The influence of the press on society. Research project "influence of advertising and mass media on personality". The role of the media in society


Information in modern society, as the analysis of literature shows, is given a significant place that it did not occupy either in the traditional or in the modernizing world. The dynamics of growth in the volume of information is such that its amount doubles every 20 months against 50 years at the time of Karl Marx 1. A developing society requires the intensification of all information processes with the widespread use of funds mass media(MASS MEDIA). Thanks to the increasing capabilities of the media, information reaches the consumer at high speed, is replicated many times and is actively introduced into the minds of the masses.

The growth of information has given rise to a new form of communication that is characteristic of urbanized areas with a large crowd of people - mass communication. Mass communication is understood as the process of production of mass information and its further dissemination through direct communication or through the media to numerically large and dispersed audiences. The transmission of identical information to large territories and the possibility of its repeated and practically simultaneous reproduction allows regulating the influence of the media on the mass - the subject-carrier of mass consciousness 2.

The ability of the media to significantly influence the mass consciousness has been noticed for a long time. Improving the technical capabilities of the media has significantly expanded the scale of manipulation of the mass consciousness, which is gullible and easily influenced 3. The masses do not have their own opinion, since they are not adapted to theoretical thinking, therefore, as a result, any opinion has to be squeezed into it from the outside and under pressure 4, and skillful manipulation of information makes the possibilities of instilling the masses by the media practically limitless.

In the information age, the role of the media in the formation of social values, orientations and views increases significantly. The media began to penetrate deeper and deeper into people's lives and have a dynamic and purposeful impact on the mass consciousness. This led to the fact that the individuals who make up the mass began to live in the world of "information phantoms" implanted by the media.

At the present stage, the media have turned from simple means of searching, processing and transmitting information into means that control and transform the inner, spiritual world of a person. Instead of expanding the horizons of the development of human consciousness, giving it sovereignty and independence in judgments, modern media they are increasingly manipulating the minds of the masses with the help of replicated standards of behavior. Trying to convey information to the consumer, the media are fulfilling their most important task - to make sure that in the mass consciousness this information evokes reactions that meet the requirements of the customer, in whose person both individuals and the state can act.

A wide variety of media (television, press, radio, Internet), it would seem, should lead to the individualization of the character, activity and consciousness of a person, give him the opportunity to choose: to watch or not watch TV, and if you watch, which channel or program, read or not read the press, listen to or listen to radio broadcasts. But, in our opinion, this is only an illusion, a person has no choice. The overwhelming majority of people watch TV, the same channels, programs and in the order approved by the program schedule. They read the same articles in magazines and newspapers that most other people read, listen to the same radio plays and newscasts, while hurrying about their business or relaxing at home.

The current situation gives rise to an ambiguous assessment of the media. On the one hand, the development of mass communication and the media has a positive effect on the awareness of individuals about the world around them, but at the same time, behind their development there is a factor that actually manipulates the consciousness of the masses. It is the media and mass communication that are among the first to provoke the massization of the individual, standardize the views, behavior of people, and develop the uniformity of their reactions.

Winston Churchill once said that whoever owns information owns the world. Today we can say with confidence that the one who controls the media is able to actively influence the views of people, their behavior and, in general, the mass consciousness in society.


  • 1. Abdeev RF Philosophy of information civilization / RF Abdeev. - M .: VLADOS, 1994.
  • 2. Olshansky DV Psychology of the masses. - SPb .: Peter, 2002 .-- 368 p.
  • 3. Freud 3. Mass psychology and analysis of the human "I". // Freud 3. Favorites. T. L. L: Academic Press, 1969.
  • 4. Ortega in Gasset J. Der Aufstan der Massen. V .: Folk Verlag, 1959.

Bibliographic reference

T.V. Konyukhova THE INFLUENCE OF THE MEDIA ON MASS CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY // Fundamental Research. - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 71-72;
URL: (date accessed: 31.10.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Kovalenko Anton Olegovich

Ochkova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

2nd year students, Faculty of Standardization, Chemistry and Biotechnology, FSBEI HPE "MSTU", RF, Magnitogorsk

Podolskaya Inna Alexandrovna

scientific adviser, Ph.D. ped. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, FSBEI HPE "MSTU", RF, Magnitogorsk

E-mail: inna. podolskaya@ inbox. ru

Today, the dynamics of growth in the volume of information is rapidly increasing. Information has a very significant place in modern world that was not in traditional society. It is common for most of the population to watch news on television, the Internet, as well as to read newspapers and radio.

The media not only informs us about changes in the world, but also has this or that influence on our consciousness, perception of the world and the formation of values. Most of all, the younger and older generation are influenced, as the younger generation is more mobile and receptive to innovations, and the older generation is more trusting. Modern youth cannot imagine life without mobile communications and the Internet, and elderly people without television and newspapers, and all this is part of a huge media information system. Can all the information from the media be trusted?

Improving the technical capabilities of the media has significantly expanded the scale of manipulation of mass consciousness, which is easily influenced. A significant number of people do not have their own opinion, since they are not adapted to theoretical thinking, therefore, as a result, any information from the media is perceived as "truth" and is not questioned, which is what television and information Internet sites endlessly use. It should be noted that today's media have lost their educational function, and began to pay more attention only to the function of entertainment. Entertainment programs, sentimental serials, hard humor - the main demand of consumers. Many TV channels operate under the slogan “viewers do not need something that awakens the mind and moves to new ideas”. It turns out that the media largely controls our perception of the world and directs our life in a primitive direction.

New technologies in the development of the media have both positive and negative functions. Thanks to the media, "the walls of apartments are being pulled apart to the borders of the planet." The media provides fast delivery of fresh news, educates us about current events in the world, gives us warnings about something, and also relieves social tensions.

But, we believe that the negative influence of the media is much greater. So, for example, very often we are faced with propaganda on television of free relations, which is not the norm in relationships between people and does not lead to the creation of full-fledged and lasting families, but, on the contrary, destroys family values. Do not forget that the family is the primary group in which we socialize and begin to realize ourselves as a full-fledged individual. The destruction of the family leads to the degradation of the personality. The popularization of free relationships leads to a rapid increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases.

The number of films showing aggression, violence and cruelty is constantly increasing. According to the time allotted for the air, the crime chronicle occupies one of the main places on television. Every day we hear about corpses, shootings, seizures and robberies with a violent character. Scientists have proven that news with abundant information about the dead and corpses is really popular, and the more deaths, the more the news causes discussion and excitement among the audience. People themselves show the need for crime news, which the media plays on, awakening anger in people, as well as a sense of catastrophism. In 2003, Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov expressed his attitude to criminal programs on the NTV channel: “Excessive violence on screens leads to violence in life. I am not a supporter of concealing crimes from society, of course, everyone has the right to know and understand the real situation. I'm only talking about one thing - making violence a spectacle - not The best way earning money, it may someday affect everyone. " From his words, one can understand that almost all the time on the air is given to criminal programs, which increases the TV channel's rating. In our opinion, the media standardize the views of people and their behavior, thereby developing uniformity in their reactions.

The media is a powerful regulator of society in order to impose its position on it. It is not for nothing that the media is called the fourth power, but in a way, it can be called the first power, because it is the media that has a predominant influence over society. Some researchers of mass communications even talk about the coming era of "mediocracy" - the power of the media, which does not so much reflect and interpret reality, but construct it according to their own rules and discretion.

I would like to touch upon one more aspect of the influence of the media on public consciousness. For a long time, the most popular news is the conflict in Ukraine. To begin with, in each country the same event is presented to citizens in different ways, as a result of which a conflict between the population of different countries can be artificially created and aggravated. With the help of the media, we compose for ourselves a psychological and political portrait of a statesman, party, state, country. Per recent times in the United States and Europe, Russophobic sentiments have sharply increased. Russians are seen as "uncouth barbarians who are ready to destroy everything that exists in the West at any moment."

It is worth noting that the media will not take responsibility for the information they disseminate. It turns out that today everyone can publish any information, both true and false. Distortion of information is a normal phenomenon for the world's media.

Recently, a lot of information has been received in connection with the upcoming celebration of Victory Day. Many Western leaders do not hesitate to review the outcome of World War II. For example, Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said that Auschwitz was liberated by the Ukrainians, not the Soviet army, and Victory Day should not be celebrated in Moscow, since the war began there. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk says that it is Ukraine that is the country that won the Second World War and so on. Of course, this causes hostility among the Russians, but the citizens of their countries - pride in their state.

The media, presenting political and economic news, use a fragmented method of disseminating information. The fragmented presentation of information, the crushed presentation of information, gives the appearance of its versatility, but does not allow to form the integrity of the picture of what is happening. It turns out that this is another type of manipulation of citizens, which obscures some events, distracting by other events. Such presentation of information reduces the listener's interest in the events of economics and politics, causing apathy.

Here are some examples of research. Tomsk Institute information technologies in 2006 he conducted a study on the topic "The influence of the media on youth." It turned out that 27% of students among the priority qualities in relation to the media emphasize reliability, and the most popular source of information for 79.1% of students is television. An interesting research was carried out by E. Noelle-Neumann on the basis of empirical data, proving that the mass media form the supposed "agenda", that is, the individual's ideas about "what others are discussing." According to the Public Opinion Foundation, 90% of Russians learn about the latest events on television, and only 18% from press reports. The famous statement of Winston Churchill that "who owns information, he owns the world" can be re-interpreted as "who owns the media, he can control people."

Based on the above, the most basic functions of the media can be distinguished: informational, to a small extent educational, the function of socialization and criticism, the mobilization function. In our opinion, the media need media education. In our opinion, it is much more respectable to place emphasis on the functions of enlightenment and education. The main thing is that these functions attract society to science, develop the literacy of the population and form the right values.


  1. Zhilaeskaya I.V. The influence of the media on youth. Sociological research. Tomsk: NOU VPO TIIT, 2007 .-- 270 p.
  2. Noel-Neumann E. 1996. Public Opinion. Open spirals of silence. M., 1996 .-- 56 p.
  3. Public Opinion Foundation. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode. - URL: (date of treatment 04.04.2015).
  4. Freud 3. Mass psychology and analysis of the human "I". // Freud 3. Favorites. T. l.L: Academic Press, 1969 .-- 275 p.

Increasingly, modern people call TV "zombie box". Other media also have their own hard-hitting names. And not without reason, because the media today is a means for shaping the worldview of the masses.

Worldview helps to determine the types of paths that a person will walk in the world. The formed worldview determines not only how a person will perceive the surrounding reality, but also the direction of his activity. In order to form a worldview, three conditions are necessary, namely:

  • information,
  • metaphor,
  • personal experience.

In other words, a person needs to teach the necessary information in the simplest way for him, followed by arousal in the person of the desire to achieve practical knowledge on the basis of the information received, that is, to gain a certain personal experience. It is the experience of a person personal experience(or internal experience) is the consolidation of the information received. This is an adequate sensory state based on the received information presented with the help of certain metaphor... Personal experience is a kind of connecting material between two values: "true" and "Lying"... And here it is not important to correlate the concept of "truth" with the concept of morality "good", and the concept of "falsehood" with the concept of morality is "bad". Everything is relative here. "Truth" and "falsehood" exist in the concrete world of one person. They form the future concepts of "good" and "bad", and we can say with confidence that morality and the concepts of "truth" and "falsehood" will differ among themselves for each person.

In order for information to penetrate deeper into a person, it is necessary repetition of sensory state, that is, the repetition of personal or internal experience. So, on the basis of biochemical processes occurring in the body during the experience of certain feelings and emotions, the process of development of the vector of a person's worldview takes place, that is, the process of directing the path of human development in the external world.

Little remains to be done: give the right information using veiled metaphors and allow the person to have positive personal experiences in order for the person to find "true" happiness. So you can easily and discreetly write the desired life path for almost every specific person.

Mass media

The key word in the media is information... First necessary condition to form the desired worldview. The media have the three most important means of communicating information to the end consumer:

  • written word (newspapers, magazines, etc.),
  • spoken word - sound (radio),
  • the reproduced word (television).

That is, there is also a second condition for a person to form ideas and principles "necessary" for him - a metaphor. Internet sources of information make these tools even more accessible and widespread. The third condition, as we found out, is personal experience. And here a person seems to be left alone with himself, because except for him no one can go through this inner experience for him.

However, it must be remembered that the media is "Fourth" estate... What is this power? It lies in the ability to control the very actions of a person - actions that ultimately should lead to the experience of this person with the necessary internal experience. And you do not need to apply any zombie techniques, it is enough to competently, methodically and gradually form the worldview of each person.

For example, the Western way of life says that a person should be successful, that he should be individual, that he should strive for the heights. The media are beginning to present this stereotype to us in various metaphors. We are told that first you need to get a good education, then work and gain experience, and then get a job in a good company where you need to take a certain place, and only after achieving this you can think about the family. And almost any Western publication will answer your question about the early family as the death of your entire future. Youth is an opportunity for career growth, free relationships, and many new experiences. This is how youth is presented in the west. Thus, a person receives information that while he is young, he must distribute his life between two "truths": work (career) and leisure (entertainment).

A person receives this information constantly through magazines, newspapers, websites, books, movies, shows and so on. All this leads to the fact that he begins to perform certain actions, namely: he goes to study in a good educational institution, then seeks to get a job in a good company, for which he can work 20 hours a day! But a person receives the necessary personal experience, which corresponds to the expectation that he has formed from the information received, and he passes this experience from generation to generation. This is how the worldview of entire nations is formed. And so people (and not one specific person) perform a number of specific actions described above to obtain the described personal experience. Generation after generation.

And if you look deeper? The loneliness of people is
additional income for manufacturers of household appliances, furniture, cars, landlords, and so on. Roughly speaking, two people are not together, they are at least two TVs, two refrigerators, two sofas, two rooms, and so on. Late birth is a huge plus for private clinics (and in the west the health insurance system is private), which receive increased health insurance payments for difficult births (and the older the age, the more difficult pregnancy and childbirth are).

The above example showed us how the media can create the right worldview for a large number of people. But the media can not only form a stable worldview of several generations of people, but also encourage people to take momentary actions needed by the customer.

Control your senses!

Feelings, emotions and desires are inherent in man. And until he can control them, does not put his mind over them, another person or people can quietly put in everything they need. And the media will become the tool between them.

The author did not aim to condemn Western values. Any price Nosity is the result of free choice, and millions of people put meaning in them.

This article only says that you need to be able to choose your own path of development, to form your own worldview, relying on the natural sense of "truth" and "falsehood", which only an unclouded conscience generates. After all, instinctively, a small child will always correctly distribute the concepts of "good" and "evil", since his consciousness has not yet been properly processed. It is very difficult to find the correct "truth" and expose the "lie", because even in antiquity, when people used only the spoken word, it was already difficult to distinguish "truth" from "falsehood", but "everyone has their own truth", and "truth is always the same." ... Think, analyze, look through the lines, always checking what you are told completely strangers to you.

Anton Tensin

The influence of the media on the formation of youth

G.Yu. Bokhonov

Student, Department of Metal Processing Technology, Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman, Moscow, Russia

MSTU them. N.E. Bauman, Moscow, Russia

Significance of the media in the life of modern society is difficult to overestimate. They are so firmly established in our everyday life that we cannot even imagine our existence without them. It has become quite common for us to watch latest news on your favorite TV channel, find out the score of a football match on a sports site via the Internet, listen to the weather forecast for the day on the waves of your favorite FM radio station. The rapid development of information technologies, which began in the middle of the 20th century, laid the foundation for the formation of a completely new type of society - the information society. The mass media occupy a special place in the development of society. Their impact on humans begins at a very early age and continues throughout life. In fact, in the modern world, the mass media have assumed a significant part of the functions of shaping people's consciousness, fostering their value orientations, tastes, views, habits, and preferences. A person who had not personally personally encountered a particular problem, thanks to the capabilities of the media (hereinafter referred to as the media), was able to get acquainted with the most diverse manifestations of public life, to form a certain idea about them and form a certain attitude towards them.

XX century is rightly considered the century of cars, computers, atomic energy, space exploration. It is also true that the 20th century is the century of radio and television. Despite the rapid development of communication media at the beginning of the 21st century, television today remains the most massive and accessible medium of information.

Mass media traditionally influence public consciousness and people's behavior, encouraging them to achieve certain goals. During periods of evolutionary development, the structure and functions of the media tend to contribute to the sustainable functioning of society as a whole. However, in the transitional era of society's development, individual media structures acquire a different pace of life, they can develop outside of co-functioning with each other and society as a whole, which manifests itself in the expression of ideas and interests, sometimes far from social needs. Everything that we learn about our society and even about the world in which we live, we learn from the media, says the German sociologist N. Luhmann. - On the other hand, we have heard enough about the media themselves that we cannot trust this source. We resist their influence, suspecting that we are being manipulated.

The fact that the media has a huge impact on the person and, often completely, shape public opinion, an indisputable fact. Every day we receive news and information from the press that is 70 percent unverifiable. We definitely cannot always say to ourselves "Yes, I was there, this is true information", and therefore we must simply take such news on faith, forming our opinion from what we saw or heard, which, unfortunately, is not always true. The younger generation shapes their opinions and tastes almost one hundred percent thanks to magazines, entertainment television and the Internet; Adults who read newspapers and consider watching daily television news a must, a very large percentage of the information received and processed in conversations with family, friends or colleagues is gradually beginning to be considered their own opinion. The bottom line is that the mass media and communications form almost eighty percent of personal and public opinion.

The mass media can have a particularly strong influence on the formation of the personality of the younger generation.

Young people is a social group that makes the most of the media and eagerly scoops up information of different content. Because young people are very curious and want to keep abreast of all the events taking place not only in their city, but all over the world.

According to sociological research, television occupies one of the leading places in the power of educational influence after family and school, being a channel of intensive socialization. An essential feature of a child's perception is the predominance of an emotional attitude towards objects of reality in the absence of deep knowledge about them. It makes no sense to argue about the benefits and dangers of television. The teacher cannot change the existing situation in this area. In our time, the problem of television violence has become especially acute. In almost all modern TV series, films, and even cartoons, there is video information about robbery. The term "television violence" has long been used in the scientific vocabulary and encompasses the demonstration of harm or harm to characters in television programs or films. There are many studies that show that watching violent scenes on TV and movies orients young people towards subsequent aggression. Televiolence has been shown to trigger violent behavior. Let's remember the famous film by Oliver Stone "Natural Born Killers". After its release, a wave of robberies, robberies, murders committed by young people, who, after their arrest, claimed to have imitated the heroes of this film, swept the world.

The media are also a source of vulgar information, pornography. Television broadcasts many erotic films that corrupt and vulgarize modern youth. The scary thing is that we see this vulgarity and impurity not only on television, but also in newspapers, magazines, on the Internet - everywhere. The negative impact of television on sex life adolescents. The values, norms and stereotypes of sexual life that are broadcast by the media are very often far from popularizing the moral foundations of healthy relationships between boys and girls; they orient young people towards promiscuous sex. The famous poet Andrey Dementyev in his poem "Telecriminal" in this regard noted:

"Guys who have nothing to do,

For whom idleness is grace,

Detectives watch during the day and evening. Learn from films ...


In addition to the negative influence of the media on youth behavior, there are several positive aspects:

The media keeps young people informed of all the events that are taking place, thus removing the "information hunger"; The media enhances the general, including the political, culture of the population; serves for mutual information of the authorities and the population; relieve social tension;

The media set the ideal personal models and norms of behavior characteristic of modern mass culture, which are projected onto the youth subculture and thereby appropriated by adolescents, forming their value orientations and cultural behavior. In this regard, the analysis of both positive and negative models of social behavior that are disseminated through the media channels is of particular interest, since this is directly related to understanding the content context and mechanisms of socialization of adolescents.

In connection with the growing influence of the media, including television, on the socialization of schoolchildren, the problems of determining the position of teachers in working with children, the possible degree of intervention of adult professionals in the process of mastering the world around children through television media are becoming relevant. In the pedagogical experience, there are already individual attempts to solve them: analysis of television programs for the coming week and work with them in the classroom; discussion of TV programs in class with everyone and in private conversations with the student; the use of TV programs in the educational process, etc.

You can trace the contradiction in the value attitudes of young people: on the one hand, at the level of consciousness, the desire for personal independence, good and stable interpersonal relations, for creating a family and getting a decent job is declared; on the other hand, according to the results of factor analysis, there is a clear orientation towards Western living standards. Television in this context plays an essential role in shaping the value attitudes of young people. Since young people are culturally sufficiently isolated from the older generation, television, which uses Western programs and films in its broadcasts, successfully promotes the Western way of life and the perception of the world.

Today, along with video games, the Internet is a popular pastime. The experience of the development of world open networks, especially the Internet, allows us to talk about the beginning new era in the development of means and systems for information processing. In such networks, the user perceives himself and is perceived by others as an integral component of a single information community.

One of the negative effects of the global computer network is the widespread dissemination of various information of dubious content. It should be noted that there are informational influences that directly threaten the mental or physical health of a person. Quite often, they form the moral and psychological atmosphere in society, feed the criminal environment and contribute to the growth of mental illness. Our children turn out to be the most vulnerable and unprotected, because they do not see the threat posed by the global network. The statistics are scary: 9 out of 10 children aged 8 to 15 have come across pornography on the Internet, about 17% regularly look at forbidden resources, and about 5.5% are ready to implement it in life.

A child can accidentally go to a website, where they will paint him in paints how pleasant drugs taste, what miracles alcohol does to the body, or how to make real explosives at home from improvised means. Even at first sight benevolent network resources a pop-up advertisement may show a photograph of a nude body. These details should be known to the educator and parents of every child whose computer is connected to the Internet. According to a recent survey, today's youth are at risk of visiting an unwanted website, downloading illegal software or to get involved in communication with strangers mainly when using a computer at home, and not at all in educational institution as many parents believe. The thing is that restrictions on the use of a computer at school are much stricter than the home prohibitions of parents. Administration educational institution much more often than parents use software that restricts teenagers' use of the Internet. Therefore, what is reasonably forbidden for children in school, they easily receive at home due to the lack of attention from parents to this issue.

The pros of the Internet are that the network offers an educational and rewarding experience, correct use which can improve their performance in school or college, but it also has its drawbacks, such as inaccurate data and inappropriate information for children and adolescents.

Let's take a closer look at what bad things can happen to a teenager if you leave him uncontrollably on the World Wide Web:

There are sites dedicated to pornography, pyrotechnics, suicide, discussion of the effects of certain drugs. This may lead to a fascination with all these things that threaten their health.

Meeting with dangerous people in chat rooms or other areas. According to statistics, this is the biggest risk. Teenagers can enter such undesirable companies as radical political groups, satanic cults, network "orgies". These groups exist in the real world, but it is much easier for a teenager to take part in their gatherings, sitting at the computer at home.

Involvement in gambling. Even simple toys cause irreparable harm, taking up the majority of the child's time, distracting him from activities and quiet rest, harming his mental and physical health.

Teenagers themselves can be dangerous by threatening people and breaking the law over the Internet. It is impossible to prevent a child from going online, but to prevent Negative consequences illiterate and unreasonable use of it in our power, for this we need to teach him to behave correctly in the network.

At present, the Internet is a "world" parallel to ours, in which there are a lot of useful things for users, but there is also a lot of negative things on the Internet. A person who "logs on" for the first time usually gets a good impression of the Internet. But the first impression is deceiving! And you understand this over time. The more you work on the Internet, the more you see in it not only pluses, but also minuses. But, unfortunately, not everyone can understand and realize how the Internet fills our consciousness. And we can no longer distinguish what is good and what is bad.

I believe that the teacher, turning to the problem of the influence of the media on young people, should study ways to reduce the influence of a negative kind of information. Otherwise, our new generation will develop wrong value attitudes and it will be sad to look at their way of life. It is necessary, in my opinion, to introduce censorship on films with elements of violence and eroticism, on porn materials in magazines, newspapers, TV, etc.

This problem needs to be solved, despite the fact that it will not be beneficial for someone. A healthy lifestyle, a high realized intellectual potential, the depth of good morality should, first of all, characterize our young generation.


1. Borukhov B.L. Culture of mirrors and mirrors of culture // Man and the world. - Saratov: Publishing house SIMSKH. - 2010. - P.79-32.

2. Brown S. "Mosaic" and "World Wide Web" for Internet access: Per. from English -M .: Mir: Malip: SK Press, 2009 .-- 167p.

3. Luhmann N. Reality of mass media // Otechestvennye zapiski. - 4.2000. P.431.

4. Khaptaev F.R. The role of the media in social work. [Electronic source]. Access mode: http: //www.spf. (Date of access: 10.08.2013).


For the preparation of this work were used materials from the site

Date added: 06.05.2014


Andreev Kirill Alexandrovich

Student, Department of Philosophy, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk

Email: [email protected]

Bykasova Larisa Valentinovna

Cand. Culturology, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk

In this article we will consider the problem of the influence of the media on the consciousness of modern youth. In our opinion, this problem is important, since the flow of information is currently very diverse and contradictory, so it is often very problematic for young people to figure it out on their own. The events that took place in Russia in the 90s of the XX century, and the economic reforms that followed, broke the old system of socio-political and spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. As a result, the elements of a new democratic system of education, upbringing and social adaptation of young people are in the stage of formation. The media play a special role in the process of creating a renewed public consciousness. It should be noted that the media are one of the modern social factors influencing both the formation of the consciousness of young people and, in part, its deformation. The media have a particular impact on the psychological and social state of young people, as audiences with an easily suggested psyche and fragile self-awareness. In our time, when it is especially difficult for young people to determine their life guidelines, the problem of forming the consciousness of young people, their spiritual upbringing must be considered as often as possible. This problem should be of concern to society. Scientists, examining the influence of the media on the consciousness of young people, agree on one thing that the media, influencing society as a whole, affects each person in particular. Public consciousness, in many respects, is formed thanks to the media, but at the same time the public consciousness itself can regulate the activities of the media.

Public opinion is formed under the influence of various factors, in particular under the influence of ideology and propaganda disseminated by the media. It is not for nothing that the people say that the media is the "fourth estate". In addition to propaganda and other measures of influence on young people, in particular, and society as a whole, the media influences the consciousness of young people by showing films with scenes of violence. Scientists distinguish between three types of television impact on a person or, in this case, on a teenager, these are: cognitive manifestation - watching by a teenager (viewer) scenes of violence affects the viewer's perception of the real world, emotional manifestation - watching scenes of violence causes an immediate or long-term emotional reaction, behavioral manifestation - watching scenes of violence affects the behavior of the teenager. There are several processes of influence of behavioral manifestation:

· excitation- when watching scenes of violence, the viewer experiences emotional arousal, which has physiological manifestations;

· disingbilation- as adolescents get used to scenes of violence, the deterrent effect of laws against the commission of offenses decreases;

· desensitization- with regular viewing of scenes of violence, people become less susceptible to violence;

· imitation- adolescents learn the examples of behavior shown on television and then try to repeat them;

· catharsis- Presumably allows for the safe release of aggressive emotions through viewing or presenting scenes of violence.

We assume that scenes of violence negatively affect the consciousness of modern youth, as a result of which they become aggressive, unrestrained, displaying deviant forms of behavior. It should be noted that not only action films and horror films have a detrimental effect on the minds of young people, but news programs can also have a negative impact. For example, the analytical center of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences found that such informational TV programs as Novosti, Vesti, Segodnya arouse 60% of viewers' anxiety, 49% of fear, and 49% of disappointment. 45%. Based on opinion polls, it was concluded that the activities of the media in Russian society have become not only dysfunctional, but also often destructive. Scientists identify different options for the influence of the media on the consciousness of young people. Some believe that this is all happening only because of television or other media. Others suggest that there are some “third factors” such as different social strata, disadvantaged families or frequency of views, etc., which, together with watching TV or the Internet, make young people reckless and aggressive towards other people. As confirmation, we can cite a survey of 1,565 London boys by the English researcher William Belson. In the course of which, he found that those boys who watched films with scenes of violence in large quantities committed 50% more crimes in the following months, compared with those who watched these films in moderation.

It is difficult to refute the opinion that it is television in many ways that has a great influence on the consciousness of young people. After all, the number of crimes increased in those countries where television began to appear and develop. In the United States and Canada, during the period of the spread of television (1957-1974), the number of crimes, in particular, murders, doubled compared to previous and subsequent years. The clearest example is South Africa, where the number of murders doubled precisely after the advent of television in 1975.

Also, after watching films with scenes of violence, in which, among other things, the image of an omnipotent person (human god), who is allowed to do everything, is idealized, young people try to repeat the techniques they have seen in the movies, they want to be like such a “hero”. For example, when interviewing 208 prisoners, every 9 out of 10 assumed that they had learned new crime tricks by watching television. And every 4 out of 10 people admitted that they tried to commit crimes that were once seen on the TV screen.

We can give an example, once again confirming that watching films with scenes of violence have a negative impact on the minds and behavior of children and adolescents. In the experiments of a group of researchers led by Ross Park in the United States and Jacques Lyens in Belgium, the inhabitants of a number of children's correctional institutions were shown feature films: some were "aggressive", others were quite peaceful. The results confirmed that prolonged exposure to violence leads to increased aggression in viewers. Compared to the week before the movie screenings, the number of fights in the cottages where the boys who watched the violent movies lived increased dramatically.

In the average family, the television usually works seven hours a day, and the scenes of violence that penetrate to us through our television screens and our computer monitors make us less sensitive to violence, people become "tolerant", indifferent to the violence that takes place on the streets, in public places.

In addition to the negative impact, we can talk about positive impact The media, because we often get all the useful information from them, most people prefer to watch even the temperature not by the thermometer in their apartment, but according to the news forecast or on the Internet. Also, thanks to the media, public opinion is formed - a state of mass consciousness that contains the attitude of social communities to various problems and events of reality. It is impossible not to ignore the fact that positive, instructive programs began to appear on the TV screen: they teach children lessons of good behavior, kindness, honesty, they try to raise the level of culture not only of young people, but also of society as a whole. Children's channels began to operate on TV, the Russia Culture channel appeared, created to raise the general level of culture in the country.

A group of American researchers led by Susan Heerold cited statistics from 108 studies that compared the impact of viewing prosocial and neutral programs. As a result, it was found that “if the viewer watched pro-social programs instead of neutral ones, then the level of prosociality of his behavior increased (at least temporarily) from 50% to 74%, that is, he could already be called a real altruist”.

In addition to screen violence, there are also numerous elements of violence, and sometimes its open propaganda in audio works. The harmful influence of aggressive music on the human consciousness is known, which can arouse hatred and anger in him, and if we consider that the auditory perception is much stronger than the visual one, then listening to such music becomes one of the most important factors affecting human consciousness. In the work of musicians, whose songs the youth, for the most part, are now listening to, there are calls to murder, to the use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. life, replaces the teacher-mentor. Also, audio violence is scary in the sense that like-minded people who listen to the same music then unite into groups of punks, anarchists, skinheads, satanists, which often have an anti-social, countercultural nature.

Sometimes, there are attempts to put things in order in this issue and to protect teenagers from watching scenes of violence on the Internet and on TV using various restrictions on television channels, but for some different reasons, these laws do not come into force. So on November 10, 2004, the State Duma adopted in the first reading an amendment to Art. 4 of the Law on Mass Media ("Inadmissibility of Abusing Freedom of the Mass Media"), which prohibits the broadcasting of scenes of violence and cruelty in the electronic media from 7:00 to 22:00. They proposed to ban the broadcasting of scenes of murder and violence on television in programs, in feature films and documentaries, as well as in news programs. While the amendment was being prepared for the second reading, the Duma received a letter from President V.V. Putin, who recommended that the House "withdraw the bill from further consideration."

V.V. Putin recalled that the ban on the use of the media for the purpose of distributing programs promoting pornography, the cult of violence and cruelty is already contained in Art. 4 of the current Law on Mass Media. Therefore, accordingly, the amendment was not adopted.

But there are other methods of confronting violence coming from TV screens, one of the main roles in this issue is played by media education - a direction in pedagogy that advocates the study of mass communication: television, Internet, radio, etc. to prepare young people for life in the information society, to learn to perceive information, choose the best for themselves from it, and realize the consequences of its impact on the psyche.

Summing up, we can say that the media, showing aggressive films and programs, negatively affect both the individual and society as a whole: the crime rate rises, adolescents develop deviant or delinquent forms of behavior. Young people today are losing spirituality and tolerance. This problem has outgrown the framework of one country, the problem began to acquire a global character.

We assume that in order to contribute to the growth of self-awareness of modern youth, it is necessary to carefully select information, increase fines for the heads of TV channels and TV programs, which, for the sake of rating, inculcate the cult of aggression and cruelty. It is advisable to increase the number of cultural and educational programs for children, educational and educational and sports channels, which will organically be included in daily life youth.


1. Bryant D. Basics of the impact of the media [Text] / D. Bryant. - Per. from English - M .: Publishing house "Williams", 2004. - 432 p.

2. Zolotov E.A. The impact of audiovisual violence on the younger generation of Russia: the historical and cultural aspect [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:

3. Myers D., Studying social psychology [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: