East horoscope goat woman. Characteristics of people born in the year of the goat. Which woman will please the Goat-man

Your Chinese horoscope


A person born in the year of the Goat (according to other sources of the Sheep) is almost impossible to refuse. He knows exactly which doors to knock on, what to do and what to say in order to get what he wants. And at the same time, the Goat does not make complex plans for the future and does not weave cunning intrigues, but simply knows how to please and arouse an unaccountable desire in others to help her.

In society, the Goat usually looks charming: she is sweet, artistic, smart, has a fine sense of art and often shows all kinds of creative talents. In a conversation, she prefers not so much to talk as to listen: she does not pull the blanket over herself, but with genuine interest asks the interlocutor about his affairs and plans. Often she asks for advice in a wide variety of areas, and she really applies these advice in practice and knows how to show her counselor her sincere gratitude. All this is so different from the usual secular behavior, when everyone talks about himself, that by voluntarily giving the palm to others, the Goat gets a big advantage.

However, all this does not mean at all that the Goat has an agreeable character. She is able to be late, completely forgetting about the time, she can be quite eccentric, capricious, picky in little things. With her throws and doubts, she is able to piss off loved ones from herself, but most of the time she still demonstrates optimism and a good mood, which she knows how to raise to those around her. And most importantly, the Goat never pretends that she is on her own and does not need anyone. On the contrary, she really needs people, their advice, attention, patronage, friendship, love. From this, others feel their strength and significance and are ready to help her.

Unlike many others, the Goat does not know how to hide its problems somewhere in the depths of the soul, and even more so to solve them on its own. In difficult life situations, she just needs to speak out and cry out - for her this is the first step towards solving the problem. Indeed, by sharing his troubles (real or imaginary), doubts and concerns, the Goat as a result almost always finds consolation, and practical advice, and real help. However, she herself has a kind, sympathetic heart, and in such situations she will willingly help others.

The goat is impractical enough and is sometimes able to spend more than it earns. She may find it difficult to commercialize her talents, she may live in debt or spend money on meaningless trinkets. Realizing this perfectly, she usually willingly accepts someone's leadership, be it a parent, a loved one, or a boss at work. Only when she is relieved of the need to make decisions herself and be responsible for them, the Goat is able to fully enjoy life and decorate the lives of others with her vivid emotions.

Talented and elegant, with a rich imagination and a responsive heart, charmingly selfish, the Goat looks like a big child. Perhaps from the outside it seems that she demands or expects a lot from others, but if you look closely, you will see that she still gives no less.

The goat belongs to the Yang group of animals. According to the Eastern horoscope, this is the 8th sign of the zodiac. She controls the time interval from 1 pm to 3 pm. The season that brings her good luck is summer, and its peak is July. If we compare the Eastern and European horoscopes, then the Goat (Sheep) corresponds to the Cancer zodiac. Its element is Fire. The color that brings prosperity and happiness is blue. Plants that bring good luck are wormwood, anise and honeysuckle. Top countries for living Goats (Sheep) - Scotland, Iraq, Poland, Colombia, Switzerland, Laos, Czechoslovakia.

Years of the sign of the Goat (Sheep) in our century

  • 1907 February 13 - element of the year fire
  • 1919 February 1 - element of the year earth
  • 1931 February 17 - element of the year metal
  • 1943 February 5 - element of the year water
  • 1955 January 24 - element of the year tree
  • 1967 February 9 - element of the year fire
  • 1979 February 7 - element of the year earth
  • 1991 February 15 - element of the year metal
  • 2003 February 1 - element of the year water
  • 2015 February 19 - element of the year tree


Salvatore Adamo, Isaac Asimov, Honore Balzac, Miklos Gabor, Caesar Borgia, Elena Gogoleva, Alexander Ginzburg, Ivan Efremov, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mikhail Kalashnikov, Nat King Col, Yuri Krymov, Leonid Keldysh, Pierre Curie, Cervantes, Tamara Makarova, Astrid , Alberto Moravia, Eduardas Mezhelaitis, Lev Oborin, Rufina Nifontova, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Laurence Olivier, Edison, Vasily Soloviev, Theophile Gaultier, John Ford, Kafka, Annie Girardeau, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Ferenc Liszt, John Pushkin Boleslav Prus, Mark Twain, William Thackeray, George Harrison, Douglas Ferdinand, Robert de Niro, Mick Jagger, Vangelis, Rudolph Valentino, Guy Julius Caesar, Lech Walesa, Josephine Bonaparte, Jane Austen.

Goats (Sheep) are always portrayed as shy and easygoing. In nature, they have many different colorings. According to Chinese legends and myths, the Goat (Sheep) lives on the clouds, and only from time to time comes down to earth. Her home is the boundless space of the sky. The goat frolics there, plays and jumps carelessly, thus hiding in the fluffy clouds. In fact, the Goat (Sheep) is the personification of clouds that send life-giving water - rain. But if the Goat (Sheep) sees disdain for itself, it can easily get angry and send a storm with lightning and thunder to the ground. She is a kind of sorceress - a pupil of a heavenly god and a friend of lightning.

In some Asian countries, she is depicted as a Goat, and somewhere in the form of a Sheep. In ancient Greece, Amalfei had a Goat, the nurse of Zeus, she was able to feed the great and mighty god, although for her it was just a joke, a small reason to laugh at narrow-minded people. This is a grandiose animal, it is full of high dignity, protector and mother, always participates in the flowering of nature and the growth of cereals. The Goat (Sheep) is intuitive, strong in front of the face of obstacles.

In Indian mythology, she is called Aya, which means - not yet born. She is the mother of the moon and nature. Its three colors have different meanings. Black, hides and disguises her, he hides her divine power. White, on the other hand, symbolizes the color from which the world was created. And the red color means a symbol of constant metamorphosis. All these colors change the Goat (Sheep) and make it very different. She calmly and grandly grazes in the endless expanses and the one who knows how to tame her will be able to rise above the clouds and find out hidden secrets nature. The year of the furious and passionate Horse is always followed by the year of the elegant Goat (Sheep). She does not need to rush at a fast gallop, she calmly grazes and does not rush, but sometimes she is fearful, from this she runs. Goats (Sheep) by their vital nature are airy creatures, they are real dreamers, and are very attached to harmony.

There is a legend about a clairvoyant Goat (Sheep) who lived and grazed in a herd, and when she found out that the shepherds from a neighboring village wanted to come and kill her owner, she immediately warned the young man of the owner. And he replied: "Yes, and let them kill - I don't care, just promise that you will bury me in the middle of my flock and my three flutes." "Tell me that I went away to travel." Ever since the wind begins to blow, the Goats (Sheep) begin to cry when they hear the pipes of the murdered master. This legend tells us about the softness and tenderness of the Goat (Sheep), and its sensitivity. Goats (Sheep) are considered artistic types, faithful and remembering.

The sign of the Goat (Sheep) and her life

The Goat (Sheep) is very happy when she was born on a rainy day - then her fate will be favorable. Their childhood is usually very difficult, because they need constant harmony and security.

People born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep) in their youth are very unstable. They do not know how and do not know how to express their emotions, so everyone seems very shy and fickle. But by the time of their mature years, everything is falling into place for them, and luck begins to smile. Goats (Sheep) easily live to a ripe old age, and they have no problems in it.


Goat (Sheep) is a feminine sign. People who are born with this sign are charming, elegant, gifted and could easily live in harmony if they were not, they are great pessimists. They are often anxious, unstable, and anxious. These are specific individuals who are often not affected by material needs. Goats (Sheep) have a lot of imagination and invention, they are creative and love to spend their free time in creativity and reflection. They are often shocked by the greed of strangers, and the sight of a check causes more dislike and irritation, and this all separates them from the real world. Although dislike for banknotes does not at all mean that they do not like them, this is the contradiction of the Goat (Sheep).

Goats (Sheep) are rarely satisfied with their fate, because they always lack something. Their pickiness is oppressive to colleagues and friends. Goats (Sheep) can easily annoy people, although they themselves do not notice it. In relationships with Goats (sheep), people can easily become impatient, but they know how to be nice. Only most often they will use it if they need to achieve something. They are in dire need of security. These people are not maximalists and therefore do not deny themselves their whims. They always look their best. As a rule, others are expected to do what they cannot do themselves, and if they don’t get it, they will simply turn around and leave without looking back ...

People born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep) can easily adapt to any lifestyle. They love to see themselves in the role of an intercessor, an understanding administrator and a respectable spouse. All that they do not try to put in a grain of their creativity. They are very accommodating and extremely attractive. Goats (Sheep) in almost all situations know how to behave tactfully and calmly, and know how to use the subtlety of their mind. These people love to complain, love to advise. They do not know which path they should take, and therefore they themselves follow someone. They can easily impersonate a leader, but this is often not believed. Goats (Sheep) must follow someone, but they can also lead in certain circumstances.

People under the sign of the Goat (Sheep) have pleasant manners, they are often charming, but by their nature they are very moody. They are religious and can easily get carried away that this will interfere with their lives. Most do not make sacrifices, but they can be fanatical, they are drawn to the supernatural and the occult. In any company, they know how to amuse people with their fantasies and easily win the sympathy of others, thanks to their patience and kindness. They are bad at criticizing, and if they are subjected to a strong attack that they cannot withstand, they seek protection from strong personalities. It happens that they become victims of treachery and humiliation, but they can easily forgive, because they consider met and anger useless and harmful to the nervous system. It is easier for a Goat (Sheep) to leave quietly and quickly forget about everything.

People under the sign of the Goat (Sheep) do not tolerate everyday dullness in their lives, some kind of compulsory duties. In order to somehow diversify their lives, they can behave eccentrically, and arouse curiosity. These people try to find with everyone mutual language and live in peace, do not like enmity and alienation, and therefore try to come to an agreement or retire. In conflicts, they generally act either as peacekeepers or arbitrators.

Men and women of the sign of the Goat are merciful, generous and kind-hearted, they can happily share with others. But, also, they can give something that does not belong to them at all, the Goat (Sheep) has a relative sense of ownership. They often allow them to be tied, but for this the rope must be very long. These people always consider someone else to be guilty, but not themselves.

In their youth, Goats (Sheep) at first glance create the impression of timid people, but as they mature they become responsible. Often Goats (Sheep) are careless, weak-willed and lazy at a very inopportune moment. These people do not like to take responsibility and initiative, they can succumb to other people's influence.

Goats (Sheep) are plastic, flexible but a little scattered. It is difficult for such people to be punctual - they do not have enough time. They rarely have a desire to argue with someone, but if this arises, then they are often offended in disputes, but they try to get out of all situations without aggravating the problem. If they find themselves in a hopeless situation, they immediately get lost, and begin to lament, and then they try to blame someone else, and do not want to admit their mistakes. Goats (Sheep) are not organized individuals by nature, but this does not harm them, because they know how to do everything methodically, of course, whenever they want. But they will fulfill their obligations to the end and with great responsibility.

These people are stubborn, like a Goat or a Sheep, they are sometimes difficult to understand, but at the same time they are intuitive, decent and caring, capable of self-sacrifice. Childhood for this person is a difficult period in his life, this is a time of increased vulnerability, it will be greatly influenced by family relationships, if there is harmony and a sense of security in it, he will grow up to be the same person.

In the youth of the Goat, its uncertainty in emotional behavior will be seen, at times it will be fickle, unstable fluctuations. But in adulthood, the Goat will fully reap good luck, as for old age, then these people have nothing to wish for, they will be fine, they will be happy with everything.

The goat is a creative and inventive person, a person endowed with imagination by nature. All those who are born with the sign of the Goat / Sheep love to spend their free time in creative pursuits, which for them is tantamount to religion. In solving practical issues, they need someone who would cope with it, giving the Goat the opportunity to develop creatively.

These people, although they always need money, do not like to be forced to earn it. The best option for this person is to find someone who has money, who is well-arranged in life, so that he can help. site / node / 3079

A lot in the life of a Goat / Sheep, if not everything, depends on luck, on her lucky fate. This person himself is not particularly striving to earn "big money", he is usually content with an average level, which suits him perfectly.

Representatives of this sign can sometimes be very wealthy people, but for this it is necessary that life circumstances develop in their favor. They themselves are required to be at the right time in the right place, or knock on the right door, which they often do quite successfully.

Next Goat / Sheep Year 2027!

Positive traits of Goat / Sheep:

These people are friendly and peaceful, they have a vivid imagination, flexible in communication, endowed with artistic abilities.

Negative about Goat / Sheep:

They often have a change of mood, they are pessimistic in life, a little capricious and inert, tend to be insecure.

Chinese sign name: Yang

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Eighth

Time of Day of the Sign: 13:00 - 15:00

Western zodiac sign: Cancer

Element: Earth

Find out in what year the Goats / Sheep were born, your relatives, friends, which of this animal ruled that year, and also who will rule in the future ...

February 19, 2015 - February 7, 2016 (Wood Goat / Blue Sheep)

Year 2027 (Fire Goat / Sheep)

Representatives of this sign eastern horoscope artistic, gentle in communication and caring in life, may not be entirely confident in themselves. Sometimes the Goat tends to get lost in her own dreams and fantasies.

Speaking separately about women of this sign, they have a special natural gift - they can create a very pleasant and friendly atmosphere around them, which only strengthens her social position. She may even be loyal to her partner, but only as long as he does not offend you and fully devotes himself to you and your family.

But the Goat may not be so faithful, although her adventures are mainly associated with self-assertion, a little flirting on the side is enough for her to make sure that her spell has not weakened.

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs

People born in the year of the Goat are endowed with a variety of talents and rich imagination. They are courteous and helpful, elegant and artistic. Most of these people have good taste, understanding color and shape. They also have good intuition when dealing with people. Goats know how to please, especially when it is in their interests. They skillfully defend their views and beliefs, their point of view on all issues.

The goat is kind and sweet, prone to charity. The goat never refuses to help others. She has a number of intelligent and useful tips which she distributes right and left.

Goats could be the most adorable of all signs if they were more resilient and optimistic, less restless and annoying. In life, they are greatly disturbed - shyness, shyness and indecision. The goat is often dissatisfied with its fate with its fate, often leads to despair of relatives and friends with two whims and quirks. At times, the Goat becomes aggressive, although she herself does not realize this, and even more so she does not recognize it. She can be very religious, but this does not bother anyone, on the contrary, in these cases she becomes nicer, more condescending and attentive, more helpful in relation to others. Then she already controls her actions and actions, weighs and ponders them, begins to reflect and unravel many of her accumulated problems (if her spiritual level is above average).

Much depends on the spiritual level of her development. If it is below average, then materialism comes to the fore. Even with a creative profession, the imagination and imagination of the Goat will be very poor. In these cases, her indiscipline, the desire to use others for her own benefit and the desire to live at the expense of others make her simply unbearable. But as a rule, such Goats are found in the minority.

Despite his ambition, the Goat rarely reaches a high social level, financial position. The goat's penetrating power is great, but the fuse is short-lived. In addition, her pessimism and habit of criticizing everything cause a flurry of misunderstandings and adversity. With age, all this can only intensify: relentlessness, stubbornness to obstinacy and the lack of plasticity in relations with people can become enemies for the Goat.

Feelings of personal freedom, independence, independence in Goats are completely absent. But Goats are able to choose such a way of life when they are full and safe. They can quickly and easily adapt to anyone and anything. Timid and shy, feminine and often pampered, the Goat loves to complain about her life, her fate - to be pitied and protected. She likes to be guided because she herself never knows which direction to take and relies only on others. The goat tries to arrange life in such a way that there are fewer fluctuations, changes and fractures, so that everything goes the way it goes.

The goat very easily allows itself to be "tied", but, probably, because it always pulls its rope along with it. In a good meadow, a grazing Goat will be calm and obedient, but in a bad meadow it will constantly complain, and when it is taken out of patience, it will simply run away.

The goat wants to live in peace, without anxiety. She dreams of a happy family life, a rich partner or friend. She would be even more satisfied with a wealthy and generous sponsor-patron or a loving guardian. If this does not work out, then she is ready to live with her parents, only they must also be rich and prosperous.

From childhood, the Goat enjoys every success, even the most insignificant one. She loves flattery and praise, enjoys being in the company of her peers. It is much more important for her to have a few real, bosom friends than a whole company of acquaintances, friends.

Sociable Goats love cynical conversations, caustic and critical conversations. Secretive Goats, which are still the majority, weigh their every word, strictly control their behavior and actions. Before getting along with someone, they study him, analyze his words and deeds. They care about how to leave a good impression of themselves, it is always important for them what people think and say about them in society.

The goat is suitable for a profession that combines technical skill with artistic skill. In the role of the chief, Goats are very rare. There are already many more of them in the art world, although even here they do not play the first violin, giving it to others without envy. They can be good collaborators or business companions, especially when working calmly and without stress. Many Goats are successful as administrators, architects and builders, engineers. The goat must avoid all types of commerce, for here it can end up either in a pit or behind bars, and for a very long time. She also needs to stay away from military affairs, for she will never be either a winner, or a commander, or even a good soldier.

Date of publication: 05.05.2014

What kind of astrological Sheep is she? Creative and fair, sensitive and pretentious in matters of aesthetics ... She is good-natured, tactful and respects other people's interests. The sheep is considered the most feminine symbol of the eastern astrological pantheon, because she is characterized by attentiveness and caring almost maternal. But this is only one side of the "coin" of this mythical animal. Because if the Sheep sees injustice and, especially, if he feels his own guilt in this, then he will not hide and wait for what will happen next. And he will definitely take personal initiative to make amends. And this, it must be admitted, is not typical for every “male” representative of the eastern pantheon.

An interesting symbol. Although not understandable for everyone, because the realities of our time are such that assertiveness and cynicism, rudeness and self-interest are often on the shield - properties that are not characteristic of most Sheep. However, people born under this sign achieve no less success in our life than any others. But they use atypical methods and means for this ...


The beginning of next year by eastern calendar will happen, as it should be according to the Chinese tradition, - on the 2nd new moon, counted from the winter solstice. In 2015, this moment will fall on February 19. The Sheep's influence will end on February 8, 2016.

Astrological Sheep patronizes everyone who was born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003.

Traits of those born in the year of the Sheep

People born in the year of the Sheep have an interesting taste and a subtle feeling for everything related to the world of beauty. They are creative, artistic. And even completely ordinary things can cause them a lot of positive emotions. Like all creative people, they are far from ready to take on responsibility and be leaders. It is easier and more natural for them to win over those who are ready to take them under their wing, patronize and protect. And it should be noted that Sheep usually do not disappoint those who become their patrons, for they are characterized by decency and conscientiousness. True, these people are also characterized by absent-mindedness and some disorganization, but even doing unreasonable things, they are so benevolent and disarmingly sincere that much is forgiven them.

Those born in the year of the Sheep are not indifferent to material goods. But in most cases, they won't get the hard and boring work of acquiring them. Some people call it laziness. But the point is different. It's just that such people are looking for a remedy that would solve their problems once and for life. It is Sheep women who more than anyone else dream of a successful marriage with a rich man, and Sheep men - of purchasing securities or a huge bank account that would provide them with something like a lifetime annuity.

These people do not sit still, however, they tend to dream of distant distances rather than strive for them, sweeping away everything in the way. However, this does not mean at all that they will not fight for their ideals. There will be. In any case, if they understand that this goal is achievable. But we can confidently say that no one will suffer from their dedication.

Sheep sometimes seem "out of this world." Because of this, they are not always understandable to others. But Sheep know how to find protection from this in themselves, delving into mysticism or headlong into bohemia.

Of course, all Sheep are different, because the elements also affect their characters. And, as a result, we can talk about five variants of the characters of people born under the auspices of the Sheep.

Wood Sheep (1955 or 2015) especially sociable and generous. She has a wide range of interests and is more fortunate than others in material terms. But all the earnings and acquisitions from the Wood Sheep often slip through their fingers, because she is too trusting and inclined to follow the lead of adventurers and fraudsters.

Fire Sheep (1907 or 1967) quite pragmatic (at least, as far as it is generally acceptable for her). She is charming and knows how to use this "weapon" to achieve her goals. She always has a lot of friends and a wide field for a pleasant pastime. Such a Sheep enjoys attending parties, parties and other crowded entertainment events, loves shopping.

Earth Sheep (1919 or 1979) reliable, attentive, caring. She makes a very good impression, which is generally justified, since such a Sheep is conscientious, never holding a "stone in his bosom." Especially her loyalty to her family and her willingness to sacrifice for the sake of loved ones captivates her.

Metal Sheep (1931 or 1991)- nature is especially creative, but without soaring in the clouds. She is characterized by purposefulness, she, as a rule, realizes herself well in her chosen profession. At the same time, the Metal Sheep manages not to make a bunch of enemies for itself, because the positive and benevolent attitude towards people inherent in this sign helps her to brighten up many sharp corners.

Water Sheep (1943 or 2003) knows how to make the right decisions and has a good sense of prospects. But she is inconsistent and rarely succeeds in achieving the goals that she sets for herself. Moreover, in most cases, such a Sheep leaves the chosen path due to the fact that she does not want to change anything in her life, feel discomfort or strain too much.

Areas of Success

The most natural and predictable professions that suit Sheep the most are acting, writing, and others traditionally categorized as creative. In particular, Sheep are predisposed to be great musicians and extraordinarily talented artists and architects.

But, besides this, a lot of conscientious and more prosaic Sheep find themselves in administration, engineering, construction. It is in these areas that they manage to realize themselves better than in others. But especially responsible posts requiring constant self-control, or positions in which tight control from the outside is assumed, Sheep should be avoided. For example, it is quite difficult for such people to incubate 8 working hours in a bank every day under the "gaze" of security cameras.

Sheep and love

Sheep are romantic and sensitive. They cry from an excess of emotions in especially poignant moments of melodramatic films, they like to present pleasant surprises to their loved ones. Their tenderness and sensuality make them ideal admirers. True, getting them to seal their feelings with a stamp in their passport can be quite difficult, because Oh, how Sheep do not like to take on obligations. But, we must pay tribute to them, when they do not intend to marry or get married, they do not promise anything superfluous to their partners.

The sheep are easily offended. If you shower her (or his) initiative in the development of relationships with neglect or excessive coldness, you will force such a person not only to retreat, but to put a “cross” on yourself. And sometimes it turns out that just indifference is enough for the Sheep to shake off and allow him to "take away" the object of his desires.

Eastern horoscope Sheep compatibility

The best partners for the Sheep in the eastern pantheon are Boar, Horse and Rabbit. The first option (Boar) is especially good, one might even say ideal, because the Boar's ability to make money and acquire material goods will make the Sheep's life as comfortable and convenient as possible. The horse is also a very good partner, although 100% material security cannot be guaranteed here. But the Sheep will like the Horse's hard work and her willingness to take on many routine matters and generally bear the lion's share of responsibility. The rabbit knows how to be tolerant and ready for mutual understanding. Perhaps, of these three signs, it is with him that the Sheep will achieve the highest spiritual harmony. Here are just some material difficulties such a couple will have to put up with.

With the Snake and the Rooster, the Sheep's union will not be particularly successful, but likely. The main rule of success in this case is money. If the Sheep's partner manages to make her life comfortable enough, then she will be ready for this to sacrifice her own whims (at least some of them).

On the same grounds - with decent material support, the Sheep is ready to endure the Rat. But the Rat itself is unlikely to be satisfied with this "alignment". She will not be able to endure the ups and downs of the Sheep's mental throwing for a long time. So, if such a pair does take place, it will be for a very short time. By the way, the prospects for the relationship between the Sheep and the Monkey are approximately the same.

Tiger and Dragon are not suitable partners for the Sheep. They are too big jealous, but only the Tiger will be jealous of the Sheep itself for everyone and everything, and the Dragon will be haunted by the Sheep's successes, which he will continuously compare with his own victories and successes. The consequence of such a relationship can be only one thing: the lack of peace and quiet in the soul of the Sheep and the lack of understanding of its mental organization on the part of partners.

A very interesting phenomenon - especially for psychologists - is the pair of Sheep. These two are ready to sincerely admire each other, sing praises and tirelessly compliment each other. Earthly affairs are not according to them. And therefore, only if fate turns out to be favorable to them and the question of earnings does not arise before them, such an alliance will take place. It is a pity that this does not happen often.

Most likely, the Sheep's relationship with the Bull is doomed to failure. Here is exactly the case when they seek from goodness even more good. A sheep would enjoy life and live in contentment, but it will always seem to her that she is underestimated, that her genius is not admired as it should. The bull is unlikely to be able to understand what is the essence of the claims made to him.

The Sheep-Dog pair is a sad sight at all. The dog has no illusions and the Sheep's fantasies are not clear to her. The sheep, in turn, will not be able to understand this (in her opinion) pessimist, who, moreover, is not able to provide a decent existence for her.

Sheep and Zodiac

Have Sheep-Aries the sense of decency and openness is squared. Such a person is an ideal friend, but sometimes his frankness leads to sad consequences, because people are far from always ready to listen to the truth. In addition, this combination creates people who are unable to forgive betrayal. On the other hand, the Aries-Sheep is "one of the" in any company; she is an excellent speaker and can convince anyone of anything. She loves crowded gatherings and noisy pastime, but from time to time she takes time out and moves away from everyone to rest, reflect on the main issues. Sheep-Aries, as a rule, always has a house in the country, a summer cottage outside the city, or at least has friends to whom you can go for a couple of days in order to break out of the usual way of life.

Sheep-Taurus she is optimistic, she is almost always in a good mood, she knows how to bring harmony even to everyday life. It is pleasant to communicate with such a Sheep, to spend time; people like her are commonly referred to as charming people and soul mates. But the Taurus Sheep are often lazy and not inclined to active, let alone strenuous activity. Their life is going well if they have patrons and generous friends near them.

Twin Sheep- the most unpredictable of all Sheep. These people sometimes do things that are very difficult to justify from the point of view of logic and common sense. And even those their intentions and actions that seem normal and reasonable should be taken with a certain amount of caution and prudence. Moreover, such a Sheep will not embody his plans in life on his own, but he will definitely try to attract others to help himself, and subsequently completely shift the lion's share of his duties to other people.

Sheep-Cancer sweet, benevolent, conscientious. She is always ready for mutual assistance and mutual assistance, and sometimes even to the detriment of herself, because her naivety and gullibility allows others to use her efforts, talents, time.

Sheep-Leo internal contradictions are inherent. Her common sense and emotions are not always in harmony, or at least in agreement. But, in any case, such a Sheep is attractive to others, because Leo's exactingness and his belief in his own superiority are softened here. The Leo Sheep usually does not overextend her talents (which she undoubtedly have significant), but willingly shares her success with those she loves and who helped her achieve success.

Sheep-Virgo positive in all respects. The desires of such a person are usually simple and relate to mundane things; he strives for comfort, for being loved. This Sheep is pleased to feel useful, she seeks to pay off her debts in a timely manner, and this applies not only to monetary debts, but also moral and moral.

Sheep-Libra observant, optimistic, decisive. Her interest in her surroundings is active, and her aspirations are ambitious. But, at the same time, the Libra Sheep knows how not to go to extremes and adhere to the golden mean in everything - both in communication and in business, because she is vigilant and at the right time can be careful. Sheep-Libra, like no one else, is capable of listening, which attracts a lot of people to her who want to have such a friend.

Sheep-Scorpio- the most passionate of all Sheep. She is the only one who can prick with a sharp word, if she is touched to the quick, flirt recklessly if she liked someone. This, of course, does not mean that the Scorpio Sheep is capable of being cruel or unprincipled, for this she is too decent. But such people very well feel the moods and emotions of others, and because of this they manage to get into what is called the most painful.

Sheep-Sagittarius- a decisive and purposeful nature (in any case, as far as it is generally possible for a Sheep). However, outwardly this is usually almost invisible, since she knows how to remain calm. The Sagittarius Sheep can be helpful. But sometimes this desire of hers does not cause the proper response, and then she has to experience both disappointment and resentment.

V Sheep-Capricorn practicality and rich imagination are perfectly combined. She knows how to reason logically, her desires are meaningful and realistic. The Capricorn Sheep is tactful, expresses its opinions by the way and does it only when asked about it. Such people are purposeful, prone to quick decision-making, love movement at high speed.

Sheep-Aquarius prone to mysticism, capricious and, as a result, unpredictable. But in this case it has nothing to do with personal egoism. Rather, it is a matter of deepening into one's own inner world. At such moments, the Aquarius Sheep does not notice anything around and can inadvertently offend someone. But, in spite of everything, such people are interesting to those around them.

Sheep-Fish is a creator doubly. In any case, such people usually achieve success precisely in professions related to art. But creative talents do not make the Fish-Sheep more agreeable or wiser. Moreover, often living together with her and even communication turns out to be unbearable.

Famous Sheep

Among the famous Sheep, of course, there are many people who have left a big mark in art. These people are "scattered" throughout the zodiac. And they worked in different areas.

Writers and poets born in the year of the Sheep - A.S. Pushkin (Gemini), O. de Balzac (Taurus), A.P. Chekhov (Aquarius), M. de Cervantes (presumably Libra), M.M. Zoshchenko (Leo), A.N. Tolstoy (Capricorn), Mark Twain (Sagittarius). In addition, from the famous Sheep related to the world of art, I would like to name the genius Michelangelo (Pisces), the unsurpassed Julio Iglesias (Libra), Mel Gibson (Capricorn), Bruce Willis (Pisces), Rudolfo Valentino (Taurus).

But we must give the Sheep their due, they know how to achieve success in various areas of life. For example, it was in the year of the Sheep that Archimedes, Christopher Columbus, Prince Potemkin, Richard Sorge, Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Gates were born. And also - Benito Mussolini; This is, although notorious, but still a famous person, whose name will not be forgotten by mankind for a long time.