I dreamed of a burn on my hand. Why do you dream about a burn? What do dreams mean? Burn

Seeing a person with a burn on his body means problems ahead associated with the envy and meanness of your friend. The injuries were old - you will be able to uncover the deception.

How exactly did you get burned?

If you dreamed about the process of getting burned by a suddenly appearing fire or explosion, a difficult period is coming, filled with hardships and troubles. You were engulfed in flames and felt pain - there are too many lies in life, both your own and those of the people around you, start making changes with yourself. If you step on something hot, you will achieve a lot with your own perseverance. A burn with boiling water, steam - such a dream promises a long search for your other half. It was an iron or a frying pan - the understanding that your future depends on some person greatly irritates you and prevents you from making the right decision. Sunburn - the dreamer’s arrogance will lead to loneliness. If it was any stove, oven - the dream foreshadows the impossibility of career growth.

Burnt body part

You had a dream in which the burn was on your arm or arms - material well-being will be very difficult for you, more morally than physically. Burnt feet- if you can overcome the test of glory now, then you will achieve prosperity in the future. It was your back or stomach - your reputation will suffer, but if it is your face - actions committed in the past will become an obstacle on the path to a happy life. Burnt finger - a dream predicts dissatisfaction with family life and the search for happiness on the side.

Treat the burn

Apply a compress to it, smear it with some ointment, oil - only self-control will help you get away with it. If you dreamed of a burn scar, you will suddenly become rich. Blisters are a sign that you will find yourself in a situation, the consequences of which will have to be eliminated for a long time.

Burns- this is good news.

Burn your hands with a clean, flowing flame- means purity of thoughts and approval of friends.

Burn your feet while walking through coals or ashes- means your ability to complete any undertaking, no matter how impossible it may seem to others.

The dream also promises- that your good health will remain with you; but if the fire captures you, the dream foretells that your interests will suffer from the betrayal of those whom you considered friends.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you were scalded- portends loneliness, which will replace the happy days of love.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Burn in a dream- a sign of suddenly surging feelings.

If, having been burned in a dream, you do not see any unpleasant ulcers or blisters on your skin- this means that you anticipate some events or meetings that will amaze you to the core and cause a powerful surge of emotions. Perhaps you will unexpectedly run into a person you are trying to avoid, or something that you fear will happen.

Ulcers and blisters from burns in a dream- a sign that unexpected events can be very painful for you and will lead to serious conflicts.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you received a severe burn from grabbing a hot frying pan- then in reality you will experience all the unpleasant sensations that feelings of jealousy bring. Getting burned by an iron- portends strong excitement in anticipation of a decision on which your entire future fate will depend.

Burn on hands- means long-term abstinence from intimacy with men; a burnt finger is a sign of remarriage. Burn your feet on hot coals- being late will cost you too much. A spot on the face from an old burn- such a dream suggests that you will have to come to terms with what you have, otherwise you may lose this too.

If in a dream you received a burn from some kind of explosion- you are in danger of an accident, so be extremely careful, especially on the road. Get burned on a red-hot iron stove- to the difficulties of growing in a new business for you. Getting burned by a violently flared gas stove flame- disappointments await you, which will be replaced by wild joy.

A dream in which you were burned by nettles- means that your dissatisfaction with yourself will spill over onto those around you, only in this way will you, as always, find peace of mind.

English dream book

Burn- after such a dream, an unpleasant feeling remains, but it does not foretell anything bad. On the contrary, this dream promises you health, happiness and friendly care.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Burns seen in a dream- symbolize bad news regarding your new admirer, which will either disappoint you or distract your attention from him.

If in a dream you yourself received a burn- in real life, major troubles await you, and your loved one will help you cope with them.

Esoteric dream book

See it on your body- you will be passionately loved.

Feel the pain of the burn yourself- you will “burn” with passion, but it will not bring you joy.

On someone else's body- someone is looking for your sympathy and pity, but this will take away a lot of your vital energy.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about Burn - psychological interpretation:

Burn - If you dreamed of burns, then good news awaits you.

To see that you have burned your hands with flames from a fire - this means the purity of your thoughts and the approval of your close friends.

Seeing that you have burned your feet while walking through coals or ashes means that you can complete any undertaking, no matter how difficult it may seem to others.

Such a dream also suggests that your good health will remain with you.

To see that the fire has completely engulfed you, foretells that your interests will suffer due to the betrayal of those whom you considered your true friends.

See also: why do you dream about fire, why do you dream about flames, why do you dream about the Sun.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of a Burn, what does it mean:

Burn - To see that your hands are burned means wealth awaits you.

To see that your feet are burned means you will achieve fame.

To experience a sunburn - you will soon have a new faithful friend.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Burn according to the dream book:

Burn - To see that you have received a severe burn - then you will have to experience a feeling of jealousy.

To see that you get a burn from an iron - this portends that you will be very worried while waiting for a decision on which your entire future life will depend.

A burn on your hands means that you will have to experience prolonged abstinence from intimacy with men.

Why dream of seeing a burnt finger - then you will remarry.

If you see that your feet are burned on hot coals, then your lateness will cost you a lot.

A spot on your face from an old burn means that you will be forced to come to terms with what you have, otherwise you may lose this too.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Burn, what does it mean:

Burn - Feel the burn - learn good news or make a new friendship. If you feel pain from a burn, you will suffer from failures in love affairs. Burn your hand - to wealth; leg - to glory; the whole body - to disrepute. If the skin is covered with burns, then you will receive a profit or an expensive gift. A dream in which you are scalded by boiling water is unfavorable: it promises some sad event that will dash your joyful expectations.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of a burn according to the dream book:

Burn - Fire is a symbol of passion and vivid emotions, and therefore seeing a burn from fire in a dream is a good sign. But if you dreamed that you were being burned by acid or some chemicals, then in real life you are taking unnecessary risks and there is a very high chance that everything will end very badly.

If you dreamed of a burn (from fire) on your hand, then in reality your ideas will be recognized as almost brilliant and many will follow them. You are considered an impartial and fair person, and therefore many turn to you for help or advice.

If you had a dream in which you burned your legs with a flame, then at the moment you feel a surge of strength and are able to complete any task, even if it initially seems impossible. It is worth taking advantage of this favorable period for beginnings and starting to achieve your goals with tripled energy - the result will not be long in coming.

But if in a dream the fire captured you entirely, this is not a very good sign; your impulsiveness can lead to disastrous consequences. And the most offensive thing is that these consequences could have been avoided if you had given yourself the trouble to stop and think a little.

Why does a woman dream of a burn:

Burns can have different interpretations.

If someone sees traces of old burns on the skin in a dream, he will soon find a treasure, which will lead him to great happiness. If he disposes of this treasure in accordance with the instructions of the Almighty, he will be rewarded. If he uses it without obeying the commandments of the Lord, it will be consigned to the fire along with its treasures on the day of the final Judgment.

They say that traces of old or recent burns portend an effective cure for the disease, but provided that there is no crust from burns on the scars.

They also say that a burn is a symbol of offensive words.

Others believe that a round-shaped burn indicates that the author of the dream, exercising the power entrusted to him, will make a decision that does not correspond to the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Burns can also portend marriage or the birth of a son in a dream.

1 Burn by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a burn in a dream means:

Getting a burn in a dream means being very disappointed in someone.

1 Burn by Idiomatic dream book

“The heat of love or friendship” - luck in reality; “to get burned in some matter” is a mistake, a failure in business.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Burn by English dream book

A burn in a dream means:

After such a dream, an unpleasant feeling remains, but it does not foretell anything bad. On the contrary, this dream promises you health, happiness and friendly care.

1 Burn by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Burn dream meaning:

Getting a burn in a dream means falling passionately in love at first sight.

1 Burn by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Painful experiences.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Burn according to the Online Dream Book

According to the dream book, a burn warns that someone will secretly cause you all sorts of inconvenience.

To see how it has appeared on your body - you will be overwhelmed by the problems that will fall on you in huge numbers.

To dream that you are engulfed in flames means that your affairs will go extremely badly due to the fact that your deceitful friends will harm you.

Burns on your feet from walking on a smoldering fire - now you can achieve absolutely everything you want.

If it hurts a lot, you will fall head over heels in love, but this will only bring you problems.

If you dreamed that you received a burn on your hand, this is a sure sign that you are a kind and sincere person; those around you feel this and strive to always be near you.

According to the dream book, burns on the body warn that your reputation and good name may be seriously damaged, try to prevent this.

If in a dream a high temperature led to a burn on your face, you should treat yourself with more love and respect, otherwise it will negatively affect not only your business, but also your health, you need to undergo a full medical examination to prevent some serious illness .

If you dream that you got a sunburn, it means that you have some bad habits or addictions, try to get rid of them. Or there is a person in your environment who, hiding behind good intentions, confuses you.

1 Burn by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Burn in a dream means:

Good, happy news.

If you get burned in a dream from an open fire or flame - close friends stand in solidarity with you in all your endeavors and will gladly help in the fulfillment of your noble and merciful plans.

Getting burned by hot coals or ashes from a fire means good health, good and wonderful deeds, a lot of strength and opportunity to complete any, even the most complex and difficult task.

1 Burn by Esoteric dream book

See it on your body - you will be passionately loved.

Feeling the pain of a burn yourself means you will “burn” with passion, but it will not bring you joy.

On someone else's body - someone is looking for your sympathy and pity, but this will take a lot of vital energy from you.

1 Burn by Tsvetkov's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a burn:

A body burn is a bad name; hands - wealth; legs - glory; feeling the burn is a new friend.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Burn by Jewish dream book

Why does a woman dream of a burn:

Getting a burn A dream you had on Monday night means that you will be greatly disappointed; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the dream means that in the coming days you will witness an unusual and difficult to explain incident; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he warns: they will try to deceive you.

1 Burn by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing a burn in a dream means:

Bodies are a bad name;

hands - wealth;

legs are glory.

Also see Fire, Set on fire.

1 Burn by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A burn in a dream in the dream book is interpreted as:

You see a burn in a dream - in reality, some good news will reach you. You burned your hands in a bright fire - you never deceive yourself, do not be cunning with people; those around you constantly see confirmation of the purity of your thoughts, the sincerity of your intentions - you have a wonderful future. It’s as if you were walking barefoot on the coals and burned your feet - any task that you undertake, you will be able to complete; Other people will feel more confident around you. In a dream, fire engulfed you, and you seemed to be burning alive - the dream warns: there are friends near you that you should not rely on.

1 Burn by Danilova's erotic dream book

A burn in a dream means:

Burns seen in a dream symbolize bad news regarding your new admirer, which will either disappoint you or distract your attention from him.

If in a dream you yourself received a burn, in real life you will face major troubles, which your loved one will help you cope with.

1 Burn by Slavic dream book

Burn dream meaning:

Bodies are a bad name; the feeling of a burn - new friendship, exciting news.

1 Burn by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a burn:

Burns on the body - money; exposure.

A body burn is a failure in business or relationships; hands - receiving money; friendly disposition towards the sleeping person; legs - a risky or successful step (in life, relationships).

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Burn by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

What a burn can mean in a dream:

A dream in which you were scalded foreshadows loneliness, which will replace happy days of love.

1 Burn according to the Small Dream Book

Burn in a dream means:

If you dreamed that you were burned, then in real life you should be prepared for the fact that difficult life circumstances will not allow your hopes for the best to come true.

1 Burn according to Miller's dream book

If a girl dreams of a burn, it means:

Burns – Burns are good news. Burning your hands with a clean, flowing flame means purity of thoughts and the approval of friends. Burning your feet while walking through coals or ashes means your ability to complete any undertaking, no matter how impossible it may seem to others. The dream also predicts that your good health will remain with you; but if the fire captures you, the dream foretells that your interests will suffer from the betrayal of those whom you considered friends.

Burn - Body - a mistake in business, relationships; hands - receiving money; friendly disposition towards the sleeping person; legs - a risky or successful step (in life, relationships). A burn is a painful experience. Burn - Getting burned A dream you had on Monday night means that you will be greatly disappointed; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the dream means that in the coming days you will witness an unusual and difficult to explain incident; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he warns: they will try to deceive you.

1 Burn by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why does a woman dream of a burn:

Burn – “The heat of love or friendship”; “to get burned in some matter” is a mistake, a failure in business. Burn - Bodies - notoriety; hands - wealth; legs are glory. Burn - Burns seen in a dream symbolize bad news regarding your new admirer, which will either disappoint you or distract your attention from him. You yourself received a burn; in reality, major troubles await you, which your loved one will help you cope with.

Burn - Bodies - notoriety; hands - wealth; legs are glory. Burn - Bodies - notoriety; feeling of a burn - new friendship, exciting news. Burn – To see you on your body in a dream will make you passionately loved. Feeling the pain of a burn yourself will make you “burn” with passion, but it will not bring you joy. Someone is looking for your sympathy and pity on someone else’s body, but this will take away a lot of your vital energy - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

1 Burn by Dream book alphabetically

Seeing a burn in a dream means:

If in a dream you received a severe burn from grabbing a hot frying pan, then in reality you will experience all the unpleasant sensations that feelings of jealousy bring. Getting a burn from an iron portends strong anxiety in anticipation of a decision on which your entire future fate will depend.

A burn on the hands means long-term abstinence from intimacy with men, a burnt finger is a sign of remarriage. Burn your feet on hot coals - being late will cost you too much. A spot on the face from an old burn - such a dream suggests that you will have to come to terms with what you have, otherwise you may lose this too.

If in a dream you received a burn from some kind of explosion, you are in danger of an accident, so be extremely careful, especially on the road. Getting burned on a red-hot iron stove means difficulties growing in a new business for you. Getting burned by a strongly flared flame of a gas stove means disappointment awaits you, which will be replaced by intense joy.

Interpretation of a dream about a burn:

A sign of sudden feelings.

If, having been burned in a dream, you do not see any unpleasant ulcers or blisters on your skin: this means that you are anticipating some events or meetings that will amaze you to the core and cause a powerful surge of emotions. Perhaps you will unexpectedly run into a person you are trying to avoid, or something that you fear will happen.

Ulcers and blisters from a burn in a dream: a sign that unexpected events can be very painful for you and will lead to serious conflicts.

1 Burn according to Rommel's Dream Book

A burn in a dream predicts:

Feeling a burn in a dream means learning good news or making a new friendship.

If you feel pain from a burn, you are suffering from failures in love affairs.

Burning your hand means wealth.

Leg - to glory.

The whole body is a disgrace.

If the skin is covered with burns, receive a profit or an expensive gift.

1 Burn by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream about Burn:

The presence of extrasensory abilities.

Receive a penalty.

A person older in age and position will scold you.

1 Burn by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a burn, a swollen red place, a blister or something similar in a dream means an unexpected dirty trick that will make you feel uneasy.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Burn in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Burn” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

English dream book

Burn - after such a dream, an unpleasant feeling remains, but it does not bode well. On the contrary, this dream promises you health, happiness and friendly care.

Idiomatic dream book

"The Heat of Love or Friendship"- good luck in reality; "to get burned by something"- a mistake, a failure in business.

Islamic dream book

Burns can have different interpretations.

If someone sees traces of old burns on the skin in a dream- he will soon find a treasure, which will lead him to great happiness. If he disposes of this treasure in accordance with the instructions of the Almighty, he will be rewarded. If he uses it without obeying the commandments of the Lord, it will be consigned to the fire along with its treasures on the day of the final Judgment.

They say that traces of old or recent burns- portend an effective cure for the disease, but provided that there is no crust from burns on the scars.

It is also said that the burn- a symbol of offensive words.

Others believe that the burn is round in shape- indicates that the author of the dream, exercising the power entrusted to him, will make a decision that does not correspond to the Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and greet him.

Burns can also portend marriage or the birth of a son in a dream.

Maly Velesov dream book

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream of a Burn?

Burn - the presence of extrasensory abilities. Receive a penalty; a person older in age and position will scold you.

New dream book 1918

A body burn is a bad name; hands - wealth; legs are glory.

A body burn is a bad name; the feeling of a burn - new friendship, exciting news.

Family dream book

Dreaming of burns means good news.

If you burn your hands with flames- your thoughts are pure, and your friends approve and support you.

Burnt your feet while walking through coals or ashes- you can carry out any undertaking, even the most seemingly impossible one. This dream also foretells good health for you.

But if the fire engulfed you entirely- your interests will suffer from the betrayal of those whom you considered friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Burn?

If you dream that you are burned- the dream predicts that difficult life circumstances will destroy your hopes for the best.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which you were scalded- portends loneliness, which will replace the happy days of love.

Dream book for a bitch

A burn is good, happy news.

Getting burned in a dream from an open fire or flame- close friends stand in solidarity with you in all your endeavors and will gladly help in the fulfillment of your noble and merciful plans.

Getting burned by hot coals or ashes from a fire- good health, good and wonderful deeds, a lot of strength and opportunity to complete any, even the most complex and difficult task.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A burn in a dream is a sign of suddenly surging feelings.

If, having been burned in a dream, you do not see any unpleasant ulcers or blisters on your skin- this means that you anticipate some events or meetings that will amaze you to the core and cause a powerful surge of emotions. Perhaps you will unexpectedly run into a person you are trying to avoid, or something that you fear will happen.

Ulcers and blisters from burns in a dream- a sign that unexpected events can be very painful for you and will lead to serious conflicts.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Get a burn in a dream- to be very disappointed in someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Get a burn in a dream- fall passionately in love at first sight.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a burn, swollen red area, blister or something similar in a dream- this is an unexpected dirty trick that will make you feel uneasy.

Miller's Dream Book

Burns are good news.

Burn your hands with a clean, flowing flame- means purity of thoughts and approval of friends.

It means your ability to complete any undertaking, no matter how impossible it may seem to others.

The dream also promises that your good health will remain with you; but if the fire takes you- the dream foretells that your interests will suffer from the betrayal of those whom you considered friends.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Burn in a dream?

If in a dream you received a severe burn from grabbing a hot frying pan- then in reality you will experience all those unpleasant sensations that feelings of jealousy bring. Getting burned by an iron- portends strong excitement in anticipation of a decision on which your entire future fate will depend.

A burn on the hands means long-term abstinence from intimacy with men, burnt finger- a sign of remarriage. Burn your feet on hot coals- being late will cost you too much. A spot on the face from an old burn- such a dream suggests that you will have to come to terms with what you have, otherwise you may lose this too.

If in a dream you received a burn from some kind of explosion- you are in danger of an accident, so be extremely careful, especially on the road. Get burned on a red-hot iron stove- to the difficulties of growing in a new business for you. Getting burned by a violently flared gas stove flame- disappointments await you, which will be replaced by wild joy.

A dream in which you were burned by nettles- means that your dissatisfaction with yourself will spill over onto those around you, only in this way will you, as always, find peace of mind.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Partial burns in sleep- portend good news.

If you dream that you burned your hands with a clear, flowing flame- your thoughts are pure and worthy of the approval of others.

Burn your feet while walking through coals or ashes- means that you are able to complete any undertaking, no matter how impossible it may seem to others.

If the fire has taken you completely- your interests will suffer from the betrayal of those whom you considered your friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Burn according to the dream book?

Burns on the body - money; exposure.

A body burn is a failure in business or relationships; hands - receiving money; friendly disposition towards the sleeping person; legs - a risky or successful step (in life, relationships).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A body burn is a bad name; hands - wealth; legs - glory; feeling the burn is a new friend.

Esoteric dream book

See it on your body- you will be passionately loved.

Feel the pain of the burn yourself- you will “burn” with passion, but it will not bring you joy.

On someone else's body - someone is looking for your sympathy and pity, but this will take a lot of vital energy from you.

Erotic dream book

Burns seen in a dream- symbolize bad news regarding your new admirer, which will either disappoint you or distract your attention from him.

If in a dream you yourself received a burn- in real life, major troubles await you, and your loved one will help you cope with them.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Burn according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a burn warns that someone will secretly cause you all sorts of inconvenience.

More interpretations

See how it appeared on your body- you will be overwhelmed by the problems that will fall on you in huge numbers.

Dreaming that you are engulfed in flames- your affairs will go extremely badly due to the fact that your deceitful friends will harm you.

Burns on the feet from walking on a smoldering fire- now you can achieve absolutely everything you want.

If it hurts a lot- fall head over heels in love, but this will only bring you problems.

I dreamed that you got a burn on your hand- this is a sure sign that you are a kind and sincere person; those around you feel this and strive to always be near you.

According to the dream book, burns on the body warn that your reputation and good name may be seriously damaged, try to prevent this.

If in a dream a high temperature led to a burn on the face- you should treat yourself with more love and respect, otherwise it will negatively affect not only your business, but also your health; you need to undergo a full medical examination to prevent some serious illness.

Dreaming that you got a sunburn- it means you have some bad habits or addictions, try to get rid of them. Or there is a person in your environment who, hiding behind good intentions, confuses you.

Video: Why do you dream about a Burn?

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Did you dream about a Burn, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Burn in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I dreamed today that I was a combat fighter pilot and was carrying out some kind of mission. Then a plane appeared in front of me, it was clear that it was enemy, I shot it down, but it also hit my plane and I had to eject. For some reason, I was without a parachute and flew straight into the lake, the altitude was not very high, and the lake was deep, so I survived. After this there is a picture: I am sitting with my friends at the table, they are telling me about what a hero I am and what a great deed I have done. But at the same time, I saw from the side that my whole face was burned, my forehead was badly burned, and my eyebrows were generally crusty. There were small red dots on my cheeks, which I realized were blisters. In the dream there was a feeling that this would all soon heal and become less scary, but at the same time none of my friends paid any attention to my face, as if they had never seen it.
    Why such a dream?

    Hello. Today, between Friday and Saturday, I saw my hand. I examine it from all sides, and I am horrified: the hand is red in places, with burns, but without crusts and blisters. It is swollen, hot, and the pumping finger is most damaged: he is the only finger that is so swollen, sticks out straight and does not bend from the swelling. Tuki B’s hand, in the dream I was sure that this was a burn.

    Hello! I saw in a dream how I was walking in the courtyard of my house with two girls naked, one of them is my daughter. A man came out of the house and began to drive away a scary woman standing near the gate. At that moment, my daughter poured boiling water on herself, the blisters immediately burst and I quickly put her in the snow. Blood started flowing. I grabbed the children and ran into the house, the woman followed me, but I didn’t let her in.

    Hello, I had a dream that I and two friends were driving towards Tyumen (it was on the Tyumen-Tobolsk highway), then one of the girls got out of the car, I don’t remember how, but she started fishing on the Tobolsk field bridge in the Irtysh, and we left , after a while we looked at her and she fell into the river, swam out, and ran towards us (without clothes at all, there was only a towel from somewhere), but we were already without transport, I took off my cape (which in real life I took from girls), and gave it to her so that she could cover herself, and they made her a skirt from a towel (I told her), and then from somewhere else people fled. I don’t remember what happened next, but we ended up in a house (maybe it was my grandmother’s house in the village of Bizino, it was just nearby) and the stove (on which they cook) stood for some reason in the hall, then one of the girls was cooking something and said don’t come near it bakes very close, and there was some kind of terrible heat coming from it (from the stove), well, I looked in and got scalded, then I dreamed that I had some kind of burns on my chest with blisters (3-4 pieces) and the left side of my chest was crusty there was some kind of thing (and the chest itself, the crust looked like a tree) and I tore it off, threw it straight on the floor (it started almost from the shoulder, wide from the chest and almost to the end of the ribs, went to the right side and narrowed) ... .I don’t remember anything else...like I was going to apply ointment and said that everything was fine.

    I had a dream, my friend had a burnt face, when I went to see him I saw a pot of sorrel soup fall on him because he had greens from the soup on his face, and then he came out and had big burns on his face.

    Hello! I dreamed of a small beautiful child - a boy. My sister was holding it in her hands. She stood next to the stove and, despite my warnings, did not move away from the hot stove and the child burned her feet. Blisters appeared and the child cried. But when I took him in my arms, he calmed down and began to laugh. At that moment I saw my reflection in the mirror with a joyful child in my arms. I don’t remember further. Is there a meaning to this dream? Why did he dream? Thank you in advance!

    I was sitting and talking with a friend, suddenly she said that her arm was itching. She was dressed in a tank top and suddenly she pulled off her flesh-colored coffee. And there her arm was missing up to the elbow and it was clear that it was from a burn. I burst into tears, turned away, and she says: what have you already seen?

    Hello. I dreamed that I went to see a fortune teller, and she had two large round black burns on her hand, and looking at these burns, she told me that two of my relatives would die next week.

    hello! in a dream, I stood on a fountain with an unfamiliar little boy. And I splashed water on his back. And suddenly his mother appeared and took a chlorine bottle in her hand and poured water into it. Then she doused me. At first I didn’t feel anything. But when I looked in the mirror and saw my face was covered in burns. My face was whispering and there was blood under my eye. I ran to the hospital, but there the doctors asked me for money and I didn’t have any money with me. I asked everyone for help, but no one responded further. I remember, but what I remember is my face covered in blood and burns

    My friends and I were in the forest, then my friends disappeared and I fell to the ground. And lava began to flow on me, I tried to escape, but I did not have the strength to crawl, in the end the lava caught up with me and I got burned, it hurt.

    please help with interpretation. in a dream I saw some guy following me, I sent him to hell. I crossed the road while standing, and he suddenly comes up to me and burns my right hand with a cigarette in two places. There are just holes left. And he says, “You’re so beautiful.” And it hurts me terribly, I’m standing roaring, right on the street... I’m calling my boyfriend and I just can’t get through... In dream books, burns are interpreted differently everywhere. I would appreciate your advice.

    Big house. We made love with the groom (in a dream). Then she fell asleep, woke up from some sounds, the groom was having sex with some girl in the next room. Then there were screams, panic, several girls began screaming that someone was trying to get into the house. (I thought we were alone in the house, but...) Then they released gas into the house and we began to be covered with ulcers, like burns (the skin began to swell and immediately peel off, along the entire length of our arms), there was almost no blood (a little bit). I started applying burn cream, there was no pain.

    I was sitting in a restaurant. I asked one woman about her relationship with the man next to her. At this he knocked over the juice, and a burn appeared on his hand. I don't understand how this is? His parents reacted calmly, which is not typical for them. And in response, I spilled the juice on him, but it had no effect, only drops flowed down from the table.

    I ended up with a friend in another city. Some guy mistook me for a girl friend. Then I found out from someone that this girl had a burn on her face and this guy decided to burn my face too. I think he lit my forehead with a lighter and put it out. I watched at myself in the mirror and cried a lot. I saw burnt eyebrows and a burnt forehead.

    I took my almost new rubber boots from some apartment, holding them in my hands, I walked down the street in the evening, I couldn’t cross the street because the bus stopped in front, then I found myself in a cinema, but it turns out that the movie had already started and they didn’t let me in, I tell them that my watch was to blame, but they didn’t hear me, I looked there in the cinema in a large mirror, I saw that my hair above my forehead was bright red and my forehead seemed to be all burnt and covered in paper strips, I removed these strips without pain, underneath them there was a clean, beautiful, smooth large forehead (I actually have a smaller one)

    I don’t remember how I got the burn... I see deep, burnt, elongated wounds on my cheeks... as if someone had applied something hot... hair stuck to the wounds and I tried to tear them off... severe pain and I woke up
    Thanks for the help!

    A loved one burned his hand, forearm, I wet a towel with cold water to apply, and he sprayed with a burn remedy, there were like abrasions on his hand, he is leaving for the army the other day, maybe what are my worries?

    I saw in a dream that my boyfriend, that is, my ex-boyfriend, received a burn all over his body and face! I sat next to him and shed tears, after which I woke up and realized that I was really crying!

    The thermometer broke, there was acid in it, it spilled on my finger, I poured the rest into a mug, then I accidentally drank it, it was hot and my voice disappeared a little, I was scared in a dream that this acid would burn me

    I saw myself in a dream, sleeping, and on my lower back I had a long vertical burn, but it didn’t hurt and wasn’t felt. then in a dream I woke up and saw the same burn on my common-law husband’s hand. He and I were surprised that we had the same burns, but we couldn’t understand how they appeared.

    I dreamed of a drunk guest in my house, I don’t know him. I stood at the stove and lit it, something didn’t work out with the lighter, a lot of gas came out of the burner and when I finally brought the burning lighter to the burner, a fire broke out, which burned this guest

    I dreamed that, in an argument with a girl, I received a burn with hot oil on my leg and arm. I also noticed that there were traces of an old burn on my right hand. which essentially did not exist. but with the help of special water, the blisters and swelling began to heal. but the scars remain

    Hello! I like one girl, no matter how trivial it may be, a friend, and in general we are best friends. But it feels like I feel something for her. And she, in turn, has problems on the personal front... About sleep. I had an interesting dream, which I isolated from all the other nonsense I had:
    This friend of mine either fell out of a window or something like that. And I seemed to rush to the hospital, although absolutely not knowing where exactly they had taken her, I just ended up in the hospital. I go into the department, then I go into the putty ward and see a bed, as if this girl would lie here. I put the bag of fruit on the nightstand in front of the bed. I leave the room, see a woman doctor, pass by her and go into some kind of “trauma…” department, I don’t remember the name exactly, but I read it. On the sides there are other gloomy corridors. Well, I go into that department, I see people, patients, sitting in the corridor in front of the offices, a woman with a plaster leg and a crutch, and some other people. I look to the left - there is a table, there is someone under a blanket in it. I come up and see - it’s her, that girl, my friend who I like. She saw me and stood up, smiling a little, her hair pulled back into a half-bowl. I saw her - there were scars and abrasions with blood all over her body, as if from hitting the asphalt after falling from a bicycle, the skin was slightly torn off on her arms and body, her face was clean. Next to her are her father (who is alive now) and my father (who died long ago). I approach her, I have fear and worries inside (they say, how is she, she is dear to me, I hope she gets better), I approach and take her hand with abrasions and bloody wounds. We smile for some reason, then she gets up, her legs are bandaged, puts aside some crutches, and as if she has already recovered, she jumps up to me, as if she had sprained her ankle. And he hugs me from behind... Somehow tenderly, but in my thoughts: “we are friends, this can’t be, this is a dream.” I tell her: “Are you okay?”, with a smile she says: “Yes.”
    Then the dream gave way to all sorts of nonsense, I dreamed of various familiar people, and strangers, a man with a baby girl, a girl friend with another baby boy, and next to me with a baby doll, I say that I am a nanny.

    Hello. I had a very strange dream. There were some abrasions, burns or something like that on my hands. I still didn’t fully understand what it really was. There was also a pattern on my brush in the form of diamonds arranged in two rows. It felt like this pattern was carved onto the brush.
    Thank you!

    I dreamed that I had a burn between my breasts with a crust for some reason from hydrogen peroxide and it gives me anxiety, but my husband removes this crust and it becomes easier, my children and I are in some apartment and I say let’s leave because I don’t feel comfortable here and we can all get burned. We are leaving.

    My son suffered from fire - either an explosion or a fire. He’s lying in the hospital, covered in burns, I’m crying next to him, and he asks if he died, since the bed sagged when I sat on it, but didn’t sag under him. I hold his hand, lift the duvet cover and see there are traces of burns on the body, but I notice to myself that everything is not so bad. Then I quarrel with my mother over documents - for some reason we are talking about his certificate and medical policy, which are required at the hospital.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was an adopted child, my stepsister became a prostitute, I started telling her that this job was not for her, don’t repeat the mistakes of your mother, and I told her how for the first time, at the age of 14, I helped people around the house and earned good money, what did she do? A glass of sambuca poured over my face and set it on fire... I started to put it out, looked in the mirror and saw a disfigured face.

    Hello. Today I had a dream as if I was on vacation in Turkey (although I’ve never been there, but I dream), and we were taken on a tour of the world’s poor people. The weather was cloudy. On an excursion we were taken somewhere to a cave or a dungeon, I don’t know exactly, but there these people were hungry, exhausted, it felt like skeletons covered in skin. I say they need to be fed, they are hungry, why are you keeping them in chains? They told me that they are fed and that is their job. And then I ran out into the street, I looked at my skin, it seemed to be tanned, and at the same time there were traces of palms on it, similar to children’s, these places were white. I had a white scarf on my head. And when I came out, I saw the reflection of my face in the mirror, it was so black and burnt (as if it was burning in a fire), like a coal, and my forehead remained white because it was covered with a scarf. And then I turn and look in another mirror, there I have a clean, good face. Please tell me what this dream means. Thank you.

    I hold my hand under running cold water. I remember that I received a chemical burn, but I don’t remember how. My arm stings, there is a large longitudinal ulcer between the elbow and the bend of the hand, as if the skin has been corroded... and then the skin on the arm begins to peel off, in thin layers, one after another, one after another... a terrible dream.. what could it mean?

    dreamed of a little boy, 5-6 years old. as if he were my son (I have my own son and daughter, only 4-5 years older). He and I were in the kitchen near the open hot oven, I didn’t feel anxious, I told him “be careful, it’s hot in there,” and the boy extended his hand and calmly took hold of the hot pan. I thought he was going to scream and cry, but he was calm. I grabbed his hand, pulled it away from the oven, looked - there was a severe burn on two fingers, the fingers seemed to be stuck together with skin. I quickly tore them apart, thinking that it was better right away, then it would heal. the skin on the fingers was thick (as if swollen, but not red burnt, but as if after a long stay in warm water). where I tore, new, almost formed skin was visible under this skin. The child never cried. I hugged him and woke up, thinking that it was actually not bad that I also had a third child, a son. In reality, I am usually against having more children. and then I was glad that I had it.

    Hello. I crushed two ladybird insects on my index finger; they were white and black in color. After I crushed them, I felt a sharp and sharp pain under the fingernail, like an acid burn, after which the nail painfully came away from the finger. What does this mean????

    I dreamed that I, my husband and the child were in the kitchen preparing food for the family. And she bent over the stove and burned her face. I felt bad in the dream. And the child was crawling near the stove and bent over and I shouted to my husband that you weren’t watching her. , and I was preparing food for the family. And she leaned over and burned her face. I was scared.

    In the dream, my husband and I were driving in a car with glasses of hot smoke, and while braking, boiling water poured onto us, on my face and upper body, and on his lower body. We were taken to the hospital, I was in terrible condition, I felt pain and could not see anything. I was lying on a hospital bed, motionless, and some man began to pester me, he covered my mouth with a sheet and shoved it deeper, I tried to bite him with all my strength that my teeth hurt, and he just laughed hysterically. When I heard my husband, he retreated and my husband chased him. I stood up in terrible pain and followed them. I saw a fight and a knife in the hands of a man; my husband knocked him out. I found it by touch and realized that it was large with a rounded end, so I threw it away. I started looking for something to hit the man with, but found nothing. I heard my husband scream, they were on a closed balcony, I ran in and saw a picture: a man was sitting on the balcony railing, laughing hysterically and holding his husband by the hair in the air. All. I woke up.

    Good afternoon, in a dream I saw my ex-lover reflected in the mirror, then he turned around and I saw his thin arm with scars from burns on his shoulder and forearm, there was a feeling that he was avoiding me and was annoyed at our acquaintance.

    In a dream, I myself burned my left hand with fire, the skin on my hand opened up and I saw the insides of the hand, but when I saw on the finger, inside under the skin there was a hole in the bone where the finger bends, but I didn’t see any pus or blood, and kogbutto inside the hand the fingers work on thin ropes and on at the end of the roofing felt beads felt beads for weight so that the fingers bend

    I dreamed that there was an explosion, I tried to run away, but its wave caught up with me, I felt like my back was burning. Then a little time passed and I put on a dress, but there was a burn mark on my back / my back was gray with scars

    Hello. Yesterday I had a strange dream.
    I work in fast food - I earn extra money (in reality this is the case and the characters are real) and I put nuggets in a box - I see they are a little old - I tell my colleague - let's mix it with a new batch to make it a little better. But she is silent - I reach for the metal basket in which she fried fresh nuggets and she pushed my hand away. I got angry and threw the nuggets from my box into the oil bath where they are usually fried. She silently grabbed my hand and lowered my left hand, with which I threw the nuggets, into a bath of oil, the oil was moderately hot - my hand gradually warmed up and I tried to scream in shock. Call someone or persuade her to stop doing this. But she was silent. She pulled out and again dipped half of the brush into the bath. when she finally let me go, I looked at my brush and burns began to slowly appear on it - redness and a brown stripe - along the line to which she lowered the brush.. I tried to complain to the managers, then I went up to the director and told the incident - he did not properly reacted - I asked him to sort it out with her - to talk. He waved it off. I turned to him again and said, I plan to write a statement to the police. he told me not to do this, otherwise the restaurant would have problems. I’m trying to explain emotionally, but nothing comes in - I’m trying to shout in my heart: “You understand that hands are very important for me, because I’m a surgeon (I’m actually studying to be a microsurgeon-ophthalmologist), that without hands my career will be covered with a copper basin. You understand that Do I need hands? but there is no reaction from management. then I decided to catch up with her and beat her... and for some reason I ran towards my house. On the way, I remembered that I wanted to go to the police (and when I realized that I wouldn’t catch up with her and simply wouldn’t find her) and then I went towards the police station. Constantly during sleep I checked the condition of my hand - I looked at it for a long time, looking at the blisters and blackening with redness and other elements of the burn appearing.

    I dreamed of a cloudy day. A fighter flew out from under the clouds (by the way, as far as I could see it was either a MiG-29, or a Su-27 and the like) and then it began to balance vertically. He lightly hit the building with his wing, and I was worried, not in the sense that I might get hurt, but that he (the fighter) would be damaged, but he didn’t care. Then I saw how this fighter exchanged fire with a suddenly appearing enemy (this enemy was the dark silhouette of some fighter) with some projectiles that looked like beams of blue flame, these beams scattered to the sides of the silhouette without ever hitting it. And then a man appeared next to me (also a dark silhouette) and I, roughly speaking, wanted (or thought that it was necessary) to fight with him, but after I subjugated this very blue flame. It was as if I wanted the blue flames to be my weapon, surrounding my hands. I looked at the fist of my right hand and saw a blue fire beginning on it. I was about to rush into the fight, but then I saw a burn on my arm (there was no pain). Then he seemed to see the flame on his hand again, wanted to get into a fight again, and again saw a new burn. End. What is it for?

    My friend and I are at the doctor’s appointment. He doesn’t seem to have half his fingers, more precisely like knitting needles, and what’s left he cauterized them, but I didn’t see any pus or blood, and on the other side, two doctors were cauterizing bandages with blood and pus ()

    Hello, lately I’ve been having very strange dreams, help me understand their interpretation! Today I dreamed of some kind of office, similar to an office in an educational institution, with desks and a blackboard, but it’s not familiar to me, I was sitting at the last desk alone, somewhere There were also people on the first desks, but they were also unknown to me, and the teacher was a college teacher I deeply loved and respected! I sat on such a creaking chair, at first there was a tolerable creaking, but then it became incredibly strong and irritable, I moved to another chair , and this creaky one stood nearby, but as soon as I touched it, it creaked very strongly again - this outraged everyone in this office and they wondered why it creaked so much. I decided to take it and take it to the corner of the office when I had already reached corner, and at the moment when it was hanging in the air, it again began to creak, or make some strange sounds, I myself was surprised why it was creaking, where did the sound come from, I began to examine it and found nothing. Then suddenly it turned from a chair to black I have an incomprehensible crowbar in my hands and this metal became hot and began to burn me, but I didn’t feel much pain, I just rather understood that it was hot and that it was going to burn me, I wanted to throw it out of my hands, but I couldn’t immediately, as if he don’t let me go, in the end I threw it away or someone took it from the office, well, looking at my right hand I saw a sin, not a burn, but a sin dry like a pattern from the wrist and almost to the elbow!

    Today is Friday and in theory the dream should be prophetic. But on the contrary, I dreamed of some nonsense, which misled me. At first, I remember how a guy whom I love came to my house and we made peace with him and began to communicate again, although in life we ​​are still in a quarrel with him, we don’t even say hello when we meet, which happens purely by chance on the street once a month. Of course, I dream that this fragment of a dream will come true.
    Then I dreamed of a music exam, more like a competition. And since I can play the piano, I was eager to take part in it, but some left-wing girl prevented this, which outraged me terribly.
    Then the dream somehow abruptly moved to the kitchen, where I and my friends were cooking. It seems they were frying meat pies. And during this process, a white kitten appeared on the table, on which I, despite not wanting to, put a frying pan and it received a couple of burns, I felt I feel incredibly sorry for him. I wanted to catch him and help him, but he ran away. It seems like all the moments that I remember best...

    First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🙂 I dreamed that I was arguing with a young man in the kitchen, which I don’t remember, he was making some strange cocktail of eggs and gin in a coffee maker, and in real life he doesn’t drink alcohol and gin is generally a strange phenomenon. I sometimes drink alcohol but definitely not gin. And in the dream the coffee maker stands on an iron stand; in the process of an argument, for some reason he holds the stand in his hands and with this stand he seems to be trying to move me away, burning my stomach with his hot legs, there was no pain on my stomach, instantly, as a mark, red rounds appeared, I’m upset and I’m indignant, I grab him by the shoulders and shout at him what have you done several times and he continues our argument not even paying attention to the burn... Then I woke up from his phone call.. I was 31 years old and had a dream on Thursday morning (today) at about 6:30 morning. In the evening we had a lively argument with the martyr, but there were no quarrels, just an exchange of opinions that we had were contradictory. Tatyana, please help me understand what this could mean because I don’t find anything suitable, but I find cardinally opposite meanings.

    I dreamed that I knocked over a frying pan filled with hot oil on my feet, tried to dodge it, almost didn’t hit my left one, and my right leg was completely flooded from the knee to the foot, I literally felt the horror of everything that was happening, but there was no physical pain, I ran to the bathroom and flooded my leg cold water, I didn’t feel any pain and even thought in a dream that I had burned all my nerves since it didn’t hurt, but the wound was severe, blisters and all that, especially the right foot and lower leg. It’s interesting that while my parents were fussing around me (I haven’t lived with them for 20 years) waiting for an ambulance, the cat came from somewhere and started attacking my right, burned foot, even bit me on it, I had to push the cat away, but it scratched and persistently tried to attack on my leg (by the way, I didn’t experience any pain from the bites on my burnt leg, but when she fought back (the cat) and scratched her claws on her arms, it was painful). The dream was very vivid and emotional.

    Hello! I had a dream about some kind of party, I was there with my friend, and in the dream we start dating, everything is fine, I like it.
    By the way, I really like her in real life too.
    But at some point I see a fight and slowly move away so as not to get involved, but then I see the instigator of this fight running at me and burning my face, I don’t feel pain, but I understand that the burn is very strong.

    I dreamed that my man came to me and gave me a small doll and a ball, and his left arm had white spots like after a burn and he had lost a lot of weight, he came with some deaf-mute man, he tried to call some woman, I kicked them out .And in reality, I’m in a long quarrel with my man

    Hello, I had a dream that some man tried to take a lighter from me and my friend for something, he started to light it and the fire got a little on my T-shirt, I took the lighter from him, ran out of the vehicle and did not notice that the lighter was on fire and I burned almost half of my hand, then I woke up.

    short sleep, no more than 1 minute. my friend is standing in my house, with his right side facing me in a state of shock, the back of his head, shoulders and half of his back are burned to the point of coal, a fresh blister is swelling, as if it just happened. please tell me what this could mean

    I dreamed of a woman who doused me with some kind of chemical steam from a tube and terrible burns appeared on my chest, because I covered my face, but I couldn’t cover my chest. I sprayed the wounds with panthenol and it hurt me so much it brought me to tears

    In the room, I turned my back to my sister, and saw myself naked with a tanned back along which there were blisters from large to very small in the form of a pattern, but I did not have any sensations that it was painful or itchy and I did not experience discomfort, although I said what is it sunburn

    Hello. I dreamed that I was in some kind of room, similar to a church, but distant. They lifted me in the air and put a hot stamp or mark on me, Everyone was in white, and I woke up, my boyfriend woke me up (because I was crying) Because of the pain in my hand, I looked at this place - this sign, like a burn, appeared on my right hand. How can this be?
    My boyfriend was nearby, no one made fun of me, what does this mean? This has never happened before.

    My dream was very strange. It was as if an apocalypse was happening. I remember that I got a burn when I was walking home, but then it disappeared. Instead of my house there was a skyscraper. There were 3 tornadoes very far away. Everyone was leaving this place, but I went to the elevator. There I met a girl. Her face was blurry. She was waiting for me. Then she left in the elevator. A minute later she came back for me and we got into the elevator together, after which I ended up in her apartment. At this point my dream ended.

    Hello! I dreamed that a former young man came to me in a drunken state with someone... it seems like we quarreled, but in a dream, just like in reality, I love him very much... He left but soon returned and said, I’m sorry, I lost my temper, I don’t remember anything that I told you, and I silently show him my arms and legs, I say this you did it... and there were cigarette burns on both my arms and legs... and that’s it, I woke up. I had a dream this morning.

    I dream that a friend with whom I am in love came to my house, covered in burns, with a burned face, ears, elbow, etc. He lay down on the bed, I felt sorry for him, asked him what happened, he never answered. Then, I left the apartment for a minute and he disappeared. Then he called and offered to meet, I agreed, at that moment I woke up

    I had a dream at night that I was spending the night with someone else at a friend’s place. It was as if I woke up in a dream, went to the toilet, flushed the toilet and boiling water poured onto my feet from all over the toilet, I screamed then as if I went to the toilet again and again I was scalded; there were large red spots on my legs I screamed and cried from the pain and fell

    I don’t remember exactly how the dream started, but then, I was talking with my mother and her whole body was covered in burns, this was in one dream, and in the second I was talking with my loved one and he had the same thing.

    My husband and I came to visit people we didn’t know very well, and decided to make myself a wax mask on my face. She took hot wax from a candle and put it on her face, lay down for 20 minutes, after which she got up and went to the mirror, in which she saw her burnt face and a scorched eye, instead of which there was a coal and her face was all red, burnt.