

    Why you need to certify a work book

    Records in the book, its photocopies are certified. Usually, the need for assurance arises when interacting with a bank, a credit institution. It is based on the following needs:

    • Confirmation of the borrower's source of income.
    • Confirmation that the person will be able to return the borrowed money.
    • Debt collection from the borrower's salary.
    • Confirmation of the information provided in the questionnaire.
    • Establishing whether a person often changes jobs.
    • Establishing the reasons for terminating the employment agreement from previous jobs.

    A certified copy may be requested by the Department of the Federal Migration Service when providing a passport. Representatives of the OFMS look at the places of work of a person over the past 10 years. It should be noted that the need to provide a copy of the Labor Code to the employees of the OFMS was canceled by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But some departments request this document. In addition, sometimes certified paper is required when obtaining a visa.

    A copy may be requested by the personnel department of the company in which the employee is employed. It is needed to check past jobs, reasons for dismissal.

    Assurance rules that remain unchanged

    The changes introduced in 2018 are very local. That is, almost all the rules of assurance, with rare exceptions, remained the same. If an employee has requested a certified copy of the book, the employer must provide it within 3 days. The period is counted from the date the employee sends the application. The corresponding norm is contained in article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The same article states that the provided copy must be properly certified.

    When certifying, you need to use these unchanging rules:

    • You need to copy all the revolutions, where there is information. This is both the title page and the page with the final employment record.
    • Copying the reward section is not necessary in all cases. Usually this page is needed when obtaining various titles. For example, the title of "Veteran of Labour". Information about incentives will be useful when applying for a new job.
    • Copies of sheets are bound. On the sticker on the back, you need to indicate the number of stapled sheets.
    • These marks are put on the final page of the book: the mark “Correct”, the signature of the person who made the copy of the book, the date of registration and seal.

    A copy can either be stapled or submitted separately. If these are separate sheets, then you need to assure each of them.

    FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Sometimes firms require an indication that the employee continues to work for the current employer. However, this requirement is not approved by Gosstandart. That is, the fulfillment of this requirement can be freely waived.

    Legislative rationale for the new rules

    Until July 1, 2018, the Resolution of the State Standard No. 65 of March 3, 2003 was in force. But from July 1, GOST R 7.0.97-2016, established by Order of Rosstandart No. 2004-st., becomes legally binding. The rules for certification of the TC are contained in paragraph 5.26 of GOST. Almost all rules remain the same. But there was one change. In particular, now you need to specify exactly where the original work book is stored. The innovation is necessary so that the recipient of the photocopy knows about the location of the original.

    Features of making an additional entry

    From July 1, 2018, when making copies, you must make an additional entry about the location of the original book. The corresponding indication is contained in clause 5.26 of GOST R 7.0.97-2016. There is an important clarification in the regulation. In particular, an additional entry is made only when a copy of the book is sent to a third-party company. For example, it can be a banking institution, a company of a new employer. If the book is intended for internal use, no auxiliary marks are needed.

    The new GOST allows you to certify copies with special stamps. In addition, the new regulation explains all the nuances of signature decoding. In particular, you first need to put down the initials of the name and patronymic. Then the full signature of the person who created the copy is put.

    Stages of certification of a copy of the work book

    Certification of a photocopy is carried out in accordance with the following steps:

    1. On the last sheet, the mark "True" or "Copy is correct" is put down.
    2. Fixing the position and full name of the person who certifies the photocopy.
    3. Signature of the person certifying the document.
    4. Indication of the date of certification.
    5. Below all previously affixed entries, the mark "The original is stored ..." is affixed.
    6. Affixing the seal of the company.

    From July 1, the absence of an entry is considered a mistake. Exception - a copy is created for the internal purposes of the company.

    Common Certification Mistakes

    When certifying the TC, these errors are usually made:

    • The stamp stating that this is a copy of the document is placed only on separate sheets, and not on all.
    • On some of the sheets there is no certifying signature with a seal.
    • On the last sheet there is no mark that the employee is currently working.
    • The verification sheet was signed, but it is not supported by an indication of the position and full name of the person.
    • The person who certifies the copy does not have the necessary authority.
    • There is no indication of the storage location of the original document.
    • The seal is placed only on the "white" part of the sheet, it does not affect the copy.

    A list of common mistakes is needed in order to avoid making them yourself. As a rule, no liability is imposed for defects. However, an incorrectly certified copy will not be legally binding.

    Certification of a book for a banking institution

    In most cases, a copy of the work book is requested by the bank or credit institution. It will be compiled according to standard norms. But there are some nuances that you need to pay attention to:

    • It is recommended to put a mark not “Copy is correct”, but “Correct”. It is this wording that is stipulated in GOST.
    • The text of the work book should be legible and easy to read.
    • It is not enough to put the signature of the certifying person. It is necessary to supplement its position and the full name of this person.
    • There must be a mark indicating the location of the original book.
    • It is advisable to submit a copy in the form of separate sheets, each of which is properly certified.

    Each bank may have its own requirements. It is advisable to clarify them in the institution itself.

    Additional features

    What exactly to write about the location of the original? This document is allowed to be stored in trays and safes. If shopping malls are not in nomenclature cases, but in safes, you only need to register the storage location. In this case, you can not fix the case number.

    For example, the entry might look like this:

    The original TK is stored in the safe of the personnel department of the Alfa-Beta company.
    HR specialist: signature, Petrova P.P., 3.08.2017.

    In the mark, it is necessary to indicate in which company the original is located. Specifying the storage location will allow you to request the original document, if required. This is one of the features of the mark introduced in 2018.

    January 2019

    Often, in order to make a positive decision on obtaining borrowed funds, it is necessary to have a copy of the work and proof of work experience. This publication will tell you how to certify a copy of a work book for a bank correctly.

    Why certify a copy of the work book?

    This procedure may be required in various situations - for example, to apply for a bank loan of any type (whether it be a consumer loan, mortgage or car loan) or to receive various social subsidies.

    Do I need a work book to apply for a loan without fail? Some lenders provide specialized loans under two documents, or even one at a time (the presence of a labor force is not required there). However, the list of such proposals is very limited.

    It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the smaller the package of documents submitted by the borrower, the worse the conditions under the loan agreement will be - this will be expressed in a significant decrease in the amount of the available loan amount, an increase in interest rates, and so on. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, then you should always try to collect a complete list of documents - the conditions for the loan in this case will be much more comfortable.

    If a very large amount of money is needed, then confirmation of official income and work experience will be almost mandatory and paramount conditions.

    How is the certification of a work book for a bank carried out?

    The process of certifying a copy of a work book for a bank can take place according to one of two scenarios - depending on its location. Labor can be either in the hands of a citizen or his employer. Let's consider each option in turn.

    1. The document is in the hands of a citizen. In this case, you will need to visit a notary office for the appropriate procedure. A citizen must provide a passport or other document that confirms his identity. The notary will make a copy of the labor and perform the certification procedure according to the established model. This procedure will not take much time - as a rule, certification takes no more than one hour.
    2. Labor is with the employer. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer cannot issue the original work book until the employee is dismissed. Therefore, to obtain a formalized copy or extract from the labor, you should contact the personnel department or the head. There, a corresponding application is submitted containing the purpose of assurance - the purpose can be designated "for submission to a banking organization." The personnel officer is obliged to provide a certified copy of the document no later than three days later.

    Sample copy of a work book for a bank

    It is not always necessary to completely copy the work book. In some cases, it is enough to confine ourselves to information relating to the required time periods of work experience. Also, in addition to a photocopy, you can use the text typed on the computer if the entries in the document are made in illegible handwriting.

    A copy of the work must be duly certified. At the bottom of each page must be:

    • the seal of the employing organization;
    • inscriptions "True";
    • certification dates;
    • signature, initials and position of the authorized person.

    The last page of the labor must contain the phrase “He is currently working in the position ...”, in addition to all of the above signs.

    The correct sample of certification of the document of interest can be found in the image below.

    Expiry date of the photocopy

    A certified photocopy of the document will be valid for a period of 1 month. It should also be noted that in the event of the dismissal of a person or the occurrence of additional entries in the labor within the above period, the copy will become invalid.

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    A work book is the main confirmation of a person's experience and employment. Therefore, it is often required by citizens. But according to labor law, if a person is officially employed, the book should be kept in the organization. And you can get it in your hands only if you need it for presentation to Social Insurance.

    In all other cases, the employer is obliged to issue a certified copy of the book. As an entrepreneur, I often fill out such a document for my subordinates. And in this article I will tell you what are the mandatory requirements for making this copy.

    The basis for issuing a copy is the application submitted by the employee. But this rule applies more to large and medium-sized enterprises with a large number of employees. In small businesses and entrepreneurs, a copy may be issued at the applicant's oral request. But so that you do not delay the issuance of such a document, I recommend that you always draw up an application for its issuance.

    You need to copy all the pages in which the entries are made. Copies must be made from the very first page, which contains information about the owner of the book. And the last copy will be a sheet with a mark from the last place of work.

    Copies can be certified in 2 ways:

    1. Verify each sheet individually. Then it is necessary to put the confirmation “Correct” on each of them or write “Copy is correct”. Also, the filler is required to write his position, last name, sign and stamp the organization. In addition, it is necessary to set the date of certification of photocopies.
    2. Fasten all sheets together with stitching and attach additional paper, on which the number of sheets will be indicated. It also has an inscription stating that “Copy is correct” or “Correct”. Be sure to indicate the position of the filling person, his full name and stamp. Do not forget to also put the date of issue of copies.

    After the main assurance, it is necessary to write a phrase on the copy that the person continues to work. Be sure to indicate that it is currently running.

    The right to sign has:

    • personnel department staff;
    • accountant;
    • director;
    • entrepreneur.

    If the organization has a seal, it must be affixed. In its absence, it is necessary to record " Believe without seal».

    The issuance of a copy must be carried out no later than three days after receiving a request from the employee.

    New rules

    Some adjustments have been made to the legislation that are important to know when making a copy. They began to operate on July 1 of this year. Now all employers are required to adhere to the new methodology for certifying books.

    The main difference is that now it is additionally required to make a note about exactly where the original labor is stored. Usually, the place of storage is the safe of the personnel department or the accounting department of the enterprise.

    If such a signature is not made, the copy will be considered invalid, so it will have to be reissued.

    You can learn more about this in the following video.

    The need for a copy

    The need for such a document may arise from an employee in various situations. The most common of these are:

    1. As proof that a person has a job for a credit institution when applying for a loan.
    2. To confirm information specified in the questionnaire, for example, to obtain certain documents.
    3. To determine the duration of the total experience, as well as the permanence of work in the last place. This information is often required by credit institutions.
    4. To determine the reasons for dismissals from previous jobs. Such information may be important to a new employer if the person is seeking a side job.
    5. To confirm employment when applying for benefits and allowances.

    Previously, a certified labor certificate was required to obtain a passport. This document is not currently required, but some departments may sometimes request it. Be aware that this is illegal, since all government agencies are required to act according to strictly established regulations, which must include a list of required documents.

    Sometimes a copy of the work may be required when applying for a visa to enter another state. Since it is important for them to know that something connects you with your country, and you must also have a constant source of income.

    Common mistakes

    Each official must know how to fill out this document correctly. But the employee himself should also know this information in order to detect errors in time and ask them to correct them in a timely manner. The most common inaccuracies and errors are:

    1. The stamp "Copy is correct" is not indicated on all sheets provided that they are not stitched or numbered.
    2. Not all sheets have the certifier's signature, also provided that all sheets are not stitched and numbered.
    3. There is no inscription on the last sheet that the person is still working.
    4. The position of the person who certified the copy is missing.
    5. The employee who issued the document does not have the authority to do so. Persons other than those listed above may not make copies.
    6. The imprint of the organization's seal is only on a blank sheet of paper and does not affect the copy itself. The seal must be placed in such a way that it touches the photocopied book.
    7. There is no link to the place of storage of the book itself.

    Pay attention to these common mistakes when issuing a book and be careful when filling it out.

    Issuance of a book

    In some cases, employees may request to give them the original book in their hands. According to labor law, namely, according to Art. 62, you can issue a book only for presentation to Social Insurance. And the employee is obliged to return it to his manager no later than 3 days from the date of its receipt from this body. In the application for issuance, the employee must indicate for what purposes the original book was required and, if possible, attach a supporting document.

    In all other cases, only a copy or an extract from the book is issued. If this rule is violated, a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles may be imposed on an official, and for an organization its amount will be 30-50 thousand rubles.

    In case of loss of the book by the employee or employer, the latter will be obliged to issue a duplicate. He has 15 days to do so. At the same time, he will be able to enter in the duplicate only those information that will be documented. That is, the employee will have to make a written request to the FIU or the archive in order to obtain information about his employment in other organizations.

    To avoid this, you must be responsible for storing the original books of your employees. And also the employees themselves must understand their responsibility if they receive the original in their hands.

    I advise all people who are officially employed:

    1. Keep a certified copy of the document at home. At the same time, you need to request it every time you make a new entry in the book. Thus, at any time you can check the correctness of its filling. And also in case of damage or loss, you will have a supporting document stating that there were such entries in the book. Then you can very quickly restore your book, having received its duplicate, where all the same entries that are indicated in the certified copy will be made.
    2. When receiving a copy in your hands, be sure to check that it is filled out correctly.. Especially pay attention to the frequent errors that are made when making such copies.

    All officials are required to know how to properly draw up such documents, so they are required to be interested in all the innovations in labor legislation.

    The main difference is that a duplicate is issued instead of the original book, for example, if it is lost (see), a copy does not replace the original and is valid only if it is available.

    A certified copy of the work book with the wording "currently working"

    Such an entry is made by the employer when making a copy of the document. If a person does not work, it naturally cannot be brought in, and the copy itself is certified in accordance with the legislation on notaries by a notary.

    In the original or in a duplicate record "currently working" is also never affixed. After making copies of the pages of the work book and certifying them, it is entered by an employee of the personnel department on the last page indicating the date of entry. That is the only way to write it.

    How to certify a work book is currently working - a sample:

    Rules for certification of a copy of the work book by the employer

    Before certifying, copies of the pages must be made. In principle, this can be done by hand, but today everyone uses copiers. In this case, a two-sided copy is not allowed and the information should be contained only on one side of the sheet.

    The procedure is carried out according to Decree PVS No. 9779-X as amended. 2003 and the unified Rules approved by the 65th Post. Gosstandart.

    The correctness of each sheet is evidenced by the signature and seal of the organization (1st paragraph of the Decree). From paragraph 3.26 of the Rules it follows that on each page the inscription of the official “Correct” and his personal signature with a transcript and indication of the position and number are affixed, for example: “Correct. Senior Inspector of the Personnel Department N. T. Ivanova. Date of".

    2nd paragraph 3.26th art. The Rules indicate that a copy may be certified by any seal at the discretion of the organization. Despite the fact that this is an optional requirement, copies are usually certified with a seal. This, in particular, is required by banks when applying for loans.

    See an example of how to properly certify a copy of a work book - a sample:

    Step-by-step instructions for the employer: how to apply?

    A copy is issued at the request of the employee by the employer within three days (Article 62 of the Labor Code). The employer is not entitled to demand remuneration for this and be interested in why a copy was needed. The right of a citizen to access his personal data is provided for by Art. TK, for its violation of the 90th Art. responsible for officials, up to criminal liability.

    The procedure for certification and making a copy is as follows:

    • The employee draws up a written appeal to the employer, which looks like this:
      • addressed to the head of the organization (the full name of the company, position and full name of the head are indicated);
      • the full name and position of the employee are indicated;
      • the appeal is referred to as the "Statement";
      • the content part includes a request to issue a copy of the work book with reference to the 62nd art. TK (at the same time, the employee is not required to indicate the reason, and the employer does not have the right to be interested in it, but if the employee wants to indicate that “a copy is needed to provide to the bank”, no one can interfere with him);
      • the application is signed by the employee with his own hand, the date of preparation of the appeal is indicated.
    • The head, having considered the application no later than 3 days, issues an extradition order and appoints a responsible employee (for example, an inspector of the personnel department).
    • Authorized person free of charge makes photocopies of all pages of the work book. In this case, you can use any copying equipment, but duplicates must be legible, any stripes, erasures and corrections are unacceptable.

      Banks especially like to find fault with the quality of documents, and even a small claim can be a reason for refusing a loan.

    • Sheets are certified according to the requirements unified Rules of the State Standard and Decree PVS 9779-X. Any seal or stamp for identification can be used at the discretion of the head of the organization, this is not regulated by law. For example, a seal of an organization or a personnel department, a stamp of the office, etc. More about printing -.
    • On the last page of the copy the entry "Working to the present" is made. After it (under it), the signature of the employee who draws up the document is affixed. The unified rules of the State Standard disclose the content of the requisite "Signature" in paragraph 3.22: the name of the position of the person, personal signature, decoding of the signature (initials, surname), for example: "Copy is right. Senior Inspector of the Personnel Department R. D. Sidorova. Number. Signature" . The requirements for the requisite "Date" are contained in paragraph 3.11: it is written in Arabic numerals in the sequence day-month-year, separated by dots.
    • Sheets are numbered, fastened and the made copy is transferred to the employee.

    A copy of the work book certified by the employer - sample:

    Copy expiration date

    It is not defined by law and depends on the purpose for which the copy is intended. Different organizations may set their own deadlines. In practice, a copy is required for submission to the bank, to the migration service, to the social protection authorities, to the court, etc.

    In the case of issuing a loan to a citizen, the purpose of the bank– to make sure of its solvency and the “shelf life” can be reduced even to 2 weeks, but, as a rule, it is one month. There is no time limit for submission to the court.

    If the deadline is missed, to “update” the copy, it will be enough to simply certify it by an authorized person of the employer, indicating the new date and affixing the seal of the organization. Or, the worker can always ask for an entirely new copy to be made. To issue a document for free is the obligation of the employer and no restrictions are provided here.

    Features of assurance for the bank

    One of the most frequent cases where a copy is needed is to provide it to a credit institution. Banks motivate their demands by the need to confirm the solvency of a citizen. As a rule, they require this information before granting a loan.

    For the bank, the labor path of the borrower, the continuity of the length of service, the positions in which he worked and is working, the facts of work in certain organizations and employment at the present (as of the date of the loan) are important.

    All this information is authorized bank employees learn from a certified copy of the labor. At the same time, it is compiled according to general rules, no special entries, such as “made for submission to a credit institution t-and-so”, are entered into it.

    The only thing that can distinguish this copy from others is its expiration date for the bank. Banks set these terms themselves, including very short ones (a week).

    It is useless to argue with them, they are not obliged to explain their requirements, as well as the reasons for refusing a loan.

    In addition to a copy of the employment contract, they may also require a copy of the employment contract from it. This is legal, and the employer is obliged to provide all documents within the same time frame - up to three days (62nd and 89th articles of the Labor Code, 7th article of the Rules).

    A sample of a certified copy of a work book for a bank - sample:

    How and why do you need to certify the last page?

    A copy of the Labor Code is designed to certify the employee's labor activity to third parties. At the same time, continuous experience may be important for social protection authorities, solvency due to work in a certain organization, etc. for a bank.

    A duly certified copy, with the entry correctly entered on the last page about the work and "currently", allows the employee to exercise their rights arising from the fact of employment: get a loan, some benefits, education in the chosen specialty, a passport, certify the facts in court, etc.

    Obtaining a copy of the work book within the prescribed period is the legal right of the employee. Responsible persons of organizations of various forms of ownership should not forget that for its violation, liability is provided, up to administrative or criminal.

    Even if for some reason the employee was late to provide a copy and it is “outdated”, it is the employer’s responsibility to issue a new one free of charge and within three days.