Presentation of adaptation features of fifth-graders. Presentation of parents' meeting on the topic "adaptation of fifth graders." Do you wish you had less strict teachers?

Any transition periods in a person's life are always associated with problems. Transfer of students from primary school– this is a difficult and responsible period; The child’s entire future school life depends on how the adaptation process goes. Our task is to understand what is happening now with our children, what excites and worries them, what problems they face, and determine what real help we can provide to the children. At today's meeting, we have the opportunity to learn the points of view of all participants in the educational process and see our children through the eyes of a psychologist and subject teachers.

From a psychological point of view... Adolescence (10-15 years) is a period of rapid growth and development of the body. The beginning of its restructuring is associated with the activation of the pituitary gland, whose hormones stimulate tissue growth and the functioning of other endocrine glands. Intensive body growth occurs. Puberty is underway. Due to uneven physical development of the whole organism, nervous system, adolescents experience increased excitability, irritability, and short temper. These features of adolescent development should be kept in mind by both teachers and parents. Adolescence is sometimes called difficult. This statement is both true and false. It is true that the increasing complexity of the activities, behavior and consciousness of adolescents creates additional difficulties in their upbringing. The process of transforming a child into an adult is difficult. At the same time, there are many wonderful components at this age. Adolescence is an age of ebullient energy, activity, big plans, and an active desire for creative activity. The teenager is increasingly striving for independence in everything; he is no longer satisfied with simply learning by heart. educational material and its mechanical reproduction. Some psychologists identify a special personality trait in adolescent children, which is called a sense of adulthood.

N.K. Krupskaya, characterizing this age, said that a teenager is no longer a child, but not an adult either. A teenager is a child becoming an adult. In the 5th grade, to all the problems of adolescence, the problem of adapting to new learning conditions is added. Adaptation is usually understood - in a broad sense - as adaptation to environmental conditions. Adaptation has two spectrums – biological and psychological. We are talking specifically about the psychological adaptation of students, since they currently need to adapt to the new conditions of school reality, ranging from external (office system) to internal (establishing contact with different teachers, mastering new subjects).

It should be noted that the concept of “readiness for learning in secondary school” is closely related to the concept of adaptation: the formation of the main components of educational activity, the successful assimilation of program material. New formations of primary school age - arbitrariness, reflection, thinking in concepts. A qualitatively different, more adult type of relationship with teachers and classmates. Most of the problems and adaptation difficulties are caused by two groups of reasons: deficiencies in the education of schoolchildren and violations of the nature of their communication with significant people.

Signs of successful adaptation: the child’s satisfaction with the learning process; the child can easily cope with the program; the degree of independence of the child when completing educational tasks, readiness to resort to the help of an adult only AFTER attempts to complete the task himself; satisfaction with interpersonal relationships - with classmates and teachers. Signs of maladjustment: tired, tired appearance child; the child’s reluctance to share his impressions of the day; the desire to distract an adult from school events and switch attention to other topics; reluctance to do homework; negative characteristics about the school, teachers, classmates; complaints about certain events related to the school; restless sleep; difficulty waking up in the morning, lethargy; constant complaints of poor health.

1. change in learning conditions Primary school ONE main teacher ONE classroom ONE class group ONE requirements Gain authority from ONE teacher Transition to 5th grade MANY subject teachers MANY classrooms MANY other children MANY different requirements Gain authority again from MANY teachers

2. changing requirements The adaptation period is further complicated by the mismatch between the requirements of different subject teachers. And all these requirements must not only be LEARNED, but also OBSERVED, and not get confused about where to do what. How can we help? First, see the advantages of these “inconsistencies”. These “little things”, which initially make school life so difficult for a child, also bring benefits. He learns to take into account all requirements, correlate them, overcome difficulties, and therefore learns adult life, where “multi-demanding” is the order of things. Secondly, it teaches a teenager to build relationships with different people, becoming more flexible. Help your child remember all the requirements and rules imposed by teachers. One of the ways is to draw up a schedule together with the teenager, indicating the specifics of completing tasks.

3. lack of control Your child had one teacher helping him throughout elementary school. He served as a teacher, a class teacher, and a controller. When moving to fifth grade, this individual approach disappears. It is as if the student is depersonalized. There are only fifth graders in general. Hence the regression that suddenly appeared in some children: the child begins to act up like a little child, goes to his first teacher or runs after the class teacher. For others, on the contrary, the enthusiastic intoxication of freedom of movement leads to violations of school rules. How can we help? - This will be a great opportunity to talk to your child about responsibility for completing tasks, even when you are not being supervised. In addition, a teenager wants freedom - here is a trial balloon for him. Find a plus here: this attitude introduces the teenager to the world of adults - Be patient. Ask your child more often about school life. - Monitor the completion of homework at first, taking into account the requirements of teachers. - Help the class teacher organize the children’s leisure time, taking some of the worries on yourself (and the parent committee). -If you see problems, don’t delay: go to the teacher and find out the reason for the difficulties that have arisen. Tell us about your child's special needs.

4. Gaps in knowledge Over the years of studying in primary school, almost every student develops unlearned topics, unpracticed skills. They accumulate like a snowball. In elementary school, these “roughnesses” are smoothed out by the teacher’s individual approach and repeated explanations as soon as the child’s failure to master the material is noticed. In fifth grade, this tracking does not occur. And, without mastering the topic (and not immediately approaching the teacher or parents for clarification), the child risks not understanding the next one. The material becomes more complex from lesson to lesson. This is how twos appear... There may also be difficulties in mastering educational material due to lack of speech development, attention and memory.

How can we help? Before doing homework, make sure you have mastered the class material. It is important to ensure that the child understands the smallest details of completing tasks and can complete similar ones. Ask your child to explain how he performs this or that exercise, and why he uses these particular calculations when performing certain tasks. If the child understands everything, but the problem of academic performance still remains, then work on developing thinking, memory, and attention. After all, observation, attentiveness, and the ability to see the smallest details - all this will help analyze and assimilate the material. The development of these mental processes is best achieved through games, because stronger motivation appears in games than in educational activities. Then the consolidated skills will be transferred to the learning situation itself.

Creating a favorable family atmosphere (memo for parents) Remember: How the parents wake up the child determines his psychological mood for the whole day. It is important that the child gets enough sleep and wakes up easily when his parents wake him up. If parents have the opportunity to go to school with their child, do not miss it. A shared journey means joint communication and unobtrusive advice. Learn to greet children after school. The first thing you should not ask is: “What grades did you get today?”, it is better to ask neutral questions: “What was interesting at school?”, “What did you do today?”, “How were you at school?” Rejoice at your child's success. Don't get annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures. Listen patiently and with interest to your child’s stories about events in his life. The child must feel that he is loved. It is necessary to exclude shouting and rude intonations from communication; create an atmosphere of joy, love and respect in the family.

During this period, parents should be especially attentive to their children. Health Do not forget about changing your child’s educational activities at home, create conditions for motor activity between doing homework. Observe the correct posture while doing homework, take care of the correct lighting conditions. Prevent myopia, curvature of the spine, train small muscles of the hands. Be sure to include vitamins, fruits and vegetables in your child’s diet. Organize proper nutrition. Take care of the child’s hardening and maximum physical activity. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their health.

Age characteristics of a younger teenager:

  • the need for a decent position in a group of peers, in the family;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the desire to acquire a true friend;
  • the desire to avoid isolation, both in the classroom and in a small group;
  • increased interest in the issue of “balance of power” in the classroom;
  • the desire to dissociate oneself from everything that is emphatically childish;
  • lack of authority of age;
  • aversion to unfounded prohibitions;
  • sensitivity to teacher failures;
  • reassessment of one’s capabilities, the implementation of which is expected in the distant future;
  • lack of adaptation to failures;
  • lack of adaptation to the situation of the “worst”;
  • pronounced emotionality;
  • demanding that words correspond to deeds;
  • increased interest in sports;
  • passion for collecting, passion for music and cinema.

What should fifth graders be like?

Fifth graders should:

  • be able to communicate with classmates, have your own opinion and form it taking into account the opinions of others, be able to maintain relationships;
  • be able to properly distribute and plan your time, show independence in your affairs and, if necessary, promise to seek the help of adults;
  • try to learn, strive to acquire knowledge, be able to study independently;
  • be able to make friends, have a permanent friend, communicate with boys and girls, independently resolve conflicts;
  • have constant responsibilities at home, perform them without reminders, help parents;
  • be able to communicate with the seller, doctor, etc.;
  • be able to foresee the consequences of your actions and make safe, correct choices.

Criteria for readiness to study in secondary school:

  • the formation of the main components of educational activities, successful assimilation of program material;
  • new formations of middle school age - arbitrariness, reflection, thinking in concepts (in age-appropriate forms);
  • a qualitatively different, more “adult” type of relationship with teachers and classmates.

Comparative table of student workload in fourth and fifth grade:

Problems encountered:

  • a lot of different teachers;
  • unusual schedule;
  • many new offices;
  • new children in the class;
  • new class teacher;
  • problems with high school students;
  • increased pace of work;
  • increased volume of work in class and homework;
  • inconsistency, even contradictory requirements of individual teachers;
  • weakening or lack of control;
  • the need in each lesson to adapt to a unique
  • tempo, peculiarities of teachers’ speech;
  • lack of independence in working with texts;
  • low level of speech development;
  • poor development of independent work skills;
  • uniqueness of adolescence.

Signs of successful adaptation:

  • child's satisfaction with the learning process;
  • the child can easily cope with the program;
  • the degree of independence of the child when completing educational tasks, readiness to resort to the help of an adult only AFTER attempts to complete the task himself;
  • satisfaction with interpersonal relationships - with classmates and the teacher.

Signs of maladjustment:

  • Tired, tired appearance of a child.
  • The child’s reluctance to share his impressions of the day.
  • The desire to distract an adult from school events, to switch attention to other topics.
  • Reluctance to do homework.
  • Negative characteristics about the school, teachers, classmates.
  • Complaints about certain events related to the school.
  • Restless sleep.
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning, lethargy.
  • Constant complaints of feeling unwell.

Possible reactions:

  • Intelligent– impairment of intellectual activity. Developmental lag from peers.
  • Behavioral– inconsistency of the child’s behavior with legal and moral norms (aggression, antisocial behavior).
  • Communicative– difficulties in communicating with peers and adults.
  • Somatic– deviations in the child’s health.
  • Emotional– emotional difficulties, anxiety about experiencing problems at school.

How can we help?

  • The first condition for a fifth-grader's school success is unconditional acceptance of the child, despite the failures that he has already encountered or may encounter.
  • If something worries you about your child’s behavior, try to meet and discuss it with the class teacher or psychologist as soon as possible.
  • If some events occurred in the family that affected the psychological state of the child (divorce, departure of one of the parents on a long business trip, the birth of another child, etc.), inform the class teacher about this.
  • Show interest in school affairs, discuss difficult situations, and look for a way out of conflicts together. Informal communication with your child after the last school day.
  • Help your child learn the names of new teachers.
  • You should not immediately weaken control over your child’s educational activities if he has become accustomed to your control during primary school.
  • Accustom him to independence gradually.
  • Obligatory acquaintance with his classmates and the opportunity for children to communicate after school.
  • Inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of other people (grandparents, peers).
  • Elimination of such punishments as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment.
  • Taking into account the child’s temperament during the period of adaptation to school education. Slow and uncommunicative children have a much harder time getting used to the classroom and quickly lose interest in it if they feel violence, sarcasm and cruelty from adults and peers.
  • Providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing reasonable control over his educational activities.
  • Encouragement of the child, and not only for academic success. Moral stimulation of the child's achievements.
  • The main assistants to parents in difficult situations are patience, attention and understanding. Try to create a favorable climate in the family for the child.
  • Create conditions for the development of independence in the child’s behavior. A fifth grader must have household responsibilities for which he is responsible.
  • Despite the apparent maturity, a fifth-grader needs unobtrusive control from his parents, since he cannot always navigate the new demands of school life on his own.
  • For a fifth-grader, the teacher is no longer such an indisputable authority as before; teachers may receive critical remarks. It is important to discuss with the child the reasons for his dissatisfaction, while maintaining the authority of the teacher.
  • A fifth-grader is no longer so interested in studying in itself; many people are interested in going to school because there are a lot of friends there. It is important that the child has the opportunity to discuss his school affairs, studies and relationships with family friends and parents.

Words that support and that destroy his self-confidence:

Ways to overcome anxiety:

  • Don't compare your child to others.
  • Trust the child.
  • Praise him more often, but so that he knows why.
  • Demonstrate examples of confident behavior and be an example to your child in everything.
  • Do not place excessive demands on your child.
  • Be consistent in raising your child. Do not prohibit without any reason what was previously allowed.
  • Try to make fewer comments to your child.
  • Use punishment only as a last resort.
  • Don't humiliate your child by punishing him.
  • When communicating with your child, do not undermine the authority of other significant adults. For example, you cannot tell a child: “Your teacher understands a lot, better listen to me!”
  • Help him find something he likes.


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Slide captions:

Difficulties in adapting fifth graders to school

1. First impressions. 2. Physiological problems of fifth-graders and conditions for students’ adaptation to school. 3.Psychological problems of adaptation of fifth-graders to school education and the conditions for their successful overcoming. 4. Recommendations for parents.

First impressions.

Reasons for poor adaptation in 5th grade: - Different requirements from subject teachers, the need to take them all into account and fulfill them - Large flow of information, unfamiliar terms, words. It is necessary to teach a fifth grader to use reference books and dictionaries, and also teach them to ask about the meaning unclear words in adults. - Feeling of loneliness due to the absence of the first teacher, and the class teacher is unable to give everyone the necessary attention. - All experiences of this age are natural and help the student grow up, so parents and teachers just need to be more attentive and kinder to the children in the new period of their school life.

Physiological problems of fifth-graders and conditions for students’ adaptation to school.

Changing the child’s daily routine compared to elementary school, increasing physical and mental stress; - rapid physiological maturation of many children, hormonal changes in the body; - changes in the child’s nutrition associated with his greater independence.

Recommendations for parents - changing the child’s educational activities at home, creating conditions for children’s physical activity between doing homework. - parents monitoring the correct posture during home activities, observing the light regime. - prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine, training of small muscles of the hands. - introduction to the child’s diet vitamin preparations, fruits and vegetables.

Parents' concern for the child's hardening, maximum development of motor activity, - Active participation family members in the development of the child’s motor activity. - nurturing child independence and responsibility as the main conditions for maintaining health.

Psychological problems of adaptation of fifth-graders to school education and conditions for their successful overcoming.

Increasing the level of family anxiety associated with a child’s education in the fifth grade; - increasing the level of anxiety of the child himself; - dependence of the degree of adaptation of the child to new conditions on the demands placed on the child by the family and his immediate environment; - dependence of the degree of adaptation of the child on his internal state, character, his performance in primary school;

The degree of educational and social motivation of a fifth-grader, his desire to enter into educational and extracurricular contacts; - the state of his physical health, associated with age-related changes in the body and the psychological climate in the class team; - the influence of a child’s self-esteem on adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school).

No. Last name Name Number of points Note 1 Aleshkov Ivan 21 2 Bedareva Nastya 13 3 Bezrukov Ilya 7 4 Belov Andrey 7 5 Berezhnev Danil 26 6 Bulash Sasha 18 7 Gulkovskaya Daria 7 8 Deryugo Alexander 24 9 Eremenko Daniil 31 4 10 Kazantsev Danil 9 11 Kazantseva Marina 16 12 Kitaev Sergey 17 13 Kokorina Nastya 28 14 Komarova Irina 33 4, 6, 8 15 Kuksin Roman 6 16 Larikov Dmitry 19 17 Merkulyev Danil 9 18 Povarnitsyna Katya 14 19 Rudakova Vlada 33 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 20 Semizarova Nastya 33 3, 4, 6 21 Skutkevich Dima 13 22 Tolstov Vlad 23 23 Fadeev Danil 21 24 Faistova Sofya 13 25 Flyakh Ivan 33 4, 5 26 Khudyashov Alexey 26 27 Shipitsin Anton 23 5 “B” grade Breakdown of points: 1- 29 – low level of anxiety; 30-45 – increased level anxiety; 46-58 – high level of anxiety. Note: 1 – general anxiety at school; 2 – experiencing social stress; 3 – Frustration of the need to achieve success; 4 – fear of self-expression; 5 – fear of knowledge testing situations; 6 – fear of not meeting the expectations of others; 7 – low physiological resistance to stress; 8 – problems and fears in relationships with teachers.

Recommendations for parents The first condition for a fifth-grader's school success is unconditional acceptance of the child, despite the failures that he has already encountered or may encounter. - It is mandatory for parents to show interest in the school, the class in which the child is studying, and in every school day he or she lives. Informal communication with your child after the last school day.

Inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of other people (grandparents, peers). - Elimination of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment. - Taking into account the child’s temperament during the period of adaptation to school education. - Providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing reasonable control over his educational activities. - Encouraging the child, and not only for academic success. Moral stimulation of the child's achievements. - Development of self-control, self-esteem and self-sufficiency of the child.

Approximate distribution of activities for a fifth-grader per day: 1. Educational and extracurricular activities 4-4.5 hours 2. Educational activities at home (including breaks) 2-2.5 hours 3. Outdoor games and sports entertainment 2-3 hours 4. Extracurricular and extracurricular activities, creative activity, socially useful work, helping family, reading fiction 1-2 hours 5. Morning exercises, hardening. Eating, toilet 2-2.5 hours 6. Night sleep 9-10 hours

From the 16 listed feelings, choose only 8 that you most often experience at school: I experience at school Yes I experience at school Yes 1.Calmness 20 9.Doubt 16 2.Fatigue 19 10.Resentment 3 3.Boredom 8 11.Feeling of humiliation 4 4.Joy 21 12.Fear 4 5.Self-confidence 21 13.Anxiety for the future 7 6.Anxiety 13 14.Gratitude 15 7.Dissatisfaction with oneself 5 15.Sympathy for teachers 11 8.Irritation 4 16.Desire to come here 20

Methodology for studying student satisfaction with school life Students were asked to rate the degree of their agreement with the proposed statements on the following scale: questions yes no Not always I go to school with joy 7 1 18 At school I am usually in a good mood 12 3 11 We have a good class teacher 26 U I have favorite school subjects 22 2 2 I got used to new teachers 20 5 1 It was better in primary school 3 19 4 During the summer holidays I missed school 5 2 19 Continue the sentence: I don’t like (or like) school (what?)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy Oscar Wilde


Dear parents!

4. What kind of help does your child need from a subject teacher or class teacher?_________________________________________________________________


Dear parents!

Your child has been in 5th grade for three months now. Some difficult moments in his educational activities are not always noticeable to teachers and the class teacher. I would like your answers to the questions in this questionnaire to help your child adapt to learning in the fifth grade more quickly and successfully.

1. Which academic subjects are easy for your child?_____________________


2. What academic subjects are prepared for? homework causing him difficulty?______________________________________________________________

3. What do you think this is connected with?_____________________________________________


5. What would you like to advise a subject teacher in organizing communication with your child in the classroom?_________________________________________________


Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Meeting agenda Adaptation of fifth graders to new learning conditions. Achievement and behavior of class students. Nutrition for children. Extracurricular activities of children. Elections parent committee. Miscellaneous.

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Imagine the situation: “You changed jobs and found yourself in an unfamiliar team. What feelings do you experience for the first time in a new place?

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Imagine yourself in the shoes of the kids entering 5th grade. What difficulties can children encounter when they enter 5th grade?

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Questions for parents: How many academic subjects did your child study in 4th grade? In 5th grade? What was your child's weekly teaching load in 4th grade? In 5th grade? How many teachers taught your child in 4th grade? In 5th grade? How much time did your child spend on average preparing homework in 4th grade? In 5th grade?

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Comparative table 4th grade 5th grade 1 9 subjects 11 subjects, 3 electives 2 22 hours 27+2 hours 3 4 teachers 11 teachers 4 1 - 2 hours 2 - 4 hours

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Many teachers New types of homework Increase in the number of subjects Office system Changes in the school life of a fifth grader

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Emerging problems: a lot of different teachers; unusual schedule; new class teacher; increased pace of work; increased volume of work in class and homework; the need to adapt to the unique tempo and peculiarities of teachers’ speech at each lesson;

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Changes in 5th grade Change of position: “oldest” in elementary school “smallest” in middle school

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Signs of successful adaptation: the child’s satisfaction with the learning process; the child can easily cope with the program; the degree of independence of the child when completing educational tasks, readiness to resort to the help of an adult only AFTER attempts to complete the task himself; satisfaction with interpersonal relationships - with classmates and teachers.

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Signs of maladaptation: Tired, tired appearance of the child. The child’s reluctance to share his impressions of the day. The desire to distract an adult from school events, to switch attention to other topics. Reluctance to do homework. Complaints about certain events related to the school. Restless sleep. Difficulty waking up in the morning, lethargy. Constant complaints of feeling unwell.

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Possible reactions: Intellectual - impairment of intellectual activity. Developmental lag from peers. Behavioral - discrepancy between the child’s behavior and legal and moral standards (aggression, antisocial behavior). Communication - difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Somatic - deviations in the child’s health. Emotional - emotional difficulties, anxiety about experiencing problems at school.

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How can we help? The first condition for a fifth-grader's school success is unconditional acceptance of the child, despite the failures that he has already encountered or may encounter. If something worries you about your child’s behavior, try to meet and discuss it with the class teacher or psychologist as soon as possible. If some events occurred in the family that affected the psychological state of the child (divorce, departure of one of the parents on a long business trip, the birth of another child, etc.), inform the class teacher about this. Show interest in school affairs, discuss difficult situations, and look for a way out of conflicts together. Informal communication with your child after the last school day. You should not immediately weaken control over your child’s educational activities if he has become accustomed to your control during primary school. Accustom him to independence gradually.

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How can we help? Obligatory acquaintance with his classmates and the opportunity for children to communicate after school. Inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of other people (grandparents, peers). Elimination of such punishments as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment. Taking into account the child’s temperament during the period of adaptation to school education. Slow and uncommunicative children have a much harder time getting used to the classroom and quickly lose interest in it if they feel violence, sarcasm and cruelty from adults and peers. Providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing reasonable control over his educational activities. Encouragement of the child, and not only for academic success. Moral stimulation of the child's achievements. The main helpers of parents in difficult situations are patience, attention and understanding. Try to create a favorable climate in the family for the child.

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How can we help? Create conditions for the development of independence in the child’s behavior. A fifth grader must have household responsibilities for which he is responsible. Despite the apparent maturity, a fifth-grader needs unobtrusive control from his parents, since he cannot always navigate the new demands of school life on his own. For a fifth-grader, the teacher is no longer such an indisputable authority as before; teachers may receive critical remarks. It is important to discuss with the child the reasons for his dissatisfaction, while maintaining the authority of the teacher. A fifth-grader is no longer so interested in studying in itself; many people are interested in going to school because there are a lot of friends there. It is important that the child has the opportunity to discuss his school affairs, studies and relationships with family friends and parents.

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Goal: to develop teachers’ motivation to help 5th grade students adapt to middle school.

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Objectives: informing teachers about the age characteristics of fifth-graders. assisting teachers in understanding the difficulties that 5th grade students encounter in the adaptation process; develop an integrated approach to solve the problem of adaptation in middle management; awakening a desire to help students.

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The transition from primary school to secondary school is an interesting and difficult period in the life of a student. In the fifth grade, many things are new for children: teachers, subjects, form of education, and sometimes classmates.

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Comparative table 4th grade 5th grade 1 8 – 9 subjects 11 – 12 subjects 2 20 – 22 hours 25 – 27 hours 3 1 – 3 teachers 8 – 10 teachers 4 1 – 2 hours 2 -2.5 hours

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Age characteristics younger teenager: In high school, cognitive motives for learning activities decline, and the child’s leading activity, studying, is replaced by a new leading activity, communication. the need for a decent position in a group of peers, in the family; increased fatigue; the desire to acquire a true friend; the desire to avoid isolation, both in the classroom and in a small group; increased interest in the issue of “balance of power” in the classroom; the desire to dissociate oneself from everything that is emphatically childish; lack of authority of age; aversion to unfounded prohibitions; reassessment of one's capabilities; pronounced emotionality; demanding that words correspond to deeds; increased interest in sports.

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The process of a child’s adaptation to school is complex both physically and psychologically; the success of further development largely depends on his well-being. social activities child. Therefore, it takes time and favorable conditions so that adaptation to schooling occurs, so that the child gets used to new conditions and learns to meet new requirements.

8 slide

Questionnaire “Feelings at school” From the 16 listed feelings, choose only 8 that you most often experience at school. Calm 100% Doubt 75% Fatigue 18% Resentment - Boredom 31% Fear 6% Joy 93% Feeling of humiliation 6% Self-confidence 68% Anxiety for the future 50% Anxiety 31% Gratitude 75% Dissatisfaction with oneself - Sympathy for teachers 50% Irritation - Desire to come here 93%

Slide 9

“Open Letter to Parents” Dear _________________________________________________________________ Here I am in the 5th grade. First of all, I want to inform you that I am __________________________________________. Compared to studying in the 4th grade, now _______________________________________. Sometimes I _______________________________________________________________________. The most interesting subject for me is ________________________________________________. And I ________________________________________________________________________. But besides this, I want to talk about _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. The most difficult thing for me in 5th grade was __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. Most of all I want ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. And most of the time my mood is ___________________________________. I also want to say that teachers who teach classes in 5th grade _____________ _______________________________________________________________________________. And our class teacher is ________________________________________________. I want to admit that I don’t have any time for _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. But what interested me was ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. In the 5th grade I was surprised by ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. But I can proudly say that now I can ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. It's a pity, but I'm in a hurry ________________________________________________. Firmly ______________________________________________. Date _________________ Name __________________

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Difficulties for fifth-graders in subjects (Russian language -37%, history -18%, English language 18% and natural history - 12%) different teachers (pace of work, requirements, new terms)

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“Portrait of a maladjusted child” (work in groups) Teachers are divided into groups and for 5 minutes they discuss the signs by which they can recognize a child experiencing adaptation difficulties, and write them down on pieces of paper. Then representatives from the groups speak, naming the characteristics they have identified, and the presenter sums up at the end.

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Signs of emerging maladjustment in a schoolchild: Tired, tired appearance of the child. Reluctance to do homework. Negative characteristics about the school, teachers, classmates. Constant complaints of feeling unwell.

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Inappropriate behavioral reactions to the teacher’s comments and remarks, rudeness. Violations in relationships with peers. Decreased academic performance, loss of interest in learning.

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Recommendations Teachers constantly analyze their activities, strive to update teaching methods and techniques in order to implement a person-centered approach to each student. Consistently adhere to the style of pedagogical communication

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At the first stage of education in the 5th grade, it is advisable to construct assessment activities in an advance manner, to explain in detail to schoolchildren why they received this or that assessment. Evaluation activities should be stimulating and supportive. The assessment should compare the child's progress today with his failures yesterday.

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Physical education relieves tension and reduces fatigue, but teachers do not always find time for it. The working mechanism has a certain cyclicity: 3-5 minutes - operation; 15-20 is optimal; from 20 minutes - fatigue.