Fortune telling yes no online sneezer. Divination Yes No: online for free. Fortune telling on the Tarot - yes or no, the meanings of the minor arcana

To start divination "YES NO" mentally ask a question that interests you. The answer must be Yes or No.

Then press "guess" and you will get a true answer to your question: YES or NO. If you are unsure or doubt the results of divination, it is permissible to repeat it up to three times, while not forgetting to mentally pronounce the question to which you need an answer.

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If the answers are different each time (meaning the second or third fortune-telling with the same question), then fate has not yet been determined, and the first answer that you saw as a result of divination is YES NO, the most likely.

If, after two or three times of divination to the same question, you get one answer, then your predetermined future is already visible.

Very important! You should not guess more than 3 times for one question, since the whole fortune-telling mechanism “breaks” from this and you will receive not a real answer, but a product of your perseverance. Ideally, of course, do not repeat any question more than once, but if you are really interested in knowing the likelihood of events, then you can guess YES NO with the same question MAXIMUM 2 more times. I warned you.

Fortune-telling YES NO is true, and shows only real answers, but as you probably know, if you already ended up on, thoughts are material and we can change fate the way we want. Fortune telling YES NO shows the most truthful and probable scenario, and then our decision is to try to change it or just enjoy life and go with the flow!

Happy guessing on "YES - NO"!

You are not comfortable using my most true online divination? Remember the good old method, with flipping a coin. It gives good results, although for some reason it comes up tails more often =)

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Of course, every person from time to time wants at least one eye to look into the future! After all, it is so interesting to find out whether the planned business will “burn out”, whether the plans are destined to come true. For this, divination yes no online is the best suited - a virtual prediction will help you get the exact answer. You don't have to flip a coin or resort to other homegrown divination methods. It is enough to use our service!

Fortune telling yes no can be considered a classic method of predicting the future. It does not involve the implementation of complex card layouts with subsequent ambiguous interpretations. Fortune telling yes no online always answers extremely briefly, clearly and concisely!

What questions can be asked?

There are no special restrictions for fortune-telling presented on this page. You can guess at any time of the day, both alone and in the company of friends. And the questions that our “online divination yes no for free” can answer can also be very different, for example:

  • Will I meet my betrothed this year?
  • Will I succeed in my exams?
  • Should we expect trouble at work?
  • Can I get a pay raise?
  • Will I go to a resort this summer?
  • Will the planned transaction be successful?

However, keep in mind that if you ask a joke question, then the answer to it will also not be serious. And one more thing - sometimes the "arrow of fate" is not able to "pierce" the clouds covering the future. In this case, fortune-telling yes no truthful will tell you "everything is in the fog ... there is no answer to the question." This means that you should ask your question later, perhaps the next day when you are online again.

The ancient art of divination

Of course, the online fortune-telling service that you see on your screen is a modern development. However, his work is based on the same principle that the most ancient predictive systems use - Tarot cards, Scandinavian runes, the Chinese Book of Changes (I-Ching). True divination yes no online helps to dispel uncertainty, establish a connection between a person and his Destiny.

The art of divination was very difficult for the ancient oracles, priests and Pythians. They had to go to serious restrictions, to maintain a strict fast for many weeks. Then they plunged themselves into a trance with the help of intoxicating herbs, ritual rituals, special dances and other psychotechnics. Such rituals took a lot of effort, after which the oracles had to recover for a long time. Priests of bygone eras would have paid dearly for the opportunity to use simple divination yes no, which does not require such sacrifices!

The rulers of ancient states consulted with soothsayers on any important issues. The time of sowing or harvesting, the conclusion and termination of alliances, the declaration of war or the reconciliation of the warring parties - all this was coordinated with oracles, priests or astrologers. People who possessed secret powers and were able to look into the future were afraid and were not disturbed by trifles.

Fortunately, today you do not need to look for an oracle or a wise Pythia to find out what interests you. True and accurate online divination yes no is quite capable of replacing a mystic-predictor from past eras. In addition, our online service has undeniable advantages - it does not need to be presented with gifts (which was a necessity when referring to the wise men of the Magi) and you do not have to wait for weeks for a result. Online fortune telling will help you find out the future in just a few seconds!

Such a simple fortune-telling virtual divination yes/no, in fact, cannot be called primitive. It all depends on how difficult the question will be given to cards, dice, coins or other magical items. Even tossing a coin on heads / tails, which is common in everyday life, is already a kind of answer from the world of your subconscious.

If you believe - and really there is everything that you sincerely believe in! - into the theory of the non-randomness of those signs that fortune-telling gives, then the hint will also be sincere.

Almost all online fortune-telling systems contain a yes-no section, except, perhaps, which gives detailed predictions for hexagrams, and which offers a list of questions and formulates answers. Let's focus on the most popular divination online yes/no for free:

Popular divination Yes No

  1. Card layouts. They are like games - and many, playing solitaire games like "Kerchief" or "Spider", do not even formulate before starting the question. And in vain. Maps are a sacred thing that preserves the memory of centuries. And virtual cards are also in this row. Let's take, for example, the well-known and very simple layout "Pharaoh" or "Stoss" (the famous "three, seven, ace" from A. Pushkin's "Queen of Spades"). At first glance, there is no system, but according to the theory of probability, it turns out that the deck can give an answer. ?Let alone such complex solitaire games as Mary Stuart. According to a beautiful legend, it took shape with Mary only on the day of her execution.
  2. - also an excellent predictive system. True to divination yes no online was true, a certain approach is needed. Questions like “how do I do this?” or “what might happen if…?” obviously not suitable here. To get a specific answer - positive or negative - you need to formulate the question correctly. In this Tarot divination, a clear question is conceived, then one card must be selected from the deck, which will answer yes or no. In addition, she (her interpretation) briefly describes the situation. And since the meanings of the cards are “general”, only your insight will help to adapt the explanation for yourself.
  3. Seems interesting and not hackneyed guessing yes-no using a pendulum. It has been known since time immemorial. Such a device can be purchased in esoteric stores. You can also design it yourself from improvised materials: for example, by threading a thread through a ring, you will get your own divination pendulum. We hold it above the table in a stationary state and ask a question, having previously decided in which direction you have yes, and in which direction you do not. Such work is, of course, a conversation with the subconscious. You need to be focused and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, focusing on your question, which should be as clear and specific as possible. If your attitude is not serious, then the pendulum may give the wrong answer.

The question of choice with its eternal "to be-not to be" has always stood before all people. Serious, fateful questions or unpretentious - it does not matter here. It is important that it is not in vain that fortune-telling “yes-no” invented by many (if not all!) Nations for thousands of years is a desire and an opportunity to get a hint. BUT modern technologies give the possibility of such fortune-telling also for free.

10.03.2015 Category: ,

Fortune telling on cards YES NO. This is a very old divination used by fortune-tellers and gypsies. Fortune telling on cards Yes No, will help you find out the answer to your question using a regular deck of cards. Fortune telling on cards YES NO. What you will need: For fortune-telling Yes / No on the cards, you will need a regular deck of playing cards. You can limit yourself to […]

We often lack a little kick to make a decision, it is enough for someone to just say Yes or still No. But there is not always a person nearby to whom you can tell everything and ask for advice. For this reason, many resort to divination.

Fortune telling yes or no, I decided to write for you for one simple reason, I myself have used it and have been using it for many years :). Yes, there is nothing special about this, there are situations in life when you want to howl, but there is no one to turn to.

The fact is that I would never use a simple primitive yes-no fortune-teller, which is only capable of two words. I got an interesting book from my ancestors (in the sense of great-grandmothers), the book of changes. I will not describe all its charms, I will only say that it works. Based on it, I made fortune-telling Yes No, in which, in addition to a direct answer to the question, you will also find out the reason, the explanation of why yes and why no. This explanation-interpretation describes exactly your current state and state of affairs.

In general, this is a full-fledged fortune telling, which you need to use when you need help, and not every day. Guess with such intervals, during which at least something in your life can really change from the moment of the previous fortune-telling, otherwise everything is meaningless, you will only get confused. And don't ask the same question 100,500 times. One session - 1 request, do not abuse.

Yes or no?

Focus on the question, get everything out of your head, calm down and press the button. Do not be distructed.

Questions to which a person wants to receive unambiguous answers, life poses in a multitude. We doubt, we cannot make a choice, we are torn between people and circumstances... Meanwhile, there are ways to get a clear and unambiguous answer "yes" or "no", which will finally make the scales tip in favor of the right decision. We offer you free divination Yes No online in several versions. Choose among them the one to which the soul lies. Your intuition will tell you the most reliable and truthful one that will work flawlessly just for you.

Or do it differently: use each of the fortune-telling in turn for greater persuasiveness. The main thing is to formulate the question precisely so that it can be answered with “yes” or “no”, and try to fully concentrate on it.

Divination "Yes No" online:

Here is a fortune-telling Yes No, which gives a clear answer to a specific question and is never wrong. Moreover, this oracle will allow you to understand how categorically “yes” or “no” sounds in your case, because circumstances change, and Fortune’s ill will can suddenly turn into favor. The oracle does not deprive of hope without good reason, nor does it give birth in vain, and this makes it even more attractive for divination.

Fortune telling Yes No on Tarot cards is an ideal means of finding out an impartial, objective and extremely truthful answer to any question. Moreover, you can put your question clearly and even categorically. And the Tarot will answer ... Moreover, it will not be a simple “yes” or “no”, but also advice on what to do in order to minimize the likelihood of a negative outcome or bring the positive result of the plan closer.

This is a free online divination for playing cards clearly and unequivocally answer “Yes” or “No”. There is no understatement or ambiguity in it, on the contrary, everything is extremely specific and concise. That is, in front of you, in fact, is an operational method of divination, with the help of which you can get an answer to any question in a matter of seconds.