5 of swords tarot meaning health. Reversed card position. Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Straight position

Five of Swords is a purely negative Arcanum. Moreover, it is quite noticeably negative. Its most traditional interpretations are meanness, betrayal, capitulation, humiliation. So, the “set” is indicative... And only the Tower or, for example, the Ten of Swords can compare with this Arcanum.

The presence of the Five of Swords in the layouts clearly indicates the notorious black streak in life, stressful conditions, etc. And we must take into account that the phenomena and state of affairs that this card characterizes are not fleeting, not situational, but have a certain duration in time and can have a fairly strong impact on a person.

By itself, such an Arcanum does not provide information about the causes and consequences of the problems that have arisen. That is, from the Five of Swords alone, it is impossible to say for sure whether the fortuneteller himself is the culprit of the troubles or whether they are predetermined by fate. However, this is sometimes wonderfully demonstrated by the surrounding cards. So, paired with the Seven of Wands, the Five of Swords suggests that it’s all about a person’s conflict, and with the Six of Cups it indicates his naivety and inexperience.

Inverted position

In its inverted form, the Five of Swords has approximately the same meanings as in its upright form. However, they now acquire a touch of a certain “mourning” quality. This could be, for example, remorse, deepest sadness, repentance... In the case of the inverted Five of Swords in the appropriate context, we are even talking about funerals and mourning in the literal sense.

Such an Arcanum is interpreted as a strong desire to return something, to restore something, to glue something back together from fragments; meanwhile, this desire has no reason to be realized, and that is why Arkan is so tragic.

Other meanings for the reversed Five of Swords are revenge or crushing defeat.

If in the layout such a card fell together with the Devil, then it should be interpreted as meaning blackmail or irresistible dependence on something; when paired with the Seven of Swords, it denotes dishonor.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the sphere of relationships, the Five of Swords denotes reproaches (usually mutual), ill will, vindictiveness, insults, quarrels (in particular, with Lovers). This Arcanum seems to demonstrate that one of the partners is “backed against the wall” and his feelings and emotions are dominated by pain and suffering. Or, on the contrary, a person seeks to overcome and subjugate a partner with brute force, persistence, and reproaches.

If this card describes a person's character, then it is interpreted as mockery, heartlessness (especially with the Force), causticity, immorality (including with the Hierophant), and sometimes even as a tendency to blackmail.

Inverted position

In its inverted form, the Five of Swords aggravates its direct interpretations. That is, here we are talking not just about betrayal, but about perfidy, not only about heartlessness, but about a stab in the back or “below the belt.” It is extremely difficult to turn anything in your favor in this situation; and to achieve this, you will have to not only make great efforts, but also sacrifice something important, valuable, meaningful. And if the Magician fell together with the Five of Swords, this means that the situation can no longer be corrected by any measures or means.

The combination of the Five of Swords with the Wheel of Fortune is interesting. She warns that in trying to gain the upper hand in every immediate conflict or problem situation, a person loses on a global scale of relationships.


Straight position

In terms of career, the Five of Swords is interpreted as intrigue among colleagues, the spread of slanderous rumors, and failure. Another traditional meaning of such an Arcanum is bankruptcy. The Five of Swords is often interpreted as the unceremoniousness of management towards subordinates, as well as a team or work environment that is too low and vulgar for a fortuneteller. In addition, among the main interpretations of the card is a very uneven career with unpredictable waves of downturns and problems (especially with the Chariot).

In professional scenarios, it always makes sense to pay attention to combinations of the Five of Swords with some of the Arcana. For example, if the Emperor appears nearby, it means that a person is forced to act according to rules that are not particularly pleasant to him, but will ultimately turn out to be useful (i.e., the Emperor, to a certain extent, removes the negativity of this Arcanum). Weakens the bad influence of the Five of Swords and Moderation, which appears in the layout; such a pair signifies a complex, but still constructive cooperation.

Inverted position

In this context, the reversed Five of Swords represents unsuccessful attempts to compensate for material damage, attempts to save at least something after failure, confusion after a fiasco. And even if any of this succeeds, the damage is such that the positive aspects seem completely insignificant. Of course, the nuances of situations and circumstances described by such a map may be different. However, the essence of sensations, impressions and consequences will be approximately the same as described just above.

If, together with the inverted Five of Swords, the Jester falls on a career, then this indicates the pointlessness of attempts to prove one’s own rightness, any of which will degenerate into banal verbiage. And paired with the Hermit, such an Arcanum indicates that a person’s actions are destructive primarily for him, even if they are directed exclusively outward.

You should not delude yourself either about the merits of people or about the excessive favor of Fortune. Life is very often “rough as a bass clef.” Therefore, learn to put on a “body armor” to survive the dark streaks with honor and minimal losses for yourself.

You can compare the meaning of the 5 Swords Tarot card in a broad sense with the major arcana of the Tower, but the 5 Swords Tarot, unlike the Tower, does not refer to a complete change in worldview and lifestyle, but only to a local situation currently occurring.

The outcome of the events you are asking about is sad: either a complete loss or victory in the battle at too high a cost. At such a price that victory only brings tears.

The 5 Swords Tarot card is the element of air, the meaning of the air element in this case means the element of surprise. In comparison with the element of water - 5 of Cups of Tarot, the meaning of the card in layouts is sudden, unforeseen changes with many delayed unpleasant consequences.

The Five of Cups of the Tarot also gives failure to the work started, but that failure carries with it an element of victory; next time everything will work out if you mobilize. After all, if you look closely, you can see a city on the horizon; there is a path across the river to it through a bridge, that is, there is a way out. Swords do not give a second opportunity to get what you want; they have a final verdict.

Tarot 5 of swords, general meaning in fortune telling: a very unpleasant card. Failure, loss, end.

Inverted position

There are two approaches to the meaning and interpretation of the 5 of Cups tarot card in reverse position. One interpretation implies that the upright position of the lasso indicates defeat and failure, while the inverted position softens such an omen.

Other masters believe that the inverted position shows a worsening situation. The 5 of tarot cups means in the direct position the loss while retaining part of one’s useful resources, and in the reverse position it means a transition to a cyclic position. Leaving is followed by return, then new leaving.

If we compare it with other fives, then the five of wands is upright position means a struggle for survival, for access to benefits, in an inverted meaning - also hostility, but by dishonest and vile methods.

Therefore, it is logical to interpret the Five of Swords in the reverse position as a transition from a one-time loss to a series of losses, failures, and a slide down the steps that one had to go through to reach its current position.

Focusing on health and self-knowledge

The appearance of the Five of Swords in health and personality scenarios shows a good growth zone.

The significance of the Five of Swords for self-knowledge is great if you are able to humbly accept knowledge about yourself. Arcanum shows obsession with a certain idea. We are talking about both fanatical adherence to some kind of religious movement, and about immoderate zeal in being interested in useful things: training, proper nutrition.

A situation in which a person goes too far and, instead of benefiting, ends up causing harm, including to health. Another facet (especially in the case of a reversed card) may be an obsession with grievances or feelings of guilt. A person believes that his grievances, aggression or guilt mean something to the people around him, dreams of receiving some kind of compensation or, on the contrary, awaits punishment for what he has done.

However, everything is already in the past and there will be no punishment or retribution. In this case, the energy that goes into holding grudges and anger leads to problems on the physical level. There are material reasons for this: a person’s emotional state generates stress, causes chronic vasospasm, and impaired blood supply to internal organs.

Therefore, the desire to remember and cherish grievances is associated, first with a decrease in immunity, and then with the appearance of chronic diseases and even oncology.

Unlike the Five of Cups of the tarot (meanings at the level of consciousness), swords can also mean stress and trauma caused by external influences. If the alignment is made for health, there is a possibility of falls, accidents, poisoning, and self-destructive actions.

The meanings of the Five of Cups tarot card are associated with the emotional sphere, the lasso shows nervous exhaustion, a state of lack of energy, fatigue from confrontation with the world. Such internal problems often affect the condition of the skin, such as eczema, abscesses, rashes, and herpes. They talk about the body's refusal to contact the outside world.

Accepting the challenges that the Five of Cups and especially the Five of Swords show always brings tremendous personal growth. Unfortunately, such acceptance requires investing energy into working on oneself, which a person with a similar situation already has very little of.

In terms of relationships

Five of Swords of the Tarot, meaning in relationships: denotes an inevitable breakup, in the worst case scenario, after which it is impossible to remain friends or try everything from scratch.

The Five of Tarot Cups, for comparison, also means the end, but in the case of the cups, the loser still has some resources and opportunities that he can use after the breakup in order to gain strength and energy again for new things. Even in the image of the 5 cups of tarot in any deck, two cups out of five always remain full.

But the characteristics of the 5 tarot swords are such that there will be a long separation, with division of property, scandals, insults, which will affect the entire environment, affect children, friends, and affect health.

Means betrayal or betrayal in her worst case scenario, conscious and intentional. The card puts an end to relationships, this is the final point and a complete failure. In such a situation, you should think about how to save yourself, how to minimize the consequences that will soon befall you.

In relationships with friends, relatives, and colleagues, it denotes all types of betrayal: failure to pay a debt, gossip, making one out to be guilty.

What kind of people does it represent in the chart?

If, according to the main layout, it is not clear who the instigator of events is, what people the five of tarot swords can mean, the following must be taken into account: the person you are looking for is plotting evil, secretly or openly.

If the card is in a direct position, among those around you you need to look for someone who is said to “go over their heads”, “will not disdain anything”, a person who is unprincipled and often cruel, but who acts openly.

You should not think that the environment in your confrontation will support you, and not this scoundrel. Despite their negative qualities, such people know how to achieve their goals, they are effective and skillful in their plans, and therefore have power over people. Often they are also simply afraid.

If the card is reversed, the person is “ eminence grise” and operates secretly. Most likely, the person is new to your environment, first gained trust and has not yet had time to reveal his true essence. You should not trust him too much with your secrets and take a closer look.

What personalities does the Five of Cups Tarot represent? It would be more accurate to say: pessimists and introverts, those who believe that the glass is half empty. Another option: a person has experienced a loss; if a woman, the loss of a child, possibly an abortion.

The reversed position may mean ex-husband, an old friendship, this is what the five of tarot cups will tell you about in relation to personal characteristics.

For business and career

Bankruptcy, raider takeover, license revocation, industrial accident, dismissal from work, demotion, departure of large clients - this is the meaning of the 5 tarot swords when telling fortunes about work, business and affairs. You should expect any of the most fatal surprises from the Five of Swords.

Moreover, the troubles are large and unplanned. If you have an interview or certification coming up and the prognosis is unfavorable, the 5 tarot cups will most likely indicate this in fortune telling, then you will have a few more attempts to complete this quest, and the activity in such a situation is quite planned. But the meaning and inner meaning of the lasso five of swords is a sneaky blow, in the back.

In terms of finances

When compared with the 5 of tarot cups, it is well clear that if the first means only the absence of the expected profit, then the 5 of swords also means losses, and significant ones at that.

5 cups of tarot gives a generally good value for fortune telling, this is not ruin, but situations of incorrect promotion of goods and the like, which can be corrected. The Five of Swords means property damage (accident, broken equipment, health expenses), inability to pay debts, property disputes, theft and robbery.

With other symbols

Meaning in combination with other cards of tarot cups - failure will overtake in the sphere of emotions, relationships, with wands - failure in creative projects, with denarii - in financial sector, swords with swords - failure will occur in the field of knowledge.

The meaning of the tarot card 5 of swords in combination with other cards clarifies the roots of the failure that has struck you or gives clues on how best to proceed. It is best if there is a Major Arcana nearby:

  • Jester = useless effort
  • Mage=you are going to fight an opponent who is obviously stronger than you
  • High Priestess=making a fool of yourself
  • Empress = division of territory, spheres of influence
  • Emperor = hierarchical disputes, struggle for primacy
  • High Priest=violation of moral and ethical standards
  • Lovers = conflicts in relationships
  • Chariot = exhausting struggle and defeat
  • Strength = actions in a state of passion, confusion of mind
  • Hermit=self-destruction
  • Wheel of Fate=you won't see the difference between victory and defeat
  • Justice=your committing meanness
  • Hanged Man = great loss, possible death of a loved one
  • Death=loss will bring grief into your life.
  • Moderation=accept defeat gracefully
  • Tower = a small loss will lead to complete destruction of life
  • Devil = animal instincts, going to the primitive level of reaction
  • Star = small chance that after defeat a way out of a hopeless situation will appear
  • Moon=undercurrents, hidden intrigues
  • Sun = open struggle for survival
  • Court = you will get revenge, deservedly so
  • Peace=you will be in difficult situation calm your emotions for the common good


So the whole line of 5s are pretty nasty cards, and 5 of Swords is one of the worst. But the consolation can be that even a big failure does not mean the end of life, and even a long black streak will sooner or later be ended by your efforts. And then you will enter a new round of events.

The card of 5 swords (blades, sabers, daggers) belongs to the category of minor arcana. It indicates losses, conflicts, aggressive disputes. If victory is won in the confrontation, it will not bring joy. 5 swords symbolize unhappy and tragic circumstances, sorrows. The card indicates a negative answer to the questioner's question to the deck. The querent should realize the limits of his capabilities or come to the conclusion that he does not need victory in this situation.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Symbolism of the card

    In classic Tarot decks, the 5 of Swords arcana depicts a character holding three swords. Two other blades lie at his feet.

    The man looks back at the two other men who recently competed with him. He managed to emerge victorious from this battle, disarming the others. Both other characters leave triumphant. One of them is saddened by defeat: his head and shoulders are lowered. The second one tries to “keep face”, not wanting to come to terms with losing.

    Combinations of the "Empress of Cups" card with other Tarot Arcana in upright and inverted positions

    Value in upright position

    The 5 of Swords card has a destructive meaning. She destroys everything in her path that prevents her from moving forward. The lasso can indicate both defeat and victory, for which too high a price was paid. Such a victory is not final, its character is dual.

    The main interpretation in the upright position is defeat. The card does not directly indicate what exactly led to the loss, but for 5 swords this is not so important. The Arcanum only states a fact: the questioner has already lost or will lose. Another meaning of the card is revenge.

    The appearance of 5 swords in a reading is a sure sign that a difficult period is beginning in life. The situation will not be resolved immediately. Other cards in fortune telling can soften the negative meaning of the lasso, but, one way or another, there will be a period of destruction, loss of spirit and conflicts. This stage can only be overcome with the least losses (analyze which resources are reflected in the layout).

    The card speaks of conflicts and aggression, but does not indicate whether the negativity comes from the questioner himself or whether he is drawn into this unpleasant situation. In both cases, 5 swords symbolizes the Pyrrhic victory, which will not bring joy to the victor for long.

    Reverse interpretation

    In an inverted position, the meaning of the lasso is enhanced. The card speaks of excessive aggressiveness and abuse of one’s powers. At the event level, it symbolizes loss, the need to retreat. In the inverted position, bitterness is added to the general meaning of the card, similar to loss at a funeral. This can be deep repentance, torment of conscience.

    One of the interpretations of the lasso suggests that there is a small chance of turning the situation in one’s favor. But the prevailing idea among tarot readers is that in a reversed position, loss and trauma are also inevitable. Arcanum indicates deep depression, mental anguish, mourning, loss of loved ones. In any position, the card is unfavorable for any endeavors.

    Health plans

    The card indicates a threat to health and life. Injuries, wounds from piercing objects, and nervous overexcitation are possible.

    Unfavorable factors aggravate the course of the disease. Sometimes the cause of deterioration is a polluted environment or work in conditions with increased risk of injury.

    Love and relationships

    In relationships, the 5 of Swords indicates defeat: separation has already occurred or will occur quite soon. Perhaps the love affair will be destroyed by external circumstances. Sometimes the lasso speaks of setting unrealistic goals. The querent may try too hard to please a partner or an authoritarian parent. In reality, neither one nor the other cares about him.

    The 5 of swords symbolize misfortune and sometimes tragedy. In this arcana, the motives of conquest and aggressive victory are strong, therefore its traditional interpretations in relationships are dishonor, shame, violence, blackmail, causticism, ignoring, heartlessness.

    The card speaks of the end of a difficult battle, which took a lot of strength from both the winner and the defeated. Everything positive in the relationship has long been lost. During this battle, old emotional wounds were touched upon, and now the love affair is a source of fear. 5 swords each, everything that was once called love is shattered.

    The person described by this lasso is stubborn and vindictive. His actions are unpredictable, it costs him nothing to hurt. Often he becomes like this under the influence of his own suffering.

    Schedules for work

    Arkan speaks of the beginning of a difficult stage, accompanied by intrigue, slander, and insults. All this will be followed by dismissal. Often the case ends in court proceedings. Arcanum indicates a serious blow to self-esteem - failure in exams, rejection commercial offer. Sometimes it symbolizes a person who is capable of going over her head for the sake of career growth.

    5 of swords indicate serious conflicts, a constant struggle for primacy. Unscrupulousness, cold war, and cruelty reign in these debates. There is always a winner and a loser. The card may indicate the need to interact with individuals who are not at your level:

    • in combination with the page of swords card - with a subordinate;
    • with the Emperor or the king of swords - with a senior leader.

    Sometimes the lasso indicates a breakdown in relations between colleagues.

    The map reflects violent changes in the organization, accompanied by scandals, violations of current legislation, and the dismissal of all those who disagree. The company's activities harm the environment. Projects fail, development directions are dangerous for both management and subordinates.

    Self-development issues

    The questioner is subject to aggression and self-destruction. This manifests itself in the form of increased irritability, a desire to destroy everything around. The combination of the lasso with the three of swords is especially fraught with negative consequences: in this case, in addition to such an explosive psychological state, the cards indicate a lack of external support (from family, friends).

    Emotional impulses can be directed both at the world, and on yourself. The latter manifests itself in poor health and suicide attempts.

    The condition described by the Five of Swords is accompanied by feelings of guilt and regret. In some cases, to eliminate negative consequences you cannot do without the help of a professional psychologist. Sometimes the card indicates a state called “crusader psychology”: a person thinks that he is doing good, although in reality he is destroying himself and everything around him.

    Card of the day

    If 5 swords appears as the card of the day, you should not tune in to peace. Conflicts and quarrels are expected. You may have to get involved in the fight against someone else's meanness or slander.

    Card tip: the most optimal and safe strategy today is inaction.

    Combination with other cards

    5 Swords is enhanced by Death, 10 Swords and Tower cards. The meaning of positive arcana in a reading this map seriously weakens.

    Major Arcana

    In combination with the major arcana, the 5 of swords has the following meanings:

    • Jester - fruitless efforts to change the situation.
    • The magician is the beginning of a meaningless confrontation.
    • The High Priestess is persistence in one's ignorance.
    • Empress - the struggle for material property, real estate.
    • The Emperor is the strongest conflict at home or at work.
    • Hierophant - ignoring the laws of morality.
    • Lovers - conflicts in relationships.
    • Chariot - a person seeks to hush up a quarrel.
    • Strength - the questioner succumbs to provocations that cause anger.
    • Hermit - self-destructive loneliness;
    • Wheel of Fortune - today's battle is won, but the battle as a whole will be lost.
    • Justice is meanness from an unexpected side.
    • Hanged - punishment.
    • Death is mourning, serious offense, murder.
    • Moderation is the recovery period after psychological trauma or loss.
    • The devil is personal degradation.
    • Tower - a sharp deterioration in health; divorce; serious problems.
    • A star is hope for the best.
    • Moon - understatement, intrigue.
    • The sun is a desperate battle for its place in the sun.
    • Court - the guilty will receive what they deserve.
    • Peace is a healing from resentment, an end to conflict.

    Minor Arcana

    With the suit of wands:

    • Ace is an apathetic state.
    • Two is an escape from reality.
    • Three - endless conflicts.
    • Four - unfavorable terms of the agreement.
    • Five - quarrels between relatives.
    • Six - defeat, capitulation.
    • Seven - the struggle occurs with varying success.
    • Eight - revenge, oppression.
    • Nine - the querent's mistrust is justified.
    • Ten is a monetary loss.
    • Page - quarrel with a teenager.
    • Knight is a serious crisis.
    • Queen - misunderstanding, conflicts with a woman.
    • King - quarrels with a man.

    With suit of swords:

    • Ace - showdown, open rivalry.
    • Two - lack of confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities.
    • Troika - treason loved one, lack of support.
    • Four - bitter loneliness.
    • Six - the desire to escape from difficulties.
    • Seven - deception, fraud.
    • Eight - imposing restrictions on freedom; obstacles in achieving goals.
    • Nine is a state of despair.
    • Ten is a series of difficulties and losses.
    • The page is a young enemy.
    • Knight - the questioner will receive help.
    • Queen - sad times.
    • King - the need to make an important decision.

    With the suit of cups (cups):

    • Ace - successfully overcoming difficulties.
    • Two - help from a close friend or relative.
    • Three - a temporary lull, an opportunity to restore strength.
    • Four - resentment, deep disappointment in a person.
    • Five - separation, loss, pessimistic view of the future.
    • Six - searching for those to blame.
    • Seven is an unexpected betrayal.
    • Eight - refusal of the usual routine.
    • Nine - support of a loved one.
    • Ten - faith in a bright future, successfully overcoming challenges.
    • Page is an opportunity to resolve difficulties.
    • Knight - the questioner will be offered help.
    • Queen - the ability to compassion.
    • The king is the assistance of a rich, influential person.

    With the suit of pentacles:

    • Ace - litigation over property.
    • Two - instability of the financial situation.
    • Three - painful memories.
    • Four - prudence, treason.
    • Five - serious financial difficulties.
    • Six - getting what you deserve.
    • Seven is a depressive state.
    • Eight is a difficult life stage, a feeling of fatigue.
    • Nine - the situation is gradually stabilizing.
    • Ten is a good offer.
    • Page - pettiness, commercialism.
    • Knight - receiving a refusal.
    • Queen - instability of emotional state.
    • King - thoughts about finances.

    The 5 of Swords is an alarming and unpleasant card, but the questioner should remember that even the longest night ends with dawn, and sooner or later the difficult situation will exhaust itself.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been mine main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Winner of defeat. "Pyrrhic victory". The battle was won, but the war was lost. Many enemies, few allies. Drawing into conflict. Unfair fighting, “low blows.” All cases are doomed to failure. A crisis. Fears. Concerns. No love. Cold. Worries about money, health. Serious illness.

Stop waiting: it’s better to lose fairly than to give up without a fight.

Do not get involved in dubious matters and projects..

Card of the day
Don't settle for peace. Today you may have to get involved in a battle against someone’s meanness, maliciousness or slander. Fight as long as you can, and remember that even the darkest Friday will eventually give way to a weekend when you can rest. If this time you are ready to stand up for the truth and stand to the end, then perhaps in the future you will be spared such situations.

Reversed card
Defeat. Grief, confusion, anxiety. Funeral, burial. Remorse, regret. Relationships cannot be revived, cannot be resuscitated. An unfavorable omen for new beginnings.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Five of Swords is another card of suffering and loss. But the question is, what do you identify with this card - the man in the foreground who has won the battle, or the two defeated and disarmed who walk away? This map is not as simple as it seems at first glance. One of the benefits of growing older is that you begin to understand that life is not just black and white, but that everything in it is constantly changing. Perhaps two men leaving the battlefield refused to fight for something they did not believe in. They may look defeated, but in reality they are winners. Or perhaps they lost the battle this time, but revenge will motivate them to fight again, and then they will win.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Five of Swords
  • How important is winning to you?
  • Do you believe in what you are fighting for?
  • Who are you bullying or who is bullying you?
  • Do you feel like a winner or a loser?
  • Who is threatening you? Who are you threatening?
Key Ideas
Face your problems and deal with them. It won't be easy for you, but in the end you will prevail. Develop your persistence. Assertive people are not aggressive. They remain calm, control their emotions and do not allow themselves to be intimidated. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly - this will give you vitality. Remember self-control, because he who controls himself controls the world.
Direct card: Separation may happen, your friend may go, say, to another country, but the card also shows a new friendship.

Reversed card: Be on your guard: troublemakers have appeared among your friends. Cruelty, violence, or at least violent arguments are likely.

Direct Card: You are aware of your problems, but are determined to fight them and are determined to win.

Reversed Card: Keyword - badass. If this sounds like you, then leave people alone. If someone bullies you, tell your teacher about it (it seems like you can’t handle it yourself).

Direct card: You meet the person you dreamed of, but is this person really what you think he is?

Reversed Card: The relationship may have ended. Your feelings now are a mixture of sadness and relief.

Direct card: The end of family feuds. Let go of what you have lost, humble your pride. Reversed card: You oppose the family with everyone possible ways. Does it really bring you joy?
Direct Card: You love to win and excel in competitive sports or other competitions.

Reversed: You show stubborn pride and refuse to give up even when all is lost.

Direct Card: You feel great right now and look great at the same time.

Reversed: Don't let harmful criticism drag you down into self-loathing. Now the words of others are wrong, do not listen to them.

Direct card: If you want to improve your solvency, look for a new line of business.

Reversed card: Beware of overwhelming yourself with work that is beyond your ability. Be careful, you may get robbed.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Trisha felt that the teacher was picking on her. The Five of Swords said that Trisha should not confront the teacher, because the forces were unequal and she would not be able to win the battle. The best approach is to stop supplying him with ammunition, that is, to minimize the reasons for criticism. If it's about assignments that Trisha turned in late, you need to make sure that she can turn in her current work on time. If it's about the jewelry she wears at school, it's better to leave it at home, and so on. When Trisha changes her behavior, she will likely receive praise. But if she still feels that she is being picked on, the time will come to present the case to a lawyer or the school principal.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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A raised sword symbolizes victory.

Swords given to the winner mean humiliation and defeat.

Recognizing limitations. Humility of pride.

This card means quarrels and hostility - and the one to whom it falls is the object of someone else's cruelty or vindictiveness. Despite our desire to fight back, the Five of Swords warns that we have no choice but to retreat and accept defeat. Most decks feature this card as a man who has defeated two opponents and walks away in humiliation. The winner appears all-powerful, while the vanquished look pitiful and depressed and are forced to give him their swords.

This card encourages us to recognize the factors that limit our performance in a given situation, and to realize that, despite all our determination, we cannot arbitrarily change circumstances, even if we try to do so in battle. And although in this case we are powerless to change the existing state of affairs, this card tells us that, having accepted defeat in this situation, we can try our luck somewhere else. Often the Five of Swords predicts that we are destined to experience feelings of humiliation; we may feel worthless because someone managed to defeat us or we took on too heavy a burden and could not cope with it. It is important that we stop banging our heads against the wall, because only then can we realize our duty and do our job conscientiously.
When you pull the Five of Swords from the deck, it is a sign that you need to objectively assess the current state of affairs. There are certain obstacles in your path, and you should accept them until you have the opportunity to change something. Of course, it is not easy to accept defeat and suppress your pride, but this is the only possible tactic of behavior in your situation. An attempt to forcefully resolve the issue can ricochet back at you and leave behind nothing but a feeling of humiliation. You may feel that circumstances are stronger than you, or that an influential person will be in your way who will try to manipulate you in some way. You must step back and realize that it is not in your best interest to stand up for your rights because the forces you are fighting are greater than you. Sometimes this card warns you not to take on obligations that you cannot handle.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Conquest. Defeat. Destruction of others. Degradation. Possibility of enemies appearing. Cancel. Bad reputation. Dishonor.
Reversed meaning
Uncertain prospect. Possibility of loss or defeat. Weakness. The likelihood of misfortune with a friend. Temptation. Funeral.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Five of Swords predicts the collapse of your plans, a huge loss, defeat or failure.

Inner meaning
This is a card of ruin or failure. It predicts the collapse of your plans, an unhappy or tragic situation and/or a huge loss.

Surrounding cards (i.e. other events and people) can mitigate this loss, but you are entering a very bad streak and can only try to get past it with as little loss as possible.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: grief, bereavement, tragic situation.

Decline, destruction, dishonor and loss await the inquirer.

Hidden as well as foreseen dangers are possible.

Loss of spirit and defeat.

Inverted, or negative: the same. For a while your enemies retreated, but now they are triumphant.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The temporary peace of the Four explodes with the battles of the Five. Ragged clouds emphasize the furious mood. Analytical abstract thinking, armed with facts, mercilessly crushed more tender and vulnerable feelings. You can participate in disputes and debates and find yourself in the place of any of the three figures depicted on the map.

The man in the farthest shot appears defeated and dejected. The one that is a little closer to the viewer walks away, as if refusing to take part in the battle. The man in the foreground appears to have gotten the better of them. Like a carrion bird, he profits from the misfortunes of others. Here the map represents the relationship between the warring parties or antagonists. You may have a desire to leave the current situation or at least temporarily retreat. According to this map, there is often a breakdown in communication. The principles used in this case can be as ethical and righteous as you like, but you still lack kindness and understanding, or dishonest tactics were used. Thinking is now fragmented. You feel overwhelmed, distracted; you feel like you are being attacked. Perhaps you should break a large task into several small ones. On the other hand, such division can give rise to controversial issues, mental fragmentation and negative thinking.

This situation belongs to the class of “no winners” - you won the battle, but lost the war and were left without friends and support. All possible options reactions - from complacency to humiliation - turn out to be ineffective and do not really solve anything. If other cards in the layout confirm this, the Five of Swords may mean a situation involving insult or violence.

Traditional meanings: loss, destruction, damage, desolation, ruin. Trouble, misfortune. Defeat, defeat, struggle. Conquest. Shame, humiliation, dishonor. Kidnapping. Evil intent. Malice, slander. Theft by someone in the household. Violence, murder.

Reversed Five of Swords
This is one of the few cards that is traditionally interpreted reversed in the same way as upright, with the added connotation of grief after a brutal battle or funeral. The word “bury”, “store” means to hide or protect - as opposed to the concepts: use, dispose. Thus, the reversed Five of Swords may indicate the presence of hidden motivating factors. For example, when a person experiences unbearable pain, a split personality is possible, in which an aggressive subpersonality comes to the fore, forcing the vulnerable victim to retreat into the depths of the psyche.

Another motivating factor may be abstract idealism, which places humanistic principles above individuals. You may feel antipathy towards people who are not related to your business.

Abstract concepts like patriotism allow you to focus on the “truth” at work at the moment, the problem or task that needs to be done, even though it hurts others.

The reversed Five of Swords can also mean burying the hatchet of war, ending conflicts and disagreements. This also includes remorse, regret, review of one’s actions and compensation for damage. When it clears up, see what else you can save. Instead of collecting swords, take the opportunity to gather people, fix the situation, heal the injuries, define responsibilities and obligations. After pruning the branches, most plants actively begin to grow, and this card shows just such the potential for spiritual growth that begins after loss and suffering.

Traditional interpretations of this card usually rely on negative concepts such as trouble, confusion, contempt, etc. When projecting this card onto others, you may feel like they are standing in your way. On the other hand, you can refuse to feel defeated. In whatever position the card falls - upright or inverted - it is not conducive to new beginnings. When reversed, it means that you will solve all difficult issues. Perfidy and even crimes may be revealed.

From a shamanic point of view, this card signifies the splitting of the soul into parts, as well as the soul wandering homeless after death. In any case, the soul may need help. The card also represents funeral rites and working with weather magic.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: trouble, loss, trouble. Mourning, pain, despondency, suffering. Funeral, burial. Grief, confusion, anxiety. Remorse. Vengeance. An unfavorable omen for new beginnings.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
The situation is getting out of control. I can not do anything. Sometimes it seems to me that I am building castles in the sand, and the wind blows - and there is nothing... Lord, give me the patience to survive all this!
Description of the card and its internal meaning
The Five of Swords is a card that predicts an exhausting struggle, the result of which will be the collapse of all the plans of the Questioner. This Arcana almost always depicts a knight tired after a battle. He stands on the battlefield, around him are the bodies of killed or wounded soldiers. The viewer understands that this knight won the battle, but at what cost did he get the victory!

The Five of Swords indicates that the Questioner is entering a period of failures and tragic situations. In fact, there is no chance to get rid of these events, but there is an opportunity to somehow soften the blow of Fate. In addition, we must take into account the fact that some problems may simply be invented by the Questioner himself. Be prepared for challenges and do not give in to fears, otherwise the danger threatening you will only intensify.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - D, number - 5,
Ruled by the planet - Uranus, zodiac sign - Aquarius,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 36 hexagram ("Defeat of Light"),
Weather conditions - thunderstorm,
The corresponding color is orange,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the Sephira of Geburah.
Card meaning
Straight position
The card says that a “devil’s streak” is coming in the Questioner’s life; all sorts of losses, grief, tragic situations, loss of strength, quarrels with work colleagues and loved ones, and possibly enmity with someone await him.
Inverted position
In this case, the Five of Swords foreshadows troubles, but on a smaller scale, reminding of hidden enemies. Sometimes it is interpreted as a symbol of burial.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Five of Swords indicates a behind-the-scenes struggle, that you want to resort to unworthy methods to achieve your goal and realize your desire to defeat your opponent at any cost. But remember that you yourself can fall victim to intrigue. The map also has a slightly different meaning: it reflects the contradictory nature of human nature.

Inverted - the meaning is almost the same as in the upright position. Map of defeats and losses. Someone else will win, not you.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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V. Five - a man looks with disdain at two retreating and dejected figures. Their two swords lie on the ground. The man holds two other swords on his left shoulder and a third sword, with the tip to the ground, in his right hand. He is a master of winning.

Straight position:
degradation, destruction, complete reshuffling (abolition), dishonor, disenfranchisement, shame, loss.

Reverse position:
the same; funeral and burial.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Mars in Scorpio, in its darkest form, as a lust for destruction and baseness.
The Five of Swords is perhaps the most “harmful” card Minor Arcana Tarot. It means an escalation of the conflict, a vile scandal, “low blows,” baseness and meanness. At the same time, the card does not indicate whether all these harmful actions come from ourselves or, on the contrary, we were drawn into this unseemly story as a victim. Only the remaining cards of the layout can tell you about this. However, in any case, the Five of Swords means a “Pyrrhic victory”, which will not please the winner for long.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The first decade of Aquarius is from January 20 to 31.
Astrological equivalents: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Houses Eight and Ten.
The sign of Aquarius symbolizes the development of thought, making the secret obvious and tearing off all the masks of reality.
Emotional penetration into problems develops thought, and freedom of creativity, revealing the desire of thought, expands the horizons of the world and makes it clear and bright. The first decade of Aquarius is ruled by Venus. And this decade symbolizes such qualities as clarity of mind, ease of perception, inventive talents and... the collision of one’s own impulse of thought with life (Venus) - which naturally, by and large, ends in the victory of life and the defeat of thought. However, Venus is, first of all, subjective creativity, and therefore creativity in the field of art, which does not provide a reliable answer to emerging questions of consciousness
but still creates the basis for those answers to be found.
The Five of Swords symbolizes an attempt to go beyond the narrow boundaries of the Four of Swords, leaving the parental home, she wants more perfection and more freedom. This is a clash of internal intentions and thoughts among themselves, which can lead to original conclusions, or can leave you with nothing. The Tarot card depicts three figures: one (the winner) carries three swords, the other (in the background) is defeated and crying, but the third is removed undefeated (she retains the right to choose when to go into battle and when to retreat). The metaphysical power of the Five is directed towards destruction, towards sweeping away from the road everything that interferes with its movement. The Five of Swords is purification, cutting off everything unnecessary in attempts to overcome the earthly. This is asceticism and ascent to the heights through the renunciation of earthly things (symbolized by the four).

Straight position:
In the upright position, the Five of Swords symbolizes: conquest, challenge, destruction of the environment.
Suppressing potential opponents who may rebel; honor (dishonor), victory (defeat), ups (downs), risk (exhaustion), loss, disadvantages, failures, refusal (voluntary or forced), perhaps isolation (voluntary or forced); change of direction life path, breaking the worldview.
The Five of Swords is cruel, its world is ruled by Saturn, this card is consonant with Capricorn and in some ways, perhaps, Aquarius, causing all the planets expressed in these signs to sound in unison.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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In the foreground is a winner holding one sword in his right hand and two taken from his opponents in his left. Two more swords lie right there on the ground. In the distance are two defeated men walking towards the sea. Pieces of dark clouds rush across the sky.
The card indicates the end of a difficult battle, which cost a lot of strength to both the winner and the vanquished (“Pyrrhic victory”). It can also mean leaving, parting with someone. In general, it says that the person who pulled it out will face some kind of struggle, the outcome of which is unclear; the losses are in any case obvious, but the gains are doubtful. So is it worth starting?

Damage and injury are still inevitable, but the outcome is no longer a draw, but clearly a losing one, that is, the prognosis is unfavorable.
In the Egyptian Tarot, when this card is placed upright, the swords form an inverted pentagram, which predicts losses and failures. Only in an inverted position does the forecast soften somewhat (“draw”).

A deck of Tarot cards today is considered one of the most ancient card systems. It includes several dozen cards, each of which belongs to a specific suit and has an individual designation.

One of them is the 5 Swords of the Tarot, the meaning of which largely depends on whether it is in an inverted or upright position. When done correctly, the card will help you deal with personal problems, solve financial issues and improve your career.

Description of the image

The Tarot card Five of Swords belongs to the Minor Arcana. Her colorful image depicts a battlefield where the battle has already come to an end. And two defeated people slowly walk away, heading towards the sea coast, and the third person stands with the appearance of a winner and holds trophies in his hands.

They are represented by a pair of swords that lie on the knight’s shoulders. Another pair of swords lies near the winner’s feet, and he leans on another blade.

In addition, the image includes a picture of a cloudy sky and distant mountains. In general, the map shows a predominance of sharp lines and cold shades, which creates an unpleasant feeling of some discomfort.

And even a confident, triumphant look on the part of the winner does not allow one to fully rejoice at the win. Sea water on the map it is usually interpreted as the loss or breaking of masks. And only distant mountains give little hope for a favorable outcome.

If we describe the map as a whole, we can say that it depicts the end of a difficult and difficult battle, which cost all the knights considerable strength. And the winner's winnings may be very doubtful.

In the Egyptian Tarot, a similar card depicts five swords, which are folded in a special way and form an inverted pentagram, predicting serious failures and many losses. But regardless of the image, the card with five blades is not very favorable.

Basic map designation

Often the card with five blades is called "Lord of Defeat", and this is not surprising. After all, its traditional interpretations directly include betrayal, meanness, humiliation and capitulation. And the main meaning of the card can be very multifaceted and negative.

Its presence in fortune telling usually indicates serious stressful situations and the beginning of a dark streak in life. And this state of affairs can drag on for years, exerting a powerful influence on fate.

Unfortunately, the map is not able to provide accurate information about the main causes of the problems that have arisen. But the cards lying nearby will help identify the main root causes of troubles and tell you how to solve them correctly.

For example, placing a card next to the Seven of Wands indicates an unpleasant habit of constantly conflicting, and a combination with the Six of Cups usually indicates the presence of inexperience and naivety in the character of the fortuneteller.

As a rule, the reversed Five of Swords card has a similar designation, but with a certain presence of “mourning”. In addition to betrayal and humiliation, there is added deep sadness with remorse and constant repentance. Sometimes the end result is a funeral and actual mourning.

Often inverted, the card conveys the fortuneteller’s sincere desire to restore past losses and correct serious mistakes. But this desire cannot be fulfilled, and that is why the card is so tragic.

Other meanings of the Five Blades Tarot card include powerful crushing defeat and a strong sense of revenge. In combination with the devil card, one should think about blackmail or serious dependence on something, and combination with the seven of swords speaks of dishonor.

The only positive meaning of the Five Swords card is that it can tell about unfavorable circumstances, from which a very valuable life lesson can be learned.

The Five of Blades is often considered the most “harmful” card of the Minor Arcana, since it often symbolizes minor scandals, squabbles, escalating conflicts, and base and vile actions. And it is not always known whether the harm comes from the fortuneteller or his environment.