Why casein protein? What is "casein" and what it is eaten with - the benefits, dangers and features of the application. Prices and where to buy casein

Casein is a protein supplement that provides the athlete's muscles with building material for growth for a long time and prevents catabolism.

Complete nutrition of an athlete is impossible to imagine without special nutritional supplements. And it is better to give preference to natural preparations of natural origin.

What is casein?

Fatty cottage cheese contains up to 22% casein

Casein (also known as caseinogen) is a milk protein formed by curdling milk with special enzymes. Of all the proteins in dairy products, casein accounts for 80%.

Refers to complex, complete proteins. It contains all kinds of essential acids that are vital for the human body. In the stomach, under the influence of enzymes, casein forms a dense clot, which slowly breaks down, releasing calcium and phosphorus.

Available as a white powder, which is used to make protein shakes. Sold as part of ready-made mixes for shakes and protein supplements. Pure casein without pronounced aroma, curd taste. In cocktails with casein, as a rule, there are flavorings, sweeteners, and sometimes dyes.

How does it work in training?

Lose weight using casein is quite real

Casein is a slow-digesting protein, so it makes no sense to take it after training. It will not be absorbed quickly enough to replenish the amino acid levels needed by the muscles. High-speed proteins, such as whey, will be more relevant at this time.

Before training, casein is only appropriate during a weight loss diet, so that due to insufficient nutrition, the muscles do not suffer from intense exercise.

Mass Gain Reception

When gaining muscle mass, casein should be taken only at night - to slow down catabolism and provide muscles with a supply of protein. This will prevent the damaging effects of cortisol.

When burning weight

Due to the fact that casein occupies the stomach for a long time with work, it has the effect of reducing appetite, which makes life much easier during a weight loss diet. It gives a feeling of satiety for about 7 hours, which saves you from night hunger, while the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of protein. In addition, it allows you to save muscle mass and increases the release of heat from your body, which speeds up the metabolism and the process of burning subcutaneous and. 10 g of casein contains only 36 kcal, so it does not add extra fat.

Why does an athlete need it?

Casein intake reduces the need to eat “tons” of food

To achieve the desired results, whether it is a set of muscle mass, increased endurance in training or rapid fat burning, a high amount of protein products must be present in the athlete's diet, because protein is a necessary building material for muscle tissue.

In order not to have to eat kilograms of meat, eggs and cottage cheese, which, in addition to proteins, also contain fats and carbohydrates, it is wiser to supplement the diet with protein supplements. The diet should contain both fast-acting proteins, which provide high anabolism, and slow ones, which provide long-term muscle nutrition.

Anabolism (from the Greek ἀναβολή, “rise”) or plastic metabolism is a set of chemical processes that make up one of the sides of the metabolism in the body, aimed at the formation of cells and tissues.

Source Wikipedia

What is the use of casein for an athlete:

  • Saturation of the body with essential amino acids
  • Strengthening of the skeletal system due to the high content of calcium
  • Reduced feelings of hunger
  • Protection against muscle breakdown (catabolism) at night
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Compensates for the lack of protein in the diet during the diet.

Types of casein protein

There are three types of casein protein:

  1. casein hydrolyzate. It is obtained in the process of hydrolysis, during which amino acid bonds are destroyed, and the rate of protein absorption increases.
  2. Micellar casein. Obtained by ultra- or microfiltration of milk, in which casein is separated from whey, fat and lactose. The natural structure of the protein is preserved. It is absorbed more easily than caseinate, but for a longer time (up to 10 hours). Solubility in the liquid is low, the cocktail is thick, mushy.
  3. Caseinate. It is a mixture of protein and salts of calcium, sodium and potassium. The protein content in such a mixture is not less than 90%. Caseinate dissolves easily in liquids, which is why it is often used in industrial cocktails.

How to take casein protein

Take casein in the form of a cocktail from the required amount of powder dissolved in a glass of milk. For taste, you can add a spoonful of cocoa, a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon. Mixing is best done with a shaker.

The dosage depends on the purpose for which the protein is taken.

  • At the stage of mass gain - 40 g of casein before bedtime.
  • During the drying period - take at night and between main meals, 15-20 g, with water or up to 4 times a day.
  • If you have to skip a meal, the dose of protein will be 35-40 g.
  • To enhance post-workout anabolism, casein can be paired with whey protein in a 1:2 ratio (one part casein to two parts whey)

These figures are approximate, a more accurate dosage is calculated based on the athlete's body weight and the amount of protein supplied with food.

What can be combined with

You can use casein in its pure form. But sometimes the best effect will be from combining it with other, more quickly digestible products, such as whey protein. In such a combination, the benefits of these products are mutually enhanced. Eliminates such a lack of casein as a low anabolic effect. A similar result can be achieved by combining casein protein with leucine or (a complex of amino acids).

What foods contain casein

Most casein is found in dairy products. Content as a percentage of the total amount of proteins in the product:

  • cow and goat milk - 80%
  • hard cheeses - 30%
  • soft cheeses - 28%
  • pickled cheeses - 26%
  • fat cottage cheese - 22%
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 18%
  • sour cream (fatty) - 15%
  • curdled milk, kefir - 15%
  • bio-yogurts and curds – 9%
  • sweet yoghurts - 6%

How is casein different from other types of protein?

The main “rival” of casein is whey protein. Their "rivalry" begins in the sports nutrition store, when the buyer has a dilemma what to take. The main difference is in the rate of protein digestion. Casein is digested for a long time, studies have shown that after taking casein, a high concentration of amino acids remained in the blood of the subjects for 5 hours.

Side effects from taking

Side effects with moderate use are quite rare and are temporary. Contraindications for admission are individual intolerance (allergy) and serious diseases of the digestive system.


Allergy to casein is a common phenomenon. It manifests itself in childhood and disappears during adulthood in 85% of allergy sufferers. And yet, if a person has an intolerance to dairy products, then he is allergic to casein.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Skin rashes
  • Edema of mucous membranes
  • Breathing becomes difficult

Casein allergy is not treated, antihistamines and corticosteroids only relieve symptoms. Therefore, an allergy sufferer should refrain from eating milk proteins.

Impact on the human body

By itself, casein protein does not have a negative effect on the body. The essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, with which it is rich, are useful for all people. However, everything is good in moderation. Considering that casein is absorbed slowly, it gives an increased load on the digestive system. With excessive consumption, unpleasant sensations in the stomach (a feeling of heaviness), bloating, nausea, and vomiting are possible. With prolonged abuse, there is a risk of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effect on potency

Proteins of animal origin do not adversely affect sexual function, in contrast to, which can increase estrogen levels. Therefore, you need to choose pure milk casein, without the admixture of soy protein.

What to look for when buying casein protein? A good product should not contain:

  • No synthetic additives, only natural dairy raw materials
  • vegetable fats
  • no salt

There should be no mildew smell. The consistency of a homogeneous powder, without lumps.

Preference should be given to micellar casein without unnecessary additives, from a reliable manufacturer. The pursuit of a cheap product can lead to the purchase of a fake or poor quality product, the benefits of which are very doubtful.

Always remember that a quality product cannot be cheap.

Casein protein is an indispensable component of an athlete's sports nutrition. It provides uniform long-term nutrition for muscles and bones, prevents catabolism at night. It is also very effective for reducing appetite during weight loss, in this respect it can be useful not only for athletes, but also for people who want to lose weight and are hard to tolerate hunger.

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Be sure to read about it

Lane Norton advocates for casein, an ingredient found in cheese, glue, and even plastic. Should YOU be taking it as a supplement? You will be the judge in this process!

If casein protein went to the gym, then it would surely be a whey assistant in the bench press. He had been in her shadow for a long time. Casein has been figuratively compared to Frank Colombo, and whey to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Today everything will be different.

Casein protein

Casein protein, like whey, is derived from cow's milk. Roughly speaking, 80% of the protein in milk is casein and 20% is whey. Casein is an insoluble compound (i.e., it is the solid part of milk protein).

You may have heard of casein in the context of calcium caseinate, which is formed by the interaction of calcium ions.

Due to its jelly-like consistency, casein is used not only as a part of sports supplements, but also used for the production of binders and fillers, and is also one of the main ingredients in cheese making. It should also be added that the binding properties of casein have found application in the production of adhesives and plastics.

But do not run for a tube of Moment glue. Casein-based sports supplements are a valuable source of protein.

The ability of casein to quickly gel and thicken makes it a unique ingredient for making a variety of sports supplements. Once in the digestive system, casein coagulates under the influence of gastric juice. Its absorption is slowed down, which ensures a uniform and continuous release of casein amino acids. (- these are the "bricks" that make up the protein.)

Simply put, this means that the muscles are "recharged" over a long period of time.

The low digestion rate has another advantage - the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation (the consumption of amino acids as an energy source) is reduced. Casein makes you feel full. You will feel like you are about to eat a big meal.

Comparison of casein and whey

Compared to, casein is a double-edged sword. Its advantages include the fact that the slow digestion of casein stretches in time both the supply of amino acids to muscle tissues and the presence of a positive nitrogen balance in the body. (A positive nitrogen balance is the foundation for muscle growth.)

However, the slow release of amino acids from casein leads to a decrease in the maximum anabolic response in the body. In other words, casein does not stimulate muscle protein synthesis as effectively as whey. If we compare casein gram for gram with whey, then due to slow absorption, it has less anabolic properties (grows muscle mass worse).

Moreover, casein protein contains less (8%) compared to whey (11%). Leucine is the amino acid responsible for the maximum anabolic response after protein ingestion. In fact, leucine signals the body to the need for protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.

In the course of writing my PhD thesis, I found that the anabolic response to food is closely related to the content of leucine in it. Casein is less anabolic than whey due to its lower leucine content.

The combination of casein with whey protein

As already mentioned, the maximum anabolic response of casein is less than that of whey. But it provides the supply of amino acids to the body over a longer period of time. The combination of casein with a fast-digesting protein (such as whey) gives the maximum synergistic effect, i.e. a combination of the benefits of both types of protein. Thus, you get a high concentration of leucine along with a constant supply of amino acids to the muscles.

The use of protein mixtures allows you to get the maximum benefit from casein and compensate for some of its shortcomings. Alternatively, you can combine casein with fast-digesting or free-form leucine - the effect will be the same.

casein intake

Casein, like whey, can be used to make various cocktails both in the morning and in the evening. However, due to the slow absorption of casein and the prolonged release of amino acids, it is often resorted to when a person plans to be without food for a long time.

So, many use casein at night, hoping that poorly digestible protein can prevent the process of catabolism (muscle breakdown). Reliable scientific data confirming the advisability of taking casein at night are not available. However, scientists have found that taking casein in the evening reduces the rate of protein breakdown - this has some benefits in terms of gaining muscle mass.

The dosage of casein intake depends on a number of factors: body weight, total protein intake and combination with other protein sources.

If you use casein in its pure form (without other sports supplements), then it is advisable to increase the doses in order to accelerate anabolism in the body. For the 200-pound male bodybuilder who is looking to increase muscle mass, I recommend taking 40-50 grams of casein protein per day (in pure form).

Casein selection

As a general rule, I recommend buying sports supplements from manufacturers who can provide lab results for their products. This ensures that the information on the package matches its contents.

It should also be noted that many companies sell protein mixtures consisting of both casein and whey. In view of the high cost of such mixtures, I would like to emphasize once again that a casein-whey cocktail can be prepared at home. Just don't add alcohol to it. (If you still decide, then use vodka.)

Precautionary measures

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to casein protein. Side effects appear: indigestion, pain, diarrhea, vomiting and / or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the use of casein in large quantities can cause mild gastrointestinal disorders, even in people who are not prone to allergies. Casein thickens in the stomach. At high doses, this leads to bloating and discomfort - which others will certainly notice.

What is the moral? Casein should not be used by allergy sufferers (and people who have been banned from taking it by a doctor). Also, if you don't want to turn into Marshmallow Man (from the movie Ghostbusters), then you shouldn't consume casein in large quantities.


Casein protein tends to work the night shift. It is taken at bedtime; at night it works, and in the morning it disappears when the serum is not the foreground.

From today, everything is different.

Use casein if you are looking for a long lasting source of protein. Use it if you don't want your muscles to starve. Consume it with whey to combine the benefits of both types of protein.

Speaking about sports nutrition, it is impossible not to say about such a type of protein as casein. Casein protein, both in the world of amateur fitness and in the world of professional bodybuilding, this is a widely used supplement that, in its popularity and biological value, is next to whey protein. But their most important difference is the degree of digestibility and the direct purpose of the intake. You can learn everything about protein from my previous articles: and. Today, I would like to elaborate on casein and answer questions like: Can girls take casein? Which casein is better? How to choose the right casein protein? What's better casein for weight loss Or fat-free cottage cheese? Answers to all these and many other questions that interest you in this article.

Casein protein

Before moving on to considering casein directly as a sports nutrition, you need to figure out what kind of “beast” this is.

Casein is a complex protein that is the basis of milk, and is contained in it in the form of calcium salts (calcium caseinate). That is why casein protein is considered the best source of calcium among all existing protein shakes.

The name casein comes from the Latin word "caseus", which means "cheese". It is thanks to the milk protein casein that cheese and cottage cheese are obtained from milk.

Casein digestion rate

You have all heard about fast and slow carbohydrates, which differ in the rate of assimilation by the body. Proteins also have their own division: there are fast proteins (the degree of digestibility is from several minutes to a couple of hours) and slow proteins (the degree of digestibility is 5-12 hours). So, casein refers to slowly digestible proteins that are digested by the body for quite a long time. Is it bad or good? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, as in the case of carbohydrates (our body needs both simple and complex carbohydrates), you need to use one or another type of protein in the right quantities and at the right time.

When to take casein?

Whey protein, which is a fast-digesting protein, is best consumed 1) immediately after waking up in order to saturate the body with the right amount of protein with a morning meal; 2) within 20-30 minutes after training, in order to cause anabolic processes in the muscle tissue of the trainee.

During the day, whey protein can also be consumed if it is absolutely necessary, but you will get the maximum benefit from it in the morning and post-workout time.

Casein, on the other hand, has completely different properties. Due to the fact that the speed of its digestion in the body is 5-8 hours, the time of its use is best of all:

a) in the evening / before bedtime;

b) for the daytime, when it is not possible to take a normal meal (meal replacement).

In the first case, drinking a portion of casein, you can feed your muscles throughout the night, which will protect them from catabolism. In the second case, you can avoid prolonged fasting.

Most likely, you already know that in order to, it is advisable to adhere to every 2.5-3 hours throughout the day. This is necessary primarily in order to support and give your body the "green light" to burn fat. In the opposite case, with 2-3 meals a day, the body turns on the emergency mode of storing fats and there can be no talk of any high metabolism, and even less weight loss. That is why taking casein during the day, when there is a possibility of missing a scheduled meal, will come in handy. Casein protein will save you from hunger, as well as catabolic processes in the muscles.

But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, there are some nuances in taking casein. Depending on what goals you set for yourself (gaining muscle mass or losing weight), the time of taking casein will also depend. Let's look at each option separately.

casein for muscle gain

If your goal is to build muscle mass, then the time of taking casein protein can fall like in the daytime, when there is chance of not eating on time(the interval between meals is more than 3 hours), and in the evening. At what it is desirable to drink an evening portion of casein right before bed. Both in the first and in the second case, casein acts as a protection of muscle tissue from catabolism.

A serving of casein is 30-40 grams.

Casein for weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, in this case, the daily intake of a casein cocktail is suitable for you as meal replacement or healthy snack, as well as an evening meal, but not right before bedtime, as when gaining muscle mass, but 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. The fact is that, like any product, casein protein also has its own calorie content and nutritional value (a serving of casein averages 100-120 kcal), and therefore taking even the highest quality protein casein before bed will definitely negatively affect the fat burning process. Once in the body, casein protein still causes insulin secretion in small doses, which prevents the nightly release of growth hormone, which is our nightly fat-burning hormone. It is for this reason that it is undesirable to drink casein at night when losing weight, but it is possible when gaining muscle mass.

Portion of casein - 20-25 g.

And since we have already touched on the issue of the insulin factor, let's figure out how things are with casein and its AI? It is known that cottage cheese has a high insulin index (read more about this in the article), and it consists of 80% casein, does this mean that casein protein also has a high insulin index? Let's figure it out.

Types of casein

There are two types of casein: calcium or sodium caseinate and micellar casein. They differ from each other in the way they are obtained.

  • Calcium/sodium caseinate is obtained by severely treating milk with various acids at high temperatures.
  • And micellar casein is obtained by micro-ultra-filtration of milk. During this treatment, milk is not exposed to strong heat and acids, so micellar casein retains the natural structure of the protein, unlike calcium caseinate, where the protein is partially denatured.

Micellar casein is considered to be of much higher quality, and, accordingly, it costs a little more than regular caseinate.

Benefits of micellar casein:

- the process of protein absorption increases up to 12 hours (ideal for a night meal if your goal is mass gain);

— has the best taste and solubility in water;

- more pleasant consistency (not sticky);

- subject to more dative purification from fats and carbohydrates (milk sugar);

- causes digestive disorders to a lesser extent;

- does not contain lactose at all, unlike whey protein and caseinates.

These benefits make micellar casein more popular among professional athletes, and for beginners who are only thinking of purchasing casein as an additional sports nutrition, I recommend buying ONLY micellar casein.

 Information for weight loss

Calcium/sodium caseinate may contain milk sugar, as the process for refining and manufacturing it is not as deep as micellar casein.

And finally, we get to the most interesting question: does casein have a high insulin response?

Casein and insulin index

Unlike low-fat cottage cheese and whey protein, in which the amount of lactose is quite high (more than 3 g), micellar casein fully cleared of lactose. This suggests that the insulin index of casein will be much lower than that of cottage cheese. But this is only true for micellar casein, which was subject to more detailed cleaning and filtering of carbohydrates, unlike its cheap brother calcium caseinate.

It turns out that casein is still preferable to cottage cheese precisely because of the low lactose content. So, if you have lactose intolerance, or if your goal is to lose weight, and in the evening you suddenly want to eat cottage cheese, then it is better to drink a portion of micellar casein diluted IN WATER. I emphasize the phrase “on the water” for a reason, because if you dilute a casein cocktail in milk, then the whole point of the “operation” will be immediately lost, since milk contains a lot of lactose, and all of it will instantly be in your casein. So if you have already decided to satisfy your hunger with a portion of casein in the evening, then dilute it only on water. In doing so, remember:

! If you are losing weight, then drink casein 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, but if you do not pursue such a goal, then you can drink a cocktail right before bedtime.

Some people experience stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, flatulence, and other symptoms of lactose intolerance after consuming casein. Why is this happening, because there is no lactose?

  • The first reason may indeed be due to milk sugar . Before sinning on all casein, pay attention to what kind of casein you are drinking: micellar or calcium/sodium caseinate. If the second option, this means that it may indeed contain lactose, which was not removed from the milk clot during the production process.
  • The second reason for discomfort in the abdomen may be high sodium content in the casein. It is a high concentration of sodium that can cause bloating and flatulence, and not lactose at all.
  • And finally, the third reason is dietary fiber and enzymes . Very often, enzymes such as amylase, lipase, protease, cellulase, as well as a complex of food enzymes are added to casein for better absorption and digestion of the casein clot. This is done with absolutely good intentions and motives, but this does not always affect the benefit of consumers of such products. Excessive enrichment of any products (this applies not only to casein) with additional enzymes can cause a backlash in the body: instead of making the process of digestion faster and easier, additional enzymes interfere with the work of their relatives, which over time can cause indigestion and absorption. nutrients into the blood. All this becomes the cause of bloating and gas formation after taking casein. Therefore, my advice to you, if you have such problems, then study the composition of your casein protein well and, if necessary, change the manufacturer.

And if you saw in the composition of your casein such a food enzyme as lactase, then this indicates that this casein contains 100% lactose (Fig. 1). And since there is lactose, then it is she who causes you all of the above symptoms. So I urge everyone to take it as a rule STUDY THE COMPOSITION OF ANY PRODUCT, which you buy, ranging from ordinary seeds to sports nutrition.

Rice. 1 Casein, which contains lactase

How to choose a good casein?

First of all, you need to decide what goals you want to achieve by using casein?

a) to replace the night meal when losing weight;

b) for a night meal when building muscle mass;

c) as a snack in the daytime;

d) to replace dairy products due to lactose intolerance.

When you decide on the answer, it will be easier for you to choose the perfect protein for yourself.

  • to achieve any of the above goals, I recommend choosing micellar casein. Let it cost a little more than calcium / sodium caseinate, but you get a really high-quality product;
  • make sure that micellar casein, not calcium / sodium caseinate or casein protein concentrate, but micellar casein, is ALWAYS in the first place in the composition!
  • make sure that only flavors and dyes are used in the composition.
  • pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates and fats: if your goal is to lose weight, then look for casein with less than 4 g of carbohydrates and less than 1.5 g of fat. If your goal is to build muscle mass, then high-carb casein (up to 8 g) is suitable for you ) and a moderate fat content (1.5-3 g).

Below I will list a few quality micellar casein manufacturers and their products. (pictures are clickable).

Prostar 100% casein by Ultimate Nutrition (suitable for weight loss)
Casein Pro by Universal Nutrition (suitable for weight loss)
Micelar Casein by MYPROTEIN (less for weight loss, more for muscle building)
Gold Standard Casein by Optimum Nutrition (suitable for muscle building)
100% Casein Complex by Scitec Nutrition (suitable for weight loss)

This concludes my article on casein. I hope that now you will not have difficulties with the choice of high-quality casein; you will know how and when is the best time to take casein for weight loss; how long before bed is it better to drink casein for bulking; Which type of casein is better to give preference to and why. And most importantly - now you will not be afraid to drink casein for weight loss, because friend Vasya or girlfriend Masha said that it contains a lot of lactose and generally spreads from it. Just as in the culture of nutrition and the training regimen, there are some nuances that help some people achieve their goals, while others, on the contrary, interfere due to ignorance of the latter, the same applies to casein. If you know all the intricacies of taking this cocktail and be able to analyze the composition of the purchased product, then casein can significantly help you achieve your goal. What I sincerely wish you!

Always yours, Janelia Skripnik!

Casein protein is considered one of the most valuable sports high-protein foods. At the same time, it is the best in its category of slow proteins. But in order for the supplement to fulfill its purpose, it is important to understand why it is needed, how it works, and how to take casein correctly.

Casein protein is a sports nutrition protein supplement derived from the enzymatic curdling of milk. It belongs to the category of slow, because, getting into the stomach, it does not begin immediate complete absorption, but forms a dense clot that is absorbed from 8 to 12 (micellar) hours. It becomes clear why drink casein, because the slow absorption capacity allows it to provide the body with all the necessary amino acids for a long time. And although they cannot replace fast protein, this product is indispensable for supporting muscle mass in the absence of the ability to maintain an amino acid pool for a long time, in particular at night when a person sleeps.

Casein protein performs the following functions:

  • Nourishes muscles for 8-12 hours, which allows you not to worry about restoring and protecting them from catabolism during sleep, as well as during the day, in between meals.
  • Slows down the absorption of other types of protein.
  • Renders anabolic effect.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Suppresses appetite, without harm to health.

In fact, drinking casein protein for muscle gain is less preferable than fast whey protein. It will not be able to provide fast amino concentration in the muscles in the right quantities when needed and suppresses appetite, thereby disrupting a high-calorie diet. But even with this program, one of the main, primary tasks is to preserve tissues and fibers from the negative effects of cortisol and the catabolic reaction.

If we talk about When is the best time to take casein?- this is during the period of night rest, and it is also very convenient at a time when there is no opportunity to eat normally and satisfy the protein needs of the body for a long time.

During the day or half an hour before bedtime, when gaining mass, you need to drink 30-45 grams of casein.

How to drink casein for weight loss

Suppressing appetite with a low-calorie diet during weight loss, without harm to the body, is a very important task in weight loss. And casein successfully copes with it. At the same time, which is important, it also provides the body with all the necessary amino acids during the period of dietary nutrition.

When losing weight, you need to drink casein in portions of 15-20 grams instead of 1-2 meals(optional), pre-workout and at full dosage of 30 grams at night. However, in the morning and after training, you should not replace fast protein with them.

Special instructions for taking casein

  • Depending on the presence or absence of a special diet, protein can be dissolved in any liquids- milk, water, juice, compote and so on.
  • You can combine casein with any sports nutrition, however, despite its thermogenic properties, which are natural for protein, it is less effective in this regard as whey. Therefore, the combination with thermogenic drugs is relevant only in complex mixtures.
  • Casein is a harmless product, however, in some cases, there are still individual intolerances to this additive. Before use, you should still read the contraindications.
  • Although it can replace 1-2 meals, it is still impossible to refuse regular meals while taking it. The share of standard food should be at least 50% of protein consumed per day.

Answers on questions

Can you drink casein protein after a workout?

Casein protein after exercise is appropriate only as part of complex mixtures. However, before training, for an hour or two, you can drink it to protect the amino acid pool, for the entire period of activity.

Do I need to drink casein on rest days?

Athletes who receive more physical activity should consume more nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. A person receives the main part with food, but with intensive training, this amount may not be enough. Casein protein provides an additional supply of protein that the body uses to gain mass and lose weight. The article will rank the best supplements and describe how to take them.

Many have heard about casein, let's try to figure out what it is. Casein is a complex protein, the foundation of cow's milk, serves as the main material for producing cottage cheese and cheese. From the Latin caseus, cheese. 70-90% of the milk protein composition is casein, whey protein accounts for no more than 2-5%.

In the human stomach, casein behaves in the same way as gluten. Both form clumps that connect the contents, making it difficult to digest food. Previously, these substances were part of technical glue.

Slow protein

Protein casein - the basis of all proteins in bodybuilding, appears as a result of curdling of milk with the help of enzymes. It is digested in the human body in time longer than all other types of protein. Casein protein tends to suppress appetite. Compared to other whey proteins, casein has almost no anabolic effect, but its advantages are long-term muscle nutrition with amino acids.

The main emphasis in all advertisements for sports nutrition is that you need to consume large doses of protein during the day, and take casein at night. Casein protein is absorbed 2 times slower than regular protein, thereby protecting muscles from decay.

20 years ago, a study was conducted that proved the low rate of its assimilation. 16 people participated in the experiment. They were divided into two groups, each of which received completely different types of milk protein, without eating before the test for 10 hours. Every thirty minutes, the amino acid level in the blood was recorded.

When using conventional whey protein, the concentration of the amino acid leucine in the human body at the beginning of the intake increased, reaching a maximum in the interval of 30-60 minutes, then gradually fell. With casein (what it is, we now know), leucine levels reached 65% of whey protein levels, but declined much more slowly.

And taking at night to prevent “muscle breakdown” and slow down digestion has never been tested. This is a purely personal statement of the major manufacturers of all tested sports nutrition.

When gaining mass

If there is a need to gain muscle mass, casein will be less effective compared to other proteins, so this type is worth purchasing if you have enough protein to gain mass. For this purpose, casein is taken at night, and whey protein is taken during the day.

How to use casein protein for weight loss

What is it - casein, many are interested.

Protein dosage

Usually take 30-40 g at a time, dissolved in a liquid. Standard casein has a curd taste, if you don’t like it or get bored, you can change it by adding fruits, cocoa.

Only well-known manufacturers value their reputation and are responsible for quality, so it is better to buy from them. There are also mixtures of protein proteins, it is more profitable to buy casein separately.

It is forbidden to take more than 40 g of casein at a time. More than this value causes indigestion. You also need to check yourself for the presence of an allergy to casein, it can start with vomiting, diarrhea, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If it is found, you should switch to other protein proteins. What is the best casein? More on this later.

Can it be taken at night?

No research has been done in this area. All subjects took casein on an empty stomach, so how the protein works in combination with food during sleep is unknown.

A large amount of complex carbohydrates in the human stomach (in particular, fiber), as well as fats, slows down the absorption of whey protein. It is not known exactly how casein affects this slowdown.

Casein and gluten: pros and cons

The public does not stop discussing the dangers of gluten, and every year this trend is becoming more and more intimidating. This substance is considered the main enemy, associating with it the acquisition of excess weight, decreased immunity and the development of gastrointestinal diseases. To some extent, this is confirmed by scientific research.

But, casein is the twin of gluten. Both are indigestible proteins that stick together the contents of the stomach, especially complex carbohydrates.

Protein casein: benefit or harm

This type of protein increases strength, helps to increase muscle mass. In extremely rare cases, an allergy can occur to this protein. Casein is indispensable for weight loss, suppressing appetite and at the same time helping to keep the muscles in their original volume during drying. It is often the basis of dietary nutrition because it is easily digested and absorbed. It lacks only one amino acid - glycol, which is perfectly synthesized by the body itself, otherwise this protein has a full range of amino acids.

Low-quality casein is often found, because the manufacturing process is very simple and inexpensive. Many companies are trying to make a big profit on its production, neglecting quality. You should only buy from companies with a long-term reputation. Of course, there is no harm from casein protein, but indigestion can occur from a poor-quality product. Also, if the recommendations for use are not followed, there is a risk of ruining your health - the liver and kidneys will suffer from an excess of protein. An ordinary natural athlete consumes 1-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight, athletes taking additional pharmacology - 3-5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

The Best Casein Proteins

In first place is Gold Standard 100% Casein. Manufacturer Optimum Nutrition, USA. The mixture contains 35 grams of protein, 24 of which is casein. This is one of the best manufacturers and products on the sports nutrition market. It is an excellent source of protein to stimulate muscle growth.

Second place went to Elite Casein from the American manufacturer Dymatize, which, like protein, contains 24 g of protein per stick. Serves to build the desired amount of muscle mass, and is also an excellent source of amino acids.

Third place goes to MusclePharm's Casein, in a serving of 80% casein protein, which allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. This complex is very effective for combating "muscle breakdown" at night. The mixture includes a complex of probiotics that help to better assimilate the product.

In fourth place in the ranking is Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition, the advantages of this supplement is that it is sold in three flavors: vanilla, chocolate and cream cookies. A serving also contains 24 grams of protein. Designed to preserve the anabolic environment in the body.

Fifth place goes to micellar casein MRM 100%. The main purpose of the complex is to have an anti-catabolic effect. It also includes dietary supplements that allow the body to absorb amino acids very well and quickly.