31 separate air assault

“Today, when the plan for the construction of the Airborne Forces until 2030 has been approved, we should expect that by the 25th anniversary of the brigade in 2023 we will again revive the now 104th Airborne Division, which is planned to be located in three cities: Ulyanovsk, Penza and Orenburg,” said V. Shamanov.

“We will also revive the legendary 345th regiment, which successfully carried out combat missions in Afghanistan. This will be a tribute to the feat and heroism of these wonderful people,” added the head of the committee.

He said that recently, at a meeting with the President of Russia in St. Petersburg, on behalf of the veteran community, he approached him with a proposal to give a political assessment of the almost 10-year stay of Soviet troops in Afghanistan in connection with the 30th anniversary of their withdrawal from this country, which will be celebrated in 2019. “The President of Russia agreed with this,” said V. Shamanov.

He noted the decisive role of the personnel of the 31st Brigade in the fact that in Russian society military personnel began to be called “polite people.” “You did this, returning Crimea to its native harbor,” the head of the State Duma committee emphasized, addressing the paratroopers standing in the ranks.

“I bow to you, success in combat and political training and faith in the future of Russia,” V. Shamanov wished.

Let us recall that for the first time plans to reorganize the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade of the Airborne Forces stationed in Ulyanovsk into the 104th Guards Air Assault Division were announced in the media back in June 2015. At the same time, it was stated that “the recreated formation will have three regiments in combat strength; it is planned to deploy these regiments in Ulyanovsk, Engels and Orenburg,” writes the bmpd blog.

The 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov Airborne Division was one of the oldest airborne formations of the USSR and was formed in January 1944 as the 11th Guards Airborne Division. At the end of 1944, it was reorganized into the 104th Guards Rifle Division, which ended combat operations in May 1945 in Czechoslovakia. In April 1946, the division was reorganized into the 104th Guards Airborne Division and stationed in Narva (Estonian SSR). In 1960, the division was redeployed to Kirovabad (Ganja) of the Azerbaijan SSR. In May 1993, the division was withdrawn from Azerbaijan to Ulyanovsk and in 1998 reorganized into the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov Brigade (since 2007 - 31st Separate Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov Brigade).

By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov Airborne Division included three parachute regiments - the 328th Guards Parachute Regiment, the 337th Guards Parachute Regiment of the Order of Alexander Nevsky and the 345th Guards Parachute Regiment. airborne Vienna Red Banner Order of Suvorov regiment named after the 70th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol - the last regiment in the status of a separate one took an active part in the fighting in Afghanistan in 1979-1989, and after the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 it was included in the 104th division.

It should be noted that, as commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General V. Shamanov in 2013-2015 repeatedly announced plans to create within the Airborne Forces the 345th separate guards air assault brigade with an expected deployment in Voronezh, which was supposed to inherit the traditions and regalia of 345 1st Parachute Regiment. However, plans to create a new air assault brigade in Voronezh were gradually abandoned, and, as can be understood from the current statements of V. Shamanov, it is now planned to recreate the 345th regiment as part of the 104th division planned for restoration.

Now the Russian Airborne Forces include two airborne (98th and 106th) and two air assault (7th and 76th) divisions and four separate airborne brigades (11th, 31st -i, 56th and 83rd), as well as a separate special forces brigade (45th).

The 31st separate air assault brigade of the Russian Federation has been deployed to Syria. SAA continues its offensive May 24th, 2017

Original taken from nkfedor The 31st separate air assault brigade of the Russian Federation was deployed to Syria. SAA continues its offensive

The SAA continues to attack terrorist positions east of Damascus, Aleppo and Homs . There have been reports on social networks that the 31st separate guards air assault brigade of the Russian Federation has been deployed to Suwayda (southern Syria). These are not Special Operations Forces (SSO), not units serving the Aerospace Forces group in Syria (like the Marines in Latakia). So far, nothing can be said about the composition of the brigade (which battalions).

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions near the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus , liberated a research center near the Damascus-Baghdad highway from the FSA; took control of the village of Zuluf and territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border in the east of Damascus; occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat Al-Salisa south of the Al-Jirah airbase; fought with ISIS in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Al-Shumariya mountains northeast of Palmyra, destroyed several vehicles of ISIS terrorists near the Deir ez-Zor airbase; attacked the positions of radicals in the Daraa Al-Balad area; destroyed three IS military pickup trucks east of Salamiyah; carried out airstrikes on positions of ISIS militants in the vicinity of the city of Uqeiribat in Hama.

"Islamic State" (IS): exchanged prisoners with Jaysh Al-Islam; fought with Tahrir al-Sham near the Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Damascus; shelled the neighborhoods of Kharabesh, Al-Jura and Al-Qusur in Deir ez-Zor, and shelled the city of Salamiya in the east of Hama.

Free Syrian Army (FSA) fought with the SAA in the area of ​​the city of Al-Hula in the north-west of Homs, destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya quarter in the south of Daraa, and shot down a Syrian Su-24 aircraft in Daraa.

"Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham" shelled Daraa neighborhoods, there were casualties among civilians.

Kurds fought with ISIS near the village of Huneydah east of At-Tabqa, captured the villages of Tal Malla and Salhabiyat Al-Sharqiya near Raqqa; lost six soldiers in an ISIS attack in Raqqa.

International coalition carried out airstrikes on strongholds of ISIS terrorists in the area of ​​the village of Qudairan to the west of Raqqa.

Damascus Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the south of Damascus, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an exchange of prisoners took place between militants of the Jaysh Al-Islam group and IS terrorists. After this, fighting resumed between IS and Tahrir Al-Sham Islamists near the Yarmouk refugee camp. This was reported by the Twitter channel (@P_Strickland).

Let us recall that in the southern suburbs of Damascus, detachments of the “Islamic State” and the armed opposition are stationed. However, according to the Al Masdar News news agency, IS terrorists intend to leave the territories they occupy and move to areas under the control of the Islamic State.

Northeast of Damascus in the Eastern Ghouta region, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Douma, where the Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham group operates, which is not covered by the ceasefire.

In the southeast of Damascus, the SAA continued its offensive against the positions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). During the offensive by government forces, a research center located south of the Zaza intersection on the Damascus-Baghdad highway was liberated.

Also, according to AMN, the Syrian army, with the support of allied pro-government units, took control of the village of Zuluf along with vast territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border, approaching the At-Tanf checkpoint.

Aleppo Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the eastern part of Aleppo province, a large-scale offensive against the strongholds of the Islamic State terrorists continued. Damascus Now reported that government troops occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat Al-Salisa, located south of the Al-Jirah military airbase.

The Syrian army plans to soon liberate the city of Maskana, a key IS outpost in Aleppo. At the moment, Bashar al-Assad’s army is operating just 10 km from the city. Maskana has been occupied by IS militants since 2014.

Homs Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. The liberated Al-Waer district in the north-east of Homs, from which militants of the armed opposition were completely evacuated, yesterday began to be cleared of barricades and construction waste left by the Islamists. The radicals moved to the city of Jarablus in northern Aleppo. For the first time since 2011, the regional capital is under full control of government forces.

In the east of the province, the Syrian army continued its large-scale offensive against the fortified areas of IS militants. Over the past 24 hours, fighting took place in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Al-Shumariya mountains northeast of Palmyra. The SAA operated with the support of special forces of the 5th Assault Corps, the Tigers, as well as the pro-government Palestinian Liwa Al-Quds forces.

According to Al Masdar News, the Syrian army is preparing an offensive towards the largest ISIS stronghold in the region - the city of Al-Sukhna, which is located on the way to Deir ez-Zor.

In the north-west of the province, clashes were also recorded between SAR troops and militants of the armed opposition - in the area of ​​​​the city of Al-Hula. This was reported by the opposition portal Aleppo Media Center. Let us remind you that these territories are in the de-escalation zone, in the area of ​​which there is a no-fire regime, however, the radicals do not stop attacking SAA positions, forcing government troops to return fire.

Deir ez-Zor Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. Throughout the day, Islamic State terrorists continued to fire at neighborhoods in the administrative center of the province. As a result of an attack by IS militants on the Kharabesh area in Deir ez-Zor, one civilian was killed and 13 were injured. This was reported by the Damascus Now portal. Also, during the shelling of the Al-Jura and Al-Qusur neighborhoods by IS militants, according to the Damascus Now news agency, five people, including two children, were injured.

Government troops returned fire at strongholds of IS radicals near the Deir ez-Zor military air base and in the area of ​​the city cemetery. According to AMN, several vehicles of IS terrorists were destroyed.

Military experts agree that the militants intend to transfer their troops to Deir ez-Zor after the defeat in Mosul and to do this they are trying to drive government units out of the provincial capital as quickly as possible.

Daraa Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. Despite the ceasefire, clashes between government troops and “free army” militants continued near the regional capital. According to a military source on Twitter (@Step_Agency), militants destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood in the south of Daraa. There was also shelling of areas of the city by the anti-government group Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham, as a result of which two women and a child were injured. Bashar al-Assad's army, in turn, fired rockets at radical positions in the Daraa Al-Balad area.

Opposition sources claimed that militants managed to shoot down a Syrian Su-24 military aircraft, but the data was not confirmed. The plane did suffer wing damage but managed to land, a government source said.

Hama Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the province of Hama, over the course of yesterday, battles unfolded around the key city of Salamiyah, one of the connecting links of the “Road of Life” strategic highway. Islamic State terrorists fired rockets at the city, killing one person and injuring three civilians. Damascus Now later reported that the Syrian Air Force destroyed three IS terrorist vehicles east of Salamiyah.

In the eastern part of the province, Syrian warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes against IS positions in the area of ​​the villages of Sukha and Rasm al-Awabid near the city of Uqairibat, the main IS stronghold in Hama. There were no data on losses in the ranks of the radicals.

Opposition sources also reported artillery shelling by the Syrian army in the area of ​​the settlements of Al-Latamina and Kafr Zeta in the north of the region. This information has not yet received official confirmation. Let us remind you that the territories in the north of Hama are part of one of the security zones, but the Islamists, conducting regular provocative attacks on fortified areas of government troops, force the SAA to launch retaliatory strikes.

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Order of Kutuzov Brigade (31st Airborne Brigade)- a military formation within the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The brigade was created as a result of the reform of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Order of Kutuzov in 1998, receiving its final name in 2007.

The 31st Airborne Brigade took part in combat operations on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War
The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st Airborne Brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008. The brigade is stationed in the city of Ulyanovsk (Polivno village). Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract recruitment system.

On June 4, 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to recreate the 104th Guards Air Assault Division of three regiments on the basis of the 31st Airborne Brigade.

IN brigade composition(military unit 73612) includes:
— Management and headquarters of the brigade
- parachute battalion
— 2 air assault battalions
- artillery battalion
— combat and logistics support units
- military transport aviation squadron
- engineering company

In the military section of the “Global Adventure” forum there is a video from two years ago, which talks about participation 31st Airborne Brigade in the exercises of the CSTO collective rapid reaction forces, held in April 2014 on the territory of Belarus. According to legend, soldiers repel terrorists who decided to carry out a military coup.

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(31st Brigade)

Large emblem of the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade
Years of existence - n. V.
A country Russia
Subordination Russian Airborne Forces Command
Included in Russian Airborne Forces
Type airborne troops
Includes divisions
Number military unit
Dislocation Central Military District:
Patron Elijah the Prophet
Motto “It’s an honor to yourself,
Glory to the homeland!”
Participation in Second Chechen War;
War in South Ossetia
Marks of Excellence
Acting commander guard colonel
Victor Gunaza
Notable commanders

The brigade is stationed on General Margelov Avenue in the New City of Ulyanovsk and in the village of Polivno. Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract acquisition system.

History of formation

The brigade was created as a result of the reform of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Order of Kutuzov in 1998, receiving its final name in 2007

The 31st Brigade took part in combat operations on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War

The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008.

On August 1, 2012, the 31st brigade was visited by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief laid flowers at the memorial erected on the territory of the formation in memory of the fallen paratroopers, observed the training of the brigade soldiers and talked with the personnel.

The Temple of Elijah the Prophet was erected on the territory of the brigade.

Near the territory of the brigade, a park was laid out and a monument was erected to Paratrooper No. 1, Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Vasily Filippovich Margelov.

In 2017, the brigade was re-equipped with BMD-4M and BTR-MDM. The formation has adopted the Leer-2 and Infauna electronic warfare systems, Orlan-10, Tachyon and Eleron-3SV drones.

At the end of 2017, the brigade became the best among the air assault formations of the Russian Airborne Forces.

On May 6, 2018, the connection celebrated its 20th anniversary. The military personnel organized a show for Airborne Forces veterans and guests who arrived for the anniversary. The “Open Day” was attended by more than 1,000 residents of the city of Ulyanovsk and the region, as well as airborne veterans who arrived from 20 regions of the country in order to see the new look of the famous unit.



For practice, the brigade has its own training ground "Polivno", where during daily combat training all the elements and issues of combat coordination of the military team are constantly practiced. In the process of developing standards, personnel develop the skills and abilities necessary for the precise fulfillment of functional responsibilities, correct and coordinated actions when performing combat missions.

In addition to its own training ground, the brigade regularly participates in exercises throughout Russia and neighboring countries. So in 2017, during the exercise of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO CRRF) “Combat Brotherhood-2017”, paratroopers landed in the mountains of Tajikistan.

Heroes of Russia


Captivity of military personnel in Ukraine

The SAA continues to attack terrorist positions east of Damascus, Aleppo and Homs . There have been reports on social networks that the 31st separate guards air assault brigade of the Russian Federation has been deployed to Suwayda (southern Syria). These are not Special Operations Forces (SSO), not units serving the Aerospace Forces group in Syria (like the Marines in Latakia). So far, nothing can be said about the composition of the brigade (which battalions).

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions near the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus , liberated a research center near the Damascus-Baghdad highway from the FSA; took control of the village of Zuluf and territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border in the east of Damascus; occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat Al-Salisa south of the Al-Jirah airbase; fought with ISIS in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Al-Shumariya mountains northeast of Palmyra, destroyed several vehicles of ISIS terrorists near the Deir ez-Zor airbase; attacked the positions of radicals in the Daraa Al-Balad area; destroyed three IS military pickup trucks east of Salamiyah; carried out airstrikes on positions of ISIS militants in the vicinity of the city of Uqeiribat in Hama.

"Islamic State" (IS): exchanged prisoners with Jaysh Al-Islam; fought with Tahrir al-Sham near the Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Damascus; shelled the neighborhoods of Kharabesh, Al-Jura and Al-Qusur in Deir ez-Zor, and shelled the city of Salamiya in the east of Hama.

Free Syrian Army (FSA) fought with the SAA in the area of ​​the city of Al-Hula in the north-west of Homs, destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya quarter in the south of Daraa, and shot down a Syrian Su-24 aircraft in Daraa.

"Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham" shelled Daraa neighborhoods, there were casualties among civilians.

Kurds fought with ISIS near the village of Huneydah east of At-Tabqa, captured the villages of Tal Malla and Salhabiyat Al-Sharqiya near Raqqa; lost six soldiers in an ISIS attack in Raqqa.

International coalition carried out airstrikes on strongholds of ISIS terrorists in the area of ​​the village of Qudairan to the west of Raqqa.

Damascus Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the south of Damascus, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an exchange of prisoners took place between militants of the Jaysh Al-Islam group and IS terrorists. After this, fighting resumed between IS and Tahrir Al-Sham Islamists near the Yarmouk refugee camp. This was reported by the Twitter channel (@P_Strickland).

Let us recall that in the southern suburbs of Damascus, detachments of the “Islamic State” and the armed opposition are stationed. However, according to the Al Masdar News news agency, IS terrorists intend to leave the territories they occupy and move to areas under the control of the Islamic State.

Northeast of Damascus in the Eastern Ghouta region, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Douma, where the Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham group operates, which is not covered by the ceasefire.

In the southeast of Damascus, the SAA continued its offensive against the positions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). During the offensive by government forces, a research center located south of the Zaza intersection on the Damascus-Baghdad highway was liberated.

Also, according to AMN, the Syrian army, with the support of allied pro-government units, took control of the village of Zuluf along with vast territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border, approaching the At-Tanf checkpoint.

Aleppo Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the eastern part of Aleppo province, a large-scale offensive against the strongholds of the Islamic State terrorists continued. Damascus Now reported that government troops occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat Al-Salisa, located south of the Al-Jirah military airbase.

The Syrian army plans to soon liberate the city of Maskana, a key IS outpost in Aleppo. At the moment, Bashar al-Assad’s army is operating just 10 km from the city. Maskana has been occupied by IS militants since 2014.

Homs Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. The liberated Al-Waer district in the north-east of Homs, from which militants of the armed opposition were completely evacuated, yesterday began to be cleared of barricades and construction waste left by the Islamists. The radicals moved to the city of Jarablus in northern Aleppo. For the first time since 2011, the regional capital is under full control of government forces.

In the east of the province, the Syrian army continued its large-scale offensive against the fortified areas of IS militants. Over the past 24 hours, fighting took place in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Al-Shumariya mountains northeast of Palmyra. The SAA operated with the support of special forces of the 5th Assault Corps, the Tigers, as well as the pro-government Palestinian Liwa Al-Quds forces.

According to Al Masdar News, the Syrian army is preparing an offensive towards the largest ISIS stronghold in the region - the city of Al-Sukhna, which is located on the way to Deir ez-Zor.

In the north-west of the province, clashes were also recorded between SAR troops and militants of the armed opposition - in the area of ​​​​the city of Al-Hula. This was reported by the opposition portal Aleppo Media Center. Let us remind you that these territories are in the de-escalation zone, in the area of ​​which there is a no-fire regime, however, the radicals do not stop attacking SAA positions, forcing government troops to return fire.

Deir ez-Zor Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. Throughout the day, Islamic State terrorists continued to fire at neighborhoods in the administrative center of the province. As a result of an attack by IS militants on the Kharabesh area in Deir ez-Zor, one civilian was killed and 13 were injured. This was reported by the Damascus Now portal. Also, during the shelling of the Al-Jura and Al-Qusur neighborhoods by IS militants, according to the Damascus Now news agency, five people, including two children, were injured.

Government troops returned fire at strongholds of IS radicals near the Deir ez-Zor military air base and in the area of ​​the city cemetery. According to AMN, several vehicles of IS terrorists were destroyed.

Military experts agree that the militants intend to transfer their troops to Deir ez-Zor after the defeat in Mosul and to do this they are trying to drive government units out of the provincial capital as quickly as possible.

Daraa Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. Despite the ceasefire, clashes between government troops and “free army” militants continued near the regional capital. According to a military source on Twitter (@Step_Agency), militants destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood in the south of Daraa. There was also shelling of areas of the city by the anti-government group Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham, as a result of which two women and a child were injured. Bashar al-Assad's army, in turn, fired rockets at radical positions in the Daraa Al-Balad area.

Opposition sources claimed that militants managed to shoot down a Syrian Su-24 military aircraft, but the data was not confirmed. The plane did suffer wing damage but managed to land, a government source said.

Hama Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the province of Hama, over the course of yesterday, battles unfolded around the key city of Salamiyah, one of the connecting links of the “Road of Life” strategic highway. Islamic State terrorists fired rockets at the city, killing one person and injuring three civilians. Damascus Now later reported that the Syrian Air Force destroyed three IS terrorist vehicles east of Salamiyah.

In the eastern part of the province, Syrian warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes against IS positions in the area of ​​the villages of Sukha and Rasm al-Awabid near the city of Uqairibat, the main IS stronghold in Hama. There were no data on losses in the ranks of the radicals.

Opposition sources also reported artillery shelling by the Syrian army in the area of ​​the settlements of Al-Latamina and Kafr Zeta in the north of the region. This information has not yet received official confirmation. Let us remind you that the territories in the north of Hama are part of one of the security zones, but the Islamists, conducting regular provocative attacks on fortified areas of government troops, force the SAA to launch retaliatory strikes.

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Order of Kutuzov Brigade (31st Airborne Brigade)- a military formation within the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The brigade was created as a result of the reform of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Order of Kutuzov in 1998, receiving its final name in 2007.

The 31st Airborne Brigade took part in combat operations on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War
The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st Airborne Brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008. The brigade is stationed in the city of Ulyanovsk (Polivno village). Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract recruitment system.

On June 4, 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to recreate the 104th Guards Air Assault Division of three regiments on the basis of the 31st Airborne Brigade.

IN brigade composition(military unit 73612) includes:
— Management and headquarters of the brigade
- parachute battalion
— 2 air assault battalions
- artillery battalion
— combat and logistics support units
- military transport aviation squadron
- engineering company

In the military section of the “Global Adventure” forum there is a video from two years ago, which talks about participation 31st Airborne Brigade in the exercises of the CSTO collective rapid reaction forces, held in April 2014 on the territory of Belarus. According to legend, soldiers repel terrorists who decided to carry out a military coup.

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On December 8, 1944, the State Defense Committee decided to reorganize the 11th Guards Airborne Division into the 104th Guards Rifle Division. The formation of the division took place in the city of Slutsk, Belarusian SSR.

The 104th Guards Rifle Division was recruited and equipped with military equipment and weapons based on combat experience. It was intended to take part in delivering new powerful blows to the enemy and received extraordinary firepower.

In March 1945, the division left for the front in the Budapest area. In heavy battles from March 16 to 22, units of the division coped with the task and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment. On March 25, 1945, in a fierce battle, the division's guards, in cooperation with other formations of the 9th Army, completely captured the city of Papa. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, gratitude was declared to the division's personnel.

At the final stage of the Vienna operation, units of the division stormed the city of St. Pölten, thereby completing the encirclement of Vienna. After the fall of Vienna, units of the 104th Guards Rifle Division were withdrawn to the reserve of the 9th Army. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 26, 1945, the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree. By the same Decree, the 346th Guards Rifle Regiment of the division was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

From March 4 to May 12, 1945, units of the division covered 1,036 km in battles; they liberated 344 settlements, including 7 cities. The division destroyed 7,400 enemy soldiers and officers, captured 1,897, disarmed 75 thousand people, destroyed 62 tanks, 35 self-propelled guns, 34 armored personnel carriers, 80 guns, 35 mortars, shot down 20 and destroyed 42 aircraft on the ground. On May 12, 1945, units of the formation met with American troops in the area of ​​the Vltava River.

In April 1946, the 104th Guards Rifle Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree, division was reorganized into the 104th Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree, division, redeployed to the Estonian SSR (Kingisepp) and became part of the 15th th Guards Airborne Corps.

In 1960, the division was redeployed to the Transcaucasian Military District in the cities of Kirovabad, Shamkhor, Baku and Kutaisi. On April 7, 1964, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Private Galushin Prokopiy Ivanovich was forever included in the lists of personnel of the 328th Guards Parachute Regiment.

In 1967, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the division was awarded a commemorative Red Banner for eternal storage for success in combat and political training.

On July 27, 1968, the group of paratroopers who parachuted into the Pamirs in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol included soldiers of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Guard, privates Asaenok, Zizyulin and Kulpinov. They showed great skill and courage, for which they were included in the book of Glorious Deeds of the Transcaucasian Military District.
In 1972, the 337th Guards Parachute Regiment of the division, and in 1973, the 328th Guards Parachute Regiment were awarded the pennants of the USSR Minister of Defense “For courage and military valor.”

From August 27 to September 1, 1974, on the basis of the division, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Army General V.F. Margelov. A meeting of the airborne forces leadership was held with an experimental tactical exercise, during which 108 heavy equipment were landed and, for the first time in the Armed Forces, an experimental landing of a 122-mm D-30 howitzer with two crew members in the cockpit was carried out. The first to land in the Airborne Forces together with the equipment were the paratroopers of the artillery regiment of the guard division, Sergeant S. M. Koltsov and Guard Corporal G. V. Kozmin.

In 1974, the division was awarded the pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense “For courage and military valor.” Most of the division's officers and warrant officers participated in combat operations in Afghanistan. In 1989, the unit was awarded the pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense “For courage and military valor.” In 1993, the division was redeployed to Ulyanovsk.

The division's personnel took part in establishing constitutional order on the territory of the Chechen Republic in 1994-1996. and demonstrated examples of courage, valor and self-sacrifice. In the battles on Minutka Square in Grozny, Guard Private N.K. Dzhoradze, saving the life of the wounded guard company commander, Captain D.I. Intsertov, was mortally wounded and died. For the courage and heroism of the guard, Private N.K. Dzhoradze was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

For the courage and bravery shown in the performance of their official duties, hundreds of military personnel of the formation were awarded orders and medals, and Guard Senior Lieutenant Bocharov A.I., Guard Senior Lieutenant O.A. Eremetsky. (posthumously), Guard Sergeant Kulakov R.I. (posthumously), guard senior lieutenant O.I. Lobunets, guard major V.V. Makarov, guard captain R.V. Spiridonov, guard captain A.A. Chirikov. awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

By May 1, 1998, the 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree division was reorganized into the 31st Guards Separate Airborne Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree brigade with the transfer of the Battle Banner, order, historical record belonging to the management of the 104th Guards airborne division.

From 1999 to 2001, the unit took part in the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus. Courage, bravery and perseverance are the main traits of the brigade’s guardsmen, demonstrated by them during combat operations. For their heroism, hundreds of military personnel were awarded state awards, and Guard Senior Lieutenant Galkin G.N. and Guard Senior Lieutenant R.V. Igoshin (posthumously) awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract recruitment system. During the implementation of measures to reform the Airborne Forces, from December 1, 2006, the full name of the brigade: 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Order of Kutuzov 2nd Degree Brigade.