The composition “The tragic fate of Gerasim. An essay on the theme "The tragic fate of Gerasim. The role of the lady in the fate of Gerasim.

Gerasim was “the most wonderful person”. The author wrote about him: “A man of 12 inches tall, built as a hero and deaf and dumb from birth.” He is endowed with extraordinary strength. He worked for four - everything was arguing in his hands.

This is how Gerasim differed from the other servants of the lady, who was afraid of him.
Gerasim lived in the village and was “the most serviceable draft man.” And so the lady ordered to bring him to Moscow and assign him to the janitors. He strongly disliked Moscow and his work. In half an hour everything was done for him.

But they get used to everything

People, Gerasim is also used to it.
Gerasim had 2 trials to his share: separation from Tatyana and from Mumu.
“At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her,” writes Turgenev, “then he began to chuckle when he came across her, then he began to peer in until, finally, he did not take his eyes off her at all. She fell in love with him: whether with a meek expression on her face, or with timid movements - God knows ... ”Then Gerasim began to give her gifts: either he would give a gingerbread cock, or a ribbon. But the lady's order changed everything.

Tatiana married the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. The next day, the newlyweds were taken to the village. When parting, Gerasim gave

Tatiana's red scarf.
Soon after that, our hero found a dog and named it Mumu (after all, except for the sound of mu, he could not say anything). She was 8 months old, was weak, frail, but under the care of Gerasim she became like a dog of the Spanish breed.
When the lady wanted to caress her, the dog growled. She even thought that Mumu bit her !!! She gave the order and Stepan sold her, but the dog was smart and came back. Then the enraged lady ordered to drown her, but Gerasim showed with a sign that he would kill Mumu himself.
And he drowned her. Why? Because he was a slave and could not resist the will of the lady.
After that, Gerasim left the lady, because he realized that he was also a man and had the right to choose. He returned to the village. At first, the lady ordered: “Return him to Moscow,” but then she realized that her such workers were not needed.

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The fate of Gerasim (based on the story of Ivan Turgenev "Mumu")

Gerasim is a mute janitor, the protagonist of the story "Mumu". Due to circumstances, he was forced to kill with his own hands the creature that was most dear to him in the whole world. The image of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" personifies devotion and honesty, tells the reader that the appearance and the inner world are not always the same.

Gerasim's appearance

The main character of the work "Mumu" - the dumb janitor Gerasim, looked like a hero. He was very tall and robust, had a thick beard and long hair... Gerasim's appearance was a little frightening. He scared away the whole city rabble from the lady's house. It was for this that the lady brought him to Moscow from his native village. Gerasim did not have many clothes, but she was always clean and tidy. For special occasions, the janitor had a special caftan. It was he who put on the janitor when he had to go to drown Mumu.

The character of Gerasim

The behavior of the janitor shows that this is a very kind and sympathetic person. Despite his frightening appearance and huge physique, Gerasim is very kind to everyone. He is judicious and has a great sense of responsibility. If the hostess ordered something, he was sure to fulfill her whim without any questions. Such commitment, helpfulness is not humiliating. Rather, on the contrary, she paints Gerasim as a person. The janitor takes all the blows of fate firmly. At first, the mistress deprived him of the opportunity to love. But it did not cost her anything to allow Gerasim to marry his beloved woman. But after he was forced in such a harsh and cruel way to say goodbye to the dearest being forever, the limit was reached. Gerasim could no longer return to the house where cruelty and lack of understanding of ordinary human feelings reigned.

The fate of Gerasim

Submitting to his mistress, Gerasim worshiped fate for a long time. He was a serf, it is difficult for a modern person to understand what it feels like. But serfs from childhood learned to obey and obey orders. Gerasim from childhood was prepared for the fate of a disabled person. But that didn't make him angry or cruel. Rather, on the contrary - that is why he perceived the world very subtly. Gerasim is one of those who are capable of true friendship. But fate prepared a cruel test for him. He was forced to lose the most precious thing in his life. All Russian literature knows no more tragic image.

Gerasim was a peasant who belonged to an old byryna who lived in Moscow. Gerasim lived in the village, was twelve versov tall. He was deaf and dumb and uncommunicative. Gerasim worked for four, was a simple, strong man, and therefore he was very fond of hard physical work. When he was brought to the lady, he was identified as a janitor.
He lived in a small closet. There was a hefty chest, a bed, a table, and a sturdy three-legged chair. There was a lock on the door that looked like a kalach, only black; and Gerasim wore the key to it on his belt: he did not like to be visited.
Gerasim had a loved one - the washerwoman Tatiana, who worked for the lady. He loved her very much and treated her well. He gave her all kinds of souvenirs. But he was not married to Tatiana. She was married to a shoemaker, whose name was Kapiton Klimov. He was a bitter drunkard. He was married to Tatiana, not Gerasim, although he was also single.
Tatiana was forced to turn into drunk because Gerasim did not like drunkards. And so she was married to Kapiton. Eight months passed, and Kapiton and his wife Tatyana were taken into exile.
Soon Gerasim met a dog, which almost drowned, if not for Gerasim. He saved her and named her Mumu. She was ugly by birth: she had one eye larger than the other. But she grew up and became a beautiful white dog with black spots. A second door was made in the door for her, through which she entered.
When Mumu met the lady, she growled at her. The lady decided to remove her from the house. She said, "Get her out of here! You nasty dog!"
Then Gerasim decided to drown Mumu. He did just that. But then he became sad. Then he fled to his homeland in the village.

    Gerasim is the protagonist of Ivan Turgenev's story "Mumu". I would even say that he is the only hero of this work. The deaf and dumb tall hero not only outwardly differs from those around him. Economic and hard-working, Gerasim retains the good in himself, ...

    From 1847 to 1850, Turgenev lived in Paris and witnessed the tragic June days of the French Revolution of 1848. The defeat of the revolutionary movement of the workers by the bourgeoisie that betrayed the cause of the revolution had a heavy effect on Turgenev, he experienced it as deep ...

    "Of course, because he saved the dog and Mumu was with him all the time!" The reader explains to them that Gerasim experienced happiness from live communication with a defenseless creature, that taking care of his beloved dog gave him joy. But a happy year takes a tiny ...

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is not only a great Russian writer, but also an active defender of the weak, humiliated and disadvantaged. As a young boy, he watched the cruel and unjust treatment of his imperious landowner mother with serfs, and others ...

    GERASIM is the central character of I.S.Turgenev's story "Mumu" (1852), a dumb janitor of a tyrant mistress, a man of a strict and serious disposition, a real Russian hero, of enormous stature and extraordinary physical strength. G.'s fate is not invented - the basis of the plot ...

The fate of Gerasim (based on the story of Ivan Turgenev "Mumu")

Gerasim was "the most wonderful person." The author wrote about him: “A man of 12 inches tall, built as a hero and deaf and dumb from birth.” He is endowed with extraordinary strength. He worked for four - everything was arguing in his hands. That is what distinguished Gerasim from the other servants of the lady, who was afraid of him.

Gerasim lived in the village and was "the most serviceable draft man." And so the lady ordered to bring him to Moscow and assign him to the janitors. He did not like Moscow and work. In half an hour he had everything done. But people get used to everything. and Gerasim.

Gerasim had 2 trials to his share: separation from Tatyana and from Mumu.

“At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her,” writes Turgenev, “then he began to laugh when he came across her, then he began to look until, finally, he did not take his eyes off her at all. She loved him: whether by her meek expression on her face, or by timidity. movements - God knows ... "Then Gerasim began to give her gifts: either he would give a gingerbread cock, then a ribbon. But the order of the lady changed everything. Tatyana married the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. The next day, the newlyweds were taken to the village. When parting, Gerasim gave Tatyana red scarf.

Soon after that, our hero found a dog and named it Mumu (after all, except for the sound of mu, he could not say anything). She was 8 months old, was weak, frail, but under the care of Gerasim she became like a dog of the Spanish breed.

When the lady wanted to caress her, the dog growled. She even thought that Mumu bit her! She gave the order and Stepan sold her, but the dog was smart and came back. Then the angry lady ordered to drown her, but Gerasim showed with a sign that he would kill Mumu myself.

And he drowned her. Why? Because he was a slave and could not resist the will of the lady.

After that Gerasim left the lady, because he realized that he, too, was a man and had the right to choose. He returned to the village. At first, the lady ordered: “Return him to Moscow,” but then she realized that her workers were not needed.