Haircut lunar calendar in January. Lunar calendar haircuts and coloring

A new hairstyle can both increase a woman's self-esteem and destroy her in the bud, and that is why it is so important to take into account the forecast for the lunar haircut calendar for January 2018. In this calendar, various indicators are analyzed, due to which it is possible to choose the most favorable days for manipulating hair.

So, when in January 2018 can you safely go to the hairdresser?

Parameters affecting the compilation of the lunar haircut calendar for January 2018

Studying the calendar of haircuts for January 2018, you will notice that some days are optimal for visiting a stylist, while others, on the contrary, are completely not created for this. A logical question arises: on what parameters does such a forecast depend? Usually astrologers take into account the following nuances:

  • the stage of the moon for a particular day;
  • the constellation in which the moon is located at a particular period;
  • the period of rising and setting of the moon.

Based on these indicators, astrologers conclude about how favorable the haircut will be in the end.

What effect does the Moon have on a person's curls?

  1. The speed at which the curls will grow depends on the day chosen.
  2. A haircut during the waning moon helps to strengthen the strands, prevent them from falling out.
  3. On a new moon, it is better, in principle, to refuse to visit a stylist, since any manipulations with hair shorten a person's life.
  4. Cutting on the wrong days can result in a deterioration in the condition of the curls and the appearance of dandruff.

If a person often changes hairstyles, then he needs to go to the hairdresser during the growing moon, because then the growth rate of curls will be higher. He predicts this calendar depends on the success of the staining, perm and hair extensions. That is why astrologers recommend studying it monthly, so that later you do not face problems.

Haircut lunar calendar for January 2018

Having realized how important it is to study such a forecast, the question arises when to cut hair in January 2018. The table below shows detailed description by days.

Date / Day of the weekMoon phaseMoon DayZodiac signBrief forecast
January 1 / MonGrowing14,15 CancerThis day is not suitable for dyeing or cutting curls.
January 2 / TueFull moon15,16 CancerThe day is unfavorable for any manipulation of hair
January 3 / WedDecreasing16,17 a lionThe day is also not suitable for going to the hairdresser.
January 4 / ThDecreasing17,18 a lionThe day is not suitable for cutting or dyeing curls
January 5 / FriDecreasing18,19 VirgoA good day for dyeing and cutting curls
January 6 / SatDecreasing19,2 Virgo
January 7 / SunDecreasing20,21 LibraAuspicious day to visit the hairdresser
January 8 / MonDecreasing21 LibraGood day for haircuts and dye
January 9 / TueLast quarter21,22 ScorpioThe day is considered neutral
January 10 / WedDecreasing22,23 ScorpioA favorable period for any hair manipulation
January 11 / ThDecreasing23,24 ScorpioA stylist should not be visited on this day
January 12 / FriDecreasing24,25 SagittariusUnfavorable day for coloring or cutting
January 13 / SatDecreasing25,26 SagittariusYou can safely go to the stylist, as the day is suitable for hairdressing experiments
January 14 / SunDecreasing26,27 CapricornA good time to change your look or color
January 15 / MonDecreasing27,28 CapricornAuspicious day for any hair manipulation
January 16 / TueDecreasing28,29 CapricornThis period is also suitable for visiting the hairdresser.
January 17 / WedNew moon29, 1, 2 AquariusAn extremely unfavorable day. You should never visit a hairdresser
January 18 / ThGrowing2,3 AquariusThe day is considered not the best for a haircut.
January 19 / FriGrowing3,4 FishThe day is considered not the best for coloring and haircuts.
January 20 / SatGrowing4,5 FishGreat time to change your hairstyle
January 21 / SunGrowing5,6 FishBad time to experiment with haircuts or dyeing
January 22 / MonGrowing6,7 AriesIt is strictly forbidden to cut and dye your hair
January 23 / TueGrowing7,8 AriesUnfavorable period for visiting a stylist
January 24 / WedGrowing8,9 calfGreat time to change your image
January 25 / ThFirst quarter10,9 calfThe day is favorable for coloring and cutting
January 26 / FriGrowing10,11 TwinsGood period to visit the hairdresser
January 27 / SatGrowing11,12 TwinsNot a good time to experiment with hair
January 28 / SunGrowing12,13 CancerOn this day, you can safely go to the hairdresser
January 29 / SunGrowing13,14 CancerGreat time to change your look, color or haircut
January 30 / MonGrowing14,15 a lionThis day is not suitable for cutting and coloring
January 31 / TueFull moon15,16 a lionYou should not visit the hairdresser on this day

The most favorable days for haircuts in 2018

The most favorable days for a haircut in January 2018 will fall on the following dates:

  • 5th - one of better days for hairdressing experiments. The curls will be thick and voluminous, and the haircut will not disappoint;
  • 7th and 9th - you can get a haircut, but the changes that have occurred will not affect the condition of the curls in any way. This time is also optimal for staining;
  • 14th and 15th - astrologers are sure that a haircut during this period is not only favorable, but also capable of bringing positive changes to a person's life;
  • 20th - This day is great for experimenting, but there is a chance of dandruff. Hair can become dry, so you should use special balms in advance;
  • 25th and 26th - it is believed that a haircut on these days can result in an acceleration of hair growth. This completely eliminates the possibility of cutting the ends;
  • 28th and 29th - any experiments with hair will be successful.

However, there will be periods in January when any experiments with strands will bring absolutely nothing good. In particular, this applies to January 11, 12, 22 and 24. Astrologers are sure that a haircut during this period can turn out to be for a person not only disappointment in his own appearance, but also health problems. Going to the salons during this period is strongly discouraged, even if a person does not believe in the rationality of the lunar calendar.

By studying the lunar calendar, a person can not only guess the right time to go to the hairdresser, but also change his own life. Coloring and changing hairstyles can turn into career success, gaining self-confidence and material well-being. The energy force is contained in the hair, and therefore astrological predictions should not be ignored.

1st of January - a good day for a haircut. You can do a perm. Caring treatments are effective. Moisturizing masks give excellent results.

January 2 - hair requires careful handling. Haircuts, perms and dyeing are undesirable.

January 3

4 January- an unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair. It is also undesirable to do a perm: curls will not please for long.

5 January

January 6 - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. Comb your hair gently as it can tangle and break.

Jan. 7 - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. Comb your hair gently as it can tangle and break.

January 8

January 9 - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. It is undesirable to do hairstyles that require combing or the use of strong fixing means.

10 january

11 january - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. It is undesirable to use new shampoos and care products: allergies are possible.

January 12

13th of January - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. It is undesirable to dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, use curling irons or iron.

14 january- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. It is undesirable to dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, use curling irons or iron.

January 15

16 january - an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. You can make nourishing masks, but only proven ones.

January 17 - hair requires careful handling. Haircut, dyeing and perm are undesirable. You should not do complex hairstyles, use strong fixing means.

January 18 - an auspicious day for dyeing, including unusual, as well as perm.

January 20th

January 21 - a favorable day for haircuts, perms and hair dyeing. It is advisable to make a moisturizing mask: you will be satisfied with the result.

January 22

January 23- a good day for haircuts, perms. You can dye your hair, including bright colors.

January 24 - a good day for haircuts, perms. You can dye your hair, including bright colors.

The 25th of January

January 26- a good day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. Experiments with a hairstyle will be successful. Nutritious masks are helpful.

Date of publication: 05/17/17

The first month of the year is the time to bring a new wave of life into life, be it work, people or hairstyles. The update will "recharge the batteries", giving you a great start. Tips from the familiar lunar calendar will help you navigate the flow of time, choose the best moment for change and avoid possible unpleasant mistakes.

When to cut and color your hair in January 2018?

  • 01/01, 14-15 days. The young moon travels across the sky through the constellation of Cancer.

Its influence makes the moment unsuccessful in terms of any work with the head, it is not advised even to wash it on this day, otherwise the hair becomes unruly, brittle and weak. At the same time, the time is very successful for dyeing - the color will turn out to be intense and will last longer.

  • 02/01, 15-16 days. Full moon under the influence of Cancer.

If you are planning a radical change of your image, the day of the full moon is the perfect time for this. However, given that the moon is passing through the sign of Cancer, it is better to postpone the changes until the next day.

  • 03/01, 16-17 day of the lunar month. A flawed moon enters the constellation Leo.

One of the best times to renew hair length is that it will become thicker, healthier, and stronger. It is wiser to postpone the color change for a couple of days, since with the waning moon, the result of the procedure will turn out to be short-lived.

  • 04/01, 17-18 day of the lunar month. The moon is waning, still in the royal constellation Leo.

On this day, cardinal changes in the image will lead to successful results, if such are not planned, it is better to postpone the haircut.

  • 05/01, 18-19 lunar day. The aging moon moves to the constellation Virgo.

The peculiarity of this sign is the preservation of the shape of the hairstyle, its beauty, the healthy look of the hair. After cutting on such a day, the hair grows back a little slower, but this procedure strengthens the roots.

  • 06/01, 19-20 day of the lunar month. Defective Moon in Virgo

Cutting your hair can make you feel a little less healthy. The right time for various procedures to strengthen hair - treat yourself and your hair with masks.

  • 07/01, 20-21 lunar day. The waning moon enters the constellation Libra.

A good way to get voluminous, slightly curly hair is to trim it in Libra. This is a volatile period, the results may not be as expected, so it is better to postpone major decisions for a few days.

  • 08/01, 21 lunar day. The moon is still waning, remaining in the constellation Libra.

Cardinal decisions in the image can bring completely different results than expected, so it is better to devote this day to hair care.

  • 09/01, 21-22 days of the lunar month. The moon passes into the sign of Scorpio, which brings an element of surprise and instability to the haircut.

It is likely that the owners of fragile and painful hair will be surprised to notice changes in their quality - they will become thicker and harder.

  • 10/01, 22-23 lunar days.

A visit to the hairdresser on this day can provoke the emergence of troubles in life, so it is better to stay at home and do a hair mask.

  • 11/01, 23-24 day of the lunar month.

The Injured Moon is still moving in the constellation Scorpio, keeping the basic guidelines up to date. Day 24 promises a burst of energy after a haircut and preservation of the hairstyle for a long time.

  • 12/01, 24-25 lunar day. The waning moon follows the constellation Sagittarius.

Another fickle sign that can have an unexpected effect on the results of hairdressing treatments. Most likely, the hairstyle will not keep its shape, the hair will quickly return to its original state. It is better to stay at home that day.

  • 01/13, 25-26 lunar days. The moon passes through the constellation Sagittarius.

A haircut during this period can cause depression, so it is better to devote time to hair care.

  • 01/14, 26-27 days of the lunar month. The moon is still waning but is moving towards the sign of Capricorn.

This is a great time to get rid of any excess hair - the procedures will be easier and the results will last longer. The hairs will grow back fine and weak.

  • 01/15, 27-28 days of the lunar month are still under the influence of Capricorn.

He offers to plunge into experiments with hair color - all procedures in this direction will be successful, but it is better to postpone the haircut for later.

  • 01/16, 28-29 lunar day is still ruled by Capricorn.

A great time to get curly hair with a perm - on this day, its harm will be minimal. A haircut will bring confidence in your strength and appearance.

  • 17/01, 29-1-2 lunar days. A new moon is born and passes into the sign of Aquarius.

It is believed that clipping hair on such a day shortens life expectancy, so it is better to put scissors aside. But nourishing and firming masks will be more than appropriate, since on New Moon they are able to bring maximum effect.

  • 01/18, 2-3 days of the lunar month.

The young moon moves along the constellation Aquarius, creating favorable conditions to change the length - after shortening the braids grow much faster, thicker and healthier. A great day for a bold style experiment, and the perm should be put off.

  • 01.19, 3-4 day of the lunar month is under the influence of the constellation Pisces.

If a trip to the hairdresser was planned on this day, it is better to cancel it and stay at home. It would be ideal to refrain from any procedures with hair altogether. Even shampooing can upset the balance and cause dandruff.

  • 01.20, 4-5 lunar day is still ruled by Pisces.

Therefore, in order to maintain the attractiveness of the hair and their health, it is better not to do anything with it on this day. To distract yourself, it's best to go shopping or chat with friends. The availability of hairdressing procedures will have to wait a few more days.

  • 01/21, 5-6 lunar days. The waxing moon passes through the constellation Pisces.

It is highly likely that by cutting your hair on Sunday you can destroy your connection with the subtle world, which is why it would be wiser to postpone it (like cutting your nails).

  • 01/22, 6-7 days of the lunar month passes under the sign of Aries.

May have a negative effect on the general condition and quantity of hair. Therefore, it is better to put off the scissors for a few days, but you can pamper yourself with a new color.

  • 23/01, 7-8 lunar day. The waxing moon passes through the constellation Aries.

A great moment for those who wish to make a change in their image by changing their hair color. This will add confidence in your abilities, increase sexuality. But you need to have time before 12 days, because after the 8 lunar day comes, which has a very negative effect on all procedures.

  • 01/24, 8-9 lunar days. The moon, continuing to gain fullness, enters the constellation Taurus.

A great day for all manipulations - the hair will respond with fast growth, stable hairstyle, healthy appearance. After the haircut, you will feel a surge of joy and energy.

  • 01/25, 9-10 lunar days are still under the influence of Taurus, so the recommendations for the past day are also relevant.

In addition, you can devote time to grooming and dyeing your hair - it will also give amazing results. Day 10, which came into its own after 12:00, will cause a deterioration in well-being after a haircut.

  • 01/26, 10-11 day of the lunar month.

The Earth companion enters the sign of Gemini, which gives the hair airiness, impermanence, and makes them naughty. However, trying to curl your hair or dye it a new color will give surprisingly good results.

  • 01/27/11, 11-12 lunar day. The young moon advances through the constellation of changeable Gemini.

A hair coloring procedure scheduled for the afternoon will bring material well-being. It is desirable that the paint contains natural ingredients.

  • 01/28, 12-13 day of the lunar month.

The moon goes into the sign of Cancer, vetoing any actions with the hair, disobedient ones can be punished by weakening of the hair, thinning, brittleness and other problems.

  • 01/29, 13-14 lunar days continue to be ruled by Cancer.

Better to immerse yourself in reading an interesting book or your favorite movie, and go to the hairdresser tomorrow - such a decision will have a beneficial effect on the results.

  • 01/30, 14-15 days of the lunar month. The moon grows and enters the constellation of the king of beasts - Leo, giving the green light for all work with the mane.

The haircut will charge the "batteries" and fill with joyful emotions, and the hair will delight you with truly lion's pomp and density.

  • 31/01, 15-16 lunar day, still under the auspices of Leo.

On this day, the moon enters the Full Moon phase. Time for dramatic changes - they will all be successful and useful.

Auspicious days for haircuts and coloring in January 2018

To summarize, it is not difficult to highlight the list of the most successful dates this month:

  • shaping hairstyles, shortening the length: 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 24, 25, 30, 31 January;
  • color change: 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 January.

The young moon fills everything that grows with strength, so after cutting the hair feels renewed and healthy, the ends look great, as the whole length. Especially pleasant results are obtained on those days when the Earth's night companion travels through the constellations Leo and Virgo. And the day, timed to coincide with the Full Moon, is an ideal moment for unexpected, cardinal decisions and changes - they will be successful and delight with the result.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in January 2018

An unsuccessfully chosen moment can have an extremely negative influence: weaken them, make them flaccid, fragile, provoke a decrease in the number of hairs, the occurrence of dandruff.

Adverse days include:

  • trimming: 1, 2, from the 7th to the 17th, from the 19th to the 23rd, 26, 27, 28, 29 January;
  • color change: all days from the first to the thirteenth inclusive, as well as January 19, 20, 21, 28 and 29.

The aging moon turns all forces inward, strengthening the roots and nourishing the foundations. Therefore, hair grows at such a time rather slowly, but at the same time it perfectly retains the shape of the hairstyle. The decision to apply for a new hairstyle on the days when Cancer and Pisces reigns can be completely unsuccessful - the hair will definitely not be grateful, and may respond with brittleness, lethargy and even loss. Even less successful will be a hike for a new image on the day the new moon appears.

Every day 2018 is getting closer, which means that a series of winter holidays and fun entertainment are not far off. Many women think over a new image in advance - a hairstyle and a fashionable manicure in the coming year. In addition, in winter, hair is especially in need of care, since prolonged cold weather combined with a deficiency of vitamins does not in the best way "reflect" on the condition of our hair. Add to this the dry air of the premises, in which we stay for most of the day, and now instead of luxurious curls, we see weakened dull strands. When planning a visit to a hairdresser, it is important to choose the most suitable date in advance - for this purpose, we recommend that you look into the Lunar calendar of haircuts for January 2018. So when to cut hair and nails, and also dye curls in January 2018? According to the oracle, there are favorable and unfavorable days for manipulating hair and nails - follow the advice of the Lunar calendar, and on the holidays you will look just perfect!

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair dyeing for January 2018 - the most favorable days

January is traditionally considered to be the most festive month of the year with almost all weekends. New Year's and Christmas events involve numerous "outings", as well as receiving guests at home. Every woman wants to look perfect, causing general admiration for a beautiful outfit and a new haircut - and it is known that a successful hairstyle is possible only when the hair is healthy and shiny. It has long been proven that the position of the moon in the firmament affects the growth and condition of hair. So, on the growing moon, vital processes are activated - hair grows faster, and also retains its color better after dyeing. But the waning moon is considered an unfavorable period for experimenting with hair length - a short haircut will grow back for a long time. We bring to your attention the Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair dyeing for January 2018 - the oracle will tell you the most favorable days for an appointment with your favorite stylist.

The list of the most favorable days according to the lunar haircut calendar for January - 2018

The lunar calendar for January 2018 will always tell you when it is better to cut your hair in order to get not only a good hairstyle, but also to attract happiness and good luck. The list of the most favorable January days according to the lunar haircut calendar includes the following numbers: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31.

Auspicious days for hair dyeing in January 2018 - what the lunar calendar advises

Like a haircut, hair coloring is best done at the right time for this - adhering to the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, you will find the favor of fate. Here are the most favorable days for hair coloring in January - 2018: 3, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18, 19, 25, 27, 28, 31.

When to cut and dye your hair in January 2018 according to the Oracle - auspicious days according to the lunar calendar (table)

The first month of the new 2018 will open up wide "horizons" for lovers of short haircuts - the trend will be a square, bob, pixie, "under the boy". Concerning trendy colors, then a variety of tones are suitable for dyeing hair. So when can you cut and dye your hair in January 2018 by Oracle? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most accurate Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring - in the table you will find favorable and unfavorable days for hair shortening and cosmetic procedures. Be the most irresistible!

Lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring - table for January - 2018

When to cut nails in January - 2018 according to the Oracle (Lunar calendar) - a table with auspicious days

A beautiful manicure is an integral part of any festive or everyday look. So, in the winter of 2018, nails of a natural shape will be extremely popular - slightly rounded, of medium length. Complement the festive outfit with the now fashionable lace manicure, and at the New Year's party you will outshine everyone with your elegance and sense of style. So when to cut your nails in January - 2018 by Oracle? A lunar calendar table with auspicious days will help you choose the most suitable date for creating a fashionable January manicure.

Table with the lunar calendar of nail haircuts for January 2018

So when to cut and dye your hair in January 2018 by Oracle? The lunar calendar of haircuts for January 2018 (in tables) contains a list of favorable and unfavorable days for shortening hair and nails. When going to a beauty salon, heed the advice of astrologers - and your hairstyle will turn out to be successful, and your mood will be at its best. Happy January holidays!

04.01.2018 12:42

In January, we increase the intensity of hair care, more often we make vitamin, moisturizing and nourishing masks, carefully monitor the condition of the ends, use means that remove static electricity, add fiber-rich foods to our daily diet, if possible at least once a week we give the hair a rest from mousses, varnishes and styling foams.

And, of course, before you go to the salon and at home to treat, nourish, strengthen and moisturize your hair, do not forget to look into our lunar haircut calendar for January 2018. By correlating hairdressing manipulations with the movement of the moon, you greatly increase their effectiveness, which in turn makes the hair beautiful and healthy.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing worth paying attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in parentheses). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the whole day is quite favorable for any manipulations with hair, and in the evening they should be left alone so as not to harm their structure, the health of the body as a whole and the course of financial affairs.

For clarity, let's analyze January 5, 2018: until 20:54 (Moscow time), everything that you do for your hair will bring unconditional benefit - the haircut will turn out perfectly and will attract additional material benefits to you, the paint will lie flat and will not fade for a long time, everything care and treatment procedures will be very effective. But after 20:54, it is strongly discouraged to touch your hair in order to avoid unpleasant consequences both for them and for you.

Please note that in January the Moon periodically passes into another sign of the Zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking this factor into account.

As an addition to our lunar haircut calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 5 (from 11:29 to 20:54), 6 (after 22:15), 7 (until 15:10), 17 (after 11:34), 18, 19.

Best days to epilate: 2 (after 16:54), 3 (before 10:24), 15.

First decade of January

January 1, Monday, 14th lunar day (until 15:49, later focus on the 15th lunar day) Moon in Cancer.

On the 14th lunar day, December 31, and January 1, until 11:17 am, you can radically change the image, make a creative haircut and fancy coloring, while it is better to choose a hairstyle that does not require complex daily styling. But on the 1st from 11:17 to 15:49, it is recommended to get a haircut only if you have worn long hair, and now decided on an ultra-short "hedgehog"; primary and secondary staining is not prohibited, however, it is worth refraining from experiments.

January 2, Tuesday, 15th lunar day (until 16:54, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Cancer.

A categorically inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with hysterical states, problems in communicating with relatives, and financial losses. Coloring and home procedures should also be moved to a more favorable moment.

January 3, Wednesday, 16th lunar day (until 18:10, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

On the 16th lunar day, which falls on January 2 and on the 3rd day before 10:24, you should not cut your hair; you can do coloring, treat hair, apply a moisturizing mask. But on January 3 after 10:24 (and until 18:10) - a great moment for a haircut, it will add beauty and health to your hair, make you even more attractive, and on a metaphysical level will give you inspiration and some brilliant creative ideas; coloring is not prohibited; from home procedures, a vitamin mask is recommended.

January 4, Thursday, 17th lunar day (until 19:32, later focus on the 18th lunar day) Moon in Leo.

An excellent day for a haircut - it will heal your hair, attract material and spiritual benefits to you, as well as the love of others. If you are going to do the primary coloring, give preference to wheat, reddish and golden shades. From home procedures, the most effective will be a mask based on honey and cereals.

January 5, Friday, 18th lunar day (until 20:54, later be guided by the 19th lunar day) Moon in Virgo.

It is quite a suitable day for a haircut - it will not only turn out excellent, but it will also double some of your successes, attract good luck and additional money to you. Coloring will be very successful, and all home procedures will give a great effect.

January 6, Saturday, 19th lunar day (until 22:15, later focus on the 20th lunar day) Moon in Virgo.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with serious health problems, a sharp decrease in income, a total misunderstanding with relatives.

January 7, Sunday, 20th lunar day (until 23:33, later focus on the 21st lunar day) Moon in Libra.

Nice day for a haircut; if you do it before 15:10, you will understand how to increase your well-being, and if after the indicated time - how to solve an old problem and find peace of mind. Staining will be successful throughout the day, but home procedures should be done before 15:10, as later they will be ineffective.

A very suitable day for a haircut, you can do the hair like your favorite movie actress or try on a retro look. Coloring is not prohibited, but it is better to avoid dark shades. Home treatments will not be beneficial.

January 9, Tuesday, 21st lunar day continues (until 0:47, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Scorpio.

In the remaining 46 minutes from the 21st lunar day, you can carry out a session of long combing with lifting and airing the strands. Use a soft massage brush.

January 10, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day (until 1:59, later focus on the 23rd lunar day) Moon in Scorpio.

Not a very good day for a haircut, the result is unlikely to be what you would like. It is also better to postpone coloring and home procedures to a more favorable moment.

** Second decade of January **

January 11, Thursday, 23rd lunar day (until 3:09, later focus on the 24th lunar day) Moon in Scorpio.

A categorically inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with serious health problems, both physical and mental, and besides, it can provoke dependence on people, habits, circumstances. Coloring is bad for your hair. Home procedures will not help, but harm.

January 12, Friday, 24th lunar day (until 4:17, later focus on the 25th lunar day) Moon in Sagittarius.

Today it is worth getting a haircut only if you have no problems with the nervous system, otherwise diseases and stress conditions will worsen. Coloring is not forbidden, however, it is strongly recommended to avoid black and other dark shades. Home treatments will not be beneficial.

January 13, Saturday, 25th lunar day (until 5:22, later focus on the 26th lunar day) Moon in Sagittarius.

A great day for a haircut - it will help you make some bold decision, will attract you interesting people, new positive impressions, successes in those matters in which there is a competitive moment. Coloring will also be successful, you can experiment with original combinations of shades, however, it is better to refrain from lightening. In the salon, shielding, lamination, glazing will work well, cauterization will give a powerful effect. At home, a mask based on fatty components is recommended.

January 14, Sunday, 26th lunar day (until 6:23, later focus on the 27th lunar day) Moon in Capricorn.

And again, a good day for a visit to the salon. However, you should not go along with the hairdresser and agree to those additional procedures that you did not plan; Think ahead of time what your hair needs and do not back down from your decision. At home, you can make a light nourishing serum or kefir-based mask.

January 15, Monday, 27th lunar day (until 7:18, later focus on the 28th lunar day) Moon in Capricorn.

Not a good day for a haircut, but it is quite suitable for primary and secondary coloring, for scalp treatment and for nourishing masks based on fruit and vegetable purees. You can also rinse with a decoction of mountain herbs.

January 16, Tuesday, 28th lunar day (until 8:06, later be guided by the 29th lunar day) Moon in Capricorn.

And again it is better to refrain from haircuts. You can do coloring, relaxation massage of the head and ears, apply a therapeutic, strengthening or restoring mask; the use of white clay will give a good effect.

January 17, Wednesday, 29th lunar day until 5:18, 1st lunar day (until 8:46, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Aquarius.

An extremely unfavorable day for haircuts and other hair manipulations. Leave them alone, if possible, do not use styling products and do not test new shampoos, balms, or purchased rinses.

January 18, Thursday, 2nd lunar day (until 9:20, later orient on the 3rd lunar day) Moon in Aquarius.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, dyeing, home and salon procedures... But it is quite favorable for looking through hairdressing magazines or "wandering" on thematic sites, decide what hairstyle you want, choose the time convenient for you and suitable according to the lunar calendar for a visit to the salon, and then call and make an appointment with the master.

January 19, Friday, 3rd lunar day (until 9:47, later orient on the 4th lunar day) Moon in Aquarius.

A great day to visit the hairdresser. Bold experiments are welcomed, you can make a haircut that you have been "licking your lips" for a long time, but for some reason did not dare, play with color, try innovative salon procedures. But homemade masks and rinsing will not be beneficial.

January 20, Saturday, 4th lunar day (until 10:11, later focus on the 5th lunar day) Moon in Pisces.

On the 4th lunar day, January 19, you can make a classic haircut, dye your hair in calm, natural shades, and carry out a procedure to strengthen the roots in the salon. But directly on the 20th, only a light moisturizing mask is recommended.

Third decade of January
January 21, Sunday, 5th lunar day ** (until 10:32, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring, if possible, give your hair a rest, do not use styling products and do not experiment with hairstyles. You can rinse with mineral or thermal water.

January 22, Monday, 6th lunar day (until 10:51, later focus on the 7th lunar day) Moon in Aries.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts and dyeing; At home, it is recommended to do a moisturizing wrap or rinse your hair with water infused with silver.

January 23, Tuesday, 7th lunar day (until 11:10, later focus on the 8th lunar day) Moon in Aries.

And again, an unfavorable day for haircuts and dyeing. Home treatments will not be beneficial. It is also recommended to refrain from using hot styling tools and strong fixing styling products. And also do not decorate your hair with overly bright, shiny hairpins - others will consider it tasteless.

January 24, Wednesday, 8th lunar day (until 11:29, later focus on the 9th lunar day) Moon in Taurus.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, dyeing, home and salon procedures, using a hairdryer, styler and alcohol-containing styling products. Do not wash your hair with excessively hot water.

January 25, Thursday, 9th lunar day (until 11:51, later focus on the 10th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Taurus.

A categorically unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with a deterioration in general well-being, serious financial losses, difficult everyday problems and debts - both monetary and karmic. Dyeing can lead to scalp diseases, and home treatments will backfire.

January 26, Friday, 10th lunar day (before 12:17, later focus on the 11th lunar day) Moon in Gemini.

Quite auspicious day for a visit to the salon. A haircut on a metaphysical level will open up new financial opportunities for you, help you make a positive impression on people who can be useful to you in some way. However, in this case, it is worth giving preference to the classic form of the hairstyle, and using natural shades when coloring. All home treatments will be extremely effective.

January 27, Saturday, 11th lunar day (until 12:51, later focus on the 12th lunar day) Moon in Gemini.

A great day for a haircut - it will relieve you of the accumulated negativity, add lightness to both you and your existence, and help others like you more. You can do carving, fancy coloring, ionization. The rest of the salon and home procedures will not be beneficial.

January 28, Sunday, 12th lunar day (until 13:34, later focus on the 13th lunar day) Moon in Cancer.

This day is also favorable for a visit to the salon. A haircut will attract interesting acquaintances to you, tune into your wave those with whom you would like to get closer, help you acquire useful information that will be useful to you for obtaining material benefits, and coloring in bright colors will bring new delightful sensations and picturesque impressions into your life. At home, it is worth arranging a session of prolonged combing with a soft massage brush, but other procedures will be ineffective.

January 29, Monday, 13th lunar day (until 14:29, later focus on the 14th lunar day) Moon in Cancer.

Not a good day for a haircut, but quite favorable for secondary coloring, masks based on blue clay or algae, and a light head massage.

January 30, Tuesday, 14th lunar day (until 15:38, later focus on the 15th lunar day) Moon in Leo.

This day is only suitable for a radical haircut that turns long hair into very short hair. Coloring is not prohibited, but if you have scalp problems, it is better to use natural dyes. From home procedures, the most effective will be healing and nourishing masks based on seafood.

January 31, Wednesday, 15th lunar day (before 16:58, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, total lunar eclipse, Moon in Leo.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with a creative and career crisis, a sharp decrease in self-esteem, bouts of touchiness, irritability and aggression. Coloring and any home procedures are also not recommended.