Shakespeare, bulk and purulent. We explain all the incomprehensible words from the battle of oxymiron and the purulent ganglia where you were in england

Ganglion -in medicine, it is considered not only as a nerve node, but also has a definition of a tumor formation.

Medical terminology applies various synonyms to this disease: hygroma, synovial cyst, or hernia. The ganglion is one of the most common tumor formations. People call them "bumps". Surgeons are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

The size of the formation ranges from a medium-sized pea to the size of a walnut. There are also larger specimens. All of them are clearly visible, protruding above the surface of the arm or leg. From above, the hygroma is always covered with skin. The form of education is most often rounded or elongated. The increase in the size of the formation is very slow. It is not uncommon for the growth process to stop for several years. There are cases when the pathology disappeared spontaneously. However, it is worth noting that, although these cases have occurred in medicine, they are extremely rare, so you do not need to rely on them, but you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Mechanical irritation is the most common cause of hygroma. For example, the hygroma of the left or right hand is most often found in those people who perform repetitive routine work for a long time. This could be playing the piano or driving a computer mouse over a mat. In addition to mechanical irritation, among the reasons for the formation of a synovial cyst include the weakness of the joint membrane, its thinned structure. An important role in the development of hygroma is played by inflammatory diseases that develop in the synovial bags surrounding each joint, as well as in the numerous attached tendons. Serious physical exercise (most often when playing sports, which are often accompanied by various injuries) can also lead to the appearance of education. All assumptions remain at the level of hypotheses, since none of the reasons for the formation of "bumps" has not been finally proven.


First of all, a person pays attention to the appearance of a subcutaneous lump, with which they seek help from a doctor. In most cases, the formation is soft in consistency, less often a dense consistency is found, and has a smooth surface. The size ranges on average from 3 to 5 cm. Usually hygroma, in addition to cosmetic discomfort, does not bring any concern, including no pain. With an increase in education in size, a slight compression is felt, which causes discomfort. Painful sensations arise when the hygroma is exposed to nearby nerves. If the formation is located on a joint, there is a slight impairment of mobility in this joint.

More often than others, there is a hygroma on the wrist (mainly on the back side, less often it affects the side of the wrist). If the hygroma is located under the ligament, the person will not immediately notice the formation that has appeared, since it can be detected only with strong flexion of the hand. Therefore, often the hygroma of the wrist is asymptomatic and does not cause any discomfort. The formation is soldered to the underlying tissues, but not to the skin. Therefore, the skin remains mobile in relation to the formation. When the hygroma is localized on the palmar surface, pain may occur. This is due to the large size of the formation, which are less pronounced on the dorsum, which leads to compression of the adjacent nerves.
Less commonly, a formation on the fingers can be found. In such cases, the preferred location is the distal phalanges of the finger. These formations reach small sizes, the skin over it is stretched and thinned. Soreness is often absent, it can only occur when rubbing this area.

There is also a hygroma of the foot. Frequent localization is the dorsum of the foot or the antero-outer surface of the ankle joint. Considering that shoes are a strong traumatic factor in relation to education, pain often occurs. Also, the appearance of pain may be associated with exposure to nearby nerves. This happens when the hygroma reaches a significant size.


The diagnosis of the ganglion is usually straightforward. However, if the ganglion is small and located deep under the ligament, it may not be diagnosed for a long time or be mistaken for another disease. Sometimes the pain occurs before the swelling characteristic of the ganglion has developed, which can also lead to a diagnostic error.

At the appointment, the doctor asks the patient about the medical history, its symptoms and performs an examination. Most ganglia are recognized based on appearance and localization. Sometimes an examination is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, the doctor has a fairly wide scope for choosing a diagnostic method. He can order the following studies:

  • x-ray examination. This method allows you to determine the nature of the neoplasm and carry out differential diagnostics with other similar pathologies;
  • Ultrasound of the tumor and adjacent tissues is performed in order to distinguish a non-bone tumor from a cyst. In this case, it is possible to determine which cyst it is: consisting of one chamber or many;
  • CT. It is the most advanced of radiological methods to determine the connection of the tumor with the bone, synovial sheath or joint. The most accurate method should be recognized using a contrast agent. It allows you to identify the degree of vascularization of the neoplasm. It is known that high vascularization is a sign of malignant neoplasm;
  • puncture - pumping out fluid from the ganglion cavity using a special needle, after which the resulting material is sent to the laboratory for histological examination. Histological data are needed to distinguish hygroma from other similar benign and malignant tumors.In some cases, fluid evacuation is one of the treatment options leading to recovery.

Most often the hygroma needs differential diagnosis with lipoma (wen), atheroma and lymphadenitis. In order to avoid mistakes and make the correct diagnosis, it is important to perform the above studies that will help to understand a particular situation. Therefore, it is important, as soon as you discover your education, to seek help from a doctor who will perform the necessary range of examinations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


There are conservative methods for treating hygroma. These include:

  • mechanical crushing. It is used for small hygroma sizes. It is accompanied by soreness, a high probability of reappearance of a hygroma, and a risk of developing an inflammatory process. The fact is that when crushed, the contents of the hygroma are poured into the surrounding tissues, which in the future can even lead to suppuration. In addition, the damaged membrane is able to recover after a while, which can lead to the emergence of a new hygroma;
  • puncture of the hygroma. The essence of the method is to pump out the liquid from the hygroma cavity, after which the cavity is filled with special preparations that contribute to the hardening of the hygroma capsule. The method is used both with a therapeutic purpose, if for some reason it is impossible to perform surgical removal, and with a diagnostic one (the contents of the ganglion obtained by puncture are sent for research).

These methods of treatment are currently not used, as they are accompanied by a high risk of relapse. It has been proven that as a result of conservative treatment, in 75% of cases, after a while, a person again turns to a medical institution for help in connection with the emergence of a new hygroma. It is worth noting that surgical removal is not in all cases able to completely eliminate the disturbing problem, however, the risk of recurrence is significantly reduced and amounts to 15%. Despite the fact that at present they have abandoned the conservative method of treating hygroma, in some cases they are still used. For example, with the patient's absolute refusal from surgical intervention.

During the operation, the ganglion and all of its membranes are removed. In most cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, which consists in injecting a local anesthetic into the surrounding tissue near the hygroma. The duration of the operation is approximately 30 minutes. At the end, stitches are applied. The healing time ranges from 10 to 15 days. To reduce the risk of reappearance of the hygroma, which patients are very afraid of, a plaster cast is applied. This is necessary for firm fixation of the operated part of the limb, because movement of the limb in the area where the ganglion was should not be allowed. The plaster splint is removed after 2 weeks, during which time a scar is formed.

For some time now, when removing the hygroma, the scalpel was replaced with a laser beam, which has a number of advantages:

  • the laser inflicts less trauma than a scalpel; it does not injure the surrounding tissues;
  • reduction of operation time;
  • reduction of rehabilitation time after surgery;
  • prevention of bleeding - the laser seals the capillaries;
  • the laser disinfects the operating field;
  • aesthetic effect. The laser beam is precise and does not leave scars.


Considering that the main method of treatment of ganglion is surgery, drugs are practically not used. Painkillers (analgin, diclofenac) may be prescribed in the postoperative period if pain is present. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also important in the postoperative period.

Also, some patients are very worried before the upcoming operation, despite the small amount of the operation. In this case, it may be advisable to use sedatives based on plant component... These are drugs that help to reduce increased irritability and have a pronounced general sedative effect. The valerian preparation is the most common representative of this group among the population. Sedation is achieved due to the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, as a result of which there is a suppression of excitation processes. It is important to note that the sedative effect when using valerian appears slowly, quite stably and fully develops with systematic and long-term course treatment. Side effectsoccurring while taking the drug appear very rarely. An allergic reaction may develop in the form of a skin rash, itching, hyperemia and skin edema due to individual intolerance to valerian. The use of large doses of the drug can lead to the development of bradycardia (decreased heart rate), as well as constipation, which occurs due to a decrease in intestinal motility.

Folk remedies

As mentioned earlier, the most effective way to treat hygroma is surgical removal, which significantly prevents a person from re-encountering this problem. On the Internet, you can find various folk recipes that promise to get rid of the troubling problem forever. But do not believe them, it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will tell you the most effective method treatment.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, see your doctor.

On the night of August 14, a video from the most scandalous rap battle of the year - Oksimiron against Purulent (Slava KPSS) was finally published on YouTube. According to the unanimous opinion of the jury of five people, among whom was, for example, the blogger BadComedian and stand-up comedian Ruslan Bely, Purnoy won. Oksimiron suffered his first defeat in the history of battle rap.



You are like: "I am not a politician, I am an artist, I do not write statements - I write tracks"

But like a politician, you are a populist, otherwise why did you stick to the topic?

Cho, ***, was so rooting for Russia that he was losing ganglia on his nerves,

But when the rallies took place here, where did you sit? * In chorus with the audience * In England!

A ganglion or ganglion is a collection of nerve cells in many invertebrates and all vertebrates. Often, the ganglion serves as a connective tissue, forming various structures like nerve plexuses, or nerve chains.



Or about the five-canthrope, bro.

This punchline was *** so stupid.

Punchline - from the English. punch, hit, text reception, completion of any rhyme in rap



You have become, like me, a businessman, but in words a commissioner.

Like me against the rap herd, but fit with them is for.

Fit - from the English. featuring, which means "with participation". It is often used in music when releasing joint recordings of two musicians marked feat. For example, Eminem feat. Rihanna.

Freshblood ghostwriter


Does the old man bomb from the success of Havan with Eldar?

No, it's just that all your idols have one freshblood ghostwriter.

Freshblood ghostwriter - "ghostly author" who writes lyrics for others, but whose name no one knows. Analogue of a literary negro. Freshblood is a spin-off of the Versus project. Versus: Fresh blood - rap battle for beginners and little-known rap and hip-hop artists.



I stood at the origins of the Word - kiss the ring!

Dat wussup because I was consigliere

Don Anton is your godfather.

Consiglieri is one of the main figures in the structure of the Italian mafia. This is an advisor to the "family", a person whom the Don can trust and whose advice he listens to.



You did not live above the verbal ore in the adit,

But the pathos is so up to ***, as if he studied with Putin in the same school.

An adit is a horizontal or inclined mine working with a direct ore outlet to the earth's surface.

Diss on Baban


I'm just here for fun, to mock the weak

You got out of your mom under my diss on Baban

Accusatory pathos is a zilch against the Pope.

Diss on Baban is also a diss on Babangida. Diss is a staple of any rap battle that rappers use to humiliate each other. Babangida is a Russian rap artist. Also known as Bob, Master of the Hood. Oksimiron defeated Baban in one of his rap battles.

Discourse level


And all that came to his mind was to record an audiobook,

And a banal dystopia.

Such level of discourse more suitable for Jamal and Loik.

Discourse is one of the key philosophical terms denoting in speech in a broad sense, a system of concepts. IN classical philosophy this term denotes the path of the development of thinking, expressed in concepts and judgments, in the post-structuralist - certain ideological orientations.



I'm not a partymaker, I'm a bodybag,

I am an anti-faker - original russian hater

Mother is Jewish, my dad is like Drake's dad

Badibagger - from English to body bag - to ensure a confident victory over your opponent. By the way, Body bagger is a girl with a beautiful face and an ugly obese body. What exactly Oksimiron meant is unknown.



Why didn't you create a battle with a new name,

And they stole from them and registered them like rats?

And do you know what he answered me? Honestly!

Eastern Roman Empire, remember?

Before 1703 we sat with you ...

1703 - these numbers are stamped on Oksimiron's neck. Firstly, this is the name of the bar in St. Petersburg, where Oksimiron won the famous rap battle against Johnnyboy. Secondly, the year of foundation of St. Petersburg, the hometown of Oksimiron. Pronounced as "seventeen zero three".

8 million views (while the text was being prepared, it became 10), the first lines in news feeds. The main event today is not the municipal elections, not the hype around Poklonskaya, not the trials of activists, but the battle Oksimiron vs. Purulent. Who are these people and how do they like them so much?

Rap battles essentially differ little from song and poetry contests. Only at contests, participants try to show how good they are, and here - how bad. the main task - humiliate the enemy, and in rhyme, not everyone can. The most politically correct words are slug and freak. There is a lot of mat, dirty linen, threats, there is a feeling of street showdown, which is about to turn into stabbing. But blaming rappers for this is like blaming boxers for hitting each other in the face and liver. Such are the rules of the game, such is the law of the genre.

Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron, Miron Fedorov) is a white crow. As far as can be judged from the interviews, he has rather liberal views and a cosmopolitan biography: he studied in England, lived in Germany. Not everyone in this genre can boast of a diploma in medieval English literature. However, he is a star, and his popularity goes far beyond the rap community.

Oksimiron's rival with the unpleasant nickname Purulent (also known under the pseudonym Slava KPSS) is also a remarkable character. He is younger, bolder, more ruthless to opponents, in his youth he was fond of punk. He willingly climbs into politics, and runs into both liberals and, for example, Kadyrov, in connection with which he already had troubles. It is no coincidence that Oksimiron called Purulent "a man tormented by Ramzan." They both read Ilf and Petrov; in general, everything is in order with their literary education. No matter how you make yourself a gopnik, the culture will still come out

And so they came together ( careful, 18+ ☺)


- This is an irony of fate, isn’t it surprising, before I fight someone, I must first praise him. You have to love him to get the MC's fierce. ... I am my own director, I created and shot you. I'm Bruce Wayne and Christopher Nolan in one, the roles are ready for a long time. Yours is spelled out inside and out. I needed an enemy - voila. You are an operetta villain, your mustache has come off. Yes, you're a joker - but up my sleeve. Shave yourself an ace.


- Everyone waited four years, he whipped up intrigue as best he could. And all he could record was an audiobook, a banal dystopia. This level of discourse is more suitable for Jamal and Loik. ... But dare you say it bluntly, and even "He's not Dimon for you" is bolder in this regard than your (stupid) album. You say: “I am not a politician. I'm an artist. I am not writing a statement. I write tracks. " But like a politician, you are a populist, otherwise why would you stick to the topic. What, (Christmas tree-sticks), was so rooting for Russia that he was losing ganglia on his nerves? But when the rallies were held here, where did you sit? In England!

What is it? In my opinion, poetry, albeit unusual for our ear. Rap, by the way, is deciphered - Rhythmic African Poetry or Radical American Poetry. Now she is Russian.

All the signs of real literature are there. Sophisticated rhyming (the simplest verbal rhymes are prohibited in battles), allusions, almost Shakespearean pathos, metaphors, crude but convincing imagery ... For those who doubt that poetry can be like that, I advise you to reread the Greek diatribes of the philippics, which almost entirely consist of insults to bottom body theme. There is a lot of obscene language.

At first glance, neither one nor the other did anything sensational. There was already in the 2000s the rap project "Krovostok" with its obscene poetry, there was Andrey Rodionov, who glorified the marginalized from the outskirts in a manner very close to rap, the tradition exists. And poetry competitions, slams, have been held in Russia for a long time and regularly. And fights there are tougher than battles.

Never before in the last 40 years has poetry been so popular with us. Since the time of the legendary evening at the Polytechnic (Okudzhava, Akhmadulina, Yevtushenko, Voznesensky, Rozhdestvensky).

Sixties stadium poetry is what this rap inherits from. And the fact that the poems of rappers do not caress the ear is such a time.

An audience of millions would never have gathered if they had not seen themselves in them, as in a mirror. What can you say about this rap about us?

  1. We are very politicized. Donbass, Navalny, Ukraine, Kadyrov, rallies - they do not leave our tongues. And Oksimiron quoted Stalin in general.
  2. We are filled with hatred. Are you surprised by the rudeness of rappers, do not like mate, insults? Then remember what you wrote about the last time in the Internet srach on political topics. Rappers are more cultured than you.
  3. We reduce everything to money and do not believe in the sincerity of others. If something happened, it means someone was paid well. The criterion for being right is success. In the battle, the words "merchant", "commerce", "business" are constantly flashing. A loser is one who has little money, who has bad business.
  4. We are xenophobes. In black rap every now and then the words "niga" flicker, and in ours - "Jew" and even "Jew" (a word permitted by Roskomnadzor). Gays got it too.
  5. We have been disaccustomed to reading for many years good booksbut useless. Both rappers competently pour in quotes from Gumilyov, Yesenin and a number of classics. And the ten million audience is not repulsed by this. Even the word "discourse" is in the mouths of the guys who mow under the street bandits. Everyone understands what is at stake.
  6. We do not suffer from anti-Americanism, contrary to popular stereotypes. About a quarter of the dialogue, which lasted an hour, was interspersed with American English. And this did not bother anyone.

This is what unites 10 million who watched Oksimiron and Purulent: hatred, politics, xenophobia, money ... And poetry!

After the battle between Oksimiron and Purulent became one of the main media events of the week, “ New Newspaper”, Like many other publications that did not pay special attention to Russian rap before, published the text. To save our readers from having to look at the original, Jan Shenkman cited in the text a large fragment of quotations that he unfairly and undeservedly attributed to Oksimiron and Purulent. In fact, this quoted text belongs to Meduza journalists Vladimir Tsybulsky and Alexander Gorbachev. By the way, according to the laws of the genre, the participants in the rap battle also constantly quote each other, but this can only be understood by people who are well acquainted with the work of each. To avoid further confusion, we have corrected the quotes to be original. The text of "Medusa".

We apologize for the incorrect quotation to Oksimiron, Purnoy, Tsybulsky and Gorbachev.

- Versus battle Oxxxymiron and Purulent, we will explain everything that you most likely did not understand. At least we will try. Believe us, it is not easy for us either.

What other person? What I drink is urine? Or that you met Sonya Grese?

This is the territory of the post-truth, it doesn't matter what infa is real.

What personalities, the number of punches decides here!

Sonya Grese is supposedly Oksimiron's ex-girlfriend, whom he met after he was married (to whom it is unknown).

When Ernesto Shut up battled Purulent, he said: "At 15, when you were initiated into punks, you drank urine from a sneaker." And he answered: "These were not sneakers, they were my" patrols "."

Fix the time of death - 17:03!

1703 - the year of foundation of St. Petersburg, the hometown of Miron Fedorov. Also 1703 is the name of the bar where Versus battles are traditionally held. And Oksimiron also has a tattoo on his neck - 1703.

You are not Slovo or Versus, a phony affiliate, impostors.

Die Slovo SPB!

You are the budget version of Versus,

Purulent - funny cosplay on me.

We are waiting for the cutscene of Cheney driving his Lexus to bar 1702.

In the second round, Oksimiron criticized Slovo SPB (the battle team of Versus opponents), told about their envy of Versus and hypocrisy towards his “older brother” Slovo, from whom they once separated.

"Versus" begins with a similar splash screen. In it, the Restaurateur (creator, organizer and host of Versus) drives his BMW in 1703.

Cheney - Den Cheney, organizer and host of Slovo SPB.

What? Was he so rooting for Russia that he was losing ganglia on the nerves?

But when the rallies were held here, where did you sit?

In England!

In his album "Gorgorod" Oksimiron criticized the political system modern Russia, but the rapper himself has lived in the UK since the age of 15, where he graduated from Oxford.

I took your favorite from you like kidnapping.

After all, thanks to me, grime in Russia is fast-flow battles!

Oksimiron is the main domestic grime performer, which he himself always reminds of.

Kidnapping is the abduction of children (or people in general).

Fast flow - reading for speed, taking into account the rhythm.

Is it all memorized? Krasava, the man tormented by Ramzan.

Here Miron refers to Purnoy with Chechnya, when he read in the battle with Ernesto Shut up: "But for fun I am telling the truth: once after the operating section I told a Muslim woman that she had a pig's heart." It all ended with a public apology.

Don't believe a Jew

Because when he says he throws you a lifeline

Your career is sinking.