How to build triceps on one arm. Exercises to train the triceps muscle of the shoulder at home for men and women. Extension of arms on the upper block with a rope

If you have not thought about how to build triceps, this does not mean that it does not need to be trained. Indeed, watching the workout in gyms, it seems that triceps receive little, if not no, attention from fitness enthusiasts. So how should you train?

In this article, you will find answers to these questions, learn a lot about arm anatomy, read the secrets of the best exercises, and have a super powerful workout for beautiful triceps!

The importance of triceps

If the triceps is worked out correctly, then it makes up most of the mass of the upper arm. The triceps should be prepared and developed as intensely and methodically as the biceps. The pumped up triceps actually helps indirectly by creating more blood and nutrients in the upper arm.

Work your triceps from all angles using a variety of exercises to gain.

How to pump triceps for a beginner

If you are not yet feeling completely confident in the gym, we recommend that you start by learning basic exercises and program options for working out triceps. The training video looks like this. You can read all the details of the training process and our tips already on the article page. An example of beginner training for men.

And an example of triceps training for girls.

There are a lot of questions for a novice bodybuilder. How many repetitions to follow, what exercises to choose for each muscle group, to use compound or isolation exercises, how much workout to plan, whether periodization is needed, how to recover from a workout, and even what angle of incline to set on the bench. Ideally, all of this should be taken into account when going through a training program.

But rest assured, with the right equipment and the right intensity, anyone can take their triceps development to a higher level. And it all starts with anatomy.

A Brief Triceps Anatomy Lesson

The triceps brachii has three heads that connect the humerus and shoulder blades to the ulna (in the forearm). The lateral, middle and long heads make up the triceps.

The head that is most responsible for the shape of the horseshoe is the lateral head, located on the outside of the humerus. The middle head is opposite the middle of the body, and the long head (the largest of the three) is present on the underside of the humerus.

Straightening the elbow (straightening the arms) is the main function of the triceps. The long head has a supportive function: it helps the latissimus dorsi in adducting the arms (as a result of which the arms can be pulled down along the body).

What exercises can you build triceps

The exercises and workouts presented are designed to get the most out of every gym trip. Remember to always do the exercises technically correct and not use too much weight for your safety.

Triceps Extension Down on the Block Using the Rope Handle

French bench press

Execution technique... For the Seated and Standing French Press, stand or sit with a weight (straight / EZ bar) straight over your head and lower it under control to a strong stretch. Be sure to keep your elbows slightly upward and slightly out to the sides. Do not spread your arms too far apart, just make sure they are not too tilted to the sides. Once you get to the bottom of the exercise, reverse the movement and extend your arms over your head again.

To add some variety to your workouts, try the same incline-bench movements. You can use a little less weight on a downward bent bench and a little more weight on an upward bent bench. Change the incline angle for each workout for variety and for more triceps pumping.

Like the French press, the overhead dumbbell extension helps to deeply work the triceps. Use dumbbells or ropes to make the position more comfortable.

Extension of the dumbbell from behind the head

Extension of arms while standing on the lower block

To straighten two arms at once, grab one dumbbell with both palms on the inside of the discs. With the weight directly overhead, lower the weight behind your head, feel a strong stretch in your triceps, and then return to the starting position.

An alternative would be an implementation option Extension of the arm with dumbbells from behind the head

Extension of the arm with dumbbells from behind the head

You can do this exercise with one hand with a lighter dumbbell. However, in the one-arm version, lower the dumbbell to the side, not back. The elbow will be extended outward, and the dumbbells will drop behind the head, which will provide a deeper stretch and, accordingly, a better result of inflating the triceps.

For one-arm triceps extension on the lower block proceed in the same way as described above. Pick up the cable from the low-pull machine and move rhythmically, making sure you use the correct weight for the exercise safely.

One-arm triceps extension on the lower block

For variety, the exercise can also be performed horizontally from a machine that is set at approximately shoulder level. Position to parallel to the floor and in a lunge position. Pulling the cable over your head, straighten the cable perpendicular to the machine and contract your triceps.

Many athletes in the gym set the cable on the machine too low to place their hands behind their head, making it difficult to follow the technique. Set the cable at waist level to help you get into the desired position. This will allow you to put less pressure on your back, shoulders, and other joints as you start and stop the movement.

Push-ups (on uneven bars, on a bench)

Push-ups are an invaluable tool for working out your triceps. They are not only effective in shaping mass, but they also allow a greater volume of resistance to be used due to their multi-joint type.

This article discusses two types of push-ups. The first of these is the dips. You may see athletes in the gym using this, however, it is just as effective for those looking to build triceps.

Triceps Dips

Execution technique... Grasp parallel bars about shoulder-width apart and straighten your arms. Your body should be as perpendicular to the floor as possible, and your legs should be aimed at a point directly below you. Lower yourself, keeping your body as vertical as possible, and press your elbows to your sides.

The upright position provides support for the triceps. If you lean too far forward and / or spread your arms out to the sides, the support will move to your chest. Get down to the point where you feel comfortable and avoid shoulder pain. Try to form a 90-degree angle at the elbow joint.

Make sure you can do the desired number of push-ups at the desired range of motion without using a weight belt. Too many trainees are trying to lift too much weight, which can compromise exercise technique and can lead to injury rather than bulging triceps.

Push-ups on the bench

Another variation of the exercise is bench push-ups. They are performed using two benches placed parallel to each other.

Push-ups on the bench

Execution technique... Sit on one side of one bench, grasping the edge of the bench with your hands on either side of your thighs. Place your feet on another bench, touching it with your heels. Legs should be straight. Get off the bench you are sitting on and lower your pelvis below the surface of the bench, bending your elbows approximately 90 degrees. Return to the starting position by straightening your arms, then repeat the exercise.

A good way to really build your triceps and significantly increase your strength on the bench is to add multiple discs to your knees. As soon as it becomes too difficult for you, ask your partner to remove one disc, and then continue with the approach. Depending on how many discs you need to remove, continue using this method until you do the last bodyweight set.

Weighted bench push-ups

Bench press with a narrow grip

And another favorite exercise for triceps is the bench press with a narrow grip. Don't let your ego take over: don't lift too much weight and keep your technique safe.

Bench press with a narrow grip

Execution technique... Lie with your back on a horizontal bench and hold the bar shoulder-width apart (placing your arms closer can put more stress on your wrists). Remove the bar and lower it, keeping your elbows close to your sides. This will turn on the triceps, taking the load off the chest.

Other variations: You can touch the bar to your chest or hold it 3cm higher and then return to a stretch position. Tighten the triceps vigorously at the peak of the exercise, focusing on contracting them. Your elbows shouldn't move to the sides - just keep them closer to your body.

Alternative execution. To take a fresh look at an old exercise, try a narrow grip incline bench press. This is somewhat similar to doing free-weight extensions and will put more weight on the bar. Doing this bent over exercise will slightly increase the pressure on your shoulder joints. Make sure you follow all safety precautions.

Now is the time to move on to a hot workout that will pump up your incredibly powerful triceps!

Triceps training program

The workout is divided into several blocks (trisets): basic workout with classic exercises, workout of a long head, working out the lateral head, working out the joints, exercises with a cable, for strength and power.

We suggest you take the right blocks for your workout. It is not necessary to use all the series in one workout, especially if you are just starting to work out the triceps. It will be optimal to use 1-2 trisets in the first month, 2-3 in the second, and so on with a gradual increase in volume for this muscle group.

Scheme of the full study of the triceps

Triset 1: basic development

Triset 2: working out the long head

Triset 3: development of the lateral head

Triset 4: working out joints

Triset 5: Zip Exercise

Triset 6: strength and power

* - Service is in beta testing

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  • 3 times a day. In the morning, before and after training.
  • When the question arises of how to pump up your arms, it most often turns out that attention is paid to the triceps according to the residual principle. For some reason, many believe that strong and large arms become thanks to the biceps. This is not true. The biceps occupy a much smaller volume of the arms than the triceps.

    Triceps is the triceps brachii muscle. Its most important purpose is to straighten the arm at the elbow joint. Before moving on to exercises, you need to understand and study the structure of the triceps muscle, which will make it possible to choose the right list of triceps exercises, and also understand during training which part of the triceps is currently working. Anatomically and conventionally, this muscle is divided into 3 parts:

    1. The easiest to train middle (medial) head triceps muscle. She takes part in almost all exercises, and to help her work long and external.

    2. It is also important to know that the lateral (outer) head is the largest of all three triceps muscles. It develops faster than others, determining the overall appearance of the triceps. In other words, when we talk about "huge triceps", then we are talking about the lateral heads of impressive size. However, you should not forget about other parts of the triceps muscle if you set a goal for yourself to get a full 3D view of your triceps.

    3. The greatest challenge for the harmonious development of the triceps is the correct training of the long head. In order for it to develop quickly and efficiently, you need to have the following knowledge: the greater the working weight during exercise, the more actively the long head begins to work. To turn on a long bundle, you need to move your hand back or bring it up. An example is the exercise French press standing.

    If your hand is supinated (the position when the palms are turned up), then the long head works more intensively. During pronation (this is when the palm is turned to the floor), the main load falls on the outer (lateral) part of the triceps.

    Best Triceps Exercises

    Like other muscles, triceps are most easily pumped using basic exercises, which include bench press with a narrow grip, as well as push-ups on the uneven bars.

    It is important to note that triceps training requires perfect execution technique, as well as increased concentration on muscle work. It is advisable to take medium working weights, since large weights will not affect the execution technique in the best way.

    Triceps workout can be started with this basic exercise. If you perform this exercise in order to develop not the pectoral muscles, but the triceps muscles, then the hands must be held, pressing them as much as possible to the body, and the body must be in an upright position. The moment you spread your arms to the sides and lean forward, the bulk of the load will be transferred to the pectoral muscles.

    When performing a barbell press with a narrow grip, in the same way as with the uneven bars, it is necessary to press the elbows to the body as much as possible. Also, you cannot lower the barbell to the chest to the end (leave a 10-centimeter clearance), you should work within the amplitude. If you completely lower the barbell as with a standard bench press and touch it to the chest, then squeeze the barbell due to the chest muscles, and you do not need to load the chest, but the triceps.

    This exercise is considered basic. When performing it, the working weight that can be taken will be the largest among all other triceps exercises. Do the barbell press at the start of the lesson, but you should start with warm-up and warm-up sets.

    This exercise is isolating, since only the elbow joint works in it. The basic principles of triceps training are preserved in the French bench press. The further apart the elbows are from each other and the more the hand is pronated, the greater the amount of work performed by the outer (lateral) part of the triceps. Conversely, the closer in the exercise to bring the elbows together, the more of the work will be done by a long triceps bundle.

    It is necessary to take on the projectile not too much weight, so that the technique is preserved. It is better to emphasize the load on the triceps, doing everything correctly in terms of technique, rather than cheating and increasing the risk of injury with serious weight.

    This is a very technically challenging exercise, but a very useful exercise for the triceps. It can be called a highly specialized formative exercise, which is performed to give the triceps a relief. Most often it is used as an auxiliary exercise to "finish off" the muscles in the training of athletes who have already increased their base volume. You can do this exercise with one or two dumbbells.

    Full amplitude must be observed in movements. Stretch and contract the triceps to the maximum, straightening the arm all the way.

    In the opinion of most professionals, this type of extension of the arms on the block in a standing position is considered the most effective, since the rope handle gives the optimal isolating robot, and also reduces the triceps to the maximum.

    The outer (lateral) part receives the greatest load.

    It is important that the hands are tightly pressed to the body, and the movement is only in the elbow joint.

    A great option is to load the triceps by completing the workout of the chest muscles. Since the triceps functions in any press exercises, he has already managed to do a good job, now a couple of exercises will be enough to finish him off.

    Triceps workout program in the gym

    Triceps requires special attention, because the mass of the arms by ⅔ is the mass of their triceps muscles. Triceps gives volume to the shoulders, making them look beautiful. There are various exercises that make it possible to increase the volume of the triceps muscle. Most often they are done with dumbbells or a barbell.

    Option A

    Option B

    When performing any exercise on the triceps muscle, carefully monitor the sensations - you need to feel what exactly works. If, after push-ups on the uneven bars, your chest muscles ache the next day, then you need to change the technique. You need to do push-ups so that the load goes only on the triceps. If done correctly, the triceps after the lesson should burn, turn to stone and get tired, which will testify precisely to its pumping.

    Triceps should be trained once every seven days and not more often. Moreover, the total number of sets in all exercises should not exceed 3-4. The number of repetitions should be average, from 8 to 15 per set.

    Below are two more of the most effective dumbbell exercises that can be done both at home and in the gym. They are integral elements of training if the goal is to pump up the triceps for mass or relief and are able to replace the barbell.

    Dumbbell extensions affect the outer part of the triceps most of all - the long head.

    Lower the dumbbell as low as possible, stretching the triceps to the maximum, then straighten your arms to the end. This is done so that the muscles receive the greatest load, and the effect is maximized. In this exercise, you should try to keep your shoulders in an upright position and not spread your elbows to the sides.

    You can perform this exercise separately with each hand, this will give you the opportunity to concentrate more and work out each triceps in more detail.

    The exercise is isolating, since only the elbow joints and not a significant number of auxiliary muscle groups are involved in the movement. Keep your elbows still and parallel to each other. This is the only way to effectively load the triceps.

    It is necessary to lower the dumbbells as low as possible so that the triceps stretch as much as possible, at the top point, straighten your arms to the maximum, allowing the muscle to contract.

    To achieve the maximum triceps contraction, you need to turn the hand outward at the highest point, in other words, so that the palm looks forward, and the dumbbells are located with their ends to one another.

    Dumbbell Triceps Workout Program

    Triceps are loaded differently depending on the position of the body. There is no point in doing three identical exercises (for example, all three overhead presses). To get a complete workout, you can do a dumbbell press from behind the head, a French press, and an extension of the arms back. You can do other dumbbell exercises by periodically changing one to the other.

    We perform all movements smoothly and accurately. Faster exhalation, slower inhalation.

    How to pump up triceps with push-ups

    There are tons of exercises that develop triceps, without weights and with them. Let's analyze the three most effective types of push-ups for the triceps muscle.

    Connect your thumb and forefinger to form a triangle (diamond) outline. This position of the hands will completely remove the load from the chest muscles, shifting it to the triceps, which are perfectly worked out in this exercise. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible.

    If you want to make the exercise more difficult, you should not put your hands next to it, but, for example, do push-ups, interlocking your fingers, or cover the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other.

    If this option for diamond push-ups is too difficult for you, then you can make it easier: during push-ups, rest on your knees, and not on your toes.

    To train the triceps, you can perform the exercise in two versions: the legs are lowered to the floor or are on the same level with the hands (raised on the support).

    In reverse push-ups, you can increase efficiency with additional weights. From them, the exercise will become quite heavy and will help to pump up the volume of the triceps, which will result in the thickness of the arm.

    The elbows should be directed back, but not to the sides, otherwise the load from the triceps will transfer to the shoulder joints.

    It is desirable to do reverse push-ups with moderate weights and a large number of repetitions.

    Tiger paw push-ups

    This exercise puts a load on the triceps, similar to work with dumbbells. Regular push-ups, in contrast to this type, load mostly the shoulders and chest.

    Stretch forward at a forty-five degree angle. You need to lean on something in front of you. For example, against a wall or use a chair. Point your elbows down. Moving forward, you need to bend your elbows (not your shoulders) until they rest against the body, then squeeze yourself up.

    The entire triceps push-up training program is designed to perform each separate type of push-up in 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Pauses 60-90.

    We swing triceps without iron


    Naturally, it all depends on the arsenal of training tools available. For, if there is a horizontal bar and parallel bars, then home workout of arms from light, supportive, may well turn into a real mass-gaining one. There are usually no problems with nutrition on vacation, there is plenty of free time, pump your muscles, grow mass. Well, if there are no horizontal bar and parallel bars, you can do triceps exercises at home, exercising with your body weight. Training at home is inferior in its effectiveness to training in the gym, but you can't take a barbell and dumbbells with you to the sea?

    Triceps push-ups from the floor with a narrow stance

    They are also called triangle push-ups. In terms of its biomechanics, this push-up exercise completely repeats the bench press with a narrow grip, so it will be performed first in our triceps training program at home. And do not think that push-ups from the floor with a narrow set of arms is easy.

    If you have never trained your arms like this before, I advise you first of all to warm up well, paying special attention to the shoulders and hands, since they will have a lot of stress. Begin this triceps exercise, narrowing your palms gradually. When you get to the most difficult version of the exercise, take a few work sets.

    If you have already done such triceps push-ups at home, and it does not seem like a serious load, it can be complicated. Ask someone to put additional weights on your back, and such a push-up exercise will immediately cease to seem easy to you.

    It also has its own "light version". If it is still difficult to do push-ups from the floor, loading your arms with the weight of the whole body, you can first push-ups from the support, this is much easier.

    Conclusion: push-ups with a triangle are technically simple, but at the same time the most difficult exercise for triceps at home, since they immediately load the entire array of the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

    2. Push-ups for tricepsfrom the support

    Have you heard of the French barbell press? And this exercise for triceps is a complete copy of it, performed without weights. But if, swinging our arms with a barbell, we move the projectile, then while doing push-ups from the support, we have to move our own body. To perform such an exercise for the hands at home, you will need any protruding support, from the table to the windowsill. The main thing is that you can grab it with both hands, and at the same time it was securely fixed.

    But I want to warn you right away - this exercise is quite difficult. Do not try to bring the body deeply beyond the edge of the support from the first approach, it will be enough to do push-ups until a right angle between the elbow and forearm is reached. Like the French barbell press, this option for triceps push-ups actively loads its long bundle, which is good for improving the shape of the arm muscles. Here's how workout star Mike Vasquez does this exercise.

    home workout video 1:

    Takeaway: French press-style triceps push-ups are a much more difficult exercise than the previous one, but nevertheless, it has every right to be present in home arm training.

    3. Push-ups for tricepsfrom the elbows off the floor

    This way pump muscles at home even more advanced. Although it resembles push-ups with a narrow set of arms, it is no longer a basic movement, but an isolated movement. You can do this triceps exercise at home in different ways. The load directly on the triceps muscles will be very clean and accentuated.

    But I want to warn you right away that if you feel discomfort while doing this exercise for triceps, it is better to refuse it. For the elbow joints, such a load will be very stressful. Many people, pumping muscles at home, think that if they use only their body weight, they can not be afraid of injury - this is a big delusion.

    home workout video 2:

    Conclusion: while performing such a push-up exercise, you must carefully listen to the signals of your body, because the elbow joints are very heavily loaded during its execution. Training at home is always a big responsibility.

    4. Reverse push-ups for triceps

    This method of swinging arms with the weight of your own body is perhaps the easiest in technical terms. Therefore, it will become the closing one in our home triceps training program... All that is needed to complete them is a support, and preferably two (a sofa and a stool, for example).

    But since, by the end of the home workout of the arms, the muscles are already thoroughly tired, you need to perform push-ups from the support in a pumping style. Pushing up from the bench in a shortened trajectory and with a wide range of repetitions (15-20), you can achieve sensations in the muscles that are in no way inferior in quality to serious triceps training in the gym.

    You can swing triceps at home in this way in many variations. Reverse triceps push-ups can be performed using three supports, lowering the body between two benches, for example. Or use a reverse grip instead of a direct one. But the easiest way to seriously pump triceps by pushing up from a bench is to put extra weight on your feet.

    Takeaway: Reverse push-ups are the final home triceps workout exercise. It must be performed in a shortened trajectory and at a fast pace. This will increase the blood circulation in the muscles of the arms to the limit.

    We pump muscles at home. The final stage

    But in addition to the exercises performed in a dynamic manner, our home triceps workout will include two more types of load. For we need not only big hands, but also beautifully designed hands. Therefore, after completing the exercises for the triceps, we will need to subject it to a rigid static load.

    This is done like this: we take a starting position in any of the above exercises, strain our triceps with all our might and freeze in this position for 30-40 seconds. Such a load on the body is always unusual, so painful sensations in the muscles are guaranteed to you. But thanks to the tension of muscle fibers in a stationary state for a long period of time, the appearance of the hands always improves markedly.

    Static load | A great way to exercise your muscles at home

    Static has a very beneficial effect on both the separation of the arm muscles (visual separation of the biceps from the triceps) and their definition (visual separation into separate bundles). From the regular inclusion of static load in the usual triceps workout, the muscles become more rigid, developed and voluminous, even while maintaining the existing muscle mass.

    It's no coincidence that all pro bodybuilders end their workouts with the posing stage. They do this not to show off, but to increase muscle density and improve their shape.

    Takeaway: Static triceps loading after completing a workout at home is a simple and natural way to increase muscle stiffness.

    Triceps stretch

    Performing exercises to stretch the muscles at the end of a home triceps workout is necessary because this type of load significantly speeds up their recovery. There are two ways to stretch the triceps brachii:

    METHOD 1. Hard... If your physical fitness allows, you can do extreme stretching using the support that was already used for the French push-ups. To do this, you just need to hang motionless at the end point of the trajectory for 15-20 seconds, which will allow you to very strongly stretch the triceps along the entire length.

    METHOD 2. Soft. Stretch one arm with the other. There are quite a few options for such stretching, I suggest looking at one of them.

    triceps stretch video:

    Triceps home workout program:

    1. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting of arms, 5 x 15
    2. French Press Style 4 x 12 Dips
    3. Push-ups from the floor from the elbows 3 x 10
    4. Reverse push-ups from the support 2 x 8
    5. Stretching


    Workout at home is not as easy as it sounds. If desired, by slowing down the pace of the exercise, such a triceps workout can be turned into real torture. And it may turn out that after trying pump muscles at home, when you go back to your usual workouts in the gym, you will want to make significant changes to them. After all, you can pump muscles with the same efficiency everywhere, the main thing is to do it with full dedication.

    I hope my story about home arm workouts will be useful for you and will allow you to maintain the gained muscle mass even without regular workouts in the gym. May the force be with you! And the mass!

    It is believed that pumped up arms are, first of all, biceps. However, the anatomy of the triceps is designed in such a way that it takes up much more space in the human body than the biceps. Exercises for triceps in the gym will be prompted by a trainer or instructor. In most cases, triceps exercises require special equipment, but you can choose a technique for exercising at home. In this article, we'll break down the best triceps exercises.

    Types of exercises for triceps

    Triceps exercises are divided into 2 main groups. The first is aimed at normalizing not only the triceps, but also other muscles. The second group reinforces the result and creates the relief. Exercises to help build the triceps brachii.

    Basic exercises for triceps. These include activities that work not only for pumping triceps, but also for other muscle groups. In this case, arms and shoulders. Basic triceps exercises include:

    1. Bench press. This exercise helps build triceps and other muscle groups.
    2. Push-ups and back support. These triceps exercises for men are also used at home. For the lesson, use 2 benches or other suitable planes. Hands laid back, rest on one surface, feet on another.
    3. Exercises using uneven bars.

    Isolating triceps exercises. Usually this type is used after exercises of the basic type. Isolated triceps exercises are aimed at working only with a specific muscle. These activities are effective for guys. Effective exercises for the triceps of men are:

    1. Standing position, extension of the arms using the upper block. Exercise affects different muscle bundles. The occurrence of injury in this lesson is reduced to zero.
    2. Another technique to pump up triceps is exercises in the form of extension of the arms from behind the head.
    3. French bench press. In this case, a long triceps bundle works. Only the triceps swing, and the legs and back remain unused.
    4. Extension of the arm at the elbow. Thus, the load goes to three heads in the lower part of the muscle.

    During this exercise, the entire triceps area is being worked out. The emphasis is on the lateral head. The lesson is carried out in the gym or at home using stools, benches or other flat surfaces.

    1. 2 benches are placed opposite each other at a distance of 1 meter. They sit on one, and put their feet on the other. To pump up the triceps, the arms rest against the surface on which the person is currently sitting. The elbows are directed back. The palms are located shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. If the distance is too small, the load will go to the palms, not the shoulders.
    2. With the help of your hands, you need to rise above the bench and move the body slightly forward. While inhaling, lower until your arms stand at a right angle.
    3. You need to freeze at the lowest point, even out your breathing, then rise until your arms are straightened. Exhale after maximum exertion. Care must be taken that the elbows do not "look" to the sides.

    Reverse push-ups are the most effective exercises for building your triceps. This exercise will not help to pump up huge triceps quickly, but it will give a good basis for further work on body relief.

    The exercise is carried out on a simulator. Only the elbow joint works. Triceps press rules:

    1. We are located on the bench. Legs rest on the floor. Hands are pulled up, the upper grip is taken from the assistant with a barbell. The arms are straightened and pulled back to the crown - this is how the starting position looks like.
    2. The upper part of the limbs is kept motionless. On inhalation, the elbows are gradually bent, the bar is lowered behind the head.
    3. You should not stop in the lower position, return your hands to their original position. Exhale and contract your muscles.

    This exercise emphasizes the load on the contraction of the long and medial bundle. Of course, this type of training is traumatic and requires stretching. It is better to realistically assess your capabilities, not to take too much weight and ask the assistant to insure. The French press can be performed in different positions. Sitting, standing, lying. A horizontal or inclined bench is used. The barbell is usually held with a narrow grip. It helps to increase the stretch of the triceps muscle.

    Triceps Exercises with the EZ barbell are the easiest ones to increase the triceps muscle, and the back. Exercise affects the entire mass of the triceps. Mainly on the upper lobe, which is responsible for the relief. The EZ triceps bar is considered to be more practical since the stress on the wrists is reduced. It is considered the best exercise for giving muscle definition.

    To pump up triceps with an EZ barbell, you need:

    1. We sit on a bench, feet rest on the floor. The bar is held in place by the top grip and directed upward.
    2. We return to the starting point. The limbs are directed back to the crown of about 45 degrees.
    3. We return to the starting point again, take in air. We maintain the position of the hands, then again direct the weight to the head.
    4. There is no need to linger at the bottom point. While the workout is incomplete, the lower limb is kept stationary.
    5. When the hands return to their starting point, you need to linger for 1-2 seconds and tighten the muscles.
    6. Approaches must be carried out in a row 4 - 5 times. Repeat 7-14 times.

    Basic tips for the exercise:

    1. To pump triceps with a barbell, you should select such a weight so that it can be kept under control. If it turns out to be too large, it will be difficult to hold sports equipment at the required angle, and on the rise, the elbows will move forward, and such an activity will not be beneficial.
    2. The main point of strength training with a barbell is fixing the limbs at the right angle and as straight as possible at the end point.
    3. Make sure your feet are on the floor. They should not be placed on a surface, as this can lead to imbalance.

    The seated workout targets the lower triceps brachii. The impact is on the long head. To pump up triceps in the gym using the sitting bench press technique, you need:

    1. The back of the exercise device is fixed at a vertical level. We are located on the surface. Legs must rest on the floor.
    2. The spine should be kept as straight as possible. The loin needs to be bent quite a bit.
    3. The sports equipment is taken from the top. EZ fretboard or straight neck is used. The grip between the arms should be narrower than shoulder width.
    4. We straighten our arms, the position of the bar, with proper work, is behind the head. Keep your limbs and body straight and upright. You are now at the starting point.
    5. We take in air, we fix it. We bend the limbs at the elbows, taking sports equipment behind the head.
    6. Hands from the elbow to the forearm remain frozen.
    7. We direct the barbell behind the head until the muscles are completely tense. We do not linger at the final point. We strain the triceps muscle, after which we return the sports instrument to its original position.
    8. We release air when the limbs are fully extended.
    9. Freeze, muscle tissue is in tension.
    10. The approach is carried out 4 - 5 times for 7 - 14 repetitions.

    1. The back should be straight. Otherwise, the excess load will go to the lower back.
    2. The body, legs, and upper limbs remain motionless throughout the workout.
    3. In order for the muscle between the biceps and triceps to contract, the elbow joint should be extended at the maximum point.
    4. Don't take too heavy weight. This can lead to injury to the back and spine.
    5. Do not reach forward as this can lead to loss of balance and injury.

    To build triceps, basic exercises are best, especially for beginners. In the gym, triceps exercises in a block machine work on the lateral and long sides of the triceps muscle. Well suited for training the lateral part of the triceps. What to do:

    1. The rope handle attaches to the rope passing through the block in the up position. We take a step to the side, cling to the handle. The hand position is neutral. The palms are looking at each other. The feet are parallel.
    2. The body leans forward at an angle of approximately 10 degrees. The elbow joints are slightly in front. Now the body should be in a tense state, and the palms should be at shoulder level.
    3. We take in air. We unbend the limbs down, while pressing the elbows as much as possible to the body.
    4. The body and legs should not move, only the elbow joint works.
    5. When the arms are fully extended, we freeze in this position for a few seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position.
    6. The number of approaches 3 - 4 times, 8 - 15 repetitions.

    Tips for working out your triceps on the machine press down:

    • to achieve a good stretch of the long triceps head, the body bends forward and the elbows are extended in front of the body;
    • the forearm and palms should be on the same line;
    • when the hand unfolds and the palms are directed to the hips, the contraction of the muscles should be intensified;
    • Get the right weight for this triceps exercise.

    Extension of the arm on the sports block using reverse grip is a slightly different variation of the work of the limbs in the upper block. This exercise will also help to pump the relief triceps, which is aimed at working the lower part of the triceps, which increases the drawing, detail and plane of the muscle. This exercise allows you to work not only on the triceps muscle, but also on the muscles of the forearm. To properly pump up the triceps using the one-hand press to the bottom, you must:

    1. The position to the simulator is lateral. The right hand is in the same vertical plane as the top block.
    2. The handle is attached to the handle in the shape of the English letter "D". We take it so that the palm looks up, and with our left foot we take one step back. Thus, the arm will be straightened in front of the body.
    3. Starting position: loin in a slight deflection, shoulders straightened, back straight.
    4. We take a breath and fix ourselves. The muscle tissue of the biceps pulls the handle to the lower position, the muscle is tense. The arm is extended at the elbow.
    5. The exhalation is done when the arm is fully extended. Freeze in position for a few seconds.
    6. Smoothly bend the hand towards the body. The handle should freeze at chest level. Make sure that the load does not touch the stops.
    7. After the exercise on one arm is over, turn around and repeat for the other.
    8. The number of approaches is 2 - 3 times for each hand, 8 - 15 repetitions.

    1. The muscles of the abdomen and abdomen should be in tension throughout the session. Try to stick to the original back and torso positions.
    2. The arm should be as close to the body as possible, otherwise the load will go to other muscles.
    3. The exercise is also performed with two hands.

    Lifting dumbbells overhead, like lifting a barbell, is aimed at gaining muscle mass. There are several variations of this exercise. It can be done not only while sitting, but also standing and lying down. Exercise strains the longest part of the triceps muscle. The long head is not often used in basic exercises, so this exercise is necessary for those who want to have a beautiful relief. In the presence of a dumbbell, classes can be carried out at home. Execution technique:

    1. We are placed on a bench or other surface. Legs rest on the floor. The dumbbell is taken by the hand that needs to be trained. The hand rises and straightens.
    2. As you exhale, lower the hand with the weight behind the head. When training triceps for mass, you need to direct the weight directly to the shoulder or obliquely towards the spine.
    3. We freeze for a while at the bottom point. Exhale and straighten your hand. We freeze and tighten the muscle tissue again.
    4. Sets 3 - 4 x 8-15 repetitions.

    There is no need to tilt the body, this will impose unnecessary stress on the spine. The back should be straight.

    Extension of an arm with a dumbbell in an incline

    This technique belongs to isolating exercises. The load is carried out on the long head of the triceps, and other beams. Professionals recommend using this technique in the final work on the muscles. To pump muscle, you need:

    1. To begin with, we take the starting position. We stand next to the plane. We lean on it with one hand, the knee on the same side rests on the surface. The other hand holds the maximum possible weight. The spine should be parallel to the floor. We bend the limb with weight so that the elbow is level with the back, a slightly lower position is allowed. The weighted brush should hang freely.
    2. We take in air, hold our breath. We unbend the arm with weight. Make sure your shoulder stays in place. Lock the pose for 2-3 seconds. The triceps should be tense. Then return to the original rack.
    3. It is important that the back and the floor are parallel to each other, in which case the load on the muscle will be maximum. The body and arms should be in a fixed position. The exercise is carried out smoothly without unnecessary movements and jerks.

    Pumping on a horizontal bar or on uneven bars

    This type of exercise is designed not only to pump up triceps, but also to shape the pectoral muscles. To perform triceps exercises in the gym, you need:

    1. The arms are straightened. Written off straight, legs are moved together or they can be crossed. The face is directed forward.
    2. We exhale the air, gradually descend, the elbow joints are directed backward. You need to bend to a right angle, while the body remains straight.
    3. We take in air, strain our arms and rise.

    Try to keep your elbows close to the body, not pulling them out to the sides. Do not go too low, otherwise you can harm your muscles and joints. To reduce the strain on the chest muscles, you can lean forward slightly. Triceps training in this way begins with 2-3 approaches according to the number of repetitions that can be mastered.


    Triceps functions are activated during regular push-ups. They do not give the maximum effect, but they do help to build mass. For the best result, place the palms so that the fingers point to each other's sides. In this case, the elbows move in different directions, and the effect produced will be greater. For the beginning of the exercises, you can do as much as the strength gives. Gradually, the number of approaches needs to be increased. More experienced athletes use the cotton technique.

    Videos with the best triceps exercises

    Training schedule

    In order to provide the load on the entire muscle, to accelerate the mass gain and to give relief, a special training program for the triceps is required.

    Three triceps exercises are available for home use. It is more difficult, but possible, to fully work on the mass and relief of the house. Better to get home a barbell, dumbbells, and a set of discs. If this is not possible, then simple exercises can be done at home, such as push-ups, push-ups using a bench, and work with dumbbells. Home workout program:

    At the stage of mass gain, the number of exercises, approaches should be increased to achieve the required result. The main emphasis should be on a group of basic exercises.

    When drying the body, it is required to reduce the weight used for training, reduce the time for a break. Basic exercises change to isolated exercises. A workout option for burning fat mass.

    Triceps are muscles located on the back of the arms. These muscles help to extend the arms, pull, push. However, most women do not realize how important it is for girls to do triceps exercises to keep them in shape until they have to raise their hands and pat. Flabby arms or Batman wings are not the most pleasant definitions for weak triceps, so you need to start getting rid of this problem.

    On top of that, arm training will not make you muscular like men. The male body produces much more testosterone than the female, which promotes muscle growth. Therefore, feel free to take dumbbells and say goodbye to sagging arms. Below you will find out how to build triceps at home. Do these 15 exercises to wear both a sweater and sleeveless clothing with equal confidence. Let's start!

    1. Extension for triceps

    Triceps extensions are a very simple but powerful exercise. To perform it, you can use both dumbbells and an expander.


    1. Take a 5 kg dumbbell with both hands. Feet shoulder width apart, press tense, shoulders relaxed;
    2. Slowly raise your arms above your head. Straighten your arms completely, point your hands at the ceiling;
    3. Bend your elbows and bend your forearms behind your head so that they touch your biceps;
    4. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    2. French bench press or triceps extension

    This is another variation on the triceps extension, but more difficult, as here the triceps is worked out as opposed to gravity.


    1. Lie on a bench. Take a 2 kg dumbbell in each hand, hands facing each other, arms extended up;
    2. Bend your elbows and direct the dumbbells towards your shoulders;
    3. Pause
    4. Return your forearms to their original position;
    5. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    3. Push-ups from the bench

    Bench push-ups engage your triceps, biceps, shoulders, back, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise is great for home use and produces great results when done regularly.


    1. Stand with your back to the bench. Lower the body down, resting your hands on the bench. The fingers should be pointing forward, the legs should be straight. Maintain your core by resting on your heels and tightening your abdominal muscles;
    2. Slowly lower the body down with a straight back until the shoulders form a 90-degree angle with the forearms;
    3. Return slowly to the starting position;
    4. Do 3 sets of 5 reps.

    4. Push-ups

    Triceps push-ups are very similar to classic push-ups. They help work out your triceps, core, quads, hamstrings, biceps, and back.


    1. Lie on your stomach. Lift the body off the floor, resting on your feet and hands. Place the brushes already shoulder-width apart;
    2. While inhaling, lower the body down until the chest touches the floor;
    3. Pause and return to starting position;
    4. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    This exercise is similar to the previous one, but you need a ball to complete it. This is a more difficult version of push-ups, as it is necessary to maintain balance.


    1. Place the ball in front of you;
    2. Place your hands on the ball. The hands should be close to each other, and the arms should be fully extended;
    3. Straighten your legs, rest your toes tightly on the floor;
    4. Slowly lower yourself down until your chest touches the ball;
    5. Return to starting position;
    6. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    Side push-ups help tone the triceps, back and shoulder muscles. They are similar to regular push-ups, but done in a slightly unconventional way. You do not need any equipment to complete this exercise.


    1. Lie on your side with one leg over the other. Tighten your abs, rest your upper hand on the floor. With the other hand, "hug" yourself around the waist;
    2. Pushing off with the upper hand, tear the body off the floor;
    3. Pause and descend as you inhale;
    4. Do 2 sets of 10 times on each side.

    7. Extension with one hand while standing

    This exercise differs from regular extensions in that here you will work with each hand in turn. This way of doing the exercise is more effective.


    1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take a dumbbell in each hand;
    2. Bend your arms and press them to your chest;
    3. Raise one hand above your head. This is the starting position;
    4. Bend your elbow and lower your forearm back until the dumbbell touches your shoulder;
    5. Straighten your arm slowly;
    6. Do 2 sets of 10 times on each hand.

    8. Extension with one hand in support

    This exercise is performed according to the same principle as the previous one, but in addition to the triceps it involves the muscles of the shoulders, back and biceps.


    1. On both sides of the bench, place a 5 kg dumbbell;
    2. Place one knee and hand on the bench and lean forward. Keep the body parallel to the floor, rest your other foot firmly on the floor, knee slightly bent;
    3. Take a dumbbell, press your shoulder to the body. The shoulder with the forearm should form an angle of 90 degrees;
    4. As you exhale, take your forearm back;
    5. Hold, take a breath and return the forearm to its original position;
    6. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

    9. Extension for triceps standing with an expander

    The Triceps Extension is similar to the French press, but here you will be using an expander. The expander will add variety to the workout and complicate the task a little.


    1. Grab the expander handles, put one foot in the middle of the expander;
    2. Raise your arms up and bend at the elbows. Make sure your elbows are facing forward;
    3. Straighten your arms;
    4. Hold this position. Inhale and lower your forearms;
    5. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    The bent over row is a great exercise for working out your biceps, triceps, core, shoulders, and back. You will need a bar.


    1. Take the bar. Hands are shoulder-width apart, the lower back is not bent, the back is straight, the knees are slightly bent;
    2. Pull the bar to your chest;
    3. Hold and return the bar to its original position. The back is straight throughout the exercise;
    4. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    11. Side plank with a dumbbell lift

    This exercise engages the triceps, pecs, back, core, and glutes.


    1. Take a side plank position lying on one side. Place one foot on top of the other. Take a 2 kg dumbbell with your upper hand, rest on the floor with your other hand;
    2. Tear the body off the floor so that the support is only on one foot and hand;
    3. Raise your arm from the dumbbells up to full extension;
    4. Slowly return your hand to its original position;
    5. Do 1 approach 10 times on each side.

    12. Bench press with a narrow grip

    This exercise works well for the biceps, triceps, chest, shoulder and core muscles.


    1. Lie on the bench and take the bar. Arms straight and shoulder-width apart , brushes pointing up;
    2. As you inhale, slowly lower your forearms until the bar touches your chest;
    3. Hold this position. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the starting position;
    4. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    13. Press down on the block

    This exercise will swing your triceps, biceps, and shoulders.


    1. Attach a straight bar to the top pulley in the gym;
    2. Stand facing the handle, grab it with a straight grip, arms and legs shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body;
    3. Pull the handle towards your chest. Keep your shoulders tight. This is the starting position;
    4. As you inhale, push the handle down until it touches the point where the hips end;
    5. As you exhale, return your forearms to their original position;
    6. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

    14. Push-ups with fitball

    These push-ups are similar to the classic triceps push-ups, but for this option you need a fitball. Fitball increases the difficulty level of this exercise to advanced, and improves coordination and strength.


    1. Place your hands firmly on the floor;
    2. Put your feet on the fitball and try to keep balance;
    3. Keep your arms straight, press tense, brushes slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart;
    4. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your shoulders form an angle of 90 degrees with your forearms;
    5. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position;
    6. Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

    15. Extension with an expander in a horizontal tilt

    This type of extension is slightly more difficult than those performed in an upright position.


    1. Grasp the handle of the expander and stand on it to fix it;
    2. Lean forward slightly, bend your knees and pull the band so that your shoulders and elbows are pointing back. This is the starting position;
    3. Slowly move your forearms back until your arms are fully extended;
    4. Exhale and return your arms to the starting position.

    The exercises described above will help you tone your arm muscles, but in conclusion I would like to remind you that you should not forget about some details.

    Things to remember

    • It is impossible to lose weight in any particular part of the body. Before toning the muscles, you should get rid of excess fat;
    • Eat right. Include green leafy vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and foods high in fiber in your diet;
    • Avoid fast food, high sugar foods, processed carbohydrates, sodas, etc .;
    • Devote 3 hours a week to training for all muscle groups to burn excess fat;
    • Do not eat carbohydrates after 7:00 pm;
    • Sleep 7-8 hours a day to help your muscles recover faster.

    What are the benefits of doing triceps exercises?

    Benefits of Triceps Exercise

    1. Exercising your triceps regularly makes you stronger;
    2. Stretching the muscles that work during exercise will protect you from injury, give you flexibility, and ensure good posture and joint mobility;
    3. Improving blood circulation and reducing stress;
    4. Exercising your triceps makes your body more mobile.

    You now know 15 basic exercises to help you tighten your triceps. You no longer have to be complex when putting on sleeveless dresses. Get started now! Good luck!