Peasant children summary. N.A. Nekrasov The most striking character of the poem

The author, passing by the children, attracted their attention. Many began to discuss his clothes, hairstyle and mustache, and as a result, his origins. Children often speak loudly and give themselves away with their own sonorous voices. Having asked for help, they immediately run away as soon as something is broken. But this prank does not cause anger in the poet. Rather, on the contrary, observing children, he "often envies them" that they do not know abstruse theories, but still learn the world in their own way. While dragging his kids through the forest for mushrooms, the hero comes across snakes, hedgehogs, and sometimes wolves. Looking at the animals and people passing by, people learned where and from where they could get out, what to wear and how to behave. Future peasants are simple.

Summary of Nekrasov peasant children for a reader's diary


The family was decent, Leon got everything he wanted, his parents love him very much. Because of this, the boy also loves his mother and is always with her.

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  • One more step

    He was interested in learning new worlds. Therefore, he was probably one of the first to introduce the image of a common man into high poetry. It was Nekrasov who noticed the beauty in rural images. Later other writers followed suit. A movement of followers was formed who wrote like Nekrasov.

    Peasant children ”(which can be analyzed based on the historical period in which the poem was written) stand out from all the poet's work. In other works, there is more grief. And these children are full of happiness, although the author does not cherish high hopes regarding their bright future. Babies have no time to get sick and think about unnecessary things.

    Their life is full of colorful nature, in which they were lucky enough to live. They are hardworking and simply wise. Every day is an adventure. At the same time, children bit by bit absorb science from their elders.

    Peasant children a summary of n.a. Nekrasov


    You can use this text for reader's diary Nekrasov N. A. All works

    • Granddad
    • Grandpa Mazai and the hares
    • Railway
    • Who lives well in Russia
    • Peasant children
    • Jack Frost
    • Reflections at the front entrance
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    Peasant children. Picture to the story Now reading

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  • "Peasant children"


    The author loves his characters, he estimates their attention very warmly and poetically. The poet explains his love for peasant children with examples from the village life he had seen earlier. The author tells how he and the guys were looking for mushroom places, recalls their jokes.

    It is so nice to see the village in the summer when picking berries, nuts, catching birds. The summer harvest is described by the author in a very attractive way. Children willingly participate in the harvest. It gives them great pleasure to drive through the village in a huge wagon of hay, to the envy of others. But the poet does not idealize village life.

    These were kids who were looking at a stranger with great interest. They quietly talked among themselves, and cast their eyes first at the man's ammunition, then at his dog. When the children noticed that a stranger was watching them, some of them ran away. And late in the evening it was already known that a rich gentleman had arrived at their settlement. Having settled in the village for the summer, the master enjoys the beautiful places and the time spent with the children. The author describes their life in various ways, which is filled with various games.
    And, of course, it is striking that all the activities of rural children are very different from the leisure of urban children. We see how some little boy swims with pleasure in the river, another babysits his sister. A mischievous little girl rides a horse. At the same time, the guys help adults.

    Nekrasov, "peasant children": analysis and summary of the work

    The boy is trying in every possible way to be like his father - bass, swears at the horse. The author sums up his memories with an appeal to children to play and grow in freedom, to preserve their inheritance and love their labor bread. And ... he returns to the beginning - to the barn, where the children begin to behave more bravely, and in order to amuse them the hunter begins to give commands to the dog: "Hey, thieves are coming! They will steal, they will steal!" Well, hide quickly! ”The dog reacts to the command, and with a serious muzzle begins to hide all belongings in the hay, including game, which he tries to hide with special care, and then lie down at the owner's feet, starting to growl.

    Children are delighted, they themselves begin to give commands to the dog. The author admires what is happening: "I myself enjoyed, wallowing in the hay, their noisy fun." But it started to rain, and the children scattered, and the hunter, after waiting out the rain, set off with faithful dog in search of great snipe. cm.

    Summary of peasant children, Nekrasov read

    When the man, probably Nekrasov himself, opened his eyes, the children rushed away like sparrows. As soon as the poet lowered his eyelids, they appeared again. Further, they concluded that he was not a master, because he did not lie on the stove and was driving from the swamp. Reflections of the author Further Nekrasov breaks away from storyline and indulges in reflection.

    He confesses his love for children and says that even those who perceive them as "a low kind of people" still once envied them. There is more poetry in the life of the poor, says Nekrasov. Peasant children made mushroom raids with him, put snakes on the railing of the bridge and waited for the reactions of passers-by. People were resting under the old elms, the children surrounded them and listened to stories. This is how we learned the legend about Valil. Having always lived a rich man, he somehow angered God. And since then he had neither crop nor honey, only the hair in his nose grew well.

    What does the poem "peasant children" teach by Nekrasov?

    They are interested in legends and stories, they do not even shy away from the work of the carpenter, which is mentioned in the poem. Despite all the problems, they are happy in their corner of paradise. The author says that there is nothing to regret and hate such children, they need to envy, because the children of the rich do not have such color and freedom. Introduction to the poem through the plot Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children" begins with a description of several previous days. The narrator was hunting and, tired, wandered into the barn, where he fell asleep. He was awakened by the sun, which made its way through the cracks. He heard the voices of birds and recognized pigeons and rooks.

    I recognized the crow by the shadow. Eyes of different colors looked at him through the gap, in which there was peace, affection and kindness. He realized that these were the views of children. The poet is sure that only children can have such eyes. They quietly among themselves commented on what they saw. One looked at the beard and long legs of the narrator, the other at the large dog.

    Therefore, along with the theme of love for children, Nekrasov's work "Peasant Children" glorifies the delights of life outside the gray walls of the city. From the very first lines, the author drowns in the cooing of pigeons and the chirping of birds. Then he compares the color of the children's eyes to the flowers in the field.

    The image of the earth haunts the poet in the forest as he gathers mushrooms. From the forest, he leads the reader to the river, where the children bathe, which makes the water seem to laugh and howl. Their life is inseparable from nature. Children weave wreaths of pale yellow flowers, their lips are black with blueberries, which have set them sore, they meet a wolf, feed a hedgehog.

    The role of bread in the poem is important. Through the eyes of one of the boys, the narrator conveys the holiness of growing grain. He describes the whole process from throwing a seed into the ground to baking bread in a mill. Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children" calls for eternal love of the field, which gives strength and labor bread.

    Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov - a new trend in the history of Russian literature. He was the first to introduce the topic common people and filled the rhymes with colloquial turns. The way of life of commoners appeared, so a new style was born. Nikolai Alekseevich became a pioneer in the mainstream of a combination of lyrics and satire. He dared to change its very content. "Peasant Children" by Nekrasov was written in 1861 in Greshnevo. The shed in which the narrator slept was most likely located in Shoda, under the house of Gabriel Zakharov (children recognize him in the work). At the time of writing, the poet

    He wore a beard, which was a rarity for nobles, so the children questioned his origin.

    The rich image of peasant children

    The future writer was born into a simple, poor, but respected family. As a child, he often played with his peers. The guys did not perceive him as a superior and a master. Nekrasov never gave up a simple life. He was interested in learning new worlds. Therefore, he was probably one of the first to introduce the image of a common man into high poetry. It was Nekrasov who noticed the beauty in rural images. Later other writers followed suit.

    A movement of followers formed

    Who wrote like Nekrasov. "Peasant Children" (which can be analyzed based on the historical period in which the poem was written) stands out from all the poet's work. In other works, there is more grief. And these children are full of happiness, although the author does not cherish high hopes regarding their bright future. The little ones have no time to get sick and think about the unnecessary. Their life is full of the colorful nature in which they are lucky to live. They are hardworking and simply wise. Every day is an adventure. At the same time, children bit by bit absorb science from their elders. They are interested in legends and stories, they do not even shy away from the work of the carpenter, which is mentioned in the poem.

    Despite all the problems, they are happy in their corner of paradise. The author says that there is nothing to regret and hate such children, they need to envy, because the children of the rich do not have such color and freedom.

    An introduction to a poem through a plot

    Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children" begins with a description of several previous days. The narrator was hunting and, tired, wandered into the barn, where he fell asleep. He was awakened by the sun, which made its way through the cracks. He heard the voices of birds and recognized pigeons and rooks. I recognized the crow by the shadow. Eyes of different colors looked at him through the gap, in which there was peace, affection and kindness. He realized that these were the views of children.

    The poet is sure that only children can have such eyes. They quietly among themselves commented on what they saw. One looked at the beard and long legs of the narrator, the other at the large dog. When the man, probably Nekrasov himself, opened his eyes, the children rushed away like sparrows. As soon as the poet lowered his eyelids, they appeared again. Then they concluded that he was not a master, because he was not lying on the stove and was driving from the swamp.

    Reflections of the author

    Further, Nekrasov breaks away from the storyline and indulges in reflections. He confesses his love for children and says that even those who perceive them as "a low kind of people" still once envied them. There is more poetry in the life of the poor, says Nekrasov. Peasant children made mushroom raids with him, put snakes on the railing of the bridge and waited for the reactions of passers-by.

    People were resting under the old elms, the children surrounded them and listened to stories. This is how we learned the legend about Valil. Having always lived a rich man, he somehow angered God. And since then he had neither crop nor honey, only the hair in his nose grew well. On another occasion, a working man laid out tools and showed interested children how to saw and chop. The exhausted man fell asleep, and the guys let's saw and plan. Then it was impossible to remove the dust for a day. If we talk about the stories that the poem "Peasant Children" describes, Nekrasov, as it were, conveys his own impressions and memories.

    Everyday life of peasant children

    Then the writer leads the reader to the river. A stormy life is in full swing there. Who bathes, who shares stories. One boy catches leeches “on the lava, where the womb beats the linen,” another looks after his younger sister. One girl makes a wreath. The other attracts the horse and rides it. Life is full of joy.

    His father called Vanyusha to work, and the guy gladly helps him in the field with bread. When the harvest is harvested, he is the first to taste the new bread. And then he sits astride a cart with straw and feels like a king. The other side of the coin is that children have no right to choose their future, and this is what Nekrasov is concerned about. Peasant children do not study and grow up happily, although they have to work.

    The most striking character of the poem

    The next part of the poem is often mistakenly considered a separate work.

    The narrator "in the cold winter season" sees a cart with brushwood, the horse is being led by a little man. He wears a big hat and huge boots. It turned out to be a child. The author greeted, to which the boy replied that he should pass. Nekrasov asks what he is doing here, the child replies that he carries firewood, which his father chops. The boy helps him, because there are only two men in their family, a father and him. Therefore, it all looks like a theater, but the boy is real.

    Such a Russian spirit in the poem that Nekrasov wrote. "Peasant children", an analysis of their way of life shows the whole situation in Russia at that time. The writer calls on to grow in freedom, because later it will help to love your labor bread.

    Completion of the storyline

    Further, the author breaks away from the memories and continues the plot with which he began the poem. The children became more courageous, and he shouted to a dog named Fingal that thieves were approaching. We need to hide belongings, Nekrasov told the dog. The peasant children were delighted with Fingal's skills. A dog with a serious muzzle hid all the good in the hay. She especially tried over the game, then lay down at the feet of the owner and growled. Then the children began to give commands to the dog themselves.

    The narrator enjoyed the painting. It got dark, a storm approached. Thunder rumbled. The rain fell. The spectators fled. Barefoot children rushed to their homes. Nekrasov stayed in the barn and waited out the rain, and then went with Fingal to look for snipe.

    The image of nature in a poem

    It is impossible not to praise the wealth and beauty of Russian nature. Therefore, along with the theme of love for children, Nekrasov's work "Peasant Children" glorifies the delights of life outside the gray walls of the city.

    From the very first lines, the author drowns in the cooing of pigeons and the chirping of birds. Then he compares the color of the children's eyes to the flowers in the field. The image of the earth haunts the poet in the forest as he gathers mushrooms. From the forest, he leads the reader to the river, where the children bathe, which makes the water seem to laugh and howl. Their life is inseparable from nature. Children weave wreaths of pale yellow flowers, their lips are black from blueberries, which have set them sore, they meet a wolf, feed a hedgehog.

    The role of bread in the poem is important. Through the eyes of one of the boys, the narrator conveys the holiness of growing grain. He describes the whole process from throwing a seed into the ground to baking bread in a mill. Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children" calls for eternal love of the field, which gives strength and labor bread.

    The presence of nature adds melody to the poem.

    Hard life of Nekrasov children

    The fate of peasant children is firmly tied to labor on the ground. The author himself says that they learn the works early. So, Nikolai Alekseevich cites the example of a little boy who matured early. A six-year-old boy works in the forest with his father and does not even think about complaining about his life.

    Respect for work is instilled from childhood. Depending on how their parents are respectful of the field, children imitate them.

    Coverage of the educational issue

    In addition, the problem of education arises in the poem, which Nekrasov raises. Peasant children are deprived of the opportunity to study. They don't know books. And the narrator is worried about their future, because he knows that only God knows whether the child will grow up or die.

    But next to endless work, children do not lose their thirst for life. They have not forgotten how to enjoy the little things that come across on their way. Their everyday life is full of bright, warm emotions.

    The poem is an ode to simple children. After its publication in 1861, the entire rich world learned that peasant children are wonderful. Nekrasov elevated the simplicity of being. He showed that in all corners of the country there are people who, despite their low social status, are distinguished by humanity, decency and other benefactors, which have already begun to be forgotten in large cities. The piece made a splash. And its relevance remains acute to this day.

    When the man, probably Nekrasov himself, opened his eyes, the children rushed away like sparrows. As soon as the poet lowered his eyelids, they appeared again. Further, they concluded that he was not a master, because he did not lie on the stove and was driving from the swamp. Reflections of the author Further Nekrasov breaks away from the storyline and indulges in reflections. He confesses his love for children and says that even those who perceive them as "a low kind of people" still once envied them. There is more poetry in the life of the poor, says Nekrasov. Peasant children made mushroom raids with him, put snakes on the railing of the bridge and waited for the reactions of passers-by. People were resting under the old elms, the children surrounded them and listened to stories. This is how we learned the legend about Valil. Having always lived a rich man, he somehow angered God. And since then he had neither crop nor honey, only the hair in his nose grew well.

    Summary of Nekrasov peasant children for a reader's diary


    But then a thunderstorm began, and the children fled to their homes, and the narrator went on to hunt. Read summary Peasant children. Brief retelling.

    For a reader's diary, take 5-6 sentences Rate:
    • Grandfather Mazai and the hares
    • Granddad
    • Railway
    • Who lives well in Russia
    • Peasant children
    • Jack Frost
    • Reflections at the front entrance
    • Russian women

    Picture or drawing Peasant children Other retellings for the reader's diary

    • Abstract The home where Bernard Shaw's hearts are broken A province in England.
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    "Peasant children"

    Main Russian language Grade 5-9 Raisanedviga March 19, 2015, 13:53:51 (3 years ago) Rating + 0 - Reply + 0 - TomashevaTV March 19, 2015, 16:47:01 (3 years ago) World depicted by Nekrasov in the poem "Peasant Children" is full of light, warmth and kindness. The author loves, understands and knows well peasant life.
    The life of the people is always in harmony with nature, which the author paints with care and love. At the beginning of the poem, a calm and happy life appears before us, which a poet can have only in the village: he is doing what he loves (writing poetry), around the wonderful nature.

    One more step

    He was interested in learning new worlds. Therefore, he was probably one of the first to introduce the image of a common man into high poetry. It was Nekrasov who noticed the beauty in rural images.

    Later other writers followed suit. A movement of followers was formed who wrote like Nekrasov. "Peasant Children" (which can be analyzed based on the historical period in which the poem was written) stands out from all the poet's work. In other works, there is more grief. And these children are full of happiness, although the author does not cherish high hopes regarding their bright future.
    The little ones have no time to get sick and think about the unnecessary. Their life is full of the colorful nature in which they are lucky to live.


    They are hardworking and simply wise. Every day is an adventure. At the same time, children bit by bit absorb science from their elders.

    Brief retelling, peasant children urgently

    Pushkin's "winter evening", "nanny", Arina Yegorovna from the novel by Dubrovsky and Natalia Savishnu Tolstoy. What do they have in common? Grade 5-9 literature answers 5 Marsel26 / 08 March 2015, 11:56:18 Where can I find an analysis of Baratynsky's poem She? Grade 5-9 literature answers 1 sympathetic007 / 07 March 2015, 17:50:07 how do you imagine the ball what qualities of the ball are good? 5-9 grade literature answers 2 See also Lorazombia624 / June 23, 2014, 18:32:41 Why is Nekrasov's "Peasant Children" so named? What is it about? How did the hero meet with the peasant children and what did he immediately like about them? Does the author himself belong to the peasants? Can you tell by his behavior and speech? What epithets and comparisons does the author give when talking about the peasant children? Grade 5-9 Literature Answers 1 Hazza133 / 07 Aug.

    A small understandable retelling of the peasant children of Nekrasov

    Enough, Vanyusha! you walked a lot, It's time to work, dear! - But even work will first turn to Vanyusha's elegant side. He sees how his father fertilizes the field, How he throws grain into the loose earth, How the field then begins to turn green, How an ear grows, pours grain ...

    So, we are obliged to wrap by the way the other side of the medal. Suppose a peasant child grows freely without learning anything, But he will grow up if God pleases, And nothing prevents him from bending. Suppose he knows forest paths, Prances on horseback, is not afraid of water, But the midges mercilessly eat him, But he knows the work early ... * * * Once, in the cold winter time, I left the forest; there was a bitter frost. I look, slowly rising up the mountain The horse, carrying a cart of brushwood, And, walking importantly, in decorous calm, The horse is led by the bridle of a peasant In big boots, in a sheepskin coat, In big mittens ...

    Summary of peasant children, Nekrasov read

    The presence of nature adds melody to the poem. The hard life of Nekrasov's children The fate of peasant children is tightly tied to labor on the ground. The author himself says that they learn the works early. So, Nikolai Alekseevich cites the example of a little boy who matured early. A six-year-old boy works in the forest with his father and does not even think about complaining about his life. Respect for work is instilled from childhood. Depending on how their parents are respectful of the field, children imitate them.

    Coverage of the educational issue In addition, the problem of education arises in the poem, which Nekrasov raises. Peasant children are deprived of the opportunity to study. They don't know books.

    And the narrator is worried about their future, because he knows that only God knows whether the child will grow up or die. But next to endless work, children do not lose their thirst for life.

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      In one of the cities quite large, there was a presentation of a book by one young

    Nekrasov N.

    Summary peasant children n.a nekasova

    Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov - a new trend in the history of Russian literature. He was the first to introduce the theme of the common people and filled rhymes with colloquial turns.

    The way of life of commoners appeared, so a new style was born. Nikolai Alekseevich became a pioneer in the mainstream of a combination of lyrics and satire.

    He dared to change its very content. "Peasant Children" by Nekrasov was written in 1861 in Greshnevo. The shed in which the narrator slept was most likely located in Shoda, under the house of Gabriel Zakharov (children recognize him in the work). At the time of writing, the poet wore a beard, which was a rarity for nobles, so the children questioned his origins. The rich image of peasant children The future writer was born into a simple, poor, but respected family. As a child, he often played with his peers. The guys did not perceive him as a superior and a master. Nekrasov never gave up a simple life.

    Nekrasov, "peasant children": analysis and summary of the work

    I'm in the village again. I go hunting, I write my verses - life is easy. Yesterday, tired of walking through the swamp, I wandered into the barn and fell deeply asleep. flying over the roof, Young rooks are screaming, Another kind of bird is also flying - By the shadow I recognized the crow just; Chu! some whisper ... but a string along the slit of attentive eyes! All gray, brown, blue eyes Mingled like flowers in a field. They have so much peace, freedom and affection, They have so much holy kindness! Oh, dear rogues! Who often saw them, He, I believe, loves peasant children ... I made mushroom raids with them: I dug up leaves, rummaged through stumps, I tried to spot a mushroom spot, And in the morning I could not find anything. ! "We both bent down, but at once and grab ...

    A short retelling of peasant children

    Enough, Vanyusha! you walked a lot, It's time to work, dear! -But even work will first turn to Vanyusha with its elegant side. He sees how his father fertilizes the field, How he throws grain into the loose earth, How the field then begins to turn green, How an ear grows, pours grain ... So, by the way, we have to wrap a medal on the other side. Suppose a peasant child grows freely, not learning anything, But he will grow up, if God pleases, And nothing prevents him from bending. Suppose he knows forest paths, Prances on horseback, is not afraid of water, But midges mercilessly eat his, But he is familiar with the work early ... * * * Once, in a cold winter season, I went out of the forest; there was a severe frost. I look, slowly climbing up the hill A horse, carrying a cart of brushwood, And, marching importantly, in decorous calm, The horse is led by the bridle of a peasant In large boots, in a sheepskin coat, In large mittens ...

    Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is one of the few classical poets who created works about the existence ordinary people... One of these creations is the charming poem "Peasant Children", which says that one day a hunter came into a village shed and lost sleep because of fatigue. And the traveler is discovered by children living in a small village. They look at him with surprise and discuss loudly. The poet immediately depicts his childhood with the peasant children, and also imagines how they supported the adults. And although they worked willingly, the work also gave them unbearable torment, ranging from impotence in the face of the heat and severe frosts.

    The poem teaches us to understand that, despite the fact that poor people worked to the point of exhaustion, this work brought them not only torment, but also joy. the main idea consists in a respectful attitude to the work of ordinary people, because they also have the opportunity to enjoy life, only they need to work a lot and for a long time.

    Summary Peasant children of Nekrasov

    Reading the initial lines of this striking poetic work, we find ourselves in a small shed where a tired hunter wandered in and lay down to rest. He fell fast asleep, as he had been hunting for a long time, and did not hear several pairs of inquisitive children's eyes gazing at him through the cracks, which in no way could understand whether the man was lying alive or lifeless. Finally he woke up, and immediately he heard the iridescent song of birds. He managed to distinguish between a crow and a rook. And suddenly the stranger's gaze came across tiny nimble eyes. These were kids who were looking at a stranger with great interest. They quietly talked among themselves, and cast their eyes first at the man's ammunition, then at his dog. When the children noticed that a stranger was watching them, some of them ran away. And late in the evening it was already known that a rich gentleman had arrived at their settlement.

    Having settled in the village for the summer, the master enjoys the beautiful places and the time spent with the children. The author describes their life in various ways, which is filled with various games. And, of course, it is striking that all the activities of rural children are very different from the leisure of urban children.

    We see how some little boy swims with pleasure in the river, another babysits his sister. A mischievous little girl rides a horse. At the same time, the guys help adults. So Vanya tries his hand at harvesting bread, and then with a majestic look takes it home. They have no time to get sick and think about empty things. The days fly by for them instantly and happily. And they learn all the most informative from their elders. But Nekrasov also notes the other side of their fate. These children have no future. They play, work with pleasure, but none of them receive education, and, accordingly, will not become worthy and respected people in society.

    In the poem, Nikolai Alekseevich inserted a bright moment, which describes the labor activity of children. Once in a cold winter, the poet, apparently hunting, meets a small child who helps his father carry firewood. It happens on such frosty days! And he is forced to help, since there are only two men in their family. Then Nekrasov again returns us to the beginning of the poem. The rested hunter began to show the children what a smart dog he has. But then a thunderstorm began, and the children fled to their homes, and the narrator went on to hunt.

    Picture or drawing Peasant children

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    Did you like the poem? If so, with what? What do you remember the most from it? Why?

    In assessing the poem, the fifth-graders are unanimous: I liked it very much! I liked the fact that it is about real life, there is both funny and sad in it, that it was written very "well" and the language of the poem is close to the folk.

    Most of all, of course, children remember the meeting of the author with the "little man with a fingernail" in the winter forest, his communication with peasant children, when, together with them, he gives commands to his dog Fingal. These are living scenes, where the heroes are not only described by the author, but also speak, act, make their own assessments.

    Tell me, with what feeling does Nekrasov tell about peasant children? Find words and expressions in the poem that help us feel his relationship to children. Can we say that the author admires them, loves them?

    The poet talks about the peasant children with love and even tenderness, words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes that he uses in their description ("eyes", "little eyes", "little man", "baby", etc.) speak about this. Nekrasov calls children "cute rogues", says: I love the expression of a child's eyes,
    I will always recognize him.
    I froze: tenderness touched my soul ...

    Who often saw them,
    He, I believe, loves peasant children ...
    He admires the eyes of children and exclaims:

    There is so much peace, freedom and affection in them,
    There is so much holy kindness in them!

    The poet describes with pleasure their games, trips to the forest, admires their spontaneity, openness, curiosity: "The guys will surround them: stories will begin ...", "How you saw, how you trick - show them everything." The poet wishes them well: “Play, children! Grow free "

    And how do children at first relate to the poet? Why? What words show this attitude? Find them.

    At first, the kids are afraid of an unfamiliar hunter, because he is not very similar to others they have seen before: he has a beard, and "the bar does not have a beard - a mustache" (according to the customs of that time, beards were worn only by peasants, bar beards were shaved), watches for some reason the stranger has his hat on, he is the owner of an expensive gun: “Gun! take a look: the locks are carved ... "The children saw all these details, watching the hunter through the cracks of the shed, trying to talk in a whisper and fearing that he would hear them and" beat them. "

    What happened to me - they marveled at everything
    And they pronounced my sentence:
    - Such a goose, what a hunt!
    I would lie on the stove!

    And apparently not the master: how he drove from the swamp,
    So next to Gavrila ...

    Why do children call a stranger "goose"? He seems to them important person, special. This is what causes some concern.

    Why do children stop being afraid of a stranger? Thanks to what they found a common
    language with him?

    The children felt his kindness, the hunter began to play with them, and the hunting dog, who perfectly knew "dog science", helped him:
    He started throwing things like that
    That the audience could not leave the place.
    Wonder, laugh! There is no time for fear!
    Command yourself! - Fingalka, die!
    - “Don't get caught, Sergei! Don't push, Kuzyakha!
    Look - it is dying - look! "

    I enjoyed myself, wallowing in the hay,
    Their noisy fun.

    Are all parts of the poem funny? Why? And what can you do?

    No, the whole poem cannot be called a comedy. It is not at all funny when the author talks about a six-year-old child who carries brushwood from the forest “in the chilly winter season”.

    It’s not funny when we hear bitter words that a peasant child “knows the work early” and nothing prevents him from “bending” ... We laugh when Nekrasov talks about how the children looked at him, how happy the dog's tricks were, how they accepted the snake by the ring. So the title "Children's Comedy" would not quite correspond to the content of the poem.

    The name "Peasant Children" is broader and more accurate: after all, the poem tells not only about the episode of the poet's meeting with peasant children, but also about other moments of his life) includes memories of childhood and reflections on the life and fate of peasant children.

    We pass on to the analysis of the main part of the poem. Nekrasov paints a collective portrait of peasant children. At the same time, he uses many artistic techniques, and one of his favorite and expressive ones is comparison.

    Find in the poem those comparisons with which he creates this collective portrait.

    All gray, brown, blue eyes -
    Mixed like flowers in a field.
    My spies were scared
    And they rushed away: he heard a man,
    So sparrows fly from the chaff in a flock.
    And the Rus "heads above the desert river

    Where do all these comparisons come from? What unites them? (All comparisons are from the natural world.)

    Why does Nekrasov use comparisons from the natural world to describe peasant children?

    Peasant children grow and live among meadows) fields) forests, they know mushrooms, berries, herbs, birds well:

    Wow, it's hot! .. Until noon, mushrooms were harvested)
    They came out of the forest - just to meet
    A blue ribbon, winding, long
    Meadow river: jumped off in a crowd
    And light brown heads above the desert river.
    What porcini mushrooms in a forest clearing!
    The river resounded with laughter and howl:
    Hard a fight is not a fight, a game is not a game ...
    And the sun scorches them with midday heat.
    Home, kids! it's time to dine.
    Returned: everyone has a basket full,
    And how many stories! Got a scythe
    Caught a hedgehog, got lost a little
    And they saw a wolf ... oh, what a terrible thing!
    The hedgehog is offered both flies and boogers,
    Roots milk gave him his -
    Doesn't drink! retreated ...
    Who catches leeches
    On the lava, where the womb pounds the linen,
    Who is babysitting little sister, two-year-old Glashka)
    Who drags a bucket of kvask to reap;
    And he, having tied a shirt under his throat,
    Mysteriously draws something on the sand;
    She got into a puddle, and this one with a new
    Weaved myself a glorious wreath:
    Everything is white, yellow, lavender,
    Yes, occasionally a red flower.
    Those sleep in the heat, they dance squatting down.
    Here is a girl catching a horse with a basket:
    I caught it, jumped up and rides it.

    Comparisons help to make the portrait of children very vivid, vivid, and memorable.

    What else allows us to see these kids? (Description of their actions, fun, activities, lively spoken language.)

    Find in their speech such words and expressions that we do not use, and those that convey the flavor of folk speech. ("Look-tko", "tea", "won", "trunk", "what a hunt for such a goose", "casual", "surely", "not to catch", etc.)

    How do children appear before us?

    They are inquisitive and curious, they love interesting stories, they know forest paths, plants and forest inhabitants well, they are cheerful, independent, work together with their parents.

    How are the portraits of these boys similar?

    We see both of them in work together with their parents. Can we prove that labor is not a punishment for them, not a duty, that they are proud of their parents' participation in the labor?
    Vanyusha closely monitors the work of his parents in the field, tries to help them:

    He sees how his father fertilizes the field,
    As if it throws grain into the loose earth,
    As the field then begins to turn green,
    As the ear grows, it pours the grain.
    The finished harvest will be cut with sickles,
    They will knit in sheaves, they will be taken to the barn,
    Dry, beat, beat with flails,
    At the mill, they will dare and bake bread.
    Child will taste fresh bread
    And in the field he runs more willingly after his father.

    Explain the expression "Vanyusha enters the village as a king."

    The boy, apparently, was at the haymaking with his parents. Now they are returning home with a hay train, on top of which Vanyusha is sitting. He is proud that he helped his parents, he is glad that now he is above everyone else, and therefore "enters the king" into the village.

    And the "little man with a fingernail" feels like a full participant in adult labor:
    "Father, do you hear, chops, and I take away." Why does Nekrasov say that the boy does not walk, but walks? Explain the words: and walking importantly, in a decorous calm, the horse is being led by the bridle by a peasant ...

    The boy feels the importance and necessity of his participation in the preparation of brushwood: the warmth in the hut depends on this. He is proud that he was entrusted with such an important task, and therefore he does not walk, but walks, as important persons walk, statesmen, kings. In this sense, they are similar to Vanyusha.

    What amazes the poet in the figurine of the boy he met in the winter forest?

    He is amazed that "in the cold winter season", in the "severe frost" he meets a child in the forest:

    A little man leads the horse by the bridle
    In big boots, in a sheepskin sheepskin coat,
    In big mittens ... and with a fingernail himself!

    All his clothes are clearly not for his height (which means that he simply does not have his own!), He is tiny, but already engaged in hard work. Find the synonyms in the poem that call the boy. ("Little man with a fingernail", "boy", "man", "baby", "child")

    Which of these synonyms express admiration? And in what synonym is the boy's assessment of himself expressed?

    The address to the boy sounds ironic, the word peasant conveys the author's admiration for the independence of the boy, the baby - the poet's sympathy for the child. But the child himself calls himself a man, like an adult: "... yes, two people / There are only men: my father and I ..." This is how a six-year-old boy sees and evaluates himself.

    What helps us understand this synonymous series?

    Thanks to him, we understand that a small child should not do hard physical labor in the winter forest, that he does it not because of a good life, but because there is no one else to do it, and at the age of six the boy feels like an adult, he early becomes independent ...

    Why does Nekrasov see the picture he saw at the edge of the forest evoke the feeling of something fake, theatrical?

    The sun shone on this picture so
    The child was so hilariously small
    As if all this was made of cardboard
    As if I got into a children's theater.
    But the boy was a boy alive, real,
    And logs, and brushwood, And a light horse,
    And the snow, lying to the windows of the village,
    And the cold fire of the winter sun -
    Everything, everything real Russian was ...

    The child is too small, his appearance in his father's boots and a sheepskin coat is too ridiculous,
    somehow it does not fit into my head that such a crumb should carry brushwood from the forest in a "severe frost" ...

    What thoughts does this meeting give rise to in the poet?

    Those honest thoughts that have no share
    To which there is no death - press, do not press,
    In which there is so much anger and pain,
    In which there is so much love!

    What makes a poet suffer? Why can't we get rid of "honest thoughts"? Why is there “so much love” in these thoughts along with anger and pain?

    The poet is made to suffer by an unfair social order that can tolerate child labor. And there is no way to get away from these thoughts, because childhood is given to children for joy, so that they grow up "in freedom." And the poet's pain is born of love for peasant children, a pure soul, spontaneous, inquisitive, hardworking.

    Let's ponder the following lines:
    Play now, children! Grow free!
    That's why a red childhood is given to you,
    To forever love this meager field,
    So that it seems to you forever sweet.
    Keep your age-old legacy
    Love your labor bread -
    And let the charm of childhood poetry
    Guides you into the bowels of the native land! ..

    What do children take from their "red childhood" with them into adulthood?
    From childhood, they learn to love their native land, to cultivate it, learn to love "their labor bread."

    Why do you think the poet chose the epithet meager to characterize his native land, which the field represents?

    Lean means infertile, emaciated, poor. Such a field requires especially a lot of care and work. It is easy to love a fertile field with a rich land, but the one in which you invest more labor and energy (in this case, the “meager field”), and you love more, it becomes a part of you yourself.

    The poet calls the "meager field" the "age-old legacy" of children. What does he mean?

    This is the land of ancestors, this is the homeland, it keeps the traditions, culture, history of the clan, the people ... The ashes of the ancestors rest in it, and those who now play free will leave in it over time. The main thing is that they love this land, no matter what, teach their children to love it. Only in this way is the clan, the people, the homeland preserved.

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