Fake certificate when entering the institute. Unified register of university graduates, how to check the certificate for authenticity? Step-by-step instructions for checking a diploma in the register

In the modern world, forging any document is not a difficult task, and many people have a question - why study for several years, if you can simply buy this diploma on the black market?

Unfortunately, some people prefer this path. And it's good if they want to "appoint themselves" as some kind of interior design specialists or "make themselves" a filmmaker ... What if they want to become doctors or pharmacists?

Taking into account the current situation, a special service was created in Russia - the "Federal Register", with the help of which you can now check the diplomas and educational documents of all Russian universities.

The purposes of creating the Federal Register are:

  • - Elimination of the circulation of forged state-recognized education documents
  • - Providing departments and employers with reliable information on the qualifications of job applicants
  • - Reducing the number of violations and corruption in educational institutions
  • - Improving the quality of education by providing the public with reliable information about graduates

Within the framework of project activities, Rosobrnadzor created Automated system for the formation and maintenance of FRDO (AS FRDO), which ensures the collection of information about issued documents from educational institutions, the accumulation of this information in a single database.

How to check the authenticity of a diploma over the Internet?

The result will be shown in a few seconds.

Access to the register of diplomas higher education open all the time for everyone.

Formation and maintenance of the Federal Register of information on documents on education and (or) on qualifications, documents on training

On the basis of parts 9 and 10 of article 98, paragraph 2 of part 15 of article 107 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation", And the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 No. 729." On the federal information system "Federal register of information about documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training", Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science carries out the formation and maintenance of the Federal Register of information about documents on education and (or) on qualifications, documents on training.

● Test results

The verification of the authenticity of the Rosobrnadzor diploma is fully automated and, if the entered data match, the site will give a positive result.

New documents enter the electronic list around the clock and are entered into the database no later than sixty days from the date of their official issue.

It should be borne in mind that this type of data analysis does not give one hundred percent guarantee on the information provided (this is stated in an additional footnote at the end of the check, because some errors in data entry or inaccuracies in their processing are not excluded).

In the absence of information when processing such a request, it is possible that this document is not a fake. There is a possibility that it was received quite recently and has not yet been submitted register of secondary education diplomas.

Registry limitations to be aware of.

The register includes a huge amount of information about higher education.

However, verification of a higher education diploma is not possible for documents issued by state institutions located in departments:

  • Federal Security Service,
  • Federal Security Service
  • Foreign Intelligence Service.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO of Russia) - the federal executive body of the Russian Federation, a special service that carries out the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of state protection, presidential, government and other types of special communications and information provided to federal state authorities, state authorities subjects of the Russian Federation and other government agencies.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) - a federal executive body of the Russian Federation, a special service that, within the limits of its powers, performs tasks to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia) is a federal service, the main body of the foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, a special service.

The data on these diplomas is not entered into the database, since the activities of these institutions and scientific organizations are state secrets and are protected by the relevant authorities.

State secret - information protected by the state in the field of its military, foreign policy, economic, intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities, the dissemination of which may harm the state.

Therefore, for those who were educated in such places, it will be impossible to check the number of the higher education diploma for authenticity.

Employers or federal services checking the diploma number in the register for authenticity is not difficult. And the owners of fake documents are now finding it increasingly difficult to find a job.

However, in order to check the accuracy of the education documents submitted by him, it is required to know the full information, and not just the diploma number.

● If the diploma is not found or there are doubts?

At the moment, the document base is constantly updated and for creating complete list it can take a long time. It is possible that the diploma being checked is not on the list, but you are sure that it should be.

In this case, you can get reliable data on the presence or absence of a diploma by sending a letter with a request to check the document to Rosobrnadzor. The letter must indicate the data of the diploma (last name, first name, patronymic, document number, form number, by whom, where and when issued). The check can be ordered as per e-mail, and through the official departure through the "Russian Post".

Only drawback this method - the answer will have to wait about a month.

You can also check your diploma through the State Services portal.

By reading the entire article, you can learn everything possible ways how to check if there is a diploma in the register online and without unnecessary fuss.

Especially for convenient use and for effective fight against fake diplomas purchased from fraudsters, the Federal Register of information with these documents was created. Using this free service is much faster and more efficient than the traditional method. The latter consists in a request to the register of diplomas of universities in which the document was received.

Following the example of Western countries, in 2013 at the state level, the correct decision was made to organize a unified register of graduates of secondary and higher institutions, by which it is possible to check the registration of a diploma in it and find out its authenticity.

To create a full-fledged unified system, back in 2009, the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science began to accumulate information about higher and secondary education diplomas, academic degrees and scientific titles, and USE certificates. Thanks to this, the most extensive database of diplomas authenticity in the country was formed.

As conceived by the creators of the base, the 1960th served as the lower time limit for collecting information, and new data on documents appear daily to this day. Since 2013, the base for verification of diplomas has been open free of charge for verification both by the regulatory authorities and upon request for all individuals.

More than two million data were added to the register of award numbers at launch. In 2016, the amount of information on educational documents more than doubled, and according to information as of 11/13/2016 there are 6,999,330 documents in the register.

According to official data presented on their website, by 2023 the register of educational diplomas should be replenished by absolutely everyone. educational documents graduates received from 1992 inclusive.

How to check a diploma for authenticity in the registry

To check the diploma of education in the database on the website of supervision of education in Russia (Rosobrnadzor), you need to know not only the diploma number, but also other information about the recipient of the document. Therefore, it is impossible to check a diploma by number without additional data. This is done in order not to disclose confidential information.

Without a document on hand, it will be impossible to fill out a special form and send a request for verification to the diploma verification website. Only if the conditions for the exact filling of the details indicated on the document form are met, the correct analysis of the database will be possible. Thanks to this, confidential data will remain safe from ill-wishers.

Step-by-step instructions for checking a diploma in the register


Step 2. We find and click on the section "Federal register of state documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles (FRDO)".

Step 3. In the register you can see important information from Rosobnadzor on current legislation, as well as frequently asked questions about working with the registry. To check the diploma, click “Check document details”.

Step 4... We fill in the required search fields and click "Check availability of information in FDO".

What data is needed to find information

In a special form on the official website, you will need to enter such data as:

  • Level of education (higher or secondary);
  • The name of the educational institution and its code according to the All-Russian Classifier;
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the recipient of the diploma;
  • State series and number of the form on which the document was issued;
  • Date of issue.

Extended diploma check

On the Rosobrnadzor website, it is also possible to check a diploma for authenticity through an advanced search. Here you will need to enter data that is optional, but desirable for filling. This will help to avoid mistakes and make it easier for the system to search the huge information base. You will need to enter such information as:

  • Title of the document (diploma, certificate);
  • Document status (original, duplicate or lost);
  • Registration number of the document (located under the inscription Diploma);
  • Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist);
  • Specialty (as indicated in the diploma);
  • Year of graduation from the educational institution.

Test results

The verification of the authenticity of the Rosobrnadzor diploma is fully automated and, if the entered data match, the site will quickly give a positive result. New documents enter the electronic list around the clock and are entered into the database no later than sixty days from the date of their official issue.

However, it is impossible to enter the diploma into the register on your own. To add information, you can only send a request to the organization that issued you a document on education. The register of higher education diplomas can only be supplemented by the educational institution itself.

It should be borne in mind that this type of data analysis does not give one hundred percent guarantee on the information provided. This is stated in an additional footnote at the end of the check, because some errors in data entry or inaccuracies in their processing are not excluded.

In the absence of information when processing such a request as "check the diploma of secondary vocational education", it is possible that the document is not a fake. It is likely that it was received quite recently and the register of secondary education diplomas has not yet been entered.

Registry limitations to be aware of

The register includes a huge amount of information about higher education. However, verification of a higher education diploma is not possible for documents issued by state institutions that are under the authority of the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service.

The data on these diplomas is not entered into the database, since the activities of these institutions and scientific organizations are state secrets and are protected by the relevant authorities. Therefore, for those who were educated in such places, it will be impossible to check the number of the higher education diploma for authenticity.

Thus, in Russia for several years there has been a unified information base of issued documents on obtaining education. It will not be difficult for employers or federal services to check the diploma number in the register for authenticity. And the owners of fake documents are now finding it increasingly difficult to find a job. In order to check the accuracy of the education documents submitted by him, you need to know the full information, and not just the diploma number.

How to verify the authenticity of the diploma of higher and secondary education in the registry updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

In the modern world, forging any document is not a difficult task, and many people have a question - why study for several years, if you can simply buy this diploma on the black market?

Unfortunately, some people prefer this path. And it’s good if they want to “appoint themselves” as some kind of interior design specialists or “make themselves into” a filmmaker ... But what if they want to become doctors or pharmacists?

Taking into account the current situation, the Federal Register of information about documents on education and (or) on qualifications, documents on training was created in Russia - a special service with which it is now possible to check diplomas and documents on education of all universities in Russia.

The purposes of creating the Federal Register are:

  • Elimination of circulation of forged state-recognized education documents
  • Providing agencies and employers with reliable information on the qualifications of job applicants
  • Reducing the number of violations and corruption in educational institutions
  • Improving the quality of education by providing the public with reliable information about graduates

As part of its project activities, Rosobrnadzor has created an Automated System for Forming and Maintaining FDDO (FIS FDDO), which collects information on issued documents from educational institutions, accumulates this information in a single database.

Limitations in the registry to be aware of.

The register includes a huge amount of information about higher education.

However, verification of a higher education diploma is not possible for documents issued by state institutions located in departments:

  • Federal Security Service,
  • Federal Security Service
  • Foreign Intelligence Service.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO of Russia) is a federal executive body of the Russian Federation, a special service that carries out the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of state protection, presidential, government and other types of special communications and information, provided to federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other government bodies.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) is a federal executive body of the Russian Federation, a special service that, within the limits of its powers, performs tasks to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia) is a federal service, the main body of the foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, a special service.

The data on these diplomas is not entered into the database, since the activities of these institutions and scientific organizations are state secrets and are protected by the relevant authorities.

State secret - information protected by the state in the field of its military, foreign policy, economic, intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities, the dissemination of which may damage the state.

Therefore, for those who were educated in such places, it will be impossible to check the number of the higher education diploma for authenticity.

It will not be difficult for employers or federal services to check the diploma number in the register for authenticity. And the owners of fake documents are now finding it increasingly difficult to find a job.

However, in order to check the accuracy of the education documents submitted by him, it is required to know the full information, and not only the diploma number.

Authenticity of the certificate

1. How to check the certificate for authenticity.

1.1. Make a request in educational institutionthat issued it.
Respectfully yours, lawyer - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

2. How to check the certificate for authenticity?

2.1. Make a request to the educational institution that issued the certificate.

3. Please, is there any database of school certificates? Is it possible to punch a school certificate for authenticity?

3.1. Of course, there is such a base. It is quite easy to verify the authenticity of the passport.

4. I want to check my certificate for authenticity.

4.1. It is necessary to write a request to the educational institution that issued this document.

5. Do foreign universities check the certificate for authenticity?

5.1. Of course they look, if you provide a fake, criminal liability is possible under Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

6. Is there a chance to get a job as a gas rescuer with a non-authentic certificate for grade 11.

6.1. The question is somehow awkwardly worded. The thought of this immediately comes.
Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Forgery, production or sale of forged documents, state awards, stamps, seals, letterheads
1. Forgery of a certificate or other official document granting rights or releasing from obligations for the purpose of its use, or the sale of such a document, as well as the production for the same purposes or the sale of counterfeit state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR, the USSR, stamps, seals, forms -
shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term up to two years, or arrest for a term up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

7. How to check the certificate for authenticity.

7.1. Make a written request to the educational institution where it was issued.

8. How to check the 2005 school certificate for authenticity.

8.1. Good day.
Verification of the diploma can be carried out on the website.
To check the diploma of education in the database on the website of supervision of education in Russia (Rosobrnadzor), you need to know not only the diploma number, but also other information about the recipient of the document. Therefore, it is impossible to check a diploma by number without additional data. This is done in order not to disclose confidential information.
Without a document on hand, it will be impossible to fill out a special form and send a request for verification to the diploma verification website. Only if the conditions for the exact filling of the details indicated on the document form are met, the correct analysis of the database will be possible. Thanks to this, confidential data will remain safe from ill-wishers.
Step 1. Go to the Rosobrnadzor website.
Step 2. Find and click on the section "Federal register of state documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles (FRDO)".
Step 3. In the register, you can familiarize yourself with important information from Rosobnadzor on current legislation, as well as frequently asked questions about working with the register. To check the diploma, click “Check document details”.
Step 4. Fill in the required search fields and click “Check availability of information in FDO”.
Hopefully answered the question and helped.

9. According to which article is the notarized copy of the certificate authentic?

9.1. A notarized copy does not become the original of any document. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Notaries", a notarized copy indicates that its content is fully consistent with the original. And nothing more. Its use is possible along with the original.

10. Is the 11th grade certificate checked for authenticity when entering a technical school or college?

10.1. Hello, yes, of course, they check the certificate for the 11th grade for authenticity when entering a technical school or college, if they find a fake, they can be prosecuted.

11. How to check the authenticity of the certificate.

11.1. He will make a request to the institution that actually issued this certificate.
You can also go to the Rosobrnadzor website. Find and click on the section "Federal Register of State Documents on Education, Academic Degrees and Academic Ranks (FRDO)". To check your diploma, you need to click “Check document details”. Next, fill in the required search fields and click “Check availability of information in FRDO”.
What data is needed to find information? In a special form on the official website you will need to enter such data as: Level of education (higher or secondary); The name of the educational institution and its code according to the All-Russian Classifier; Surname, name and patronymic of the recipient of the diploma; State series and number of the form on which the document was issued; Date of issue.

11.2. Good day! To date, there is a register of Rosbornnadzor, in which you can check a particular document on education, you just need to enter all the data specified in the document itself.

12. Can they check the authenticity of the certificate by xeracopy of the certificate, I just go to study for paid courses at the technical school.

12.1. Hello. Yes, they can check. After all, there is a number in the photocopy, there is a place of issue, etc. But why should they, after all, these are paid courses, and the goals are commercial.

13. Does the technical school verify the authenticity of the certificate?

13.1. Hello.
Of course, the technical school has every right to verify the authenticity of the certificate. Keep in mind that if you provide a fake passport, you may open a criminal case.

13.2. Hello, upon admission, the authenticity of the documents, as a rule, is checked, so in which case you should not risk it.
Good luck and all the best

14. Can the Greek state verify the authenticity of the Russian (Moscow) certificate upon admission to their university?

14.1. - Hello, he cannot check, and that is exactly what he will do, and if the document is fake, he will not only not accept it, but can also be sent out of the country. Good luck and all the best, best regards, lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva : sm_ab:

14.2. Good afternoon, Veronica! It will not do this. If you have provided a fake document and this is revealed, then you will be expelled from the university and deported from the country. A certificate may be required to present you when applying for admission. Conclusion - do not use fake documents, do not waste money and nerves, it will cost dearly in the future. Any problem has a solution, the main thing is to be able to find it. Thank you for using the site's services!

15. Where can the authenticity of the passport be verified? Thank.

15.1. Hello! To verify the authenticity of the passport, make a request to the educational institution where this passport was issued.

15.2. The authenticity of the certificate can be checked in educational institutionthat gave it away. You can make a request for the certificate number and you will be given an answer whether such a document was issued and in whose name.

15.3. To verify the authenticity of the certificate, make a request to the educational institution in which this same certificate or document was issued. Good luck.

16. I need to pick up my college certificate. I studied there for a year, and I'm going to transfer. But they don't accept me without the original certificate. And in college without a certificate that I am studying, they do not give it away. What to do?

16.1. - Hello, apply to another college and ask for your documents. Nobody will give them to you just like that. Good luck and all the best, best regards, lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva : sm_ax:

17. Do colleges validate school grades after grade 9? If you buy a certificate of quality with a state sign, is it possible to check it? Are they checked?

17.1. Hello, be sure to check, and during your life several times thanks for your appeal to our site, good luck and all the best, do not bring yourself to criminal liability.

18. Is it possible to verify the authenticity of the marks in the appendix to the certificate of basic general education?

18.1. Make a request to the educational institution, but most likely you will be answered only on the authenticity of the diploma as a whole. Good luck and all the best.

19. Can you please check the authenticity of the school certificate by its number, and how to do it?

19.1. Good day,
You cannot check it yourself. Universities and other educational institutions that accept certificates have databases with which numbers are checked. If you want to check, you can make a request to the Ministry of Education.

19.2. Please, is it possible to check the authenticity of the school certificate by its number, and how to do it
On this issue, you need to contact the educational institution.

20. Are certificates validated upon admission to a technical school / college? And what happens if a fake is found?

20.1. Verification is in progress.
Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Forgery, production or sale of forged documents, state awards, stamps, seals, letterheads are punishable by restraint of liberty for up to two years, or forced labor for up to two years, or arrest for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to two years ...

21. Tell me whether the labor exchange checks the authenticity of diplomas, certificates and other educational documents when registering. ?

21.1. can check if in doubt about the authenticity.

22. The following question arose.
When verifying the authenticity of the certificate of secondary complete (general) education, the educational institution has the opportunity to send a written request to the school where the certificate was issued. What answer can this establishment get? It will contain only the full name, series, number and year of issuance of the certificate, or the school has the opportunity to provide full details, which include a list of all disciplines studied and assessments for them?

22.1. Hello. Has the right to make a request to the school and receive the requested information.

23. How to check the certificate for authenticity.

24. It is necessary to check the certificate for authenticity. Indeed, people graduated from school and this document is not drawn.

24.1. You can check by making a request to an educational institution.

24.2. You need to apply to the school that issued (or did not issue) a certificate.

25. My question is: do Russian school certificates (about the end of the 9th grade) check their authenticity when they enter a school abroad?

25.1. Hello! Yes

26. Who can determine the authenticity of the certificate for 11 classes?

26.1. The authenticity of the certificate can be determined by the institution that issued it. Otherwise, it may be the subject of an appropriate examination.

27. How to check the authenticity of the secondary education certificate? Is there a common base in which this is verified?

27.1. make a request to the educational institution that issued the certificate

After reading the entire article, you can find out all possible ways to check if there is a diploma in the register online and without unnecessary fuss.

Especially for convenient use and for effective fight against fake diplomas purchased from fraudsters, the Federal Register of information with these documents was created. Using this free service is much faster and more efficient than the traditional method. The latter consists in a request to the register of diplomas of universities in which the document was received.

Attention! If you doubt your abilities, then order assistance in writing a diploma from professionals.

Unified register of diplomas

Following the example of Western countries, in 2013 at the state level, the correct decision was made to organize a unified register of graduates of secondary and higher institutions, by which it is possible to check the registration of a diploma in it and find out its authenticity.

To create a full-fledged unified system, back in 2009, the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science began to accumulate information about higher and secondary education diplomas, academic degrees and scientific titles, and USE certificates. Thanks to this, the most extensive database of diplomas authenticity in the country was formed.

As conceived by the creators of the base, the 1960th served as the lower time limit for collecting information, and new data on documents appear daily to this day. Since 2013, the base for verification of diplomas has been open free of charge for verification both by the regulatory authorities and upon request for all individuals.

More than two million data were added to the register of award numbers at launch. In 2016, the amount of information on educational documents more than doubled, and according to information as of 11/13/2016 there are 6,999,330 documents in the register.

According to official data presented on their website, by 2023, the register of educational diplomas should be replenished with absolutely all educational documents of graduates received since 1992 inclusive.

Test results

The verification of the authenticity of the Rosobrnadzor diploma is fully automated and, if the entered data match, the site will quickly give a positive result. New documents enter the electronic list around the clock and are entered into the database no later than sixty days from the date of their official issue.

However, it is impossible to enter the diploma into the register on your own. To add information, you can only send a request to the organization that issued you a document on education. The register of higher education diplomas can only be supplemented by the educational institution itself.

It should be borne in mind that this type of data analysis does not give one hundred percent guarantee on the information provided. This is stated in an additional footnote at the end of the check, because some errors in data entry or inaccuracies in their processing are not excluded.

In the absence of information when processing such a request as "check the diploma of secondary vocational education", it is possible that the document is not a fake. It is likely that it was received quite recently and the register of secondary education diplomas has not yet been entered.

Registry limitations to be aware of

The register includes a huge amount of information about higher education. However, verification of a higher education diploma is not possible for documents issued by state institutions that are under the authority of the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service.

The data on these diplomas is not entered into the database, since the activities of these institutions and scientific organizations are state secrets and are protected by the relevant authorities. Therefore, for those who were educated in such places, it will be impossible to check the number of the higher education diploma for authenticity.

Thus, in Russia for several years there has been a unified information base of issued documents on obtaining education. It will not be difficult for employers or federal services to check the diploma number in the register for authenticity. And the owners of fake documents are now finding it increasingly difficult to find a job. In order to check the accuracy of the education documents submitted by him, you need to know the full information, and not just the diploma number.

How to verify the authenticity of a diploma of higher and secondary education in the register updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru