Why do different nuts dream? Nuts according to the dream book. Dream interpretation of love relationships

In reality, nuts are a fairly popular product; both adults and children love them. It is not surprising that this image sometimes visits a person in a dream. Why do nuts dream - we ask world dream books.

Dream Interpretations: Miller, Hasse and others

Not everyone knows that from the point of view of biological science, some nuts are not. Walnut is a drupe, earthy is a leguminous herb. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts, coconut and nutmeg are not considered nuts. Real nuts include hazel and hazelnut. In a dream, we do not have to argue which nuts are real and which are not. We are trying to remember the events taking place and unravel the secrets of those nuts that we consider nuts from childhood.

A woman or a man dreams of a nut

For a complete interpretation of sleep, the sex of the dreamer matters. If a young woman dreamed of a nut, then a happy fate awaits her. There are fruits for a girl in a dream - for a waking pregnancy. Are the nuts in a dream dirty? Watch out for your rival. The girl dreamed of a fetus - an imminent wedding is ahead. If a pregnant woman sees a nut in a dream, then a son will be born. For a man, a nutty dream portends a feeling of sympathy for a person of the opposite sex.

Walnut, forest, cedar, cashew, almond, peanut, coconut

If you dreamed about a walnut, you will have to participate in negotiations in reality, where an important role is assigned to the dreamer. Lesnoy - make peace with someone, the troubles will go away. If you eat it in a dream, you will become the owner of an unnecessary gift. Peel pine nuts - fight hardships. Is the participant in the dream cashews? Your love life will change; a wonderful person will appear, with whom it will be easy and fun for you. Almonds dream of a rich life.

Dreamed of peanuts - to profit

Do you dream of peanuts? Get to know people who will make you a lucrative offer. Shoot down a coconut in a dream - a man will have to take care of a lady for a long time; a woman will spend time in a pleasant male company.

Size and quantity: large or small, one or many

The size of the nut plays an essential role in the interpretation of sleep. The big one dreams of profit, the small one - to tears, the middle one - to a stable financial situation.

Did you dream about a spoiled nut? In reality, you will not be able to achieve the intended goals.

One nut in a dream - to loneliness; several - there will be communication with a fun campaign; a lot - in all spheres of life you will be lucky.

Color and quality: green, brown, rotten and more

Brown walnut in a dream - portends good; to health promotion. Green - to the disease. Get involved in prevention.

A whole fruit in a dream is a quick win; rotten - to longing: what you have in mind will not come true. If the core is of poor quality, in reality someone close is deceiving you. An empty nut dreams of a lack of funds.

In a dream, green nuts dream of a possible disease. Prevent illness - get involved in prevention

Collect, buy, peel, give and other actions

In a dream, you can perform certain actions:

  • collect walnuts - all bad things will pass; your income will be more than expenses; it is worth moving forward, and everything will come true;
  • buy fruits - you will have to experience financial difficulties;
  • sell - your enemies will try to drag you into a dangerous enterprise;
  • cracking a nut is easy - work will appear for pleasure; you cannot cope with the shell - to difficulties in business and in personal life;
  • gnawing - to prosperity; you have to work hard to get a decent salary;
  • there is - cherished desires will come true, you will achieve the necessary goals;
  • someone buys you nuts - the dreamer will receive financial assistance; to give nuts in a dream - then you will help someone.

Squirrel with nuts in a dream, "Snickers" and honey

I dreamed of a hard nut - perhaps you have to cope with some problem; the solution to the problem is close. A nut in a shell - in reality you will find something valuable, perhaps even a treasure. Purified - other people will help you financially. Chocolate with nuts - a good purchase.

Squirrel with nuts in a dream - meet friends; will celebrate some event. Nuts on a branch - you are worried about something, but in vain; everything will be solved for your benefit. Fruits in your hands - you will feel proud of what you have done.

Dreamed of a squirrel with nuts - meet friends in real life

Had a dream about honey with nuts? You will have to reconsider the relationship with the person you need. Buying Snickers candy in a dream means that in reality your dreams will come true.

Let you dream only of high-quality nuts! And only good dreams come true in life!

If you are a woman and you dreamed about hazelnuts, then all your life you will ride like cheese in butter. Ripe hazelnuts dream that your family life will be filled with peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dreaming about Hazelnut

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Scattered hazelnuts - promises a peaceful home life and good shopping.

Dream interpretation: what is hazelnut dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hazelnut portends you a lot of troubles and anger of friends. He promises merchants a prison or a decline in trade. Lovers are completely disappointed in each other, married people - cares and naughty children.

What the dream portends: Hazelnut

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There are hazelnuts - you will have to work hard to get your way.

Hazelnut in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Scattered and ripe walnut promises a peaceful home life and good shopping.

Dream interpretation: what is hazelnut dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Nuts, generally seen by a woman in a dream, promise her a happy fate. If this is a ripe hazelnut, then her family life promises to be peaceful and quiet.

How to interpret the dream "Nuts"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you collect nuts in a dream, then a bright streak is approaching in your life. Good luck in business and on the love front. If you eat nuts, this is a very auspicious sign. Soon you will be able to fulfill any of your wishes. ...

Dreaming Walnut

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In general, to see nuts in a dream - to profit or gain. But the received benefit will not please you as much as you would like, since there is some sad circumstance that will upset you. There are almonds in a dream - a sign of wealth that you ...

If Nuts are dreaming, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, picking nuts - portends successful entrepreneurship and favored in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity that will help you fulfill your every desire. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. See in a dream …

Dreaming - Walnut - What to Expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes life without frills. An empty nut - to disappointment, poverty. Nut kernels are a quick win. The walnut tree means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets - you will find a significant amount of money. Hazelnuts portend peace in the family. Collecting fallen nuts is a mess. ...

Dream interpretation online - Nuts

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gathering nuts - you have successful entrepreneurship and the joys of love ahead of you. Ate nuts - expect prosperity and fulfillment of desires. A woman who sees nuts will have a happy fate. Scattered hazelnuts promise a peaceful home life and good shopping. If you dreamed about nuts, then you ...

Ripe something in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Ripe and crumbly hazelnuts, walnuts promise a peaceful home life and good shopping. Ripe sowing is the addition of a family.

Scatter anything in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Scattered and ripe hazelnuts, walnuts promise a peaceful home life and good shopping. Sprinkle tobacco - part with your friends. Sprinkle flour - you are energetic. Sprinkle salt - fright.

Nuts in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, picking nuts - portends successful entrepreneurship and favored in love. There are nuts - a sign of that prosperity that will help you fulfill your every desire. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. See in a dream …

It is impossible to unequivocally answer why you dream of picking nuts, because the interpretation of a dream directly depends on what kind of nuts you dreamed about. Also, when interpreting, one should take into account how they were in a dream according to appearance, dream books suggest.

What Miller Prophesies

If you dreamed that you were picking nuts from a tree in the forest, then this means success and prosperity. You will be able to solve any issue, no matter what you take up, the interpreter pleases. But, collecting them under a tree is a sign of difficulties that will arise at the most inopportune moment.

To a woman, explaining why she dreams of picking rotten nuts, Miller's dream book portends impartial gossip and rumors. In a dream, she sees that her hands are stained with mud from a nutshell? This means that she will take the wrong step in her relationship with her lover.

Hazelnuts as a symbol of financial well-being

The joy of receiving a large sum of money is prophesied by Pastor Loff's dream book, explaining why he dreams of collecting hazelnuts. Did you dream that there are a lot of hazelnuts on the bush? This is a sign of business success. But, if you made stocks of hazelnuts for the winter, then you can safely invest your money in the bank - you will receive good dividends.

Seeing rotten hazel in a dream is a sign of losing money. And if you went through them, separating good hazelnuts from bad, then this suggests that you should carefully check whoever you are going to open a joint business with, so as not to ruin all undertakings "in the bud."

Kernels "from Greece" are a sign of luck and success

Collecting walnuts, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign of a successful start and end of business. While rotten or blackened cores inside promise failure and grief over this, the Moon Dream Book suggests.

Did the girl dream that she was picking walnuts lying in the mud or in a puddle? This plot suggests that she will cheat loved one, which he will later regret. And if she happened to collect clean, symmetrical nuts, then one can hope that her dream will come true, the Gypsy interpreter of dreams broadcasts.

Peanuts, or Take care of your health

Peanuts in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's state of health. If in a dream you see beautiful, light pods in the ground, then this is a sign that your state of health is normal, and it will remain so for a long time, the Eastern interpreter foresees.

Digging peanuts out of the ground is an ambiguous symbol. If you collected nuts by digging up the soil with a spatula, then this is good - your health will not let you down under any circumstances. But, pulling them out of the ground, raking lumps of dirt in a dream with your hands - to illness, the White Magician's dream book distresses.

Dream interpretation nuts

Often seen night scenes arouse great interest and curiosity in a person. What does the vision seen mean? Why is he dreaming? To interpret the plot, the dreamer turns to the book of secrets of dreams - a dream book. In these publications you can always find answers to the most confusing night visions.

When dreaming about food, many people think that this is a meaningless empty plot. But this is a misconception. Why do nuts dream? For an accurate and correct interpretation, it is necessary to remember the dream with the slightest detail, since any detail can affect the final wording.

The general interpretation indicates that the walnut seen in a dream is a sign of the onset of a difficult life period, which will require patience and endurance to overcome.


If you dream about nuts

Seeing nuts in a dream and collecting them from the ground - get an advantageous offer that will bring prosperity. You can also count on additional profits and lottery winnings.

Hazel bushes dream - good sign... In the life of the dreamer, prosperity, luck and love will accompany.

Putting in a basket - a vision portends material independence.


Stabbing with a door - to joy. Smash with a hammer - expect loss. Trying to split your teeth - count on the receipt of unexpected finances.

The shell is very hard - a difficult situation will arise in life.

Split it up and see:

  1. A beautiful whole core - buy a lottery ticket, the vision portends a win. There is a ripe and tasty fruit - the disease will recede.
  2. Empty inside - to financial difficulties and disappointment in the future.
  3. Seeing spoiled fruit is disappointing. You wanted to eat it, but it turned out to be bitter? Throwing away bad fruit is a waste of labor.
  4. To see a wormy core in a night dream is a betrayal of friends.
  5. Rotten - to disease.

Product grade

If you dreamed about a walnut

It is worth considering the types of nuts seen in a dream.


Just seeing him in a dream - the vision warns that you should not worry in vain. Green fruit hanging on a tree - indicates an upcoming joyful event.

He dreams of collecting - in real life there will be an unpleasant conversation.

Eating them - to a short-term illness.

Stabbing - to hear a declaration of love. Split both the beautiful core and you see a big one - you will have an acquaintance in real life with a person who will become a faithful friend.

Buying means a change in feelings for the soulmate.


Collecting hazelnuts or hazelnuts - all bad things will leave life, a favorable period begins.

If you scattered them, you will find something unexpected. Buying them in the market or in the store - to tears. They pricked him according to the plot - to good changes. An unripe fruit - to family well-being.


If you dream about nutmeg

Why do nutmegs dream? Take a pleasant journey.


Peanuts in a dream portends a profitable deal. Dreaming of eating it? You will receive a business proposal from a person you do not know well. Selenium nuts - for a trip that will not bring pleasure. To see sweets with peanuts in night dreams - meet an old, good friend.

Buying is a disease.


Baking with almonds - dreaming of profit. A spoiled product is a bad sign. Collecting almonds - commit an offense for which you will be ashamed. There is a delicious nut - in real life you have to know success. Bitter and tasteless - to a quarrel with a friend.

Who is dreaming about the plot

Depending on who sees a night dream with nuts, the wording of the interpretation of sleep may change.

For woman

If you chopped nuts

Nuts in a dream are a sign that in reality she will be involved in a scandal. A woman should try to avoid this situation, otherwise it will badly affect her reputation.

In the story, she threw them at people? So, in reality, the fair sex is unhappy with her fate.

Injecting them - in real life there will be an unpleasant meeting with an old acquaintance.

Holding dirty nuts in your hands - in real life, a rival will appear.

She dreams of collecting them in the forest - to material difficulties.

For an unmarried girl, nuts portend early marriage... The marriage will be successful, the family will be strong and financial difficulties are not threatened.


If a man dreamed of nuts, a bad sign portends tears. Indicates the dream book walnuts dream - to sadness.

I dreamed of how he colitis them - all difficulties are easy to solve. In the story, they were stabbed by others - your friends need support.

Seeing a lot of them in a dream is a big profit.

Treated with nuts

Were treated with nuts:

  • Favorite? It is worth being careful, as the chosen one can create problems that the man will have to solve himself.
  • Child - a good period in life has come. He will bring joy.

Planting a tree is good health. Climbing a tree to harvest - to prosperity.

For those who are about to marry a rotten fruit see to an unhappy union.

To the patient

Why does a patient dream of nuts? To a speedy recovery.

Interpretation of a dream seen from famous dream books.

Miller's dream book

The dream book of the famous American psychologist Miller indicates that nuts are dreamed of:

Seeing them - in the professional field and in love, will be accompanied by good luck.

Had a chance to eat them, then according to Miller's interpretation, such a plot is a dream for the fulfillment of desires. And also there are nuts in a dream - get a nice gift.

Does a woman dream of a dream? It means she will have a happy life.

According to Miller's dream book, the fundnuk is seen as a sign of a measured life.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Why do nuts dream about Miss Hasse's dream book? If you happen to break them, then there will be disagreements in the family. Seeing them is hard work. There are walnuts - to see such a plot means you will receive a gift. Trample - do not waste money. Collect - get good news.

Collecting hazelnuts is not worth worrying about in vain.

Nuts belong to the category of products that combine business with pleasure. They are delicious and they contain a lot of vitamins. Moreover, this applies to all its varieties: walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and others. Today, when goods from other countries have ceased to be exotic, it is not difficult to buy and eat nuts.

If this does not happen in reality, but, best books dreams are advised not to forget the vision that has been revealed to you, but to try to draw the correct conclusions from it. Let's find out what nuts are for, the most common types of this product and the actions associated with it.

What does the vision symbolize?

What were they like?

Try to remember which nuts were revealed to you at night, because this is an important detail. So it was:

  • Walnuts in shell- soon the dreamer will take part in some important negotiation process. Moreover, it is the sleeping person there that will be assigned the leading role.
  • Hazelnut (hazelnut)- reconciliation. If at the time of sleep you had problems in a relationship with someone, soon this problem will go away by itself.
  • Peanut- a complex symbol that is understood in two ways. If the nut looked beautiful and tasted good, such a dream foreshadows the sleeping man a prosperous and happy future. But if the peanuts were rotten, old and had an unpleasant taste, it portends a dastardly betrayal on the part of others.
  • Pine nut- a symbol that foreshadows the sleeping person great difficulties, which, nevertheless, will be within his power and with which he will cope, albeit with difficulty.
  • Almond seen in a dream promises a rich and vibrant life full of adventure and travel.
  • Coconut in a dream, it is considered a symbol associated with the dreamer's personal life and portends him a quick acquaintance with interesting person of the opposite sex.
  • Cashew, or Indian nut, is similar in meaning to the previous one, but predicts a meeting of the dreamer with a person who can become his friend for life.

Your actions

Not only the type of nut, but also manipulation with it affects the meaning of the dream. What did you do with the nuts in your night vision?

  • Ate them- rejoice: such an image portends you the fulfillment of all cherished desires and the achievement of your goals.
  • Collected- from this moment you should become bolder and persistently move forward, all obstacles will disappear from your path as if by magic.
  • Bought- negative, which promises financial problems.
  • They were bought from you- your ill-wishers will heartily try to bring problems to you and ruin your life.
  • Split- if in a dream you did it playfully, soon you will be able to find a profitable job, which, moreover, will be to your liking. If the shell did not succumb to you, problems await you, both in the business sphere and in your personal life.

Rotten or cracked

If in your dream the nuts were old and rotten, a difficult life period awaits you in the coming days, both externally and internally. Your affairs will not go well, and sadness will fall on your heart.

Cracked or spoiled fruit mean that there is a person in your environment who is unclean towards you... Dream books advise you to become more attentive, otherwise you may become a victim of deception or betrayal on the part of this person.