Anna Khilkevich's husband Arthur Volkov who is he. Anna Khilkevich. Biography. A photo. Personal life. Beautiful marriage proposal

Anna Khilkevich knows how to make the birthday of the dearest person unforgettable - the site shares. Being in an interesting position, she organized an unusual flash mob in honor of her beloved husband Arthur Volkov.

Arthur Volkov - birthday boy

Yesterday, July 29, Anna Khilkevich in her microblog shared unique photo - the picture showed people with the faces of a businessman, standing in the courtyard of the playground. The actress thoughtfully printed paper masks, making the birthday photo unforgettable and the day extraordinary.

So the performer of the role of Masha Belova in the sitcom “Univer. New hostel ". The star touchingly wrote in the caption to the picture that she wishes her husband happiness.

“I love you so much that I want you to be very much next to me” (Orff. And paragraph. Authors hereinafter preserved, approx. Ed.) - Anna admitted.

How old is Anna Khilkevich's husband

Photo: Instagram @ mr.ar4i

Many are interested in how old Artur Volkov was in 2018. The businessman himself added intrigue to this issue by posting in his microblog a photo in which the number 23 appeared in the form of balloons. Artur Volkov himself wrote in the caption to the picture that he was congratulated on his 23rd birthday, which further puzzled the followers.

In fact, the businessman celebrated his 32nd birthday, and 23 years was just a fun creative idea.

Businessman Arthur Volkov received congratulations from fans

The followers warmly congratulated Artur Volkov, humorously playing along with his 23-year venture, and sincerely wished him and his family all the best.

“Wow Archie, congratulations on your 23rd birthday! I wish you success in everything! I congratulate you Archie on your day))) health to you and your family Arthur, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you happiness, health and, of course, that only love reigns in your family "

A talented actress knows not only how to organize a sincere and unusual holiday - Anna Khilkevich also has an ability for languages. The girl speaks French since childhood. Anna became fluent in the language while studying at the French gymnasium on the Arbat. That's how many multifaceted abilities the 31-year-old actress has!

Photo: Instagram @annakhilkevich

We remind you that soon Anna Khilkevich will become a mother for the second time. in his microblog, sharing with fans the peculiarities of his position and the impressions associated with it.

Main photo: Instagram @annakhilkevich

“Arthur is not registered anywhere on the Web, he goes through someone else’s profile and looks at how I behave, what the fans write,” the actress from the Univer TV series admits. - But it happens, and he will offer himself: "It's time to place something spicy!"

Arthur and I met two years ago in May at the entrance to Gorky Park. I brazenly climbed in front of his car. From afar, he did not understand who I was, and when they got out of the cars and started talking, he lowered his glasses, examined and recognized me as Masha Belova (Khilkevich's heroine in the series. - Approx. "Antenna"). But, by the way, he didn't show it! Which I liked. Later, Arthur admitted that his heroine of mine was always annoying. But, having met me, he also fell in love with her. Now sometimes at home he asks: "Well, can you be Masha Belova today?" But for some reason I can't play with him, I immediately start laughing.

Arthur is far from the sphere of show business, but at the same time a creative person. Engaged in the organization of holidays, various events. He could have become an excellent director, but he does not like publicity. But he is attentive to my life, work, he keeps track of everything. I call him my producer, who works for free, for love and food.

Male control

Now the situation in the cinema is unstable, there is not much work to do. Especially the one we would like. Nonsense alone. Therefore, I do not waste my time on trifles, I take only those projects that I like. And I definitely discuss all new proposals with Arthur. I will say more - I even coordinate photos for my Instagram profile with him. I show the picture that I want to post, and he says "yes" or "no". As a rule, we always agree. Arthur is not registered in any in social networks, enters through someone else's profile and controls how I behave, what fans write. You can say that he follows my reputation. I myself try to post a minimum of photos in a swimsuit. But it happens that Arthur himself will say: "It's time to post something spicy, let them discuss it."

The cover of Maxim magazine came out in August. When I was just offered to shoot, the first thing I asked was Arthur's opinion. "What do you think?" - I asked him cautiously. “We should do it,” he replied. I was very surprised, even a little upset: I thought he would ban it. But to a greater extent, of course, I was delighted that Arthur adequately took it. Despite the fact that Caucasian blood flows in him, he understands that this is necessary for my work. And he approached this issue as a producer, and not as my man. This is valuable to me.

Women's logic

We work a lot together. Arthur is busy from morning to evening, and so am I. and so five days a week. But we definitely spend the weekend together and not just do nonsense, sit back, but are busy with a common cause - either according to his work or mine. I often fly to different cities, perform in clubs as a DJ. If Honey (as I affectionately call Arthur, from the English Honey, which translates as honey or sweet) did not travel with me on tour, perhaps everything would not have worked out so well for us. Yes, and I would not have gone anywhere without him.

Now my name is in four entreprise performances, but to be honest, I'm not ready to tour. I already travel as a DJ with my husband. I don’t want it separately, especially since I’m afraid to fly. In mid-October, I was supposed to have a premiere in Moscow. But due to the fact that it is impossible to put suits on me because of pregnancy, I do not participate.

In general, I think joint activities bring us together very much. We used to quarrel a lot. They rubbed themselves against each other. I arrange things around the house as it is convenient for me, I have a certain system, no, I don’t scatter, but I don’t fold it as usual. For example, nail polishes are on the windowsill in the kitchen. I understand that they do not belong there, but I paint my nails there, which means that varnishes should live there. In my opinion, the system is logical. But Arthur couldn't put up with her for a long time.

I also like to have a bite to eat in the car, even to swine in the cabin, and Arthur never does that. But what's the problem? Then I will definitely go to the sink. And I also have one drawback, according to Arthur. If you like some gift item, I drag it to the holes. And he believes that I should take good care of things and, if I like the gift, literally blow off dust particles from it. They used to argue on this topic. But then we talked, I explained my logic, he realized that nothing can be done about it, that's me. Now Arthur has become much softer, and I am wiser - he really loves this word.

Arthur, by the way, also has drawbacks: he does not like criticism, so I try to convey it gently. I understand that he is a man, and he should just feel good next to his woman, she should always be in a good mood, and not nag. It's the most important.

Family values

I love to cook and whenever possible I always try to make dinner for my beloved in the evening. I was lucky, Arthur prefers healthy food, goes in for sports a lot, so I try to cook protein food for him: cottage cheese every day, boiled chicken. And in a double boiler. And for me there are fewer temptations. Although I can eat everything, but in small quantities. Allow yourself a slice of cake for lunch? Then I will eat less in the evening. I try to maintain my figure throughout the year.

Every week I go to the salon to see a beautician, do body treatments. I recently discovered self-tanning. It used to be necessary to smear itself, because of which it was always uneven, but now it is done in the salon. Great. I love myself swarthy, but a solarium is harmful, and there is no way to go to the sea all the time. So I found an excellent way out.


We didn’t want to tell anyone about my pregnancy, we revealed ourselves only when it became impossible to hide it. Didn't plan it in advance. I had a short break from filming, and we decided to try it, we didn't think that everything would happen so quickly. We do not yet know whether we will have a boy or a girl. As God willing, we will not find out before giving birth. Let it be a surprise for us. So we have two lists of names for one and the other. They decided: the name will be either native Russian, even Old Russian, or not Russian at all. Neither cots, nor strollers, let alone clothes, have been bought yet. My pregnancy is positive, however, hormones sometimes make themselves felt. In general, being pregnant is cool!

”, Got married twice. Her first husband was the administrator of the series "Barvikha" Anton Pokrepa... This marriage fell apart due to a lack of passion. The couple lived a too calm life and parted just as calmly. Second husband Khilkevich Arthur Volkov, the personality is mysterious and mysterious.

Like in the movies

It is known for certain that Artur Volkov is connected with the world of business, but in what area he earns, no one knows. According to one version, he is engaged in the organization of holidays and events, according to another - in trade and finance.

Acquaintance with Khilkevich happened under unpleasant circumstances. In the parking lot near the supermarket, Arthur's car barely missed Khilkevich's car. They both got out of the car and started making a row. Volkov immediately recognized the pretty blonde as Masha Belova from Univer, but didn’t show it. In some strange way, the scandal ended with the exchange of phones and an appointment.

On their first dinner date, the young people felt that they had a lot in common. They like the same films, books, they have similar life principles.

At the beginning of a relationship with a future spouse Anna was thinking about leaving her acting career and following her beloved to live in Thailand... However, later a joint decision was made to stay in Moscow.

Ideal offer

Arthur and Anna came to the decision to marry at the same time. The girl in every possible way hinted to her beloved that she would like to develop relations. Arthur kept silent, although he had already bought his beloved a wedding ring. He was just getting ready to propose in a special way, thinking over options, wanting to impress.

And he did it. For Anna's birthday, he took her to rest in the Maldives... I ordered a gift, an expensive watch, in advance with delivery to the islands, so that Anna would not accidentally find the present.

He had to work hard to arrange everything as it should. For example, for some reason it is impossible to get flowers in the Maldives, he had to order them from the mainland.

In addition, the difficulty was that Arthur could not explain in his bad English to local waiters that breakfast should be served on the terrace and it should be done from the balcony side. The waiters did not understand and in the morning they were pounding at the door. Anna didn’t wake up just by sheer luck.

In the morning, when his beloved woke up, Arthur Volkov took her to the set table, opened a bottle of good champagne. This also seemed surprising, because in the Maldives there is a dry law, and young people do not drink alcohol.

He made a toast, expressing his love and desire to live with Anna all his life.“Now let's have breakfast,” he said.

Anna lifted the silver dome over the plate and saw a box there. Khilkevich opened it, saw the ring, and the first thing she thought - I had to cry, so that in general, like in a movie.

But she just laughed, joked and said "Yes!" And at that moment a stork sat on the roof of the house!

Photo by Artur Volkov

Arthur Volkov's instagram has a lot of family photos with his wife Anna Khilkevich and daughter Arianna.

On August 7, 2015, the young people played a wedding. 70 people were invited to the celebration, and the celebration itself took place on the territory of the International House of Music. The wedding ceremony took place not before, but after the celebration, on the roof with a panoramic view of Moscow in the evening.

Instead of the words of the registrar “Your boat is leaving”, the pre-recorded thoughts of the newlyweds sounded. They pronounced them as vows of loyalty, love and respect. The celebration ended with a noisy and bright fireworks display, remembered by the guests.

Interesting notes:

Life and harsh reality

The love story and relationship of Arthur and Anna are like a fairy tale. In 2016, at the Couple of the Year ceremony, Anna Khilkevich and Arthur Volkov won the Love Story nomination. But in life, everything is much more complicated. The lovers had to go through their trials. Their difficult period began when the child was born.

On December 14, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Arianna. Thus, parents romantically combined their names - Arthur and Anna. In the first month after the birth of her daughter, Anna was helped by her mother, but soon she left for her father and the actress had to take care of the child on her own.

It was difficult for Anna to cope with a small child. It was during this period that colic began in babies, and Arianna had them especially strong. The girl constantly screamed, did not sleep at night, and Anna reproached herself for being such a bad mother.

Plus, Anna returned to work early. She woke up early, took a shower and left for work, where she had to film until 9 pm. She came and took over the night shift.

Khilkevich's husband did not always understand her condition. Once he did not wash the dishes, and Anna threw a chair at him. After a long time she apologized, explained that she was very tired.

There was not enough time to cook, my husband became kind of abandoned, unkempt. Anna did not have enough time for everything. He did not hear her, she did not hear him, the young parents practically did not speak. Anna even threw phrases: "That's it, I'm leaving!"

The step towards reconciliation was made by the wiser, older and stronger Arthur. He sent flowers, a toy and a touching note to work. In it, he explained that Anna and Arianna are the most precious thing in his life. Anna seemed to wake up, burst into tears, called her husband back.

Since then, love for the couple has acquired a new breath. They seemed to have met again, began to recognize each other.

Now that Arianna has grown up and Anna has become a little easier, family life has returned to normal.

Arthur Volkov does not get tired of confessing love to his wife in all social networks, make her touching gifts, arrange surprises. She takes care of her husband, cooks, looks after.

The couple is thinking of a second child. But not right now. You need to get some sleep, as Khilkevich says.

Anna Khilkevich is a Russian film actress who can be remembered by modern TV viewers from the TV series "Barvikha", where the girl played the role of a rich student. After that there was another role in the TV series "Univer. New hostel ". All this only strengthened her position as a popular actress.

Who is Anna in herself, as a person? How she became popular and where she decided to start her creative way? What obstacles awaited her on the road to fame? This and other questions concern the girl's fans who are interested in her life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Khilkevich

The actress is still young and very beautiful, therefore it is not surprising that most of her fans are young guys who are interested, first of all, in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Anna Khilkevich - one of the first questions that arise from her new fans.

Now Anna is 31 years old. Photos of Anna Khilkevich in her youth and now do not show a significant difference, because the actress is still quite young. Her height is short - 160 centimeters. And the girl's weight is 51 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich was born on October 15, 1986, in Leningrad. Father - Alexander Khilkevich and mother - Tatyana Khilkevich were in no way connected with the world of art. In addition, in her childhood, Anna was a nondescript child, therefore none of her entourage seriously imagined that she would become a real star of cinema. She was an ordinary girl, but she had a big dream, which she was able to achieve thanks to her perseverance.

After graduating from nine classes, the girl moved to a special school at the theater school. Shchepkina. Studying at this institution gave her an excellent foundation, on which she subsequently built her acting career.

The biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich could not have stood out if it were not for the character and determination of the girl. Born into a military family, she was accustomed to discipline from the cradle, which only benefited her in the future. Anna's development as an actress was also facilitated by the family's move to the capital when the girl was 10 years old. That's where there were plenty of chances to break out into the people.

Filmography: films starring Anna Khilkevich

After graduating from school, she entered the theater school. Sliver, but left after a year. The reason is that in all acting universities freshmen are forbidden to act in films - this is an unspoken, but very strict rule. Meanwhile, Anna was called to the shooting. Moreover, immediately into two films: "I have conceived an escape" and "Firefighters". The roles were minor, one might even say episodic. But Anna decided to take a chance, and she was right.

After Anna's debut in these films, her filmography often began to replenish with new roles. The young actress was disappointed only by the fact that all these roles were secondary and very small. Naturally, she wanted much more - bigger roles and professional growth. In 2004, Khilkevich entered the Shchukin School, but history repeated itself - she took the documents a year later. A big surprise for Anna's entourage was the girl's admission to the Academy. Plekhanov at the Faculty of Marketing and Advertising. The girl graduated from the university with honors.

After that, as if by magic, a new white streak began in Khilkevich's life. She played her first major role in the film Don't Try to Understand a Woman. When the picture was released, Anna was more often invited to the shooting. Among them was an offer of a role in the TV series "Barvikha", in which the girl was asked to play Vika Polyakova. Anna agreed, and this work made her a real star. The girl rose to the level where she could already stop grabbing at everything that was offered and choosing those roles that she really liked. So, in the series "Main Version" Anna starred as a "guest star". At present, Khilkevich already has many interesting works, among which several parts of the New Year's comedy "Yolki" and the film "Island of Luck" can be noted.

Family and children of Anna Khilkevich

The family and children of Anna Khilkevich are the most important thing in the life of this artist. It is worth mentioning that the girl met her first husband, Anton Pokrepa, on the set of Barvikha.

Under the influence of flushed feelings or from the realization of the long-awaited success, Anna plunged headlong into a relationship. And in May 2011, the couple played a wedding. But their love story did not last long - only a year and a half. But, it is worth saying, the girl was not sad about this for long, and after a short period of time she again married businessman Artur Volkov. Currently Anna Khilkevich is pregnant with her second child. A photo with the belly of a future mom can be easily found on the Internet.

Daughter of Anna Khilkevich - Arianna

Anna Khilkevich's daughter, Arianna, was born in 2015, shortly after the girl got married for the second time. The girl is growing very fast, active and cheerful. The artist herself is not at all opposed to showing her fans pictures of her daughter, posting them on her pages on social networks. She necessarily complements each of these photos with her own commentary.

It is evident that young parents love their baby very much. After all, everyone knows that children are very sensitive to the emotions of their parents, and the care of their relatives is very important, especially for such a little person. Arthur and Anna no doubt do everything to make their girl grow up healthy and happy.

Former husband of Anna Khilkevich - Anton Pokrepa

The ex-husband of Anna Khilkevich, Anton Pokrepa, met his future wife, as mentioned earlier, while filming the popular youth TV series Barvikha. All the fans of the couple watched their love story, which lasted only about a couple of years.

In some interviews, Anna was asked what was the reason for the breakup. To which Khilkevich usually replied: "There was no passion in our relationship." Probably, this meant that Anton was a man, in all aspects, calm. In contrast to the always energetic and enthusiastic Anna. Judging by the fact that the girl's second marriage turned out to be more durable, everything is normal there with the level of passion.

Anna Khilkevich's husband - Arthur Volkov

Anna Khilkevich's husband, Artur Volkov, is a successful businessman with a great future. They met in the first half of 2015, and already in the second - they decided to legalize the relationship. The wedding of Anna Khilkevich and Artur Volkov took place in August. The couple spent it in the Moscow International House of Music, and only the closest and dearest people were invited to their most important holiday. I must say that the celebration was not very chic and large-scale - the hall was in a classic design, and the program of the holiday was composed without frills. Khilkevich's wedding fees and the subsequent traditional bride price were held in one of the capital's hotels.

Despite the fact that the holiday was relatively modest, it gave both the guests and the newlyweds themselves a lot of pleasant impressions.

Photos of Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery are a fairly frequent request on the Internet. And no wonder. Of course, the actress is still young, but, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In addition, one cannot fail to mention that Anna herself does not deny that she resorted to plastic surgery. Which she admitted in her numerous interviews.

For example, according to Khilkevich herself, it is reliably known that the actress corrected her breasts. This became known at her birthday, when Anna independently demonstrated her updated toned and elastic breasts. As for other types of changes, Khilkevich denies them. At the same time, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the actress's lips were not without correction.

Maxim Magazine Anna Khilkevich 2017-2018

Anna Khilkevich starred in a photo shoot for the men's magazine "Maxim", which is confirmed by the corresponding articles, under headings like: "Magazine" Maxim "Anna Khilkevich 2017-2018". Similar proposals, I must say, began to come to the girl soon after she corrected her breasts, resorting to the services of plastic surgery. And then, something like that was to be expected, because Anna can boast of being one of the hundred sexiest actresses, according to the tabloids.

Driving into a search engine the query: "Anna Khilkevich: photo of revelations", fans of the actress (and not only) are eager to admire the result. Also, it is perhaps worth mentioning the fact that, although the girl agreed to a frank photo shoot in a men's magazine, Anna is in no hurry to undress on the set. And the reason is not that the husband forbids doing it. Arthur Volkov, just not against. It's just that Khilkevich doesn't want it herself.

Anna Khilkevich now

In April 2018, it became known that Anna Khilkevich was pregnant. The actress did not hide her "interesting" position, but, on the contrary, constantly posted new photos on the social network. For curious followers, the artist even arranged a tote. Subscribers were asked to guess the gender and date of birth of the child, for which a prize was awarded - 5 thousand rubles, and for those who would also give the name correctly - 30 thousand rubles.

On August 20, the star of the series "Univer" gave birth to her second child, a girl whom, after consulting with her husband, she named Maria. In many ways, the choice of parents was influenced by the role of Anna - Masha Belova from the popular sitcom. The birth took place at the Lapino clinic in the Moscow region. Soon after giving birth, the young mother received congratulations from her satisfied spouse.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Khilkevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Khilkevich are the actress's pages that are in constant open access. These two pages are the main source of information for her admirers. On Wikipedia you can read short biography Anna, information about her personal life, look at the photos, and also study the list of all the films in which she played from the very beginning of her career.

Instagram Khilkevich is equally popular, because there Anna shares photos and videos from the set, and from her family life. Including pictures of a little daughter. The article was found on

Anna Khilkevich is a Russian film actress who can be remembered by modern TV viewers from the TV series "Barvikha", where the girl played the role of a rich student. After that there was another role in the TV series "Univer. New hostel ". All this only strengthened her position as a popular actress.

Who is Anna in herself, as a person? How did she become popular and how did she decide to start her career? What obstacles awaited her on the road to fame? This and other questions concern the girl's fans who are interested in her life.

The actress is still young and very beautiful, therefore it is not surprising that most of her fans are young guys who are interested, first of all, in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Anna Khilkevich - one of the first questions that arise from her new fans.

Now Anna is 31 years old. Photos of Anna Khilkevich in her youth and now do not show a significant difference, because the actress is still quite young. Her height is short - 160 centimeters. And the girl's weight is 51 kilograms.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich was born on October 15, 1986, in Leningrad. Father - Alexander Khilkevich and mother - Tatyana Khilkevich were in no way connected with the world of art. In addition, in her childhood, Anna was a nondescript child, therefore none of her entourage seriously imagined that she would become a real star of cinema. She was an ordinary girl, but she had a big dream, which she was able to achieve thanks to her perseverance.

After graduating from nine classes, the girl moved to a special school at the theater school. Shchepkina. Studying at this institution gave her an excellent foundation, on which she subsequently built her acting career.

The biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich could not have stood out if it were not for the character and determination of the girl. Born into a military family, she was accustomed to discipline from the cradle, which only benefited her in the future. Anna's development as an actress was also facilitated by the family's move to the capital when the girl was 10 years old. That's where there were plenty of chances to break out into the people.

Filmography 👉 films starring Anna Khilkevich

After graduating from school, she entered the theater school. Sliver, but left after a year. The reason is that in all acting universities freshmen are forbidden to act in films - this is an unspoken, but very strict rule. Meanwhile, Anna was called to the shooting. Moreover, immediately into two films: "I have conceived an escape" and "Firefighters". The roles were minor, one might even say episodic. But Anna decided to take a chance, and she was right.

After Anna's debut in these films, her filmography often began to replenish with new roles. The young actress was disappointed only by the fact that all these roles were secondary and very small. Naturally, she wanted much more - bigger roles and professional growth. In 2004, Khilkevich entered the Shchukin School, but history repeated itself - she took the documents a year later. A big surprise for Anna's entourage was the girl's admission to the Academy. Plekhanov at the Faculty of Marketing and Advertising. The girl graduated from the university with honors.

After that, as if by magic, a new white streak began in Khilkevich's life. She played her first major role in the film Don't Try to Understand a Woman. When the picture was released, Anna was more often invited to the shooting. Among them was an offer of a role in the TV series "Barvikha", in which the girl was asked to play Vika Polyakova. Anna agreed, and this work made her a real star. The girl rose to the level where she could already stop grabbing at everything that was offered and choosing those roles that she really liked. So, in the series "Main Version" Anna starred as a "guest star". At present, Khilkevich already has many interesting works, among which several parts of the New Year's comedy "Yolki" and the film "Island of Luck" can be noted.

Family and children 👉 Anna Khilkevich

The family and children of Anna Khilkevich are the most important thing in the life of this artist. It is worth mentioning that the girl met her first husband, Anton Pokrepa, on the set of Barvikha.

Under the influence of flushed feelings or from the realization of the long-awaited success, Anna plunged headlong into a relationship. And in May 2011, the couple played a wedding. But their love story did not last long - only a year and a half. But, it is worth saying, the girl was not sad about this for long, and after a short period of time she again married businessman Artur Volkov. Currently Anna Khilkevich is pregnant with her second child. A photo with the belly of a future mom can be easily found on the Internet.

Daughter 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Arianna

Anna Khilkevich's daughter, Arianna, was born in 2015, shortly after the girl got married for the second time. The girl is growing very fast, active and cheerful. The artist herself is not at all opposed to showing her fans pictures of her daughter, posting them on her pages on social networks. She necessarily complements each of these photos with her own commentary.

It is evident that young parents love their baby very much. After all, everyone knows that children are very sensitive to the emotions of their parents, and the care of their relatives is very important, especially for such a little person. Arthur and Anna no doubt do everything to make their girl grow up healthy and happy.

Former husband 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Anton Pokrepa

The ex-husband of Anna Khilkevich, Anton Pokrepa, met his future wife, as mentioned earlier, while filming the popular youth TV series Barvikha. All the fans of the couple watched their love story, which lasted only about a couple of years.

In some interviews, Anna was asked what was the reason for the breakup. To which Khilkevich usually replied: "There was no passion in our relationship." Probably, this meant that Anton was a man, in all aspects, calm. In contrast to the always energetic and enthusiastic Anna. Judging by the fact that the girl's second marriage turned out to be more durable, everything is normal there with the level of passion.

Husband 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Arthur Volkov

Anna Khilkevich's husband, Artur Volkov, is a successful businessman with a great future. They met in the first half of 2015, and already in the second - they decided to legalize the relationship. The wedding of Anna Khilkevich and Artur Volkov took place in August. The couple spent it in the Moscow International House of Music, and only the closest and dearest people were invited to their most important holiday. I must say that the celebration was not very chic and large-scale - the hall was in a classic design, and the program of the holiday was composed without frills. Khilkevich's wedding fees and the subsequent traditional bride price were held in one of the capital's hotels.

Despite the fact that the holiday was relatively modest, it gave both the guests and the newlyweds themselves a lot of pleasant impressions.

Photo by 👉 Anna Khilkevich before and after plastics

Photos of Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery are a fairly frequent request on the Internet. And no wonder. Of course, the actress is still young, but, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In addition, one cannot fail to mention that Anna herself does not deny that she resorted to plastic surgery. Which she admitted in her numerous interviews.

For example, according to Khilkevich herself, it is reliably known that the actress corrected her breasts. This became known at her birthday, when Anna independently demonstrated her updated toned and elastic breasts. As for other types of changes, Khilkevich denies them. At the same time, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the actress's lips were not without correction.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Khilkevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Khilkevich are the actress's pages that are in constant open access. These two pages are the main source of information for her admirers. On Wikipedia, you can read a short biography of Anna, information about her personal life, look at the photos, and also study the list of all the films in which she played from the very beginning of her career.

Instagram Khilkevich is equally popular, because there Anna shares photos and videos from the set, and from her family life. Including pictures of a little daughter.