Mikhail Sokolov Minister of Transport. Sokolov, Maxim Yurievich (statesman)

According to Kommersant's sources, the former head of the Ministry of Transport, Maxim Sokolov, who did not enter the new government, is being selected for posts on the boards of directors of state-owned companies. Kommersant's interlocutors predict the official as a councilor for Transneft and Aeroflot, perhaps he will receive both posts. Experts note that the appointment of retirees to specialized companies has been practiced for a long time, it is extremely beneficial both for former officials and for the companies themselves, which can use their administrative resources.

Ex-Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov (in 2012-2018), who was not included in the new government, can get seats on the boards of directors of state-owned companies - Aeroflot and Transneft, several sources told Kommersant. One of them clarifies that the issue of Mr. Sokolov's nomination to the Aeroflot board of directors is "in a high degree of readiness." He claims that now the Russian Federation will apply for nine seats in the council, now there are eight state representatives (the Federal Property Management Agency has 51.2% in the company). Another source of Kommersant notes that the nomination of the ex-minister to the board of directors of Transneft is still being coordinated. A Kommersant source in the industry did not rule out that Mr. Sokolov could take the place of Daria Vasilevskaya, assistant to former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who became co-chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation, on the monopoly council.

Igor Demin, Advisor to the President of Transneft Nikolai Tokarev, redirected the question of the appointment of Maxim Sokolov to the government: “We have not yet received an order on candidates for the Board of Directors, therefore we have no information.” Representatives of the Federal Property Management Agency, Aeroflot, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak (in charge of the industry) and Maxim Sokolov himself declined to comment.

Rumors about the possible employment of Mr. Sokolov arose during his career in the Ministry of Transport. Back in 2017, Kommersant's sources predicted the minister to be the governor of one of the regions, in particular, St. Petersburg, but then the discussion of personnel changes did not lead to anything. In the fall of 2017, they started talking not about a new appointment, but about the resignation of Maxim Sokolov: in September, the minister received a disciplinary sanction from Vladimir Putin in connection with the collapse of VIM-Avia (withdrawn this spring).

The appointment of retired officials to boards of directors is a common practice. It can be used both as a kind of "honorable pension" not followed by a new appointment, and as a place where a manager expects a suitable post. Thus, the council of Transneft was expanded in 2017 for Valery Shantsev, who resigned as head of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In 2017, members of the council received 50.5 million rubles, that is, an average of 5.6 million rubles. (directors who are not managers or officials receive relatively more). At Aeroflot, members of the Board of Directors receive a basic remuneration of 1.8 million rubles. per year, and can also earn much more on a long-term incentive program. So, in June 2016-July 2017, according to Kommersant, a number of board members, for example, received more than 10 million rubles.

The transition of an official after retirement to business, especially to a specialized one, is a "gold mine" both for him and for the company, notes Ilya Zharsky, managing partner of the Veta expert group. The administrative resource operates for some time and allows lobbying the interests of the company, he says. The role of the ex-minister of transport in the oil business is more and more complicated, it is rather just an honorary and monetary position, Mr. Zharsky notes. He notes that such appointments for dismissed ministers are a tradition that for many years, if the minister did not allow himself to criticize the authorities, then he is not abandoned.

Dmitry Kozlov, Elizaveta Kuznetsova, Alexandra Dzhordzhevich

The fifth Minister of Transport of Russia, who previously headed the government department of industry and infrastructure under the Russian government, comes from Northern Palmyra. Maxim Yurievich Sokolov, taking office, called the creation of an integrated security system for Russians in transport as the key task of the department. Whether the statesman managed to achieve what he declared when he took up the duties of the minister - the opinions of citizens differ.

Childhood and youth

The future VIP-official was born in September 1968 in the city on the Neva into a family of doctors. Maxim pleased his parents with "fives", and teachers with discipline and diligence. At school, from the first grades, Sokolov was active in public life. He was entrusted to lead the pioneer squad, and in the final grade the guy headed the pioneer headquarters of the city.

Awards and achievements

  • 2008 - Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Fleet"
  • Medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan"
  • Medal "200 years to the Ministry of Defense"
  • Badge "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia"
  • 2007 - Badge "For the humanization of the school of St. Petersburg"
  • 2012 - Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class
Maxim Yuryevich Sokolov - until May 2018, the head of the Federal Ministry of Transport, previously - the head of the government department, committees for economic development, industrial policy and trade, as well as for investments and strategic projects of the administration of the Northern capital.

In one of the interviews, he announced that the key principle of the department headed by him would be the creation of an integrated system for ensuring the safety of Russians in transport.

Childhood and family of Maxim Sokolov

The future member of the Government was born into a family of doctors on September 29, 1968 in the city on the Neva. During his school years, the teenager was active, headed the pioneer organization, and in the senior grades - the headquarters of the pioneers of the Northern capital.

During the organizational and methodological events, he met the current chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, who at that time headed the regional committee of the Komsomol. Later, a joint photograph of them hung in the official's office in Smolny, highlighting the long-standing friendship between the politicians.

The parents hoped that their son would continue their dynasty and become a doctor. But he entered the Leningrad State University. At first, he became a law student, and after serving in 1987-1989. in the army, in parallel studied the issues of political economy at the Faculty of Economics.

At the university, he met future Russian leaders. As a Komsomol organizer of the course, he met at meetings with Vladimir Putin, in those years the assistant to the rector, and, as befits an excellent student, he diligently studied the major subject - law, which was taught by Dmitry Medvedev.

The beginning of the career of Maxim Sokolov

After graduating with honors in 1991, Sokolov spent two years teaching economics at his own university. In addition, he, in partnership with a friend, was engaged in commercial activities, founding and heading the Rossi-Service company in 1992, specializing in the development of security systems, material and technical supply management, and construction.

In 1999, already three partners - Sergeenko, Sokolov and Sopromadze - created the Corporation C dismantling enterprise. The letter "C" in the name of the company is believed to have been associated with its presence in the names of the owners. The construction of prestigious housing by this corporation in the central part of the Northern capital received scandalous publicity due to public protests for the preservation of the historical architectural appearance of the Northern capital.

Corporation C also carried out third-party orders, in particular, of LSR Group. Its general director was the stepson of Deputy Governor Yuri Molchanov Andrei, who in the future became Vladimir Putin's confidant in the 2000 elections.

Thus, the company was closed after Maksim Yuryevich left for government service. Its main owner, Vasily Sopromadze, who owned 50 percent of the enterprise, gave the project to build a hotel near the Mikhailovsky Castle to Nikolai Sergeenko, and he himself left for the British capital and acquired the lease rights for the famous Criterion restaurant on Piccadilly Square.

Maxim Sokolov in the civil service

In 2004, a successful entrepreneur joined the civil service in the administration of St. Petersburg according to some sources, at the initiative of Yuri Molchanov, according to others - Valentina Matvienko. He took over as head of the Committee on Investments and Strategic Government Projects.

The proactive official was able to attract a number of large investors to cooperation - Hyundai, General Motors, Toyota. But, at the same time, many of his undertakings became the subject of indignation - this is the construction of the FC Zenit stadium, the Embankment of Europe, a shopping complex under the Champ de Mars, providing for the transfer of the fire symbolizing the eternal memory and the graves of the victims of the revolution. There were serious questions during the implementation of the construction of the terminal on Vasilievsky Island (when a company owned by Cypriot offshore companies became a partner), the Western High-Speed \u200b\u200bDiameter toll highway.

Maxim Sokolov inspected the construction of the WHSD

In 2008, Maksim Yuryevich defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 2009 he was included in the presidential program for training management personnel - a personnel reserve, and then was appointed head of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg. Subsequently, he received an invitation to the federal government and worked under Putin as the head of the department of industry and infrastructure.

In 2010, the official was awarded the title of State Counselor of the 1st class. He joined the supervisory boards of the agency Rosavtodor and Olympstroy. Since 2011, he began teaching and is the head of the department of the Graduate School of Management of his hometown.

In 2012, a federal official was appointed head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in the government of Dmitry Medvedev.

In comparison with the richest member of the government, Alexander Khloponin, whose income in 2014 according to the declaration amounted to 280 million rubles (4 times more than a year earlier), the annual earnings of the Minister of Transport are quite modest - 5.3 million (in 2011 he earned almost 4 million).

The official owns an apartment in the Northern capital in a prestigious residential complex at 12 Italianskaya Street, with an area of \u200b\u200b336 square meters. According to unofficial data, each of the three children of the official has apartments of the same area.

Minister Maxim Sokolov confirmed that A321 fell apart in the air

In 2015, Sokolov named the estimated cost of the construction of the Kerch Bridge, the length of which will reach 19 kilometers, at one hundred billion rubles. Later, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that about 300 billion in national currency would be allocated for the construction of a transport crossing that would connect the Crimean peninsula with the main part of Russia. The approximate date of the bridge commissioning is June 2019.

Personal life of Maxim Sokolov

The head of the ministry is married. Together with his wife Tatyana, they are raising three sons. According to unofficial information, she and the children live abroad. In the period from 2003-2005. she worked at the US Embassy in Moscow.

In his free time, the official loves to ski, he is not indifferent to show jumping and hunting. Maxim Yuryevich admitted in an interview that he used to cook well, especially dishes from game - goose, roe deer, hare - which he considers tasty and healthy.

Maxim Sokolov now

Maxim Sokolov served as head of the Ministry of Transport until May 7, 2018. After the presidential elections and the formation of a new government, the former deputy of Sokolov Yevgeny Dietrich became the Minister of Transport. Maxim Yuryevich returned to St. Petersburg, where he was offered a place on the board of directors of the construction company LSR. In July 2018, the media reported on the possible transfer of Sokolov to the post of head of Aeroflot after the expiration of the contract of Vitaly Savelyev in October.

Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration

Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class


  • PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, 2009.
  • Specialist Diploma (with honors), Faculty of Economics, specialty "Political Economy", St. Petersburg State University, 2002.


Monographs, textbooks and teaching aids

  • Maslova S.V., Sokolov M.Yu. Public-private partnership: international, regional and national levels of legal regulation and application: a reader. - M .: Magistral, 2018 .-- 258 p.
  • Sokolov M.Yu., Maslova S.V. Public-private partnership: theoretical foundations and practice of application in Russia and foreign countries: textbook. - M .: Magistral, 2017 .-- 268 p.
  • Teaching aid for the discipline "Public-private partnership" / comp. M.Yu. Sokolov. - St. Petersburg, 2015 .-- 112 p.

Articles in scientific journals

  • Sokolov M.Yu. Development of transport projects in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region // Priority transport projects in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region / Directorate for the development of the transport system of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. - SPb .: IA "Techinform", 2017. - S. 47-50.
  • Maslova, S.V., Sokolov, M.Yu. Risk Management in Public Private Partnership Projects in Health Care: Application of Current Approach and Its Improvement // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - Vol. 16, Issue 4. - P. 1-17. (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 17-03-50134)
  • Maslova, S.V., Sokolov, M.Yu. Public-Private Partnership to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptual Analysis of the Creation of an International Legal Framework // Man in India. - 2017. - Vol. 97, Issue 9. - P. 171-191.
  • The mechanism of private initiative in concession legislation: development prospects in Russia // World of transport. - M .: Moscow State Transport University (MIIT), 2015. - Volume 13 (2). - S. 64-73.
  • Application of mechanisms of public-private partnership in infrastructure sectors of the Russian economy // Science and technology of transport. - M .: Russian Open Academy of Transport, Moscow State Transport University, 2015. - No. 3. - S. 20-23.
  • Demand risk distribution in road concessions in Russia // World of transport. - M .: Moscow State Transport University (MIIT), 2015. - Volume 13 (3). - S. 108-120.
  • The role of water transport in the development of the transport complex of the Far East // Transport of the Russian Federation. Journal of Science, Economics, Practice - St. Petersburg, 2015. - No. 4 (59). - S. 3-4.
  • On the question of the application of public-private partnership in the field of transport // Izvestia of the Petersburg University of Communications. - St. Petersburg: Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I, 2015. - №3. - S. 14-17.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V., Menshikova A. V. Problems of risk management in projects of the laboratory "Center for Public-Private Partnership Research" // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Management series. - 2015. - 2015. - Issue 1. - S. 181-184.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. PPP agreements: concept and content in theory and practice // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series Pravo. - 2014. - Issue 4. - S. 126-144.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. Trends and prospects for the development of Russian legislation on PPP // Journal of Private International Law. - 2014. - Issue 1 (83). - S. 23-59.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. Risk management in public-private partnership projects // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Management series. - 2013. - Issue 4. - S. 100-124.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. Authorized bodies and organizations exercising the rights and obligations of the grantor under the concession agreement // Economic revival of Russia. -2012. - Issue 31. - S. 49-56.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. Features of preparation and holding of tenders for the right to conclude agreements on public-private partnership // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Management series. - 2011. - Issue. 4. - S. 103-127.
  • Sokolov M. Yu., Maslova S. V. Regulation of relations in the field of public-private partnership in regional legislation and management decisions // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Management series. - 2010. - Issue. 4. - S. 84-103.
  • Joint-stock foundation in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries // Problems of modern economics. 2008. No. 1 (25). S. 374-376.
  • History of a joint-stock foundation in Russia from Peter I to Alexander II // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society. T. 89. 2008. No. 1. S. 89-98.
  • Formation and development of joint-stock entrepreneurship in Russia in the post-reform period // Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Economic development: theory and practice. SPb., 2008.S. 173-174.


  • Maslova, S. V. The Pre-Qualification for the Tender Procedure in Public-Private Partnership Project of Pulkovo Airport in St Petersburg (Case) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-214-1. - P. 6.
  • Maslova, S. V. The Pre-Qualification for the Tender Procedure in Public-Private Partnership Project of Pulkovo Airport in St Petersburg (Teaching Note) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-214-8. - P. 6.
  • Maslova, S. V. Risks Allocation in the Public Private Partnership: Highway Project (Case) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-215-1. - P. 9.
  • Maslova, S. V. Risks Allocation in the Public Private Partnership: Highway Project (Teaching Note) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-215-8. - P. 10.
  • Maslova, S. V. Selection of Public-Private Partnership Projects (Case) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-216-1. - P. 11.
  • Maslova, S. V. Selection of Public-Private Partnership Projects (Teaching Note) / S. V. Maslova, M. Yu. Sokolov. - The Case Center. - 2015 .-- 315-215-8. - P. 8.
  • Sokolov M.Yu., Maslova S.V. Public-private partnership: cases from the collection of GSOM SPbU. - Publisher: Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. - 2014. — 192 p.


  • Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation (2015)
  • Order of Honor (2014)
  • Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation (2012)
  • Badge "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia" (2012)
  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2008)
  • Sign of the Governor of St. Petersburg "For the humanization of the St. Petersburg school" (2007) and other departmental awards.


  • Chairman of the Management Board, General Director of PJSC LSR Group, 2018-.
  • Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, 2012-2018.
  • Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government Office of the Russian Federation, 2009-2012.
  • Member of the Government of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade, 2009.
  • Chairman of the Committee for Investments and Strategic Projects of the Government of St. Petersburg, 2004-2009.
  • General Director of Corporation S LLC, 1999-2004;
  • General Director of CJSC Rossi, 1993-1999;
  • Commercial agent of Frezi Grant AOZT, 1992-1993;
  • Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, 1991-1993.

Dmitry Medvedev nominated the 44-year-old first deputy head of the department, Yevgeny Dietrich, to the post of Minister of Transport. Its current boss Maxim Sokolov will leave the post of head of the Ministry of Transport. This was reported on May 15 by the federal media with reference to sources familiar with the situation.

Earlier it was reported that President Vladimir Putin from Sokolov was a disciplinary sanction imposed on him after the collapse of VIM-Avia. This gave the observers a reason to think that the head of the Ministry of Transport will keep his positions. However, the assumptions were not confirmed. Probably, the country's leadership considered the situation with the sudden bankruptcy of the airline, whose activities had not previously raised suspicions of the regulator, too serious. And requiring personnel changes.

Travel agents worried about possible loss of fashionable destination

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and the Dominican Republic signed an agreement on the development of bilateral friendly relations on May 1. It is about cooperation in trade, investment, tourism and education. According to some participants in the Russian travel market, this means that crowds of Chinese will now rush to the Dominican Republic, and this, in turn, will lead to the fact that tourists from Russia will have to look for other places to stay.

We add that Arkady Dvorkovich, who was in charge of the transport block as Deputy Prime Minister, will not remain in the new government. Most likely, he will take the place of the presidential aide. It is expected that in the Cabinet of Ministers he will be replaced by Maxim Akimov, deputy chief of the government staff. The Prime Minister will present all proposals on the structure of federal authorities to the head of state on Tuesday, and their approval will last until Thursday, May 17.

The transport industry believes that the need for radical changes is long overdue. “The current structure does not work at all. Important documents have been approved for years, and already accepted projects are often returned for revision. Therefore, it is necessary to revive the entire bureaucratic system, today it is not able to solve all the problems in transport. In our country, Rostransnadzor is directly subordinate to the Ministry of Transport, the work of which, among other things, he must control. What efficiency can we talk about then ?! " - Viktor Gorbachev, President of the Airport Civil Aviation Association, comments on the situation.

Note that the further fate of the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko remains unknown. According to Izvestia, several different scenarios are currently being discussed, including his appointment as CEO of Aeroflot. At the same time, it is noted that these personnel issues have been postponed until the end of the 2018 World Cup, there are no ready-made solutions yet.