The name Timothy as you can call. The meaning of the name Timothy is fate and influence on character traits. Different languages

Timothy is a beautiful old name! What does it hide? The characteristic of the name Timothy is sociable, friendly, easily makes acquaintances, has many friends and acquaintances.

Young Timothy has character traits such as:

  • kindness
  • responsiveness
  • sociability
  • non-conflict
  • kindness towards others
  • accuracy
  • honesty
  • openness
  • ease in relationships
  • optimism.

Life around Timothy should be in full swing! He always needs a festive, enchanting atmosphere. Holiday man! The character of a child with this name is very emotional. The boy is easily carried away by new ideas, projects, relationships. But in case of failure, it quickly “cools down”, falls into apathy, breaks and breaks relations. The character is often unbalanced, sometimes even touchy. Timothy does not like to be alone. Loneliness is not for him. He especially loves to shine in a female company, where he tries to take center stage. Timofey gives the impression of a benevolent, not remembering evil, tries not to participate in conflict, contentious situations

Career and hobbies

At school, a boy named Timothy at birth may seem lazy. He often refuses to do his homework. However, this does not affect his performance in any way. He usually learns well and quite easily. It is better for parents not to interfere when it comes to choosing a profession. A man can reach heights only in the area that he likes.

The meaning of the name Timothy, as mentioned above, largely determines the word "success". Thanks to diligence and determination, a man will be able to achieve everything that he had in mind at the beginning of his journey. As for the profession, Timothy will certainly choose a field related to communication. He can make a good psychologist, educator, teacher.

Characteristic interpretation of the name Timothy

Timosha grows up as a calm child. Lives in his invented world, likes to fantasize. Often withdraws into himself when faced with difficulties. He does not like quarrels, he tries to bypass sharp corners, to reconcile everyone. With other children willingly plays outdoor games.

Timofey is not diligent, does not like to read or do homework. However, he is helped out by the ability to catch everything on the fly, so he learns quite acceptable. Classmates love him because he is ready to help in any difficult situation. Teachers appreciate him for his meekness, good nature and calm disposition. He is a very efficient boy. He completes all assignments on time and with quality.

Timothy is always a pleasure to deal with. He has few friends because he does not like to open up in front of a large number of people. By nature, Timothy is very good-natured, so he can hardly stand up for himself. At work, he is always collected, able to perform monotonous work for hours. He never is rude to anyone, he always tries to help his colleagues, which they often use, shifting the execution of their duties onto his shoulders. He does not know how to lie and hypocrisy, he always speaks only the truth. A person with this name is not able to offend anyone, to mock someone. Timofey is not suitable for leaders, his softness will not allow him to competently manage the team. However, this person can take place in professions that require great altruism. He can become a good doctor, psychologist, social worker.

In a relationship, Timothy is sensitive and vulnerable, they try with their usual foresight to protect themselves from unpleasant emotions. He carefully chooses a life partner and deeply experiences love failures, sometimes falling into depression and not sharing experiences with either friends or relatives. Timothy marries late, wants to have many children. He needs a faithful and complaisant girl who will be able to take on all the complex issues and manage the family budget.

Usually, Timothy is happy in marriage. He loves to help his wife around the house, loves to talk to her or just be around. Children are his life. He cannot imagine a family without a large number of children. From birth, she has been dealing with them, maybe changing a diaper and drinking from a bottle. When the children grow up, he becomes their adviser and assistant in all their affairs.

The “winter” and “autumn” Timothy are balanced and calm. "Spring" are closed and not talkative. Those born in the summer have a rather complicated personal life.

Usually, the name Timothy, the boy is called by a strong and domineering mother. It is because of her pressure that Timothy grows up as a soft, compliant and overly modest person.

A woman named Elena, Sophia, Tatyana, Albina, Anna or Nina will suit him. Women with the names Larisa, Kira, Karina or Maria are extremely unsuitable for him.

The mystery of the meaning and origin of the name Timothy has long been revealed by researchers in this field. It is no longer a secret that this name form has ancient Greek roots, and it is from

Greece, it spread around the world in various variations. In literal translation, this name means "worshiping God." Most often in colloquial speech, the name Timothy is used in an abbreviated form - Tim or Tim. Despite the fact that in different countries this name form can change in pronunciation and spelling, its meaning and influence on the character of a person is unchanged.

I also advise you to pay attention to the meaning of a similar male name form

Talismans for Timothy

  • The ruling planet is Jupiter and Saturn.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra and Aquarius.
  • The most successful time of the year is winter, the most successful day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky colors are purple and red.
  • Totem animal - bittern. This totem helps to increase self-esteem, fight your fears and complexes. It is considered a symbol of the exposure of evil, the triumph of justice, victory over evil spirits.
  • Totem plant - chamomile and pine. Chamomile has symbolized fidelity, love, sincerity since ancient times. A bouquet of these unpretentious flowers will bring warmth and comfort to the house, help to establish relationships. Pine is a symbol of constancy, longevity, resistance to stressful life situations. In the Christian tradition, the pine symbolizes vitality and devotion to faith.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire and ruby. Sapphire is a symbol of fidelity in love and friendship, giving wisdom, composure and patience (no wonder the seal of King Solomon was made from sapphire). An amulet made of this precious stone protects from unrighteous anger and unjust judgment. But for a lazy and envious person, wearing this amulet will only be an attempt to decorate oneself. Ruby protects against ailments, comes endurance and courage, protects against negative energy and malevolence. The strong energy of the stone helps those who lack confidence and determination.

Origin and character of the name Timothy

Fair, righteous. Modest, thoughtful, thorough. Craftsman, with imagination and artistic taste. Perhaps circumstances are stronger than Timothy, and he has to do what he does not want to do. He is gentle with women, cherishes his wife, cherishes.

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In the West, the name appears in the form Timoteus, Timothy. It is considered rare and even old-fashioned, but is currently popular with young parents. Timothy is a fair, honest, modest, thoughtful and thorough man who does not allow emotions to prevail over rationality and sanity. He acts clearly according to the established plan, while no unforeseen circumstances can bring this man out of balance. Gaining the trust of this man is not easy, because he is not inclined to trust people.

Character and personality traits

The meaning of the name in the character and fate of Timothy played an interesting role. On the one hand, he is soft, calm, dreamy, curious and well-rounded. On the other hand, he can be suspicious, impressionable and insecure. A person with such a name form is an exceptionally kind person. He is incapable of evil, and will never harm anyone.

Due to his character, he gathers creative and unusual people around him. It is often the heart of the company and a part that unites people. Wherever he finds himself, since childhood, in any team, he finds true and devoted friends. Therefore, it is not surprising that in his social circle there are people with whom he is friends from the very cradle.

He is also valued as a good worker. For him, the main thing in work is not earnings, but an idea and interest. He wants his work to benefit people. Aimless work for financial gain does not interest him. If he succumbs to his calling and develops his creativity and imagination, he can achieve great results by bringing his ideas to life.

Boy character

  • The meaning of the name Timothy prepared a calm character for the boy. Such a child often dreams, has an excellent imagination, and often lives in his own imaginary world. He loves his parents very much, but contact with his mother is closer. In the future, this can lead to dependence on the mother if she shows excessive authoritarianism in his upbringing.
  • He will not be able to cope with problems in childhood on his own. May hide from others. Does not tolerate screams and conflicts. The meaning of the name for the child, whose name is Timothy, prepared for him some difficulties in communicating with peers in early childhood, but with age he finds ways to communicate and joins the team well.

Timofey will not be able to cope with problems in childhood on his own. May hide from others. Does not tolerate screams and conflicts.

The character of a man

  • The name Timothy for an adult man means almost the same as for a boy with this name form. But with age, all the characteristic features of a given personality lend themselves to improvement and cutting. He learns to direct his talents in the right direction. Satisfies ambitions by realizing own ideas and achieving good results in labor activity.
  • He always tries to seem calm and balanced, and only in the circle of loved ones can give vent to his emotions and feelings. Because of this, he can unintentionally take out his anger on his relatives. But, despite this, he has a close relationship with his parents, and always finds time to communicate with them.

Timofey Karataev - actor

Timothy in adolescence and maturity

At the youthful stage of maturity, it is appropriate to recall another owner of the name mentioned at the beginning of our excursion - the Syrian military commander. It seems that the character of Timothy as a teenager is not always “plush”, as it was in childhood. People around can make sure that he is capable of a significant act. He can adequately take a hit, while he will neither play up nor dodge. It’s not immediately clear where he got such a display of strength from, because recently he was considered a sweet, homely boy. But we must not forget that the origin of his name speaks for itself, giving this name to a newborn, relatives, as it were, endow him with a certain essence.

The characteristic of the further, adult, life is such that Timothy is slowly, but steadily and persistently moving forward, towards success.
His intentions are decisive, his actions are thought out and aimed at achieving a certain career. The unconscious significance of such behavior is that he must and wants to make efforts so that his state is harmonious and calm, because he has more than enough strength and perseverance.

The male self of Timothy is such that he is an internal contemplator, but at the same time a doer. Therefore, at work he is a pro, who is far from the internal strife of the team. He is entirely focused on his profession, appreciates his choice and tries to work as best as possible - this dictates his name to him. In his personal life, he is timid and shy. May experience insecurity in relationships with the fair sex. He hopes and believes in a happy and long marriage, as he is set on a serious wave. Probably, his feelings are adjusted and strengthened by an inner voice, always and everywhere reminding the owner what the name Timothy means.

In family

The secret of love for him matters the meaning of his whole life, and the nature of relationships in the family is understood by him as a direct and free path to a brighter future, hand in hand. Timofey with great zeal will take care of the life of his family. To do something for loved ones means for him to help them and be near them both in joy and in sorrow. The male actions of the owner of this name are distinguished by decency and dignity. His reaction is patience and reflection. And this means that he will not offend his relatives, even if they make efforts to piss him off. His name will immediately remind you of the futility of these attempts.

Of course, such a name in the family is somehow modified. People, as a rule, abbreviate the names of relatives, find a convenient option for themselves. In the case of Timothy, it would be better to beware of the popular "Tim, Timon, Timosha, Timokha ...". Its meaning is such that it is determined by inextricably merged parts - "Timo" (worshiping) and "theos" (God). Only such an interpretation allows one to refer to the ancient essence in its entirety. The separation of "Timo" from its main particle "theos" is likely to affect the true meaning of this phrase. The ancient origin will not allow to disassemble his name into its component parts without prejudice to the owner. Such is Timothy - the meaning of the name determines the direction of movement towards the goal - valor and service are above all for him.

Timofeevich and Timofeevna - that's really lucky! This beautiful patronymic sounds for its owners sincerely. The description of merit in this case also applies to the heirs. And they also take on historically significant features that we revere as enduring values ​​of humanity.

Timofey enters Russia. And it is not in vain that parents choose it for their baby. The name Timothy has excellent energy and promises its owner a good fate. At the same time, the boy receives a strong character and the favor of the female. In our article we will talk about the meaning of the name Timothy, its origin and influence on fate. Let us dwell in more detail on the issues of love, marriage and the career of a person named as indicated above.

What will be the child named Timothy

What character will a child named Timothy have?

Timosha, Timonya, Timokha, Theme - this is the affectionate name of the parents of their baby in childhood. The name Timothy and the meaning of the name for the boy has a strong influence on his future life. As a child, he is a kind, calm, dreamy kid who loves to snuggle up to his mother or grandmother by the side and listen to fairy tales, carried away into the good old fairies and dreams. Often, it is the mother or grandmother who has the greatest influence on Timofey's upbringing, often suppressing the will of the baby.

Even having a man in the family, little Timokha is inclined to obey the "female half". What promises him the halo of "mother's son" in the future.

The boy grows up as a caring and loving child. If in childhood he grows up in a calm and caring atmosphere, then in the future Timosha will do everything to create the same loving family. He will become a wonderful husband, gentle and caring. Responsible and loving father.

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Characteristics of the name and its significance for the child

As can be seen, its characteristics are such that it makes one seriously think about the essence of the name. After all, a soft, gentle sound (let's say, a phonetic description of the sounds that make up this word) is associated with brave and devoted, fearless and firm in their actions people - the progenitors of this name.

In a modern interpretation, the character of its owner is described as calm, soft, dreamy. The parents who named their son Timothy, observing his communication with others, notice how vulnerable and impressionable he can be. At the same time, the actions of their child are noble, filled with kindness and care. Timothy can easily forgive a friend for evil words, give in if he feels strong pressure. But does this mean his weakness and suppleness? If you go back to the past name and remember the interpretation, then - by no means. Most likely, this boy has an inner state of great fortitude and forgiveness, as an inheritance from his namesake, the disciple of the Apostle Paul. It seems that he looks at his offenders as "lost", while loving and respecting them, and this gives them the opportunity to independently find the right solution.

Timothy differs from many peers in his ability to quickly grasp knowledge. Such a student always succeeds at school, learns easily, without straining. The history of his name accompanies him everywhere: he is a thoughtful, unhurried, independent and thorough child. Such a boy, as a rule, is loved by the mothers of his friends, because he will try to prevent pranks and pampering, and will restrain his friends from stupid acts. The secret of this ancient name is such that it contains a hidden deep meaning - by naming the child Timothy, relatives, as it were, attract the entire historical path of its first bearers to themselves. But they were distinguished by such a rich world of desires and opportunities that special conditions are needed for their implementation. This is probably why Timothy has been set up for a significant career since childhood. He tries to have time to prove himself in many areas of activity, and he does it well.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Timothy is associated with the time of the year of birth. A man who was born in winter is calm and balanced. He is confident in his abilities, has his own opinion, easily makes a career. Attentive to others, gently treats fans, from whom there is no end. Nothing is impossible for him.

Summer Tim is taciturn, reserved, prefers to hide in his world, where he tries not to let anyone in. It is difficult for him to live in society because of timidity and shyness, so he chooses a job such that he has as little contact with people as possible. Marries late. Often remains a bachelor.

Autumn gives the owner of the name Timosha constancy and thoroughness in business. He prefers stability and confidence in the future, so he rarely changes jobs and marries, as a rule, once. She values ​​relationships and work, knows how to competently plan her life, in which there is no place for change.

Winter Timosha is a balanced, reasonable, calm and pragmatic person with a cheerful disposition. It is easy to communicate with him, he easily finds a common language with people. This is the soul of the company, the favorite of the opposite sex, always in the spotlight. Has a wonderful sense of humor.


The main character traits of Timothy are kindness, gentleness, independence, calmness. In childhood, an obedient boy grows up to be a real intellectual. He is distinguished by perseverance, Tim is attracted to technology, especially cars, and the exact sciences. It is easy to communicate with him, Timofey never takes offense, and quickly forgets the mistakes of others.

Negative character traits include straightforwardness and a tendency to lie. This is especially evident when he needs to justify himself. Often abandons the started business halfway if he has lost interest in it. He can only do what really interests him. Does not tolerate inaccuracy and chaos.

As a phlegmatic person, Tima does not like noisy companies, preferring solitude. It can be fully revealed only in the circle of truly close people. Many consider him unsociable and irritable. At the same time, Timosha gives the impression of a good-natured and gentle man who tries to avoid conflicts.


The fate of Timothy is not easy, he is open and closed at the same time, he does not share his thoughts, despite his authority. He has few friends, but he is completely confident in them. Easily adapts to the situation, and it is quite difficult to unbalance Tim.

He considers the realization in the profession to be his main purpose, and he does it well. It is his career that allows him to satisfy his pride.


Charming Tim is a success with the fair sex, but he is reluctant to enter into a relationship. He likes soft women, does not like strong, bright and strong-willed ladies, they scare him. Appreciates intelligence and intelligence, communication skills and modesty. For a long time he chooses his life partner, therefore he marries late and solely for love.

Good compatibility awaits a man with women named Marina, Olesya, Elena, Tatyana, Polina. It is worth avoiding relationships with Irina, Vera, Daria. Often the marriage ends in divorce with Valentina, Julia, Anna, Olga and Vitalia.


The owner of the name Timothy puts his development in work in the first place. For him, a career is very important, he quickly moves up the career ladder, is respected by colleagues, partners, and management. He has access to both creative professions - a writer, a psychologist, a reporter, a designer, and those related to the exact sciences. Tim will make an excellent designer, programmer, printer.

Timofey is an effective manager, he is doing well in his own business. As a leader, this person is strict, demanding and fair. Success is explained by such qualities as business acumen and excellent reaction, he freely gets out of non-standard situations. Partners respect and appreciate a man, because they are sure that he will never let you down.

Marriage and family

When it comes to personal life, the name Timothy means for its owner that he can become a good family man. He often looks for a wife older than himself and similar to his mother. She should be beautiful, affectionate, gentle and smart. Before marriage, he is enviably popular with girls. Often he can lie to seem better than he really is.

Able to marry without love, as he believes that the main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding, respect and friendship

It is important for him that his wife surround him with care and be a good keeper of the hearth. Does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts

He does not strive to be a leader in the family, and will calmly hand over the reins of government to female hands. Jealousy does not differ, but does not accept treason in any form.

His calm and gentle disposition helps him build excellent relationships with children. They accept their father as a friend and tell him about everything that is happening in their lives. The owner is also good. He gladly takes an active part in the improvement of life, and does an excellent job with his male duties.

Timofey Timofeevich Bazhenov - Russian television journalist, zoologist, survival specialist, author and host of the TV programs Wild World, Bazhenov's Tales, Bazhenov's Rating, Records of My Planet, Bazhenov's Casting

What fate awaits Timothy

Characteristics of the name Timothy, character traits and the fate of Timosha

Timofey is a soft, calm, sociable young man. Having become an adult, he easily builds relationships with others, with work colleagues, in the family circle. The name Timothy, the meaning of the name and fate are decisive in the life of a young man. In society, when faced with problems, he willingly moves away from the conflict situation, although he is often the primary source. He does this easily, with pleasure, trying not to spoil his mood and maintain good relations without harming the parties to the conflict. These features, excessive softness, inability to insist on his own - prevent him from being a manager. Suppression of the will of others sickens the character of Timothy. Although such features as - honesty, openness, high efficiency will allow him to occupy his niche in the team of like-minded people.

In relations with women, Tim is extremely controversial. Playing the first violin Timofey is prevented by the "women's upbringing" received in childhood. Timofey is very amorous, he strives to create a comfortable, gentle atmosphere in relations with women both for himself and for his partner. Probably more for myself. Timothy's planet is Saturn. Hence, in the character of Timothy, disobedience, obstinacy and unexpected fiery traits are manifested. For all his sociability, he can be harsh, withdraw into himself, step aside, although not for a short period.

Timothy can show spontaneity. Obeying a momentary sudden impulse, he can commit rash acts, without thinking about the future consequences and possible difficulties. Which subsequently deliver additional problems to his subtle, restless nature. Such as remorse, emotional throwing. As a result, he himself takes the first steps towards reconciliation, the establishment of good relations.

Main character traits:

  • Ambitious. Therefore, he spares no effort, time and financial resources to obtain a decent education. Strives to find a high-paying job and build a career.
  • Intuitive. Inclined to evaluate, analyze the situation. Understands the true nature of the actions of others. Slightly hidden. Therefore, he often uses information for his own purposes. However, I do not see anything reprehensible in this.
  • Sociable. Friendly, easy to get acquainted with, has many friends and acquaintances. Life around Timothy should be in full swing! He always needs a festive, enchanting atmosphere.

Man is a holiday! Very emotional, easily carried away by new ideas, projects, relationships. But, in case of failure, it quickly “cools down”, falls into apathy, breaks relations. His personality is slightly unbalanced. Timothy does not like to be alone. Loneliness is not for him. He especially loves to shine in a female company, where he tries to take center stage. Tim gives the impression of a benevolent, not remembering evil, he tries not to participate in conflict, controversial situations.

Tim is a romantic at heart. Italian melodrama, a volume of classical literature, children's crying can move him to tears.

The main features of a person named Timothy are justice, love of truth, modesty, thoughtfulness and thoroughness. This person will always come to the rescue, he will never leave in trouble either a close friend or relative, or a little-known friend.

Timothy in Greek means "worshiping God."

The meaning of the male name Timothy

A name is an important component of a person’s characteristics, since his character, abilities, tastes, health, and even fate depend on him.

What shall we name the boat? It's true! Therefore, it is extremely important not to make a mistake when you ask yourself what to name a child.

The name Timothy is not as popular today as it was years ago. But even today it occurs periodically, like other ancient names. The reason is that it has an interesting symbolism. The article will discuss the meaning of the name Timothy, the nature and fate of its bearer, the secret of its origin and the legend of the holy martyr will also be revealed. Scientists argue that the origin of the name Timothy and its meaning are closely related to ancient Greek culture. There is an opinion that the secret of the name Timothy and its meaning endow the child with a large number of character traits that contradict each other.

The meaning of the name Timothy | What does the name Timothy mean, character and fate

The fate of Timothy was such that at adolescence he was imbued with the miracle of healing performed by the Apostle Paul, and became his best disciple. In a modern interpretation, the character of its owner is described as calm, soft, dreamy. The parents who named their son Timothy, observing his communication with others, notice how vulnerable and impressionable he can be. Timothy can easily forgive a friend for evil words, give in if he feels strong pressure. But does this mean his weakness and suppleness?


Short form of the name Timothy. Timosha, Tim, Timanya, Timakha, Timasha, Tyoma, Timofeyka, Timokha, Timonya, Timosya, Timunya, Tyunya, Timo, Theo, Tim.
Synonyms for the name Timothy. Timofeos, Timothy, Timoteus, Timo, Timod, Timutea, Timothy, Timoftey, Timoteos, Timoteo, Timote.
Origin of the name Timothy The name Timothy is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Timothy comes from the Greek "timotheos", which means "worshiping God." In various European countries, this name will sound like Timothy, Timothias in England, Timoteo - in Spain, Italy, Timoteu - in Portugal, Timoteos - in Greece, Timothy - in Romania, Timoteush - in Poland, in northern countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) and in Germany - Timotheus, Timo, Timi - in Finland, Timod - in Ireland.

Timofey grows up as a fairly independent and not noisy child. He always listens to his elders. In communication, he manifests himself as a calm and conflict-free person. As a child, the boy tries to spend as much time as possible next to his mother, always agrees with her opinion. With age, he becomes dependent on his wife and her decisions, tries to rely on them.

Timothy is handsome, charming and also smart. With these qualities, he always attracts attention. At its core, Timothy is a responsible person. In life, education plays an important role for him, which he will strive to get with all his might. He is quite diplomatic, has patience. These qualities will help advance the career ladder of its owner.

Timofey is an interesting and creative person. Friends are attracted by his lightness and positive attitude. Timothy is not prone to monotony, so he can be in search for a long time, trying to understand his own destiny.

In his personal life, Timothy is gentle. Thanks to the pliability of the owner of this name, in the family the wife always takes the role of leader. For such a man, the attitude of the chosen one to his hobbies is of great importance. She is obliged to share them, and not to show mockery in this matter. In turn, Timothy manifests himself as a wonderful husband. He not only pays a lot of attention to his children, but is also the breadwinner in his family.

As a profession, Timofey is best suited for such specialties as a designer, engineer, writer, reporter or psychologist.

From the outside, Timofey gives the impression of a calm and balanced person who does not seek to stand out in the team. He often tries to hide his true emotions, which is why he can appear rather withdrawn.

Timofey is not inclined to make a large number of friends. In a big noisy company, he usually chooses a role for himself and joins the general mood. It can only be seen in real life among a narrow circle of close people. At the same time, Timothy rarely shows his irritability and discontent. Most often only his wife knows about these qualities. Timothy is always moving towards the implementation of his plans.

Timothy's pride is hidden in the depths of his personality. This is due to his upbringing and lifestyle. Under certain circumstances, he is vindictive. At the same time, Timothy's temperament allows him to react quite calmly to aggression. Most likely, he will not show his dissatisfaction immediately during a quarrel, but will harbor negativity. His close people may suffer from this, because he will express everything to them. In the team, Timofey communicates with everyone in the same way, without singling out anyone. You can win his trust with sincere conversations. Only among friends Timofey is truly able to open up. It manifests such hidden qualities that were previously invisible to people unfamiliar to him.

Timothy's name day

Timothy celebrates name day on January 1, January 17, February 4, February 6, February 14, February 26, March 6, March 12, March 29, May 16, June 23, June 25, August 14, September 1, September 2, November 10 November 18, November 22, December 11.

Notable people named Timothy

  • Timothy of Miletus ((c.450 - c.360 BC) Greek lyric poet and kifared; the last part of his poem "Persians" has been preserved, Timothy of Miletus went down in history as a decisive reformer of poetry and music)
  • Timothy ((1st half of the 4th century BC) ancient Greek sculptor)
  • Timofey Granovsky ((1813 - 1855) historian, public figure, Westerner, Russian medievalist, laid the foundation for the scientific development of the Western European Middle Ages)
  • Timofey Gurtovoy ((1919 - 1981) conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Timofey Krasnobaev ((1865 - 1952) surgeon, academician, one of the founders of Russian pediatric surgery)
  • Timofey Podurov ((1723 - 1775) in some documents - Padurov; associate of Emelyan Pugachev, commander of the rebel regiment)
  • Timofey Tribuntsev ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Timofey Spivak ((born 1947) theater and film actor, director, artistic director of the Studio Theater "Actors of Cinema and Theater" (A.K.T.))
  • Timofey Lokot ((1869 - 1942) Russian agronomist, politician, publicist)
  • Timofey Zabolotsky (Russian diplomat of the 16th century, was active during the reign of Elena Glinskaya)
  • Timofey Belozerov ((1929 - 1986) Soviet poet, Honored Cultural Worker of the RSFSR)
  • Timofey Prokhorov ((1797-1854) Russian industrialist, son of the founder of the Tryokhgornaya manufactory Vasily Ivanovich Prokhorov, manufactory adviser and hereditary honorary citizen)
  • Timofey Prokhorov ((1894 - 2004) "Father Timofey", as everyone called him in Munich; Russian hermit in Munich, "Olympic Yeremit")
  • Timofey Neff ((1805 - 1876/1877) at birth - Timoleon Carl von Neff; historical and portrait painter)
  • Timofey Gorbachev ((1900 - 1973) Soviet scientist in the field of mining science, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958), Hero of Socialist Labor (1948))
  • Timofei Pisnya (Soviet mechanical engineering worker, Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Timofey Illinsky ((1820 - 1867) Russian pathologist)
  • Timofey Khryukin ((1910 - 1953) Soviet military leader, pilot, Colonel-General of Aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1939, 1945))
  • Timofey Shapkin ((1885 - 1943) Soviet military leader, active participant in the First World, Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, lieutenant general (1940))
  • Timofey Shamrylo ((1905 - 1941) Ukrainian Soviet politician and statesman)
  • Timofei Levchuk ((1912 - 1998) Soviet Ukrainian film director, People's Artist of the USSR (1972))
  • Timofey Kritsky ((born 1987) is a Russian road cyclist who plays for the Team Katusha team. He won many prestigious youth competitions, but in September 2009 he received a severe leg fracture, after which he did not fully recover.)
  • Timothy Eaton ((1834 - 1907) Canadian merchant who created the Etons department stores. One of the most prominent retail businessmen in the history of Canada. After several enterprises, Eaton bought a dry goods store in Toronto and introduced two market innovations of that time - constant prices and deposits In 1884, Eton developed the postal catalog trade.)
  • Timothy Francis Leary ((1920 - 1996) American writer, psychologist, campaigner for research on psychedelic drugs, software developer - one of the first computer-indexed psychological tests)
  • Timothy James McVeigh ((1968 - 2001) US Army reservist, Gulf War veteran, organizer of the largest (before the events of September 11, 2001) terrorist act in American history - an explosion at the Alfred Marr Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 168 deaths, including 19 children under the age of 6. McVeigh, a militia sympathizer in the United States, sought revenge against the federal government for the Mount Carmel siege that had ended in the deaths of 76 two years earlier. McVeigh was eventually found guilty of violating 11 federal laws and sentenced to death on June 11, 2001. Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier were also charged with conspiracy.)
  • Timothy Matlack ((1730 - 1829) merchant, inspector, architect, patriot and statesman)
  • Timothy G. O'Sullivan ((c.1840 - 1882) American photographer. Famous for his photographs of the American Civil War and the Wild West.)
  • Timothy David Olyphant ((born 1968) is an American film actor. He is best known for his roles in films such as the adaptation of the popular game Hitman and Die Hard 4.0 (2007), as well as in the television series Deadwood (2004-2006) .)
  • Timothy R. Poketat (American archaeologist, researcher of Mississippian culture, professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois. Supporter of post-processual archeology. He was best known as a researcher of the burial mounds of the prehistoric city of Cahokia, classified as a World Heritage Site, significantly refined its dating. Based on the study of Cahokia, he recreated the structure and organization of the ancient Mississippian society, co-editor (with Diana Dipaolo Loren) of the voluminous work North American Archeology, and has also been involved in "rescue archeology" (urgent excavation of sites threatened by looting, vandalism, or destruction as a result of construction projects) on numerous occasions. )
  • Timothy Ferriss ((born 1977) is an American writer, public speaker, and productivity guru. In 2007, he published The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, which became a best-seller according to " New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.)
  • Timothy (Tim) William Burton (Burton) ((born 1958) American film director, animator and writer. A master of modern spectacular cinema, often based on black humor and macabre elements.)
  • Sir Richard Timothy (Tim) Hunt ((born 1943) British biochemist, Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology 2001, awarded for his discovery of the regulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle by cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases. Fellow of the Royal Society.)
  • Timothy May Shelpidi ((born 1948) Nigerian Ambassador to Russia)
  • Timothy Abbot Conrad ((1803 - 1877) American paleontologist)
  • Timothy Joseph Ahearn ((1885 - 1968) British athlete, champion of the 1908 Summer Olympics)
  • Timothy David Barnes ((born 1942) British antiques historian)
  • Timothy Franz Geithner ((born 1961) American economist and financier)
  • Timothy Dalton ((born 1946) English theater and film actor. He is best known as the performer of the role of Edward Fairfax Rochester in the film Jane Eyre (TV series, 1983), James Bond in the films Lights from the Eyes (1987) and License to Murder (1989) and roles in Shakespearean films and plays.)
  • Timothy Zahn ((born 1951) American classic science fiction writer)
  • Timote Atuba ((born 1982) Cameroonian football player who plays as a defender. Since July 1, 2011, he has been a free agent.)
  • Timote (Timoteush) Adamovsky ((1857 - 1943) preferred the gallic form of the name Timote; American violinist of Polish origin)
  • Timothée Colani ((1824 - 1888) obsolete misnomer - Timothée Colani; French liberal reformed theologian)
  • Timote Malendoma ((1935 - 2010) Central African politician, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (1992 - 1993))

The main features of a person named Timothy are justice, love of truth, modesty, thoughtfulness and thoroughness. This person will always come to the rescue, he will never leave in trouble either a close friend or relative, or a little-known friend.

Timothy in Greek means "worshiping God."

Origin of the name Timothy:

The name Timothy came into our speech from the ancient Greek language, comes from the phrase "timo" (to honor) and "theos" (god).

Characteristic interpretation of the name Timothy:

Timosha grows up as a calm child. Lives in his invented world, likes to fantasize. Often withdraws into himself when faced with difficulties. He does not like quarrels, he tries to bypass sharp corners, to reconcile everyone. With other children willingly plays outdoor games.

Timofey is not diligent, does not like to read or do homework. However, he is helped out by the ability to catch everything on the fly, so he learns quite acceptable. Classmates love him because he is ready to help in any difficult situation. Teachers appreciate him for his meekness, good nature and calm disposition. He is a very efficient boy. He completes all assignments on time and with quality.

Timothy is always a pleasure to deal with. He has few friends because he does not like to open up in front of a large number of people. By nature, Timothy is very good-natured, so he can hardly stand up for himself. At work, he is always collected, able to perform monotonous work for hours. He never is rude to anyone, he always tries to help his colleagues, which they often use, shifting the execution of their duties onto his shoulders. He does not know how to lie and hypocrisy, he always speaks only the truth. A person with this name is not able to offend anyone, to mock someone. Timofey is not suitable for leaders, his softness will not allow him to competently manage the team. However, this person can take place in professions that require great altruism. He can become a good doctor, psychologist, social worker.

In a relationship, Timothy is sensitive and vulnerable, they try with their usual foresight to protect themselves from unpleasant emotions. He carefully chooses a life partner and deeply experiences love failures, sometimes falling into depression and not sharing experiences with either friends or relatives. Timothy marries late, wants to have many children. He needs a faithful and complaisant girl who will be able to take on all the complex issues and manage the family budget.

Usually, Timothy is happy in marriage. He loves to help his wife around the house, loves to talk to her or just be around. Children are his life. He cannot imagine a family without a large number of children. From birth, she has been dealing with them, maybe changing a diaper and drinking from a bottle. When the children grow up, he becomes their adviser and assistant in all their affairs.

The “winter” and “autumn” Timothy are balanced and calm. "Spring" are closed and not talkative. Those born in the summer have a rather complicated personal life.

Usually, the name Timothy, the boy is called by a strong and domineering mother. It is because of her pressure that Timothy grows up as a soft, compliant and overly modest person.

A woman named Elena, Sophia, Tatyana, Albina, Anna or Nina will suit him. Women with the names Larisa, Kira, Karina or Maria are extremely unsuitable for him.

Almost every name given at baptism has its own meaning, a secret and inexplicable meaning, and can guarantee its owner a cloudless or disturbing future. This is one of the main reasons why adults approach this choice with great care and study all the subtleties. Is it possible to call your son Timothy, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys from an early age - you definitely need to find out everything in order to protect your child from unpleasant surprises.

The meaning of the name Timothy for a boy is brief

Few of the parents know that too much may depend on the name that they have chosen for their child, because not only the secret meaning embedded in it is important here, but also other features. Of course, the first thing to find out when naming your baby is the meaning of the name. It is it that most often explains some of the properties and qualities that will be inherent in the baby. Timothy, the meaning of the name, character and fate - the necessary information can be gleaned from various sources, because the name is quite common and popular in many countries. Most often, for these purposes, they turn to the church calendar, which explains the secret meaning with high accuracy and talks about the saints who had this name.

The meaning of the name Timothy for a boy is rather difficult to briefly explain, because in different countries it can have a different meaning. The ancient Greek interpretation is usually used - "worshiping God." One can hope that the child will justify the hopes of his relatives and will certainly honor the Almighty, sincerely turning to him with prayers. The child will certainly be heard, and he will be protected by unkind deeds and bad people.

What does the name Timothy mean for a boy according to the church calendar

If you approach the choice of a name for your beloved child, you must certainly take into account that not only the meaning of the name plays a significant role, but also whether the baby will have patron saints. Not all names that are currently popular with parents can be found in the church calendar or calendar. The meaning of the name Timothy, the meaning of the name, character and fate - Orthodox literature on this subject can provide a lot of useful and even necessary for adults who are going to raise a worthy man out of their child.

The meaning of the name Timothy for a boy according to the church calendar is similar to the ancient Greek secret meaning. You can find only one interpretation - "worshiping God." Parents who call their little child that way hope that the baby will certainly live up to their expectations and become a good Christian who will not only honor God, but will not pass by a person in need.

The boy will have few patron saints; during the year, he will be able to celebrate name days only twice. They fall in winter and spring - February (4th) and May (16th). Both saints died a martyr's death thanks to their unshakable faith in the only God. The great martyrs were distinguished by good deeds, therefore, one should hope that they will not turn away from the baby either, they will certainly help him to set foot on the right path, and go along it all his life without turning off.

The secret of the name Timothy, beliefs, signs

For thousands of years, people have tried to determine with accuracy what secrets and mysteries can be hidden in a person's name. It was possible during this time to find out incredible facts - usually the day when the saint is venerated is accompanied by events that may indicate what may happen soon. What secret of the name Timothy deserves special attention?

First of all, in Orthodoxy, the winter holiday of the saint is more revered, because it was he who was one of the apostles and during his lifetime became famous for good deeds. He helps people even after his death - turns away disasters, helps those in need, stops the development of diseases, even portends weather conditions.

In February, honoring the saint, it is customary to carefully monitor the weather. Usually this holiday is characterized by frost and heavy snowfalls, but sometimes it happens that the saint decides to give a few hints, causing unusual weather conditions for this month. If it rains, it portends a good harvest of fruit trees. If the sun is shining, you can hope that garden plants will please you with a bountiful harvest.

The origin of the name Timothy and its meaning for children

Along with the meaning of the name, adults who plan to give their baby all the best try to find out the rest of the details, one way or another capable of influencing the child. These include the origin of the name Timothy and its meaning for children. You should not worry about the origin - the Greek roots of this name will in no way harm the baby and will not cause any inconvenience.

Will the name matter to the baby and how can this manifest itself? The main thing here is the presence of holy guardians who will certainly help to cope with the upbringing of the baby. Adults will certainly feel this, and almost immediately after baptism, and this will be reflected in many ways - the child will stop being capricious, crying for no reason, waking up at night.

There will also be many changes in the upbringing of the crumbs - he will certainly begin to carefully listen to the moralizing of his relatives, study the world around him, and try to read books on his own. By the way, Timothy will learn letters very early, which will allow him to read at an early age and become the reason for good success at school.

The character of a boy named Timothy

Will the character of a boy named Timothy be able to impress his relatives with good qualities, or will they have to suffer from his many shortcomings? As practice shows, the baby will have a lot of advantages. Among the positive qualities can be noted:

  1. love of life;
  2. a penchant for fun
  3. friendliness;
  4. restlessness;
  5. curiosity;
  6. quick wits;
  7. the ability to grasp information on the fly and apply it correctly.

Timothy is also distinguished by the ability to come to the rescue at the right time. It does not matter who requires his reliable shoulder - a close relative, a stranger, a comrade or even an animal. You can count on help in any case, even if for this Timosha needs to sacrifice not only finances, but also free time.

Among the shortcomings in the first place can be put an incredible cunning. It often happens that the boy is so carried away that he himself cannot distinguish where the lie is, and where the pure truth is. This trait must certainly be dealt with in childhood - if this is not done, then in adulthood such a shortcoming can do much harm to Timothy.

The fate of a boy named Timothy

About how exactly the fate of a boy named Timofey will turn out, parents begin to worry even in childhood, because he will not show interest in any profession. Do not worry - with age, he will certainly decide on a specialty and will certainly choose the most interesting and exciting profession in which he can show himself from the best side.

Professions in which Timofey will feel like a fish in water:

  1. scientist;
  2. teacher;
  3. trainer;
  4. military;
  5. inventor;
  6. constructor;
  7. engineer.

Timofey can also boldly apply to business - everything will turn out great for him. He will invest money only in profitable enterprises, which will soon become quite wealthy. Timofey marries very early, and usually the first feeling will only increase over the years - the marriage will be strong and friendly. There will be no leader in the family - all decisions will certainly be made jointly.

The mystery of the meaning and origin of the name Timothy has long been revealed by researchers in this field. It is no longer a secret that this name form has ancient Greek roots, and it is from

Greece, it spread around the world in various variations. In literal translation, this name means "worshiping God." Most often in colloquial speech, the name Timothy is used in an abbreviated form - Tim or Tim. Despite the fact that in different countries this name form can change in pronunciation and spelling, its meaning and influence on the character of a person is unchanged.

I also advise you to pay attention to the meaning of a similar male name form.

The secret of the name Timothy

  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • Protecting element - Water
  • Totem animal - bittern.
  • Symbolic metal - Platinum
  • Plant - Chamomile
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra
  • Lucky day of the week - Saturday
  • Lucky season of the year - Winter

Stone - Topaz

Character and personality traits

The meaning of the name in the character and fate of Timothy played an interesting role. On the one hand, he is soft, calm, dreamy, curious and well-rounded. On the other hand, he can be suspicious, impressionable and insecure. A person with such a name form is an exceptionally kind person. He is incapable of evil, and will never harm anyone.

Due to his character, he gathers creative and unusual people around him. It is often the heart of the company and a part that unites people. Wherever he finds himself, since childhood, in any team, he finds true and devoted friends. Therefore, it is not surprising that in his social circle there are people with whom he is friends from the very cradle.

He is also valued as a good worker. For him, the main thing in work is not earnings, but an idea and interest. He wants his work to benefit people. Aimless work for financial gain does not interest him. If he succumbs to his calling and develops his creativity and imagination, he can achieve great results by bringing his ideas to life.

Boy character

  • The meaning of the name Timothy prepared a calm character for the boy. Such a child often dreams, has an excellent imagination, and often lives in his own imaginary world. He loves his parents very much, but contact with his mother is closer. In the future, this can lead to dependence on the mother if she shows excessive authoritarianism in his upbringing.
  • He will not be able to cope with problems in childhood on his own. May hide from others. Does not tolerate screams and conflicts. The meaning of the name for the child, whose name is Timothy, prepared for him some difficulties in communicating with peers in early childhood, but with age he finds ways to communicate and joins the team well.

He does not foresee a special zeal for learning, but academic performance does not suffer from this. He gets good grades due to his talent for quickly remembering and assimilating new information.

  • As a teenager, he is able to join even the coolest company, as he has an attractive appearance, a good sense of humor, and knows how to resolve conflicts. He is a favorite of girls and has authority among the guys. He does not get into trouble, and even, on the contrary, is the voice of reason in an aggressive boyish team.

Timofey will not be able to cope with problems in childhood on his own. May hide from others. Does not tolerate screams and conflicts.

The character of a man

  • The name Timothy for an adult man means almost the same as for a boy with this name form. But with age, all the characteristic features of a given personality lend themselves to improvement and cutting. He learns to direct his talents in the right direction. Satisfies ambitions by realizing own ideas and achieving good results in labor activity.
  • He always tries to seem calm and balanced, and only in the circle of loved ones can give vent to his emotions and feelings. Because of this, he can unintentionally take out his anger on his relatives. But, despite this, he has a close relationship with his parents, and always finds time to communicate with them.

Timofey Karataev - actor


The characteristic of the name Timothy suggests that the carrier has good health. Little Tim is not a particularly sickly child. But with age, addiction to alcoholic beverages may appear. But thanks to his willpower, he can easily cope with this problem if he wants to. Also possessing excessive impressionability, T

Timothy risks his psychological health and nervous system. Therefore, it is important to be able to keep your emotions in a state of balance.

Timofei Pavlovich Mozgov is a Russian professional basketball player for the NBA's Brooklyn Nets. Plays as a center.

Marriage and family

When it comes to personal life, the name Timothy means for its owner that he can become a good family man. He often looks for a wife older than himself and similar to his mother. She should be beautiful, affectionate, gentle and smart. Before marriage, he is enviably popular with girls. Often he can lie to seem better than he really is.

He does not know how to be alone, therefore, after breaking up with a girl, he immediately finds a replacement for her. But with former partners he often remains on friendly terms, and is always ready to help. If the lady he likes does not reciprocate, then he is able to take care of her for a long time. He rarely receives refusals, because he understands what women want.

Able to marry without love, as he believes that the main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding, respect and friendship. It is important for him that his wife surround him with care and be a good keeper of the hearth. Does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. He does not strive to be a leader in the family, and will calmly hand over the reins of government to female hands. Jealousy does not differ, but does not accept treason in any form.

His calm and gentle disposition helps him build excellent relationships with children. They accept their father as a friend and tell him about everything that is happening in their lives.
The owner is also good. He gladly takes an active part in the improvement of life, and does an excellent job with his male duties.

Timofey Timofeevich Bazhenov - Russian television journalist, zoologist, survival specialist, author and host of the TV programs Wild World, Bazhenov's Tales, Bazhenov's Rating, Records of My Planet, Bazhenov's Casting

Career and hobbies

The name Timothy in the field of labor activity means that it is difficult for a person named like that to decide on a profession. If in his youth Tim does not decide on his vocation, then he will start his studies, because he will not see the point in it. But as soon as he finds what he really wants to do, he will overcome any difficulties in the way of achieving his goal. He has leadership qualities, but he does not particularly strive to show them in his work. But if necessary, he easily organizes a large team and its work.

He can also show himself well as an entrepreneur. Thanks to the qualities that his significance has endowed, Timofey easily finds a common language with partners and gains confidence. Prone to rash financial investments that have a high risk of failure. But even having lost a significant amount of money, he is not upset, and accepts his failure as a good life experience.

It can take place as a specialist in the sale of real estate, a programmer, an engineer. As for hobbies, there are a whole bunch of them. Tim loves outdoor activities. He enjoys playing football, basketball and other similar sports. But he will also be happy to sit in good company on the shore of the lake with a fishing rod.

Timofey Ivanovich Gurtovoy - Moldavian Soviet conductor, trombonist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR

Famous name bearers

  • Timothy- Ancient Greek sculptor
  • Saint Timothy- a disciple and companion of the Apostle Paul in his missionary journeys, the addressee of his two letters.
  • Timofei Petrovich Krasnobaev- Soviet surgeon, one of the founders of pediatric surgery.
  • Timofei Fyodorovich Gorbachev- Soviet scientist in the field of mining science.
  • Timofei Timofeevich Khryukin- Soviet pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Timofey Ivanovich Gurtovoy- Russian musician, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Timofei Vasilyevich Levchuk is a Ukrainian filmmaker, director.

name day

  • 01.01. - Holy Martyr, Deacon Timothy of Mauritania;
  • 17.01. - Holy Martyr, Bishop Timothy of Ephesus 70 Apostles;
  • 04.02. - Hieromartyr, Bishop Timothy of Ephesus;
  • 06.02. - Martyr Timothy of Sicily;
  • 14.02. - Rev. Timothy;
  • 16.02. - Hieromartyr, Priest Timothy Izotov;
  • 26.02. - Timothy, Patriarch of Alexandria;
  • 06.03. - Hermit Timothy of Olympus (in Symbols);
  • 12.03. - Venerable Timothy of Caesarea;
  • 03.28. - Martyr Timolaus (Timothy) of Caesarea (Palestinian);
  • 16.05. - Martyr, reader Timothy of Thebaid;
  • 23.06. - Hieromartyr, Bishop Timothy of Prussia;
  • 25.06. - Venerable Timothy of Thebaid;
  • 13.07. - Hieromartyr, Priest Timothy Petropavlovsky;
  • 14.08. - Bishop Timothy Prokonessky;
  • 01.09. - Martyr Timothy of Palestine;
  • 02.09. - Martyr Timothy of Thrace;
  • 11.11. - Rev. Timothy of Esfigmen, Athos;
  • 18.11. - Martyr, Presbyter Timothy of Palestine;
  • 24.11. - Bishop Timothy;
  • 02.12. - Martyr Timothy Kucherov;
  • 11.12. Hieromartyr Bishop Timothy.

After reading this article about the meaning of the name Timothy, you probably learned something new and interesting about this person. Also check out the meaning of such an interesting name as. Or maybe you have friends who have been awarded the name form -Taras-, and then this article will be of interest to you.

Or perhaps you would like to add something about the name Timothy? Or do you even have someone to compare our characteristics with? Then be sure to write in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it!