What does a tornado mean in a dream? Why do you dream of a tornado: interpretations in various dream books. Observing the elements from the outside

Natural disasters bring destruction and disaster in life, which man cannot resist. Why do you dream of a tornado or a tornado, because this dream leaves no one indifferent? Could this image in a dream have a positive meaning? Let's consider different interpretations.

The wildly rotating whirlwind was previously compared to the dance of the devil, and a mystical interpretation was attributed to it. A tornado always appears unexpectedly, therefore in the interpretation of a dream it is considered as a radical unforeseen change in life. The subconscious mind warns a person to prepare for the upcoming series of life’s trials and tribulations, and to strengthen his spirit. Forewarned is forearmed.

If the whirlwind of a tornado is accompanied by lightning, mortal danger should be expected - the dreamer exposes himself to unreasonable risk. However, the storm that has subsided in the dream indicates that trouble will pass the person. The element will pass near the dreamer and will not cause significant harm. Following the storm, a new stage of life will come, and everything will end happily as a result. Also, a successful ending foreshadows a dream in which the sleeper will be able to find shelter from the elements.

Die in a dream from the consequences of a tornado is an alarming signal from the subconscious: a serious threat to your well-being and life hangs over you, possibly a serious illness. If you watched the violence of the elements from afar, get ready for the difficult and responsible work ahead. Seeing the destructive consequences of a tornado in a dream indicates the replacement of one life stage by another: your life will change direction and be filled with new content.

Seeing a night storm in a dream- advice not to make hasty, ill-considered decisions that will lead to unpleasant consequences. Seeing a daytime storm means intensifying internal competition in the service. If a disaster has destroyed your home, you will have to change your home or workplace, and you will have to change places of residence and work often. Some dream books claim: an element sweeping away everything in its path foreshadows the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a person who will make fundamental changes and change the worldview of the sleeper.

Tornado on the sea coast has a similar meaning - get ready for the blows of fate and trials.

Interpretation of tornadoes by day of the week

  • on Monday night - do not let quarrels lead to a scandal, know how to restrain yourself;
  • on Tuesday night - expect life trials soon;
  • on Wednesday night - you have to justify the mistake your friend will make;
  • on Thursday night - you will be offended over trifles;
  • on Friday night - to changes in your personal life;
  • on Saturday night - misfortune will befall a loved one;
  • on Sunday night - dreams of changes in your personal life.

Interpretation of dream books

Freud's Dream Book believes that a tornado or tornado is dreamed of as a sign of the appearance of a new person in the dreamer’s life who will turn life upside down. The consequence of the acquaintance will be a new worldview of the sleeper, cardinal changes in life.

Longo's Dream Interpretation warns: you will have to pay for the consequences of your imprudent actions. Perhaps you didn’t help someone at the right time? A natural disaster always means significant events in life. For single people, this plot portends dizzying and passionate feelings.

Arabic dream book sees in this plot a foreshadowing of disasters. For lovers, a hurricane means disappointment, sadness and tears; for tourists, it means danger; for businessmen, it means illness. Other dreamers should expect domestic clashes with relatives, scandals and troubles.

Miller's Dream Book believes that for lonely people, a dream with a tornado promises changes in their personal lives. If the dreamer finds himself in the very center of the funnel, his loved one will soon turn his head.

Tornado is a symbol of change. If the dreamer did not experience much fright when seeing this plot, he will most likely simply experience big changes in his life. And these changes are not always deplorable - sometimes the wind of change clears the way for positive changes in our lives. Tornadoes simply emphasize that they will happen unexpectedly and without warning.

To see not the elements themselves, but the consequences of destruction - troubles will bypass the dreamer. However, this plot warns to be more careful and think about responsibility for your actions, words and deeds. It's time to replace the frivolous style of behavior with a serious and respectable one.

Dream interpretation tornado

The tornado is endowed with the same symbolic meaning as the spiral. Because it has a similar shape and carries the same message into space. The spiral is one of the most complex symbols of the macrocosm. After all, with the naked eye it is difficult to determine what is happening there in the foggy spiral-shaped substance. A tornado combines the shape of a circle and a moving impulse. Hence the symbol of a tornado as a sign of cyclicality and progressive movement. The end of one cycle is the flowering of the next, a symbol of ascension. And why can images of the elements appear?

If you dreamed of a tornado

Competent dream books

Most cases of a tornado in a dream are interpreted as a cycle of life events. Let’s ask authoritative dream books about what happens in this cycle.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the psychologist, a dream where the sleeping person is caught by a tornado means the collapse of your hopes. It seemed to you that everything was planned out, as carefully as possible, and that the desired result would be achieved. But the plans will fail, which will plunge the dreamer into despair and melancholy. Perhaps there will be changes in fate associated with loss.

If you had to hear the roar of a tornado, see trees bending to the ground, or even being uprooted, this is a sign of future exhausting expectations, which will be replaced by a desperate attempt to avoid collapse.

The interpretation of a dream where a tornado destroyed your home comes down to a call to adjust your lifestyle. You will have to change your place of work and housing frequently.

The dream book gives favorable forecasts if you happen to see in a dream the consequences of a terrible tornado. This means that in the near future everything will go well for you and troubles will bypass you.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you saw the consequences of a tornado

The seer says that seeing in a dream the destructive result of a tornado, although you are not a victim, warns of the impending rapid whirlpool of life events, to which you will not really have time to react.

The fact that sins will not go unpunished is told by a dream where the sleeper was injured in a tornado. Think about your actions. After all, children sometimes have to answer for the sins of their parents.

I dreamed of a tornado descending from somewhere in the sky, and a lot of people trying in vain to hide from it, warning of a disease coming from outer space that would claim many lives. And perhaps the dreamer, or his descendant, will be able to save humanity from it.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the philosopher, a tornado is a fairly simple symbol to interpret. Seen in a dream, it promises a meeting with a person whose acquaintance will change your ideas about life, about loved ones and acquaintances, and will bring serious life changes.

If the dreamer became injured or a victim of a tornado or hurricane, it is interpreted as disappointment in the usefulness of a recent acquaintance.

Seeing a tornado in a dream, which is approaching you every minute, means concern about the fate of a friend who, in your opinion, is unlucky in life. The dream gives a message not to interfere in a situation that may suit a friend.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician gives an unambiguous interpretation of this image from a dream, as a harbinger of cardinal changes in life.

A dream in which the sleeper observed the consequences of a hurricane or tornado promises cruel retribution for refusing to help when a request for this was made.

If the sleeper is caught by a whirlwind, this is the personification of a dizzying and very passionate sexual feeling. And if the sleeper was not harmed in this whirlwind, then this feeling will develop into new love and bring happiness.

What the elements promise

what time of day was the tornado

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to resist such a formidable and dangerous force as a raging tornado in life. Why do we see this image in our dreams? By looking at the details of dreams, we can more accurately understand the message:

  • observe the elements;
  • death from the elements;
  • in the whirlwind of a tornado, beloved;
  • dispelled the tornado with his hands;
  • time of day of the incident.

A dream where the sleeper has become an observer of a dangerous element foreshadows the invasion of an enemy superior in strength into your usual life. He will be very difficult to overcome. He, in turn, will try to influence the dreamer's fate in a radical and rather violent manner. This dream gives a message not to neglect the advice of elders. Perhaps in them you will find a clue to avoid moral and financial losses.

The interpretation of a dream, where the sleeper was a victim of the elements, died during the incident, carries unfavorable signs. He allows for a situation in which complete physical weakening is possible. Immobility and possible paralysis are possible if you do not take measures in time to allow your psyche to recover.

Why do you dream of a tornado that has caught your loved one in its whirlwind? This may indicate his secret passion for another woman, carefully hidden. But don’t rush to sort things out or bother with unnecessary questions. Otherwise, you yourself will push him to continue the relationship and cheat. Try to pleasantly surprise him with a visible change in yourself and in your intimate relationships. You'll see it works.

It happens in the plot of dreams that the dreamer is lucky enough to dispel the elements with his hands. This is a favorable sign. He promises that some event is coming that will give you unshakable confidence in yourself and your strengths, which will allow you to fight back against the person to whom you previously unconditionally and unquestioningly obeyed. However, be very careful, because such bold actions can provoke very serious conflicts.

The message of a dream in which a tornado played out at night calls for a quick important decision, because an unfavorable situation is looming over you. And delay is like death.

In the event that, quite unexpectedly, the elements raged during the day, this only foreshadows the aggravation of the spirit of competition and competition in entrepreneurial activity.

When in a dream you watch how a stranger was caught in a whirlwind of a tornado, and you want to help him, but you don’t know how. However, he copes on his own and is saved; this portends that you will perform very difficult and responsible work.

Your mark:

Once seen in reality, a tornado forever leaves a vivid memory. When determining why a tornado is dreamed of, various sources are based not only on the power of the natural phenomenon, but also on the symbolic meaning. After all, a funnel is a reflection of a spiral along which the development of many phenomena occurs.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a tornado in a dream

Dream book of Gustav Miller interprets the tornado that caught the sleeping person as ruined plans. Hearing the sound of an approaching tornado means anxiously waiting for something. Housing damaged by the elements warns of the need to change your life, including finding a new job or moving to another place of residence.

A dizzying whirlpool of events - this is what a tornado dreams about according to Vanga's dream book. To be injured is a symbol of the inevitability of punishment for the evil committed.

Arabic dream book suggests that if you constantly dream about a tornado, you cannot expect good things in life in the near future. For lovers, this is a sign of disappointment. Entrepreneurs will experience deterioration in health. Family dreamers are threatened by quarrels and conflicts with relatives. Those who love to travel can find themselves in dangerous situations along the way.

Imperial dream book interprets many tornadoes at the same time as physical weakness due to overexertion. Urgent rest is required.

Family dream book interprets a tornado as an inevitable test. There are not very positive changes ahead. Even if in a dream a tornado went around the house, in reality it will be difficult.

Dream Interpretation Tarot interprets a tornado as a symbol of danger. Plans will be destroyed, relationships will be broken.

Who dreams of a tornado in a dream

Dreamed tornado girl portends a bright love affair. However, you can’t count on a serious relationship. Passion will go out as quickly as it flares up.

A tornado serves as a symbol of future disappointment woman in a dream. The plans that the dreamer carefully built will turn out to be unrealized due to external circumstances.

Dreaming of a tornado as a warning about the rapid process of childbirth pregnant woman. They may well begin even earlier than the date expected by the gynecologist. Also, a dreamed manifestation of the elements predicts the birth of a boy.

Tornado man in a dream prophesies difficulties in reality. The dreamer will have to adjust his projects due to unexpected events, which will also be negative.

What kind of tornado did you dream about?

In order to accurately interpret what a tornado means in a dream, it is advisable to remember all the details of what you saw. The place of its formation and even the time of day in a dream matters.

Day typhoon a tornado means increased competition among colleagues. The nightly revelry of the elements foreshadows that important decisions will soon have to be made urgently. A quick reaction combined with the ability to instantly concentrate on a problem that suddenly arises will be required.

Dreamed tornado tornado- a bad sign. You will have to dramatically change the situation and type of activity. This is also a harbinger of fights in reality.

There is a high probability of falling into despair if you dreamed of a tornado Hurricane. Projects and plans will be destroyed.

To see in a dream how funnel a tornado grows out of the water - a symbol of trouble. They will be associated with the sleeper’s inability to control his own emotions and addictions to gambling. What the funnel in a dream pulls inward, there is a risk of losing in reality.

It is interpreted as a symbolic reflection of the internal struggle and contradictions tormenting the sleeper. water tornado. Seeing a rainbow in a dream after this riot of elements is an extremely positive sign. Thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances, you will be able to strengthen your position.

Dreamed strong wind and tornado interpreted as the end of a certain life period. Lessons should be learned from the past, then a leap in spiritual development will help make the next period more prosperous.

Major social upheavals foreshadow tsunami and tornado in a dream. The changes will not directly affect the sleeper, but the echoes of events will have a strong impact.

Signals the carelessness of the sleeper fiery tornado. The thirst for frivolous entertainment and a vibrant life can lead to serious troubles.

It’s worth taking a closer look at those around you and following their actions if you dreamed about black tornado. Someone nearby is preparing a dirty trick.

looming A tornado in a dream on loved ones signals defenselessness. We can only cope with unfavorable circumstances together.

If the funnel moves towards the dreamer, who is unable to move, it means that the character lacks determination. In reality, panic can prevent you from getting out of a difficult situation.

If you managed to hide, and the tornado coming at you, did not cause damage, the dream foreshadows painful activities. There is responsible, difficult, but very tedious work ahead. It will be impossible to refuse execution.

Changes in lifestyle means dreaming snow tornado. Demonstrated flexibility of character, help from friends and optimism will help you get out of the situation with minimal losses.

Where did you dream about the tornado?

A period of painful waiting for changes foreshadows a tornado outside the window in a dream. Fear of new circumstances is quite natural, but you should treat them more calmly so as not to waste your own nerves.

If you dreamed of a tornado in the city, which caused significant destruction, as reflected by the immodest attention to the dreamer’s person. In reality, the actions of an annoying gentleman or an annoying fan cause inconvenience and discomfort.

A warning about a serious deterioration in health is a dream about a tornado. on the sea. If the elements in the dream did not harm the dreamer, the ailment can be dealt with quickly enough.

Seen tornado in the distance means familiarity. Relationships with a new person will be uneven, and may even lead to trouble.

What were you doing during the tornado?

If you dreamed run away From a tornado, complex problems await you in reality. You won't be able to cope on your own. This is exactly the case when asking for help is not shameful. It was possible to successfully overtake the funnel - a good sign. You will be able to avoid getting into dangerous situations.

Get there being in a tornado in a dream, but not being afraid of it, is a dream with a positive meaning. Previously started tasks will be completed. It is also a symbol of a truly dizzying passion that will not have a long-term perspective.

When in a dream the tornado sucked in, raised up and then dropped to the ground - a harbinger of dangerous events. Your health will deteriorate sharply, and your finances will deteriorate. Being afraid of the elements is a warning sign. The planned projects will turn out to be fruitless, and the plot of the dream suggests that it is advisable to abandon their implementation.

To die in a dream from the elements is a sign of a serious illness. It is advisable to sign up for a medical examination immediately after waking up.

When you dream of a tornado, you should pay increased attention to the changes happening around you. This symbol suggests that flexibility of thinking will be required in the near future. Then the changes will not cause significant damage, and will even improve the quality of life.

Despite the fact that a tornado is considered a rare natural disaster, people dream about it quite often. Not everyone understands why a tornado dreams, because this atmospheric phenomenon symbolizes the power of nature, which is impossible to control. Much can be expected from such visions.

Not all dream books consider a tornado to be a prediction of destructive disasters and future troubles. In some cases, after seeing a vision, a person will experience wealth, prosperity, and great changes.

To build a correct idea of ​​the interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to compare all the interpretation options from different dream books:

  1. Grishina’s dream book states that such dreams warn a person about sin, tragedy or a fight. A bad sign is a vision in which the dreamer finds himself drawn into the epicenter of an event. Adding to the tragedy is a dream about a tornado with lightning, which portends death. Sometimes dreams about disasters experienced by the dreamer symbolize the end of a certain period in life.
  2. Miller claims that this bad weather is a sign that all the plans made can collapse at one moment. Also, a disaster in a dream prophesies losses. When formulating an interpretation, it is important to take into account the outcome of the event in the dream. If a hurricane destroyed a home, then this means a frequent change of place of residence. In addition, serious action is to be expected. If the dreamer is blown away by the wind, then this means that he is exposed to unjustified risk. When the dreamer managed to avoid the consequences of the hurricane, then this means that there is no need to worry, since all troubles will pass by.
  3. Freud believed that this disaster in a dream symbolizes a meeting with an interesting individual who can completely change not only the worldview, but also life itself. If in a dream a person suffered from the force of a hurricane, then the acquaintance will bring disappointment.
  4. According to Longo's dream book, a hurricane in a dream promises change. You should not count on a stable life, because it portends a disruption to the usual way of life. At the same time, the destruction as a consequence of a tornado represents retribution for help that was not provided on time. If the sleeper finds himself inside a tornado without being injured, then the dream portends great passion and happiness.
  5. Vanga's dream book tornado symbolizes not only passion, but also illness. Witnessing a tornado means that there will be events that will stop the development of life for a long time. The death of a relative during a tornado indicates that children will have to answer for all sins.

Hurricane, tornado outside the window

When you dream of a hurricane or tornado outside the window, then all unpleasant events can be dangerous for the dreamer. To avoid this, you need to do something, because inaction can only do harm and aggravate the situation. At the same time, one dreams of watching several hurricanes from the window as a warning about brewing quarrels and conflicts. In some cases, this means that soon the sleeper will observe the troubles of relatives and friends, but they will not be able to help.

Find yourself in the middle of a natural disaster

A tornado in a dream, which rushes towards the dreamer, signals approaching danger. When the dreamer finds himself right in the eye of a hurricane due to the fact that he has become petrified at the sight of an impending disaster, then the dream reflects his behavior in real life. This means that with any threat, a person is covered with a wave of panic. For the sleeper, the vision is an omen that he should be more confident.

On the other hand, Longo’s dream book foretells pleasant sensations for the dreamer. After a dream in which the sleeper was at the center of the event, a new love awaits the person. In addition, if the hurricane did not cause damage to the person, then the relationship will be secure. Otherwise, you will only get suffering from love.

When you had to save a friend from the elements, then get ready for a trip where there will be a lot of acquaintances and impressions.

Fire tornado

Dreams in which a fire tornado was seen indicate the dreamer’s general dissatisfaction with everything that is happening. Due to the fact that he does not know what to do correctly, he makes mistakes that have unpleasant consequences.

If from the window you can see a tornado on fire approaching, then the dream warns of committing frivolous acts. Therefore, when making any decision, you should carefully consider all options in order to prevent the emergence of a threat.

Why do you dream about a tornado?

If you dream of a tornado or tornado, then changes may soon occur that will affect all areas of activity. The roar of bad weather in dreams predicts a long wait. When a tornado passed through a house, leaving behind only destruction, this means that a person is faced with the task of changing his lifestyle, a new job awaits him. All attempts to prevent trouble dream of obtaining secret and valuable information.

Fleeing from the elements in a dream foreshadows a confrontation with a difficult situation that will need to be resolved immediately. The sleeper may have to resort to the help of relatives.

What does a dream mean for a woman, a man?

It should be noted that the dreamer’s gender has a primary influence on the interpretation of dreams:

  1. Women dream of a tornado on the eve of terrible disasters. You can escape from them only if in a dream the lady managed to find shelter and hide from the storm. In addition to the seriousness of the dream, a strong wind adds to the seriousness of the dream, tearing off all the leaves to the last. Moreover, if a tornado is accompanied by a thunderstorm with lightning, then for a woman this is considered a harbinger of the end of all troubles. Seeing how during a thunderstorm there was no thunder and lightning, but only black clouds that hung over a sleeping person, means that in real life close people are plotting.
  2. For men, a dream with a tornado has a different interpretation. Usually it dreams of changes and difficult trials. After seeing a hurricane in his dreams, he needs to be prepared for unforeseen situations that will be unpleasant for him. If during a tornado in visions a person could not do anything, then this means that in reality in such cases he easily succumbs to panic and fear. If a man hid from an approaching tornado, then he should prepare to do hard work.

Based on the above interpretations of dreams, we can conclude that often a tornado, tornado and hurricane in a dream symbolize disasters, and visions thus try to warn a person about troubles. By listening to the prompts of your own subconscious, you can prevent tragic events in reality.

A tornado is one of the destructive elements that not only brings serious losses, but can also take a person’s life. Seeing him in a dream, most often, a person does not expect anything good. This is partly true, but still in some dream books there is a positive interpretation. To find out the exact interpretation, you need to remember the main details of the dream, taking into account the emotional load. Comparison of the information received with reality events is also of great importance.

Why do you dream about a tornado?

Often such a dream warns that unexpected events will radically change life. The dream book recommends preparing for various trials and disasters. Seeing a tornado with lightning approaching is a signal of an existing mortal danger. If the storm subsides, this is a harbinger of the onset of a new life stage. A dream where you want to hide from a tornado predicts a chance to correct the current situation. Watching the storm from the side means that you should prepare for intense and responsible work ahead. If the shelter did not save you, this is an indication that you should show determination to cope with existing problems. Getting caught in a tornado in a dream means that in life you will expose yourself to mortal risk. The dream book recommends being the most collected and prudent person possible.

If you died due to a tornado, this is a harbinger of serious consequences, an existing problem. To see someone close to you being carried away by a tornado means that you will suffer due to an uncontrollable situation. A night vision in which a tornado sweeps away everything in its path indicates the completion of some stage in life, perhaps spiritual growth awaits you. To see a tornado that has passed by in a dream means that unpleasant life changes may soon occur. A dream where the storm is moving, but you cannot even move, is a symbol of the presence of a feeling of fear in reality.

If you hear the sound of a tornado, this is a symbol of a long wait, which causes discomfort. Seeing a storm at night means you should be careful and not make hasty decisions. If everything happened during the day, this is a sign of increased competition at work. Another popular dream, where a tornado destroyed a house, the interpretation of such a dream is neutral: you will often change either your place of residence or your place of work. One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about a tornado predicts a meeting with a person who will radically change his worldview and attitude towards others. Seeing people who suffered due to a tornado means that in the future you will have to deal with the problems of others.

Let's consider the interpretation of a dream about a tornado depending on the days of the week. If you saw it from Monday to Tuesday, this is a harbinger of impending life trials. Seeing a tornado in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday means that you will soon have to make excuses for a mistake that a close friend will make. A similar dream arose from Wednesday to Thursday - this a harbinger of conflicts and grievances that will arise due to trivial events. If you saw a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this is a warning about dramatic changes in your personal life. Seeing such a night vision from Friday to Saturday means you should expect trouble that will happen to a loved one. Night vision, where you look at the consequences of a tornado, warns that problems will soon arise that will arise due to the refusal to help a close friend.

Why do you dream of a tornado at sea?

Such a dream can be taken as a symbol of the existence of internal contradictions and conflicts. Soon you can expect numerous changes and interesting events.


A tornado in a dream warns of impending danger. Your reputation or position in society is at risk. There is still time to prevent the threat. The difficulty is that it is still unknown where to expect trouble. Therefore, it is advisable to strengthen your position in all areas.

What was the tornado in your dream?

Hurricane and tornado

Why do you dream of a fire tornado?

If you dreamed of a fiery tornado, the calm, measured flow of life does not suit you. You seek adventure and are willing to take risks to relieve boredom. Vivid emotions will not keep you waiting, however, as such an unusual vision warns, you may later regret your ardor.

The meaning of a dream in which there were many tornadoes

If in a dream you saw many tornadoes in the distance, the situation becomes tense. You may inadvertently find yourself in the center of a conflict or a loud scandal. If the elements were approaching you, it would be impossible to avoid a showdown under any circumstances. Therefore, you should mentally tune in and try not to take upcoming events to heart.

Where did you see a tornado in your dream?

If you dreamed of a tornado at sea

A dream in which there was a tornado at sea reflects the dreamer’s internal struggle. The conflict between your heart and mind will make you feel ambivalent. As the vision shows, for now you are inclined to give preference to the sensual side of your personality.

What does a tornado outside the window mean according to the dream book

A tornado that was outside the window in a dream is a warning that the unpleasant events you observe in real life can affect you too. Be careful, don’t sit idly by, start taking active action to prevent negative external influences from entering your life.


We will tell you why you dreamed about a tornado! The most detailed dream book

A tornado in a dream foreshadows global changes in a person’s life in extremely rare cases; most often, this vision is a warning of danger, so interpreters do not recommend ignoring it; it is better to try to do everything so that the dream does not turn into reality.

The Dream Book for the whole family tells the most about why a tornado is dreamed of; the authors believe that this dream is a warning that not very pleasant events will soon occur in the life of the sleeper and he should be prepared for this.

If the sleeper watches a tornado approaching him and does not even make an attempt to somehow save his life, then in reality something will make him experience panic. If the dreamer tries to hide from the air whirlwind, there is no need to worry about his fate, because good work and influential patrons await this person.

A dream in which the sleeper took refuge from a tornado, but his shelter turned out to be too flimsy, indicates that in reality he will have to make important decisions on which how worthy his future life will depend. If a person sleeping in a dream gets caught in a tornado and it picks him up and carries him in the air, it means that in real life he is exposing himself to unjustified risk.

Interpreters recommend paying special attention to the day of the week on which the dream occurred. For example, if an event occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday, then the sleeper will need help; a dream from Wednesday to Thursday indicates financial difficulties.

In the case when the vision occurred from Saturday to Sunday, higher powers want to warn the dreamer that he will soon need all his patience and endurance, since upcoming events will unsettle him from his usual life. A tornado at sea means internal conflicts and contradictions.

The modern dream book also believes that a tornado in a dream is a terrible phenomenon, foreshadowing troubles and disasters. A dreamed element can also mean that the sleeper needs to be more careful in his actions; he is probably overly carried away by passions and practically does not pay attention to the consequences; such frivolity may well lead to sad events. If a person in a dream tries to hide from a tornado that is overtaking him, it means that he still has some prudence and is trying to prevent impending troubles.

A dream in which a dreamer dies from a tornado that lifts him up warns of the presence of a serious illness, which, if not cured in time, can confine the dreamer to bed. If the elements did not overtake the sleeping person, but one of his relatives or friends, then the dreamer has a love affair with a special one, which he hides from everyone.

The Tarot Dream Interpretation is confident that a tornado in a dream predicts severe destruction and in real life, perhaps the sleeper will see with his own eyes a natural disaster or witness military action.

Longo's dream book associates such a vision with events that will completely change the sleeper's worldview and disrupt his usual way of life.

A dream in which a person considers the consequences of a tornado and does not even try to eliminate them warns that he will soon have to pay for his cruelty and unseemly actions. Probably, at some point, other people needed help and the dreamer was able to improve their lives, but he simply brushed aside other people’s problems, and now higher powers decided to punish him. If the sleeper managed to escape the bad weather, it means that a fleeting love affair awaits him in life, which will occupy all his thoughts for some time.

The women's dream book is sure that a tornado in a dream foreshadows changes in the life of the sleeper. Unfortunately, they will not be for the better; the interpreter recommends that the sleeper prepare, because serious disasters may await him. If a person sleeping in a dream hears the sound of a tornado, but does not see the element itself, then this indicates a painful wait. A dream in which someone close to the sleeper is carried away by a tornado indicates that he will suffer seriously as a result of an uncontrollable situation. If the elements destroyed the dreamer’s own home, it means that in real life he will have to change his place of residence or work, and this vision may also indicate the inconstancy of the dreamer.

In conclusion, it should be warned that when interpreting this dream, it is very important to remember at what time of day the event occurred, because if the tornado began during the day, then the troubles will be resolved by themselves, but if it was night in the dream, then this indicates that the sleeper will need help.


Tornado and flood

Dream Interpretation Tornado and flood dreamed of why you dream about a tornado and a flood? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Tornado and a flood in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Flood

Seeing a flood in a dream means troubles and misfortunes.

If you see a flood in a dream, then this foreshadows a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation. If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your home, then in reality difficulties and trials await you. If you see in a dream that a flood is carrying away people, then this portends you heavy losses and hopelessness. If you dream that there is a flood and the muddy water carries all kinds of garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, then this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation. If you see yourself drowning in muddy water, this is a warning of a serious debilitating illness.

If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this means that you are wasting your time in a fruitless struggle. If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, it means you have to make a lot of effort to overcome pressure from business partners. If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a harbinger of illness and you should take care of your health.

By the way, one day in Paris a brilliant society gathered in the house of a noble gentleman. Among the guests was the famous soothsayer Cazotte. The conversation also turned to the future. The ladies began to ask about what awaited them all. Cazotte at first refused, and then said that one of those present, Mr. Condorcet, would poison himself in prison, and the other, Chamfort, would cut his wrists. The rest will be beheaded. “What gloomy predictions,” exclaimed one of those present, but this won’t affect the ladies, will it? “You are mistaken, madam,” replied Cazotte, “the ladies will face the same fate, you will be executed.” These words made everyone feel uneasy. Then one of those present asked a question about what would happen to him. “You will become a priest,” the soothsayer answered him. This message caused laughter from everyone present, because La Harpe, to whom the last prediction was addressed, was known for his atheistic views. “What will happen to you?” - he asked the fortuneteller. “They will cut off my head,” was the answer. Casotta was not asked any more questions that evening.

At night Laharpe had a dream. He saw that Paris was flooded with water. There was a huge flood. He saw that garbage, things, corpses were floating, all mixed up, and the water was still rising. People try to escape, but they fail, because the water overwhelms them and carries them along with it. Laharpe saw with horror that the water had turned red and bloody waves were raging around. Laharpe became scared, he looked in a daze at the water approaching him. But horror pushed him to action, and he began to seek refuge from the terrible bloody flood. But there was no salvation anywhere. And suddenly he saw himself on the steps of some building. He looked up and realized it was a church.

Laharpe did not tell anyone about his dream. But a few years later the French Revolution occurred. All of Casotte's predictions came true, and he himself was executed by guillotine. Having seen with his own eyes all the horrors of the revolution, La Harpe found refuge in the church and became a priest. One day he saw from the gallery of the cathedral how crowds of people filled the streets of Paris. At that moment, he remembered his dream, when a bloody flood flooded the streets of the city, and he himself found salvation on the steps of the temple.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Flood

To see a dream in which a spring flood turned into a disastrous flood and a river overflowing its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring great profits.

Finding yourself surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe, means such a dream means the onset of events that will ruin all your plans.

If in a dream water has flooded your house and is rising quickly, it means that in reality you will face a stubborn struggle for your well-being. If you see that the water has begun to gradually subside, you will succumb to bad influence. If the water carried you away right from the bed, this portends a lucky find or unexpected happiness.

Swimming in cold water during a flood means repentance and recognition of your mistakes. Seeing people carried away by a flood means heavy losses and a bleak outlook.

Seeing a flood that has flooded vast expanses of coastal land portends well-being and peace, found after long hardships and ordeals.

Seeing yourself among rescuers during a severe flood is a harbinger of a serious illness, due to which you will not be able to complete an important task. If you find people drowned during a flood and catch their corpses, you will have a streak of failures in literally everything.

Dream Interpretation - Flood

Seeing a flood means money.

Seeing a very large flood means an attack from enemies.

A married woman sees a flood - a possible uterine disease.

An elderly man sees a flood - to a peaceful death.

If a girl sees a flood in a dream, it means her parents will agree to marry her loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Flood

Seeing a flood in a dream means various unfavorable events. If in a dream you see water coming to your feet, then in reality you will face troubles related to real estate. If you see that a flood is flooding your house, it means that you have big problems in your family life, the situation is so serious that you need to think, first of all, about your marriage. If you are single, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your admirer.

If you dream that during a flood the water is very cloudy, then this indicates troubles associated with intimate life. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to take your health seriously, as illness awaits you. And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the illness will be long-lasting and severe.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Flood

If a flood occurs in your home (for example, due to a burst pipe), you are at risk of serious illness.

In this case, imagine that the plumbers came, pumped out all the water - and your house is dry and warm again.

If you dreamed that you were looking out the window and seeing a street being flooded with streams of water, this means some changes in your life. If the water was clean and transparent, changes would be for the better. If the streams were stormy and muddy, everyday storms await you.

Imagine that the water is quickly leaving, the sun is coming out from behind the clouds, and everything is drying up in its rays.

If you dreamed that the water level had reached your window, the dream suggests that you urgently need to change something in your life. You just can’t muster your will and decide to take action, but life itself is pushing you towards this. You simply have no other choice.

Imagine that you are launching a boat right out of the window, getting into it and sailing through calm, clear water.

Seeing a city or village flooded by stormy water, demolished roofs, floating debris, broken trees - big troubles await you both in your personal and business life. Such a dream foreshadows financial losses, betrayal of friends, misunderstanding of loved ones.

Imagine that the flood is not real: you are in a cinema watching a disaster film. The screen goes dark, the lights turn on, and you leave the room. The street is dry and clean, there is no flooding.



Did you dream about why you dream about Tornadoes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tornadoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see a tornado approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are watching it carefully, this is a sign that you will soon have to do difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Seeing a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means needing someone’s help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then you will soon have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions and don’t think much about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even leave you bedridden.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates passionate love, which is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If you dream of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon to one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Seeing the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay severely for not wanting to provide help when you were asked for it.

Caught in a tornado: you will experience a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of your elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado, tornado

So, it's common to dream about a tornado or waterspout in your sleep, isn't it? Moreover, it often happens that a tornado or tornado walks somewhere nearby, destroying something, destroying it, breaking it, carrying it away, but personally the trouble will pass you by, and you are just an observer.

However, there is another picture... A tornado touches you in some way, or even picks you up, spins you around... And a disaster happens :-) right?

Sometimes even a tornado doesn’t hit you directly with a funnel and doesn’t carry you away, but the consequences of its destructive process, so to speak, hit you indirectly. For example, shrapnel or objects cause you wounds, scratches, bruises, or even maim or even kill you.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

There will be changes in your life that will upset you.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Time passes, something changes around you, but everything doesn’t seem to move... And you are no longer the same, but still... There are dreams, the horizon is wide, there is an opportunity to plunge into something very fast and scary, but yet attractive, if you look at it from the outside. Apparently, you’ll plunge in anyway, and you won’t be able to do anything about it: “dear mom” usually doesn’t help...

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Such a dream can encourage a person to eccentric behavior, shocking behavior, but you are trying to hide from a tornado, this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence, the tornado is rushing past.


Tornado hurricane whirlwind

Dream Interpretation Tornado hurricane whirlwind dreamed of why you dream of a tornado hurricane whirlwind? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a tornado hurricane whirlwind in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see a tornado approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are watching it carefully, this is a sign that you will soon have to do difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Seeing a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means needing someone’s help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then you will soon have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions and don’t think much about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even leave you bedridden.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates passionate love, which is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If you dream of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon to one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Whirlwind

Seeing a whirlwind in a dream means learning something secret.

If in a dream you were whirled by a sand whirlwind, then this indicates that you are in doubt and do not know how to resolve the current situation. When you dream that a whirlwind is overtaking you, it means that you will not be able to hide from problems all the time, they will still have to be solved.

If in a dream you resist a whirlwind, then in reality you make a lot of efforts to find the most successful way out of a difficult situation. If you see in a dream that a whirlwind has swirled around you, then this indicates that some major financial losses await you.

When you dream that a whirlwind breaks trees and sweeps away everything in its path, this is a sign that your efforts to achieve some goal will be crowned with success and all obstacles in your path will be eliminated.

If you see a whirlwind in a dream from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that they are hiding something from you, but soon the secret will be revealed. If you see such a dream from Friday to Saturday, then someone is showing excessive curiosity about your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Hurricane

Seeing a hurricane in a dream means obstacles.

If you see a hurricane in a dream, it means that the plans you had in mind will not come true. If in a dream you hear the roar of a hurricane, then in reality you will be inactive in a situation that requires decisive action. If you dream that a hurricane has destroyed your home, then this is a warning that you will have to move frequently and change jobs. If in a dream you see the destruction caused by a hurricane, then this indicates that misfortunes will not affect you personally.

If you see a hurricane from Sunday to Monday, then you will face a reprimand from your superiors and, possibly, a demotion. If you dreamed of a hurricane from Tuesday to Wednesday, then you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and experience financial difficulties. A hurricane dreamed of from Friday to Saturday warns that you will have to do humiliating and dirty work. If you see a hurricane in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will have to do things that will not bring you any benefit or satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Whirlwind

A whirlwind in a dream means dizzying changes, but not good ones.

If in a dream you see that a whirlwind has swirled around you, then you will soon find yourself drawn into an unpleasant matter associated with the increased interest of third parties in certain documents that you have. These people will be willing to do anything to get them. The dream tells you that you should not keep them with you. Seeing a whirlwind spinning is a sign of great unrest and obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Seeing the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay severely for not wanting to provide help when you were asked for it.

Caught in a tornado: you will experience a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Hurricane

If you feel a hurricane approaching in a dream, then this indicates that you are overwhelmed by passions. If you dream of a hurricane, it means you are about to make changes in your life. But if you hear the frightening roar of a hurricane, this indicates that you may not be able to cope with yourself and all the changes in life that will happen to you will bring you nothing but trouble.

If you are trying to take refuge from a hurricane, to hide, then this indicates that you want to achieve peace in life and good, smooth relationships with others. If you managed to hide from the hurricane, this indicates that you will be able to pull yourself together and thus you will be able to avoid many troubles.

Seeing the consequences of a hurricane in a dream means going through difficult times, your health may deteriorate and relationships with loved ones will not improve for a very long time. Seeing a hurricane from Monday to Tuesday is a sign of major troubles at work, which can lead to loss of work. If you dream about a hurricane from Thursday to Friday, then your relationship with your loved one is in danger. The hurricane that you see in a dream from Friday to Saturday indicates the appearance of a stranger in your life with whom you will experience a whirlwind romance.

Dream Interpretation - Hurricane

If you find yourself in a hurricane in a dream, in reality you will experience despair due to the failure of your long-cherished plans that were supposed to lead you to your cherished goal.

The roar of a hurricane wind heard in a dream foreshadows a painful wait, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse.

If in a dream a hurricane destroys your house, then you will have to change your lifestyle. You may have to move frequently and change jobs.

A dream in which you saw only the consequences of a terrible hurricane means that misfortune will not affect you personally.

If in your dream you yourself or someone else suffered from a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you may bring you trouble.

If you saw a hurricane approaching in a dream, then in reality you are concerned about the fate of your friend, who is not very lucky in his personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Hurricane

A hurricane in a dream is a blow of fate that you have to come to terms with.

A hurricane in a dream, which sweeps away everything in its path, portends losses, damages and failure of your plans. If in a dream a hurricane destroys your home, then a change of place of residence awaits you. See interpretation: wind, house, trees.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of your elders and try to keep your mouth shut.


White tornado

Dream Interpretation White tornado dreamed of why a White tornado is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White tornado in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see a tornado approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are watching it carefully, this is a sign that you will soon have to do difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Seeing a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means needing someone’s help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then you will soon have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions and don’t think much about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even leave you bedridden.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates passionate love, which is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If you dream of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon to one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Seeing the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay severely for not wanting to provide help when you were asked for it.

Caught in a tornado: you will experience a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of your elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of disgrace, shame and need. Such a dream can also foretell you losing your job or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. Seeing your underwear or the underwear of a loved one dirty, greasy, burnt in a dream is a very bad omen, which foretells you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from your loved one or divorce. Putting on clean underwear in a dream means receiving good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other’s sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to get married is mutual. For the rest, the dream predicts success in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothing.

A dream in which you see yourself dressed in underwear surrounded by strangers means that many trials, shame and hardships await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you undressed, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see that you are getting into an elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly begins to move up, then, contrary to your expectations, great success awaits you, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big troubles. See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress down to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover’s underwear, then you will face a lot of worries and troubles because of your frivolous behavior, which will become known known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval towards you. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries about your lover, who will have a lot of problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long disagreement. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to furnish your home or improve relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your underwear is a harbinger of physical illness, surgery and stress that will affect the rest of your life. See interpretation: blood.

For a woman to put on beautiful underwear in front of a mirror in a dream - a sign of disappointed hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends separation from your loved one and the collapse of your plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing underwear that he has never worn before, then a lot of disappointments await you. Such a dream foretells you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear mean receiving an inheritance and marrying a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding laundry in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - White

White color generally signifies positive changes in life. White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment and wild life. White bread - prosperity and profit. A white shirt means good news; wearing it means experiencing pleasant sensations. Having white teeth means good health, hair means good luck. Seeing a white kitten means avoiding trouble; a cat means uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White swan - wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. White horse or knight - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter. White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

Whitening something means participating in a celebration. To whiten yourself means to receive an unexpected gift. Seeing whitewash or holding it in your hands is a sign of joy. Negative consequences can be caused by visions that are truly fantastic, for example: a white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but melancholy and illness. However, in any case, timely caution, presence of mind and support from friends can help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing women's underwear - your mistrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with a person dear to you. Seeing underwear hanging on a line - your relationship with your loved one, exposed to the public, will lead to separation from the one you care about. Wash your underwear - your rash steps will make you feel shame, which you will want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs.

Imagine covering your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket).

Dirty laundry - your career is in danger. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty linen - a dream warns of the imminent danger of shame. You may find yourself in an awkward situation because of your ambitions. Seeing another person in dirty laundry means you have to learn about the unworthy actions of the owner of the dirty laundry. To avoid publicity, the owner of the linen will try in every possible way to denigrate you or drag you into a matter that could compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will cut the ground from under your feet.

Mentally prolong your sleep and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry gets into the shower and a large stream of water washes away all the problems (see Shower).

Selling lingerie - you will cause quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives.

Try to refuse to visit your loved ones in the coming days, no matter how much they insist on meeting you.

Dream Interpretation - White something

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

The white rat shows the way to the treasure - cooperation and support from someone.

White elephant - foreshadows appointment to a position.

White dolphin - foreshadows appointment to a position.

Covering yourself with a white blanket means great luck and benefit.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - great happiness, good luck.

Riding a white horse means illness.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness and good luck.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

If you see yourself dressed in white clothes, someone is plotting something against you.


Tsunami tornado

Dream Interpretation Tornado tsunami dreamed of why you dream about a tsunami tornado in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Tsunami Tornado in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see a tornado approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are watching it carefully, this is a sign that you will soon have to do difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Seeing a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means needing someone’s help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then you will soon have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions and don’t think much about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even leave you bedridden.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates passionate love, which is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If you dream of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon to one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Seeing the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay severely for not wanting to provide help when you were asked for it.

Caught in a tornado: you will experience a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Tsunami - Stormy events in social life that can overwhelm you.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of your elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

You will be overcome by powerlessness and weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami (wave, waves)

A scandal will break out with the mother of the husband or wife.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

There will be repentance for what you have done.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

If a man had a dream, you will soon receive a promotion. To make this happen faster, gargle with sea water for a week.

If a woman had a dream, then someone is trying to take your husband away from you. To preserve your family hearth, add a drop of your blood every day to the coffee or tea that your loved one drinks.



Dream Interpretation Waterspout dreamed of why you dream about a waterspout? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Waterspout in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see a tornado approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are watching it carefully, this is a sign that you will soon have to do difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Seeing a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means needing someone’s help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then you will soon have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream means trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions and don’t think much about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this indicates that you are still trying to maintain prudence. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even leave you bedridden.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates passionate love, which is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If you dream of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon to one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Seeing the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay severely for not wanting to provide help when you were asked for it.

Caught in a tornado: you will experience a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of your elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Water polo

Dream hint: diseases from which you can get out if you use hydrotherapy.

Dream Interpretation - Water skiing

Mind-blowing entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado, tornado

So, it's common to dream about a tornado or waterspout in your sleep, isn't it? Moreover, it often happens that a tornado or tornado walks somewhere nearby, destroying something, destroying it, breaking it, carrying it away, but personally the trouble will pass you by, and you are just an observer.