L Carnitine to be taken before or after meals. Taking L-Carnitine: Pre-Workout or Post-Workout? L-carnitine also has such properties

In pursuit of a slim figure and weight loss, many are addicted to dubious dietary supplements with a poorly studied composition. Perhaps they allow you to achieve a quick effect, but, as a rule, at the cost of your own health.

Indeed, finding useful and safe drugs today is not easy, but it is a doable task. In particular, athletes love to use L-Carnitine for weight loss and muscle building. It is a vitamin-like substance that is completely harmless and completely natural.


L-carnitine is a substance related to B-vitamins, synthesized in the human body. It is present in the tissues of some muscles and liver. Accelerates metabolic processes, supports the activity of coenzyme A (it oxidizes fatty acids). It is used to treat kidney disease.

With its deficiency, the body cannot process fats from food, which leads not only to obesity, but also to heart problems.

Preparations based on this substance are actively used in official medicine.


Losing weight with L-carnitine - some solid advantages with almost no disadvantages:

  • activation of fat burning processes;
  • the ability to use other additives;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • protection of the heart and blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • facilitating cardio and strength training;
  • fortifying and immunostimulating action;
  • no muscle pain after exercise;
  • gain in lean muscle mass;
  • reduction of fatigue - mental and physical.

Consuming dietary supplements with it, you yourself will notice that your workouts have become much more successful and effective. Endurance increases, and with it you reach new heights - accordingly, you lose much more calories.

Names. In different sources, L-carnitine can be found under different names: levocarnitinum, L-carnitine, vitamin Bt, levocarnitine, vitamin B11.

Slimming mechanism

L-carnitine can be safely used for weight loss, as its properties guarantee not only improved well-being and training efficiency, but also amazing external changes in the figure.

It performs the following functions:

  • protects muscle tissue from splitting;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is very important for losing weight (there is no irritability) and intense sports (the mood rises, thanks to which training is carried out regularly, without breakdowns);
  • converts fats into energy, preventing their deposition in different parts of the body;
  • prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles;
  • prevents the development of overtraining syndrome;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • shortens the recovery period after sports;
  • maintains a stable level of coenzyme A in the body, which is very important for optimizing energy metabolism;
  • promotes detoxification from cytotoxic organic acids and xenobiotics;
  • increases endurance indicators;
  • accelerates protein metabolism;
  • is an anabolic, that is, it promotes the growth of muscle mass.

So it can be used in two ways: to increase the effectiveness of strength training, as an anabolic and to reduce body weight, as a fat burner. But this way of dealing with extra pounds is not for the lazy - without training, there will be no result.

Origin of name. The term "L-carnitine" goes back to the Latin "carnis", which translates as "meat", because there is a lot of it in this product.

Indications and contraindications

Preparations based on L-carnitine can be officially used by athletes. They are not prohibited by the Anti-Doping Commission, so many do not stop using it even during the competition.

Therapeutic indications:

  • infertility in men;
  • hypoperfusion;
  • encephalopathy;
  • skin diseases: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, focal scleroderma, eczema, lupus erythematosus;
  • growth retardation;
  • intense physical activity - to reduce fatigue, increase efficiency and endurance, as an anabolic and adaptogen;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic cardiopathy, stroke;
  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • Swan-Pearson neuropathy;
  • obesity;
  • pathologies caused by carnitine deficiency: Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos and Beals syndromes, tuberous sclerosis, progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • brain damage;
  • postinfarction conditions;
  • rehabilitation after operations and serious illnesses;
  • MERRE, MELAS, NARP, Kearns-Sayre syndromes;
  • angina pectoris;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Slimming indications:

  • rapid fatigability during physical exertion;
  • pain, cramps after exercise;
  • tremor of the limbs, strongly tense muscles;
  • lack of results when playing sports, despite their intensity;
  • visceral belly fat;
  • shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, palpitations during exercise.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • insomnia;
  • epigastric pain;
  • hypertension;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • lactation;
  • oncology;
  • kidney pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • trimethylaminuria;
  • epilepsy.

This substance cannot adversely affect the functioning of organs. But it starts the processes that make the body's systems work in an enhanced mode. And if initially not everything is in order with health, it may simply not cope with it. Therefore, be sure to take note of this list.

From the history. In the USSR, DL-carnitine chloride was used to treat diseases of the nervous system, although no data on the benefits of this product for the central nervous system have been carried out.

Application rules

Knowing how to take L-Carnitine is very important to get the most out of it. Methods and dosages are determined by various factors. The selected drug and individual characteristics play a leading role.

On the market you can find various dietary supplements with levocarnitine: in capsules and tablets, in liquid form, in powder. Each comes with instructions that you need to follow. If the recommended dosages or dosage regimen does not suit you for some reason, you can always correct these parameters with your trainer.

This option is even preferable, since the instructor will professionally assess your personal data and, based on them, recommend how best to drink the purchased drug. This will depend on your starting weight, health status, and the intensity of the intended training session.

Capsules and tablets

This is the most convenient and demanded form. The correct intake of L-carnitine in capsules and tablets is determined by the instructions for each individual drug, since the concentration of the active substance in them may be different.

If there is a choice between tablets and capsules, give preference to the latter. They are absorbed into the blood faster.


Concentrated syrup or light L-carnitine solution is taken with or without food. It is drunk undiluted. Athletes are advised to consume 15 ml before training once a day. The duration of the course is 6 weeks, then there is a break of 2 weeks and the previous scheme is repeated again.


Levocarnitine powder is a crystalline white concentrate, tasteless and odorless. Easily soluble in water, you can even drink it with juice. Economical in terms of dosages. The only drawback is that it takes time to cook. For convenience, manufacturers complete the product with a measuring cup.

You can find carnitine in sticks, which is very convenient: 1 stick = 1 serving. Each drug is accompanied by instructions for use from the manufacturer, which indicates the recommended dosage.

General Tips:

  1. The first portion of the powder is in the morning before meals, the second - 30 minutes before training.
  2. If the physical activity is great, you can drink 3 times a day.
  3. Course: 2 months of weight loss / 2 weeks of rest. You can repeat this scheme for six months.

The maximum daily dosage remains the same as when using capsules - 3,000 mg, but it is not necessary to catch up to this mark. Depending on the purpose of using levocarnitine powder, daily doses may be different:

  • for complex therapy: 1200 mg;
  • for athletes: 2,000 mg;
  • weight loss: 1,500 mg.

Pay attention to the following powdered preparations:

  • 300 g of pure carnitine from RPS Nutrition (USA);
  • weight loss + improvement of blood circulation, brain and heart activity from Scitec Nutrition (USA);
  • concentrate of carnitine, taurine and B vitamins from Ostrovit (Poland);
  • lipotropic complex with mineral supplements, anabolic and neurostimulating caffeine from PowerPro (USA);
  • complex with trivalent chromium and plant extracts from BioTech (USA);
  • 4 forms (pure, tratrate, acetyl, fumarate) with flavorings from CarnibolicNutrabolics (USA);
  • 300 g of levocarnitine tartrate without additives from Anabolic Innovations (USA);
  • 700 ml acetyl L-carnitine with stearic acid from SAN (USA).

These are the most effective powder preparations that have proven themselves in the dietary supplements market.


Another way to use L-carnitine is to inject a 10% solution into a muscle or vein. It is prescribed if oral use is not possible (with injuries of the oral cavity, digestive organs). The dosage is determined individually.

  1. 100 mg of the substance is diluted in 50 ml of sodium chloride solution (0.9%).
  2. Into a vein is injected slowly: jet (about 3 minutes) or drip (about 60 drops / min).

Keep in mind that L-carnitine injections are often uncomfortable. Side effects include damage to blood vessels and soft tissues.

Of all the methods of using drugs with levocarnitine, injection is the most effective, but at the same time not entirely successful. Firstly, not everyone can give himself an injection. Secondly, the painful sensations after, interfere with training.

Be careful. L-carnitine has a twin brother, its synthetic analogue - D-carnitine, which has a far from positive effect on the body. Studies show that some unscrupulous manufacturers of sports nutrition may include it in dietary supplements. Read carefully the composition of the purchased drugs so that it does not appear there.

First, you need to decide where you will purchase L-carnitine preparations:

  • to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is better to buy a medicine at a pharmacy;
  • for weight loss, give preference to dietary supplements, which can be ordered on numerous Internet resources;
  • to increase the efficiency of your workouts, use sports nutrition, which is sold in specialized stores.
  1. L-carnitine can be taken not only in the form of drugs and dietary supplements. This substance is found in excess in food (the list is given below).
  2. Anabolics and lipoic acid enhance the effects of L-carnitine.
  3. It promotes weight loss only with aerobic exercise. If it is desirable for men to work out in the gym, then gymnastics, dancing, Pilates are suitable for women.
  4. Don't starve. Stick to the principles of fractional meals: meals should be frequent, and portions should be small.
  5. The diet should be dominated by low-fat foods.
  6. It is recommended to lean on proteins, limiting the intake of carbohydrates.
  7. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  8. not recommended.
  9. Workouts should be at least 30 minutes long.

Foods rich in L-carnitine:

  • Orange juice;
  • peanut butter;
  • bacon;
  • White bread;
  • Ground beef;
  • chicken breast;
  • pasta;
  • ice cream;
  • rice (boiled);
  • pork;
  • asparagus;
  • beef steak;
  • cod;
  • whole milk;
  • eggs.

Include these foods in your daily diet to enrich your body with this natural substance.

On a note. L-carnitine is destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, if foods from the above list can be eaten raw, eat them without cooking on the stove.

Side effects

Levocarnitine has side effects, but they are very rare. An overdose is almost impossible, because all excess substances are actively excreted in the urine.

In case of violations of the instructions or contraindications, the following unpleasant symptoms may be observed:

  • allergic reactions;
  • insomnia;
  • painful digestion (dyspepsia);
  • pain in the abdomen (gastralgia);
  • smell from the mouth;
  • nervousness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • increased appetite;
  • vomit;
  • seizures;
  • nausea.

As a rule, all side effects after taking the drugs disappear within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, it is recommended to see a doctor.

On a note. It is very beneficial for men to take L-carnitine not only to lose weight and build muscle mass, but also to improve their reproductive function. This substance promotes the activity of sperm and is even prescribed for the treatment of infertility.


What is the best L-carnitine for weight loss? The choice is not easy to make, since there are a lot of drugs based on it.

  1. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Dymatize (USA). $ 24 for 90 capsules.
  2. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Maxler (Germany). $ 18 for 100 tablets.
  3. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Twinlab (USA). $ 54 for 120 capsules.
  4. Alcar from SAN (USA) - tablets. $ 44 for 100 pcs.
  5. Carni X from Scitec Nutrition (Hungary). $ 16 for 60 capsules.
  6. Carnipure from Gaspari Nutrition (USA) - powder. $ 35 for 100 gr.
  7. Attack L-Carnitine from Power System (Germany) is a solution with guarana and caffeine. $ 21 for 500 ml.
  8. L-Carnitine from Power System (Germany) - solution. $ 31 for 1,000 ml.
  9. L-Carnitine-3000 from Maxler (Germany) - concentrate. $ 25 for 1,000 ml of solution.
  10. L-Carnitine-750 from Maxler (Germany). $ 23 for 100 capsules.
  11. Capsules L-Carnitine from Weider (Germany). $ 19 for 100 capsules.
  12. Liquid L-Carnitine Extreme Formula from Weider (Germany). $ 24 for 20 ampoules.
  13. L-Carnitine Power from SAN (USA) - capsules. $ 19 for 60 pcs.
  14. Xtreme L-Carnitine from Dymatize (USA). $ 18 for 60 capsules.
  15. L-Carnitine from Myprotein (UK). $ 12 for 90 tablets.
  16. L-Carnitine from Ultimate Nutrition (USA). $ 20 for 30 tablets.
  17. Concentrate L-Carnitine from VP Laboratory (UK). $ 31 for 1,000 ml of solution.
  18. L-Carnitine from Maxler (Germany) - solution. $ 38 for 1,000 ml.
  19. Liquid L-Carnitine from Optimum Nutrition (USA). $ 10 for almost 350 ml.
  20. L-carnitine from GlavAktiv (Russia). $ 6.7 for 60 capsules.

Try different options to find the best drug for you.

Through the pages of history. L-carnitine was discovered in 1905 by the scientists V.S.Gulevich and R.P. Krimberg. They isolated it from muscle tissue.


L-carnitine is the main active ingredient in many medicines that can be used both for therapeutic purposes and for weight loss. The most popular analogues:

  • Alimba is an Italian drug;
  • Karnitene;
  • Carnifit (Carnifit);
  • Cartan (Cartan) - a medicine for stomach disorders, produced in powder for solution preparation or injection ampoules (made in Greece);
  • Elkar is a means to improve metabolic processes; you can purchase an aqueous solution (with a dropper and a test tube) and ampoules for injections.

A firmer glute, a slender waist, a toned abs - all of this is possible if you add L-carnitine to your weight loss program. Men will have the very coveted cubes, and women will be able to delight those around them with an ideal figure. At the same time, your health will remain in perfect order, and in some situations it will even improve.

The amino acid L-carnitine (vitamin B11) was first isolated in 1905; its ability to carry fatty acids into cells was studied only in 1962.

It can be partially produced in the body of a healthy person. If too much L-carnitine is supplied additionally with food or in the form of a finished preparation, then the excess is excreted from the body: it cannot accumulate in excess of the norm.

Only the L-form of carnitine is biologically active - the so-called levorotatory isomer. The dextrorotatory form of the molecule (D-carnitine) is harmful and even dangerous: it is a functional antagonist of the L-substance.

Application and features of L-carnitine

Traditionally, L-carnitine is included in sports nutrition formulas, and is also used for medical reasons (for this purpose, it is better to buy the drug in pharmacies).

  • Breakdown of fats: L-carnitine supplies fat particles to the cellular powerhouses - mitochondria. There they are destroyed - and energy is released.

  • Raising energy levels: the strength of muscles and their endurance becomes higher, memory and thinking improve, the mood and general tone of the body rises.

  • An increase in stress resistance, an increase in the body's adaptability (when changing time zones, weather conditions) is another result of the effect of l-carnitine.

  • Anabolic effect: dry muscle mass increases.

  • Reducing "bad" cholesterol- prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Antioxidant action- wound healing and accelerated tissue repair.

How to take l-carnitine - Doses of the drug

In sports (professional) practice, carnitine is used in large doses - from 2 to 8 g of pure substance per day. The regime of loads and nutrition, energy costs are taken into account, everything is under the supervision of a doctor.

It is better to select the amount of L-carnitine individually for each case, taking into account the goals and the dynamics of the training results.

A dosage of 1 gram per day when consumed for a month and a half will help to increase appetite and increase body weight. With growth retardation, a course intake of carnitine is offered - 20 days, 0.5-0.75 grams per day, then a break for about 1-2 months, then a repetition of the course.

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If you take it as part of any fitness nutrition or vitamin complex, look at the composition data on the package.

L-carnitine, both liquid and in capsules, is perfectly absorbed and easily excreted from the body; cases of intoxication have not yet been described. But, so that the drug not only does not harm, but also benefits, it is still recommended to start with the minimum dosage - 500 mg per day, preferably divided into two doses of 250 mg.

Duration of admission

Carnitine is partially produced in the body, this is the norm. Its greatest content is in the liver and brain: it is these organs that consume the maximum energy when performing their functions.

Experts do not welcome the fascination with long-term intake of high doses of carnitine. (more than 2 g / day), since with a constant supply from the outside, its own production of amino acids will necessarily decrease.

In this case, ever higher dosages will be needed, which is expensive and unsafe - there are known cases of allergic reactions to a large amount of carnitine.

According to various sources, the recommended pause in taking carnitine (at 2 grams per day or more) ranges from one to one and a half months to six months. If the daily dosage of L-carnitine is not more than 500 mg, then this option of additional nutrition can be practiced constantly.

Combination with other drugs

L-carnitine belongs to the group of nutraceuticals (substances for additional nutrition), is non-toxic, it goes well with other sports nutrition products and all medicines.

  • Fat burners: stimulate metabolic processes and breakdown of fat cells, reduce body weight, improve muscle definition.
    Such supplements usually include guarana (analogue of caffeine), chitosan, tyramine, green tea extract. Carnitine enhances the effect of all components of fat burners, greatly increasing their effectiveness.

  • Coenzyme Q10: increases energy production, increases oxygen uptake in all organs. The simultaneous intake of carnitine and Q10 will quickly improve your well-being.

Relative cons:

    Temporary sleep disturbance is possible if L-carnitine is taken in the evening.

    Rarely, but there is an individual intolerance to carnitine (headaches, nausea and diarrhea).

    Difficulty with hemodialysis: Muscle weakness may develop if L-carnitine is taken immediately before the procedure.

The use of L-carnitine for weight loss

Every healthy person has a fat depot. The splitting of the accumulated reserves gives up to 96% of the required energy, and all vital activity depends entirely on the normal operation of this mechanism.

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L-carnitine plays the main role here: it is he who carries fatty acids into the cells, where energy is then produced.

Fat is not converted into energy, its reserves increase. An uncontrolled increase in body weight begins, turning into obesity. Further - complications in the form of problems with joints, veins, heart. Over time, the development of type II diabetes is guaranteed.

L-carnitine has become an excellent aid both in the treatment of obesity and in maintaining a healthy body in excellent shape. With the beginning of its intake, adipose tissue decreases at a constant rate, a loss of 10 to 15 kg per month is possible! Moreover, it is not necessary to change the diet.

Body Drying Application

Training cycles to shape muscle definition require dietary restrictions.

As you know, the most effective way to lose weight is to combine regular exercise with the right balanced diet. In order to achieve certain results, many people who exercise are beginning to accept men, stimulating supplements. Among them, the leader in popularity is ... That is why the question often arises - how to take L-carnitine during training? The answer is - carefully and wisely, having understood its principle of operation and choosing the most suitable form of release.

Benefits of Carnitine

Most of those who claim that they are completely ineffective with carnitine have not even tried to perform any exercises in parallel with the course of their intake. The fact is that the substance itself does not "burn" fat deposits at all. increases the rate of delivery of eaten fatty acids to the mitochondria within cells, which is why significantly more energy is released.

However, the list of positive properties of a substance includes many more positions:

  • acceleration of metabolism ;
  • increasing the intensity of lipid breakdown ;
  • preventing the growth of new adipose tissue ;
  • normalization of blood cholesterol ;
  • increased efficiency and endurance ;
  • shortening the time to rest after exercise ;
  • promoting a better supply of oxygen to muscles, including the heart ;
  • strengthening the body's defenses ;
  • with regular use - a noticeable improvement in mental performance and intellectual stability ;
  • restoration of a healthy level of pressure, prevention of atherosclerosis, heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, relief from existing ailments ;
  • a long period of beneficial effect on the body, even some time after the refusal to consume .

Who should not take L-carnitine and what side effects are possible?

Even if this substance is natural for humans, because our body has the ability to synthesize it, in certain diseases the question of how to properly take L-carnitine during training can turn into "Can you use it at all?"

Such diseases include:

  • diabetes mellitus of any type ;
  • hypertension;
  • peripheral vascular disease ;
  • unhealthy liver or kidneys .

Allergy to the drug is most often expressed in severe headaches, inability to sleep and nausea, but it is extremely rare.

Types of carnitine

Immediately after deciding to start taking L-carnitine, the choice of the most suitable form follows. The drug is in tablets, capsules, powder.

There is one caveat regarding the liquid option. Quite often, syrups are made with carnitine. And they are by no means the best assistant for exercising and losing weight people due to their high sugar content. Pure liquid carnitine, filled in ampoules, will allow you to enjoy the results of your workouts much earlier.

There are many carnitine preparations on the market with other beneficial compounds.

For instance:

  • Acetyl L-Carnitine ... Its distinctive feature is the content of the acetyl group in the structure of the substance. It is thanks to her that the supplement has a significant effect not only on the body, but also on the brain, stimulating its active work.
  • L-carnitine tartrate ... This type of drug is focused mainly on the consumption of overweight people. It acts even faster than one hundred percent carnitine due to the fact that it is processed and absorbed as quickly as possible by the body.

How to take L-carnitine and how much?

It is worth determining how many grams an individual dose of the supplement will be based on the level of your physical activity. The more workouts, the correspondingly more substance will be required. For those who are seriously involved in sports, the daily dosage reaches two grams. Many inexperienced athletes ask - how to drink L-carnitine, before or after training? Definitely before, in half an hour, and at this moment it is very desirable to take it in a liquid, easily digestible form. At breakfast, the other portion of the serving can be taken as a tablet or capsule.

Liquid form

The substance in this form is produced either as a syrup, or bottled in ampoules, or in bottles as a drink. If, despite the reduced usefulness of the syrup, the choice fell on it, then it is advisable to dilute such an additive with water and use it separately from the main meals.

To avoid these conventions, athletes often choose ampoules containing L-carnitine. It is optimal to use such a drug three times during one day, one of which is before training. The usual dosage for athletes is about 15 milliliters, for the rest it is three times less.

Important note: the course of taking the drug should in no case exceed six weeks. Before starting a new cycle, you should skip amine for at least a week.

When the substance is consumed by children, the period of admission is halved and is one month. Dosages are also reduced significantly - no more than 27 drops or 2.5 mg of carnitine per day.


Due to the relative cheapness and equivalent effectiveness, the tablet form of the supplement is in great demand among sports fans. Some try to dissolve them, which is a mistake. Like any common pill, L-carnitine is simply swallowed and then washed down with a significant amount of liquid, ideally pure water.

For sexually mature men and women, the normal daily dose is from 0.2 to 0.5 g of L-carnitine. As with liquid, the dosage is divided into three servings, one of which is immediately before starting sports. The norm of the substance for athletes is much higher (the minimum is 0.5 g), but it is not recommended to use more than two grams of amine in one day.

Capsule form

There are rules similar to those that should be followed when taking pills. In the same way, the capsule is swallowed whole and washed down. The dosages are also identical to those mentioned above, and the course of treatment lasts an average of one to one and a half months, after which it is better not to take the supplement for about seven days.


This form combines many advantages - relative cheapness, proven efficacy and the preparation procedure familiar to many athletes who use protein shakes. However, in relation to the last point, difficulties often arise - after all, it is important to follow the instructions exactly.

It is imperative to dilute the vice in the amount and in the liquid that are prescribed in the instructions for use, and drink the entire cocktail in one gulp, at a time. If all this is not done, then the money will be wasted and the supplement will not bring the desired effect.

Does it make sense to take L-carnitine without exercising?

As mentioned above, this substance is not a fat burner in nature. Combining it only with a diet will not affect the process of losing weight in any way. All other positive effects on the body will take place, but if an unsportsmanlike person wants to use carnitine as a means for losing weight, then it is better to refuse this venture. directly depends on the amount of physical effort applied.

Interaction with other drugs and substances

Since L-carnitine is a compound natural for the human body, it has been declared practically safe. That is why the drug is often used in conjunction with other fat burners or other stimulating substances. It is also often taken with protein and gainers to ensure that nutrients are delivered to muscle tissue as quickly as possible and promote muscle tissue generation. These methods help to achieve very impressive results in training and muscle building. If the amine is used for the treatment of some diseases, then it also does not create conflicts with other drugs.

Another thing is the substances that stimulate the nervous system and "invigorate" the body. These include, for example, caffeine. Its joint use together with L-carnitine is strictly prohibited.

The need to drink the drug in courses is explained very simply - the body gets used to its increased concentration, and all beneficial effects are minimized. Let the breaks between the intake cycles be so short that the deficiency of the substance is practically not noticed, but nevertheless, during the pause, you should devote some training hours to lighter loads.

What is L-carnitine for?

Carnitine is widely known to its target audience: those who want to lose weight and professional athletes. This is a sports nutrition supplement - a natural metabolite. It is found in many products, therefore it is well accepted by the body and has practically no contraindications. However, some people have written this supplement as useless when after a couple of weeks they have not noticed tangible results in the gym or weighing. So do we need L-carnitine, and how to take it right?

  • Carnitine is actively used for weight loss, because it helps to accelerate metabolism and fat oxidation.
  • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces fatigue, contributes to the recovery of the body after exertion.
  • Stimulates the brain and nervous system.
  • Increases physical stamina.

Individual intolerance and some chronic diseases are the main contraindications for taking L-carnitine. That's right, if you consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the form and dosage according to your needs.

Liquid Carnitine and Its Benefits

There are the following types of carnitine:

  • Liquid (L-carnitine in ampoules and syrup).

Carnitine drinking solution is considered to be the most effective. It is quickly absorbed by the body, easy to use (you can take the bottle with you for training or for a walk). The concentrated syrup must be diluted with water, as required by the instructions for use. There is an important caveat: liquid carnitine may contain sweeteners, flavors and other additives, pay attention to the composition.

Instructions for use

The dosage of L-carnitine should correspond to the needs of the body:

  • For athletes, the daily allowance is 1.5-3 g of carnitine.
  • For weight loss - 1.2-1.5g.
  • As part of a complex treatment - up to 1.2 g.
  • For prevention - 0.8-1g.

The maximum dosage is 3 grams, drinking L-carnitine in large quantities is not recommended, the body simply will not absorb it, and an overdose is fraught with disorders of the digestive and nervous systems.

L-carnitine in ampoules and syrup should be drunk three times a day, following the manufacturer's recommendations. Pay attention to the composition: sweeteners that are safe for the figure are sucralose and stevia, the solution should not contain sugar or fructose. No injections or injections of L-carnitine exist in nature.

Tablets and capsules must be taken correctly: with a little water or juice, one hour before training. They are absorbed more slowly, but you can take a small package with you everywhere.

The powder must be diluted with water. We drink the resulting solution an hour before training or before meals. Most often, there is a measuring spoon or cap in the kit, so there will be no problems with dosage.

For effective weight loss and improvement of the figure, carnitine should be taken in courses: 4-6 weeks of admission, then a break for a month. It is worth noting that carnitine is compatible with most sports supplements, but if you are taking medications and are prescribed injections (injections), it is better to consult your doctor.

It is undesirable to do injections that raise the temperature or take thermogenics with carnitine - they overexcite the nervous system and can cause insomnia, arrhythmias and poor health. For the correct administration of the drug, there are instructions for use.

Want to know what L-carnitine is? We will tell you about the effect of L-carnitine, its benefits, which one is better to choose, as well as how and how much to take the supplement.

Now L-carnitine slimming are included in a huge number of sports supplements. Sports nutrition manufacturers unanimously say that this is a powerful and versatile component that has the properties fat burner , helps build muscle, speeds up recovery and improves cognitive function.

At the same time, many people argue that carnitine is a useless supplement. Who is right?

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between. Actually, L-carnitine Is not a miracle drug, but science shows that it can be effective for certain purposes. Let's figure it out. In this article we will tell you what L-carnitine is, what is from it benefit, which type to choose, how and how much is better to take,and is it worth it to be afraidside effects.

L-carnitine - what is it ?

L-carnitine Is a naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in meat and dairy products. It is conditionally essential, which means our body can produce it as long as we consume enough lysine and methionine (essential amino acids).

L-carnitine performs several vital functions in the body, mainly related to the production of cellular energy. Thus, it should come as no surprise that most of the L-carnitine in the body is found in the muscles, which must quickly generate massive amounts of energy.

Why does the name "L-carnitine" contain the letter L? It simply distinguishes it from another form of the substance, D-carnitine, which not only lacks beneficial effects, but actually interferes with our body's ability to absorb L-carnitine. Therefore, D-Carnitine is never added to any sports nutrition product. You will only find L-carnitine in one of four forms:

  • L-carnitine... This is the same form of carnitine that is produced in the body.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR). This form of L-carnitine undergoes a chemical process known as acetylation, which allows the substance to cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • L-carnitine L-tartrate... This form of L-carnitine is associated with tartaric acid and helps to improve absorption.
  • Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitine (GPLC). This form of L-carnitine is linked to the amino acid glycine. Research shows that GPLC has antioxidant action in the body and may increase blood flow during exercise.

Why do people use L-carnitine for weight loss?

The answer is obvious: they are taking a supplement to increase the amount of carnitine in the body, especially in the muscles. This, in turn, leads to a number of beneficial effects, including reduced muscle soreness, better post-workout recovery, and increased nitric oxide production.

However, no single form of carnitine alone provides all of the above effects.

The benefits of L-carnitine

Usually, people get enough L-carnitine from food, but research shows that carnitine deficiency can occur in the elderly and in those who do not eat meat.

Therefore, most people in the gym do not need L-carnitine supplements to improve their health. However, we can increase the amount of this substance in the body to improve athletic performance.

Effect of L-Carnitine on Muscle Damage and Soreness

Research shows that the substance reduces muscle damage during and after intense exercise, thereby improving recovery and reducing muscle soreness.

This effect of L-carnitine is one of the most proven. Scientists are still researching its mechanism. The most likely hypothesis now is that it is mediated by increased blood flow to muscle tissue, which leads to a decrease in muscle stress and improved cellular signals that are associated with muscle recovery.

Does L-carnitine work as fat burner?

L-carnitine is required for the oxidation of fatty acids (that is, to burn them), which is why sports nutrition manufacturers often claim that it helps to accelerate fat loss and is great. for weight loss. Unfortunately, these statements do not correspond to reality.

Indeed, a carnitine deficiency can make weight loss difficult. However, most people do not suffer from carnitine deficiency. Plus, scientists have found that raising carnitine levels above normal does not improve fat burning.

Thus, consuming any form of L-carnitine is unlikely to help you with " drying " or when losing weight, unless you are an elderly person or a vegetarian (and it is doubtful that L-carnitine will have any value).

L-carnitine and muscle gain

Some sports nutrition manufacturers claim that L-carnitine can directly improve muscle gain and strength performance (similar to creatine)

But this effect was found in only one case, when the supplement was taken by the elderly for the purpose of eliminating L-carnitine deficiency. Thus, it is safe to assume that the product will not help people with normal carnitine levels.

However, L-Carnitine supplementation may indirectly contribute to muscle gain and strength gains due to the beneficial effects of the supplement on muscle soreness and recovery.

The fact is that the less our muscles hurt after going to the gym and the faster we recover, the more intensively we can train and progress faster. This will ultimately help improve body composition.

See also: Correct Muscle Gain - 10 Common Mistakes

L-carnitine and physical performance

Most studies show that L-carnitine does not improve performance during prolonged, low-intensity exercise. The same can be said for intense short-term training.

Some scientists have suggested that L-carnitine supplementation may increase muscle power, but the evidence is inconclusive.

Last but not least, L-carnitine has been shown to reduce mental and physical fatigue during exercise in older (but not young, healthy) people.

Thus, scientific evidence now suggests that carnitine is unlikely to improve your physical performance.

L-carnitine and cognitive function

ALCAR can reduce fatigue and improve concentration in people with chronic fatigue syndrome or carnitine deficiency.

There is also some evidence that ALCAR can be used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some healthy people report improved cognitive function with acetyl-L-carnitine, but unfortunately, there is not enough research to confirm or refute such claims.

L-carnitine and insulin sensitivity

Several studies have shown that levocarnitine can increase insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.However, it is not known if it has the same effects in healthy people.

L-carnitine and fertility

Several experiments have found that L-carnitine can improve sperm quality in men, especially those with poor sperm quality or infertility.

how many L-Carnitine Must Be Taken - Clinically Effective dosage

The clinically effective dosage of L-carnitine depends on the type of substance you are using:

Acetyl L-Carnitine: 630 to 2500 mg per day

L-carnitine L-tartrate: 1,000 to 4,000 mg daily;

Glycine propionyl L-carnitine: 1,000 to 4,000 mg daily

Conventional L-carnitine: 500 to 2000 mg daily.

How to use L-carnitine?

Some experts say carnitine should be taken before exercise, while others say the best time to take is after exercise. Both are right in their own way. Acetyl-L-carnitine is undesirable to take with food (it is less absorbed). Therefore, it can be drunk before training, along with supplements to increase energy levels.

But for optimal absorption of other forms of carnitine, carbohydrates are required. Since it is undesirable to eat before training, the supplement is best consumed after.

One strategy for getting all of the beneficial effects of the different forms of L-Carnitine is to take two servings of ALCAR between meals (including 1 serving pre-workout) and one serving of the regular form or L-Carnitine L-Tartrate post-workout.

What can you expect from taking L-carnitine?

It depends on the characteristics of your body and nutrition.

If you are young, healthy and have a more or less healthy diet, the main benefit you can expect from levocarnitine is less muscle soreness after exercise and faster recovery.

The product may also slightly increase the performance of your workout, but the evidence base is rather weak. In middle-aged and older people, taking L-carnitine may slightly speed up fat burning, increase muscle mass, and reduce exercise fatigue. Plus, if you don't eat meat, consuming the product can provide you with the same benefits as the elderly.

It is interesting: Carnitine deficiency is very common among vegans and vegetarians due to the fact that their diets contain much lower amounts of lysine and methionine - essential amino acids necessary for the production of carnitine.

Does L-carnitine have side effects?

Research shows L-Carnitine supplements are safe and do not causeside effects... However, this issue is controversial. The reason is an article published in 2013 that showed that carnitine in meat can increase the risk of heart disease.

There's a good reason not to worry about this: this work hasn't actually shown that eating red meat increases the risk of heart disease. Instead, she showed that meat caused a temporary increase in a substance known as TMAO (trimethylamine oxide), which has been associated with heart disease, but scientists have not proven that it actually causes them.

In other words, the theory that eating meat increases the risk of heart disease in all people under all circumstances is unlikely to be true.

This is supported by the fact that studies have found no link between red meat consumption and heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. However, there is evidence that eating processed red meat-based foods such as bacon, salami, and hot dogs with sausages may increase your risk of heart disease. However, it is not known if this is due to the consumption of red meat per se or an unhealthy lifestyle in general.


L-carnitine is a worthy sports nutrition product. It can provide the benefits most people expect.

The product can help you in burning fat, a set of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators under the condition of intense training. Thanks to it, you can really give your best in training and recover better, which, of course, will accelerate your progress.

So, if you are looking to reduce muscle pain and enable faster recovery after exercise, then L-Carnitine is a good supplement to your diet.