9 october john lennon. John Lennon - Biography. Interesting facts from the life of John Lennon

Usually New Year meet for festive table... An abundance of food and drinks is what makes a New Year's Eve party different. But do not forget about New Year's entertainment for the company, various table games and contests that will make the party fun and unforgettable. In this article, we have collected the most interesting games and contests that can be held right at the festive table.

  • "Guess the gift"
  • "Polyglot"
  • "Accountant"
  • Ransomware
  • "Guess yourself"
  • "Pitchfork"
  • "Confessions"
  • "Associations"
  • Hippie style toast
  • "Greedy"
  • "Experience or intuition"
  • "New Year's lottery"
  • "And in my pants ..."
  • "Sweet tooth at a speech therapist"
  • "Pass to another"
  • "Fortune telling and horoscope"
  • "Guess the melody"
  • "Toast alphabetically"

"Guess the gift"

What is New Year without gifts? There are special entertainments for the New Year for the company, various table games and contests that will help to present interesting souvenirs and gifts to guests. Here is one of them. You need to prepare for it. Make a nice box or pouch, which you will take turns to put a gift for each guest. At the same time, in order to receive his present, the guest puts his hand into the box and guesses by touch what lies there.

"And who is Snegurochka's grandmother?"

For this competition, the guests are asked to come up with the funniest name and name for the wife of Santa Claus and the grandmother of the Snow Maiden. The guests take turns shouting out an interesting name. These options may include:

Baba Cold;
Grandma Snow;
Baba Ice;
Baba Cold;
Baba Tempest.

You can choose the winner based on the results of the game by universal suffrage.


Entertainment for the New Year for the company, various table games and contests can be not only interesting and fun, but also help to learn a lot of interesting facts. We all know that there are such foreign words that sound very funny to the Russian ear. You can prepare a few such words in advance and invite guests to guess the meaning.

These words can be:

1. Cigarette butts - Czech cucumbers.
2. Pochitach - a computer in Czech.
3. Dedo Mraz - Ded Moroz in Bulgarian.
4. Kaka is an older sister in Bulgarian.
5. Glitch - German for happiness.
6. Fist - ear in Turkish.
7. Mess - a glass in Turkish style.
8. Stinks - Czech perfume.
9. Hilarious - tired in Montenegro.
10. Heap - a house in Montenegro.
11. Pukki is a Finnish goat.
12. Elopukki - Santa Claus in Finnish.

The game promises to be very fun and interesting. You can prepare both pictures for words and prizes for the winners. And those who guessed the word and those who suggested the most original version translation.


There are also such entertainments for the New Year for the company, various table games and contests that give you the opportunity to laugh at yourself and your friends kindly and from the heart.

For this game, you need to give everyone a paper and a pen. The facilitator needs to prepare questions in advance, the answer to which involves a number. Guests write their favorite number on their sheets of paper, several numbers are possible, for several horses at once.

After that, the presenter asks everyone a question, and the guest answers by naming the number that is written on a piece of paper. Questions may be as follows:

1. How old are you?
2. How many eyes, teeth, hair, fingers, ears and so on.
3. How many times have you toast today?
4. How many times have you been married?
5. How many fur coats do you have?
6. How many tangerines did you eat from the festive table?

This game should be played with close friends to make sure that no one will be offended by comic questions. Questions can relate to the New Year theme or absolutely any area of ​​life. Be careful with your questions about children and physical characteristics.


And here are some entertainment for the New Year for the company, various table games and contests that will help you practice your wit and creative thinking. One of them is a ransomware.
For this game, everyone is given an abbreviation: "Ministry of Internal Affairs", "VVP", "Housing and Communal Services", "Air Force", "Airborne Forces", "OGRN", "IP", "IO", "Ministry of Internal Affairs", "FSB" and so on. They can be written on special plates in advance.

This abbreviation must be deciphered in the form of a New Year's toast or congratulations. It should be fun and funny. For example, decryption options can be:

1. "BBC" - Happy New Year to all of you!
2. "Ministry of Internal Affairs" - Youth, Inspiration, Money to all in the New Year!

The most interesting options can be awarded with a prize.

"Guess yourself"

This game was borrowed from the Americans recently. She needs special hats on her head in the form of a thick paper ring, on which is attached a picture with an image of any living creature (boy or girl, famous person, heroes of films or cartoons) or an object.

Everyone puts on such a hat, not seeing what he has in the picture. After that, in turn, everyone guesses himself, asking everyone simple questions, which can only be answered "Yes" or "No".

For instance:

1. Am I a living being?
2. Am I a subject?
3. Do I have 4 legs?
4. Do I have wool?
5. Do I have eyes?
6. Can I speak?
7. Am I famous?
8. Am I funny?

These questions should narrow down the guesswork and lead to a clue. Everyone will have fun both for those who guess and for those who help.


Any player, in turn, is blindfolded, given a fork and any object is placed on a plate in front of him. Using a fork, feeling the object, the player must guess what is in front of him. He may ask simple questions that require a “Yes” or “No” answer. For example:

1. Is it oval?
2. Is this personal care item?
3. Is it a food product?
4. Is it green?
5. Does it open?

With the help of these questions and answers to them, and feeling the object, the player guesses, everyone is having fun.


Each player in turn pulls out a piece of paper with a written feeling. He must convey this feeling to his neighbor without words. So they play in a circle.

Feelings can be as follows:


It is important to convey the feeling without a single word, so that the neighbor guesses it.


The presenter speaks a word to the player in his ear so that everyone else does not hear. The player leaves the table and shows this word with gestures, facial expressions and postures. The rest guess. The next one shows the word, the one who guessed it, and the previous player says the word in his ear.

You can set a theme for the game, for example: "New Year", "Love", "Happiness", "Cinematography" and so on. Or play with any words, no limit.

The game can be made easier if the player leaves the table and shows the word while standing. The next step will be a more difficult option - you need to show the word while sitting at the table, only with your hands and facial expressions.

Hippie style toast

For this game, plates with written styles are made and distributed to each guest. The host makes a toast. Guests should take turns to make a toast in a given style. Styles can be as follows:

1. Hippies.
2. Disco.
3. Vamp.
4. Glamor.
5. Rap.
6. Congratulations from the President.
7. Congratulations from a foreigner.
8. Toast from grandma.
9. Congratulations to the child.

Styles can be anything, even with imitation of the voice of any famous character, if the campaign has such talents. Here you can split into teams and get some time to prepare. It's good if the props are prepared: hats, wigs, glasses, and so on.


For this game you need to fill large bowl coins. Distribute smaller bowls and spoons to all players. On command, everyone begins to scoop coins into their bowl with spoons. Music sounds during the game. The game ends when the music stops. The one who turns out to be the richest wins. The competition can be complicated by offering guests not spoons, but sushi sticks.

"Experience or intuition"

This game is suitable for men's companies, where they drink vodka and are not afraid to get drunk. Three stacks of clear drink are placed in front of the player. In two of them vodka, in the third - water. The player does not know where the drink is. He is offered to drink vodka and wash down with water. That is, he must choose a glass of vodka, drink and then choose a glass of water and drink it. You have to try to guess, even though it's not that easy.

"New Year's lottery"

This game should be started as soon as guests arrive. Everyone is given a number. Then, during the event, they bring out a bag with gifts, where all the gifts are numbered. The host takes gifts out of the bag at random and announces their number. The gift is taken by the guest who has the corresponding number. In this case, you can ask the guest to say a rhyme, sing a song or make a toast.

"And in my pants ..."

Comic entertainment for an adult company. You need to prepare the pants, painted or sewn. First, guests write down the name of their favorite movie on a piece of paper. After that, the presenter gives the pants to the guests. The guests take turns passing them around and saying: "And in my pants ..." Then follows the title of the film that is written on the sheet.

The result is funny, for example:

1. And I have "Bald Mountain" in my pants.
2. And in my pants "Attraction".
3. And I have "War of the Worlds" in my pants.

This game is played already merry, under the influence of alcohol, and everyone laughs a lot.

"Sweet tooth at a speech therapist"

Those who want to play this game are chosen. They are given bowls of caramel. You need to put a caramel in your mouth and say the phrase "Sweet tooth at a speech therapist." With each round, the game becomes more difficult and another candy is sent to the players' mouths.

"Pass to another"

An ordinary button is prepared for the game. You need to pass this button on your fingertip to your neighbor without dropping it. Another option would be to pass the tangerine by pinching it with your chin.

Comic competition "Why did you come?"

At the beginning of the game, the host distributes prepared answers on pieces of paper to each player. They should be funny and answer the question "Why did you come here?" The answers may include the following options:

1. Delicious food for free.
2. Stay overnight for free.
3. Drink for free.
4. There is nothing to eat at home.
5. There is no light at home and the TV does not work.
6. I'm afraid to sit at home alone.
7. Look at people and show yourself.
8. To sing a song!
9. Check how you live here.
10. To eat your signature salad.
11. Get drunk.
12. Confused the address.
13. Yours is warmer.

The answers can be different and funny, the main thing is to prepare them in advance.

"Fortune telling and horoscope"

Each guest writes on a piece of paper any five words that first come to his mind. After the presenter announces that the guests must voice a prediction or horoscope for the coming year for their neighbor. The guests take turns reading the words from their leaflet to the address of their neighbor, saying the following phrase at the beginning: “In the new year, you are waiting for you” and then list the words from their list.
You can write phrases in the form of adjective + noun. On the instructions of the presenter.

"Guess the melody"

For this competition, you need to prepare by choosing minus phonograms for popular songs. You can take only New Year's, or use any pop songs. Each guest is handed out flags or festive pipes, whistles.

The presenter turns on the melody in turn. As soon as the guest guessed the melody, he raises a flag or blows a pipe. Then he answers what the melody was.

"Toast alphabetically"

All guests, before drinking a glass of champagne for the coming year, take turns making toasts and wishes. But not just like that, but according to the alphabet. It is necessary to say a wish or a toast, which begins with the next letter in the alphabet. The first one utters a wish, which begins with the letter "A", the second - with "B", and so on in a circle until the alphabet ends.

The wishes can be as follows:

1. "Let's drink to the New Year!"
2. "Be healthy and happy in the New Year!"
3. "Let's drink to love!"
4. "Gentlemen, let's raise our glasses to our health!"
5. "Let's have a drink!"
6. “If celebrating the New Year is fun and carefree, then it will be successful and easy! For good luck! "

Toasts in this sequence are pronounced by all guests to the last letter in the alphabet, after which they drink drinks.

Games and entertainment should be alternated with meals, the opportunity to just chat, dance. Choose a background music, props and prizes for each game. Then your party will remain in the memory and bring a lot of good emotions to you and your friends.

How to entertain guests at home? Those who have decided to gather a group of friends or relatives with them have probably faced this problem and will still face it. This task can be even more difficult than choosing gifts or decorating a room. To help with the solution, we have tried to collect some helpful tips in this article.


Going to celebrate home preparation ideas should be taken from your head, calling for inspiration to help. Who, besides yourself, knows the tastes and interests of the guests best? So do not hesitate and let your imagination run wild, and then New Year's chores will turn into another, additional part of the holiday.


The most important thing to think about first are gifts. It is not enough to choose what each guest will like, it is also desirable to present it in an original way. The simplest and most commonplace is to put beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree. If everything was chosen individually, then it is better to sign each box in order to avoid confusion and unpleasant surprises later.

There are more original ways to entertain guests in New Year's Eve... Buy universal gifts, such as unpretentious souvenirs, T-shirts with funny inscriptions or pictures in honor of the symbol of the coming year, greeting cards, notebooks - in general, anything that will please any of the guests. Place them in different boxes so that you cannot guess the size of the gift by the size of the package. Now hang all this on the tree, and let the guests choose what they like. It will turn out to be such a kind of lottery, and no one will be offended for what they gave him. You can make this venture part of the contests, if in this way the winner will receive his prize.


When wondering how to entertain guests for the New Year at home, you need to think about the theme of the event. Everything, of course, depends on the company that will meet, but there are several universal options suitable for any occasion.

Carnival or costume ball

When inviting guests to be sure to warn them about this specificity of the holiday. Nobody wants to feel out of place when they are dressed inappropriately, right? But just in case, you should still have a spare props for those who have forgotten or did not have time to prepare. Dressy masks for women and false beards for men, cardboard crowns, hats or caps - all this will help you cheaply and without unnecessary hassle turn your guests' outfit into a carnival one.

Theme party

A great way to entertain guests on New Year's Eve is to devote the holiday to a specific topic. In this case, the main thing is not to be mistaken with her choice. If among your guests there are young people who are obsessed with computers and gadgets, then they may find themselves bored at an impromptu medieval ball, and vice versa, connoisseurs of the Middle Ages and knights may not like a holiday in the style of steam punk. When choosing a treat, you should also consider the tastes and preferences of your guests.

The idea of ​​a theme for a holiday may come to mind unexpectedly, but if there is no inspiration, there are several win-win options:

- Masquerade... Guests do not even have to puzzle over the costumes, because it is enough to add a mask to any evening dress - and now you can already feel the mysterious spirit of the masquerade.

- Fantasy party. Suitable for those who are not averse to plunge into the world of elves and gnomes, magic and battles. True, here the preparation must begin in advance, because the manufacture of the costume can take some time.

- A party in a fairytale style - another option for how to entertain guests for the New Year at home. Children will be especially delighted with such a holiday, but often adults are happy to return to the world of childhood.

- 60s party(80s, 90s, etc., depending on how old most of your guests are). Here it may be enough to decorate the house in a suitable style, select music from the right time - and now the right atmosphere has already been created.

- pajama party is a great way to have fun with your friends.

- "Babel". Invite your guests to dress in traditional outfits from a country of interest to them and bring one or two dishes that its inhabitants eat. Let everyone tell a little about her culture, maybe teach the others a couple of phrases in her language. So the holiday will be not only fun, but also informative for everyone.

New Year with friends

Having gathered for a holiday with an adult company, it is not at all necessary to spend the whole night at the table, watching TV. There are a thousand and one scenarios for the New Year's at home for adults, so with creativity and imagination, you can turn the usual gatherings of a friendly company into something unforgettable.


You can add a touch of mystery to the holiday treat. To do this, it is enough to bake fortune papers into cookies, pies or buns coming year... You can arrange a competition, for this one of the pies bake a special "secret" (a coin or other small object). Anyone who gets it will be able to choose a gift from under the tree. Just do not forget to warn the guests so that the winner does not accidentally damage his teeth.

Entertainment for an adult company

Do not be upset if you had to stay at home for the New Year. at home, and even with an adult company - you can write whole books about this. The absence of children at the party generally opens up a lot of opportunities for fun.

- Fants-the game is versatile, simple and fun. To carry it out, you just need to collect one small thing from each of the players. We put all the "catch" in a box, bag or an opaque bag. Presenter (it can be anyone who does not really want to accept Active participation in the venture) takes out one item, without showing the others, and asks what to do to this phantom. And what the answer will be depends on the specifics of the gathered company (and on the amount of alcohol consumed, perhaps, so if you want recklessness - hold a competition closer to the end of the holiday).

- Twister- another traditional way of how to entertain guests on New Year's at home. Perfect for a youth company (after all, participants need to have at least minimal flexibility).

- Mafia- a game for lovers of psychological puzzles and those who want to practice their gift of persuasion. First, each is assigned a specific role (civilian, mafia, policeman or doctor). The task of civilians is to find out all the mafiosi and put them in jail, the task of the mafiosi is to "kill" as many civilians as possible, and preferably also policemen with doctors, while not betraying themselves.

- Puzzles. It would seem like child's play, but it can be a great option for entertaining guests at the table on New Year's Eve. At the same time, the complexity and "maturity" of the riddles can be matched to the assembled company.

If you decide to spend your holiday in the style of the Babylonian Pandemonium, then guests can be invited to play games that are traditional for different countries of the world. For example, the Cambodian game "Akugun"... The players throw some fruit to each other, for example, tangerines. To win, you need to hold as many fruits as possible in your hands without dropping them. You can arrange an impromptu home bowling alley (Thai game "Saba"), where instead of pins there will be plastic bottles.

- Dancing on the newspaper. A very close-knit game, during which the guests split into pairs must dance on the newspaper without stepping outside of it. The trick is that over time, the presenter folds the newspaper in half as long as possible.

-Divination. What can do without making wishes for the next year to the chimes? Turn this seemingly banal action into an attraction. Let everyone write their warmest wishes for other guests on a piece of paper and throw them in a hat or box. By pulling out a piece of paper with the dropped out wish, the audience will be able to find out what awaits them for the next year. It will be even more fun if each wish is divided into two, and then, by the will of lot, to connect the different halves.

Family New Year

One of the most important tasks for hosts who invite guests to their place is to develop a New Year's scenario at home. A family holiday is always a reason for relatives to show how much they love each other. That is why it is worth filling this holiday with an atmosphere of warmth and love.

The creation of coziness in the festive decoration of the house can help in this. Let the children join in this fun activity. Hanging toys together on the New Year's tree, cooking interesting sweets, recipes for which the children themselves will come up with, making various crafts on the New Year's theme - all this will help you feel the spirit of the New Year long before its official start. And to make it more fun, you can make riddles already during the preparation for the celebration. Let the child take a candy, tangerine or other sweetness as a prize for each answer, then it will not seem excruciatingly long to wait for midnight.

Preparing for a family holiday

It is difficult to imagine in the bosom of the family, especially if there are children in it, without a Christmas tree. Let the kids choose the toys they would like to see on it, and then ask for help with hanging. Perhaps they would like to see bright shiny new balls on the green branches? Go to the store and together choose what you like. Or maybe your children have favorite toys, even if they are old and shabby, but very important ones? Then let the tree turn out to be vintage.

Many children love to craft something with their own hands. Give them the opportunity to make their own decorations for the tree or just for the room. Snowflakes, paper garlands, snowmen - even the smallest can do all this. Let the older children make more complex toys: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, beautiful complex lanterns.

Children's contests

Snow collection. Scatter as many paper snowflakes as possible on the floor. Let the children collect them in bags for speed with cheerful music. The one who manages to collect the most will receive a sweet or memorable prize.

Puzzles. Find out which of the children is the smartest by making riddles. The winner can be presented with a chocolate medal or other symbolic gift, and the rest can be given consolation prizes, so as not to be offended.

Fun disco. The presenter turns on the music for a while, and then, turning it off, calls out the number. All participants should be divided into groups with the named number of people. Time for everything is three seconds. Those who fail to do everything correctly are eliminated from the game.

Have time. In the middle of the room, arrange the chairs so that there are one fewer chairs than the participants. The players walk around the chairs to the music, and when the music dies down, they must have time to sit on the chairs. The unsuccessful one is eliminated, and one chair is removed with it.

Guess. The participant is blindfolded and asked to identify one of the New Year's items by touch. The one who was right most often wins.

Story. Invite the children to play a home play (adults can also participate). Let everyone choose the role they like, and then the narrator reads the beginning of the tale. Then you can either use ready-made scripts with time-tested dialogues and a well-known plot, or arrange an improvisation.

A little tip in the end: when deciding how to entertain guests for the New Year, games, contests and other entertainments are best thought out in advance and discussed with future guests. However, even if plans changed at the last moment or nothing comes to mind for a long time, you should not be upset. Sometimes spontaneity and unpredictability make the holiday even more interesting than if everything had been decided in advance.

An entertainment program (SHOW) for the New Year with the use of original contests is conducted by experienced presenters and beginners. In stock, each host of the holiday should have a fresh script for the New Year 2020 with a sufficient number of contests and games that will captivate guests.

For each competition, pairs or competition teams are usually formed. Then the guests have fun and gradually liberate themselves.

If guests come early

Developing a New Year's newspaper is a great way to entertain early arrivals. It cheers up and can distract early guests who make it difficult to put the finishing touches (to fill Olivier with mayonnaise).

It is optimal to offer them a pencil for entertainment.

And you can also hold a competition: who will be able to guess all the newspaper tasks faster. Indeed, the newspaper contains crosswords, erudition tasks, quizzes. It is worth giving the winner a prize.

At the beginning of the program, there are usually outdoor games.

Better to spend active entertainment in the first half of the evening. And for creative play, any time will do.
It is appropriate to prepare prizes for competitions - simple, small and inexpensive. If one of the players wins all the prizes, then it is necessary to reward the players who took second place.
This option is also available: put it under the tree, and the winner will choose.

The best contests for a New Year's corporate party

New Year's corporate party is a good opportunity to have fun with colleagues. Employees - it sounds dry and mundane, but on common holiday you can get to know each other better and learn a lot about the people with whom you are engaged in common business. New Year is just around the corner, and now it is quite the right time prepare for the upcoming holiday. Fun is always good, and a prepared and planned event is a double celebration, because not a second is left for boredom!

Contests are companions of any corporate party. With their help, you can entertain people of any age, unite into teams those who occupy different steps in the service hierarchy, unite and unite the team. But for the idea to succeed, you need to choose the right contests - witty and funny.

Competition "Special Assignment"

Prior preparation is required to run this competition. You will need balloons and paper. On small pieces of paper, you need to write various tasks - for example, "sing a song", "portray an ostrich", "eat a lemon." Put one note in each of the balloons and inflate them. Each of those present must choose a ball and complete the task from the note.

Ice cube competition

……………… in the paid version ………………………

Contest "Mysterious Person"

…………… the text is hidden ………………………….

Lost Bagel Contest

…………… ..in the full version ………………………

"Keen eye"

Its essence lies in the fact that one of those present names a letter (the letters y, b, b, e, and we exclude). Each of those present at the table must find an object on the table as soon as possible, the name of which begins with this letter. This can be a cutlery, a serving item, a dish ingredient, or something else.

Creative chips for leading children's New Years holidays

1. Making a snowman

Props: Hats, Velcro blanks

We attach blanks for the snowman to the canvas. Playing in the key of the relay: who blinds faster.

2. Restyling of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

……………… the text is hidden ………………

4. Riding a horse

Props: two horses.

I plan to buy horses: the head of a horse on a stick and arrange obstacle races. Year of the horse after all)

5. Horse racing

Props: "horseshoes", bandage on the mouth, "saddle"

We choose several pairs. One in a pair will be a horse, the other will prepare her for the races. The first step is to equip the horse:

First stage:

………… ..the text is hidden ……………………….

7. New Year's photo session

Props: cardboard smiles

Photos with different smiles.

8. We decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, green raincoat.

We divide the guests into two teams. We choose one person from each team - a “herringbone”, put on him a green cape or put on a bezel with a star. All other participants will have to decorate the Christmas tree with toys, a garland, etc. Of course, you can identify the winner, but the result of all this is funny "Christmas trees" around which you can dance

9. Drifts and snowflakes

This is an attentiveness game with children.


Which of you is attentive, we will now find out.

10. I will freeze

Well-worn, but everyone's favorite game. Santa Claus is trying to freeze hands, noses, heels, tummies. Laughter is guaranteed!

11. "Let's not let Santa Claus out of the circle"

... and at some point the Snow Maiden, together with the children, surrounds Santa Claus and does not let him out of the circle, holding hands. The children, along with the Snow Maiden, lower their arms and squat as soon as Santa Claus tries to get out of the circle.

Fun for couples

New Years is the perfect time for married couples to take a break from their busy lives. Games are one way to do this. If you and your spouse really enjoy celebrating the new year at home, then this is the time to play various games to renew the intimacy, and more.

………… ..2 competition is hidden …………………… ..

New Years Quiz

New Year is a time to remember all the good and happy moments that happened to you last year. Make quizzes for each other about what happened last year. Ask questions out loud. These could be questions about politics or world events, or more personal events that happened in your family. Make this process an annual tradition.

Wine tasting

Celebrating New Years quietly at home together is a great opportunity to sample something decadent or expensive, like a good bottle of wine. There is a tradition every year where you and your spouse can each buy an expensive bottle and blindly taste each other. Taste your spouse's wine and try to guess the grape variety and price. Ask your spouse to do the same for your wine, and you will see who knows their wine best.

New Year's entertaining games for guests


It is required to install obstacles: children's blocks, books, chairs, etc. It is necessary to make passages, but so that they are zigzag. The participant has fins on his leg, and binoculars in his hands. The player holds binoculars, so that he reduced objects, you must pass by without touching objects. The one who did it without mistakes and faster deserves a prize.

Competition of artists.


Game: What's in common?

The presenter announces 2 words, for example, a knife and a light bulb. The players take turns saying what these items have in common. The player who named the common feature last wins.


………… text is hidden …………

Come up with a function.

………is hidden……………….

Dancing on the newspaper.

Newspapers are spread on the floor. The newspaper is a dance floor for the couple. Half a minute later, the newspaper is folded in half. After another half a minute, it is the same. The competition continues until there is a couple left who manage not to go beyond their scrap of newspaper.

There are a great many contests for New Year's corporate events. And it's good that there is still enough time to prepare for the holiday. If the entertainment is selected and organized correctly, the participants of the holiday will not be bored.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to your shopping cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will come to you by e-mail.

Also see: which many will like.

Price: 149 R kill

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 6 minutes


New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is contests for the New Year. They unite and force the participants to be active.

Some contests are of a game nature, others for ingenuity, and others for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic contests that are suitable for uninhibited people.

If you want to New Year's celebration I remember it for a long time, be sure to include several exciting contests in the New Year's program. The photographs taken in the process will remind this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I offer 6 fun contests. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise the mood to the maximum, make the festive team more active.

  1. "New Year Fishing"... You will need Christmas toys made of cotton wool, a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants of the competition will take turns to hang New Year's toys on the street, and then take them off. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than others.
  2. "Funny drawings"... On the large sheet make two holes for the hands. Players will have to draw the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus with a brush, passing their hands through the holes. They can't see what they are painting. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. "Frosty breath"... Place a large paper cut snowflake on the table in front of each participant. The task of each participant is to blow off the snowflake so that it falls to the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The winner is the player who took the most time to complete the task. It is all the fault of his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake "froze" to the surface of the table.
  4. “Dish of the Year”. The participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's composition of salads or a unique sandwich will do. After that, a man sits down in front of each participant, and all the players are blindfolded. The winner is the “New Year hostess” who feeds the dish to the man the fastest.
  5. "New Year's melody"... Place the bottles in front of the contestants and put a couple of spoons. They should take turns approaching the bottles and singing the melody with spoons. The author of the most New Year's musical composition wins.
  6. "Modern Snow Maiden"... Men participating in the competition dress up women in order to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, Christmas toys, all kinds of cosmetics. The victory will go to the “stylist” who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it cheerful and bring smiles on the faces of the participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year contests for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, provides for small dance breaks, massive games and various competitions.

New Year's Eve is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose a New Year's contests so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, invite your guests to several musical and active contests. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they again return to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting contests for children and adults. I am sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year entertainment program.

  1. "Fir-trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the trees are high, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their hands up, squat or spread their arms. The player who made the mistake is eliminated. The most attentive wins.
  2. "Dress up the tree." You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. The males decorate the tree by holding the other end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who will create an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. The Mummy. The competition involves the use of toilet paper. The participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen in them. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the “lucky one” in toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples involved. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two, you get two free hands. After that, the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant is holding a paper, the second is wielding scissors. The team that made the most beautiful figure.
  5. "Tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever succeeded first won. After that, the participants are invited to a blindfold rematch. Instead of money, they put a tomato on a chair. Surprising the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by vacations, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood, will create a positive background for the holiday. Even an uncomplicated collective game will be exciting if played with a friendly company. Children will be especially pleased with the competitions, the victory in which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. "Tiger's tail"... Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first competitor in the line is the tiger's head. The end of the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” seeks to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The "torso" must remain in the hitch. After a while, the children change places.
  2. "Merry round dance"... The usual round dance can be significantly complicated. The presenter sets the tone by constantly changing the direction and speed of the movement. After several circles, lead a round dance with a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Journey" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins like a snake in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members hit fewer pins wins the game.
  4. "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"... Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite some boys who will compliment her. They have to get out of the bag pieces of paper with inscriptions and, on the basis of the words that are written on them, express “warm words”. The player with the most compliments wins.
  5. "Magic Words"... Divide the participants into teams and hand over a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story read by the presenter, words from these letters are encountered. When such a word is pronounced, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and rearrange in the desired order. The team that is ahead of the opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed"... Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. After the children leave the room. Several toys are outweighed or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. "Gift in a circle"... Participants stand in a circle face to face. The presenter gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. After that, the gift moves in a circle. After stopping the music, the transfer of the gift is stopped. The player who has the gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant who will receive this memento.

Video of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task, it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect unpretentious objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. It will take some free time.

  1. "Christmas balls with fabric applique"... To Christmas tree has become stylish and original, it is not necessary to purchase expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out the same motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric, and stick them on the surface of the balls.
  2. "Christmas tree toy from orange"... You will need a few oranges, a pretty elegant ribbon, a pretty string, a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and send to dry in the oven. Tie a string of cinnamon sticks and tie to a slice of orange. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to the loop.

Amazing snowflake

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen perky snowflakes.

  1. Use scissors to cut off the tips of a toothpick. Use a paper cutter to make a small notch in the middle of one end of the toothpick. This is the main tool.
  2. Make several blanks out of paper. The width of the strip is in the region of three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as flat as possible. Remove the spiral and put it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press down on the end slightly. You get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many of these elements as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving a certain shape. This creates not only circles, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the required number of elements, proceed to the formation of the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. It will turn out amazing beauty Snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything right, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal investment of time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandfathers, aunts and parents will gather in one house. We need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help in this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member should be assigned to write a small congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear kind words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on the pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.


  1. Each family has certain traditions and customs for celebrating the New Year. Some go outside and set off fireworks, others visit the main square, others stay at home and exchange gifts.
  2. Family traditions must be followed. It revives childhood memories when parents tried to arrange a New Year's fairy tale.
  3. Family New Year is a real holiday of love, at this moment we are surrounded by close people, a joyful and calm atmosphere reigns in the house.
  4. Give family members as much laughter and joy as possible this evening.

New Year is a holiday when you should not limit yourself to frames. On the contrary, release your fantasy and give it the opportunity to roam to the fullest. In this case, an unusual holiday will turn out, a real feast with games, dances, fun, delicious cake.

Good luck in the coming year and do not forget to buy for your loved ones new Year gifts... Don't chase expensive items. Let it be cheaper, but from the heart. See you!