Lava interpretation of the dream book. Why do you dream of volcano lava - interpretation of the dream according to dream books Why do you dream of frozen lava

Seeing fiery lava - you will meet your love, and so strong that you will forget all your previous affections;
fleeing from a seething lava flow is unpleasant news, the loss of a loved one is possible;
frozen lava - you will become a participant in a terrible scandal or witness an emergency;
for a young lady - you should not get too upset over trifles.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Lava in a dream

Flowing fiery lava, carrying away in its fiery stream everything that comes its way - the emergence of a new and strong passion in the heart of a woman or man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does Lava's dream mean?

Seeing fiery lava erupting from the mouth of an awakened volcano in a dream foreshadows violent disputes that can seriously damage your reputation, and for a young girl such a dream is a warning that her selfishness will lead to unpleasant consequences. Fleeing from lava pursuing you, burning everything in its path, such a dream means that you are taking full advantage of the opportunities that have opened up to you to succeed in your business. In general, a dream about lava speaks of the onset of big life changes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing Lava in a dream

If you see in a dream a volcanic eruption and lava flowing like a river, sweeping away everything in its path, this means violent passion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

What do Lava's dreams mean?

Fire-breathing lava in your dream: a reflection of your overheated emotions. it seems that some events will soon threaten to completely take over you.

Usually such dreams are a call to relax and calm down a little, otherwise tense nerves can cause overwork and conflicts.

Interpretation of dreams from

volcano lava according to the dream book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing fiery lava in a dream means that in reality you will meet true love. You will forget about all your old feelings.
Running away from boiling lava means unpleasant news and losses.
Solidified lava means participation in a big scandal.
If you are at a young age, this dream will not bring you anything bad.

volcano lava according to the dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, if you see lava flowing from a volcano crater, then all the efforts you made are in vain. Be content with what fate has given you, do not take on too much.

interpretation of dream lava volcano

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing boiling lava in a dream means that your reputation will collapse. For a young girl, this is a warning: you should moderate your temper and take care of those around you.
If you are running away from raging lava, it means that you have a great opportunity to start successful business.

Why do you dream about volcano lava?

According to the Islamic dream book, escaping from blazing lava means that you are surrounded by gossip and bad talk.
If you see extinct lava, it means the loss of a relationship that did not bring you joy.

what does it mean if there is lava from a volcano in a dream

The interpretation of a dream according to Freud means that in reality you lack full-fledged sexual relationships. Your behavior has become deviant and you are not hiding it.
Volcano lava according to the Dream Book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
According to Winter’s dream book, seeing a rapid flow of hot lava in a dream means big life changes.

volcano lava according to the dream book

According to the Small Dream Book, seeing erupting lava means that great shocks await you.
If you dreamed of frozen lava, it means that you are disappointed in love, but soon everything will change.

In a dream, different things can happen to a person; he is able to transform into a character, gain superpowers, visit different countries or visit parallel worlds. But sometimes events unfold differently and the dreamer has to observe quite realistic, albeit creepy, pictures. We invite you to find out why you dream about volcanic lava, and what events you should prepare for after such a dream.

General value

Most interpreters agree that lava in a dream is a symbol of passion that will cover the dreamer headlong. If such a vision visits a free person, then, most likely, very soon there will be a fateful meeting with an unusual person who will please the sleeping person.

But if a dream occurs to a married man or a married lady, then they should be careful: a casual acquaintance can turn their head and make them forget about both family and common sense. Dream books advise you to think carefully before making an important decision, because it will be impossible to return to your spouse. However, for a more accurate analysis of the dream, it is necessary to turn to various sources.

Interpreter of Yuri Longo

Let's find out why fiery lava is dreamed of according to the dream book of a white magician. Such a night dream means that the most frantic feelings are burning in the soul of the sleeper. Love and passion overwhelmed him so much that all previous sympathies and relationships faded. Moreover, if in the world of dreams a person had to escape from a volcanic eruption, then in reality he will have to learn unpleasant news that will unsettle him for some time. This could be news of dismissal, betrayal of a friend or relative.

According to this source, watching the eruption of a large volcano from afar means that changes will happen to a large circle of people related to the dreamer, for example, with all the employees of his enterprise (if the company goes bankrupt), with his family, even with a district or city. However, it should be noted that such large-scale events rarely occur.

Seeing boiling lava means losing your good name; someone is spreading rumors defaming him behind the dreamer’s back, because of which his reputation suffers. It is necessary to identify this ill-wisher and refuse to communicate with him.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Let's look at what dreams of lava eruption mean according to the dream interpreter of the most mysterious medium, Miss Hasse. This source says that to have such a dream means to receive a severe emotional shock in reality. If in the world of dreams a person is scared, in a panic, trying with all his might to escape from the eruption, then in reality he will have to endure several unpleasant hours and minutes. However, if in the kingdom of Morpheus he watches with interest the raging elements of fire, feeling safe, then in reality all the changes will be favorable and will benefit him.

If lava erupts from a fissure on the surface of the earth, then in reality the dreamer will encounter strong feelings and, most likely, will sincerely fall in love with someone. Moreover, if lava flows in his direction, then passion and sympathy will be mutual, otherwise, unfortunately, you will have to face unrequited feelings.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Let's find out what lava means in dreams from this source. Most often, the image suggests that all the efforts that the dreamer makes to achieve his goal are in vain and do not bring the desired result. It is necessary to start using different tactics; this is the only way to get things moving. In addition, we note the following details:

  • Extinct lava dreams of the end of a relationship that has outlived itself and become only a burden for the sleeper.
  • To run away from an eruption is to try to avoid changes in life, and if the sleeper manages to escape in the world of dreams, then in reality he will be lucky.
  • Seeing the red-hot mouth of a volcano means that soon carefully hidden emotions will burst out.

Miller's Dream Book

Let's get acquainted with what lava means in dreams according to the dream interpreter of an American psychiatrist. According to this source, a night dream foreshadows an imminent meeting with your lover. This relationship will be so emotional that it will make you experience both pleasant moments and jealousy and doubts. However, if the lava was solidified, then the dream has an unfavorable interpretation and means that very soon the dreamer will become involved in a scandal that will greatly damage his reputation.

You should also pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • Running away from an erupting volcano, according to Miller, suggests that the sleeper is trying with all his might to fight the anger and malice reigning in his soul, but so far to no avail. The source advises trying to control yourself after such a vision.
  • If in a dream lava sweeps away the sleeping person’s home, then in reality this person is the cause of scandals and often becomes the cause of his own troubles.

Interpretation from various sources

Let's get acquainted with what dreams of lava mean in a dream according to other reliable dream books. Here are the most significant formulations:

  • The modern dream book says that fiery lava foretells a love feeling in the life of the sleeper, which will make him lose his head.
  • The esoteric dream book says: seeing an eruption means a change in worldview. But if the lava is extinct, then this is a reference to the past - someone cannot forget the sleeping person.
  • According to the dream interpreter Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima, such a dream is a reflection of the inner world of the sleeper and the emotions raging in his soul. The source advises taking a break and allowing yourself to relax.
  • Denise Lynn's dream book suggests that such a dream is a symbol of anger that destroys the soul of the sleeper.

These are the main options for interpreting the image of lava and volcanic eruption. In general, the dream is quite favorable and does not promise negative changes in the dreamer’s life.

Seeing fiery lava - you will meet your love, and so strong that you will forget all your previous affections;
fleeing from a seething lava flow is unpleasant news, the loss of a loved one is possible;
frozen lava - you will become a participant in a terrible scandal or witness an emergency;
for a young lady - you should not get too upset over trifles.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Run

A dream in which you are running all alone means that you will be able to surpass your partners in terms of wealth and take, and firmly, an honorable step on the hierarchical ladder of social position.

If you dream that you are running as part of a group of people, this foreshadows your possible participation in some fun holiday; moreover, you will soon discover that things have improved dramatically and are leading you straight to financial success.

Stumbling or falling in a dream means that in reality you will go wrong, or even go broke.

To get ahead of someone in a race means to outlive that person. Running barefoot means trouble.

Running after someone until you get tired means loss of money; chasing after game means unexpected joy if the game is caught.

Running away from someone means a dangerous journey; running away from somewhere means your success will be replaced by failure. Seeing the running of hunters or horsemen for those participating in it means receiving joy; falling at the same time means getting offended.

Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances, which can unexpectedly change for the worse. This dream can also mean fleeting and superficial hobbies.

Seeing that your horse is supposedly running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you.

A young girl’s dream about a running donkey means that she will have a lot of suitors, but none of them will make a serious proposal.
If you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you in a dream, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name.

If you dream that you are running away from a large spider, it means that luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances.

In general, if you dream that you are running away from some kind of danger, it means that you are threatened with loss, and you will lose hope of settling your affairs in a way acceptable to you.

Running through the window means that you will get into trouble from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

If you dream about other people running away from danger, this can result in grief for you and the death of friends.

Seeing a hare running away from you in a dream means that you are gradually, unnoticed by yourself, losing something truly valuable to you.

Running after a mouse is a sign of approaching matchmaking.

If you run while participating in a sports competition, someone will encroach on what you have created, but if you come to the finish line as a winner, it means that you will defeat your rivals in life.

Interpretation of dreams from

The lava that erupts from a volcano is certainly an impressive sight, but not a pleasant one. When asked what this episode may mean in a dream, there are many interpretations. The dream book will help you choose the most accurate one.

Matters of the heart

Often volcanic lava in a dream reflects how the dreamer feels in reality. Pay attention to her appearance, strength and her speed of movement. Based on these parameters, you can design your near future.

Did you see in a dream how fiery lava splashes out of a crack in the earth? This means that in the near future you will have to experience events filled with strong emotional outbursts and passions. There is a high chance that you will fall deeply in love.

Are you wondering why you dream of running away from hot lava? Most likely, you are not really ready for a new relationship and are resisting with all your might the feeling that has arisen in you. Lava that gradually cools down in a dream identifies an old attachment that has already outlived its usefulness.

An explosion of emotions

The dream book believes that hot lava is a symbol of such negative emotions as hatred and anger, rage and anger. That is why it is quite simple to find an answer to the question of why a volcanic eruption occurred in a dream.

Most likely, in reality you cannot cope with the emotions that have gripped you. The result of this will be an emotional explosion. You need to reconsider your attitude towards life and take a good rest. Why else do you dream of erupting lava? According to the dream book, such a dream can portend serious changes in life. Try to be careful for a while. She won't be a problem now.