Guidelines for preparing a report on practice. Report formatting requirements. Manufacturing Practice Report Requirements

Requirements for the report on industrial practice

General Provisions

A report on industrial practice is an independent educational work of a student, containing the results of theoretical, computational and analytical research. The goals of such work are to master the techniques of independent research activities, to deepen and expand theoretical knowledge and practical skills for solving professional problems, to develop the ability to public defense.

Before starting work, the student receives an assignment from a supervisor in a standard written form.

Field Practice Report Scope

Normative volume of work - 25 pages of standard computer text in the editor Microsoft Word, 1.5 spacing, in Times New Roman font, 14 points, normal weight.

When calculating the recommended volumes, large tables, cumbersome figures, a list of sources used, and applications are excluded. Large tables, digital material (from one A4 page or more), bulky drawings and others illustrative materials should be placed in the application.

Report structure

The introduction reflects the main tasks of the internship, indicates the organization in which the internship was carried out, the place of passage, the period of passage and the position in which the student underwent internship, and the relevance of the problem selected for analysis is also reflected.

The volume of the introduction is 1-2 pages.

The text of the main part is divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs in accordance with the table of contents and the structure of the issues under consideration (Appendix E).

The text should be accompanied by illustrations: graphs, diagrams, diagrams.

The conclusion contains brief conclusions on the results of the work performed, an assessment of the completeness of the solution of the assigned tasks, recommendations for the specific use of the results of the work, its theoretical and practical significance.

The volume of the conclusion is 2-3 pages.

The list of sources used characterizes the depth and breadth of the study of the problem, demonstrates the erudition and culture of research.
The list includes all sources referred to in the text, in alphabetical order.

Each document included in the list is drawn up in accordance with the bibliographic record in accordance with GOST 7.1-84. The source name in the list is preceded by a serial number.

Sources order:

official documentary publications (constitution, laws, decrees, codes, decisions of state authorities);

written monuments, documents;

scientific and educational literature (monographs, collections of articles, tutorials and etc.)

Examples of descriptions of individual sources are given in Appendix D.

Applications can be required and informational. Information applications can be of a recommended and reference nature.

Applications are arranged in the order of links to them in the text. Each appendix should start with a new sheet and have a thematic title and designation. At the top right of the sheet is written the word "Application" and its letter designation, starting with A, and below it indicate "recommended", "reference" or "informational". If there is only one provision, it is designated "Appendix A".

Figures and tables of applications are numbered in Arabic numerals within each application.

The appendices are designed in the same way as the main text. The name is followed by the application itself, designed according to the rules of text, table, figure, etc.

Report formatting requirements

The report is executed on white paper of A4 format (210´297) on one side of the sheet on a computer (in a text editor Microsoft Word, at 1.5 intervals, font Time New Roman 14 points high, regular weight, alignment to line width, color - the black).

Sizes of margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 25 mm.

The intervals on the left and right are 0 pp.

Paragraphs in the text begin with a 1.25 red line indentation of a computer editor.

Typos, misprints, graphic inaccuracies found in the text may be corrected by carefully gluing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text in the same place and in the same way.

The practice report is carried out on a computer and printed on one side of a sheet of writing paper of standard A4 210 / 297mm format, Times New Roman font, font size - 14, line spacing - one and a half, paragraphs in the text begin with an indentation of 1 - 1.5 cm. When printing the text, the following margins must be observed: 20 mm from the top edge of the sheet, 25 mm - from the bottom, 15 mm - from the right and 30 mm from the left edge.

The first page of the practice report is the title page (see Appendix 2)

Pagination.Pages are numbered in the upper right corner of the sheet without any signs (dots after the page number, etc.). Page numbering is continuous throughout the work. The first page (title page) and the second (content) are not numbered, numbering starts from the 3rd page.

Work structure. The entire text of the work is divided into chapters and paragraphs, which have a title and serial numbers, indicated by Arabic numerals. The first digit of the paragraph indicates the chapter number, the second the paragraph number. In the report on practice, only each next chapter begins with a new page, no gaps are allowed between paragraphs inside a chapter, that is, when the presentation of a paragraph ends, then the name of the next paragraph and its text follow.

Headers styling.

The names of the structural elements of the report on the practice "CONTENTS", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", "BIBLIOGRAPHIC LIST", "APPENDICES", the title of chapters should be typed in capital letters and placed in the middle of the line without a period at the end and not underlined. The paragraph heading is written lowercase letters (except for the first capital). Word hyphenation in titles is not allowed. If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period.

The distance between the heading of the chapter and the paragraph must be at least 15 mm (one blank line); inside the chapter, the distance between the last line of the text of the previous and the following heading of the next paragraph is at least 15 mm.

Formula design. Formulas require close attention when preparing a practice report. All formulas are printed legibly in the appropriate font. Small print, close proximity of characters to each other and negligence are unacceptable. After the formula, a list of all symbols accepted in the formula is placed with a decoding of the value and an indication of their units of measurement. The list is arranged in a column, the symbol is separated from its decoding by a dash.

All formulas in the report on practice are numbered with sequential numbering in Arabic numerals, which are written at the formula level on the right in parentheses.

In the future, when using, a reference is made in the text to the formula number in parentheses, for example: "in the formula (1) ...".

The distance from the formula to the text must be at least one free line.

The values \u200b\u200bof the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula should be shown directly below the formula. The first line must start with the word "where" without a colon after it. The meaning of each character is given on a new line in the order in which they are given in the formula.

Links to sources.Citations, statistics, used legislative and regulatory materials should be marked with a link. References to the sources used are made in the text of the work, while indicating the number of the source, according to its number in the bibliographic list, and the page number, for example:. This link means that this material is taken from page 55 of source number 20. The reference is made in the text of the work, and not at the bottom of the sheet.

In the notes to the text, only reference and explanatory data are indicated, they are placed immediately after the text, graphic material or table to which they refer. The word "Note" is typed with a capital letter from a paragraph.

Graphic design... Graphs, diagrams, pictures and other illustrative materials are placed in the text of the work in the course of the presentation of the question or on the next page; you can place them at the end of the work by separate applications. They are called pictures, respectively denoted by the word "Fig. ... "and are numbered in order in Arabic numerals within the entire work. The numbering of illustrations within a chapter is allowed in Arabic numerals, in this case the illustration number will consist of the chapter number and the ordinal number of the illustration.

Illustrative materials are made in a single black color; design in different colors is not allowed. If the illustration does not fit on one page, you can transfer it to others, while the title of the illustration is not repeated, and on the following pages below the illustration they write: “Continuation of fig. 3 ". If the illustration does not occupy the entire page, then the text of the work should be located after it, it is not allowed to leave blank slate... References to illustrations are given by the type: "... in accordance with Figure 3" or (Figure 3). References to the previously mentioned illustrations are given with abbreviated words “see”, for example: (see Fig. 3).

Table decoration... Digital material is drawn up in the form of a table, which is located in the work immediately after the text where it is mentioned, or on the next page. Tables located on more than two sheets are placed in the Appendix.

The column "No. p / p" is not included in the table... If it is necessary to number the indicators, the serial numbers are indicated in the sidewall of the table before their name.

Each table should have a thematic title and number. The number of the table is put down in the upper right part, while the sign No. is not put, the name of the table is written above the table. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals. The period after the table number is not put. The table number consists of the chapter number and the order number of the table, separated by a dot. The heading should be placed above the table in the middle, it should be short and fully reflect the content of the table. Table graph headers begin with uppercase letters, and subheadings with lowercase if they form one sentence with a heading.

The name of the indicators in the table must be complete, abbreviations are not allowed, the designation of indicators in the form of symbols. If the numerical data in the columns of the table are expressed in different units of measurement, then they are indicated in the heading of each column. If all the parameters in the table are expressed in the same units of measurement (for example, in thousand rubles or%), then the abbreviated designation of the unit of measurement is placed above the table.

After the table, they continue to present the text of the report on the practice, leaving no gaps. It is not allowed to divide the table in such a way that its name and the name of the columns are located on one sheet, and the indicators and numbers themselves are transferred to another page.

Example 1. As the data in Table 2.15 show, the turnover of the enterprise ...

Example 2. The level of distribution costs of the enterprise (Table 2.12) increased by 0.85%.

After setting out the text of the report on the practice, write conclusion, which is placed from the new page. At the end of the conclusion, the student puts his signature and the date of completion of the work.

Bibliographic list design. The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1 - 2003. The list includes the main used legislative and regulatory documents related to the topic of work, as well as statistical collections, works of domestic and foreign economists on the research topic, articles, abstracts, etc.

All literary sources are arranged in the following order:

Federal laws. (Backward chronological order);

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. (- "-);

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation (- «-);

Samara region laws;

Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Samara Region. (- "-);

Resolutions of the Samara City Administration (- «-);

Orders of ministries and departments. (- "-);

Regulations, instructions of ministries and departments. (- "-);

Instructional letters of ministries and departments. (- "-);

Statistical yearbooks. (Chronological order);

GOSTs, price lists. (In numerical order);

Literature. (Books, articles from periodicals - alphabetically).

The bibliographic list is printed with a paragraph indent of 1-2.5.

Applications are located at the end of the practice report immediately after the bibliographic list in the order in which they appear in the text.

Appendices have in common with the rest of the practice report end-to-end numbering pages. They are drawn up as a continuation of the practice report on subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document.

Each practice report application should start on a new sheet and have a heading that is written symmetrically to the text in capital letters. In the upper right corner of the sheet the word "Application" is printed and its number is put in order. If the application consists of several pages, then on each page in the upper right part it is written "Application continuation".

If there are applications in the report on the practice, they must be referenced in the text. References to appendices in the text are formatted as follows: "... the text of Appendix 1" or "As seen from the data (Appendix 1) ...".

Applications (primary documents, registers, development tables) must be filled... Diagrams and figures can be contained in the text if they organically complement the text, informative in content and visual in form, in other cases they are placed in attachments or filed into a separate folder (the title page is given in Appendix 3). It is not recommended to overload the text with calculated data and voluminous tables.