Testosterone action antagonist enemy counteraction. Effective ways to increase testosterone in men without the use of drugs. Irregular sex life

Lack of the leading androgenic hormone - testosterone negatively affects the emotional and physical state of men, becomes the cause of constant fatigue, irritability, decreased muscle mass and lack of sex drive. How to increase testosterone in men in natural ways, without resorting to taking synthetic hormones that provoke serious side effects? When solving the problem, you need to take into account many factors and, first of all, pay attention to the lifestyle, diet, level of physical activity.

Testosterone in a man's body

Testosterone is the main male hormone responsible for sexual functions and gender characteristics - the formation of a powerful torso, beautiful muscle relief, the ability to conceive and maintain potency. It is this androgenic hormone that stimulates physical activity and protects the body from the negative effects of stress factors.

Testosterone plays a major role in the development of the male sex glands (prostate and testicles), the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the normal course of spermatogenesis. This hormone regulates mood and is involved in higher brain functions related to memory and learning. In the male body, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and the adrenal cortex. The normal level is considered to be 11-33 nanomole / l.

The influence of testosterone on the body of the stronger sex is carried out in two directions:

  • Anabolic - the hormone takes an active part in the synthesis of insulin, proteins, endorphins, as well as in building muscle mass and physical development of the body.
  • Androgenic - the steroid hormone is responsible for sexual development, the formation of secondary male characteristics in adolescents during puberty.

In addition, testosterone directly affects resistance to stress and physical endurance, promotes muscle gain, participates in metabolic processes, is responsible for the speed of thinking and responsiveness in unusual situations, protects against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, regulates the production and formation of sperm and stimulates sexual attraction.

Why does testosterone levels decrease?

According to research, the highest testosterone levels in men are observed between the ages of 18 and 25. After 30 years of age, there is a gradual decrease in the level of the male hormone (on average by 1-2%) per year. In the future, the older a person becomes, the less testosterone is produced. Experts monitor the development of an unfavorable trend and note that after 40 years, the level of androgens can sharply decrease immediately by 15%, and after 50 years and by all 20%. What contributes to this condition and what factors affect the production of the male sex hormone?


Andrologists identify a number of reasons that provoke a decrease in testosterone levels. These include:

  • long-term stress factors;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, high-calorie foods, excessive consumption of sugar, salt, sweet carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks;
  • violation of the daily routine, lack of sleep;
  • unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • chronic diseases (adrenal insufficiency, prostatitis, diabetes mellitus);
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • lack of regular sex life;
  • bad ecology, work in hazardous industries;
  • genital trauma:
  • taking certain medications (in particular, glucocorticoids, cystostatics, antibiotics);
  • age factor.

Often, low testosterone levels are observed in men who follow strict diets or who practice vegetarianism.

Low testosterone: symptoms

Lack of male sex hormone immediately affects the vitality. A man complains of a constant feeling of fatigue, loss of energy and interest in life, notes a drop in libido and a decrease in potency. Deficiency of the hormone provokes distraction, memory problems, increased irritability, and depressive moods.

There is a decrease in body weight, muscle weakness, decreased performance, problems with sleep. Changes occur that affect secondary sexual characteristics, for example, a decrease in the amount of hair on the body and face. Due to a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes, fat deposition begins in the female type (in the abdomen, thighs and chest).

At the doctor's appointment, patients are interested in whether it is possible to increase testosterone levels without resorting to medication? Experts believe that this is quite doable if you adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • lead an active, healthy lifestyle;
  • eat right;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • timely treat diseases, preventing their transition to a chronic form;
  • normalize wakefulness and sleep;
  • avoid nervous breakdowns and stress;
  • have a regular sex life.

If a man suspects that there is not enough testosterone in his body, he should take an analysis that will determine the level of the hormone and determine how to deal with the problem. Taking medications is not always desirable, since among the side effects that occur during treatment with such drugs, there is a risk of cardiovascular diseases or prostate tumors. Therefore, safe methods come to the fore, which give good results with the right approach and lifestyle adjustments in general.

How to increase testosterone in men naturally after 30 years?

If the drop in testosterone levels is not associated with chronic diseases, in order to normalize the hormonal background, one should first of all adjust the lifestyle and change the diet. Many men prefer snacks on the run, eat fast food, convenience foods, drink liters of Coca-Cola and like to while away the evening in front of the TV with beer and chips.

With such a diet, you should not hope for the stabilization of testosterone levels. The production of androgenic hormone directly depends on proper nutrition and the intake of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements into the body, in amounts sufficient for its physical, hormonal and psychological health.

Features: healthy eating

One should not think that the body's resources are inexhaustible. And if at a young age he coped with high loads, violations of the regime, errors in nutrition, then after 30 years such a lifestyle already negatively affects the general well-being and the production of the male sex hormone. If a man wants to preserve sexual energy and reproductive functions for a long time, he needs to start with a healthy diet.

The diet needs to be adjusted to include the optimal balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. A man gets protein from meat, low-fat fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats and instead butter use olive, sunflower, linseed, using them for frying or dressing salads and ready-made meals.

Of the trace elements, zinc is of particular benefit for men's health, which stimulates the production of testosterone and forces the body to actively produce high-quality sperm. In addition, zinc is a natural aphrodisiac that enhances sex drive. This microelement is rich in seafood (in particular, oysters, shrimps, mussels), sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, beef liver. It is very important to provide the body with selenium, magnesium, calcium - there are many of them in sea fish, pistachios, almonds or walnuts.

Testosterone antagonists

In addition to testosterone, the male body also contains its antagonists - estrogen and cortisol. When their number increases and the level of androgens decreases, the man begins to gain weight, building up fatty deposits on the abdomen and thighs (female obesity). Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radish, radish or rutabaga will help block the production of estrogen. Substances that remove excess estrogen are also found in red grapes, red wine, wild berries, and peanuts. A man is advised to avoid eating soy products as soy protein is considered a source of estrogen.

Vitamins A, E, C, D, group B will help to strengthen health and raise testosterone levels. Vitamins E and C act as antioxidants that destroy free radicals, vitamin D is responsible for the strength and density of bones, vitamins of group B - for the health of the nervous system and resistance to stress.

You should not get carried away with baked goods, confectionery, fast food, chocolate, strong coffee, carbonated drinks, which contain a lot of sugar. For beer lovers, it contains a herbal analogue of female sex hormones. Excessive drinking of the foamy drink leads to the appearance of a beer belly and a drop in testosterone levels. To stabilize the hormonal background, a man is recommended to drink natural wine, and not strong alcoholic beverages (vodka, whiskey, cognac) or beer.

Healthy eating principles

  • to maintain water balance and exclude dehydration, at least 2 liters of clean drinking water should be drunk per day;
  • do not overeat, eat often, but in small portions;
  • give up harmful products - sugary carbonated drinks, pastries, animal fats, caffeine;
  • balance the diet, enrich it with nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, protein products;
  • use natural aphrodisiacs - seafood, red wine, herbs, berries.

Avoid xenoestrogens - these are artificial substances found in pesticides, which means they can be found in vegetables and fruits or meat from animals raised on growth hormones. These substances are found in plastic dishes, bottles and containers, so use only glass containers for storing food, and porcelain or earthenware for table setting.

How to increase testosterone in men naturally after 40 years?

In addition to eating healthy and giving up bad habits, men over 40 should keep fit by doing regular physical activity and playing sports.

Sports training

Strength training, in particular bodybuilding or powerlifting, can help normalize testosterone levels. For those who do not have sufficient physical fitness, it is recommended to first do jogging, swimming, cycling, that is, gradually develop endurance and prepare the body for stress by strengthening muscle tone.

Regular exercises with a barbell and other heavy sports equipment will help build muscle mass, create a beautiful and taut body relief, and most importantly, raise testosterone levels through active stimulation of internal organs. Sports activities will provide you with a charge of energy, return your previous vitality and sexual activity. Physical training at any age contributes to the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin, which is responsible for excellent health, gives self-confidence, and relieves depressive mood.

For a man, the optimal workout time is 40-60 minutes; it is recommended to visit the gym 2-3 times a week. The muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle, back, hips should be developed. The number of approaches to the apparatus and the optimal weight are selected together with the instructor.

Normalization of the daily routine

Scientists have proven that male sex hormones (testosterone and androgen) are produced during deep sleep. That is why it is very important for any man to maintain a sleep and wakefulness regimen, try to get enough sleep, taking at least 8 hours a day to sleep. Healthy sleep is the key to men's health, so avoiding nighttime entertainment, watching TV or working at night will be beneficial and return to previous sexual activity.

Regular sex life

Regular sex is very important for a man. By the age of 40, a man is no longer as active as in his youth, however, sex is necessary to maintain a stable testosterone level. The best option is sex 2-3 times a week with a regular partner. If a man is capable of more, this is only beneficial, since the body will more actively produce testosterone, which is involved in the process of spermatogenesis. Conversely, infrequent intercourse not only does not increase androgen levels, but also contributes to their decrease.

How to increase testosterone in men naturally after 50 years?

All the recommendations above apply to this age. Healthy and nutritious food, physical activity, regular sex, adequate sleep are important factors that a man should not forget about. At the same time, after 50 years, it is necessary to pay more attention to health, treat diseases in a timely manner, avoid stress and high psycho-emotional stress. It is very important to give up bad habits, because excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking has an extremely negative effect on men's health.

At the age of 50, you need to monitor your weight, avoid overeating, excess sugar, salt, preservatives in food. It is recommended to temper, strengthen immunity, avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse, excessive physical exertion.

How to increase testosterone in men with folk remedies?

It is possible to increase the level of testosterone in the male body with the help of natural remedies that healers have known about since ancient times. Turmeric is considered one of these natural aphrodisiacs.

A spicy aromatic plant from the ginger family, the root of which is used as a spice. A yellow-orange, soft powder from turmeric root with a pungent taste, has long been used in cooking and is added to many dishes to add a unique color and aroma. But the benefits of turmeric are not limited to this. It contains a special substance - curcumin, which is very useful for men.

Curcumin helps to increase testosterone levels, normalize hormonal levels, enhance libido and reduce the risk of prostatitis. Traditional healers recommend that men often include dishes with the addition of turmeric in the menu, use it as a seasoning for side dishes (pasta, rice), season meat and fish with this spice.

Royal jelly

Beekeeping products have always been used as a natural aphrodisiac, but royal jelly is considered the best in terms of restoring male potency and normalizing hormonal levels. It is this product that contributes to the production of high-quality semen, increases sperm activity, stimulates the processes of spermatogenesis and increases testosterone levels.

If a man is worried about a lack of sexual desire, weak potency, royal jelly will help solve the problem of fertility. Milk is produced by the glands of young bees to feed the queen, which lives the longest and maintains high reproductive functions until the end of its life. Royal jelly has a similar effect on the male reproductive system. You can buy this product from beekeepers, or purchase it at the pharmacy in the form of a honey mixture, capsules or granules. To normalize the level of androgenic hormones, it is enough to take 20 g of royal jelly per day. You should consult your doctor about the duration of the course of treatment.

For the stabilization of testosterone in folk medicine, medicinal herbs have long been used. For this purpose, use a decoction or tincture of Eleutherococcus, anchorite creeping or St. John's wort.

To activate vitality and to enhance potency, it is recommended to use ginger root. You can take fresh ginger with honey, or add dried ginger root powder to your tea. This plant activates blood circulation, improves blood supply to the genitals, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, enhances libido and stimulates the production of androgenic hormones.

Thus, testosterone levels can be raised without medication, only through a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, regular sex life and physical activity.

Men are interested in increasing testosterone levels in the body for various reasons.

The level of this hormone usually decreases with age, often testosterone is also lowered in young men, and some young people want to increase testosterone to improve sports training results ... In any case, it is useful to imagine what factors really affect testosterone levels in men. what needs to be done to increase it in the first place, and what should not be done in any case?


Consider all the factors that affect testosterone levels in men:


You can often hear that muscles do not produce testosterone. This is not entirely true. Indeed, unlike testes, muscles cannot produce testosterone "just like that", but they do produce it, given two factors:

  1. Local synthesis of testosterone requires the supply of prohormones to the muscles, which is achieved by "pumping" the muscles. Prohormones travel to muscles in the blood during strength training. The amount of prohormones that enter the muscles also depends on the total amount of blood and on the density of the capillaries (the density of the capillaries can be gradually increased by the same strength training).
  2. Prohormones are synthesized into testosterone by transforming enzymes, the amount and activity of which is higher, the stronger the burning sensation in the muscles after exercise (see Why do muscles hurt?).

Locally produced testosterone (in the muscles) has one remarkable advantage - it is ALREADY in the right place to have the maximum effect on muscle growth.

Products containing xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens are artificial estrogens. They also lower levels of the male hormone testosterone. Sources of xenoestrogens are pesticides, artificial growth hormones and steroids, artificial parabens. So which foods should you avoid?

1. Meat, milk, eggs containing growth hormones and steroids.

Growth hormones and steroids are widely used in modern animal husbandry (this applies to the production of meat, milk and eggs, but does not apply to fish). Accordingly, store-bought meat, milk and eggs are usually a source of high amounts of xenoestrogens and lower testosterone levels.

2. Fruits and vegetables containing pesticides. Pesticides contain xenoestrogens, which are artificial estrogens. This, of course, does not mean that you need to give up fruits and vegetables! Just choose your vegetables and fruits carefully (see How to choose vegetables and fruits?).

If it is not possible to purchase organic products, then try to get rid of nitrates in vegetables and fruits:

  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating,
  • cut off the parts where nitrates accumulate,
  • peel,
  • boil vegetables (not fry) - this way you get rid of 50-80% of nitrates,
  • sprinkle the salad with nitrate-neutralizing lemon or pomegranate juice,
  • avoid long-term storage of vegetables and fruits - with temperature changes and long-term storage, nitrates turn into nitrites (dangerous carcinogenic substances).

3. Foods with preservatives (parabens) - most of the finished products that would go bad after 2 days if they weren't for preservatives.

It is difficult to completely avoid food with preservatives while living in modern world... After all, preservatives are used almost everywhere in the food industry - in meat, fish, dairy products, drinks and confectionery... Even some fruits are treated with preservatives (for example, citrus fruits are treated with biphenyl E 230 - an extremely dangerous, poisonous substance).

But you can reduce your intake of foods that contain large amounts of parabens. These are meat (sausages, sausages, sausages, pastramas) and dairy products, various sweet drinks (it is best to refuse completely), confectionery ... Not everyone is ready to radically change their diet, but replace at least half of the harmful products with healthy ones condition everyone.


Cruciferous vegetables:

white and red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, radish, turnip.

Eat these vegetables raw. They contain a substance called diindolimethane, which reduces the amount of estrogen and xenoestrogen in the body.

Fiber-rich foods:

fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts.

Fiber contributes to the body's natural detoxification processes of toxins that cause excess estrogen. But if you eat fruits and vegetables grown with the use of a large amount of pesticides, you can get the opposite effect: after all, pesticides contain xenoestrogens, which are artificial estrogens. So choose your vegetables and fruits carefully (see How to choose vegetables and fruits?).

The highest concentration of Omega 3 is found in flaxseed, pumpkin seed, almond oil and walnut oil... Of course, only raw, fresh, cold-pressed oils will benefit. You can also get these oils in a latent form - directly by eating flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, almonds and walnuts.

How to combine intermittent fasting with exercise:

Exercise either on an empty stomach, or only slightly refreshed. Most of the calories should be consumed after exercise.


It is not only the number of hours of sleep that matters, but also the quality. So, what affects the production of testosterone during sleep:

1. Testosterone and sleep duration.

The amount of sleep required for recovery is individual. For a man, this is usually 7-8 hours of sleep. More sleep required for a sedentary lifestyle and for eating "heavy" food - meat, dairy products, fried foods, fast food. To get enough sleep in less time, try not to eat before bed. How many hours before bedtime you should have dinner depends on what the dinner consists of (for more details, see the Healthy Dinner article).

The main criterion that determines the adequacy of sleep is your well-being in the morning. Ideally, you should wake up on your own, without an alarm clock, and feel refreshed and refreshed.

2. Testosterone and sleep position.

The head should not be too high - this disrupts the blood supply to the brain and reduces the ability of the pituitary gland to produce hormones (including testosterone). Therefore, give up high pillows. Ideally, it is best to sleep without a pillow at all, lying on your back on a firm mattress.

3. Testosterone and sleep noise.

Sleeping in absolute silence is most conducive to testosterone production. Noise produces the stress hormone cortisol, a testosterone antagonist. Therefore, if you are used to falling asleep with the TV on, try to wean it. If you live in a noisy place (such as near a motorway), use ear plugs.

4. Testosterone and light during sleep.

It is necessary to sleep in complete darkness. If the room where you sleep is not dark enough, use an eye mask - these are distributed on planes. Comfortable sleep masks are available at tourist stores. It is important that the mask does not press on the eyes or interfere with breathing.

HOW TO INCREASE TESTOSTERONE: Sex and intercourse with women.

The level of testosterone is influenced by both sexual activity (having sex) and just communication with women.

The effect of sexual activity on testosterone levels.

No changes in testosterone levels were found immediately after intercourse. During abstinence, at first (on average, the first 6 days), no changes occur, then testosterone rises sharply, and then begins to gradually decrease. Thus, prolonged abstinence leads to a drop in testosterone levels.

Regular sexual activity promotes testosterone production. There are often recommendations not to have sex too often, since the man's strength is depleted in the process of sperm production. However, "too often" is an individual concept. Which depends on the level of testosterone, the general state of the man's body, nutrition, physical activity, psychological state and on what is the relationship of a man with a partner or partners.

The quality of the sexual relationship is important. If a woman is satisfied with a man, then he feels like a winner, his self-esteem grows - and with her testosterone levels. Dissatisfaction with sexual relationships has the opposite effect.

The effect of communication with women on testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels are influenced by simple communication with women - not just flirting. "Manly" behavior in relationships with women increases testosterone levels. Various explanations can be found for this:

  • Psychological explanation - a man subconsciously begins to perceive himself as more masculine - as a result, his body produces more male hormone - testosterone.
  • The energetic explanation - "masculine" behavior leads to the correct energy exchange with women, which has a beneficial effect on the man's energy, making him more "masculine" - on the physical plane, this is expressed in an increase in testosterone levels.

What does "manly" behavior mean? It is characterized by only two qualities - strength and reliability. At least women subconsciously perceive strength and reliability as signs of masculinity. These qualities can manifest themselves both in relationships with close women and in communication with strangers.

How specifically can you show strength and reliability (examples):


Any victories and achievements - in sports, in career, in the financial sphere, in study and self-realization - increase a man's self-esteem and, accordingly, testosterone levels. So, set goals, achieve them and enjoy your success - and testosterone will rise.



Now let's not talk about the benefits of Qigong for health in general and for the hormonal system in particular. I will give one exercise to normalize the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and 2 exercises aimed directly at improving the urinary-reproductive system and increasing testosterone, increasing potency and erection in men.

Exercise "The golden rooster stands on one leg":

This exercise has a complex effect on the entire body and, in particular, on the brain. It is one of the basic ones in various schools of oriental martial arts, as well as in the practices of healing and rejuvenating the body. Details about how to perform this exercise, what effects it gives, the treatment of what diseases it helps -.

In short, all that is required of you is to stand on one leg with your eyes closed:

  1. Take off your shoes (you can stay in your socks if the floor is cold).
  2. Close your eyes. Closed eyes are a must; there is no point in doing this exercise with your eyes open.
  3. Place your weight on your right leg and slowly lift your left. Try to keep your balance as long as possible (with your eyes closed!), Counting seconds to yourself: "and ... one, and ... two, and ... three" ...
  4. When you lose your balance, try again and again. Your task is to stand on one leg for one minute in total. That is, having lost your balance and starting again, continue to count the seconds from the moment at which you interrupted. For example, the first time you count to 10. Then start counting a second time from 11. And so on until you count to sixty.
  5. Then do the same with the other leg.
  6. When you can maintain balance for one minute, increase the standing time on one leg to 2 minutes. Then up to 3, 4 and 5. You can stop at 5 minutes.

In order to get a noticeable effect, you need to do this exercise daily for several months.

Exercise number 1 to increase testosterone, increase potency and erection:

Exercise number 2 to increase testosterone, increase potency and erection:


Any hormones that enter the body from outside, regularly and over a long period of time, lead to one result: the body reduces the production of its own hormones. It is logical - why does the body produce the same testosterone on its own, spending its own resources on its production, when testosterone is regularly supplied from an external source?

It should be clarified that hormonal drugs to increase testosterone fall into two main categories:

  1. Replacement therapy with exogenous testosterone preparations. These drugs already contain a ready-made sex hormone - testosterone.
  2. Stimulating therapy. It is used to stimulate the synthesis of its own testosterone.

Both types of hormonal drugs can damage the heart, liver and kidneys.

Each person is a personality with individual characteristics. And these features are formed not only due to education and the degree of reading, but also due to the concentration of hormones. The male hormone androgen is responsible for the formation of a man as an individual. What are the functions of testosterone in a man's body, what are the reasons for its decline, and how to increase testosterone levels naturally?

The production of this hormone in the body of a strong half of humanity is carried out by the testes - the most important male organ, as well as the adrenal cortex. A small amount is synthesized by the pituitary gland.

Testosterone has a multidirectional effect on a man's body.

  • Androgenic action aimed at regulating the processes of sexual development. During puberty, the hormone testosterone is responsible for the development of the genitals in boys.
  • Anabolic action. Due to the activity of testosterone, proteins and glucose are converted into muscle tissue. Thus, this hormone contributes to the formation of muscles and the physical development of the body as a whole.

Testosterone in the blood also performs a number of other equally important functions:

  • participates in the metabolic processes of the body:
  • inhibits the growth of adipose tissue, shaping the anatomical shape of the body;
  • controls blood sugar levels;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • affects potency;
  • enhances sex drive, increasing sexual activity.

The increase in the concentration of the hormone continues until the age of 18, when its level reaches its maximum. And after a man reaches 30 years of age, he begins to decline annually by an average of 1-2%.

Blood contains two forms of androgen:

  • free testosterone makes up 2% of the total amount of the hormone and is its active form, not associated with substances contained in the blood;
  • bound testosterone is 98% and is not capable of independently acting on tissue cells, like free testosterone.

Why testosterone levels decrease

Various factors contribute to the decrease in the level of the hormone. It can be caused by diseases of internal organs, including genital diseases. And in this case, it is necessary to raise testosterone production with the help of medical intervention.

But at present it is diagnosed in many men, including young men, who do not have any pathologies. And in this case, the following factors are the culprit for the decrease in the main male sex hormone:

  • frequent stress;
  • the use of low-quality products containing a large amount of soy;
  • frequent alcohol consumption;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • sedentary work;
  • bad ecology;
  • irregular sex and frequent change of partners.

How to increase natural testosterone production

How to normalize the level of sex hormones in natural ways, without resorting to the use of hormonal drugs? There are effective methods that increase testosterone in men by restoring the balance of hormones in the body.

Studies conducted by specialists have shown that the blood levels of overweight men are much lower. This factor can be easily explained by the fact that adipose tissue is able to independently produce female sex hormones, which are the enemies of testosterone. In addition, your own testosterone, when interacting with adipose tissue, is also converted into estrogen.

How to increase testosterone levels in overweight men? There is only one way out, and it consists in getting rid of a heavy burden. However, a strict, low-calorie diet can do exactly the opposite.

All food consumed should consist of foods rich in proteins and vitamins. It is also better to consume complex carbohydrates than flour products, including pasta. Healthy carbohydrates include cereals, honey, and fruits.

It is very important to adhere to a certain diet, avoiding overeating and eating just before bed.

Alcohol is the main enemy of testosterone

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol. It provides negative influence on the liver, kidneys and digestive organs. However, not all men are aware of the fact that getting into the body, alcohol contributes to the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. In this case, the strength of the drinks does not matter.

For example, beer contains an analogue of the female sex hormone. And if this drink in small quantities can be useful for women, it causes irreparable harm to the male body. No wonder, men who prefer to spend time with friends over a bottle of beer, eventually acquire a characteristic tummy and enlarged mammary glands.

The only drink that can increase testosterone levels is red wine. However, the wine must be natural and dry.

Compliance with sleep and wakefulness

How to increase testosterone during sleep? It turns out that most of the sex hormones are produced during deep sleep. It is for this reason that men who are forced to sleep deprivation are most often prone to stress and failures in love relationships. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who spend less than 7 hours for sleep, are weakly interested in the opposite sex and are completely indifferent to sex.

Of course, the required duration of sleep is individual for each person. And here the most important criterion is good health and a feeling of vigor when lifting. Someone needs 5 hours to rest, while others do not have 10 hours.

The right food

When the first symptoms appear, indicating a hormonal imbalance, you do not need to resort to synthetic androgen analogues. Nutrition plays the most important role in this regard. Therefore, it is better to think about how to increase testosterone in men with help. So what foods increase testosterone?

Protein foods

Many doctors recommend replacing meat with fish, since, in their opinion, this protein is more useful than animal, due to the lack of cholesterol. The benefits of fish cannot be denied, but only animal protein can induce testosterone production. After all, as you know, testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol. Although high cholesterol is not beneficial for the body, men should eat more meat and eggs. Besides, meat is a favorite food for men. However, for these purposes, it is recommended to purchase village meat, since hormones are used on an industrial scale to increase their growth.

Products containing zinc and selenium

Zinc and selenium are essential minerals that promote testosterone synthesis. Their source is seafood, the list of which is as follows:

  • saltwater fish, including salmon and trout, mackerel, flounder and anchovies;
  • shrimp;
  • oysters;
  • crabs.

All seafood contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are the constituents of male sex hormones. Zinc and selenium increase the amount of semen while simultaneously increasing sperm activity. In addition, these substances block the synthesis of estrogens, increasing the production of testosterone.

Vegetables as a source of androsterone

Androsterone contributes to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. And it is contained in the following food:

  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • avocado.

All this food is a source of vitamins A, B, C and E and is rich in macro- and microelements.

Not all grains are created equal, as many of them contain high amounts of starch, which blocks testosterone production. But there are those that contribute to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, stimulating the work of the testicles, where the production of androgen occurs. The following cereals help increase testosterone in the body:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley;

Fruits, berries and herbs contain lutein, which enhances testosterone production. These include:

  • persimmon;
  • dates;
  • peaches;
  • dried apricots;
  • bananas;
  • figs;
  • red grapes;
  • raspberries;
  • watermelon;
  • ginseng;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro;
  • spinach.

On the one hand, it may seem that onions, garlic and testosterone are incompatible with each other. What man wants to publish an incredible "amber" when he comes to work or to a meeting with a friend. Therefore, onions and garlic are, rather, the privilege of men who want to become more courageous in the eyes of their own wife.

When choosing fruits, you should give preference to fruits of yellow, orange and red colors, since they are the ones that make you produce testosterone. Bananas are a source of bromelain, a sex drive-enhancing substance. And figs prevent early ejaculation.

Spices are the enemies of estrogen

To eliminate excess estrogen production, men need to include spices in their diet. These include:

  • cardamom;
  • curry;
  • turmeric.

Seeds and nuts are natural aphrodisiacs

These foods are high in vegetable fats and vitamins E and D. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents the formation of testicular tumors. Vitamin D contributes to the absorption of calcium and the strengthening of bone tissue. In addition, this substance neutralizes the effect of estrogen. In addition, seeds and nuts are highly nutritious foods that can help restore energy loss and relieve fatigue. To eat, you need to choose the following foods:

  • pine and walnuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • pistachios;
  • peanut;
  • almond;
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Minimum stressful situations

Modern people experience constant stress, which is caused by various life situations. Driving, for example, is definitely a pleasure. But the traffic situations and behavior of many motorists leave much to be desired.

As a result, every trip is stressful. And when he gets home, a man can determine that his testosterone has dropped based on his own irritability. And there are a great many such situations.

Meanwhile, prolonged stress leads to the production of a stress hormone, which blocks the action of testosterone. Breathing exercises and yoga classes help raise testosterone levels.

Sun, air and water are the best healers

Sunlight contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the body, which, as mentioned above, helps to absorb calcium, and the production of the hormone of joy, which helps to get rid of the effects of stress.

Walking in the fresh air under the sun's rays, swimming in the sea, river or pool bring pleasure and calm the nervous system, which has the most positive effect on men's health.

When sugar enters the body, the pancreas goes into battle, secreting it. And if a large amount of sugar enters the body, the pancreas experiences enormous stress. But this is not the worst thing.

Some experts are of the opinion that insulin, which affects blood sugar, can lower testosterone levels. At the same time, the blood sugar level increases not only the sugar itself, but also all carbohydrate products, including pasta, fast food, flour and confectionery products.

Even if the assumptions of experts turn out to be wrong, eating a large amount of carbohydrates does more harm than good, as fat is formed, increasing body weight. And fat, as you know, promotes the conversion of the male sex hormone into the female.

Perhaps the very word "fasting" can plunge most men into despondency. However, in this case we are talking about intermittent fasting, which consists in periodically abstaining from food and drinks other than water.

The duration of such abstinence can range from 16 hours to 2-3 days. At this time, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. And within 2-3 months of regular intermittent fasting, an improvement occurs, since during this time the balance of hormones in the man's body is fully restored, and the testosterone level increases 2-3 times, corresponding to a healthy young body.

A sedentary lifestyle over time turns a man only into his likeness, making his body flabby. Meanwhile, the man at all times symbolized strength and endurance. Therefore, the most effective way to increase the amount of sex hormone is to exercise regularly to produce testosterone.

The greatest effect can be achieved by strength exercises, during which the large muscles of the back, legs and arms develop. Workouts should be intense but short. Their duration should be no more than 1 hour, otherwise the body will experience stress that does not improve the condition, but aggravates it. And stress, in turn, leads to the production of cortisol, a testosterone antagonist, which is very harmful for potency.

Testosterone and potency are inseparable companions. And, despite the fact that intercourse itself does not affect testosterone production, it has been proven that the amount of the hormone can drop significantly after six days of abstinence. From this we can conclude that sex allows you to maintain normal androgen levels.

But some men may be faced with a different question regarding how to increase male libido in the absence of it. You can try taking dietary supplements to increase testosterone. They are absolutely unsuitable for hormone replacement therapy, but they can improve vascular tone, increase blood flow in the pelvic organs and increase sexual desire, forcing the body to produce its own testosterone.

However, testosterone can also increase when communicating with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And in this case we are not talking about flirting, but about the manifestation of masculine qualities in relation to women. For example, helping to start a car, carrying a heavy bag home, or fulfilling a promise, a man feels like a winner. And this feeling contributes to an increase in the level of the male sex hormone.

⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of organ diseases endocrine system: thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus, etc.

I myself began to think seriously about hormones and their effects, to look for information on this topic, relatively recently - simultaneously with the beginning of my experiments with anabolic steroids (hereinafter AC). If without minimal knowledge about the hormonal system, you can safely train without hormonal stimulants, then a conscious and thoughtful reception of the AU, without this information, is impossible.

I think that a simple lover of weight training does not need to know about all hormones, their polyeffective effects on the body, and in general humoral regulation (if there are no diseases associated with this - for example, thyroid dysfunction, if you do not solve the problems with which, you can forget about significant success in weight training). It is enough to "know by sight" the main friend, and the main enemy of weight training.
So, testosterone - its high level in the blood, turns all metabolic processes in the body, towards the total predominance of anabolic.
Cortisol is the exact opposite effect, a stress-disrupting hormone that mobilizes all the mechanisms of breakdown of muscle tissue proteins and glycogen stores to obtain readily available energy, even if the body does not really need it - as a result, it can promote the "processing" of muscle tissue into adipose tissue (kapets , generally…).

Testosterone and cortisol have antagonistic interactions - i.e. an increase in the level of one hormone in the blood automatically leads to a decrease in the level of another.
It's like metabolism (in fact, these hormones have a direct effect on metabolism) - the balance between anabolic and catabolic processes, while both are necessary for vital activity, but within this balance, shifts are possible both towards anabolic processes (reduced metabolism) and towards catabolic (increased metabolism).
So it is with these hormones - both one and the other can prevail. This is largely determined genetically (body constitution), but it can also be caused by other factors - diseases, lifestyle, stress, taking hormonal drugs (i.e., the introduction of exogenous hormones).

You can consider the effect of increased and decreased levels of both hormones (an increase in one, automatically leads to a decrease in the other), using examples of different body constitutions.
So, a hypersthenic person with a low testosterone level will not be able to build muscle mass as much as it could with a normal level, while, with a high probability, he will be obese.
An asthenic with a low testosterone level (most likely will die altogether ... - joke), will not be able to build up muscle mass at all, will suffer from general weakness and underweight.
On the other hand, an asthenic with an elevated testosterone level can forget that he is an asthenic, and easily build muscle mass without fat (for more information on the types of body constitution and training features, see the article ).
A hypersthenic person with increased testosterone levels ... can move mountains.

What is the essence of the above - it is necessary to influence the increase in testosterone levels, both in direct ways and according to the principle of inverse relationship, lowering the level of cortisol. As for the latter, less stress, more rest, at least 7 hours of sleep per day, fractional and sufficient nutrition so as not to provoke excessive production of cortisol (with psychological stress, light sedatives, GABA, can help).
As for a direct increase in testosterone, this is primarily the strength training itself (an increase in testosterone levels occurs during the recovery period after exercise, and during the training itself, cortisol and adrenaline dominate, i.e. stress hormones, which is quite logical - more about stress and adaptation , you can read in my article ), as well as products promoting the production of endogenous testosterone and nutritional supplements / drugs - testosterone boosters, directly stimulating this process.
Nutrition must be sufficient in calorie content and protein content (with regular resistance training, it is believed that protein intake should be at least 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight). Eating vegetables and fruits is useful, but soy and foods containing soy are best avoided. An additional intake of the trace element zinc and vitamins C, group B, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is considered useful.
Testosterone boosters, i.e. stimulants of the body's own production of testosterone, the most popular are preparations based on the extract of the plant Tribulus Terrestris (creeping tribulus). Perhaps, everything that is possible about the tribulus, its nuances and effects, I told in sports nutrition guide second blog.

Of course, the fastest and most reliable way to increase testosterone levels is not to rely on the body's own "production capacity", but to inject exogenous testosterone - AC. The result is guaranteed. Only the trouble is, there are too many "but", at least, I have identified three (not counting the traditional "scarecrow for children" - impotence, cancer, go bald, and generally die at 40 ...).
At first, this is homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment of the body, setting a rigid framework for fluctuations in all parameters, including the level of testosterone in the blood. Those. you can't jump above your head - if you introduce horse doses of exogenous testosterone, the protective mechanism of homeostasis will start the process of converting excess testosterone into substances similar in chemical structure - estrogens (female sex hormones, and this process of converting testosterone into estrogens is called aromatization), hence the side effects of steroids type of gynecomastia (female breasts begin to grow, over the pectoral muscles) and fat deposits in the female type (on the hips, buttocks, presumably ...).
Secondly, this is a "withdrawal syndrome" - when receiving all the time from outside, stable (not horse, but normal, medium) doses of testosterone, the body, for the same reason of homeostasis, reacts to this by simply ceasing to produce testosterone itself (so as not allow an overabundance). In fact, the result is replacement therapy - the body itself no longer produces testosterone, but receives it regularly and in sufficient quantities from outside. And the "withdrawal syndrome" occurs when you stop taking steroids - the body has forgotten how to produce testosterone itself, and "lafa" in the form of regular injections and / or pills is over. What will happen, I think, is obvious - in the absence of testosterone, cortisol and estrogens will sharply increase (estrogens produced in both the male and female body - just like testosterone, have the same antagonistic relationship with testosterone as testosterone with cortisol), and strength indicators, muscle mass (to which you get used to it very quickly, as well as to everything good), well, the potency is clear, sharply "collapse", plunging into depression (this is the side effect of steroids, known as "mood swings").
Well third..., I don’t know if it’s necessary at all "in the third", so everywhere there is a dead end: large doses cannot be taken - female breasts will grow, fat does not need to be deposited, edema will torment (water retention is also, as a rule, associated with estrogens); reasonable average dosages give a good effect only as long as you take them, and then continuous problems begin. Constantly, whether to take these average dosages ..., this is the "third".
Steroids are modified synthetic testosterone, and unlike endogenous testosterone, sooner or later the body ceases to perceive it adequately, up to a complete loss of sensitivity to the drug. And there are two ways out here - either a constant increase in dosage (with a proportional increase in the risk of aromatization and side effects), or a change in drugs, in general, it will cost a pretty penny, not to mention the toxic effects of steroids on the liver, and what will happen to the testicles when they are full atrophy, I'm pretty scared to imagine (it is in the testicles that the largest part of all endogenous testosterone is produced).

By the way, about the variety of choice of steroids. As I said, steroids are modified synthetic testosterone, and modified in different ways, mainly to change the ratio of androgenic / anabolic effect compared to endogenous human. If someone does not know yet, then the anabolic is responsible for the anabolic processes in the body, and the androgenic is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics and the functioning of the reproductive system.
For example, take two drugs from the AC class: nandrolone decanoate and testosterone enanthate (here are the active ingredients - and there may be several commercial names for the same active ingredient, depending on the manufacturer), so, both drugs equally suppress the production of endogenous testosterone circulating in the blood instead. However, the first is not just synthetic testosterone, but with a changed ratio of anabolic and androgenic action, towards an increase in anabolic and a decrease in androgenic, as a result of which, even in high dosages, it is not able to replace endogenous testosterone in terms of androgenic effects, but muscle growth will be better. The second drug, in fact, is just synthetic testosterone with an androgenic / anabolic effect similar to endogenous testosterone, and, therefore, it will not cause a decrease in libido and capabilities, and higher dosages will only increase everything in this regard.
Thus, the philistine stereotype about total impotence of those taking steroids is only two-thirds correct:

  • this always occurs after the withdrawal of steroids;
  • while taking low androgenic steroids (by the way, only they can be taken by women athletes, so that virilization phenomena do not occur - a symptom complex of such unnatural phenomena for women as a decrease in voice tone, body hair growth, etc., associated with the androgenic effects of AS) ;
  • but on the course of highly androgenic steroids, the opposite effect takes place - an increase in potency and sexual desire, sometimes, uh ... let's say, not even completely justified (from this point of view, it is interesting to look at the high-profile scandals in the life of A. Schwarzenegger and A. Emelianenko associated with their housekeepers).
In general, synthetic modified testosterone is both synthetic and modified, which, in contrast to endogenous, in addition to a different ratio of anabolic / androgenic effect in different drugs, can affect different people in different ways, i.e. there is an individual reaction of the organism. So, someone will have an excellent result from the use of nandrolone, without a significant decrease in potency, and for someone it will not give anything but impotence. It is the same with enanthate - someone will not have any problems with it, while someone else will have gynecomastia from medium dosages and "flood" with water.

Globally, it is believed that low androgenic AUs give an increase in quality muscle mass, and highly androgenic ones provoke greater water retention, which can manifest itself in edema during the course, and after the course, most of the gained body weight will simply "merge" with water. On the other hand, it is believed that the androgenic effect is directly related to the manifestation of strength, psychological mood, as a result of which the increase in strength may be greater when using highly androgenic drugs of the AS.

Yes, of course, if you take steroids, you need to take them in short courses, in breaks trying to keep the strength and mass gained on steroids, reducing the frequency and volume of training (in order to recover naturally - steroids accelerate recovery) - these are standard recommendations from steroid "gurus ". It was through these “rainbow glasses” that I saw how simple everything was when, after many years of training “dry”, I decided to experiment with steroids. I'll make a reservation right away - my experiments have so far been limited to a couple of courses on dosages that are considered simply frivolous in bb, "childish" (in fact, when choosing dosages, I was guided by the official instructions for the drugs, and not the dosage and dosage regimens common in bb, so what else can be called "curative"). Therefore, my conclusions cannot pretend to be true and globality in this matter.

So, the course of "methane" (the active substance is methandrostenolone or methandienone, which is the same, but there are a lot of commercial names, so the slang name of the drug is appropriate, for all times) lasting a month, at a dosage of 20 mg. per day, gave 3 kg. pure muscle mass (the waist circumference decreased by one centimeter - confirming the lipotropic effect declared in the annotation, although I don't care about it - I noticed it because weightlifting belt began to sit more freely) and an increase in the weights of working weights by 5-10 kg ..
The second course is “deca” (active ingredient of nandrolone decanoate), 200 mg each. Once every two weeks, a total of 4 injections + "methane" throughout this time, again 20 mg each. per day, gave an increase in weight of about 6 kg. and an increase in weights of 10-15 kg ..

Considering that before that I practically did not progress for several years - having completely exhausted my natural genetic potential of the body in increasing mass and strength, it was just a miracle for me. Only now, I did not manage to keep this "miracle", despite following all the recommendations for manipulating the volume and frequency of training, PCT (Post-Course Therapy - estrogen blockers, testosterone boosters - drugs aimed at the speedy restoration of the inhibited own testosterone production).
And one way or another, in a month or three, but I returned to my pre-steroid "rams" - body weight in the region of 80 kg., And strength in the region of 120 kg. in the bench and 150 kg. in a squat.


As I said, I have no right to draw global conclusions based on my so far frivolous "chemical experience", especially since I have not yet abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200b"defeating" my body constitution, which is of little use for a serious increase in muscle mass, with the help of AU ("and you Stirlitz, I'll ask you to stay ").
In particular, after the end of the course, I want to try not just to reduce the volume and intensity of training, trying to keep the working weights achieved on steroids "on the teeth", but to apply cycling loads (see the article "cycling loads - a cure for overtraining"), deliberately reducing the achieved working weights weight by 20-30% and within a month, during which the natural production of testosterone will be restored, train not to failure, gradually reaching the strength achieved on the course.
In addition, as I already mentioned, the choice of AC is simply huge, and you can try different drugs, in different combinations - a huge field of activity for a meaningful approach to the use of steroids. But, there is no need to be mistaken - often, when describing different AU drugs on bb and fitness sites, one can come across the statement that this or that drug does not give a "rollback", ie the collapse of power indicators and body weight, after the termination of the course, and so, such AU does not exist. I argue this not from the standpoint of my so far frivolous "chemical" experience, but from the standpoint of understanding the process (this is the same as gaining mass and strength by 3000 kcal per day, it will be impossible to keep it by switching to the usual 1500-2000 kcal per day - so here, gaining mass and strength on exogenous hormones, not only will there be a testosterone "pit" after their abolition, but even after the restoration of the production of own testosterone, the natural anabolic background is still a priori lower than that on exogenous hormones, respectively and it will be impossible to maintain this "unnatural" mass and strength). Therefore, if it is written somewhere that this or that drug practically does not give a "rollback", this is a serious reason to doubt the source of information.
The rollback after the course will be in any case, it can be larger or smaller, but it will be in any case. There can be no rollback only if there was no progress on the course. Here you need to be realistic and prepare in advance to minimize the rollback by various means (PCT, reducing the volume of the load during training, and the frequency of the training itself).
This is the essence and meaning of reasonable course use of steroids - figuratively speaking, to take two steps forward on the course, and one back, in the period between courses. Thus, slowly but steadily move forward. Continuously moving forward - without losing anything in strength and mass between courses, as I wrote above, is impossible. If, in the intervals between courses, to completely roll back in power to pre-steroid positions is a senseless marking time. This is exactly what happened to me after the first two courses, because I did not understand - you cannot "crawl" once, reach a new level of strength, and no longer run, staying at the new level achieved on the course. It won't work. After a minimum rollback (with a competent approach to training on the course and after, as mentioned above) within about a month after the end of the course, during the next months everything will definitely return to the pre-steroidal positions. So, if you decide to seriously increase your strength indicators with the help of steroids, you need to be ready to "cycle" constantly (with sufficient breaks between courses, and not "an eternal course", the inexpediency of which was mentioned above).
You can often hear or read on the forums something like: “I gained X kg on the course, increased the strength by X kg, after the course I lost half of it, so much remained”. As I wrote above, this remainder, in most cases not forever - within a few months, all the same, everything will completely return to pre-steroidal indicators. This can not happen only in beginners (not in taking steroids, but in training), since their natural potential for growth in mass and strength has not been realized. But in this case, their result achieved on steroids, and partially saved after, does not represent anything that in about the same time that was spent on the course, then a rollback, and finally the "remainder" after the course could not have been achieved without steroids, only with literate and .

I emphasize once again that I started using the AC when I was already at an advanced level of fitness, according to the standards set out in my note on the main page ... It is my deep conviction that it is simply stupid to start experimenting with the AU earlier. And trying steroids before reaching at least an average level of fitness is not even just stupid, but a whole brain catastrophe. And as I already mentioned in the main part of the article, constant admission is not an option, the only way is course admission, lasting no more than 2 months, followed by a break of no less duration.

N.B. As always, the article does not claim to be the ultimate truth and completeness of the information provided. Moreover, the article has been specially simplified, and some nuances have been omitted. I tried to create a kind of "skeleton" of knowledge in this area, on which, if desired, you still need to reel "meat" - more detailed knowledge and understanding of nuances.

Estrogen blockers are chemical compoundsthat block the actions of estrogen. Antiestrogenic drugs are used in the treatment of various diseases. They are widely used to treat breast cancer processes in order to slow down tumor growth or prevent recurrence. As with other drugs that interact with hormones in the body, these drugs should be used under medical supervision.

The benefits and harms of estrogen

Estrogen, or steroid hormone, is synthesized primarily by the ovaries. It affects a number of body processes. Women of childbearing age have the highest levels of this natural hormone. Excessive volume, however, can cause a syndrome known as hyperestrogenism. This disease can lead to oncological processes in the breast and endometrial cancer. Anti-estrogen drugs and estrogen blockers or may fix it. Such drugs, however, have positive and negative effects on women and men.

Types of estrogen blockers, their use

There are a number of different types estrogen blockers. Aromatase inhibitors actually block the production of estrogen. Selective estrogen receptor modulators such as Tamoxifen, Clomiphene are designed to block estrogen receptors and behave differently for different types of tissue. Antiestrogens also block estrogen receptors.

Antiestrogens prevent testosterone from being converted to estradiol, and estrogenic hormones become disabled or blocked.

In the treatment of cancer, these drugs are used to slow the growth of the tumor. In this case, selective estrogen receptor modulators can target specific estrogen receptors. Blockers, including Clomiphene, are also sometimes used in fertility treatments and may help some women who find it difficult to get pregnant. These drugs are also used by some clinicians to treat children who have delayed puberty until they are old enough.

It is common among bodybuilders to use estrogen blockers due to the estrogenic effect of high testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone is a precursor to estrogen, aromatase inhibitors can be used to stop excess estrogen from building muscle mass while keeping levels low in the body. This practice has attracted many, especially when anti-estrogen drugs are used primarily for cosmetic purposes. In this case, people use pills and food supplements without medical supervision.

Side effects

There are side effects of anti-estrogen drugs. They can cause dizziness, headaches, sweating, hot flashes, and confusion. Only an endocrinologist can determine the appropriate dosage for the patient, depending on the situation, and the acceptable threshold for side effects. The endocrinologist may also prescribe regular blood hormone samples when assessing the patient's general health to confirm that the use of antiestrogens is safe and functional for the patient.

Treatment of men

With age, the man falls. However, if testosterone is rapidly or significantly reduced, then this can lead to the development of hypogonadism. This condition, characterized by the body's inability to produce this important hormone, can cause many symptoms, including:

  • loss of libido;
  • decreased production and quality of sperm;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • fatigue.

If we talk about estrogen, then first of all they think that it is a female hormone, but its presence ensures that the male body functions properly. There are three types of estrogens: estriol, estrone and - this is the main type of active estrogen in men. It plays a vital role in maintaining the function of male joints and brain tissue. Anti-estrogen drugs also allow sperm to develop properly.

Hormonal imbalances - increased estrogen levels and decreased testosterone levels - create problems. Too much estrogen in the male body can lead to:

  • gynecomastia (excess development of breast tissue);
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • an increased risk of stroke;
  • weight gain;
  • problems with the prostate.

There are a number of steps you can take to restore balance in estrogen levels. For example, if your excess estrogen is associated with low testosterone levels, then testosterone replacement therapy as an estrogen blocker may come in handy.

Pharmaceutical estrogen blockers

Certain pharmaceutical products can produce estrogen-blocking effects in men. As a rule, they are most often intended for use by women, but are gaining popularity among men, especially those who wish to have children. Testosterone supplementation can lead to infertility. But estrogen blockers like Clomid can restore hormonal balance without compromising fertility.

Several drugs, known as selective estrogen receptor modulators, are commonly marketed as drugs for the treatment of breast cancer. But they can also be used to block estrogen in men. These drugs are used for a variety of conditions associated with low testosterone levels, including:

  • infertility;
  • low sperm count;
  • gynecomastia;
  • osteoporosis.

These medications should be used selectively, depending on the patient's condition. Such antiestrogenic drugs are used. At the pharmacy you can buy:

  • "Tamoxifen".
  • "Arimidex".
  • "Letrozole".
  • "Raloxifene".

Effect on bone tissue

According to clinicians, prolonged exposure to estrogen drugs can cause endometrial cancer in women. "Raloxifene" - a selective modulator of estrogen receptors - can prevent the development of cancer, selectively blocks the absorption of estrogen. This drug, however, is also capable of inhibiting positive effects estrogen for bone density. A new drug, Lazofoxifene, may correct this problem. It prevents bone loss in postmenopausal women and reduces bone fragility. The use of this drug is generally safe, but may increase blood clots.

Drug interactions

The estrogen blocker Tamoxifen may help prevent cancer. Cancer patients are often depressed and drugs in this group can interact negatively with antidepressant medications. Should be used "Paroxetine", due to the fact that women taking "Tamoxifen" and "Paroxetine" are less at risk of death than women taking "Tamoxifen" and any other antidepressant. This is because Paroxetine is selective.

Antiestrogenic agents and drugs

The descriptions of all these funds indicate that each drug is used individually in a particular case.

"Clomid" or "Clomiphene citrate" was one of the original drugs used in the treatment of gynecomastia because it raises the body's own testosterone production. There are some side effects from prolonged use, such as vision problems. There are more effective substances on the market that work in the same way, but Clomid is still an effective and inexpensive blend for any athlete.

It is not an anabolic steroid, the drug is usually prescribed to women as an aid for infertility, as it has a pronounced ability to stimulate ovulation, which is achieved by blocking / minimizing the effects of estrogen in the body. To be more specific, "Clomid" is a chemical synthetic estrogen with agonist / antagonist properties. In some target tissues, it can block the ability of estrogen to bind to its receptor. Its clinical benefit is to counteract estrogens in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which increase the release of LH and FSH. All this leads to ovulation.

For sports purposes, "Clomiphene citrate" has no effect in women. In men, however, there is an increase in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone and (primarily) luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the natural production of testosterone. This effect is especially beneficial for the athlete at the end of the steroid cycle when endogenous testosterone levels are depressed. Without testosterone (or other androgens), "cortisol" dominates and affects muscle protein synthesis. But it quickly "eats" most of the newly acquired muscle after withdrawal. Clomid can play an essential role in preventing this accident for athletic performance. For women, the benefit of Clomid is the possible management of endogenous estrogen levels. This will increase the loss of fat and muscle, especially in areas like the thighs and buttocks. Clomiphene citrate, however, often produces side effects in women, but is nevertheless in demand among this group of athletes.

Tamoxifen blocks estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells. This stops estrogen from interacting with them and inhibits cell growth and division. While Tamoxifen acts as an antiestrogen in breast cells, it acts as estrogen in other tissues: the uterus and bones.

For women with addiction "Tamoxifen" can be used for 5-10 years after surgery to reduce the likelihood of spread of metastases. It also reduces the risk of developing cancer in the other breast. For the early stage, this drug is used mainly for patients who have not reached menopause. Aromatase inhibitors are the preferred treatment for menopausal women.

Tamoxifen can also stop the growth and even shrink tumors in patients with metastatic cancer. It can also be used to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

This drug is taken orally, most often in pill form.

Side effects of antiestrogen drugs include fatigue, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, or heavy discharge and mood swings.

Some women with bone metastases may have pain and swelling in muscles and bones. This usually does not last long, but in some rare cases, women may also develop high blood calcium levels that cannot be controlled. If this happens, the treatment may be suspended for a while.

Rare but more serious side effects are also possible. These drugs can increase the risk of myometrial cancer in menopausal women. Increased blood clotting is another possible serious side effect. Deep vein thrombosis occurs, but sometimes a piece of the blood clot can come off and eventually block an artery in the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

Rarely "Tamoxifen" has been the cause of strokes and heart attacks in postmenopausal women.

Depending on the woman's menopausal status, Tamoxifen may have different effects on the bones. In premenopausal women, "Tamoxifen" can cause thinning of the bones, but in postmenopausal women, calcium levels increase, which is necessary for bone strength.

The benefits of this medication outweigh the risks for nearly all women with hormone-dependent invasive breast cancer.

A similar drug is Toremifen, which is approved for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. But this medicine will not work if Tamoxifen has been used, but without effect.

Fulvestrant is a drug that first blocks estrogen receptors and then also removes the receptor's ability to bind. It acts as an antiestrogen throughout the body.

Fulvestrant is used to treat advanced metastatic breast cancer and is most often used after other hormonal drugs (Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors) have stopped working.

Common side effects can include hot flashes, mild nausea, and tiredness. In theory, it can weaken bones (osteoporosis) if taken for a long time.

This drug has gained acceptance for use in postmenopausal women who do not respond to Tamoxifen or Toremifen. It is sometimes used for its intended purpose in premenopausal women, often in combination with a luteinizing hormone-releasing agonist to shut down the ovaries.

Raloxifene is used by women to prevent and treat bone loss or osteoporosis after menopause. It helps keep bones strong, reducing the chances of fractures.

Raloxifene may also prevent the occurrence of invasive breast cancer after menopause. It is not an estrogen hormone, but acts like estrogen in some parts of the body, such as bones. Elsewhere in the body (uterus and breast), Raloxifene acts as an estrogen blocker. It does not relieve various climacteric syndromes. Raloxifene belongs to a class of drugs known as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators-SERMs (estrogenic and antiestrogenic drugs).

Anti-estrogen drugs and sports

Some drugs are widely used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass.

Cyclophenyl is a non-anabolic / androgenic steroid. It works as an antiestrogen and as a testosterone stimulant. Cyclophenyl is a very weak and mild estrogen, but it binds to estrogen receptors and prevents the binding of natural estrogen receptors. In fact, it works so well that some athletes take the drug during steroid treatment in order to keep estrogen levels low. The result is a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body, which is created by steroids, and a decrease in gynecomastia. The athlete has a tougher appearance using drugs that can potentially be taken in preparation for a competition. Bodybuilders, however, use it less often as they prefer the more affordable Nolvadex and Proviron.

Like Clomid, Cyclofenil is ineffective in women, since it has a positive effect only on the production of hormones in men. The increase in testosterone levels caused by this drug is not enough to talk about dramatic improvements, but it will provide an increase in strength, even a small increase in body weight, a noticeable increase in energy and an increase in regeneration are possible. These results are especially noticeable for advanced athletes with little or no experience with steroid use. The results of use become noticeable only after a week.

In some cases, athletes experience acne-type rashes, increased sex drive and hot flashes. These symptoms are especially indicative of evidence that a compound is actually effective. After stopping use, some report depressed mood and slight decrease in physical strength. Those who take the drug as an antiestrogen during a steroid course of treatment may experience the opposite effect when the drug is discontinued.

Proviron is one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids on the market. Officially known as "Mesterolone", it remains one of the most unclaimed anabolic steroids among users.

On a functional basis, Proviron performs four main functions that largely determine its mode of action. First of all, it turns out to be one of the most powerful anabolic steroids, as it increases the circulating volume, which is more important for anabolic processes in bodybuilders. An easy way to look at it: if you take anabolic steroids, your muscle mass will increase.

Proviron also has the ability to interact with the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. By binding to aromatase, Proviron can actually inhibit its activity, thereby providing protection against estrogenic side effects.

The Mesterolone also has a strong affinity for the androgen receptor. It is an anabolic steroid that does not suppress gonadotropins in a manner similar to other anabolic steroids. This allows for increased sperm production, since androgens are required to stimulate spermatogenesis. This not only increases sperm count, but also improves sperm quality.

Side effects of Proviron do not include gynecomastia or excess fluid. It will also significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure associated with anabolic steroid use. In fact, Proviron has an antiestrogenic effect by stopping the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, or at least slowing down this process.

The drugs listed above do not reduce the level of estrogen, but affect the metabolism in general.

The group of antiestrogenic drugs also includes releasing factor agonists (Buserelin and its analogs), megestrol acetate (Megeis), Parlodel and Dostinex are used as drugs that stop prolactin secretion. It is irrational to use them independently in treatment.

Cancer treatment

In addition to Tamoxifen, the following estrogen receptor blockers are used.

Three drugs that stop the production of estrogen in postmenopausal women have been approved for the treatment of both early and advanced breast cancer: Letrozole (Femara), Anastrozole (Arimidex), and Exemestan (Aromasin) ...

The mechanism of action of antiestrogen drugs in this group is by blocking an enzyme (aromatase) in adipose tissue, which is responsible for small amounts of estrogen in postmenopausal women. They do not affect the ovaries, so they are only effective for women whose ovaries are not working, either due to menopause or exposure to a luteinizing hormone analogue. These drugs are taken daily in They work equally well in the treatment of cancer processes in the breast and prostate.

Sometimes, treatment for breast cancer requires medication to shut off the ovaries. This can be done with luteinizing-releasing hormone (LHRH) analog drugs such as Goserelin (Zoladex) or Leiprolide (Lupron). These drugs block the signal that the body sends to the ovaries to make estrogen. They can be used alone or with Tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors, Fulvestrant for hormonal therapy in premenopausal women.