Gemini is a complex zodiac sign. Characteristics of the zodiac sign for Gemini. Gemini compatibility with other signs

Gemini (Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiacal cycle. The Gemini period lasts from May 22 to June 21. The astrologer tells about the main features and character traits of people born under this sign.

Gemini sign background

  • Ruler planet -
  • A planet in the fall -
  • Element - Air
  • Gemini symbol

Gemini personality

When it comes to Gemini, the first thing that comes to mind is the song: "Well, friendship begins with a smile." It doesn't cost Gemini anything to smile at a stranger on the bus or talk to another reader in the library, which leads to a further interesting acquaintance. Gemini easily converge with people, are unobtrusive and pleasant to talk to.

Despite their extensive friendships, they have few close friends. Therefore, few people know their real character well. Because of this, they often remain underestimated: people perceive their mobility, intelligence and cheerful disposition, and do not see behind them other wonderful qualities of this Sign. What other traits do Gemini have?

Gemini man. Characteristic

Intellectuals do not give free rein to animal instincts. They respect men and women equally and are ardent supporters of equality, which does not prevent them from flirting with the fair sex, because they love to charm. They work in a wide variety of jobs, but if you dig a little deeper, then each of them will have some kind of talent in art, which they did not give a go because of their pragmatism.

Gemini Woman. Characteristic

In Gemini women, an easy attitude towards life is combined with erudition and excellent knowledge in many areas. These are interesting and smart women who, however, do not always know what they want, but if they already wanted something, they certainly achieve it.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Gemini?

Life style and psychological portrait of Gemini

Gemini thrive wherever there is movement. They gain strength in companies, on excursions, on walks, shopping and doing things that can be done quickly and that do not require an in-depth approach.

Gemini love information, and they don't care where it comes from - from conversation, letters, media, the Internet. They are equally clever in communication and in the "processing" of texts. Their favorite places are crowded streets, post offices, libraries, newspaper and news offices.

There are many interesting things in the Gemini house. But their home doesn't look like a museum. There are rarely things in it that should not be touched. All things have practical uses. Exception - collections: Gemini is not indifferent to collecting and achieve great skill in collecting intellectual collections - books, autographs, stamps.

Pets do not make Gemini feel affectionate. But they can get a fun-loving dog companion, a cat that easily tolerates the absence of a master, or something interesting to watch, such as a colony of ants.

Easy-going, affable and charming Gemini are very popular with the opposite sex. Their romances are successful. Even if they don't end with a wedding, people break up as good buddies.

During the romance, Gemini's partner delivers considerable headache Gemini's desire to flirt and flirt with others. The twins don't realize that this is offending their partner. If you explain this to them, they will stop behaving this way, because in general they are not amorous, flirting for them is like that, fluttering their tongue, and if this cannot be done, they will switch to "safe" communication with people of their sex on the topic of books, politics , history and other interesting things.

In love, Gemini is rational and somewhat superficial. African passions seem ridiculous to them. Simple and clear relationships based on common interests and equality are suitable for them.

The easiest way for them to build a relationship with Libra and Aquarius. But they are more often drawn to more temperamental Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and with Sagittarius there can be both the strongest sympathy and complete rejection. Curiosity will pull them towards Capricorns, Pisces and Scorpions, but there will be little in common between them. Gemini and Virgo feel great interest and attraction to each other, but there is almost no passion in these couples. Gemini and Taurus with Cancer find it difficult to notice each other. But if interest nevertheless wakes up, it will be a very curious and definitely not boring relationship.

Gemini's sociability and erudition are in demand in schools and courses, in editorial offices, on trading floors. Gemini are successful in the role of realtors, logisticians, tour guides, intermediaries. The ability to perceive money as abstract quantities makes them excellent economists. Many Gemini work in banks and financial institutions. Among them, there are enough managers of those areas where you need to negotiate: suppliers, sales specialists, consultants for working with clients.

And what do the Gemini themselves want? They do not strive for a great career. Money is not the main thing for them either. But you cannot call them neither silversmiths nor people with a complete lack of ambition. They want their bosses to pay tribute to their professional skills, which means they praise, and raise, and pay a decent salary. They themselves could become big bosses, but they are let down by a long language and excessive democratic behavior. And responsibility for other people is not what attracts them.

Gemini and money

Gemini know how to make money. They know a lot in the area where they work, and besides, they know how to find a part-time job or a temporary source of income. Most often this is due to movement and information: to send a package, give a ride to a colleague, act as an intermediary, write an article or take up tutoring.

They have many friends and acquaintances who are ready to help them out with money. Gemini is reluctant to take large loans, because they do not like long-term obligations. But loans by themselves do not scare them, they easily understand the terms of loan agreements and are able to find a profitable option for themselves. Therefore, Gemini with a few small loans for gadgets, small appliances and training courses are quite common.

Gemini could be rich if they knew how to save money and were more serious about the financial side of life. But they do not put material well-being as the goal of life, although they are smart, they know that without money, they can go anywhere and know how to provide for their daily needs.

Compatibility horoscope: facts about gemini zodiac sign in love - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Gemini and love quite often avoid each other, since this sign of the zodiac is often distinguished by the quality of impermanence. As a rule, representatives of this sign are afraid of obligations, so it is difficult to establish a serious relationship with them. They are looking for an ideal, about which they often do not have the slightest idea, so their search often takes on the features of eternity.

In love, Gemini is unpredictable and fickle like the wind. Their mood is extremely changeable, and they can demonstrate either lightness and charm, easily charming their partner, or they can be gloomy and withdrawn in themselves. And in romantic courtship, and in love relationships, and even in marriage, Gemini does not accept tough obligations - at least in relation to themselves. They are able to disappear for several days and suddenly appear, they can forget about a date and even not come to it at all. It is not surprising that their partners change quite often, and Gemini, as a rule, are married several times. They do not promise loyalty and constancy to their chosen ones, but they are able to bring family life unpredictability and bright, unforgettable feeling of novelty.

Gemini and Love

Looking into the cradle of Gemini, a doubly mysterious and intriguing sign, Venus brought them as a gift the ability to experience refined pleasure, as well as inconstancy and infidelity in love. You do not understand very well the very "great passion" that fills all life, whole and deep feelings associated with one single being. You tirelessly search for your double, a kind of your second self, complementing you like missing pieces of a puzzle. How can you remain faithful under these circumstances? You adore improvisation, you are very amused by love games, but you are rarely interested in tragic relationships, when almost every word is fraught with the explosion of a "time bomb." You are more intoxicated by strange, sophisticated desires on the verge of risk, when you can get a great burn!

Changeable, always in search of new sensations, you, closing your eyes, rush into the unknown, as in cold water never fearing in advance the difficulties of crossing to the other side, some consider you just crazy: you want to see everything and experience everything, go everywhere, and no matter what the cost. Therefore, sometimes infidelity is simply inseparable from you, you do not feel any shame or guilt for it; in addition, your relationship is generally not capable of being long-term, since you are afraid of long and painful relationships.

An excellent excuse not to consider your infidelity to be a real deception in the Puritan sense of the word. Your conscience is completely calm, you really do not see any harm in flitting from flower to flower when something new and unknown assigns you a date. It becomes a light-hearted game in which you flatly refuse to be bound. Do not conclude from this that you are generally incapable of marriage: many of you lead a happy and successful married life. unless the partner is very jealous and bossy.

Gemini, don't get your partner (or partner) too clingy to these little details. First of all, keep in mind: you can make a harmonious pair with Aries or Leo rather than with Virgo or Pisces. Your partner (partner) Should try to understand your sincere duplicity - your two images, replacing each other and strangely mixed, but do not open your soul to the end. Of course, sometimes your partner can "get confused" in you - to such an extent you seem elusive whenever someone approaches you. You slip away, but you yourself cannot do anything about it: you are simply completely possessed by a split. Even if you are very strongly attached to someone, in the depths of your soul a part of your nature flies to other lands and unattainable distances.

Gemini Man with other Zodiac Signs


Consider what features the Gemini zodiac sign has and how it relates to other signs. The motto of the Gemini sign is: "I create!"

Important facts about the Gemini zodiac sign

3rd zodiac sign

1st air sign

1st mutable sign

The ruling planet is Mercury.

Astrological symbols - twins, mask, hand, star.

Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18 and all numbers divisible by 5.

Auspicious days: Wednesday, Sunday.

Bad day: Thursday.

Flowers: jasmine, poppy, daisy, daffodil.

Typical appearance: tall, slender figure, good posture, oval swarthy face, elongated or crooked nose, large lips, dark brown or dark blond hair, dark eyebrows.

Influenced by Jupiter. Those born during this period are selfless natures, possessing a great mind and intuition, prone to arts.

Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 60.

Influenced by Mars. Those born during this period are aggressive, restless, mocking natures.

Important years: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 48, 64.

Influenced by the Sun. Those born during this period are unbridled, domineering, vain, irritable natures.

Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

Gemini. Gemini are highly capable, artistic, shy, proud, witty, and highly intelligent. Gemini are people of mood. V bad mood they often do unreasonable things that they later regret.

Gemini compatibility with other zodiac signs

See the relationship between the signs: Aries - Gemini.

See the relationship between the signs: Taurus - Gemini.

A very good combination. Their friendly and business relationship will be based on mutual understanding and assistance to each other. The romantic relationship between them can be very beautiful and long. If they found each other, that is happiness.

It is undesirable for them to establish friendly and business relationships. Tender feelings between these zodiac signs are extremely rare. If this still happens, they can become strong only if Cancer does not try to shift responsibility and the solution of all common problems to Gemini all the time.

The friendship between them is very strong. Their joint work will definitely stand out for its uniqueness and originality. A heartfelt inclination between them - nothing better could be desired! Both the first and the second will be satisfied with this turn of fate.

The friendship between these signs will benefit both, especially Gemini, who will become more confident and judicious. Freaky Gemini have a bad influence on fairly pliant Virgo. Their romantic relationship cannot end well, especially for Virgos.

A very good combination. Both Gemini and Libra will be pleased with such a creative union. Romantic relationships between them are extremely rare.

Representatives of both signs are very artistic, creatively approaching the solution of any problem. The friendship between them will have a beneficial effect on both the first and the second.

The heartfelt affection between these signs will always bear the imprint of a protracted war. Anyway, nothing good will come of this, so it is better for them to part.

Bad combination. Business relations between them are fruitless, and friendship risks becoming torture for both. A romantic relationship between these zodiac signs will not end well.

Such a friendly union is useful for both the former and the latter. The same can be said for the business collaboration between them. Romantic relationships will be built on the principle: "Either everything or nothing." There is a risk that the freedom-loving and independent Gemini will soon get tired of it.

Neutral combination. Their work together will be neither very good nor very bad. The same goes for friendly contacts.

If Gemini and Pisces were entrusted with a joint business, whatever it may be, it will inevitably fail. Maybe it's better not to try?

50 facts about zodiac signs

Zodiac Sign Facts is extremely curious information. The science of astrology is complex, but it has always impressed with its knowledge of the constellations. Much has remained unknown in astrology. Interesting facts about the signs of the zodiac have a magical nature, because our future and our past depend on which constellation we were born under. Celestial bodies have always influenced human life, and this is confirmed not only Interesting Facts... You can talk about the horoscope for a long time and in any case, much remains unknown.

1. Interesting facts about the signs of the zodiac indicate that there are 13 signs - Ophiuchus.

2. Approximately 500 million people share the same zodiac sign.

3. The signs of the zodiac are grouped according to the elements: fire, earth, air and water.

4. Each specific planet or star takes control of each sign of the zodiac.

5. For the first time, the sky was divided into 12 sectors by the Sumerians. From them came the origin of the signs of the zodiac.

6. Zodiac sign Leo in Assyria was called "Great fire".

7. The only inanimate sign of the zodiac is Libra.

8. The signs of the zodiac are considered the brainchild of astrology.

The 9.12 signs of the zodiac are usually interpreted as 12 different stages of human life.

10. Zodiac signs play a big role in the analysis of horoscopes.

11. The zodiac sign Gemini is considered a symbol of brotherly love.

12.The most strong sign The zodiac is considered to be Aquarius.

13. The most ideal wife will be a lady with the Cancer zodiac sign.

14. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces are considered to be fans of flying in the clouds.

15. There is an opinion that the names of the signs of the zodiac came from the exploits of Hercules.

16. Often the Virgo zodiac sign was depicted with a spikelet.

17. Since the time of Sargon of Akkadian, a symbolic understanding of the signs of the zodiac has arisen.

18. The first sign of the zodiac is Aries.

19. The zodiac sign Aries is considered the sexiest.

20. The most insidious sign of the zodiac is Scorpio.

21. Virgo is the most faithful sign of the zodiac.

22. The most attractive zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

23 Taurus is the kindest sign of the zodiac.

24. Most of the representatives of the zodiac signs are lucky for Gemini.

25. Leo as a sign of the zodiac is distinguished by selfishness.

26. The most sociable sign of the zodiac is Libra.

27. The most closed sign of the zodiac is Capricorn.

28. Genius is inherent in such a sign as Aquarius.

29. Pisces close the circle of constellations, and therefore have absorbed one quality from each sign of the zodiac out of 12 existing.

30. The zodiac sign Libra can be represented as an image of a woman with scales.

31. Certain metaphysical properties are attributed to each sign of the zodiac.

32. The zodiac signs Aries and Taurus are at risk. According to statistics from London researchers, representatives of these signs are more likely than others to commit suicide.

33. Representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius are quiet.

34. The name of the Cancer zodiac sign comes from the fact that from the end of June the sun begins to move back. Namely, the birth of such representatives falls on this period.

35. Representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign are most prone to the appearance of extra pounds.

36. The signs of the zodiac are determined by the constellation under which a person was born and in what period of time it happened.

37. Zodiac sign Cancer is the point of the summer solstice.

38. Aquarius has the most specific taste of all the signs of the zodiac.

39 Pisces has the most controversial taste of all the zodiac signs.

40. Taurus love to eat well.

41. Aries never notice their years of life.

42. Virgos with age are more and more negative about the environment.

43 Sagittarius never think about old age.

44. The zodiac sign Aquarius is strongly influenced by the planet Saturn.

45. The signs of the zodiac are capable of describing the planets in them.

46. ​​Cancer is considered the mother of all signs of the zodiac, because the representatives of this sign always cope with this role responsibly.

47. Scorpio has a dangerous energy.

48. Almost all representatives of the zodiac sign Aries are prone to betrayal.

49. The vast majority of twins really want to be bossy and respected.

50. Most children are born under the zodiac sign Virgo.


This constellation is unique in nature. Two bright stars are located so close to each other that it becomes completely clear why the constellation was named after the twins - Pollux and Castor, the sons of Leda and Zeus. Legend has it that during one bloody battle, the brothers suffered greatly and as a result Castor died. The twin brother did not want to continue his existence without Castor and asked his father not to be separated. This constellation in ancient times was the patron saint of sailors who were caught in a storm. People with the Gemini zodiac sign are endowed with the following life principles:

Figaro is here, Figaro is there.

Those who did not have time were late.

I love quantity, because there is never enough time for quality.

Whoever owns the information owns the situation.

At the bazaar I am not responsible for the bazaar.

I am not the same today as I was yesterday.

One phone and TV at home is good, but three is much better.

Gemini set goals in their youth and gradually move forward, not at all intending to slow down over the years. Do not hope that Gemini will come home early from work. You will not even see them lounging in the elderly ...

BRIEFLY ABOUT LOVE GEMINI love you or do not love you. Well, okay, on Wednesday - yes, and then - ... No, on Thursday no longer.

Happiness will come the moment Gemini begins to spend less of his own strength. It is no longer a secret that many other signs of the zodiac "are hooked not on the needle, but on you, your energy." And they slowly suck it out, ...

Sensitive Gemini understand and appreciate Aquarius fantasies. They can become resourceful and adventurous lovers. The main characteristic of their connection is unpredictability. Love relationship will not always be smooth, but they can bring inspiration and satisfaction. After finishing...

10 Unusual Facts About Gemini Zodiac Sign

Gemini is one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac from the point of view of psychology. We have prepared for you information about 10 unusual facts about these people that may amaze you.

Earlier we wrote about 10 unusual facts about the character of Taurus and Aries. The Gemini Air Sign is something amazing, because people born under these stars have a unique mindset. Their strength lies in their language and their ability to think with incredible speed. Of course, not everyone manages to fully reveal this potential, but all Gemini have it.

Gemini personality

Duality is what characterizes these men and women. They are two-faced, but in a positive way. It's just that with some people he can behave in one way, and with others in another. It is very easy for them, but the choice of a model of behavior can take a very long time. The formation of two or more personalities with a certain character takes many years.

Gemini is incredibly smart and can demonstrate this in more than just solving math problems. Their talents are diverse. They can be actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, or lawyers. In a word, these people are universal in their choice of profession. The only thing that unites them all is a tendency to laziness and self-sufficiency. They need a free schedule because the routine is killing these people by eating them from the inside out. This is very painful for those who like to see different colors in the world every day.

In love, Gemini give their soulmates the most boring everyday life of all. They love to joke, surprise. These people are restless and terribly erratic. Combined with attractiveness and high intelligence, this gives them the chance to catch anyone in their net.

10 unusual facts about Gemini

Fact one: Among the scammers and scammers, Gemini is the most, because these people love easy money, but they are easily caught. These people do not know how to lie, although they try very hard. As a child, it looks incredibly funny, but after eighteen it becomes scary for them.

Fact two: the energy of this Zodiac Sign is very unstable, because Gemini's mood changes often. Because of this, they suffer from psychological illnesses. They are also often plagued by health problems due to addiction to bad habits. Gemini and Pisces most of all love to smoke, drink and eat something fatty.

Fact three: these people know everything and at the same time know nothing. They are incredibly erudite, well-read and know what many have never even thought of. Very often Gemini do not graduate from the institution they dreamed of, because they find themselves in the world too late. Therefore, they usually work in an incomprehensible job, do something unusual or organize their own business.

Fact four: Gemini is very dependent on the weather. Bad weather or magnetic storms affect Gemini's mood changes. Representatives of this Sign cannot stand extreme heat and extreme cold. The ideal place to live for them is where the average summer temperature is +10 degrees, and the winter is -5.

Fact five: Gemini don't know how to keep track of money. They are spenders, constantly take loans, borrow from relatives and friends. There are very few representatives of this Sign who would be able to handle money. They seem to be smart, but often without money. Here financial horoscopes can come to the rescue.

Fact six: Gemini love to travel. Even they themselves do not understand why, but they just like to drive a car to another city with music. They love road romance - roadside cafes, sleeping in the car. They are ready to go somewhere, even alone, just to go.

Fact seven: in absolutely everything, these people are looking for a reason to think and reflect. This applies to music, movies, books. They cannot live without it, as it seems to them that their brain is gradually atrophying. They are born philosophers.

Fact eight: they are good friends. Do you need to get your car out of the mud at 4 in the morning? They will come even if they cannot help. Appreciate their friendship because they love you with all their heart. They are liars, but there is no room for lies, so if they tell you that you mean a lot to them, then you are.

Fact nine: they often cannot repay a person for goodness. This applies to second halves and parents. If they see that they are being helped by those who live with them, then it is not always possible to hear a loud thank you. They just quickly get used to good things, including genuine goodness.

Fact ten: they are gossips. Gemini love to talk about mutual acquaintances, telling secrets. In most cases, this is harmless, but sometimes they can go too far, so they receive physical punishment in the form of beatings. Oh, yes, they never learn from mistakes, and in principle.

Find out which metal is right for you according to your Zodiac Sign. The power of nature, expressed in metal jewelry, can be an excellent assistant in the search for happiness and good luck. This is especially true of our Gemini, whose energy balance is especially unstable. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

♊ Zodiac Sign Gemini

Gemini personality

“One leg here, the other there” - this expression seems to have been specially created for the restless Gemini, who want to learn so much about life and therefore cannot sit still. Communicating with a person born under this sign of the Zodiac, you can temporarily forget about what is allowed and what is not, and in general, day or night - Gemini does not accept restrictions and conventions, however, not expecting such meaningless sacrifices from you.

That is why, if you have been waiting for your new acquaintance for the whole evening at the appointed place, and having called him back, you found out that he suddenly has urgent business in another city, you can be sure that, according to the sign of the zodiac, this acquaintance of yours is Gemini. Punctuality is not his strong point, too many things, events and people can distract him on the way to you.

He is always late, although they are always in a hurry. Things that the other person passing by will not even pay attention to can unexpectedly cause an inquisitive Gemini to change their course. But Gemini also has an incredible number of friends and acquaintances (although, unfortunately, few friends), meeting with whom on the way guarantees them something interesting - from exchanging news to promising plans for the evening ... they often forget about why they left the house.

Such haste and impatience of Gemini manifests itself in absolutely everything, but the routine scares them. They run from her like from fire and in this panicky flight they are able to change more than one place of residence, and even more so their place of work. Permanent work for them can only become if it guarantees them business trips, communication with new people and, in general, an ocean of impressions. Only then the Gemini's talent is fully revealed, and their overflowing energy, sociability and eloquence bring them solid results.

Indeed, when it comes to the gift of persuasion and the ability to infect people with their enthusiasm, Gemini truly has no equal. Their charm is difficult to resist - they are extremely emotional, and their innate eloquence gives them an invaluable ability to persuade. With a quick and clear mind, the gift of speech, dexterity and erudition, Gemini are able to succeed in many areas, becoming unsurpassed orators, reporters, politicians, businessmen.

The other side of Gemini's restlessness is their inconstancy. Any commitment, be it friendship, love or business, frighten them, dooming Gemini to the eternal pursuit of some distant goal, to ideals unknown to themselves. For the sake of the “bird in the sky” looming ahead, they are ready to sacrifice even “crane in hand”, and when they realize their mistake, it is often too late. Their gaze is directed to the horizon, and in their pursuit of novelty, Gemini often do not notice the treasures that lie right under their feet.

The element of Gemini is the eternally changeable, mobile Air, and their planet is the restless Mercury, the mediator between heaven and earth. He endows this sign with sociability, dexterity and mental alertness.

Friendly and inquisitive, changeable and fickle, agile and energetic, with a great sense of humor, Gemini is able to captivate and inspire. Their life is a kaleidoscope of impressions, and they will not stop until they themselves get bored with its stormy, impetuous rhythm.

Everything you need to know about Gemini

What kind of twins are in work, love, sex and friendship? What gemini don't like and what is important to remember about this zodiac sign!

"Life on a volcano" is short description Everyday life Gemini. Representatives of this sign are dreamers who are not afraid to carry out everything conceived and solve a standard problem in a creative way. But they use all kinds of ways to achieve their goals: from an ordinary conversation with a friend to a sincere letter to Santa Claus. They are for thinking outside the box and personal bests.

Gemini are forgiven a lot, as they are charming and friendly. . Often too talkative, but they are characterized by sincerity and straightforwardness in this chatter.... They constantly sort things out with others, not only because truth and truth are important to them, but also because they just get bored.

This zodiac sign is the most airy of the air signs. He is characterized by somersaults of fantasies, turns on turns, falling to the very bottom, ups to the desired stars and meditation in weightless space. Everything incredible for them seems ordinary and familiar.... Reading books starts with last page, apartments are changed annually, well, if not apartments, then the repairs in them for sure. Their moods change at the speed of light, and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situation and get out of the water dry is in their blood.

Each representative of this sign has his own personal ideal, to which he aspires. And after achieving this goal, they radically change their ideal for a completely opposite goal, to which they go with the same persistence. It happens that they stop halfway to rest, and then, as if "accidentally" lose sight of the goal.

Twins at work

Monotony kills Gemini's creative flow, sneakily steals his physical strength and is the first indicator of the onset of depression. However, Gemini depression is a fleeting phenomenon. It comes on quickly and disappears just as quickly. But this zodiac sign has a special guardian angel... Success follows on their heels. In any endeavor, they become professionals... The “best of the best” sign is constantly in sight of their friends. But the "ordinary place" again swallows Gemini with boredom, and he is looking for "oxygen" in his other endeavor. The tirelessness and energy of this sign never ceases to amaze phlegmatic and introverted people.

Gemini in love

Gemini man is in eternal search intellectual interlocutor. It is important for him to know that he has personal space for his interests, but at the same time his personal interests should be part of the interests of his partner. Usually, Gemini men marry more than once, as they are constantly improving themselves, and this process requires full compliance of the partner, which is often impossible. By nature, he is not jealous, because confident in their strengths and capabilities. His choice is an intelligent and beautiful partner. you can trust in any life situation.

Gemini woman is in the eternal search for happiness and miracle. Today her chosen one is the best and most reliable man in the world, and tomorrow she will criticize his every step. She is not blind in love like other signs of the zodiac. She takes a sober view of her partner's shortcomings, but does not stop loving him. Gemini women like all sorts of signs of attention: surprises, gifts, elementary SMS with funny content. In response to this, you will receive an avalanche of attention and love, just remember that tomorrow, out of nowhere, a second Gemini may appear, and then no one will know what to expect from this woman. You don't even need to try to tie her to yourself, she is used to fluttering like a bird, which always remembers the way home.

Twins in sex

Gemini man - master in bed. He likes experiments in sex and various toys from "adult" stores... The representative of this sign loves to look at his "victim" during intimacy, That's why light is an indispensable tool in their foreplay... He says what a woman wants to hear, does what other men avoid.

Gemini woman- a witty interlocutor, therefore, even in the process of intimacy with a partner, she does not stop to be silent for at least a minute. She does not need a special environment, the energy of her partner is important to her... She does not like to rush into love games, because long foreplay is her strong point. She is naturally curious, so men are interested in her openness to everything new and unexplored.... Gemini women have sex more often than other zodiac signs because her sense of "experimenting" is always on the verge of peak and nirvana.

Gemini's erogenous zones

One of the most erogenous zones in Gemini (both men and women), hands are considered. Especially the fingertips... A light touch on your fingers causes tremors and goosebumps throughout the body. In men, the fingertips serve as a zone that needs to be stimulated to arouse him by nibbling and sucking on them, while women should fondle the space between the bones of the fingers and the wrist with a light touch or kiss.

Twins in friendship

Gemini avoids "problem people" who take advantage of his "free ears" and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely lets new people in close enough. They have a lot of new acquaintances, but few real friends. But if Gemini nevertheless allowed someone close, then it is very difficult for him to say goodbye to this person forever. He is constantly trying to solve the problem, to find a way to cope with the conflict situation, because “attachment” to people for him is not an empty phrase, but the norm of life.

A feature of a quarrel with a Gemini is his lightning quick temper and instant appeasement. He will not be afraid to come up first, and it will take him half the time than you to cool down after the conflict.

Gemini don't like when they restrict their freedoms. They are trying to escape from an imaginary prison, because any encroachment on their usual way of life can unbalance them. They don't like to admit they were wrong., therefore, they twist the facts in their direction for a long time and inventively. They don't lie, they just don't tell the whole truth.

Ordinary stories told by Gemini become a fantastic adventure. Although a lot of what they say can be safely divided by four. They do this to create a special piquancy or drama in their stories. The audience is exactly the place where Gemini fully reveals itself as a witty interlocutor, an attentive listener and a wise advisor. He is a loyal friend and charismatic partner, which is why Gemini is always the shining sparkle of any campaign at any time of the day or night.

Important to remember

Each sign of the zodiac carries some semantic characteristic of describing character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique in itself. We all must remember that in life we ​​need to focus on self-knowledge and self-development. Sometimes it's easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems., but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

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There are always 2 people in this sign, and it is very interesting to follow the changes in its character. They can quickly change their dress, job, place of residence, their decisions and manners. They jump all the time, even reading the book, they can start from the end, from the last page. Gemini are good at debating. They are always surrounded by nervous energy. Most of them speak quickly and are poor at listening. These people are very impatient with conservative people. But they have a kind of friendliness towards others. They are fast and graceful. You should never try to convince them of something. Gemini can easily get out of any situation. They think things over quickly, they can be sharply satirical, they are smarter than other people. Many of them take pleasure in surprising the slow-witted with the speed of their mental processes. If only anyone can handle Gemini, it is Aquarius.

When Gemini is in love, they can constantly surprise you, their main secret is their duality. They can do several things at the same time with less effort than other signs. Any routine and everyday life makes them feel like a bird in a cage. They hate monotony in everything. Usually they are not punctual, they are often late. They rarely describe their life story and do not like to write letters. The reason is that they don't have a consistent opinion. Therefore, they often write under a pseudonym. They love and know languages, French is their favorite language.

Their tendency to easily give up their opinions can lead to dishonesty. But nevertheless, they are too great idealists to become criminals. These are the biggest spenders. Whatever project they accept, angels always smile at them. They are the biggest enhancers in the world. At heart, every Twin is a merchant. Twins need 2 times more sleep than the rest to give rest to their constantly working brains. However, they often suffer from insomnia and therefore rarely get complete rest, as a result of which there is a threat of nervous exhaustion for them. Only the sun and fresh air can keep them from the hospital. The most common diseases in Gemini are diseases of the shoulders, arms, fingers and palms. The lungs can also be weak and can be at risk of rheumatism, migraines and arthritis. And another strange thing - they are more likely to experience an emotional outburst from melancholy than from unnecessary activity.

Deep within themselves, they strive for the ideal. Their main problem is to understand what it is? Anything can be ideal, because his imagination knows no bounds. Money, fame, wealth, love - he is always not enough. It will always seem to him that it is better where he is not. Perhaps they are looking for something unrevealed in themselves. Their eyes are sharp, talents are plentiful, they have a lot of diplomacy and subtlety, but they lack constancy and patience.

Gemini only trust themselves. They are strangers on earth.



Living with him, it may happen that by sending him to the store on Monday, you can only see him again on Tuesday. Do not try to look for him at the same time and do not hang on his neck if he is about to leave. Once you learn to understand his restless soul, only then can you adapt to him. You will never be sure where and how far he went. This is what brings back all your doubts, which love, it would seem, should melt. When you are in love with a Gemini, you will never be alone, there will always be two people with you, and both of them are him. Remember that this sign combines a double personality, this is a dual nature ... These are the favorites of any hostess, he adores the audience, the more there is, the more fun it is for him. Rare Gemini is not a great conversationalist. He has a refined taste, he is overflowing with witty remarks, and his compliments are masterpieces of sincerity. Gemini have excellent manners, they can direct society in the direction they are interested in. This is the most intelligent sign.

But before you marry him, make sure you are able to live with someone who will provide you with a completely uncertain future. His moods can usually change quickly, his life goals can also change very dramatically. He may confess his love to you today, and postpone the date for tomorrow, leaving you completely bewildered. And after a while he will begin to express doubts that you can be happy together. If you are experiencing this, then in a few days he will again propose to you, and you will forget the troubles. And now you are engaged to the mystery itself.

The Gemini man will not be tomorrow what he is today. He remembers yesterday badly, not for long. It is constantly changing. These changes are possible for the better, he may strive for the best, but this is always accompanied by an element of surprise. If you are a gambler, you will make a good pair. But all good players need to be familiar with the game before placing a bet. And this you must remember. Their goals are always unstable and ambivalent. Often Gemini husbands hide their love under the guise of rudeness, they have a subconscious tendency to hide their true intentions, covering them with completely opposite words and actions. In general, they want to embarrass you, and then change 100 percent and become open and frank, so they have to themselves.

Love for a Gemini man can be easy and enjoyable if you don't try to get too close to him. He has an inner core that belongs only to him, which he will not share with anyone. Take it lightly and calmly, do not be too sensitive and practical, do not bother him. And in this case, your romance with him will be quite original. Do not rebel against his fickleness, change with him, take an interest in life as he is, otherwise your romance is doomed. First of all, he needs an intellectual partner, one that suits his mind or sometimes even surpasses him. He is a realist and loves an intellectual duel. The silent mouse does not suit him at all.

He has a tendency to leave old friends for new ones, but not because he is heartless. His own personality is constantly changing, so he is looking for new people of interest to him. He can feel at home everywhere, rarely attached to old things. During long periods of loneliness, he may shed sentimental tears, but they are caused solely by loneliness, and not by a dream from the past. He does not like, even afraid to be alone for a long time. Many Gemini marry more often than once, especially if he first married in his youth (this again reflects his duality). As for the financial side, he can be a very generous person at the beginning of life, and then become simply greedy. He has no desire to accumulate money, as well as knowledge. He loves to consume everything. Its main function is to earn new ideas, while giving out their bright mental abilities.

Will he be faithful to you ?! In its own way, yes. Since he loves to move in society and is attractive to women, there is always a lot of gossip around him. It is rare for a Gemini man to allow himself to be dishonest to you if you truly trust him. He is always able to grasp any of your secret experiences. However, you shouldn't expect him to shy away from all women just because he's wearing a wedding ring. He can have fun with women, drink with them, chat. For him, this is a natural state. This does not mean that he has affairs with these women. When trust is not justified, it deeply hurts him, introduces him to a state of depression. In this case, he seeks to calm his emotions. There is no need to be afraid of his emotional or physical infidelity, this is his normal state.

With children, he is a good father, not strict with them. Relations with them are close, but somewhat free. They often spoil their children. He needs to learn to keep his promises, which he often breaks.

Jealousy is something you shouldn't worry about when having a Gemini husband. Possessiveness is not his character trait. He tries to get rid of suspicions. The physical side of love is not in the first place for him.

He hears, sees and feels more than other people and his impressions are always very vivid. His love is somewhat airy and illusory. Sometimes it seems that she lacks the earthly passions that other signs possess. He must feel the complete fusion of mental and spiritual qualities before he is overwhelmed by physical passion. This is the only way to his heart.

You need to get used to the word "if". "If I loved ..." (ignore these words, he says them as a precaution). Harsh criticisms, scenes will quickly chill the sensitive Gemini man. He must have two mistresses at the same time, there is such an opinion. Yes, he needs two mistresses, but they don't have to be two different women. That's the whole mystery. If you truly know your Twin, you will also know how to solve this riddle.



If you like harem, marry a Bliznitsa woman. In this case, you will have at least two women, and sometimes 3 or 4. Naturally, this comparison is conditional, she is distinguished by a lack of interest in earthly passions. It is very difficult to get her to sit down and do something seriously. Her mind is constantly traveling. But take a deeper look. And you will see a romantic woman capable of intense passion. Moreover, it will be combined with mental, spiritual and physical qualities. How to preserve the changeable character and inner essence of the Gemini woman? This is the crux of the whole problem. Her age should be very important to you, because until she grows up, her romances will be just a game for her.

Her behavior can be incredibly unpredictable. At first she may admire you, and then she will begin to criticize everything in you with rare sarcasm and great intelligence. But don't let that put you off, because it is always dual. She is not as heartless as it might seem at times. She is a dreamer. And the novel is the most easy way for her to express her fantasies. She transfers all her fantasies, all her dreams to her novels. This woman needs your pity, not your anger. It is difficult for her to devote herself to any one person. She may admire you, but at the same time calmly notes that you are poorly versed in music or, for example, poetry. And when she finds a person who understands music or poetry, she will find some other flaws in him due to the duality of her character. Therefore, there are constant conflicts in her soul. But we must give her credit. She usually keeps to herself all the complexities of her character, without burdening you with them.

She is usually a cheerful and cheerful partner. In most cases, she is bright, intelligent, individual, and conducts a good conversation. She really enjoys all sorts of romantic and sentimental gestures. No other woman will charm you in such original ways of love and charm as she does. She can blink her eyelashes very gracefully like a typical woman, but she is helpless to earn her living. She can be very different: at first she is a cheerful, light woman, then she can be an adoring wife, a serious woman, and suddenly she can turn into a bundle of nerves, fears, etc. She's not monotonous! An example of this would be Merlin Monroe. A Gemini woman can be very different in different situations. She always dreams of falling in love for real. But she does not succeed. She also strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work out. In every man she can find several good qualities, but she strives for perfection, which is always not attainable.

She can be a good friend of yours. She can participate with you in any business that interests you. At the same time, she always manages to look very soft and feminine, and also show her mind. Moreover, her sharp and quick mind is very clearly manifested when she meets a new man. She is sincerely convinced that she is in love with you, but at the same time she can be attracted by another man too. If she is not with you all the time, she may forget you faster than any other woman. This is her nature, striving for constant changes and looking for them. If she does not learn to control her behavior, does not learn patience and stability, then she can ruin her whole life, and at the same time yours. Fortunately, for a man in love with such a woman, most Gemini women come to a deep understanding of their nature. Once she accepts your proposal, you may feel sorry for all the other men who are doomed to marry only one woman. You will have multiple wives if you marry her.

Number one wife. She can adapt to whatever you want to see in her, and if you need fidelity, she can be true, provided that you are interesting enough to win her love. This refers to the combination of mental, spiritual and physical qualities. In this case, the physical side comes last, like the pepper that we add to pizza. This wife will suit you in everything. She has good taste, loves to travel, she will not reproach you for the fact that your future is not stable, because she is interested in everything new, even unstable. She will help you with original thoughts. You can count on her in difficult times. And although outwardly she gives the impression of a frivolous woman, this is not true. This is a deep thinker.

Wife number two. May have a different mood, you can expect that too. There may be times when she is sarcastic and cynical. She can challenge you in an intellectual argument. But a man needs to be stimulated, right? Come on, defeat her in this argument and, by the way, this is what she secretly wants from you. Life does not shock her, she has no prejudices. She can take part in a strike, a protest march. If you are late, she will not ask questions where you were. But do not ask such questions and you to her. They trust you, do the same in relation to her. This is a very independent person.

Wife number three. Will be tired and depressed from homework. The beds will not be made, the dishes are dirty, while she dreams, reads, smokes. For lunch, you can be served canned food without even opening the cans. But nevertheless, even at such moments, you will find in her an excellent companion. It will satisfy your emotional and intellectual impulses. He will listen with curiosity to your opinion, will admire new projects. In short, it will keep you pleasantly company. She will also treat you with love, because you didn't scold her for dusting and cooking dinner. During such periods, she can recklessly spend money. And if you offer her a trip, she will gladly start getting ready, without asking stupid questions about how to get tickets and what to do with the cat left at home.

Wife number four. She will be a cheerful, smiling mother. She will not want children to restrict her activities and changeable character, children will imitate her independence and will take care of themselves. She spends little time with children, although she gives them a lot of love. Teenagers love to talk to her, she will be their friend, tk. her imagination is like a child's.

Wife number five. She will be an excellent hostess, an excellent connoisseur of serving, candle placement, etc. You can invite anyone home, everyone will be fascinated by her. She loves theater, exhibitions, feels good everywhere. Everyone will look at you with envy. She can be romantic, super-feminine, she can write you a poem for your birthday. You will want to buy her velvet dresses and expensive perfume, as this requires her grace.

Thus, you have many women at once. Her dreams and aspirations keep her running. Try to catch up with her, keep up with her and slow her down. She secretly dreams of resting. Try to help her in this, she needs you.

All representatives of the Gemini sign are very interesting personalities. The characteristics of these people are distinguished by an incredible, special duality. Such a person can simultaneously give the impression of a joker-joker and a rather serious person. Only Gemini is able to assess any situation from different angles. Moreover, he analyzes easily and naturally. But at the same time, the main characteristic of the Gemini zodiac sign is inconsistency in any form.

Short description

Gemini is influenced by the planet Mercury. She endows them with inconstancy in business, liveliness, eccentricity. Such people are prone to constant movement, finding themselves. Sometimes they do stupid and strange things. At the same time, they do not think at all about the possible consequences. Therefore, they often face life problems.

However, one should not consider superficial persons belonging to the sign of Gemini. The characteristic of such people is the versatility of nature. They are smart enough and talented. But the duality, inclined to the representatives of the sign, allows you to show the world different "I". Moreover, one image and the other are their essence.

Astrologers note that only one sign of all those in the zodiac is capable of deceiving - Gemini. Their characteristic is hesitation and impermanence. Therefore, representatives of a mysterious and captivating sign can easily be confused.

Another distinguishing feature of the people of this sign is posturing. They tend to rely on the strength of their talents and intelligence. Therefore, they often think of themselves as the center of the universe and become arrogant. This position causes rejection. As a result, they remain in splendid isolation.

Nature has endowed people with the Gemini sign with excellent diplomatic qualities, friendliness, and courtesy. The characteristics of such representatives are distinguished by one more feature - subtle intuition. They are capable of outward appearance opponent to assess all the prospects for the upcoming communication.

In life, Gemini very often changes roles, dressing, depending on the circumstances, the necessary "masks". This ability to change is often perceived by others as sensuality and activity. But rich emotionality is not characteristic of those who were born under such a zodiac sign as Gemini. The characteristic of these people is their easy adaptability to any changing events.

Gemini man

These people are gifted by nature, and even many of them are talented. The man is distinguished by a lively, critical mind. Sociability and shyness endows him with the Gemini zodiac sign. A man, whose characteristics are not always clear to those around him (due to the variability of nature), is fond of art. He is attracted to travel.

He dislikes anything that is consistent. He is attracted by the unknown. The Gemini man has a rich imagination, as a result of which he is often far from reality. Therefore, it does not always fulfill the given promises.

He loves society. And it reciprocates. Therefore, it is Gemini who often become the favorites of the public. The characteristic of the sign (the man knows about this and skillfully uses it) allows you to quickly adapt to a changing situation. Thanks to this, he always feels comfortable.

It is easy enough to distinguish the Gemini zodiac sign from the crowd. A man, whose characteristic includes observation and wit, communicates easily and is not stingy with sincere compliments. His conversations are distinguished by intellectual content. At the same time, Gemini has an unsurpassed gift of a storyteller.

A man, whose characteristics he himself knows very well, loves to use this talent very much. After all, it is important for him that they pay attention to him, admire him.

For him, violent passions are uncharacteristic, even if he is in love. But he is also very romantic. It should be remembered that duality is, if we talk about a sign like Gemini, a characteristic of the sign. A man needs constant care, care, affection, attention.

He is a wonderful parent who will become a friend for children. But he can easily spoil his baby.

Gemini woman

She gets along well with people, has a sharp mind. Such qualities endows a lady born under the constellation Gemini, a sign of the zodiac. A woman, whose characteristic is unpredictability and inconstancy, always remains a mystery. It is difficult to predict how she will react to different situations. This often provokes conflicts and tensions. However, she is able to achieve excellent success at work. It is extremely difficult for her to focus solely on her family.

What, if better to consider a lady born under the constellation Gemini, is the characteristic of the sign? The woman is witty, nervous, loves to live only one day. But at the same time she is smart, businesslike, capable of thinking clearly and deeply. She knows how to hide true intentions behind feigned frivolity.

You will not be able to get bored if the company has Gemini (zodiac sign) - women. Characteristics of these ladies: sociability, cheerfulness, versatile development, dreaminess. Such representatives become excellent friends, are distinguished by a docile and kind character, and are able to keep up a conversation. However, at the same time, she can be demanding and unyielding.

Gemini becomes wonderful mothers. The characteristic of the sign (a woman still remains a dual nature) leaves an imprint here too. As a caring parent, she will not allow her to restrict her hectic activities. She can have fun with children and even take some liberties. But disobedience is able to suppress with all severity.

True love is a dream that Gemini sometimes carry throughout their lives. A girl, whose characteristic does not allow her to close her eyes to the minor flaws of her partner, very often does not find her ideal man.

Twin baby

Such children are mobile and friendly. They are constantly busy with something, running somewhere, in a hurry. Gemini is endowed with restlessness and curiosity. The characteristic of the sign makes itself felt even in childhood. There are many different ideas wandering in the child's head.

The kid does not accept monotony. He will study well only if he is interested. Such a child needs to constantly invent exciting games, a variety of activities. Doing several things at the same time is distinctive feature, which Gemini perfectly owns. The characteristic of the sign inherent in nature, such as fast switching between different activities, allows you to be in time everywhere.

Usually such a kid has many friends. But if a Gemini child loses interest in a friend, then he breaks off a relationship with him without regret. Very often these children do not like to listen to the end. They interrupt and do not give the opportunity to finish, because they are able to "catch" thoughts on the fly. It is not in their nature to waste time on details.

Punctuality, patience, neatness, perseverance are not the strengths of a child born under the sign of Gemini. A girl whose characteristic does not include such qualities will make efforts all her life to "educate" them. Therefore, parents need to delicately and unobtrusively vaccinate them from childhood.

Gemini health

Under the influence of Mercury, such people often suffer from speech or mental disorders, lung diseases, asthma, apoplexy, pleurisy. The Gemini woman is especially nervous. The characteristic of this sign includes another common condition - insomnia. The twins do not rest well at night. They don't know how to relax. As a result, nervous tension cannot be prevented, so they often have breakdowns.

In addition, various allergies and colds are common diseases in Gemini.

To prevent the development of pathologies, such people need to carefully monitor their health. It is recommended to eat less meat, often walk in the fresh air, take sun, air baths. Otherwise, all the troubles can negatively affect the fragile health of people like Gemini.

A man, whose characteristic represents him as the most curious type, is often susceptible to various diseases.

Representatives of this sign are faced with pathologies of the intestines and lungs. They can suffer from rheumatism, arthritis, headaches. Moreover, all diseases do not even arise from overwork. Loneliness and boredom often cause such ailments.

Professional activity

The characteristic of the zodiac sign Gemini predisposes to mental work. Such people are happy to do work associated with a constant change of activities and impressions.

Many Gemini become managers, advertising agents, radio operators and television operators. In addition, they make excellent journalists, artists, secretaries, publishers, accountants, scientists, small traders, postal workers, and writers.

All Gemini have the ability to construct phrases correctly. They make excellent reports, reports, textbooks, documents. Among them there are many authors who have written novels, plays, and popular science literature.

They have the ability to learn the language. Gemini polyglots are common. People born under this sign have a variety of speech abilities. They are able to convince anyone of anything. Even the most absurd ideas from the lips of Gemini seem reasonable.

Gemini love

To fully understand your chosen one, you should definitely look into Eastern horoscope.

Gemini man (a characteristic characteristic of all representatives of the sign) is able to bring a woman a sense of security. It is pleasant and easy to love him. But you shouldn't give yourself over to the feeling with all your passion. After all, he has a spiritual essence that he will not share with anyone.

Gemini, as a rule, get married more than once. But the later their marriage is concluded, the higher the likelihood that it will remain the only one for life.

What is a Gemini woman in love? The characteristic that is key for such a girl is unpredictability. In her youth, she perceives love as a game. But with age, everything changes.

It is in love that she manifests herself with the greatest strength. After all, here she can reveal all her feminine essence, demonstrate the complexity and richness of nature. The Gemini woman is smart, romantic, sentimental and charming. She is also very resourceful. It's never boring with her.

Such a woman does not know how to control emotions, feelings. Very often she has a change of mood.

Zodiac Eastern horoscope

The above was considered general description... But the Eastern horoscope also plays an important role in the formation of personality. Gemini-man, whose characteristics depend on the year of his birth, along with the main qualities, acquires some additional ones.

So, the description of this sign in combination with the Eastern horoscope:

  1. Gemini-Rat. They are shrewd, slippery and cunning people. They have great intuition, excellent presentation of their thoughts. Such representatives are well-versed in the situation, easily avoid traps. They are difficult to rely on as they are always ready to adapt to events.
  2. Gemini-Ox. This combination characterizes a responsible person. He is able to do several things at the same time. Endurance, a cheerful disposition are combined with lack of initiative. He spends a lot of energy for the benefit of others.
  3. Gemini-Tiger. Such a person is emotional, forgetful, unpredictable. She is a sociable, versatile, interesting person. But he is distinguished by his inability to bring things to an end.
  4. Gemini-Rabbit. A prudent and calm personality. Such a person has great intuition. He subtly senses people and has the gift of persuasion. It is useless to argue with him.
  5. Gemini-Dragon. A promising, emotional sign. Natural understanding of others, combined with the constant development of one's personality, allows one to reach any heights. His distinctive features- energy, quick mind, exactingness.
  6. Gemini-Snake. The characteristic of this sign is balance, independence. They are always in control. With a sense of purpose, intuition, they easily achieve what they want. But only when they are interested.
  7. Gemini-Horse. They have a superficial attitude. Such people quickly get carried away and just as quickly lose interest.
  8. Gemini-Sheep. Quite capricious and changeable people. Versatile interests, a practical mind, activity are "broken" by the inability to implement what was conceived. Talented and sophisticated people.
  9. Gemini-Monkey. They are unpredictable, absurd, inventive people. Sometimes they are prone to scandalousness, they are easily able to outwit.
  10. Gemini-Rooster. Any criticism by such a person is perceived with hostility. He is direct, active and impatient. He has many hobbies and ideas. Easily achieves the goal.
  11. Gemini-Dog. Freedom-loving personality. Able to hide the true "I" from everyone. Easily adapts to any situation. An excellent informal leader.
  12. Gemini Pig. These people are sociable and active. They get along with others badly enough. They rarely think over their actions.

Zodiac sign compatibility

As you can see, the characteristic is quite interesting and multifaceted of such a sign as Gemini. His compatibility with others is of no less interest.

Consider it:

  1. Gemini - Aries. Both partners are attracted with incredible strength. But passion, spontaneity and an irrepressible desire for adventure lead to the short duration of the union.
  2. Gemini - Taurus. Partners have different characters... Over time, such differences can ruin a relationship. Taurus is strongly attached to the place. And Gemini, as a result of the duality of nature, is always drawn to new horizons.
  3. Gemini - Gemini. A union capable of unleashing the potential of both partners. V young age such a marriage is short-lived. After all, both partners strive for new sensations. In maturity, such a union can be very long.
  4. Gemini - Cancer. This is a short-lived marriage. A two-faced Gemini is able to present Cancer with an unpleasant and unexpected surprise.
  5. Gemini - Leo. The proud king of beasts can easily fall into traps. But Gemini's volatility makes Leo angry. Such a connection is possible only short-lived.
  6. Gemini is Virgo. Marriage has little chance of success. The carefree, dangerous and fickle Gemini regards Virgo as an object of his influence. Both partners in this alliance are practically unable to interact.
  7. Gemini - Libra. This connection is more like friendship. Both partners strive for a certain freedom. If they can agree on room for activity, the marriage has every chance of success.
  8. Gemini - Scorpio. Fickle partners are constantly in competition. The dual Gemini just drives a jealous Scorpio crazy. The union, unfortunately, is short-lived.
  9. Gemini - Sagittarius. This connection is permeated with passion. But at the same time, both partners are pulled in different directions. Two risky individuals are not always able to get along.
  10. Gemini - Capricorn. Complex union. Capricorn has a second role in it. Gemini's insincerity can remain unsolved for a long time. In such a union, there will be no frank relations.
  11. Gemini - Aquarius. The desire for freedom, adventure can unite such people. They will gladly enjoy each other's company. But both partners must tame the craving for new sensations. Otherwise, the marriage will not last long.
  12. Gemini - Pisces. The union is filled with ardor and passion. Sensitive Pisces often experiences emotional distress in such a marriage.

Brief summary

Gemini are split, elusive personalities. They are excellent intellectuals with versatile and multifaceted talents and interests. Their curiosity and curiosity are immeasurable. Gemini are witty and eloquent. Such people freely adapt to any situation and environment. They are distinguished by unpredictable reactions and indomitable temperament. But sometimes they experience strong insecurity, which can "turn" into a real illness. Many Gemini become brilliant and talented figures in the fields of commerce and finance, technology and science, and art.

Ruler Planet:☿ Mercury. Element: Air.

Gemini personality

“One leg here, the other there” - this expression seems to have been specially created for the restless Gemini, who want to learn so much about life and therefore cannot sit still. Communicating with a person born under this sign of the Zodiac, you can temporarily forget about what is allowed and what is not, and in general, day or night - Gemini does not accept restrictions and conventions, however, not expecting such meaningless sacrifices from you.

That is why, if you have been waiting for your new acquaintance for the whole evening at the appointed place, and having called him back, you found out that he suddenly has urgent business in another city, you can be sure that, according to the sign of the zodiac, this acquaintance of yours is Gemini. Punctuality is not his strong point, too many things, events and people can distract him on the way to you.

He is always late, although they are always in a hurry. Things that the other person passing by will not even pay attention to can unexpectedly cause an inquisitive Gemini to change their course. But Gemini also has an incredible number of friends and acquaintances (although, unfortunately, few friends), meeting with whom on the way guarantees them something interesting - from exchanging news to promising plans for the evening ... they often forget about why they left the house.

Such haste and impatience of Gemini manifests itself in absolutely everything, but the routine scares them. They run from her like from fire and in this panicky flight they are able to change more than one place of residence, and even more so their place of work. Permanent work for them can only become if it guarantees them business trips, communication with new people and, in general, an ocean of impressions. Only then the Gemini's talent is fully revealed, and their overflowing energy, sociability and eloquence bring them solid results.

Indeed, when it comes to the gift of persuasion and the ability to infect people with their enthusiasm, Gemini truly has no equal. Their charm is difficult to resist - they are extremely emotional, and their innate eloquence gives them an invaluable ability to persuade. With a quick and clear mind, the gift of speech, dexterity and erudition, Gemini are able to succeed in many areas, becoming unsurpassed orators, reporters, politicians, businessmen.

The other side of Gemini's restlessness is their inconstancy. Any commitment, be it friendship, love or business, frighten them, dooming Gemini to the eternal pursuit of some distant goal, to ideals unknown to themselves. For the sake of the “bird in the sky” looming ahead, they are ready to sacrifice even “crane in hand”, and when they realize their mistake, it is often too late. Their gaze is directed to the horizon, and in their pursuit of novelty, Gemini often do not notice the treasures that lie right under their feet.

The element of Gemini is the eternally changeable, mobile Air, and their planet is the restless Mercury, the mediator between heaven and earth. He endows this sign with sociability, dexterity and mental alertness.

Friendly and inquisitive, changeable and fickle, agile and energetic, with a great sense of humor, Gemini is able to captivate and inspire. Their life is a kaleidoscope of impressions, and they will not stop until they themselves get bored with its stormy, impetuous rhythm.