What is a ventilated facade of a wooden house? Wooden facades. Types of wooden ventilated facades

A wonderful option for exterior decoration of a private house is wooden facades. They can be used for a summer residence or a cottage built from cinder blocks, bricks and other materials. Installation of such a facade is easy to do with your own hands. The main recommendations for this will be outlined below.

A neatly arranged wooden facade will make the simplest house beautiful and durable. Moreover, it will become an interesting element of landscape design.

In addition to aesthetic design, wood is necessary to give the house such useful properties, as:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • insulation;
  • free internal air circulation;
  • additional strength;
  • the ability, if necessary, to replace individual elements and / or the entire cladding;
  • simple installation.

Many owners of private houses believe that natural wood facades are expensive. However, it should be noted that there are different types of material for such work. Therefore, there is always an opportunity to choose an option based on your material capabilities.

Wooden facades have many options. The most popular and commonly used types of such cladding are:

  • facade panels for wood;
  • siding;
  • shingles.

Manufacturing takes place as follows: wooden facade panels are glued from solid sheets of wood in several layers. Such manufacturing gives the finished material additional density and strength. As a result, multi-layer wooden panels for facades in the form of a square are obtained.

Self-tapping screws and / or construction dowels are used to attach them to the walls of residential buildings.

Wood-like facade panels are easy to cut. Do-it-yourself cladding with wood panels is carried out without much effort.

Finishing the facade of the house with wood allows the use of siding. This is a long board made during the felling of wood. It has the same thickness along its entire length. Installation of such boards is carried out after preliminary arrangement of the frame.

Siding is generally highly durable. The technology of installing them on the facade makes such a cladding impervious to cold wind and sedimentary moisture. Siding costs much less than a facade panel.

Shingles are thin boards of small thickness. In appearance, it is very similar to clay tiles. Shingles are available in different varieties, types and shapes. For cladding houses made of wood or brick, it is best to use such a variant of this material as a shindle.

These materials allow you to make an elegant wooden cottage out of an ordinary brick or block house. This is achieved by imitating natural timber. Wooden facades of houses are stylish, original and reliable.

You can give your home a stylish look with glass-wood combination panels.

Their manufacture uses different materials... A structure sheathed with this material can breathe. This significantly improves the required qualities of the house.

Facade coating materials

The manufacture of the above materials is carried out from such types of wood as:

  • larch;
  • pine;
  • thermal tree;
  • mahogany and other exotic species.

Larch is considered to be the strongest and most durable wood species. She is not afraid of high temperatures, strong winds and excessive humidity. This is a rare species of wood, so the production of facing materials from it has a high cost.

The pine tree is very easy to work with.

Walls lined with panels and / or boards from it are highly durable. They do not crack during manufacture and / or installation. You can use regular nails to fix the pine cladding.

Thermowood - lightweight lumber. It is a strong and durable wood cladding that gives the home an attractive appearance... Installation of a facade from such material is not difficult.

Mahogany provides reliable thermal insulation for the building. It should be remembered that such wood, as a rule, has a fairly high specific gravity. This will put additional stress on the foundation. Therefore, such wood facades are used with great care.

Significant cost savings will be obtained when purchasing facing materials directly from the manufacturer, for example, at a sawmill and / or at a factory.

How to choose the type of facade

Facade decoration under wood is made different ways... The result is options such as a ventilated and / or aesthetic façade.

The ventilated façade ensures free air circulation. This avoids the accumulation of condensation in the interior space between the outer cladding and the building wall. To do this, it is necessary to leave a gap in the process of arranging the cladding and install a special ventilation system.

Wooden ventilated facades are equipped with a full or lightweight ventilation system. A complete ventilation system is required in a region with harsh climatic conditions. Especially if they live in the house all the time.

A properly equipped ventilated facade will protect the house from moisture penetration during periods of heavy rainfall and will significantly increase the temperature in the interior, especially during severe frosts.

A lightweight ventilated facade is equipped without intensive thermal insulation.

This option is best used for country houses intended for summer vacations or cottages located in southern regions with a mild climate.

The production of an aesthetic facade requires carved and / or painted (lacquered) materials. The lack of reliable ventilation makes it possible to use such cladding for the foundation, roof, gable, terrace and / or, for example, a Finnish house.

Preparatory work

To make facades of wood, you will need the following types of materials:

Facade decoration with wood is carried out with such tools as:

  • construction tape;
  • plumb line and level;
  • hacksaw;
  • bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • technical knife.

You will also need overalls and a container for mixing plaster.

General rules for installation and operation

First, you need a well-designed project, which must be shown to a specialist. For him you need to do:

  • detailed work plan;
  • description of the selected building materials.

An estimate is drawn up on the basis of the project. Then the necessary materials are purchased.

Installation of facing materials is carried out only on a specially prepared surface. This requires:

  • remove the old coating (if any);
  • smooth the surface with sandpaper;
  • apply a layer of plaster.

When the wall is ready, the installation of the frame begins. It is made from metal profiles. Bearing fasteners are installed at the same distance from the corner of the house.

To place the insulation material, it is necessary to retreat from the wall surface by 2–2.5 cm. The main profiles are fastened every 30–50 cm. The result is a mesh. The facing material will subsequently be attached to it.

It is first necessary to carry out the installation of insulation.

For example, foam. It is installed in the gap between the wall and the frame mesh. On top of the insulation, you need to strengthen a special film. It will become a waterproofing agent and protect the house from aggressive environmental influences. You can use special foam to insulate the frame.

Wall decoration with wooden panels or siding and fastening of the material to the frame is carried out using a screwdriver. In this case, it is necessary to check the correctness of the installation with the level. For aesthetic facades, it is also necessary to use special coatings for fasteners. To protect the finishing material from atmospheric moisture, it is necessary to cover it with varnish and / or paint with the addition of an antiseptic and substances that ensure fire safety.

It is better to choose a coating that emphasizes the natural color of the wood. A special "breathable" compound is used to treat ventilation. During operation, it is necessary to periodically check the integrity of the cladding and / or insulation. Damaged elements must be repaired or replaced immediately.

More about properties and shindle selection

The chipped shindle is more commonly used for roofing. It is handcrafted by splitting the wood along the grain. This gives the chipped shindel high strength.

For facade cladding, it is better to purchase a sawn shingle. Thanks to mechanical sawing, elements of various shapes and sizes are obtained. The cost price of a sawed shindle is noticeably lower.

In order for a wooden facade to be reliably protected from cold and atmospheric moisture, it is advisable to purchase elements of a simple configuration. The complex shapes of the boards reduce the protective properties of the wood.

Shindles of two grades are imported from foreign manufacturers. You can distinguish them by the label. For 1 grade it is blue, and for grade 2 it is red.

The shindle, made by radial sawing of wood, has remarkable strength and durability. Tangential sawing reduces strength slightly, but gives the material excellent aesthetic qualities. The best type of wood for making a shindle is larch.

Installation of cladding from a spindle

On the wall it is necessary to build a lathing from a bar. The optimal section is 60 by 120 mm. The horizontally positioned rails are mounted every 100 cm. Leveling elements are attached to them. In this case, the step is made 1 or 2 cm less than the length of a separate shindle board.

The laying is done in two layers.

In this case, the overlap must be made in half the length of the spindle. The cladding is mounted at a slight angle. It is convenient to adjust it using a bar that is attached to the lower rail.

Installation is carried out in the direction from right to left and from bottom to top. The initial cladding elements are fixed at a height of 25–30 cm. For fastening, nails can be used. Since the installation will be hidden, the upper elements will cover the fasteners.

Advantages of cladding

Planken is a board made of wood with edges processed along its entire length. In width, it can be from 7 to 14 cm. The thickness of the planken is 15 and / or 20 mm. Wood cladding is well suited for ventilated wood facades.

In case of hidden installation, the cladding of the house is carried out with different kinds fasteners. The choice depends on how the edge of the planken is processed. It can be oblique, rectangular or grooved. Open installation of the planken is carried out using self-tapping screws. With their help, the board is attached to a pre-equipped crate.

The control assembly of the slanting edge plank is carried out on the ground.

It is necessary to assemble a board from the boards, the size of which is determined by the height of the wooden facade. The ventilation gaps between the boards are made from 2 to 10 mm wide.

In the places where the shield is attached to the pre-assembled frame, it is necessary to make markings. Then "snakes" are attached to the boards, protruding by 1 or 2 cm. The lower edges of the fasteners must be driven into the gap between the lower board and the vertical beam of the frame. The upper edges of the "snakes" must be attached to the beams with self-tapping screws.

Block house

Facing the facade under a tree is carried out using a block house. This lining, imitating a rounded planed log, is called a block house. A thorn-groove connection is arranged at the ends. The lower part of the block house is flat. Special cutouts are made on it, that is, warpage grooves. Through them, ventilation of the cladding installed on a flat surface occurs.

The standard length of a block house is 3 and 6 m. For facades, it is better to choose a material of AB grade 40–45 mm thick, made of pine.

The block house has a total and working width. In the first case, the width of the spike is taken into account. The amount of material required for work is calculated according to the working width, i.e. without taking into account the parameters of the stud. You need to pay attention to this when buying.

A house faced with a block house looks like a natural log cabin. The service life of such a material is several decades.

It should be remembered that the low vapor permeability of the block house can cause condensation to form between the wall and the cladding.

To protect the castle joint from moisture, and the wood from deformation, it is necessary to renew the paintwork every 1.5–2 years.

Block house installation

First, a vapor barrier is attached to the wall - a membrane or plastic wrap. Next, a frame is built from a bar processed with special compounds. The distance between the bars is determined by the width of the vapor barrier.

Heat insulator plates are placed in the free space between the frame elements. It is better to use dowels for fixing them. Next, a waterproofing sheet is attached to the frame bars. A stapler is used for fastening. The leveling crate is mounted from a bar with a section of 50x50 mm. The block house is attached to the lathing from bottom to top. The boards are installed with the groove down. This will provide additional moisture protection. Fastening material (usually self-tapping screws) is placed as close to the spikes as possible. After installing the upper block house, the mount will be hidden.

Modern building codes, in force since 2000, provide for the construction of energy efficient buildings. Their rather stringent requirements are mainly due to considerations of saving energy resources. It is impossible to build residential buildings in the city that do not meet these standards - they simply will not be accepted by the state commission.

In individual low-rise suburban construction, norms do not play such an important role, because the house is being built for itself, and no state commission accepts it. However, it makes sense to focus on these standards if there is a desire to build an energy-efficient house that allows you to save on heating.

What are the requirements for energy-efficient buildings?

For single-layer, non-insulated exterior walls, in order to meet heat retention requirements, the thickness brickwork should be at least 2 meters, and the thickness of massive wooden walls should be at least 40 cm. It is clear that no one wants to erect two-meter-thick brick walls, and wooden walls 40 cm thick are very rare. There is a more rational way that allows you to fulfill the requirements of building codes and save heat in the house without increasing the thickness of the enclosing walls: to build multilayer, insulated walls.

Ventilated facade

First of all, the idea of \u200b\u200bmulti-layer walls affected brick houses. Since about 2000, the walls of brick houses erected in the Moscow region are increasingly made multilayer, insulated from the outside in one way or another, the most common of which is ventilated facade technology... Wood, in comparison with brick, is a relatively warm material, so the idea of \u200b\u200blayering is much slower to penetrate into the minds of customers and, accordingly, into common technologies for the construction of wooden houses. However, in modern conditions the construction of insulated external walls of wooden houses is becoming more and more important.

Insulate wooden house is cheaper than heating it in winter, and this difference is becoming more and more noticeable.

It should be noted that construction companies specializing in the construction of wooden houses from laminated veneer lumber talk a lot about the heat-saving properties of this building material and about the heat-saving properties of wooden houses built from it, often keeping silent about the fact that the minimum thickness of the walls made of laminated veneer lumber that meets modern building standards in terms of heat retention, should be at least 40 cm. The customer needs to understand that when choosing a house made of laminated veneer lumber with an outer wall thickness of 22 or even 24 cm, he chooses beauty, not heat conservation.

It would seem that a fairly reasonable way out is offered by manufacturers of insulated building material - a wooden building beam, into which a foam polystyrene gasket is glued. However, such a sandwich bar completely loses the properties of natural wood, favorable to humans: it does not allow air and water vapor to pass through, and does not regulate the humidity in the room. Only the appearance of a wooden beam remains. In fact, we get a synthetic building material faced with natural wood. The question is why, if the problem can be solved much easier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly?

Ventilated facade for a wooden house

The insulation of the enclosing walls of a residential building, competent in terms of construction technology and environmental requirements, should be carried out outside. To this end, the proven "ventilated façade" technology is used, which has been proven on stone buildings and has proven itself.

The insulated wall of a wooden house in section looks like this:

  1. inside - a supporting structure, say, in this case, a log house made of non-profiled timber of natural moisture;
  2. then - a layer of insulation (mineral wool), covered with a windproof membrane;
  3. then - ventilation gap - mandatory !;
  4. outside - finishing.

The construction of wooden houses with a ventilated facade makes it possible to divide the three main functions of external walls: load-bearing, heat-saving and decorative. At the same time, the technical solution is noticeably simplified, and the efficiency of performing each of the functions increases. Bearing walls can be erected from non-planed beams of a relatively small section (usually a beam of 150 × 150 mm is used), which gives a noticeable saving on building material.

The device of the ventilated facade of a wooden house

Outside, a crate is sewn onto the walls, and insulation - mineral wool - is laid between its bars. In the conditions of the Moscow region, a thickness of the insulation layer of 70-100 mm is recommended, in order for a wooden house to fully meet modern standards for heat retention.

The insulation is covered with a diffusion membrane, which plays the role of wind protection and prevents the ingress and accumulation of moisture in the insulation. From above, vertical bars of the counter-lathing are nailed, forming an air ventilation gap. The ventilation gap is very important! It is necessary so that moisture from the space between the insulation and the exterior finish is quickly carried out by the air flow and does not fall out in the form of condensation. For this, vents must be left above and below.

Further, a finishing material is attached to the counter-lattice, which also serves as a supporting frame, - an imitation of a bar, a block house or vinyl siding. You can also overlay the insulated wooden house with facing bricks - again, always leaving a ventilation gap.

From the inside, the timber walls of a wooden house can be sheathed with an imitation of timber, a block house or clapboard, but you can offer more “designer” options, for example, upholstery a part of the wall with fabric.

Advantages of ventilated facades in wooden houses

In addition to high heat saving, the construction of wooden houses with a ventilated facade has a number of undeniable advantages.

A wooden house with a ventilated façade is extremely durable, since its load-bearing walls are always, at any time of the year and in any weather, in favorable conditions: they are protected from moisture, temperature and humidity changes and direct sunlight. Therefore, load-bearing timber walls will not require major repairs for a very long time, but to replace the worn out decorative sheathing, which takes on all climatic loads, and the insulation is an order of magnitude easier and cheaper than the main walls.

A wooden house with a ventilated facade has an excellent ecology... Indeed, only natural wood is in contact with the living quarters, and mineral wool is located outside the walls of the timber. And there are no such synthetic materials as expanded polystyrene, etc., at all. Nothing prevents the tree from "breathing" and has a beneficial effect on the microclimate inside the house, and chemical compounds that are harmful to health simply have nowhere to come from.

Moreover, it is possible not to paint or varnish the internal wooden wall decoration - imitation of timber, block house or lining. Of course, over time, the wood will darken somewhat, but after all, designers sometimes age wood on purpose. But - no varnish, which can hardly be called a natural and highly environmentally friendly material! In this case, a wooden house with a ventilated facade will turn out to be more environmentally friendly than a cottage made of laminated veneer lumber, the walls of which must be treated with decorative and protective compounds both inside and out.

In case of damage, it is not at all difficult to replace the inner wall cladding inside the room.and small dirt and other minor defects can be easily sanded. Which, by the way, can not be said about the wall made of laminated veneer lumber.

Concerning appearance of an insulated wooden house with a ventilated facade and its interiors, they can be made almost indistinguishable from a cottage made of laminated veneer lumber. For this, imitation of a bar is used as a finishing material. After all, this is the same board from which a massive glued beam is glued.

Thus, the technology of construction of wooden houses with a ventilated facade allows erecting wooden houses with an optimal ratio price quality that are not inferior to cottages made of laminated veneer lumber - the elite of wooden housing construction - in beauty and durability and far surpass them in environmental friendliness and energy saving.

For timber frame buildings under our climatic conditions, the main task is quality installation and the right choice of material. Since wood is a natural material that can "breathe", absorb and release moisture, it is the best choice for frame structures it is a ventilated wooden facade. Thanks to him, the building will be provided with continuous air circulation, and this guarantees protection against destruction and deformation of the wood.

What is the best way to make a house facade?

The ventilated façade is best made of planken. Thanks to this material, additional ventilation will be provided, due to which the building will retain its external effect and long-term operation! The decoration will also fulfill an aesthetic function and protect the building from various influences of an aggressive environment.

Photo 1. Facade from planken

These properties are given to the panels by the lack of a tongue-and-groove connection. If you do not like the gap visible to the eye on a straight plank, then use a beveled one.

Ventilated facades are divided into the following types:

  1. A complete system using modern insulation. In addition to protecting the building from negative weather conditions and maintaining a "breathing" regime, this structure significantly increases the thermal insulation qualities of the building. Such systems are usually used when building houses in a cold strip;

  2. Lightweight ventilated wooden facade. The main difference between this type and the previous one is that it is constructed without the use of insulation. The lightweight version is ideal for the southern lane or houses made of bricks or vulture panels that do not require insulation. A structure is created using a thin frame attached to the facade, on which the finishing lumber is subsequently installed.

Photo 2. Installation of planken on the facade

When choosing a full-fledged system, the facade insulation is fixed to the wooden floor. Prior to the installation of the heat-insulating layer, the ventilated wooden facade is covered with a crate that serves as a frame for the facing material. Then, after the facade is equipped with a crate and a heat-insulating layer, a waterproofing and windproof material is installed on the insulation. At the final stage, the structure is sheathed

Remember: this material must be primed and painted BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT, otherwise it will be very difficult to paint over the joints directly on the facade. And one more important detail, WOOD BREAKING FROM THE Ends, so do not forget to seal the cuts with a special end sealant. So you will significantly increase the service life of not only the boards, but also the coating, because the moisture that is absorbed from the end of the board comes out under the paint film and destroys it.

Photo 3. Painting planken before installation

The best solution for a house built of wood is a wooden ventilated facade. The thing is that wood has the ability to breathe, and in addition, it can absorb and take in moisture.

The ventilated facade is the decoration of the external walls of houses,

in which the presence of ventilation under the casing is provided. Insulation is also most often used. It is needed to remove steam from the house, and can also be constructed in a lightweight and complete version.

A full-fledged ventilated structure has two main tasks. One is to create an air gap for ventilation. The second is for the building to acquire excellent thermal insulation characteristics. This kind of construction consists of:

  • metal frame;
  • a layer of insulation;
  • waterproofing protective film;
  • facing material.

Correctly and well-made wooden ventilation facades help to save on costs, in winter for heating and in summer for electricity, which is consumed by the air conditioner. This design is used in places where there are much more cold days per year than warm ones.

A simplified or lightweight ventilation system consists of a frame and a cladding layer. Thanks to this device air circulates, and the outer walls are protected from external influences. Subject to the installation technique, it is not difficult to make a ventilation facade.

The choice of insulation and protective film

Only materials with breathable properties are suitable for the ventilation facade of a house made of timber. The most suitable is mineral wool. It refers to the category of fibrous materials. For such cases, basalt wool and glass wool are used, which are light and soft. Installation technology involves the use of a protective film, which must release steam from the thermal insulation and prevent the wind from blowing into the insulation. The film should cover the mineral wool. Windscreens and diffusion membranes work best for this task.

Assembling a wooden facade

Today's ventilated facades are easy and simple to assemble. If the owner of the house has little experience in decoration and construction, the installation can be done independently. The walls from the outside are sheathed with crate, between the bars it is necessary to lay insulation with a thickness of 70 to 100 mm, in this case it is mineral wool. Then you need to cover it with a windproof film, namely a diffusion membrane. It also prevents moisture from entering and accumulating in the insulation. Vertical bars of the supporting frame are nailed on top - counter-battens. It forms a ventilation air gap, the role of which is invaluable. It is needed for the quick removal of moisture by an air stream that collects between the outer trim and the insulation, and in addition, so that it does not fall out like condensation. For such a case, be sure to leave holes at the bottom and top.

Finishing material is fixed to the supporting frame. In some cases, they resort to covering the building with facing bricks. Wooden walls from the inside are sheathed with clapboard or imitation timber, and sometimes part of the wall is upholstered with fabric. It must be borne in mind that the facade should not be in contact with the ground.

Advantages of ventilation facades

The construction of wooden buildings with a ventilated facade has many irrefutable advantages. The main one is high heat saving. Due to this design, when air can freely circulate between the facade and the bearing walls of buildings, heat is retained. In addition, it prevents the rapid destruction and decay of wood.

Such houses can stand for a long time, due to the fact that its load-bearing walls, despite the weather conditions and the time of year, always remain in suitable conditions, namely, they are fenced off from:

  • temperature differences;
  • moisture penetration;
  • direct sunlight.

As a result, the timber walls do not need major repairs for a long time.

It is much easier and cheaper to change decorative cladding that has become unusable, which accounts for all natural disasters, as well as insulation is much easier and cheaper than the main walls.

The ventilated timber façade is an environmentally friendly design. The thing is that only natural wood is in contact with the room where people live, and the insulation - mineral wool - is located on the outside of the wall. There are no synthetic materials in it, and the presence of wood has a positive effect on the microclimate in the room.

The interior decoration of the tree can be left without varnish or paint. Over time, it will naturally become a little dark, but sometimes it is deliberately aged. If the inner wall cladding is damaged, then it is quite easy to fix this defect. Various minor flaws, dirt are easily plastered, which is impossible to do on the walls of glued laminated timber. The exterior of an insulated house made of wood with a ventilated facade can be built in such a way that it will hardly differ from a building built of laminated veneer lumber. This can be done when using a finishing material that imitates timber. It is a board from which a glued array of beams is glued.

With the help of a ventilated facade of a wooden house, old walls of buildings can be given a noble and neat look, at the same time, to increase the service life, and improve operational characteristics. Today the range of facing building materials is quite diverse in color, texture, shape. They can be decorated with decorative carvings, repainted if desired.

Nowadays, a natural wooden ventilation facade is again becoming a favorite building material designers and architects. He became in great demand.

In addition to this material.

Step-by-step installation of a ventilated facade of wooden houses

To design facade system fully met the requirements of reliability and durability, and also performed its functions well, during its installation it is necessary to observe a set of specific rules.

  • Traditionally, timber 150x150 mm is used for the construction of wooden residential buildings, and in order to maintain a comfortable air temperature in the premises during the winter cold, additional means of thermal insulation should be taken care of. A mineral wool material with a thickness of about 10 cm is used as a heater. It is attached to wooden floors using special dowels.
  • Before starting the installation of the thermal insulation layer of the facade structure, you should install the profile crate on the load-bearing walls of the building - this will be the frame for the finishing material. In its niches, a mineral-cotton insulation is subsequently laid.
  • The stage following the installation of the battens and the thermal insulation layer is the fixing of the film, which serves as a membrane that protects against wind and moisture. At the same time, the insulation will be waterproofed from the outside, while moisture evaporation from the walls of the house will be removed without hindrance.
  • The final step in arranging a wooden ventilated facade is cladding. For decoration, it is also desirable to use wood materials, most often a block house is used. The choice of finishing quality is determined by its cost, performance and appearance. Natural wood will not disturb the harmony of the entire construction object.

The cladding material is fixed mechanically (using self-tapping screws, clamps or other means), taking into account the thickness of the ventilation gap.

The main functions of external finishing are decorative and protective. Simultaneously with the attractiveness of the exterior of the house, protection of the facade layers from adverse weather conditions will be provided.

The moisture evaporating from the wooden load-bearing walls, accumulating from the inside on the surface of the facing material, will be able to freely be removed thanks to the existing ventilation system: the air currents moving between the thermal insulation layer and the finish will remove condensation and excess moisture. Thus, the insulation will not get wet and will retain its thermal insulation properties for a long time.

Read also the article about on our website.

You can learn more about the stages of installation of a ventilated timber facade by looking at step-by-step video instructions.

Installation of a suspended wooden facade using the example of a planken

What are the wooden ventilated facades?

Types of facade systems

Wood ventilated facades are divided into two types, different in structure and function.

1. Complete ventilation system with insulation.

The main tasks of such a system are not only to protect the building from weather conditions and preserve favorable moisture permeability conditions, but also to increase the level of thermal insulation properties of the building. The use of this type of ventilated facade is common in areas with a harsh climate, where the period of cold weather significantly exceeds the duration of the warm season.

2. Lightweight ventilation system.

A feature of this type of wooden ventilated facade is the absence of a layer of thermal insulation, in connection with which the main function of the structure is to control the moisture level of the building. The use of a lightweight ventilated system is justified in southern regions with a mild climate, where positive air temperatures prevail, so there is no point in insulating the building.

The design of the lightweight ventilated facade provides only for the presence of a thin frame system, which does not have outlets, and finishing material. Various materials can be used as cladding: Block House, siding, lining. Installation of the system is simple, even an inexperienced builder can handle it.

Types of wood trim for ventilated facades

In addition to the previously mentioned materials, other types of wood can be used for facade cladding.

  • Thermowood is lightweight lumber (almost half the weight of untreated wood), characterized by ease of processing, reliability, and practicality. Thermal wood trim enhances the building's appearance with an attractive decor.
  • Larch board (block house, lining) works best in an area with a high level of humidity, since larch does not rot.
  • Exotic hardwoods. They are applicable due to their properties for strengthening the frame of the facade system and increasing the reliability of fasteners. The high price of finishing materials from exotic wood species is compensated by unique decorative properties.

Installation of a wooden ventilated facade is not so difficult to perform, if you act, observing its stages and taking into account all the nuances. The result of the work will be a comfortable and reliable house that will serve the owners for more than a dozen years.