Assumption Lent: history and traditions of the holiday. The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos: history and traditions of the holiday, the meaning of the Dormition Fasting The Assumption Fast what does it mean and how it is carried out

: "From every tree in the garden you will eat, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you do not eat from it, for on the day you eat of it, you will die by death" (Genesis 2: 16-17). In addition to fasting labor, man had to work physically, cultivating the beautiful Garden of Eden, and intellectually, giving names to animals. The harmony of a person's life consisted in the fact that his spirit lived by God, his soul lived with his spirit, and his body lived with his soul.

In the epistles of the Apostle Paul there are the following words: “The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law ”(1 Cor. 15.56). The question arises: how can the law be the power of sin, if the law (Old Testament) appeared much later than the Fall?

The fact is that the entire Sinai legislation fits well into the only commandment about fasting, which was received by the first man in the Garden of Eden.

Adam could possess everything through communion with the Beginning of life. But he wanted to become such a beginning himself. Separated from the Creator by his disobedience, he tried to take possession of everything from the outside, as it were. We also sometimes want to consider ourselves the "beginning" in our lives. We become a kind of beginning - but the beginning of sin, sickness and death. Instead of wanting one highest good, in which all people would be morally united, we want many material goods, and only for ourselves. Thus, we separate ourselves from everyone, seeking our own in everything, but we cannot stop at anything. “All are looking for their own, and not that which [pleases] Jesus Christ” (Phil. 2:21).

By doing this, we transform the universe into a lifeless accumulation of infinitely small, unconnected particles. Our sensual soul, instead of serving as a support and instrument for the activity of the spirit, indulges in a blind and passionate striving for carnal life, following the example of Epicurus: "Eat, drink my soul and enjoy, for tomorrow we will die."

It is very difficult for us to grasp the gospel principle of life: “He who sows to his flesh from the flesh will reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6: 8). Instead of uniting with the people around us, our will strives for domination, and our mind, instead of deepening into the All-One Being, indulges in arbitrary reasoning about many subjects, by and large it does not need at all. Our sensual soul, instead of transforming matter through turning to God, strives for meaningless enjoyment of this matter.

This is how the so-called. "The formula of sin", reflected in the First Epistle of the Apostle John: "The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16).

Based on this formula of sin, there are three types of fasting.

Its first type is spiritual fasting, which requires us to abstain from ambitious, power-hungry and selfish actions; demands the renunciation of power and human glory. How often we love to declare ourselves without benefit to our neighbors, to show ourselves in front of others, to show our importance, superiority or strength.

The third temptation of the Savior in the wilderness is recalled - the temptation by power. The devil seeks to inflame human vanity through "all the kingdoms of the world" that he promises to put at our feet. The Evil One wants to comb the abscess of pride, vanity, and narcissism in us, so that we want to become in everyone's sight, like a deity. It should be remembered that whenever we have the opportunity to declare ourselves in order to show our superiority, it is better to refrain from this. You should not give food to your pride.

The second type of fasting is an intellectual fast, which consists in abstaining from one-sided activity of the mind, from the fruitless play of concepts and ideas, from endless and unnecessary questions. This fast is necessary for people of scientists, who often boast of their knowledge and intellect, forgetting that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. All horizons of science are always associated with the "dust of this world", on which, in fact, science "works". It always has two drawbacks: the incompleteness of the scientific material and the subjective opinion of the scientists themselves. The rule of intellectual fasting is this: do not seek knowledge without benefit for your neighbor and for the work of God. Don't look for empty originality in your thoughts! When you want to express a view that is not related to the common good, refrain from it.

The third type of fasting is the fasting of the sensual soul. It consists in abstaining from sense gratification, which is poorly controlled by the consciousness of our mind and will. We know that the most important type of physical fasting is abstaining from bloody food, from meat. Suffice it to recall that God in the Garden of Eden offered the fruits of the trees for food to the ancestors, and not the meat of the living creatures that live there. Let us also recall the first temptation of Christ in the wilderness - to turn stones into bread in order to “feed the people”, and thereby “roll back” the mission of the Savior on the cross, which was based on the voluntary choice of truth. The cunning devil knew that it was difficult to stand in the truth without bread. However, Christ Himself was the Bread of Life and the Truth.

It should be remembered that the real task of our sensual life is to cultivate the garden of the earth, transforming the dead into the living. And since we cannot do this in the full sense of the word - for the Lord Himself does it - then, at least in accordance with His will, at least one should not mortify the living. On the contrary, it is necessary to fully support the vitality in it. By this, we kind of preserve God's creations. Monks, for example, do not eat meat at all, because one cannot maintain one's life at the expense of the lives of other living beings. We, the laity, do this only during the days of fasting, making at least such a small contribution to God's work.

The Assumption Lent stands out from other posts in that it is dedicated to the Mother of God. It precedes a seemingly sad event - the death of the Blessed Virgin. But since Christians believe that death is an “acquisition” (see Phil 1: 21), they also regard it as a triumph and victory over the forces of hell. Dormition Holy Mother of God - the beginning of this triumph, after the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Perhaps, it is with this thought - about the victory over death in Christ - that one should enter into the blessed time of the Dormition Lent.

Assumption Fast - a call to purity, integrity, chastity and abstinence, an example of which is the Virgin Mary.

There are three holidays in honor of the Savior at the Dormition Fast - in Russia they are usually called Spas. On these days, the consecration of the fruits of the earth takes place.

First Savior - this is a holiday in honor of the Cross of Christ, it falls on the beginning of Lent, on August 14. During it honey is consecrated.

Second Savior - Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19) - includes the consecration of grapes (Russia is not a grape country, therefore these fruits are replaced by our fruits, including apples).

Third Savior - a holiday in honor of the transfer of the Not-Made-to-Hand Image of the Savior from Edessa to Constantinople (August 29) - celebrated the next day after the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, the loaves of the new harvest are consecrated.

There is an idea that we should fast when we want to achieve something, as if the act of fasting somehow pacifies God, and the vision of our suffering makes Him fulfill our requests. But this is far from the truth.

God is not pleased with our fast, but fruits of fasting (provided that we fast in the right frame of mind, with alms and prayer, not just diet).

1) We do not fast to get what we want, but to prepare ourselves to receive what God wants to give us.

2) The purpose of fasting is to make us more like Mary, sister of Lazarus, and less like their sister Martha, who in a famous passage worried and worried about many things.

3) Fasting is designed to bring us to the realization of "one need". He must help us put God first and our desires second, if not last.

As such, it helps us prepare to to be instruments of God's willThis is how Moses fasted during his escape from Egypt and on Mount Sinai, just as our Lord fasted in the wilderness. Fasting distracts us from ourselves and turns us to God.

4) Observance of the Dormition fast helps us to become like the Mother of God, the obedient servant of the Lord, who heard His word and preserved it better than anyone else ever did or could do.

In a close-knit family, the news that her mother is on her deathbed abruptly stops normal life. Things that are important in another situation (parties, luxury goods, personal desires) become unnecessary, life revolves around a dying mother. The same thing happens in the Orthodox family - the news that our Mother is on her deathbed cannot have any other effect other than this.

Church, through its service paraclisis (the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos - in the Greek tradition it is customary to read it every day of the Dormition Lent - ed.), gives us the opportunity to approach this deathbed, and praise and please the Virgin who gave birth to God, the vessel of our salvation and our main Intercessor at His Divine throne ...

Paraclisis service The Most Holy Theotokos consists of prayer requests for consolation and courage. It should be read during times of temptation, discouragement, or illness. It is read in a special way for two weeks before the Assumption, or the Taking of the Most Holy Theotokos into Heaven from August 1 to 14 (the Antiochian Church lives in a new style - ed.).

The central theme of these paraclisis services is to petition: Holy Mother of God, save us.

If you have a problem, or something burdens your soul, if it is spiritually difficult for you and you are not at peace with yourself and those around you, you should come to Church and ask the intercession of the Mother of God. And even if you are lucky to be one of the few who are at peace with yourself and God, such a lucky person should come to these services and thank God and His Blessed Mother for the blessings that They have bestowed upon you and your family.

Since the paraklisis services of the Mother of God are first of all petitions for the welfare of the livinglet the whole Church pray for you on the first fifteen days of August, and especially on the great feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos August 15 (old style).

Do not let your laziness and apathy force you to miss this great blessing and inspiration given to you by the Church, but let the peace and holiness that only the Mother of God can give you to enter your life.

“Let us put aside all earthly care”, and during these fifteen days we will really take part in the fasting and prayer life of the Church, so that we can “taste and see that the Lord is good,” and so that we can fully experience the spiritual blessing that the Church gives us in this is a holy time.

Blessed are those whom He finds awake. Come and pray to the Theotokos with one mouth with the Church, and may we find salvation for our souls by Her prayers and intercession.

Fasting in the full sense of the word (abstaining from food, evil thoughts, actions and desires) completes this. Reducing time for leisure and other activities frees up more time for prayer and meditation on the One who gave us Christ and became the very First and Great Christian.

In thinking about Her and Her incomparable life, we see the norm of Christian life, embodying the answer of Christ to the woman, who said that Mary is blessed because she wore Him: rather blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Maria did it better than anyone else.

She heard the Word of God and kept it so well that of all women in history, She was chosen not only to hear this Word, but also to give Him birth. Therefore, when we fast, contemplating her life, we simultaneously prepare to live, imitating her. This is the purpose of the Dormition Fast.

When preparations were being made to take Her immaculate body to heaven, the apostles contemplated Her bed, looking at Her with trepidation. Some contemplated Her body and were amazed, and the Apostle Peter, addressing the Mother of God, exclaimed loudly:
“Oh, Virgo! The Lord has moved into You - the Delight of the future life. How can I see You straight and motionless prostrate? Pray diligently to Your Son and God for the salvation of Your flock unharmed. "

Her release from earthly bonds was painless, peaceful. Her eyes already saw God, and Her last words were a joyful greeting, as in her youth, when She received the good news about the forthcoming birth of the Savior from Her: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and My spirit rejoices in My Savior God ...".

In those days in Jerusalem, hundreds of people joined the Church, even from among the former persecutors of Christians. When Her body was transferred to Gethsemane, healings and miracles were performed. Thus, in front of everyone's eyes, the Jewish priest Athos, who blasphemed Her, was punished, who immediately received healing, after sincere repentance, and joined the number of disciples. Merciful during her lifetime, She did not want to grieve anyone even in Her Assumption, forgiving even enemies according to the commandment.

Just a few days later, the apostles witnessed a new miracle. Her body disappeared from the coffin, only fragrant shroud remained, and during the common evening meal they suddenly saw the Virgin Mary in the air, surrounded by angels, as if woven of light, shining and beautiful. She greeted them with the words: “Rejoice! I am with you all the days. "

Since then, the Church has been celebrating this event. Everything in it is a memory of the earthly life of the Mother of God, sadness and joy, because this is her birthday for eternal life, where She is placed above the ranks of angels, the day of testimony that the promises of the Lord are immutable, about life and the miracle of the Resurrection ...

The Dormition Fast begins on August 14. The Assumption Lent is the shortest of all fasts, it lasts only two weeks. The Dormition Fast begins with the Amber Honey Savior, its center is the Transfiguration of the Lord, and ends with the azure feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

“Unlike what many believe and feel, a period of spiritual tension (say, during Great Lent or Retreat), the Dormition Fast is a time of joy, because it is a time to return home, a time when we can revive. Dormition fasting should be a time when we shake off everything that has become decayed and dead in us in order to gain the ability to live - to live with all the space, with all the depth and intensity to which we are called.

Until this moment of joy is available to us, incomprehensible, we will get a monstrous and blasphemous parody; we, as if in the name of God, will turn life into a continuous torment for ourselves and for those who will have to pay for our fruitless attempts to become saints ”(Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh)

It is already considered autumn, and, indeed, it opens the gates of the new season, and ends church year: September 14, New Style - Church New Year. - the only one dedicated to the Mother of God: it begins two weeks before the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Dormition Fast is almost as strict as Lent: fish is allowed only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Dormition- one of the most beloved holidays in Russia: since the time of Saint Prince Vladimir, Assumption churches began to appear throughout Russia: the cathedral Kiev temple, Church of the Tithes was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin. By the XIV century. Assumption temples as the main churches were built in Suzdal, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Zvenigorod. The main Moscow church, founded in the Kremlin in the XIV century, was also consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Virgin.

After the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven, the Blessed Virgin mainly lived in the area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem, visiting places where Her Son preached and performed miracles. She especially loved to visit the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed for a long time there, from where Christ was led to the judgment and to the sufferings of the cross. The Blessed Virgin prayed for the conversion of the stubborn Jewish people to the faith and for new churches established by the apostles in different countries, she herself preached the good news of the Resurrection of Christ.

And at the end of one such prayer, the Archangel Gabriel appeared before Her, who appeared to Her more than once, proclaiming the commands of God. Shining with joy, He informed Her that in three days the path of Her earthly life would end, and God would take Her to His eternal abodes. At the same time, He gave Her a paradise branch, shining with an unearthly light. Returning from the Mount of Olives, the Mother of God began to prepare for the departure from this life.

The hour has come when the Mother of God was to die. Candles were burning in the room, and the Mother of God was reclining on a decorated bed, surrounded by people who loved Her. Suddenly the temple was illuminated with an extraordinary light of Divine glory and in an extraordinary light the Lord Jesus Christ Himself descended from heaven, surrounded by Angels and the souls of the Old Testament righteous.
The Mother of God, looking at Her Son, as if falling asleep sweetly, without any bodily suffering, gave her pure soul into His hands. Later, recalling this event, the Church in one and her hymns sings: "The angels, seeing the Assumption of the Most Pure, were surprised: how the Virgin delights from the earth to Heaven."

According to legend, during the burial of the Mother of God, the apostles carried a bed on which Her Most Pure Body rested, and a huge number of believers, surrounding the procession, sang sacred songs. The Apostle Thomas did not have time for the burial of the Mother of God, and he was allowed to enter the cave where the Mother of God was buried so that he could bow down to her for the last time. But, entering the cave, they saw only Her burial shroud, emitting a pleasant fragrance, the very body of the Mother of God was not there. Struck by this incomprehensible disappearance of Her body, they understood that the Lord Himself had deigned to take a pure body to Heaven before the general resurrection.

The Dormition Fast has been established since ancient times of Christianity - mentions of it have been known since 450 BC.

Summer posts

Everyone now knows about Great Lent, and even some non-church people are trying to observe it. But hearing about others, especially summer fasts, many are perplexed: what is the point of such a frequent refusal of pleasures? At times for the Orthodox, fasting, which in the years of neophyte seemed to be something significant and profound, eventually turns into a duty. Housewives get more trouble in the kitchen, they spend more money ... So what is the point of fasting? How to fast for the benefit of the soul? Famous priests answer these questions.

During fasting, many advise not only to give up light food, but also to pay less attention to culinary issues in general. In fact, it is fasting that becomes a test for the hostess. More money is spent (lean products are more expensive), all thoughts are only about what to feed the husband and children. When there is no post, it is easier, more choice, you don't have to think about it all the time. Is this right?

Archpriest Valerian KRECHETOV, rector of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Akulovo, Moscow region, confessor of the Moscow diocese:

- Real plant food is generally free. Of course, you can't grow anything on concrete in a city, but in the countryside it is enough to have a patch of land to have everything you need. At our Dormition fasting, the cooks in the church are resting: they will go out to the garden bed, pick nettles, dreamy, onion, choose a few potatoes - and the vegetable soup is ready! Fast, tasty, healthy! We treat dreaminess and nettles as weeds, and in fact the Monk Seraphim of Sarov ate only dreaming for two years! Now everyone throws out the beet tops, they forgot about such a delicious dish as botvinia. In fact, the tops are edible and useful not only from beets, but also from carrots and turnips.

And for the winter, you need to harvest vegetables, mushrooms, sorrel. Then you will always have delicious lean cabbage soup on your table during Great Lent. And on the second, there is nothing better and healthier than porridge. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley (by the way, the favorite porridge of Peter I and Suvorov). I wonder which quick dish is cheaper than porridge? But porridge does not require any special art. The problem is that we have completely lost our food culture. Put buckwheat, cottage cheese, milk for the children at the holiday - they will not touch anything. But they will drink all the Coca-Cola and eat all the chips. They have early years the taste is spoiled. And housewives with the same spoiled taste prefer not to strain, they buy semi-finished products made from unknown sources in the supermarket.

The dragonfly and the ant fable is still relevant. Some work, prepare for fasting, prepare pickles for the winter, freeze fresh vegetables so that during Great Lent there is tasty and healthy food, others do not bother themselves, do not even want to show their imagination, they themselves eat whatever they can and compel their household. But cooking is very interesting, I would cook with pleasure myself, only there is not enough time. So I know that academician-surgeon Alexander Fedorovich Chernousov always harvests the pepper himself in the fall, his wife does everything only under his command. And I know many men who cook better than their half.

Probably, lean semi-finished products are expensive - I don't know, I don't eat. There is an even more important issue than costs. We have forgotten about the main purpose of food. Socrates said: many live to eat, and I eat to live. Food is given to us for life, for maintaining bodily strength. And plant foods, of course, are more suitable for this, they are healthier and healthier. For example, scientists have found that porcini mushroom soup is seven times more useful than meat of the same calorie content. We are no smarter than our fasting ancestors and were much healthier than us.

I'm not even talking about the fact that meat (and sometimes, alas, fish) products that are sold in stores today, as a rule, simply cannot be eaten. What did you feed the same broiler with? It is better not to think, but to eat healthy plant foods from your garden. Once we received the bishop during Great Lent. On the table were separately porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus, milk mushrooms, mushrooms. Tell me, has at least one millionaire seen such an assortment on his table? I doubt it.

Should you eat tasteless during fasting?

Lean products can be used to prepare delicious meals. Is this not a sin? Perhaps, it is right to refuse not only fast food, but also delicious food in general?

Archpriest Alexander BORISOV, rector of the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Shubin (Moscow):

- You can diversify lean food so much that you don't want to break the fast. Especially during the Dormition Fast - at the end of summer there are many cheap vegetables and fruits. But such a post loses its meaning. After all, the essence of fasting is not just about giving up animal food, but about limiting pleasures. By deliberately depriving ourselves of the comfort we receive from delicious food and wine, we become more sensitive to spiritual life. If a person is concerned about how to eat more refined, he has no time for spiritual things. Although he refuses animal food, he does not receive the joy of life in the Lord. Everything has its time. Fasting ends - a holiday comes, and we rejoice, set the festive table, call the guests, treat them to delicious food, praise the Lord together, including thank him for a delicious meal, because this is also a gift from God. And by fasting, taking care of food should take a minimum of time. But artificially making food tasteless is not only unnecessary, but also sinful - we eat it for the glory of God! Lean foods should be simple, healthy, and quick to prepare. And do not forget about moderation - if you eat a lot of simple potatoes, there will also be no time for prayer, not for reading the Gospel, not for thinking about the eternal.

- We get pleasure from everything in life - from every flower, from the sun, from the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves. And from the fact that we just breathe. Well, not live? You just need discretion. It is normal to enjoy sensible satisfaction of needs. Sin - when this satisfaction turns into passion, we want to be saturated more and more, there is everything more sophisticated. The first is gluttony, the second is gutturalism.

Of course, fasting implies limiting pleasures, but only deep prayer books and ascetics can eat completely tasteless food and not notice it. For the majority of people, especially the laity, it is quite difficult even to fast without consolation. Often people, especially novices, after reading about the exploits of the saints, try to imitate them outwardly, including fasting very strictly, mercilessly towards themselves, and as a result they fall into despondency, some even bring themselves to nervous breakdowns. We need a measure that everyone has their own. Food should be simple, but satisfying and tasty enough. An ordinary person cannot eat without pleasure at all.

- The priest Afanasy (Sakharov) said: "Eat at least tasty, but lean food." Eating tasteless is not our measure. On Monday of the first week of Great Lent, a stichera is sung: “Let us fast with a pleasant fast, pleasing to the Lord: true fast is, evil alienation, abstinence of the tongue, rejection of rage, excommunication of lusts, verbalization, lies and perjury. This impoverishment, true fasting is, and favorable. " My father, Archpriest Michael, during the Great Lent always said at a meal: “We will fast with a pleasant fast,” and he stopped there.

How to behave in a guest post?

What if the post is invited to visit? It is not always possible to refuse without offending loved ones. Ask them in advance to have lean food on the table or be guided by the fact that love is higher than fasting? More often we choose the latter, but is there no guile in this?

Archpriest Konstantin OSTROVSKY, rector of the Assumption Church in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Dean of Churches in Krasnogorsk District:

- On meat-eating parental Saturday, the apostolic reading is prescribed, which says: “If any of the infidels calls you and you want to go, then eat everything that is offered to you without any research, for the peace of conscience. But if someone says to you: this is something sacrificed to idols, then do not eat ... ”(1 Cor. 10: 27-28). We usually neglect this instruction of the Apostle Paul because of pride, voluptuousness, and cowardice.

Here are two typical situations. We came to visit people who know that we are fasting, and who know that the day is fast, but the owners, despising church statutes, persuade us: "Come on, you're visiting, it's okay if you break the fast just once." And we partly out of voluptuousness, and partly out of cowardice do not resist temptation and, in condemnation, eat food, which is pure in itself, but our gluttony and man-pleasing make it "sacrificed to idols," about which the Apostle Paul said: "Do not eat."

Here's a second example. People who are not at all churchly treat us from the bottom of their hearts, having no intention of seducing, but simply not knowing about our rules. But we puff our cheeks with arrogance or suck them in with false humility and refuse to eat, embarrassing the owners. Or maybe, if they heard the gospel about Christ and saw in us sincere love and humility, they themselves would want to become Christians and then they would have already observed the fasts. But, seeing our pride and not wanting to become like us, will they not involuntarily blaspheme the Church of God, which is not really to blame for the fact that we walk around secular guests during fasting and neglect the instructions of the holy Apostle Paul?

If, being a guest of non-church people, we retreat from fasting so as not to embarrass them, this is a matter of humility, and if, when we come home, we continue to eat fast food, this is not a matter of humility, but gluttony. This, of course, is about food, and not about drunkenness, which is always sinful: both in fasting and not in fasting.

What food is considered lean?

By what principle are foods divided into more or less modest ones? Eating fish is blessed on many days of the Rozhdestvensky and Petrov fasts. Why is it considered less modest than dairy products?

Hegumen HERMOGEN (Ananiev):

- The strictest fast is dry eating. The indulgences are in the following order: boiled food, sunflower oil, wine, fish, dairy products and eggs, meat. No wonder - mammals were created with man on the same day. For the same reason, we consider dairy products to be more modest food than fish - they are also part of the flesh of mammals.

- In fasting it is correct to spend less money on food than usual, freeing up funds for charity. It's old church tradition, the gradation of lean dishes is associated with it. In places of early Christianity, fish and seafood were much cheaper than dairy products, and therefore were considered leaner. In our time, on the contrary, they are much more expensive and more high-calorie - for me as a biologist, this is obvious. Fish has a lot more protein than any dairy product. Perhaps it is worth revising the tradition, born in different climatic and economic conditions, and swapping fish with dairy products in places - that is, considering dairy products more lean. But this can only be decided by a council.

Does the relationship with God depend on meat?

Many non-church people do not understand when fasting orthodox friends refusing modest food. They say something like this: “What does it matter to God if I eat meat? How can giving up meat affect my relationship with Him? "

Priest Sergiy PASHKOV, rector Epiphany Church village Byki, Kurchatovsky district, Kursk region, head of the judo section for children and adolescents in the village of Makarovka, Kurchatovsky district:

- In one patericon I read about an elder who, when he got sick in old age, began to eat meat on the advice of doctors. He was a monk, and monks, as you know, do not eat meat at all. And his own brother, a layman, began to condemn the elder in his soul for this, thinking to himself: it would be better if he died of his illness than to break the monastic tradition. And one day he heard the voice of God: “Why do you condemn your brother? If you want to know what he has become like for his inner life, look to the right. " He turned and saw his brother crucified on the cross. That is, in his inner disposition, the elder was like Christ, and the meat he ate did not harm his spiritual life in the least. Food does not move us away from God and does not bring us closer to Him. The purpose of fasting is to abstain from passions, from condemnation of one's neighbor, and refusal of fast food is only a means to achieve this goal.

Archpriest Alexy POTOKIN, Assistant to the Rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God " Life-Giving Source"In Tsaritsyn (Moscow):

- If you have ever fallen in love, remember, at that moment, were you very worried about what you would eat for lunch or dinner? I think not very much, because when a person is truly in love, the need for food weakens, he pays it a minimum of attention and time. And if I have love for God, His wisdom, beauty, holiness pleases, I am glad that I have the opportunity to be alone with Him, putting aside all worries, forgetting bad habits. Abstinence is not an end in itself, but a way to restore a relationship with God as an old friend. This is possible only if we control ourselves, our bad habits.

Before the Fall, man was pure, in the angelic image he listened to the Word of God, heard Him. And then he ate only plant foods. For us, such a state is rare. We are cunning, selfish, irritable. Any doctor will tell you that when a person is irritated, angry with someone, he spends much more energy. Here is meat and other animal food and were blessed by God to support the forces of a fallen man, spiritually weak, passionate. But it is bodily strength that strengthens this food, and in order to restore connection with God, it is necessary at least for a while to humble our flesh so that it does not excite us so much.

If I want to communicate more with God, I should at least a little distract myself from the public fuss, pay a little less attention to it. And giving up animal food helps this. The Gospel teaches us not to struggle with excesses, but encourages us to seek treasure: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be" (Luke 12: 34). If this is a treasure in communication with another person, we naturally think less about saturation. Especially if our treasure is in communion with God. And after you have been alone with God, it is wonderful to sit down to a common festive meal. The lost connection was restored, love returned to the heart, the world began to play with all colors, and we celebrate, praise the Lord!

Consecration of the harvest

Dormition Fast is almost as strict as Lent. According to the church charter, hot food with butter is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday, and dry food is prescribed on Monday Wednesday and Friday. Fish is eaten by this fast only once - on the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19).

At the same time, believers try to coordinate the measure of their fast with the priest, based on their bodily capabilities, health, the severity of physical labor and other circumstances - one should not take the feat above strength.

Starting from the Transfiguration of the Lord, the fruits of the new harvest also appear at the meal. The site receives many questions about when and why it is possible to taste grapes and apples of the new harvest.

"Hello! Even as a child, my grandmother said that apples before the Transfiguration should not be eaten, especially for parents who have lost their children, because this affects the deceased baby. Please tell me how to do it right. "


As for the prohibition “do not eat apples until the Transfiguration,” in fact, this prohibition, according to the instruction of the Typicon, concerns grapes.

Apples are already our domestic replacement. But the point is to sanctify the first fruits of the harvest, and then eat them. Those. the ban applies to this year's harvest.

And of course, all these stories about how eating apples affects dead children has nothing to do with reality.

Priest Dimitri KARPENKO

For the three August holidays dedicated to the All-Merciful Savior, in the Ancient Church the consecration of various earthly fruits was timed, which ripened precisely at this time. On the feast of the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross, honey and all kinds of herbal potions were consecrated, on the feast of the Transfiguration - grapes, apples and other fruits, on the feast of the Savior Not Made with Hands, nuts were consecrated. There was a pious custom, which prescribed not to taste grapes and apples before consecration on the Feast of the Transfiguration.

The meaning of this custom consists mainly in the fact that a Christian in his everyday life strives to sanctify all his actions, objects - everything that surrounds him. In addition, any abstinence performed in the name of the Lord contributes to the development of a person's spiritual strength, helps to fight sinful passions, and strengthens faith. The subsequent eating of the consecrated fruits makes the holiday more joyful.

Priest Mikhail VOROBYEV

There is no fasting for apples, because there is no plot for apples, carrots or grapes. But there is a tradition recorded in the Typikon (Church Statutes): monks who, before the Transfiguration, have tasted bunches, are deprived of the right to eat bunches for the whole of August. This also applies to those who guard the bunches.

The tradition also existed for farmers who brought the rudiments of their labors to the temple for consecration. Today's tradition is that we try not to eat a new harvest in August before the Transfiguration, because on this day we thank God for it. But, of course, it is difficult to thoroughly observe this tradition.

But if we have a garden, it will be very healthy and very symbolic to collect apples that ripen for the Transfiguration and bring them for consecration. Consecration of fruits is our gratitude to God for the fact that He sends us a harvest from year to year. Based on this gratitude, we try not to eat the new harvest, each to the best of his ability. But at the same time, there is no strict rule, especially since the Dormition Fast is going on and you need to eat something of the vegetable. In the Typikon, when this tradition is violated, it is not said about the sin of the monk, that he “did not abstain,” and the punishment is not severe - not to eat until the end of August.

So, the main thing here is not to eat or not to eat, but to thank God for the harvest sent.

On Sunday, August 14, the Assumption Fast will begin with the holiday of the Origin (wear) of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It lasts two weeks and is considered the strictest after the Great One. The Russian Planet understood the traditions and history of the Dormition Lent.


The history of the Assumption Lent is connected with last days the earthly life of the Virgin. According to legend, she knew in advance the day of her departure from the world and spent this time in prayer and asceticism. “Having learned of Her repose, as always, she fought and fasted for us, although, being holy and immaculate, she did not need fasting,” writes Saint Simeon of Thessalonica, an ascetic of the 15th century. “Therefore, we must also fast and praise Her, imitating Her life.”

In the desire to approach the ideal of the Mother of God, in imitation of her feat, lies the main meaning of the Dormition Fast.

The Dormition Fast lasts two weeks - from 14 to 27 August. It opens with the holiday of the Origin (bearing) of the Honorable Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord (August 14). This holiday originates in ancient Constantinople: in August, the city was often covered by epidemics of diseases, and in order to avoid this, they began to wear a cross in the streets, consecrating houses and streets for them, and at the end of the course they offered the townspeople to bow to the cross. In Russia, this day is also called the Savior of Honey - on August 14, the collection and consecration of honey began, a small consecration of water was performed.

By the end of the first week of fasting, the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord follows (August 19). It is dedicated to the Gospel episode when Christ took with him for prayer three closest disciples - Peter, James and John - and showed them his Divine greatness. During the prayer, Christ's face "shone like the sun," and the clothes became "white as light." The Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah appeared to him and talked with him. Jesus forbade his disciples to mention what happened before his Resurrection. People call this day the Apple Savior, consecrating the fruits of the new harvest. It is believed that it is from this day that nature turns to autumn and winter.

The final of the fast is the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the annual church calendar this is the last major celebration (the twelveth holiday), after which the Church New Year begins on September 14th.


The Dormition Fast is one of the strictest of the year; it is similar to Great Lent. The charter prescribes to abstain not only from meat and dairy products, but also from fish.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Assumption Lent, dry eating is supposed - eating food without boiling it. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can cook food, but without "oil" (butter). On Saturday and Sunday, some indulgences are allowed: the statute allows you to add oil to food and drink a little wine.

The Church commits to abstain from grapes and apples until the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In monasteries of antiquity, monks who ate grapes before the holiday were punished - they were forbidden to eat "from a bunch" until the end of August. On the holiday of the Transfiguration itself, it is allowed to eat fish.

It is also prescribed to be strict with entertainment. You cannot go to the cinema, theaters, entertainment venues. Better to limit yourself to views entertainment programs on TV and sitting idle on the Internet. Saint Basil the Great writes: “During bodily fasting, the womb fasts from food and drink; during spiritual fasting, the soul refrains from evil thoughts, deeds and words. A true fasting person refrains from anger, rage, anger and revenge. A true fasting person refrains the language from idle talk, foul language, idle talk, slander, condemnation, flattery, lies and all slander. A real fasting person is one who removes himself from all evil. "


Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh urged people to approach the Dormition Fast with joy. He called his days the time "when we shake off everything that has become dilapidated and dead in us, in order to regain the ability to live with all the space, with all the deep intensity."

Until there is joy, he wrote, instead of imaginary piety, “we get a monstrous and blasphemous parody”: attempts to become saints. "

In the summer, a month after Petrov (Apostolic) Lent, the Dormition Fast begins. He came to us from ancient times. Around 450, Leo the Great clearly pointed to the Dormition Fast among four Church fasts, each of which falls on a specific time of the year.

The Dormition Fast was finally established in 1166 at the Council of Constantinople, presided over by Patriarch Luke. At the Council it was confirmed that all Orthodox Christians must observe this fast. The Church calls to imitate the Mother of God, who, before moving to heaven, was constantly in prayer and fasting.

When is the Dormition Fast

The Assumption Fast is the shortest of all the posts. According to the old style, it was installed from 1 to 15 August, now it has shifted to 14-28 August. It takes place before two great holidays - the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition of the Mother of God, starting with. This fast is considered one of the strictest, second only to the Great.

Fasting is most strictly observed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Dormition Fast is already considered autumn, it ends the church year and opens a new season - autumn. Church New Years takes place on September 14 in a new style.

The entire Assumption Lent seems to be linked together by three holidays - the three Savior.

What the Dormition Fast symbolizes

Dormition fasting should be a time of joy, a time of returning home, of revival. You need to shake off everything that is decayed and dead in order to gain the ability to live. Fasting prepares for the feast of the Assumption, which can be called unexpected for the world outlook. Indeed, what is being celebrated? Death of the Virgin? However, the word "dormition" does not mean "death" but "sleep".

The meaning of the holiday is that there is no more death that would await everyone if it were not for the Resurrection of Christ. There is no fear of death and no sorrow for it. And even after leaving, the Most Holy Theotokos does not leave the world.

According to legend, after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, she lived near Jerusalem and loved to visit the Garden of Gethsemane and Golgotha, where she prayed for a long time. She prayed that the Jewish people would turn to faith, for new churches in different countries.

Once, after such a prayer, the Archangel Gabriel appeared before her, and before that he had appeared to her more than once with the proclamations of God's commands. With joy he informed her that after three days her earthly journey would be over and God would take her to eternal abodes. At the same time, he gave her a paradise branch shining with unearthly light.

Having learned about when her transition from this world will take place, the Virgin Mary prepared for it with prayer and fasting, despite the fact that she did not need either correction or cleansing of the soul. Her life is a model of sacrifice and holiness.

At the appointed hour, candles were burning in the room, and the Mother of God reclined on a decorated bed, surrounded by loved ones loving people... Suddenly the temple was illuminated with the light of Divine glory, and the Lord Himself descended from heaven, surrounded by Angels, as well as the souls of the Old Testament righteous. Without any bodily suffering, looking at Her Son and as if falling asleep, she gave Him her pure soul.

During the burial, the apostles carried a bed with the Most Pure Body, and a huge procession of believers accompanied him with sacred songs. Tradition says that the Apostle Thomas did not have time to be buried, and he was allowed to enter the cave on the third day in order to give the opportunity to bow to the Most Holy for the last time. However, in the cave, they saw only burial shroud, pleasantly fragrant, and the body of the Virgin was not there. Then they realized that the Lord took her pure body to Heaven.

In the evening of the same day, during the meal, the Mother of God appeared to the apostles and told them to rejoice, for she is with them all the days.

Fasting for the Orthodox is an imitation of the feat of the Mother of God and her purity, as well as the praise of the Most Holy One, who tirelessly planted and established the Christian Church.

The belt of the Mother of God and the holy garments are preserved with reverence, divided into parts, and they still work miracles, like numerous icons. The feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated with special solemnity in Gethsemane, where she was buried.

How to fast during the Dormition fast

This post, on the one hand, is one of the strictest. On the other hand, it was always considered light, because you could eat young potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. Grapes and apples are allowed after (19 August).

During the Assumption Lent, one should refrain from cheese, meat, butter, eggs and milk. From August 14 (Honey Savior) honey collection is consecrated, and it can also be eaten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the strictest fast is dry eating, that is, you need to eat uncooked food. On Tuesday and Thursday, you can eat cooked food without oil. Wine and oil are allowed on Saturday and Sunday.

On August 19, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, fish is allowed, as on the feast of the Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, and the fasting begins the next day. If the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on other days of the week, then there is no fasting.

However, on the days of fasting, spiritual abstinence is also important: from passionate and sinful movements that delight vices, and from quarrels and irritation. Post is also strict about noisy entertainment. It is customary to spend less money on food, freeing it up for charity.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to learn to fast gradually. A person who has never fasted before is more likely to ruin his health than approach holiness if he begins to fast. Plus, he will become irritated and impatient.

Everyone must determine how much food and drink he needs per day, and gradually reduce the amount, reducing it to the minimum necessary for life. And the main rule is that you do not need to burden your hearts with drunkenness and gluttony. It is important not to forget that the essence of fasting, first of all, is not about giving up animal food, but about limiting pleasure.

Fasting is designed to make our bodily nature strong and light, which could obey the movements of the spirit and fulfill its requirements. All God-loving people felt that fasting is a very powerful means to prepare for saving and great deeds, the saints have always fasted strictly and advised others.