Titov spite all deaths a brief summary. Stronger than many healthy


Vladislav Titov's story "To Spite All Deaths ..." is largely autobiographical. Its author, a former miner, a mining foreman, risked his life to prevent a disaster in the mine. He lost both hands, but did not submit to fate, managed to withstand and find his place in life.

To spite all deaths ... (Vladislav Titov)

Word about a rich man (Boris Polevoy)

Vladislav Andreevich Titov






Vladislav Andreevich Titov

To spite all deaths ...



Sitting alone in an empty apartment was always painful for Tanya. Especially this time. The second day she is on vacation, and it is not yet clear when Sergei will be released. And will they even give him the opportunity to rest this month? It may happen this way: she will walk her twenty-four days, go to work, and then Sergey will while away his vacation days at home ...

Tanya is waiting. Her hand, resting her elbow on the windowsill, wanders in short bangs. She twists the hair on her forehead into thin filaments and winds it around her index finger. When all the bangs are curled into rings, the hand slowly unravels them and starts all over again. It is a habit. I tried to get out of the habit - it didn't work. As soon as restless thoughts arise in the head, the hand itself reaches for the hair. Sergei joked at first: Kindergarten solves world problems? And then I got used to it. And even he sometimes twists his forelock into rings. Infected!

“Really nothing will come of it? - thinks Tanya. - For so many years dreamed of going on vacation together ... "

Tanya waits and looks out the window ... Now Seryozha will come in and say: "They didn't give me ... You see, business."

And she will say; "I knew it. You are some kind of unlucky, Seryozhka. " And he will say: "Tanya, I want to eat ..." And she will answer: "Take it and eat it! I'm on vacation, as you know. Am I entitled to rest or not? "

Tanya so clearly imagined all this that tears welled up in her eyes from annoyance.

Spring has come early today. Somehow, the snowstorms that howled at long nights through the quiet streets of the young mining village immediately subsided and exhausted themselves. Timidly, as if afraid to anger the gray cold, the sun smiled from behind the clouds. And winter really got angry. It bristled at night with ice bayonets of roofs, angrily crunched underfoot with a brittle whitish film of puddles, burned with a thorny breath the steaming top of the waste heap.

And then the sun grew bolder. The clouds began to fuss, speeding up their run, the sky spread into a wide smile, and the sun fell in a hot beam on the cold, dormant earth. Somewhere near the ravine, like a bird released into the wild, a song began to play. It rushed upward and saddened with an agonizing expectation of the coming changes.

The little girl with a sparse strand of hair on her forehead, in an open coat, stopped, with narrowed eyes found a lark in the sky, smiled at something and froze with her face raised up.

Spring has reached the mine fan. The air, saturated with the smells of the earth, seemed to stop in front of the furiously whirling blades, thought for a moment and rushed into the dark, damp paste of the trunk, burst into the drifts and went for a walk in the lavas, faces, exciting the souls of miners with an inexplicably sweet longing for the sun, for the high dark blue the sky.

Sergei Petrov walked along the roadway in a miner's helmet famously shifted to one side. It seemed that someone shouted "gopla" - and he would start dancing, impetuous, restless and awkward.

Sergei was in a hurry. And not because the work required it. No. It was just that he was possessed by an inexplicable delight and really wanted to go to the mountain as soon as possible, to take a closer look at the sun. In addition, signed vacation documents were waiting for him at the station chief's desk.

Sergei picked up a piece of rock with the toe of his boot, threw it up and smiled. He imagined how Tanya would throw up her hands, dance with delight, and then throw herself on her neck and laughing, exclaim: "Do you want to strangle you, the opposite?"

And later, when the joy subsides a little, he sits down and once again begins to fantasize about the upcoming trip. And of course, bowing his head, he will ask: "What if your parents don't like me?"

"Why does this question bother her?" - Sergey thought.

So that she, Tanya, does not go? And to whom? To my old men. Yes, this cannot be! Bati's left eye twitches with excitement, and two false teeth will shine like medals polished for Victory Day. "Look, people, my elder one picked up my fallen steal."

In the depths of the drift, the drove froze, throwing reddish reflections on the wet rail, the rickety frame of the attachment. The contacts of the magnetic starters snapped in a race ... The youngs of the irrigation pump snored, splashing and puffing with thin rubber hoses. Sergei walked a few more steps from the district switchboard, and, surprised, stopped !. Near the forklifts at home, someone howled:

Donbass, my Donbass,

Blossom, my beloved Donbass ...

The carriage driver was singing, and this song, which had already been heard many times, caused an incomprehensible response in his soul. In another place Sergei probably would not have listened to her ... But here, at a depth of thirty meters, in a narrow, gloomy corridor, the sacred song strongly pinched the heart. It seemed that the smell of spring that had flown into the dungeon, mixed with the tart stench of mold and gas, suddenly saddened across the wide expanses of the earth, along the serene expanses of the planet.

In the chest. Sergei, everything got up, it became weightlessly light. From somewhere, a wide green carpet, densely covered with yellow dots, which slowly fluttered, multiplied and quietly settled, came up and floated. Already clearly visible are bright yellow fluffy heads trembling from the gentle breath of the breeze. They froze in timid anticipation, listening cautiously to the dangerous silence, and ran in different directions from the rapidly approaching shadow of the parachutist.

“Where did I see this? Where? - Sergei tried to remember. - Oh yes, in the army! Well, of course! The last jump on the eve of demobilization ... "

He remembered how he saw his legs at the very ground, shod with heavy soldiers' pollock. And below the grass stirred from the wind, daisies swayed. Another moment - and the boots will mercilessly crush several delicate, fluffy heads. It seemed to him that the flowers are living beings, they are. want to escape death, but cannot ...

"Miners' songs are singing ..." - rushed along the roadway and, as if through a dream, reached his ear.

... The earth was pulling inexorably towards itself. She pushed me hard at my feet. Sergei jumped absurdly, let go of the parachute lines from his hands and, closing his eyes, collapsed with the entire weight of his body onto a meadow wet with wet dew. The flower stalks crunched, the grasshopper cracked in surprise, as if crying, and suddenly fell silent ...

The telephone rang sharply.

-… the rope is being stretched! .. - the carriage driver shouted into the telephone receiver.

Water dripped from the side. “Drops! - Sergey grinned. - Just like there, on the mountain.

And, already making his way on all fours along the lava, he again recalled the events of that distant army day. He took the crumpled daisies with him. There were seven of them. Then they stood in a faceted glass on the bedside table, next to his soldier's bed.

"I received a letter from Tanya then ... and a photograph!"

Tanya was photographed in profile, looking thoughtfully into the distance and smiling with the corner of her lips. In the letter she wrote: “The third spring has come and gone, but you are still not there. I'm tired, Earring! When will we be together! For the life of me, I can’t imagine you as a whole, everything. This is bad, right? Do you remember how you asked: “Will you wait?” - and you yourself smiled incredulously. Do you still doubt it? Look, you will be like this - in spite I will marry someone else! "

Young Sergei Petrov, after graduating from a mining college, worked as a miner.

Once, going down to the mine face, to work on the night shift, he saw how the trolley damaged the electric cable, a fire began, and the fire quickly spread along the face, getting to the high-current transformer. Sergei immediately realized that if the fire gets to the equipment, an explosion is inevitable and, as a result, the death of a large number of people who have families and children on the ground. Without thinking about his life, the young man rushed to the transformer and covered it with his body, taking on a strong electric shock.

The miner was found by his comrades and taken to the hospital. All medical staff were shocked by the strong body young man... Under these circumstances, people usually do not survive.

But not everything turned out to be so good. Sergei's body was severely charred and burned, the doctors had to fight for the life of the young man for a long time.

At home, Petrov was awaited by his beloved and faithful wife Tatyana, whom he met even before serving in the army. Hearing the news of the tragedy with her husband, Tanya was able to gather willpower into a fist and urgently went to the hospital, praying to God to save her dear person.

When Sergei regained consciousness, he did not want to realize that doctors would be able to raise him to his feet. Doctors decided to amputate the man's hand for fear of possible blood poisoning. As soon as Sergey found out about this, he announced to his wife that they needed to part. Tatiana - young beautiful woman and it is wrong for her to continue living with her crippled husband.

However, Tatyana did not heed the persuasion of her husbands and remained to look after him. And then there was another amputation (of the second hand). The patient's condition worsened, and the doctors of the small district hospital were unable to rectify the situation. Tatiana plucked up courage and went to the regional center. The center's surgeons turned out to be highly professional and performed several unique operations.

Sergei Petrov's mood improved a little, he realized that despite the excruciating pain and physical suffering, he should not lose heart and must continue to fight for his life.

The man began to walk gradually and was soon discharged home.

New tests began for Sergei. He took his handicapped position hard and suffered morally. At some point, he wanted to put his thoughts on paper. But how to do this without having both hands, he did not understand. I tried to draw letters by pinching the pencil with my toes and even holding it with my lips. Studied spelling as an apprentice primary school starting with sticks and hooks. It took almost a year from the moment of these trainings to the first read words. Tatiana, supporting her husband in all his endeavors, provided him with all-round assistance and, during the periods of rest from writing lessons, she herself wrote down his stories in a notebook.

Tatiana tried to place her first notes in local editorial offices, but they made it clear that they were not interested in non-professional articles.

Sergey got prostheses. At first, the man was delighted, but it turned out that it was not so easy to get used to the artificial hands (they rubbed the skin to blood, it was impossible to use the prosthetic fingers). But Sergei, biting his lips to tears, continued to train and work.

And, finally, victory: his article was published by a large magazine, and after a while various magazines and publications began to publish his notes and stories.

Sergei was inspired by the result, but was not going to relax and continued to overcome himself. Tatiana suddenly told her husband about a pleasant event in their family, they will soon become parents. From this joyful news, Petrov began to work with a vengeance.

The young writer has gained many admirers in all parts of the country and abroad. He received bags of letters in which people shared with the author the difficult vicissitudes of life. Publishing houses organized meetings for Sergei with readers, at which he did not hesitate to talk about his difficult fate and give advice on how to bravely withstand difficult life situations.

An autobiographical work conveys to the reader the stamina and strength of human character, faith in a happy future, the desire to live and be useful to people.

Picture or drawing of Titov - To spite all deaths

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary of the Higher Measure of Likhanov

    Sophia Sergeevna's life was difficult and not entirely happy. She and her twin sister Zhenya lost their parents early. Zhenya got married early, at the age of nineteen.

    A terrible situation is shown in the story - a pestilence of cows. The unfortunate calves die from their plague, and the shepherd Gregory cannot help them. Animal owners come, lament, shepherd feel guilty

Vladislav Andreevich Titov

To spite all deaths ...



Sitting alone in an empty apartment was always painful for Tanya. Especially this time. The second day she is on vacation, and it is not yet clear when Sergei will be released. And will they even give him the opportunity to rest this month? It may happen this way: she will walk her twenty-four days, go to work, and then Sergey will while away his vacation days at home ...

Tanya is waiting. Her hand, resting her elbow on the windowsill, wanders in short bangs. She twists the hair on her forehead into thin filaments and winds it around her index finger. When all the bangs are curled into rings, the hand slowly unravels them and starts all over again. It is a habit. I tried to get out of the habit - it didn't work. As soon as restless thoughts arise in the head, the hand itself reaches for the hair. At first Sergei joked: does the kindergarten solve world problems? And then I got used to it. And even he sometimes twists his forelock into rings. Infected!

"Really nothing will come of it? - Tanya thinks. - So many years dreamed of going on vacation together ..."

Tanya is waiting and looking out the window ... Now Seryozha will come in and say: "They didn't give me ... You see, business."

And she will say; "I knew it. You are kind of unlucky, Seryozhka." And he will say: "Tanya, I want to eat ..." And she will answer: "Take it and eat it! I'm on vacation, as you know. Do I have the right to rest or not?"

Tanya so clearly imagined all this that tears welled up in her eyes from annoyance.

Spring has come early today. Somehow, the snowstorms that howled at long nights through the quiet streets of the young mining village immediately subsided and exhausted themselves. Timidly, as if afraid to anger the gray cold, the sun smiled from behind the clouds. And winter really got angry. It bristled at night with ice bayonets of roofs, angrily crunched underfoot with a brittle whitish film of puddles, burned with a thorny breath the steaming top of the waste heap.

And then the sun grew bolder. The clouds began to fuss, speeding up their run, the sky spread into a wide smile, and the sun fell in a hot beam on the cold, dormant earth. Somewhere near the ravine, like a bird released into the wild, a song began to play. It rushed upward and saddened with an agonizing expectation of the coming changes.

The little girl with a sparse strand of hair on her forehead, in an open coat, stopped, with narrowed eyes found a lark in the sky, smiled at something and froze with her face raised up.

Spring has reached the mine fan. The air, saturated with the smells of the earth, seemed to stop in front of the furiously whirling blades, thought for a moment and rushed into the dark, damp paste of the trunk, burst into the drifts and went for a walk in the lavas, faces, exciting the souls of miners with an inexplicably sweet longing for the sun, for the high dark blue the sky.

Sergei Petrov walked along the roadway in a miner's helmet famously shifted to one side. It seemed that someone shouted "gopla" - and he would start dancing, impetuous, restless and awkward.

Sergei was in a hurry. And not because the work required it. No. It was just that he was possessed by an inexplicable delight and really wanted to go to the mountain as soon as possible, to take a closer look at the sun. In addition, signed vacation documents were waiting for him at the station chief's desk.

Sergei picked up a piece of rock with the toe of his boot, threw it up and smiled. He imagined how Tanya would throw up her hands, dance with delight, and then throw herself on her neck and laughing, exclaim: "Do you want to strangle you, the opposite?"

And later, when the joy subsides a little, he sits down and once again begins to fantasize about the upcoming trip. And of course, bowing his head, he will ask: "What if your parents don't like me?"

“Why does this question torment her?” Sergey wondered.

So that she, Tanya, does not go? And to whom? To my old men. Yes, this cannot be! Bati's left eye twitches with excitement, and two false teeth will shine like medals polished for Victory Day. "Look, people, my elder one picked up my fallen steal."

In the depths of the drift, the drove froze, throwing reddish reflections on the wet rail, the rickety frame of the attachment. The contacts of the magnetic starters snapped in a race ... The youngs of the irrigation pump snored, splashing and puffing with thin rubber hoses. Sergei walked a few more steps from the district switchboard, and, surprised, stopped !. Near the forklifts at home, someone howled:

Donbass, my Donbass,
Blossom, my beloved Donbass ...

The carriage driver was singing, and this song, which had already been heard many times, caused an incomprehensible response in his soul. In another place Sergei probably would not have listened to her ... But here, at a depth of thirty meters, in a narrow, gloomy corridor, the sacred song strongly pinched the heart. It seemed that the smell of spring that had flown into the dungeon, mixed with the tart stench of mold and gas, suddenly saddened across the wide expanses of the earth, along the serene expanses of the planet.

In the chest. Sergei, everything got up, it became weightlessly light. From somewhere, a wide green carpet, densely covered with yellow dots, which slowly fluttered, multiplied and quietly settled, came up and floated. Already clearly visible are bright yellow fluffy heads trembling from the gentle breath of the breeze. They froze in timid anticipation, listening cautiously to the dangerous silence, and ran in different directions from the rapidly approaching shadow of the parachutist.

"Where did I see this? Where?" Sergei tried to remember. "Oh, yes, in the army! Of course! The last jump on the eve of demobilization ..."

He remembered how he saw his legs at the very ground, shod with heavy soldiers' pollock. And below the grass stirred from the wind, daisies swayed. Another moment - and the boots will mercilessly crush several delicate, fluffy heads. It seemed to him that the flowers are living beings, they are. want to escape death, but cannot ...

"Miners' songs are singing ..." - rushed along the roadway and, as if through a dream, it reached his ear. "

... The earth was pulling inexorably towards itself. She pushed me hard at my feet. Sergei jumped absurdly, let go of the parachute lines from his hands and, closing his eyes, collapsed with the entire weight of his body onto a meadow wet with wet dew. The flower stalks crunched, the grasshopper cracked in surprise, as if crying, and suddenly fell silent ...

The telephone rang sharply.

-… the rope is being stretched! .. - the carriage driver shouted into the telephone receiver.

Water dripped from the side. "Kapel!" Sergei chuckled. "Just like there, on the mountain."

And, already making his way on all fours along the lava, he again recalled the events of that distant army day. He took the crumpled daisies with him. There were seven of them. Then they stood in a faceted glass on the bedside table, next to his soldier's bed.

Few people have to endure so much suffering and torment as the hero of the story "To Spite All Deaths." The summary can be summarized in a few words: the person became disabled, but did not give up and built his destiny anew.

Vladislav Andreevich Titov

This is the author of the story "To Spite All Deaths." The summary is copied from his own life. This man was born in the first half of the last century in a small village in the Lipetsk region. His whole family was engaged in peasant labor. Vladislav, like many young people at that time, wanted to become a pilot, but for health reasons he was not fit for this profession. At a crossroads of fate, he came across an ad for a mining college.

At that time, the profession of a miner was quite monetary and respected. Vladislav began to master it diligently. For a profession, he went to Voroshilovgrad - now Lugansk, there was an excellent mining technical school. The young man graduated from it with success.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the scholarship for a mining college student was 340 rubles - an absolutely fantastic amount at that time.

Russian spirit

Trials initially strong character are described in the story "To All Deaths in Spite". The summary contains a mention of the fact that the training at the mining technical school included a test run into the mine. It was there, in complete darkness underground, that everyone decided for himself whether he could do the miner's path. The teachers did not hide from the students that the risk to life is part of the profession, and that no one will reproach the one who leaves before the end of the course.

Vladislav did not leave. Moreover, miners at that time worked reclining, and instead of a jackhammer, they chipped off coal with a shovel. Stand in full height did not allow the size of the mine shaft. To this must be added the darkness, dissipated only by the light of the mine lanterns, and forced ventilation. Only physically hardy and strong-minded people could work in such conditions from day to day.

Fatal third shift

The story "To Spite All Deaths" is connected with the history of the whole region. The summary indicates that the tragedy of one person happened on the third shift, in the darkest hours of the night. Vladislav Titov had just gone underground and was on his way to replace his comrade in the face.

He heard the noise and saw what was happening at the same time. The coal car derailed and punctured the electrical cable. The cable caught fire from a short circuit. The fire runs along the cable, and then a powerful transformer. The explosion is inevitable.

And in the mine - two shifts, all families, you know everyone ... Vladislav decided to turn off the transformer. In these cases, journalists write “at any cost”.

The cost of lives saved

The usual cases in these parts are described by Vladislav Titov. "To spite all deaths" ( summary) is dedicated to the unspoken price of coal - for every ton, there are someone's taken away by the explosions of life. This is found in all countries. Every miner knows that the warmth and comfort on earth are paid for by underground deaths. They know and still go underground - otherwise everything will stop.

Like Vladislav, all miners rush to the rescue of other people - this is an integral part of the profession. There are no faint in spirit there.

Vladislav turned off the transformer, but took over six thousand volts. He remembered his sensations: as if a spider dug into all parts of the body with unbearable pain. The fact that the boot caught fire, he could no longer understand - everything hurt.

The tunnellers found him. The man was conscious, asked for a drink, his shoes were on fire, and he looked like a large piece of black coal.

Genuine miracle

It is impossible to survive after an electric shock of such force. A current of more than 90 volts is considered disastrous for a person. At the time of the tragedy, Vladislav was only 20 years old, and he survived. How - no one knows. He was responsible for his parents and his beloved woman, whom he had already met by that time. This is the eventual outline of the story, the author of which is Vladislav Titov ("To spite all deaths"). The summary is silent about the physical suffering that this person had to endure. To save his life, he had to part with both hands - and not immediately, not in one day. Doctors tried to save his hands, but it all ended in amputation.

The man realized that he was becoming a deeply disabled person, sometimes he even asked his beloved woman to leave him, but his girlfriend turned out to be a match for him - she became a wife.

Outside the walls of the hospital

At the moment of discharge, it seemed that all the worst was over. Vladislav Titov thought so. "To spite all deaths" (summary) shows that much more severe physical suffering turned out to be a complete lack of demand and uselessness. Yes, workmates remembered his feat and honored him as a person, but life - so different, stormy, full of news and events - passed by. What was the person to do for whom even the usual self-care became a problem for everyone? Dressing, putting on shoes, lighting a cigarette - all this is impossible to do without hands. The search for oneself is a more significant feat than overcoming physical pain.

Ability to write

The story "To Spite All Deaths" (we give a brief summary) tells about the strength of the spirit common man... The writer's wife noticed the moment when he realized his new possibilities. Titov turned the pages of books with his lips, and then began to do it with a pencil. The pencil left a mark on the paper. So the person realized that he could write. But it is well said: write. It took him almost a year to get from the first point on paper to readable phrases. He went through what every first grader goes through: sticks and hooks, attempts to keep letters in one line, notebooks in an oblique line. He mastered writing with a pencil between his teeth.

First publication

Today, many people know who Vladimir Titov is. “To Spite All Deaths” is a well-known work. For the first time this amazing book was published in the Lipetsk region, where Titov was born.

Titov Vladislav Andreevich

To spite all deaths

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To spite all deaths ...

Vladislav Titov's story "To Spite All Deaths ..." is largely autobiographical. Its author, a former miner, a mining foreman, risked his life to prevent a disaster in the mine. He lost both hands, but did not submit to fate, managed to withstand and find his place in life.

The story "Feather - grass of the steppe" is also dedicated to our time-honored people, their courage and high moral beauty.


Sitting alone in an empty apartment was always painful for Tanya. Especially this time. The second day she is on vacation, and it is not yet clear when Sergei will be released. And will they even give him the opportunity to rest this month? It can happen like this: she walks her twenty-four days, goes to work, and then Sergei will while away his vacation days at home ...

Tanya is waiting. Her hand, resting her elbow on the windowsill, wanders in short bangs. She twists the hair on her forehead into thin filaments and winds it around her index finger. When all the bangs are curled into rings, the hand slowly unravels them and starts all over again. It is a habit. I tried to get out of the habit - it didn't work. As soon as restless thoughts arise in the head, the hand itself reaches for the hair. At first Sergei joked: does the kindergarten solve world problems? And then I got used to it. And even he sometimes twists his forelock into rings. Infected!

"Really nothing will come of it? - Tanya thinks. - For so many years we dreamed of going on vacation together ..."

Tanya is waiting and looking out the window ... Now Seryozha will come in and say: "They didn’t give it ... You see, business."

And she will say; "I knew it. You are kind of unlucky, Seryozhka." And he will say: "Tanya, I want to eat ..." And she will answer: "Take it and eat it! I'm on vacation, as you know. Do I have the right to rest or not?"

Tanya so clearly imagined all this that tears welled up in her eyes from annoyance.

Spring has come early today. Somehow, the snowstorms that howled at long nights through the quiet streets of the young mining village immediately subsided and exhausted themselves. Timidly, as if afraid to anger the gray cold, the sun smiled from behind the clouds. And winter really got angry. It bristled at night with ice bayonets of roofs, angrily crunched underfoot with a brittle whitish film of puddles, burned with a thorny breath the steaming top of the waste heap.

And then the sun grew bolder. The clouds began to fuss, speeding up their run, the sky spread into a wide smile, and the sun fell in a hot beam on the cold, dormant earth. Somewhere near the beam, like a bird released into the wild, a song began to beat. It rushed upward and saddened with an agonizing expectation of the coming intermixtures.

The little girl with a sparse strand of hair on her forehead, in an open coat, stopped, with narrowed eyes found a lark in the sky, smiled at something and froze with her face raised up.

Spring has reached the mine fan. The air, saturated with the smells of the earth, seemed to stop in front of the furiously circling shoulder blades, thought for a moment and rushed into the dark, damp paste of the trunk, burst into the drifts and went for a walk in the lavas, faces, exciting the souls of miners with an inexplicably sweet longing for the sun, for the high dark blue the sky.

Sergei Petrov walked along the roadway in a miner's helmet famously shifted to one side. It seemed that someone shouted "gopla" - and he would start dancing, impetuous, restless and awkward.

Sergei was in a hurry. And not because the work required it. No. It was just that he was possessed by an inexplicable delight and really wanted to go to the mountain as soon as possible, to take a closer look at the sun. In addition, signed vacation documents were waiting for him at the station chief's desk.

Sergei picked up a piece of rock with the toe of his boot, threw it up and smiled. He imagined how Tanya would throw up her hands, dance with delight, and then throw herself on her neck and laughing, exclaim: "Do you want to strangle you, the opposite?"

And later, when the joy subsides a little, he sits down and once again begins to fantasize about the upcoming trip. And of course, bowing his head, he will ask: "What if your parents don't like me?"

“Why does this question torment her?” Sergey wondered.

So that she, Tanya, does not go? And to whom? To my old men. Yes, this cannot be! Bati's left eye twitches with excitement, and two false teeth will shine like medals polished for Victory Day. "Look, people, I'm stealing my senior podtseshy"

In the depths of the drift, I drove, ford, "colored glare on a wet rail, a lopsided mounting frame. The contacts of the magnetic actuators snapped in a race. Snored, splashing and puffing with thin rubber hoses," and, surprised, he stopped! Near the loaders of the house, someone howled:

Donbass, my Donbass,

Blossom, my beloved Donbass ...

The carriage driver was singing, and this song, which had already been heard many times, caused an incomprehensible response in his soul. In another place, Sergei, most likely, would not have listened to her .. And here, on the three-vaimetric depth "," narrow, "gloomy tridor, the song yaevyash

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XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49

XML error: EntityRef: expecting ";" at line 49