Harm of Wi-Fi radiation from a router to the human body. Is Wi-Fi harmful to health? Expert opinion Is there radiation from the router?

A router, also known as a router, is a network device that allows you to choose the optimal direction for transmitting data from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users wirelessly.

The absence of wired communication means the transmission of information through electromagnetic radiation. Since routers operate at ultra-high frequencies, the question is completely legitimate: is the radiation from a wifi router harmful? The results of some studies refute these fears, while others confirm them. Let's look at the arguments on both sides.

Why radiation from a wifi router can be dangerous

Descriptive argumentation is not as powerful as the exact technical specifications of the device in question. So let's look at the numbers. The Wifi router operates in the frequency range of 2.4 GHz, and the power of ordinary routers is ~100 μW. When this frequency affects the cells of the human body, the molecules of water, fat and glucose come together and rub together, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Such frequencies are provided by nature for the exchange of intracellular information between organs and systems of the body. Long-term, external exposure to this range from wireless local networks can cause dysfunction in the process of cell growth and division.

The harm of wifi radiation is aggravated by the radius and speed of data transmission. An excellent illustration of this fact is the enormous speed of transfer of a large amount of information when downloading videos, photographs and other data. The transmitting medium is air, and the carrier frequency is the mid-wave frequency range. And, since our cells are capable of transmitting and receiving energy at different frequencies, then Negative influence The frequency range of the router is quite acceptable.

Residents of apartment buildings may be affected by multiple routers installed in neighboring apartments. Brick walls and metal structures only partially reduce the range of the router, but do not completely delay its radiation. Add to this wireless Internet access points in offices, shopping centers, and cafes. It becomes clear that a person is exposed to radiation from a wifi router almost around the clock.

Moreover, many users do not turn off their wifi router even at night. Summarizing this information, we can conclude that our body is in a constant fight against this aggressive factor. Perhaps this is why even a night's sleep does not bring complete restoration of strength to many, and the immune system does not protect us well from many infections and viruses.

Is a wifi router really that harmful?

Of course, you have to pay for the convenience of wireless Internet use. But health is too high a price. Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router really dangerous?

To assess the effect of this radiation on the human body, a special parameter was introduced, called the absolute optical radiation power. Its unit of measurement is 1 decibel milliwatt (dBm). The average power of a mobile phone is 27 dBm, while the same value for a router is 20 dBm.

Further, the router is never located at such a close distance as a mobile phone. Usually it is 1–2 meters. Do not forget that the radiation power decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the square of the distance to the “culprit” of the radiation.

How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

If somewhere in the subconscious there is still a simmering anxiety about this radiation, you can try to reduce the radiation from the router. Each of the devices for this purpose provides signal power adjustment. Few people pay attention to this function, and almost all users have routers, keeping factory setting, turned on at full power. By setting the transmitter power to 50, 25% or even 10%, you can significantly reduce the radiation dose and coverage area.

And by following this operation with your neighbors, you can reduce the level of radiation by tens and hundreds of times. Moreover, manufacturers often unreasonably inflate the power of these devices to increase sales.

Is it possible to protect yourself from router radiation? Of course, router radiation has an impact on humans. But there is no clear answer yet as to how harmful Wi-Fi radiation is.

But there are these numbers:

  • signal intensity Wi-Fi router and 100,000 times weaker than a microwave;
  • The radiation from two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to the radiation from one mobile phone.

If these impressive comparisons do not reassure the most inveterate skeptic, the following simple rules will tell you how to protect yourself from wifi radiation:

  • install routers at a distance of at least 40 cm from your workplace, and certainly not sleep next to a switched-on router;
  • turn off your access point if you do not intend to use the Internet;
  • Do not keep the laptop on your lap.

Technologies for protection against electromagnetic smog

Background created various sources electromagnetic radiation is called electromagnetic smog. Naturally, attempts are being made to protect ourselves from all these pathological influences at once.

  1. Enterprising manufacturers have launched the production of wallpaper that can shield Wi-Fi radiation emanating from neighboring apartments. You can purchase them through foreign online stores. However, this particular product will interfere with internet transmission to other rooms within the apartment.
  2. A new product has appeared on the health market - a corrector of the functional state of the body (FSC). Among the wide range of products for this purpose, a fabric blanket with carbon thread is offered. The material for creating such bedspreads is a special bipolar fabric that can reflect electromagnetic radiation from computers, wifi routers, phones and other household appliances.

Let's summarize - the above information is based on 4 parameters that allow us to give an objective assessment of whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health:

  • frequency;
  • power;
  • distance;
  • time.

Each of them works in favor of the theory of its negative influence.

And, although today there are no real facts that can confirm that it was wifi networks that caused this or that disease, compliance with safety measures will not be superfluous. In addition, humanity does not yet have data on the impact of microwave radiation on future generations.

Damage to a WiFi router occurs due to the radiation that this device produces. Its impact, however, is not too strong: a microwave or laptop has a more detrimental effect on human health. In addition, there are ways to reduce harm from using the device.

What is Wi-Fi and the main parameters of its radiation

Wi-Fi is an electronic signal that connects laptops, tablets, computers, and mobile phones to the Internet. There is no consensus on the question of whether the router is dangerous or harmful to human health. Some experts believe that its influence is so small that it cannot cause any dysfunction. Others believe that the device causes severe harm to the body.

The intensity of the harmful effects depends on the strength of the radiation. Near the device the indicator is 20 dBm. This is less than a mobile phone. If you move a certain distance, the exposure to radiation will become even less. U microwave oven the radiation force is 100,000 times greater.

The frequency range is 2.4 GHz. Power reaches 100 μW.

Why a WiFi router can be dangerous

If a person is constantly near the router, he is exposed to constant radiation. This effect causes molecules in cells to move closer together. As a result, local temperatures rise. Various pathological processes and oncological diseases may occur.

The strength of the harmful effects depends on the speed of the network, the proximity of a person to the device, and the coverage radius. The faster the data transfer occurs, the more harmful the device. If you are too close to the device, a person is exposed to more intense radiation.

The number of devices also poses a danger. IN apartment buildings a person is exposed to radiation not only from his own router, but also from those belonging to his neighbors, since the walls do not completely block electromagnetic waves. These devices are also installed in restaurants, large stores and other locations visited by large numbers of people.

Wi-Fi is especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children. In the organisms of these population groups, growth processes occur, cells are actively dividing. Electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the course of these processes and can cause pathologies in the embryo. WHO recommends against installing devices in kindergartens and schools.

Wi-Fi is also harmful for men's health. It is believed that constant presence near the router leads to a deterioration in the sperm count, which makes fertilization difficult. Such disorders are observed with regular exposure to the male reproductive system.

It also has a negative effect on the brain. If you constantly use the device, headaches become more frequent, and blood circulation in the brain is possible.

How to reduce the influence of a harmful factor on the human body

To reduce the negative impact of the device, you should avoid installing the router in the bedroom. You should not put it in places where a person spends a lot of time every day. If the device is installed in a large office where a large number of people work, it is better to choose 1 device with high power than to install several low-power ones in different parts of the room.

It is worth turning off the device if you do not plan to use it for a long time. It is recommended to turn off routers at night: scientists believe that resting with the device on is less beneficial, the body recovers worse, and complete relaxation does not occur. It is not recommended to place devices connected to the network close to the sleeping person at night.

Health professionals advise limiting the amount of time you use a harmful device. It is especially important to monitor children, since the effect of electromagnetic waves on a child’s body is more dangerous.

Some people prefer to abandon this method of data transfer altogether. If you use only wired Internet, the harmful effects will be reduced.

To avoid the occurrence of dangerous pathologies, you should undergo regular medical examinations. This will allow you to detect the occurrence of negative changes in the early stages and take timely measures to eliminate them.

In 1996, a method of wireless transmission of digital information was invented - Wireless Fidelity. Today this technology is known to everyone as Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi). Wi-Fi routers can be found in almost all offices and residential buildings. By transmitting a signal to computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones, it allows you to use the Internet anywhere in the room and even outside. But is it safe for human health? Is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful? How to minimize the danger? These questions concern not only grandparents, who are wary of everything new that technological progress brings with it. Don't think that people who are afraid to use Wi-Fi are paranoid. Their fears for their health and the well-being of younger generations have a real basis. Today we will try to figure out how serious these reasons are.

How Wi-Fi can be harmful to humans

Wireless information transfer is carried out by transmitting radio signals from one point to another. This is done at 2.4 GHz frequency. It is this frequency that is reserved in most states as a frequency on which it is allowed to transmit and receive radio signals without having a license to organize the activities of a radio station. Obviously, it is at this frequency that all household appliances using radio waves operate. These devices include microwave ovens, cellular and conventional cordless phones, alarm.

It so happens that the indicated frequency is included in the range of frequencies that human body able to perceive at the cellular level. Nobody really knows how this might affect him years and decades later. Claims that mutations can occur because of this, cancerous tumors can form and other serious consequences can be observed are unfounded. The arguments here are “logic”, “intuition”, “personal observations” and “ life experience”, but not scientific research. No less groundless, due to the lack of such studies, are claims about the complete safety of Wi-Fi.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) got off with a vague answer on this matter:

“Based on recent in-depth monitoring of the scientific literature, WHO has concluded that there is currently no evidence of any health effects due to exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields. At the same time, there are certain gaps in knowledge about biological effects; the issue needs further study.”

Confirmed facts

It is obvious that the waves affect the human body, but how strong and dangerous this effect is is still unknown. We suggest not to fantasize, picturing a frightening dystopia, and not to brush aside the problem, but to analyze some of the facts that are at our disposal.

  • An experiment was conducted in Denmark to study the effect of Wi-Fi on the blood vessels of the brain. Its participants were school-age children who were asked to put a phone with Wi-Fi on under their pillow at night. The control group, accordingly, did not hide anything under the pillow. Children who slept on the phone felt worse in the morning than their peers from the control group, many of them experienced vasospasm. The purity of the experiment may be questionable: the skull of children transmits radio signals better than that of adults, the mobile phone itself (without Wi-Fi) could have a negative effect, the distance between the head and the device was very small. This is true, but it is obvious that electromagnetic radiation still has a negative effect on the blood vessels of the brain, even if only in children. Conclusion: if small children live in the apartment, you need to try to protect them from the effects of Wi-Fi. If your child complains of headaches in the morning, it is possible that the reason is the router working at his head, with which you accessed the global network while the baby was sleeping.
  • Other scientists conducted an experiment to study the effect of Wi-Fi on the male body. The experiment showed that using a router does not have the best effect on reproductive functions. This is not about fulfilling marital duties, but about the possibility of obtaining full-fledged offspring. If you are one of the males who wants to have healthy children, it makes sense not to keep a laptop with Wi-Fi turned on on your lap.
  • Another experiment was carried out with the participation of Russian students. Some worked with paper media in a room protected from radio waves, others accessed the Internet using Wi-Fi. The latter drank water more often and in larger quantities, which is why the researchers concluded that Wi-Fi speeds up metabolism. Whether this is good or bad, decide for yourself.
  • The harm from Wi-Fi does not exceed the harm from using a mobile phone and microwave. The power of a microwave oven is one hundred thousand times greater than the power of a router, although its radiation is short-lived. The impact of a router with Wi-Fi turned on over a year will be approximately the same as the impact of a mobile phone during a 20-minute conversation on it. Not only the power of the signal matters, but also the time of its exposure and the distance to its source. The impact power is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. If the router is located more than a meter away from you, its effect on your body will be almost imperceptible. Adjust the power of the device: the factory settings are aimed at maximum signal power, you can reduce it. At night, you can completely turn off the router. You may not even use Wi-Fi at all in your apartment. But let's be honest: if you care so much possible harm from Wi-Fi, wouldn’t it be more logical to first stop using the microwave, watch TV and throw away your mobile phone?

Another fact suggests that the radiation from a working Wi-Fi router is negligible compared to electromagnetic waves from industrial and military facilities. This is just a tiny part of the worldwide “electromagnetic smog” that has shrouded our planet. Even if in your apartment you decide not only to make do with a wired Internet connection, but also give up the microwave, mobile communications, television and computer in general, you will still be influenced by waves from your neighbors’ apartments, nearby office buildings, and other objects . Strictly speaking, your sacrifice will be completely in vain.

And convenience, many people have a question: isn’t a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful to the health of the people living in it? Of course, a wireless Internet network at home is very convenient, especially when one person spends time at the computer, and another while away his leisure time with a laptop or tablet. With this communication organization, you can move freely, combine the Internet with household chores or taking a bath. But…

Any progressive phenomenon in technology always faces both ardent supporters and stubborn opponents. Moreover, usually neither one nor the other finds any reasoned confirmation of the postulates about the impact of technology on human health.

In order to figure out whether an installed Wi-Fi router in an apartment is harmful or not, you need to understand what exactly Wi-Fi is and how this network and the router that serves it work.

What is Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is essentially radio communication, typically operating at frequencies between 2.5 and 5 GHz. If necessary, for example, when covering large areas, the frequency power can reach up to 18-20 GHz, but routers installed at home are not capable of such indicators.

The frequencies at which a household router operates do not exceed the level of 4-4.5 GHz. Of course, the router emits some radiation, but how harmful is it and what do we mean by this word?

We are talking about electromagnetic radiation that is present during the operation of any device, etc. in today's reality, surround a person everywhere. Mobile phones, televisions, computers, even refrigerators - all of these can affect people to some extent.

Is a router harmful from a scientific point of view?

When thinking about whether a router is harmful to health, you need to understand that it is not the electromagnetic radiation itself that directly affects a person, but its power level.

In physics this is called absolute optical power; this parameter is measured in decibel-milliwatts - dBm.

For example, this figure for a regular mobile phone reaches 27-28 dBm. The peak of radiation occurs at those moments when the device is searching for a network or receiving incoming calls. In this case, the person is not only close to the phone, but usually he is in direct contact with it.

The power level of the radiation emitted by a working router ranges from 15 to 20 dBm. The device reaches an indicator of 20 dBm under heavy load, for example, when the laptop connected to it is remote, or under heavy load on the network - serious volumes of downloading any information or movies, several computers working simultaneously with active use of the Internet. And at the same time, people, as a rule, are not close to the router.

Continuing to discuss whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health, it makes sense to remember everyone’s favorite microwave ovens. The wave range of these devices is the same, but the radiation power is not. For a microwave oven, this figure is several times higher than for a router.

If we continue to compare radiation levels, it becomes clear that from a scientific point of view, the router is far from the most dangerous device existing in human life.

Is there any medical harm?

British medical societies conducted a series of studies and experiments, establishing the parameters of the impact of Wi-Fi networks on the human body and tried to answer the question whether a working router is harmful to health or not.

Research was carried out in the following areas:

  1. Effect on sleep.
  2. Impact on the brain.
  3. Effect on children and adolescents.
  4. Relationship with the sexual sphere, men's and women's health.

Quite interesting things came to light:

  • Sleep - the presence of electromagnetic radiation for a long time near a sleeping person causes disturbances in the sleep phases, insomnia, fatigue and irritability, since the brain does not receive the necessary rest.
  • Brain - the experiment on the effect on the brain consisted of the following: a working router was installed under the beds, the next morning indicators were taken that recorded vasoconstriction, the presence of spasms and overstrain of certain areas of the brain.
  • Children - a child's body is more flexible than an adult, however, the presence of children and adolescents in a room next to a working router did not reveal any pathologies, except that half of the participants showed increased excitability, hyperactivity, and irritation. But whether the wifi caused harm, or whether these symptoms were a manifestation of stress on the very fact of the experiment, remained unclear.
  • Male and women Health- prolonged exposure to wifi did not bring harm or changes to the condition of women. As for men, the only result of the experiment was the death of about a quarter of the sperm. Since this did not happen to everyone who took part in the study, the experiment was repeated. It turned out that sperm died in those men who constantly kept laptops on their laps. Accordingly, it was not the Wi-Fi router that caused the harm, but the level of radiation power from working laptops.

Is it possible to reduce the negative impact?

Despite the fact that the question of whether wifi is really harmful still remains unanswered, skeptics prefer to be cautious, arguing that there is also no contrary evidence that working routers are harmless.

To reduce the impact of radiation from the device on human health, it is enough to follow a number of simple instructions:

  1. If possible, use a wired home network, because if the computers are stationary, then there is simply no need for Wi-Fi.
  2. Place the router as far as possible from places where people are most often located.
  3. Do not sleep in the same room as the device is running.
  4. Turning off the router when it is not needed, the same applies to the computer itself, which many people prefer to leave in “sleep” mode.

However, you should not indulge in paranoia and give up the obvious convenience of a wireless network, especially if there is a need for it because it is still unclear whether wi-fi is harmful to health or not.

Where does a person encounter Wi-Fi?

Today it is simply impossible to completely avoid radiation, which affects health. Even if you completely give up computers, live without a microwave oven, without a refrigerator, TV or radio, and don’t use a cell phone, you can still find yourself in the radiation zone.

If you don’t use Wi-Fi yourself, citing the fact that it is harmful, your neighbors will “wifi”, and walls or ceilings are not barriers to electromagnetic radiation.

As for life in a metropolis, Wi-Fi lies in wait everywhere, this network exists today:

  • in cafes and restaurants;
  • in cinemas;
  • in shopping centers;
  • in sports clubs;
  • in stadiums and swimming pools;
  • in parks and skating rinks;
  • Some cities have entire streets with free Wi-Fi.

Work in today's realities is also related to the activities of routers; Wi-Fi is available:

  • in every office;
  • in hospitals;
  • in warehouses and factories;
  • in transport;
  • at train stations.

This list can be continued endlessly, so it’s easier to say - Wi-Fi is everywhere. Because it's simple and very convenient. No matter how much a person opposes this type of organization of information transfer, he will still be under the influence of Wi-Fi, for example, simply by going to the grocery store.

Video: the effect of Wi-FI on humans.

How to organize a home network without harm

If a wired network at home is inconvenient and you still decide to use Wi-Fi, then quite often the question arises about which device is safer to use - a router or a router and which one will generate less radiation.

For people who have at least a little knowledge of technology, these questions make them smile. The point is that they are the same thing. It’s just that router is a Russified English word, and router was originally Russian name. We are talking about the same network device providing Wi-Fi communication.

The devices themselves are divided depending on their power:

  1. Household, up to 5 GHz.
  2. Industrial, up to 20 GHz.

But when equipping a country house, you will already need the “heavy artillery” option if you want communications to be available even in the far corners of the site, in a bathhouse or in any outbuildings located far from the house itself.

As a rule, today no one sets up home Wi-Fi on their own, because any telecom operator provides not only the Internet, but also related services, including providing a router for use by the client.

The technician who comes to install the device and set up the home network can also provide advice, answering all questions regarding the operating power, range and level of radiation of the specific router being installed.

To summarize, it should be noted that Wi-Fi cannot objectively cause harm to a person’s health, of course, if he himself does not sleep with a working router under his pillow.

Avoiding exposure to electromagnetic radiation is not the same as in a metropolis, even on average. not really big city, in the conditions of modern life is completely impossible. The sources of these waves are everywhere:

  • TVs;
  • smartphones;
  • tablets;
  • cell phone towers;
  • household appliances and much more.

In addition, none of the research institutions that periodically raise questions about the impact of Wi-Fi on human health have abandoned the use of wireless network devices in their buildings.

It's also quite ridiculous to give up the obvious convenience that Wi-Fi brings to your home while being exposed to the same radiation from other devices. And there is no point in resisting progress, especially considering that production, maintenance and everything else related to Wi-Fi routers is a huge business in which huge sums of money are circulating.

Even if one day one of the scientists actually proves the harm of wireless networks, this discovery is unlikely to change anything for the lives of ordinary citizens.

Today, each person decides for himself whether Wi-Fi is harmful or not, whether he needs to use it or not. And if there are any concerns, he either makes a choice in favor of wired networks, or is careful when using the router - does not install it in the bedroom and does not leave it in operating mode unless necessary.

A router, or as it is commonly called a router, is a device that selects the optimal route for transmitting information from the provider to devices using the Internet.

Due to the absence of wires, information is transmitted using EM radiation. Considering that the operation of the router is ensured by ultra-high frequencies, it is worth thinking about whether this radiation is harmful to humans?

According to the results of some research experiments, this information is confirmed, while others completely refute it. Let's look at the arguments of both sides.

We will not find sufficient information in the description of the device in question, but the truth lies in the exact characteristics of the equipment. Let's analyze the numbers. The Wi-Fi router operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz with an approximate power of 100 mW.

Under the influence of such parameters, the temperature of human brain cells increases, which leads to irreversible negative consequences.

Nature assumes that such frequencies help organs and all functioning systems of the human body exchange information. If there is prolonged exposure to Wi-Fi radiation, the process of cell growth and division can be significantly disrupted.

The distance from the localization of wireless communications and the data transmission speed of the wifi router aggravate the harmful effects on humans. An example would be the enormous speed of information transfer when downloading video files, images and other large data.

In this case, air acts as the transmitting medium. Human cells tend to exchange energy at different frequencies, so the adverse effects of the frequency range of a wifi router take place.

Residents of high-rise buildings are influenced by a large number of wifi routers that are located in neighboring apartments. The range of action of this device is only slightly reduced under the obstacle of building structures, but they cannot completely neutralize the background.

In addition, there are a great many wireless access points to the World Wide Web around: shopping centers, entertainment venues, shops, offices. Almost 24 hours a day, people are under the gun of a Wi-Fi router, which not many turn off even at night.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the human body constantly fights against this negative radiation. It is likely that such exposure does not allow many people to fully restore strength even during sleep, and the immune system ceases to fight many infections that come from the environment.

Harm from a Wi-Fi router to a child’s body

The harm of Wi-Fi on a child's body extends due to a thinner skull. What was said above. WHO has made an official statement that Wi-Fi is harmful to a child’s health due to the electromagnetic radiation that the access point spreads and the mobile phone or computer receives. However, the organization does not have any compelling, clear arguments, so harm from Wi-Fi remains an unproven risk.

Harm from Wi-Fi radiation on male potency

Another area in which the harm of Wi-Fi was tested was the reproductive ability of men. For the study, doctors took two sperm samples, which were placed under different conditions. First, a spermogram was performed showing the number of active and dead sperm. One sample was placed near a computer that was connected to the Internet and downloading files. The second was placed in a normal environment without the presence of waves while the router was clean.

It is worth understanding that it was not the harm from Wi-Fi radiation on male potency that was studied, but how radiation affects the viability of sperm. In the sample that was next to the computer, 25% died, in the second - 14%. This suggests that the wireless signal is detrimental to sperm health. The specialists did another test to check the quality of the sperm.

DNA measurements were taken from live spermatozoa. Damage to the sample outside electromagnetic waves was 3%, to cells near the wireless Internet – 9%. For final verification, another experiment was done on a computer with a wired connection. No changes in the condition of the material were observed. It is better for men not to place a laptop on their lap while the Internet is on.

Is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful?

If you are concerned about harm from a Wi-Fi router, then you should think about stopping using a TV, microwave oven, mobile phone and other electrical appliances. Each of them emits a certain amount of radio waves that affect human health. The harm from Wi-Fi is so insignificant that it simply cannot lead to any diseases. You just need to follow some rules that minimize exposure to electromagnetic waves.

How to reduce radiation from a router

There are some recommendations for people who want to minimize Wi-Fi harm. There is no official confirmation of this phenomenon, but if you are concerned about your health, you can only use a wired connection. Wireless data transmission will be unavailable, but harmful background noise will also be reduced. If wireless communication in an apartment is still needed, then there are other ways to reduce radiation from the router and its impact on the human body:

  1. Try to install the device as far away from people as possible. If the router is at a sufficient distance, the damage from the waves will subside. Do not place the device near a sleeping or working place.
  2. If Wi-Fi is distributed in the office, it is better to install one device with more power than several at different points in the room.
  3. sends signals constantly, so if you do not use the Internet for a long time, the device should be turned off.
  4. Before going to bed, turn off the device and turn it on in the morning.

These simple steps will help minimize the harmful effects of wireless technology on human health. These measures will not be superfluous even if the router cannot cause any real harm unless you specifically apply it to your head or place it on your knees. This type of device can only be truly dangerous for a child. physiological reasons.

Video: Why Wi-Fi is harmful to health

Damage to Wi-Fi - is a router in an apartment harmful, what are the health consequences and is it worth believing that the damage to Wi-Fi is irreparable?

Since the very beginning of Wi-Fi technology, there have been debates about how dangerous the transmission of data over the air in this way is to human health. In addition to users who are divided into two camps (some completely deny the existence of any harm, while others oppose the mass use of such devices), various experts and scientists argue on this topic. As you might have guessed, neither side is 100% correct.

How does this technology work?

To understand whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health, you first need to understand the principle of its operation. The name of the technology stands for Wireless Fidelity. This means that information is transmitted from device to device via radio channels. Based on this fact, experts investigated the harm caused by a Wi-Fi router. Measurements have shown that the harm of waves from any Wi-FI source is 600 times less than the level that causes minimal harm to human health.

In the course of numerous experiments and experiments, some scientists came to the conclusion that only a larger concentration of devices with Wi-FI, for example, in schools or office buildings, poses a minimal danger. However, this radiation level is not much higher than from mobile phones.

So, why is Wi-Fi harmful to human health? This data transmission technology does not pose any danger to life. Its radiation is comparable to all mobile devices or computers, and some household and kitchen appliances even surpass Wi-Fi in terms of harmful waves. A good example is the microwave oven. But if you still decide to minimize the harm, then use our advice.

Is Wi-Fi harmful at home: how to reduce the impact on health

Follow a few simple rules:

Now you know whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health in an apartment and what ways you can reduce the level of its negative impact on the body.

Our life today is almost impossible to imagine without the Internet. Social networks, news flow, entertaining videos and much other information, without which it would seem impossible to exist even when you are far from home. The development of the Wi-Fi Internet connection industry is making adjustments to daily life. However, is everything so safe and simple, is there a negative impact of Wi-Fi on the human body? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is Wi-Fi and the main parameters of its radiation

Wi-Fi is an electromagnetic signal that is responsible for a wireless connection to the Internet on various devices (computers, phones, TVs and much more), which is carried out by transmitting information over radio frequency channels. The harm of Wi-Fi radiation and its direct and indirect effects on human health has been studied for quite a long time. However, no one can say for sure, since there are no reliable scientific studies that could confidently answer the question about the dangers and benefits of this device.
Here are a few numbers that will help you understand the scale of the negative impact of the router on the human body:
  • The strength of harmful electromagnetic radiation from a router is approximately one hundred thousand times less than similar indicators when operating a microwave oven
  • The radiation generated by approximately two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to the radiation of one mobile phone
  • Some researchers are inclined to believe that the negative impact of Wi-Fi radiation in its harmfulness slightly prevails over the electromagnetic effect on the body when operating a radio or TV
The effect of a Wi-Fi router on human health depends in proportion to the physical quantity, which is called optical. Its unit of measurement is decibel milliwatt (dBm). Mobile cellular telephone emits on average about 27-28 dBm of electromagnetic waves. The greatest impact of radiation on the human body occurs when establishing a connection with another subscriber, provided that the phone is located directly near the body. When Wi-Fi affects the human body, the radiation from it acts in a similar way to a mobile phone.

That is, a greater number of units of radiation are affected precisely when the device is connected to the network and the person is relatively close to the router. Near the very source of wireless Internet generation, electromagnetic radiation is about 20 dBm. From this we can conclude that the harmful effects of a mobile phone are much greater than the harm from a Wi-Fi router. However, since there are other influencing factors, and the intensity of the electromagnetic field during the operation of a mobile network generator has not been fully studied, it is impossible to talk about its relatively safe effect on the human body.

Why a Wi-Fi router can still be dangerous

The router works by choosing the best path for transmitting data from the provider directly to the device. The frequency range of the above-mentioned device is approximately 2.4 GHz, the power can often reach up to 100 μW. When exposed to such radiation on the human body, molecules in cells are brought closer together due to constant friction, which leads to an increase in local temperature. Constant exposure of this nature can conditionally lead to the development of uncontrolled and inconsistent mitoses in the body. This refers to the pathological division of cells of a local nature, which most often potentially indicates the development of a malignant neoplasm in organs.

The harm of Wi-Fi radiation is proportional to the range of the router, the location of the user relative to the device and the data transmission speed of the network itself. The stronger and more intense the action of a particular device, the more electromagnetic radiation such a router generates per unit of time. And accordingly, the worse will be its direct impact on human health. The distance to the device when using the network also plays a big role. The closer a person is, the greater the level of his exposure to the electromagnetic field of the router.

People are exposed to radiation from routers almost around the clock. Residents of multi-apartment panel buildings, which closely border their neighbors, are exposed to several devices at the same time. Brick walls, metal structures and other construction materials partially block the radiation of the wireless Internet network.

Damage to Wi-Fi devices is also carried out subsequently by the influence of routers that are located in various cafes and others. Therefore, as a result of modern urban influence and the intensive growth of various types of infrastructure, a person who does not use a Wi-Fi router himself is still exposed to this negative factor in one way or another.

At the same time, many users do not consider it necessary to turn off the device even at night, when the body needs to recover and gain strength for the next day. Some researchers argue that resting at night with the router turned on gives a much less relaxing effect, sleep is much worse, and the immune system under such circumstances does not have the opportunity to fully recover in order to protect the body from the effects of foreign agents.

Medicine and Wi-Fi router

Numerous medical studies prove the fact that the harm of Wi-Fi to health is much less, comparing it with the effect of a similar one. But there is still a negative impact. It is especially strong in relation to pregnant women and children.

This is explained by the fact that active processes of growth and development of all systems and organs occur in the body of both the first and second groups. Electromagnetic radiation, even of relatively low frequency, has a harmful effect on the above processes. In certain cases of intensive use, it can act as a teratogenic factor for the health of the unborn child. Therefore, doctors recommend limiting the influence of such devices on pregnant women. It is also undesirable to install routers in kindergartens, schools and other places where there are large concentrations of young children.

A study of the harm of Wi-Fi radiation revealed its negative impact on the blood vessels of the brain and the quality of blood flow in them. With prolonged use of the router, general weakness, headaches, and symptomatic signs of cerebrovascular accident may occur. In this case, it is recommended not only to limit your use of the Wi-Fi network, but also to contact a medical institution for a preventive examination.

The harm of Wi-Fi can also result in negative consequences for the male reproductive system. With constant use of this type of Internet connection and its direct influence on the gonads, changes in the spermatogram may occur, which complicates the possibility of fertilization. Further, there is a high probability of impotence. Such changes male body are observed with constant and prolonged exposure of the router to the reproductive system, so it is necessary to limit the influence of the device on the organs of this group.

How to reduce the influence of a harmful factor on the human body

It is clear that the influence of Wi-Fi on a person is negative, and therefore the issue of protecting the user’s body from electromagnetic radiation is relevant. There are some useful tips that will help regarding reduce the harmful effects of the router:
  • Do not install the router in places where you spend the most time (bedroom, watching TV, etc.)
  • Turn off the router at night and when you are not using it for a long time, so that its energy does not spread in the form of harmful radiation.
  • If possible, limit your time using Wi-Fi access, and supervise your child’s use of this device.
  • Do not place devices connected to the router near you while you sleep, so that electromagnetic radiation does not interfere with your sleep

When asking the question “Is there any harm from a Wi-Fi router?”, the answer will be positive. This generator of electromagnetic radiation acts on the internal environment of a person, disrupting homeostasis and many other functions of the body. Even taking into account the fact of its lower potential danger compared to some other electrical devices and gadgets, it is worthwhile, if possible, to limit the impact of this harmful factor on your body, as well as to take all measures that will protect the body and reduce the likelihood of harmful consequences.

Despite the obvious advantage and convenience, many people have a question: is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful to the health of the people living in it? Of course, a wireless Internet network at home is...

Despite the obvious advantage and convenience, many people have a question: is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful to the health of the people living in it? Of course, a wireless Internet network at home is...

Radiation from a router that provides Wi-Fi into an apartment can be found in almost any home. Even if you do not have such a device, the rays can reach from neighboring apartments.

The question arises: What if this type of radiation has a detrimental effect on human health? Is a standard Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful?

Since the invention of routers, many studies have been conducted on their effects on the human body. And after receiving their results, some experts spoke out about how serious the harm of Wi-Fi is.

Western scientific research

In the USA and Great Britain, experiments began almost from the moment routers appeared. They studied the effect of waves on children and adults.

It is noted that it is too early to draw definitive conclusions. Too little time has passed since the invention of Wi-Fi. But now pediatricians, radiation specialists, and oncologists are sharing their findings about mobile and Internet networks. And many are inclined to believe that they are not capable of causing serious harm.

The British Ministry of Health conducted about a dozen studies of various gadgets. Among them was the study of routers. Based on its results, the myth that Wi-Fi radiation has a serious effect on the body was dispelled. According to British scientists, the harm from the new Wi-Fi radiation is greatly overestimated.

Russian studies

There have been no high-profile studies conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, our experts refer to Western research when formulating their own conclusions.

The opinions of Russian and Western scientists about routers coincide. Harm wireless router considered invisible or absent, the incidence of diseases does not increase with constant exposure.

Most Russian experts advocated a calm attitude towards Wi-Fi radiation. In their opinion, it should be minimized by turning off the device at night, but not trying to completely eliminate the possible harm of Wi-Fi. If there is one (and there are no accurate data on long-term exposure to radiation), then it is minimal. For now, network harm is just a myth.

Comparison of radiation from the router and other devices

The router is scary and questioned because it appeared relatively recently. It has been on the Russian market for less than ten years. Meanwhile, other household and technical appliances that have been used at home for a long time pose more harm.

In order to find out the degree of possible danger of routers, the radiation was compared:

  • from microwave ovens;
  • from mobile phones;
  • from routers.

The microwave turned out to be the most dangerous at home. Its rays, with prolonged exposure, can change the structure of living tissues. Therefore, vegetables and fruits that lie within a radius of two meters from the device quickly spoil or become as if they were cooked. It is not recommended to use them.

If a person is in the place of these vegetables, then after a long stay near the device he will experience dizziness and weakness.

Mobile devices(tablets, phones, etc.) showed a lower degree of radiation. They can significantly influence a person only if he constantly carries the device with him, and close to his body. Not recommended to wear Cell phones in pockets near the genitals. But when used in moderation, the devices are not dangerous.

The most harmless router turned out to be the one whose power is minimal. There were no noticeable changes in the behavior, health, or tissue structure of the subjects during the experiment.

Only a minimal effect on the human nervous system was noticed, which can easily be eliminated if you move 2-3 meters away from the Wi-Fi router. Routers are virtually secure.

The conclusion of experts is this: you need to pay less attention to newfangled inventions, including the router. Due to improved technology, new products emit minimal harmful waves.

Opinion of children's pediatricians

Expert opinion taken from Nadezhda Koloskova. She is a pediatrician of the highest category. The woman gained access to research and examined many people who constantly use routers.

She made the following conclusions:

  • it takes several decades to fully study the impact of Wi-Fi;
  • you need to minimize the presence of children near routers, but not completely limit them;
  • There will be minimal harm if a child or adult uses wireless technologies less.

Like most scientists, Nadezhda Koloskova suggests that the influence of routers on the human body is insignificant, but still exists.

Oncologists' opinion

The International Association of Narcologists, using the research of scientists from various countries, has not identified a direct relationship between electromagnetic radiation from routers and the appearance of cancerous tumors. One of the experts, David Backstein, supported this opinion with data from the International Journal of Epidemiology.

The article reviewed by Backstein cites about a dozen studies on the effects of gadgets on the brain, nervous system and internal organs. No direct carcinogenic effect was found.

Research on the connection between cancer and wireless Internet does not stop at the moment.

How to reduce the dangers posed by radiation

Due to the fact that the effect of the devices has not been fully studied, it is recommended to limit the use of wireless Internet, especially among children. This will protect the nervous system from possible harmful changes.

  • the router should not be placed in a children's room;
  • the device should be located away from the bedroom - above the opening front door, where most devices are now installed;
  • It is better to turn off the equipment at night;
  • the child needs to limit access to Wi-Fi, but not by force, but by trying to distract him to another, more useful activity.

What you shouldn't be afraid of

It has been precisely established that brain activity does not change depending on the duration of exposure to the device. That is, it does not affect the nervous system or has a completely unnoticeable effect.

Cancerous tumors have nothing to do with Wi-Fi. They grow due to serious electromagnetic radiation, but routers produce too little background.

The waves do not affect the structure of the blood in any way. In this regard, you don’t have to worry about blood cancer and other blood vessel diseases.

The only thing that radiation can indirectly affect is human vision. But here the connection is very weak.

Wireless network force a person to be on the Internet more often, which is why his vision is impaired. However, this relationship is also applicable to other devices: TV, telephone, computer. And in this case the router does not cause any specific harm.

Is radiation from a wireless Internet network harmful?

Router- an incompletely studied device that may have a minor effect on the condition of weakened people or children.

Scientists will draw accurate conclusions about its influence in a few decades. In the meantime, you need to try to moderately protect yourself from the influence of Wi-Fi radiation.

You should be especially careful with children who constantly use wireless Internet. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on them is increased.