Modelform – capsules for weight loss, taking into account the age characteristics of a woman. Diet pills Modelform – reviews from doctors

Do you have only 30 days before the start of your vacation and the opening of the beach season? The manufacturer of the new miracle weight loss product recommends not to waste time. The 30 Days Waistline complex was created for “targeted” weight loss, namely to eliminate fat accumulated in the waist area. A familiar problem that is extremely difficult to solve? Did you press on the most painful point? And then it will be even more interesting.

The “Grow a Waist in 30 Days” program is not a cure. So every woman, exhausted by the imperfect proportions of her business, can place an order without any prescription. What will “make” our waist slimmer? The whole secret of effectiveness must lie in the special composition of the tablets. The complex promises to be completely natural, which means it is as harmless as possible for our body:

  • artichoke extract is responsible for activating the digestive process, accelerating fat metabolism, and removing toxins from the body;
  • radiola pink normalizes metabolism, improves immunity, tone, gives vigor and energy.
  • liquorice root works as an antispasmodic and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • lemongrass helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, improves the immune system.
  • dandelion root has a choleretic effect, accelerates metabolism, helps the liver cleanse itself in order to function normally.
  • milk thistle extract actively removes toxins and breakdown products from the body, cleanses the intestines.
  • MCC() normalizes blood glucose levels, promotes the removal of harmful substances from the body.
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate activates the process of burning fat tissue.
  • Beta-1,3/1,6-glucans have an antioxidant effect.

To summarize the above, let’s say that the goal of 30 Days Waistline is to deeply and efficiently cleanse our body, improve digestion, speed up metabolism, starting the process of converting fat accumulated in the waist area into energy. All components are not exotic, and we know about many of them first-hand. For example, about.

Instructions for use

A slim waist in 30 days will not require much effort from you. Just buy one package, which is enough for the entire course. The product should be taken 2 tablets twice a day approximately 30 minutes before meals. The maximum daily dosage is 4 capsules, and it is not recommended to exceed it even if you have too much excess fat.

The manufacturer gives a guarantee for its product - within 30 days the waist volume will decrease by 3-5 cm. Regardless of the initial parameters. Is it a lot or a little? Be prepared for the fact that in a month you will have to completely change your wardrobe and buy clothes 2 sizes smaller. Sounds tempting. But sometimes expectations are sometimes very different from reality.

Keeping in mind that 30 Days Waistline is not a cure for obesity, but a biological supplement, you should not let yourself down. If you lie on the couch for the entire duration of the program, consuming harmful foods, then do not expect any miracles from the drug. In addition, the energy into which fat will be converted needs to go somewhere. This means that without physical activity the result is unlikely to be satisfactory.

Obenil - accelerates metabolism by burning calories and fats, eliminates cravings for sweets, guarantees effective weight loss.
Buy Obenil - an Ayurvedic natural product for safe weight loss and weight control. Charak Pharma, India, manufactured by Charak Pharma, 30 tablets. Obenil from Charak is a unique Ayurvedic drug for controlling weight and blood lipid levels, consisting exclusively of components of plant origin. The main component of this drug is Vrikshamla extract (Garcinia Indiana). The bark of the fruit of this plant contains a high concentration of hydroxycitric acid, thanks to which Obenil controls lipid metabolism (lipid metabolism) and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body. Garcinia is one of the most effective plants for combating excess weight, which helps you lose weight more effectively and comfortably. Vrikshamla reduces appetite and cravings for sweets, improves metabolism and reduces the accumulation of fat cells. Vrikshamla improves overall metabolism and activates the metabolic process. In such a situation, the body must burn fats instead of storing them. Garcinia Indiana eliminates emotional hunger when the stomach is full, but the mind wants to feast on something else. Eating when there is no hunger leads to the deposition of fats and waste in the human body. The difference between Vrikshamla and most weight loss pills, which suppress appetite but do not affect the feeling of hunger, from severe emotional shock or stress (neurogenic hunger), while using Vrikshamla, people who use it for weight loss are less likely to feel the desire to “eat up” stress. What effect does Vrikshamala have on the body. Clinical studies of Vrikshamla and the results of its use have revealed that the fruit acids, vitamin C and Beta-carotene included in the composition activate metabolic processes. The leading role in the fight against excess weight belongs to hydroxycitric acid, contained in the bark of Garcinia Indiana. - hydroxycitric acid normalizes appetite, accelerates fat oxidation and inhibits the process of converting fat from glucose. As a result of this process, carbohydrates are completely absorbed; - Garcinia Indiana accelerates the production of an enzyme that causes the oxidation of fatty acids and speeds up metabolism, not allowing the body to accumulate fat deposits, but processing them; - substances found in Vrikshamla indirectly affect the hypothalamus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger; - Vrikshamla improves digestion and helps to achieve a feeling of satiety from a smaller amount of food eaten, reduces cravings for sweets; Weight loss product Obenil Charak is used when: - metabolic imbalance, resulting in excess weight gain; - imbalance of lipid and protein metabolism, resulting in cholesterol deposition (atherosclerosis); - stagnation of fluid in the body (has a diuretic property); - normalizes lipid-fat metabolism; - used in cleansing therapy; - excessive appetite and craving for sweets; - general obesity and obesity in diabetes mellitus. The composition of Obenil diet pills includes: - Vrikshamla extract - reduces the production of a substance that stimulates hunger, and stimulates the production of serotonin - a hormone that causes a feeling of joy; - purified Guggul (Commiphora Mukul) - antioxidant, cleanses the blood, restores water-lipid balance, cleanses the body of toxins, an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite; - flax seed powder - increases the lipid-lowering effect of the drug, helps to consolidate the results obtained; - Tropical mint - widely used in weight loss medications. The main active ingredient is forskolin, which activates the body's metabolic processes, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, promotes better absorption of vitamins and minerals; - fiber from the seeds of Plantain ovate - indigestible fiber, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, reduces appetite and cravings for sweets, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood; - Picrorhiza kurroa - used for liver diseases, a tonic for the body and cleanses of toxins. How to take diet pills Obenil from Charak: - for adults, take two tablets twice a day, in the morning and at lunch, after meals. - for children over five years old, take one tablet twice a day, in the morning and at lunch, after meals. The course of administration is three to six months. Contraindications while taking the drug Charak Obenil: - should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation; - not recommended for use by children under five years of age; - should not be taken by patients with hepatitis and renal failure; People with diabetes mellitus, heart disease and hypertension are recommended to take Obenyl after consultation with a doctor. When using Obenyl diet pills, it is advisable to observe: - moderate physical activity lasting 20 minutes 3-4 once a week; - eating in small quantities, but more often, and dinner should be light; - the volume of water drunk daily is at least 1.5-2 liters; - eat porridge: wheat, barley, corn; eat pumpkin and zucchini; - an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices; - limit the consumption of sweets and sugary drinks, fried foods, butter, cheeses, snacks. - daily walks for 30 minutes. When taking Obenil, it is advisable to avoid: - reduce sweet and dairy products in the diet; - reduce the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates and starchy foods (rice and potatoes); - do not eat fried and fatty foods; - do not eat bananas, grapes and pineapples. Storage conditions: store in a dry, cool place, protected from moisture, at a temperature< 30 С. Не хранить в холодильнике.Срок годности: 3 года с момента производства.В нашем аюрведа магазине представлены общие указания по использованию аюрведического средства Обенил. Перед началом приёма рекомендуем пройти консультацию у аюрведического специалиста, который назначит точную дозировку исходя из Вашего состояния на момент обращения.Производитель: Charak Pharma, IndiaРазмеры: 110х10х95 ммВес: 30 гр.Упаковка: 30 таблеток - health194 - health194

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

27 Mar 2017


Natural ingredients combined with the ELEGREENALL complex form a dietary supplement for weight loss. The components of the drug with the name Modelform and the age index 30+ have a mild tonic effect, regulate the absorption of nutrients and help eliminate accumulated toxins.

Composition Modelform 30

The dietary supplement is not a medicine and is available in the form of capsules, 30 pieces per package. One blister contains 15 capsules. The composition of Modelform contains effective active substances. The first capsule of the drug contains psyllium, forskolin 10%, innovative complex ELEGRINOL (bitter orange extract 10%, Japanese medlar extract, psyllium). It will be more convenient to consider what all these names of substances mean in the table below:

Component name Role in the drug
Japanese medlar extract
  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • corosolic acid.

The component reduces body fat mass due to:

  • improving metabolism and digestion;
  • reducing blood sugar levels;
  • reducing lipid levels.
Psyllium as part of the ELEGREENALL complex

Dietary fiber that facilitates weight loss due to:

  • prolonged feeling of satiety;
  • reducing the amount of food consumed;
  • stabilization of the process of absorption of carbohydrates and fats;
  • regulation of gastrointestinal function.
Bitter orange extract Activates metabolism. Appetite suppression is achieved by this source of synephrine. The thermal balance in the body is stimulated (thermogenesis), thereby accelerating the breakdown of fats. A tonic effect is also possible: relieving fatigue and increasing activity.
Forskolin A natural ingredient obtained from the Coleus forskohlii plant. Coleus forskohlii extract stimulates metabolism and reduces appetite.
The presence of psyllium in the composition of the drug Detoxification of waste that enters the body from outside, eliminating those toxins that remain after metabolism.

Indications Modelform

When adding a dietary supplement to food, you should first consult your doctor. Women take Modelform for weight loss. The instructions for the drug say that it can be used if there is a lack of synephrine, as an additional source of its production. Synephrine is a protoalkaloid that promotes fat burning.

Modelform was created for healthy people without severe chronic diseases and is suitable for women who have gained extra pounds due to stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal changes. In the latter case, you should consult a gynecologist. At a young age, extra pounds are burned due to rapid metabolism, and after 30 years this process slows down. A drug was developed to speed it up.

How Modelform works

Excess fat on the hips and waist area is very difficult to remove. The action of Modelform is to activate vital resources, have a tonic effect on the body and accelerate the elimination of toxins accumulated over many years. The key points of the impact of Modelform are determined by its composition and consist of the following aspects necessary for people losing weight:

  • eliminating fat deposits;
  • weight loss;
  • regulation of intestinal function;
  • normalization of well-being after menopause and general condition during this period;
  • stabilization of appetite;
  • reducing cravings for starchy foods, high-carbohydrate foods and sweets.

Modelform – reviews from doctors

Nutritionist Anna Belousova and fitness specialist Irina Turchinskaya are representatives of this dietary supplement Modelform. Their positive assessments of the drug’s effectiveness are based on the “18/30/40” philosophy. The numbers represent age categories for women. An analogue of the drug was developed for women of the most critical ages.

Modelform is an ideal dietary supplement for women over 30 years old. The development is based on a methodology for studying the influence of natural components on the dynamics of body weight. Other doctors also agree about Modelform. that the drug is useful and has a bright effect. Among the effective points are improving the appearance of hair and cleansing the skin, increasing vigor, adjusting the daily routine, and restoring sleep.

How to use Modelform

The popularity of the drug is due to its ease of use. The method of administration is practical and suitable for even the busiest people. Instructions for use of Modelform 30 state that you need to take 1 capsule of Modelform. Enveloping the active ingredients in a capsule shell allows the substances to be delivered to the stomach, avoiding their resorption along the way. To ensure that the capsule is absorbed with food, it is recommended to take the drug during or after meals in the first half of the day. Take with a glass of water (200 ml).

Tablets Modelform

Large 370 mg tablets make taking the drug difficult. Drinking enough water throughout the day and taking a capsule that contains all the necessary vitamins will help improve their absorption. If you can’t take it with water, you can open the capsules and drink the powder. Modelform 30 diet pills should be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees for a maximum of three years.

How long can you take Modelform?

The duration of taking the drug is 2 months. If desired, the Modelform course can be repeated. Physical exercise and diet according to the authors’ Modelform “3 Ages” system will help improve the effectiveness of the drug. A package of two blisters is enough for 1 course. Portions should be small but frequent; it is better to boil food than to fry it. Instead of dessert, eat fruit, but not bananas.

Side effects of Modelform 30

The instructions for use of the drug say that Modelform has no side effects. Judging by the negative reviews, many women do not agree with this opinion. Some note the following side effects of Modelform: dry mouth, headaches, insomnia. All these effects can be caused either by a reaction to the ingredients of the drug or by a change in the usual regimen.

Modelform – contraindications

Modelform is taken if there is no allergy to the components of the dietary supplement. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required. Modelform should not be taken if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have hypersensitivity to any of the components. While expecting a child, a woman experiences a double burden. There have been no clinical studies on the effects of Modelform, so it is better not to risk the health of the unborn baby. Men should not take the drug, because it is completely targeted at the female body.

When deciding to lose weight with the help of dietary supplements, everyone wants to find such miraculous capsules that will make the figure slim without harm to health. But it is not easy to find products on the modern market for which there would be much more positive reviews than negative ones. However, there are. Lately, people are increasingly saying that Modelform is a pleasant exception to the rule that actually works.

general information

Modelform is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription, can be purchased on various online resources. Before use, consult a doctor to exclude contraindications and side effects.

Developed by Russian specialists - nutritionist Anna Belousova and fitness trainer Irina Turchinskaya. The drug has an official website. A reliable and experienced manufacturer is the German pharmaceutical concern Farmaplant (Farmaplant) Fabrikation Chemischer Produkte GmbH. The recommended price is $15.6 (“Slender Mom” costs more - $18.5), although in pharmacies and on various websites you can find a lower price - $12.6.

Release form: capsules. The package contains 2 blisters of 15 tablets. The gelatin shell quickly dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes better absorption of the main active ingredients of the drug.

Available in 4 versions: for different ages (18, 30 and 40 years old) and for young mothers who have just given birth. Each one takes into account the needs of the body at a given stage of life.

Manufacturers claim that Modelform is a weight loss product that does not require dieting or intense exercise. And yet, to improve the final results, many advise adhering to the principles of proper nutrition and providing the body with sufficient physical activity while taking capsules.

Shelf life - 3 years. Storage conditions: dry, dark place, temperature no higher than +25 °C.

About prospects. In the near future, it is planned to release the drug Modelform Anti-cellulite, which will fight orange peel.


The secret of Modelform's magical formula lies in the Innovative complex Elegreenall - a combination of elegrinol and forskolin. And numerous plant extracts act as additional ingredients.

  • bitter orange

A plant containing synephrine. This substance significantly improves metabolism, reduces appetite, promotes intensive weight loss, tones, and relieves fatigue. Thanks to this extract, Modelform triggers the process of thermogenesis, which helps the rapid breakdown of fats. So profuse sweating is one of the side effects of the drug, which should not be surprising.

  • Psyllium

A plant related to the well-known plantain. It contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: beneficial substances are processed and absorbed faster and better, converted into energy. Thanks to this, the drug Modelform satisfies quickly and for a long time, satisfies hunger, and reduces appetite. With a decrease in the amount of food consumed, weight loss gradually occurs.

  • Loquat japonica

A plant from the apple family. It contains corosolic acid, potassium, vitamins C and A. This composition speeds up metabolism, lowers blood sugar, and reduces fat deposits.

Auxiliary components:

  • Aerosil 380 (silicon dioxide);
  • magnesium salt of stearic acid as an emulsifier (E470);
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • gelatin;
  • dyes;
  • titanium dioxide

So the composition of the drug cannot be called 100% natural. Despite the fact that the proportion of excipients in the capsules is negligible, both emulsifiers and dyes are still present.

Information sheet. Aerosil 380 is added to many capsules so that the powder inside does not roll into lumps and balls, remaining free-flowing.


Modelform in all its variations has an equally positive effect on the body of those losing weight. With regular and correct use of capsules, the following effect is observed:

  • body weight decreases;
  • appetite is regulated;
  • the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the absorption of fats and carbohydrates that come with food is regulated, this prevents the formation of new fat deposits;
  • general well-being improves;
  • a mild tonic effect is observed;
  • body fat mass decreases (the amount of fat deposits decreases).

Plus, each version of the product is supplemented with some special functions that allow you to take into account the age-related characteristics of the female body.

You need to know this. It is useless for men to take Modelform, because the drug is designed exclusively for weight loss in women.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you decide to purchase Modelform capsules, you should read the reviews about it. Despite the abundance of positive characteristics, it is very important to take into account the negative aspects, so that later bitter disappointment does not overtake you.


  • integrated approach: use of capsules + a set of exercises + a special nutrition system for each age period;
  • the packaging lasts for a whole month;
  • individual approach to each age period;
  • natural composition;
  • is not addictive;
  • a large number of positive reviews, negative ones are very rare;
  • effective weight loss (10 kg per month);
  • among the pleasant bonuses: stomach function improves, facial skin cleanses, nails and hair become stronger, the menstrual cycle normalizes, vigor appears, there is no fatigue and drowsiness;
  • ease of use;
  • innovative formula;
  • Side effects are very rare;
  • German quality.


  • not all contraindications are specified in the instructions;
  • the website and most sources say that the capsules are very small and easy to swallow, but in practice they turn out to be quite large;
  • for many the price is quite high;
  • in a number of cases the effect did not manifest itself immediately, but after some time;
  • Most pharmacies do not sell Modelform.

Reading reviews about losing weight with this drug, it becomes clear that this is a fairly effective remedy that is worth the money spent on it.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its natural composition, Modelform is still not useful for everyone. Manufacturers indicate the following contraindications in the instructions:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance to active components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

In addition, forskolin increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which leads to an exacerbation of peptic ulcers. However, the instructions for use of Modelform do not indicate such a contraindication.

Many also complain about such unpleasant consequences of taking capsules as:

  • stomach pain;
  • insomnia;
  • strong thirst;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • anorexia.

Quite serious side effects that clients still have the right to know about. Perhaps they appear only when instructions are violated or contraindications are not followed, but, nevertheless, they arise.

Worth considering. When purchasing Modelform, keep in mind that this is an innovative product that has recently appeared on the market. This is fraught with the fact that the formula has not yet been sufficiently researched and tested. And certainly not all side effects have been identified.

Instructions for use

One of the undoubted advantages of this weight loss product is its ease of use. All drugs for different age groups are accompanied by detailed instructions that are extremely clear and understandable.

  1. Dosage - 1 capsule per day. One package is enough for a month of weight loss.
  2. Take in the first half of the day, preferably during breakfast or immediately after it.
  3. Capsules should be taken with plenty of water (at least a glass).
  4. Weight loss course - 2 months. In the absence of side effects, if there is a need and permission from the doctor, you can continue to take the drug.

Strict adherence to the instructions is a guarantee of fast and safe weight loss.

Supply system

When using Modelform, you should adhere to the following dietary recommendations from nutritionist Anna Belousova (one of the developers of this drug). Her program is called “Three Ages”.

  1. The first stage of weight loss lasts a month and is called “Launch”. It has a strict menu and a lot of food restrictions.
  2. The second stage also lasts a month, called “Variations”. Characterized by relaxations in food. The body adapts to a new diet and reduced portion sizes.
  3. Five meals a day: breakfast (from 7 to 9 am), lunch, dinner (4 hours before bedtime), 2 snacks.
  4. Each age has its own list of permitted products.
  5. Recommended types of meat: beef, veal, rabbit, lean lamb, quail, chicken, turkey. Types of fish: cod, pike perch, sea bass, mackerel, sea bream, sea bass, pike.
  6. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid, but no more than 3 liters.
  7. Limit salt intake. To prevent the food from being bland, use herbs and spices.
  8. It is forbidden to fry, stew foods in oil and breading.
  9. If the feeling of hunger is too strong, you are allowed to snack on unsweetened fruit or drink a glass of vegetable juice.

In addition, Anna has developed several menu options for each age.

Set of exercises

Irina Turchinskaya is a fitness trainer who took part in the development of Modelform. She suggests that everyone who is losing weight perform special sets of exercises for 2 months of taking this drug. They are also made taking into account the age characteristics of the female body. With their help, you can achieve much better results.

General points:

  1. Training should begin with a warm-up.
  2. The main part includes 6 exercises that form one circle.
  3. You can't take breaks between exercises.
  4. The interval between circles is 2 minutes.
  5. In the first month, 2 circles are performed in one lesson, in the second - 3, only in the reverse order.
  6. The warm-up includes the following exercises: boxing (lunges with hands with clenched fists forward), straight leg swings, bending the knees, bending forward, circular rotations of the knees.

The main part of the complex of exercises is different for each age period.

Under the age of 18, the main cause of excess weight is unhealthy diet - passion for fast foods, flour and sweet foods, carbonated drinks, dry eating, snacking on the go. If you regularly take Modelform 18+ tablets, you can adjust your diet.

An additional effect to the general pharmacology of the drug is a reduction in cravings for flour and sweets.


  • age from 18 to 29 years;
  • excess weight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • fat deposits.


The overall formula of Elegreenall is supplemented with coleus forskohlii extract. This plant is a source of forskolin. Modelform 18+ consists of 10% of it. It significantly reduces appetite, helps to eliminate body fat. Coleus forskohlii extract reduces cravings for sweets and promotes rapid absorption of even the heaviest and most complex carbohydrates.

Capsule weight - 360 mg. Their green color is the result of special dyes: the composition includes quinoline yellow, brilliant blue, and sunset yellow.


Anna Belousova offers the following menu for those who are losing weight using Modelform 18+.

Breakfast options (serving size 200 g):

  • buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley porridge with milk 1.5% fat;
  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat;
  • omelette;
  • , sugar free coffee.

Snack (fist):

  • vegetable juice (glass);
  • meat, fish (200 g);
  • vegetable salad (unlimited volume).

Dinner options:

  • any dish made from 2 eggs;
  • vegetables in any form (250 g).

Set of exercises

  1. Unfolding - jumping out. Squat down, place your hands on the floor. Push your legs straight back, return to the starting point, jump up, stretching your body and arms up.
  2. from your knees.
  3. Chair rises.
  4. Corner with legs. Lie on your back, place your palms under your tailbone, raise your legs straight and hold them at an angle of 45°.
  5. Triceps chair push-ups.
  6. Straight folds. Lie on your back, stretch your arms straight back. Raise your legs and torso at the same time, return to the starting point.

Modelform 30+

It is well known that with age, the metabolism in the female body slows down. This contributes to the accumulation of waste and toxins, which cause excess weight. This situation greatly complicates the fight against extra pounds. Therefore, Modelform 30+ was developed - an innovative means for losing weight after 30 years.

An additional effect is cleansing of toxins that either enter the body from the outside or are formed as a result of metabolism inside.


  • age from 30 to 39 years;
  • excess weight;
  • slagging of the body;
  • fat deposits.


The innovative Elegreenall complex is supplemented in Modelform with 30+ extracts of Coleus forskohliya and psyllium. The first activates metabolism, reduces body fat mass, enhances the breakdown of fats and converts them into energy. The second regulates appetite, normalizes digestion, and promotes general detoxification.

Capsule weight - 370 mg. Their red-pink color is the result of dyes: the preparation contains brilliant black and azorubine.


The developers give the following nutritional recommendations for women who take Modelform 30+.

Breakfast options:

  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat (200 g);
  • tea, coffee without sugar.

Snack (fist):

  • vegetable juice (glass);
  • vegetable salad with the addition of seafood, meat or fish (European portion - a large plate with a slide).
  • fermented milk drink (glass).

Dinner options:

  • any dish made from 2 eggs;
  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat (200 g);
  • vegetables in any form (250 g).

Set of exercises

  1. The starting position resembles a low starting position when running. Jump, changing knees.
  2. Steps with your arms to the sides from a lying position.
  3. Static lunges. Bend one leg at an angle of 90°, put it far forward. The second is at the back, bent. Straight arms spread wide to the sides. Hold your body without changing position.
  4. Leg scissors.
  5. Butterfly. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, raise your shoulders and head, extend your arms straight to the sides, palms down. Make wide swings with your arms.
  6. Diagonal folds. Lie on your back, move your right arm back as far as possible, and extend your left arm along the body. Fold your body, connecting your right arm and left leg (both straightened), return to the starting point.

After 40 years, women are often faced with an unpleasant surprise: despite a well-formulated diet in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition, and regular training in the fitness center, their weight continues to gradually increase. The reason is a decrease in hormone levels, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism, weight gain, and the deposition of fat reserves on the hips and waist. To maintain normal hormonal balance during pre- and postmenopausal periods, it is recommended to take Modelform 40+, which will work on weight loss without harm to health.

Additional actions include detoxification (cleansing of toxins and waste) and maintaining normal hormonal balance during the premenopausal period.


  • age from 18 to 29 years;
  • excess weight;
  • impaired or slow metabolism;
  • slagging of the body;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • menopause;
  • menopause;
  • fat deposits.


The Elegreenall complex in Modelform 40+ is supplemented with three plant extracts.

  • Coleus forskohlii

Activates metabolism, reduces appetite, reduces fat mass, promotes fat breakdown.

  • Momordica charantia

Herbaceous liana, bitter cucumber. Source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron. Improves digestion, regulates appetite, effectively breaks down fats. Provides detoxification of the body. Reduces blood sugar levels.

  • Pueraria

Plant extract powder. Legume family. Contains phytoestrogens (daidzein and genistein) to maintain hormonal balance. Restores strength, has a general strengthening effect on the body, has a positive effect on the female reproductive organs and the cardiovascular system. Activates lipid metabolism.

Capsule weight - 380 mg. Their purple tint is the result of dyes: they contain azorubine and brilliant black.


When taking Modelform 40+, follow the following recommendations from a nutritionist.

Breakfast options:

  • buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley porridge with milk 1.5% fat (handful);
  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat (200 g);
  • tea, coffee without sugar.

Snack (fist):

  • any berries and fruits, except grapes, bananas, figs.
  • vegetable juice (glass);
  • meat, fish (150 g).
  • fermented milk drink (glass).

Dinner options:

  • dried fruit compote (glass);
  • any dish made from 2 eggs;
  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat (200 g);
  • sea ​​fish (150 gr).

Set of exercises

  1. Static squat. Press your back and arms tightly against the wall and sit down. Hold your torso without changing position.
  2. Wall push-ups.
  3. Boat. Lie on your stomach, rest your forehead on your palms. Raise your legs as high as possible, tighten your buttocks, lower your legs without touching the floor.
  4. Woodcutter. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, straighten your arms, lock them together, and move them behind your head. Raise your body with a strong movement, lean forward, touching the floor with your hands.
  5. Reverse.
  6. Diagonal folding (as in the program for Modelform 30+).

Modelform “Slender Mom”

Not long ago, Modelform “Slender Mom” was released - an innovative product for weight loss for women during the postpartum period. When creating a unique formula, scientists took into account all the features of the physiological processes occurring in the body of a woman in labor for 18 months (1.5 years) after the birth of the baby. The drug restores and protects the female body after childbirth and lactation. With its help, it is quite possible to bring your figure and body weight to the “pre-pregnancy” state.

Additional actions:

  • protects the liver;
  • tidies up the endocrine system;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • increases sexual functions;
  • has a positive effect on the emotional and psychological state;
  • improves appearance and well-being.


  • Age from 18 to 29 years;
  • excess weight;
  • fat deposits;
  • postpartum period;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • interrupted menstrual cycle;
  • loss of sexual interest, decreased libido;
  • postpartum depression.


The innovative Elegreenall formula is supplemented with several plant extracts and vitamins.

  • spotted milk thistle

The main component of the extract is silymarin. It strengthens the cell membranes of the liver, improves the functions of this organ (helps it remove toxins). Normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder.

  • Kelp

A source of iodine, which normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Contains natural vitamins, amino acids, beneficial microelements (iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, barium, sulfur, potassium).

  • Damiana

A shrub whose extract contains a lot of useful substances: essential oils, apigenin, arbutin, sugars, resins, damaianin, tannins, chlorophyll. Restores the body's strength, normalizes the menstrual cycle after childbirth. It is a mild sedative that improves mood and reduces anxiety. Helps relieve tension, helps with depression. It has aphrodisiac properties, enhancing female sexual attractiveness. Improves intestinal motility.

  • Biotin

Vitamin B. An active participant in fat, carbohydrate, purine metabolism, helps the body to better absorb protein. Promotes the decomposition and burning of fats. Activates the production of hemoglobin, which reduces appetite. Maintains blood sugar levels. It has a good effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails.

Capsule weight - 350 mg. Their blue color is the result of special dyes.


Anna Belousova offers the following menu to young mothers.

Breakfast options:

  • buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley porridge with milk 3.2% fat (handful);
  • cottage cheese less than 5% fat (200 g);
  • pasta pasta (200 g);
  • a sandwich of grain bread, baked beef, lettuce, fresh or tomato (200 gr);
  • tea, coffee without sugar, citrus juice.

Snack (fist):

  • any fruit except grapes, bananas, figs.
  • vegetable juice (glass);
  • vegetable salad (European portion);
  • meat, fish (200 gr).
  • fermented milk drink (glass).

Dinner options:

  • dried fruit compote (glass);
  • any dish made from 2 eggs;
  • cottage cheese less than 9% fat (200 g);
  • vegetables (250 gr);
  • seafood (200 gr).

Set of exercises

  1. Cat dog. Get on all fours. Round your back, then bend at the waist.
  2. Jumping upright.
  3. Raising the pelvis from the floor.
  4. Lie face down on the floor, straighten your legs, bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms under your shoulders. Raise your body, straighten your arms, bend your back, pull your shoulders back. Tear off the buttocks. Hold the body for 1 minute, return to the starting position, rest for 1 minute.
  5. Lie on your back, raise your legs, bent at an angle of 90°, put your hands behind your head. Round the spine, point the legs to the hands, touch the toes with the palms.


Analogues of the drug "Modelform"

On sale you can find analogues of Modelform, similar in composition and effect on the body. They differ in price, components, and popularity.

  • Fat blocker - capsules with ginseng. China. $33.6.
  • - preparation with rhubarb and guatsuma. Indonesia. $14.2
  • Chromium picolinate is a drug that blocks sugar cravings. USA. $3.3.
  • - a product with dioscorea extract and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Produced in different countries. About $13.
  • Porciola are capsules with an inert gel that swells in the stomach. USA. $10.7.
  • - a complex based on plant extracts. Russia. $6.
  • Lose weight in a week - bars that reduce appetite. Russia. $3.6.
  • forte is an appetite suppressant. Russia. $5.9

What's better...

  • ...Modelform or Turboslim?

Turboslim offers a huge range of products and various programs aimed at cleansing the body, active weight loss, and supporting the body during a diet. The preparations of this brand contain a lot of vitamins and plant extracts. They are cheaper than Modelform and are produced by the Russian concern Evalar. They have more side effects and less effectiveness.

  • ...Modelform or Reduxin?

Reduxin is a fairly expensive weight loss drug, especially from foreign manufacturers. It is highly efficient. However, it contains a notorious psychotropic substance that has many side effects. In addition, it does not take into account age-related characteristics of weight loss. And this is not a dietary supplement, but a medicine.

Modelform is a dietary supplement for weight loss, which has recently become very popular due to its natural composition and high efficiency. The availability of the drug and ease of use only increase the army of its fans, which is noticeable in the ever-increasing number of positive reviews about it.

Typically, the 30-day weight loss drug is bought by those who want to get in shape for a vacation, a significant event, or something similar. After all, the original name of this thing is 30 days waistline, which translated means “waist in 30 days.” Tempting? Of course, the result greatly depends on the initial data, but the manufacturers promise that whoever uses it will be able to lose weight in any case. In general, these are tablets. Drink 2 before meals 2 times a day and lose weight. Allegedly, everything is natural and wonderful, but there is not enough information about the manufacturer of this thing, and only sites with general information about losing weight can be found upon request. However, if we ask another search engine about the same thing, we will see a link to the website of the widely advertised Rationika product line.

What does the 30 days weight loss product contain?

The 30-day weight loss capsules contain diuretics, tonics, and digestion-improving plants that are typical for dietary supplements of this type. They do not contain any components that increase body temperature, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and promote weight loss at the metabolic level. The usual set is for those who have a little swelling, sometimes constipation, and who have no way to get rid of this with dietary changes.

So, the herbs in “30 days” are as follows:

  • artichoke extract is a laxative; it is usually written that it almost rebuilds digestion. In fact, it simply serves as a source of pectin and is a gentle laxative;
  • Milk thistle extract is a plant hepatoprotector. In fact, herbs for the liver are a useful thing, especially if you live on sausages, beer and dumplings throughout your life, but they do not solve the problem of excess weight. And claims that milk thistle cleanses the liver, no matter how you behave there, have nothing to do with reality. “Working” courses of taking this herb are usually accompanied by severe dietary restrictions - you need to at least give up large amounts of saturated fat, switch to vegetable oils, and foods rich in fiber and protein;
  • Dandelion extract is a diuretic, but not as serious as, for example, medications. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which, as everyone guessed, also relates to weight loss very indirectly;
  • Rhodiola rosea extract, on most sites selling “waist in 30 days” for some reason called radiola extract. Contrary to the name, it does not sing or recite radio plays, but stimulates the central nervous system. Compared to caffeine, the stimulant is mild; fat-burning properties have not been proven, but are periodically attributed to it by various manufacturers of sports nutrition and dietary supplements. In general, the thing is also useful, especially as a sports adaptogen. The key word is “sports”. Helps withstand peak loads in cyclic sports, but in “couch dwellers” it can only increase blood pressure above normal;
  • Schisandra extract is another adaptogen widely used to improve acclimatization in mountainous areas. Strengthens the immune system, promotes protein synthesis according to some sources, according to others - an anabolic placebo;
  • Licorice root is an anti-inflammatory agent with an individual effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Some sources indicate that its use helps relieve constipation, while others indicate that it disinfects and eliminates the bacterial origin of diarrhea;
  • MCC is the most overrated fiber of our time. Unlike pectin and plant fibers, it is synthesized artificially. In dietary supplements it is used as a capsule filler. Although manufacturers of diet pills most often claim that this is the most “working” component - after all, MCC helps fill the stomach before eating. And if you drink regularly, the benefits seem to become obvious. In reality, the effect is very individual. If MCC Ankir B tablets for 60 rubles reduced your appetite, perhaps this will work too.

Reviews of the drug 30 days for weight loss

It’s sad, but I can’t find any normal reviews about this dietary supplement. Usually they are either embedded in an article with an affiliate link to the seller’s website, that is, they are invented by a copywriter, or are located on the selling website. In groups on social networks there are widely known “before” and “after” photos on the Internet, which hang in advertisements for a couple of dozen other products, from goji berries and acai to green coffee. This, of course, does not indicate the honesty of the reviews.

In general, this entire flow of information exists for one purpose - to convince us that the product should be purchased. No doubt, the cheap price and general strengthening composition are great. But only Schisandra and Rhodiola work exclusively on athletes, and the rest are laxatives and diuretics. The composition is not very productive from a logical point of view. On the one hand, you seem to be “pumping up” the nervous and immune system in order to withstand heavy training, on the other hand, you are hindering yourself with laxatives and diuretics. Active sports with diuretics and laxatives are impossible for one reason - a violation of the water-salt balance usually leads to cramps and numerous performance problems. But we are all saying this in vain. Consumers of such products usually consider 20 minutes of leg swings on a mat to be a sport, but this, as they say, is a completely different story.

In general, no living people have been found on the Internet who took this supplement and achieved impressive results, and various virtual accounts are fun, but not informative.

Is it worth accepting if there aren’t even any reviews? The answer of a sane person is obvious - the world is full of lemongrass and rhodiola extracts without a laxative effect, and for 40-60 rubles. In any pharmacy, as they say.

Rationika program 30 days for weight loss

There is more information on the Ratsionika 30 days weight loss program. This is a common way to reduce calories, with the recommended figure for women being 1,500 kcal. Is this not enough or is it enough? Depends on lifestyle. For a physically active woman weighing 70 kilograms with training 6 times a week, this is a critical minimum figure, something around the basal metabolic rate, and this is not enough. For a girl who walks 30 minutes a day and works the rest of the time in the field of intellectual work, this is a normal diet that will provide a deficit of about 400 kcal per day, which is a bit much, but tolerable, as long as there are no normal fitness classes in life.

What will you have to do? Breakfast, as they say, eat it yourself, and wash it down with a protein-carbohydrate cocktail with pectin. The taste is strawberry, according to reviews - quite tolerable. Lunch - shared with a friend, in the sense that we eat salad and meat on our own, but leave buns and other desserts on the plate. To avoid feeling sad after lunch, Rationika offers us a weight loss bar. Mainly carbohydrate. Apparently, manufacturers believe that the average person does not have enough carbohydrates. Well, in the evening - fruits and vegetables and again a cocktail rich in pectin. In general, a conventional meal replacement shake program is only suitable for people with a sedentary lifestyle, and is not applicable for a long time.

Well, how much weight can you lose in 30 days in reality? A good result would be something around 2-3 kg, if you do not use a crash diet and a special forces training plan. But this will reduce the volume by approximately one size, since if you lose weight slowly with a small deficit and with training, you will lose mainly fat, not muscle.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova