Wooden ventilated façade. The ventilated facade made of wood is a guarantee of reliability and durability of your building! Types of structures of facade systems


Since ancient times, wood has been the most common material in residential buildings. Wooden log cabins have become a symbol of home warmth, comfort and peace. But over time, the requirements for building materials made of wood and for wooden houses in general also change. A modern wooden building must meet new standards of quality, energy efficiency and comfort.

Non-compliance of rounded logs and glued beams with modern energy saving standards

With the development of the production of materials from wood in houses, they began to use rounded logs and glued beams most often. It seemed that the technologies of the industrial process for the production of building materials and wooden housing construction had reached their perfection. However, in the context of a constant rise in energy prices and an increase in consumer standards of living conditions and comfort, it became clear that the thermal conductivity indicators of rounded logs and laminated veneer lumber do not correspond to modern energy saving criteria.

The sizes of industrial rounded logs currently range from 20 to 24 cm in diameter. Glued laminated timber is available in 18-22 cm thick. In order to comply with modern energy saving standards, these indicators for logs and for timber should be 40-45 cm. In other words, the dimensions of industrial samples of wooden building materials are on average 2 times smaller than it is necessary to comply with modern energy-saving standards. The transition of the production of materials from wood to other sizes will require new equipment, changes technological processes and an increase in logging volumes, which will ultimately lead to a significant increase in the price of products.

It is possible to solve the problem of non-compliance of wooden materials with new standards for saving heat in construction by installing additional insulation of the frame walls of the building. Effective way such insulation is the design. With its help, it is possible to increase energy efficiency, preserve the ecological and decorative qualities of wood, and create an optimal indoor microclimate.

Timber building structure with insulated ventilated facade

Basic design wooden house with a heat-insulated ventilated facade is a blockhouse made of not planed timber with natural moisture. Outside, the walls of the house are usually insulated with mineral wool. In this case, the insulation is attached using a special frame. Between it and the layer of insulation material, cavities are left for ventilation. With the help of these gaps, excess moisture is removed to the outside, which passes through the wooden walls from the rooms heated from the inside.

Thanks to the design of the ventilated facade, the insulation material and the wooden walls of the building remain always dry, keeping heat and maintaining an optimal level of humidity inside the house. This simple yet reliable technology is widely used in the construction of buildings of various types and purposes.

Advantages of a ventilated insulated facade

In addition to saving heat, a ventilated facade has a number of other equally important advantages.

  • The ventilated façade extends the life of the wooden house.

Under a layer of dry ventilated insulation, the walls are preserved in optimal conditions for wood at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. Unlike houses made of rounded logs or glued beams, timber walls with a ventilated insulated facade are reliably protected from negative impact precipitation, temperature changes and the effects of ultraviolet rays. This significantly extends their service life.

  • Ease of installation and repair

Installation of a ventilated facade is quite affordable even for an inexperienced builder. The repair of such a structure is just as simple, especially in comparison with the repair of a solid wooden frame.

  • Preservation of the ecological properties of wood.

In the construction of a ventilated facade, all its components - a layer of insulation, a wind protection membrane, finishing materials - are located outside the building. Indoor living quarters come into contact only with environmentally friendly natural wood. All harmful substances are removed from the house along with excess moisture, and clean air is kept inside. In addition, a tree that is kept dry is less susceptible to the formation of rot, mold, fungus and does not require additional treatment with protective chemicals.

  • Large selection of exterior designs.

Thanks to the design of the ventilated facade wooden house you can give almost any look. Its walls can be subjected to both the simplest and cheapest finishing - plastering, vinyl panels or siding, or give the building the appearance of an expensive mansion.

Lovers of wooden architecture can decorate the facade with imitation of glued beams made of wood and thus give their house the appearance of an elite cottage. Moreover, such a house will be warmer, more environmentally friendly and much cheaper.

The originality of the exterior design of the building made of timber with a ventilated facade will be given by its finishing with decorative bricks, artificial stone or clinker tiles. In this case, the building will look like a solid, reliable, stone house, while retaining all the advantages and advantages of wood building materials.

Comparison with timber frame buildings and foam block houses

In terms of heat saving parameters, timber frame buildings and timber houses with a ventilated facade are approximately equal. However, in frame houses, wooden walls are separated from the inner living quarters with an insulating airtight film that does not allow steam and moisture to pass through. In fact, such buildings cannot be attributed to houses made of natural wood. The ecological qualities of timber buildings with a ventilated facade are much higher, since the optimal microclimate inside frame houses can be maintained only through high-quality ventilation. In addition, houses with a ventilated insulated facade are more durable, reliable and durable.

At their cost, frame houses are cheaper, but often this is due to the low quality of insulation materials and the building itself. As a result, the insulation sags over time, cracks and cavities are formed in it, allowing air to pass through. Frame houses built according to all norms and rules, with high-quality insulation, are significantly more expensive than buildings made of timber with facade ventilation. Foam concrete and gas silicate blocks belong to the category of materials with the highest energy-saving indicators in modern construction. However, in terms of these components, ventilated facade insulation is in no way inferior to such building materials. The warranty period for gas silicate and foam concrete blocks is only 50 years, while a house made of wooden beams with a high-quality ventilated facade can last for several centuries. The cost of such a house is quite comparable to the price of a similar building made of foam blocks.

Features of turnkey construction of structures made of wood with ventilated insulation

In the professional language of builders, the term "turnkey construction" means the construction of a building to its readiness - with full engineering wiring and external finishing. In the case of the construction of a building from a wooden bar with a ventilated insulated facade - this expression has its own specific characteristics.

Such structures are constructed from timber with natural moisture. Accordingly, they are heavier and shrink more. For this reason, after the construction of the log house and the installation of the roof, before work on the facade insulation, engineering wiring and external finishing, the building must be given time to dry well and settle down. The possible level of shrinkage must be taken into account when installing building elements that must be vertical, for example, frames of windows and doors, stairs, support columns and pillars.

The schedule and time of year for the construction of a wooden house with facade insulation matters. Since the wood of winter logging has a lower degree of moisture, it is advisable to build such buildings in winter or spring. During this time of the year, freshly cut trees prepared for summer drying can be used.

Usually the construction of such houses begins in the fall - during this period the foundation is laid. Direct erection of a log house and installation of a roof is carried out in winter. It is important to have a winter access road to the construction site. In the spring there is a break for drying and final shrinkage of the building. Only at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer work is carried out on facade insulation, engineering wiring, external and internal finishing. Such a construction schedule is rather extended in time and therefore is called "postponed".

Services of our company

Our company provides a full range of services for the design and construction of turnkey wooden houses of all types, including buildings from a bar with a heat-insulated ventilated facade. At the same time, we provide a significant discount for the construction of a house on a "deferred" schedule, guaranteeing high quality construction work and materials. Our prices are quite affordable for clients with different income levels. You can verify this by visiting our website or by calling the operators of the company, who will provide full information about our services and prices.

For timber frame buildings under our climatic conditions, the main task is quality installation and the right choice of material. Since wood is a natural material that can "breathe", absorb and release moisture, it is the best choice for frame structures it is a ventilated wooden facade. Thanks to him, the building will be provided with continuous air circulation, and this guarantees protection against destruction and deformation of the wood.

What is the best way to make a house facade?

The ventilated façade is best made of planken. Thanks to this material, additional ventilation will be provided, due to which the building will retain its external effect and long-term operation! The decoration will also fulfill an aesthetic function and protect the building from various influences of an aggressive environment.

Photo 1. Facade from planken

These properties are given to the panels by the lack of a tongue-and-groove connection. If you do not like the gap visible to the eye on a straight plank, then use a beveled one.

Ventilated facades are divided into the following types:

  1. A complete system using modern insulation. In addition to protecting the building from negative weather conditions and maintaining a "breathing" regime, this structure significantly increases the thermal insulation qualities of the building. Such systems are usually used when building houses in a cold strip;

  2. Lightweight ventilated wooden facade. The main difference between this type and the previous one is that it is constructed without the use of insulation. The lightweight version is ideal for the southern lane or houses made of bricks or vulture panels that do not require insulation. A structure is created using a thin frame attached to the facade, on which the finishing lumber is subsequently installed.

Photo 2. Installation of planken on the facade

When choosing a full-fledged system, the facade insulation is fixed to the wooden floor. Prior to the installation of the heat-insulating layer, the ventilated wooden facade is covered with a crate that serves as a frame for the facing material. Then, after the facade is equipped with a crate and a heat-insulating layer, a waterproofing and windproof material is installed on the insulation. At the final stage, the structure is sheathed

Remember: this material must be primed and painted BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT, otherwise it will be very difficult to paint over the joints directly on the facade. And one more important detail, WOOD BREAKING FROM THE Ends, so do not forget to seal the cuts with a special end sealant. So you will significantly increase the service life of not only the boards, but also the coating, because the moisture that is absorbed from the end of the board comes out under the paint film and destroys it.

Photo 3. Painting planken before installation

The essence of a ventilated facade on wooden surfaces of a house is to ensure the safety of construction materials that negatively interact with moisture through ventilation, and to create a presentable look. In addition, the facade systems provide additional insulation required for the timber walls. About the classification of structures and their device below.

Classification of facade structures

A high-quality ventilated facade for a house made of timber and wooden cottages can be presented in two types:

Any device of a ventilated facade of a log house is available for self-assembly, subject to all design rules. Further about the facade materials.

Materials for construction and decoration

Since the structure without decor is a crate, it can be represented by two options - wooden bars and metal profiles. The latter option is undesirable for a log house, unless a professional sheet or steel siding acts as a finishing material.

This is due to the formation of condensation from the temperature difference between materials, and moisture for wood is always destructive. The timber for the lathing must meet the following conditions:

You can sheathe a wooden object with anything. The ventilated facades of houses from a bar can be presented in various versions - siding, panels, steel sheets, timber.

How to make a ventilated facade correctly

Before the walls of a wooden house are decorated to the taste of the owners, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations related to the protection of the building material of the object itself. That is, the walls under the facade should receive high-quality processing with all kinds of protections - another time for such work will not happen. If we neglect this, then the started and unnoticed processes of damage will develop, and then the crowns will need to be changed. Further:

The decorative material is mounted last. Many owners, in order to preserve the environment, resort to natural lining, imitation of a bar, a block house.

However, it is worth noting that all types of wood for ventilated facades must undergo intensive treatment with impregnations, otherwise damage will not be long in coming.

Errors of self-assembly of a ventilated facade

Very often, home craftsmen make mistakes when they independently design all the layers of the future facade. The most common ones are described below:

Lack of experience can affect the budget for construction work. Therefore, in the absence of proper knowledge, the work must be done by professionals.

The comfort of living and the durability of construction raw materials depend on what types of wooden ventilated facades were used on log objects.

Based on personal experience, the author of the article recommends the version with insulation for execution - winters in Russia do not spoil - but warns, choosing a decorative natural structure as a cladding, the owners should be ready for regular preventive maintenance of raw materials. Only under this condition, it is capable of a long service life.

The best solution for a house built of wood is a wooden ventilated facade. The thing is that wood has the ability to breathe, and in addition, it can absorb and take in moisture.

The ventilated facade is the decoration of the external walls of houses,

in which the presence of ventilation under the casing is provided. Insulation is also most often used. It is needed to remove steam from the house, and can also be constructed in a lightweight and complete version.

A full-fledged ventilated structure has two main tasks. One is to create an air gap for ventilation. The second is for the building to acquire excellent thermal insulation characteristics. This kind of construction consists of:

  • metal frame;
  • a layer of insulation;
  • waterproofing protective film;
  • facing material.

Correctly and well-made wooden ventilation facades help to save on costs, in winter for heating and in summer for electricity, which is consumed by air conditioning. This design is used in places where there are much more cold days per year than warm ones.

A simplified or lightweight ventilation system consists of a frame and a cladding layer. Thanks to this device air circulates, and the outer walls are protected from external influences. Subject to the installation technique, it is not difficult to make a ventilation facade.

The choice of insulation and protective film

Only materials with breathable properties are suitable for the ventilation facade of a house made of timber. The most suitable is mineral wool. It refers to the category of fibrous materials. For such cases, basalt wool and glass wool are used, which are light and soft. Installation technology involves the use of a protective film, which must release steam from the thermal insulation and prevent the wind from blowing into the insulation. The film should cover the mineral wool. Windscreens and diffusion membranes work best for this task.

Assembling a wooden facade

Today's ventilated facades are easy and simple to assemble. If the owner of the house has little experience in decoration and construction, the installation can be done independently. The walls from the outside are sheathed with crate, between the bars it is necessary to lay insulation with a thickness of 70 to 100 mm, in this case it is mineral wool. Then you need to cover it with a windproof film, namely a diffusion membrane. It also prevents moisture from entering and accumulating in the insulation. Vertical bars of the supporting frame are nailed on top - counter-battens. It forms a ventilation air gap, the role of which is invaluable. It is needed for the quick removal of moisture by an air stream that collects between the outer finish and the insulation, and in addition, so that it does not fall out like condensation. For such a case, be sure to leave holes at the bottom and top.

The finishing material is fixed to the supporting frame. In some cases, they resort to covering the building with facing bricks. Wooden walls from the inside are sheathed with clapboard or imitation timber, and sometimes part of the wall is upholstered with fabric. It must be borne in mind that the facade should not be in contact with the ground.

Advantages of ventilation facades

The construction of wooden buildings with a ventilated facade has many irrefutable advantages. The main one is high heat saving. Due to this design, when air can freely circulate between the facade and the bearing walls of buildings, heat is retained. In addition, it prevents the rapid destruction and decay of wood.

Such houses can stand for a long time, due to the fact that its load-bearing walls, despite the weather conditions and the season, are always in suitable conditions, namely, they are fenced off from:

  • temperature differences;
  • moisture penetration;
  • direct sunlight.

As a result, the timber walls do not need major repairs for a long time.

It is much easier and cheaper to change decorative cladding that has become unusable, which accounts for all natural disasters, as well as insulation is much easier and cheaper than the main walls.

The ventilated timber façade is an environmentally friendly design. The thing is that only natural wood is in contact with the room where people live, and the insulation - mineral wool - is located on the outside of the wall. There are no synthetic materials in it, and the presence of wood has a positive effect on the indoor microclimate.

The interior decoration of the tree can be left without varnish or paint. Over time, it will naturally become a little dark, but sometimes it is deliberately aged. If the inner wall cladding is damaged, then fixing this defect is quite simple. Various minor flaws, dirt are easily plastered, which is impossible to do on the walls of glued laminated timber. Appearance an insulated house made of wood with a ventilated facade can be built in such a way that it will hardly differ from a building built of laminated veneer lumber. This can be done when using a finishing material that imitates timber. It is a board from which a glued array of beams is glued.

With the help of a ventilated facade of a wooden house, old walls of buildings can be given a noble and neat look, at the same time, to increase the service life, and improve operational characteristics. Today, the assortment of facing building materials is quite diverse in color, texture, shape. They can be decorated with decorative carvings, repainted if desired.

Nowadays, a natural wooden ventilation facade is again becoming a favorite building material designers and architects. He began to be in great demand.

When decorating a frame house with wood, we use a ventilation gap between the wall of the house sheathed with MDVP boards and the facade itself. In this case, the ventilation gap has several functions.

- removing excess moisture from the frame wall if it appears. It is an obligatory element for Isoplaat, Steico boards. Steam can freely escape from the wall and not condense in the insulation layer.

- direct "airing" of the wood used for the installation of the facade. This allows the wooden facade to do without repairs for many years.

The facade itself can be either horizontal or vertical. In addition, you can combine both of these options to highlight individual elements of the house not only with color, but also with texture. The main condition for a ventilated gap is that its width is sufficient to ensure natural ventilation of the facade. The gap itself is mounted using horizontal or vertical slats or bars (boards of 100 * 25mm are also allowed), the thickness of the slats depends on the height of the house and the minimum value can be 25mm. The 50mm gap applies when the wall height is over 7 meters. The ventilation gap must be open at the bottom as well as at the top of the wall for free air circulation.

Facade board is usually dry and calibrated, the profile can be different.

1.Installation with vertically arranged boards.

First option

A very common type of facade in Scandinavian countries. It is made of boards 120-170mm. minimum thickness 20mm. With an increase in the width of the board, its deformation can be very significant, for this reason, for a width of more than 150 mm, a board with a thickness of 22 mm is used.

At the same time, the cover strip does not have to be the same size as the outer sheathing board, it can be either narrower or wider. It is necessary to fasten the cover strip to the sheathing bar bypassing the outer sheathing board. This will avoid cracks in the facade when the geometry of the boards changes depending on humidity and weather conditions.

Second option

Variant of installation of a vertical facade using a bar strip. The overlap width for each board must be at least 20mm. Each strip is nailed to the batten directly, not through the front boards.
The strip and the siding boards can be swapped, i.e. a wide board will be on the outside overlapping the strip. At the same time, it is important to maintain a minimum distance between the boards of 15-20 mm for the convenience of painting. In this case, the strips of the cover strip must be at least 60 mm wide, to ensure an overlap of 20-25 mm with the sheathing boards.

Third option

The simplest option is a facade made of rectangular boards with a gap. At the same time, the board protects the cladding of the house from rain, and the ventilation of the facade due to the gaps is much more efficient. But it should be noted that with a gap more than 8 mm wide, the impact of natural phenomena and ultraviolet radiation can negatively affect the MDVP slabs and the facade lathing, for this reason it is recommended to use an additional windproof membrane when installing the facade in this way.

Air access device at the bottom of the wall

To ensure the safety of the wooden facade, it is necessary to ensure a high-quality priming of the boards themselves and the lathing bars. You need to prime the entire surface, both internal and external, as well as grooves, if it is an imitation of a bar. For this reason, the primer must be applied prior to installation, preferably by immersion in a suitable solution. If the primer is applied with a brush, then this procedure must be carried out at least 2-3 times. Finns usually practice covering painting, i.e. the board is completely covered with paint, hiding the texture of the wood, this provides a greater wear resistance of the facade to natural factors.

For the article, the material of the designer-constructor of frame houses Vladislav Vorotyntsev was used [email protected]