Project activity to familiarize yourself with the life and work of Sergei Yesenin “Beloved Land. The image of Russia in the works of S.A. Yesenin. literature project (8th grade) on the topic Literature project Yesenin

Educational project: Life and work of S.A. Yesenina.
Creative name of the project: “My poems, calmly tell me
about my life"
S. Yesenin
Subject area: Russian literature.
Topic in the curriculum: Life and work of Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin.
Student age: 6th grade.
Duration of the project: 3 weeks.
Brief summary of the project:
Brief biography of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin (October 3, 1895, village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province December 28, 1925, Leningrad) Russian poet, representative of new peasant poetry and (in a later period of creativity) imagism. His poetry: from his first poetry collections (“Radunitsa”, 1916; “Rural Book of Hours”, 1918) he appeared as a subtle lyricist, a master of deeply psychologized landscape, a singer of peasant Rus', an expert on the folk language and the folk soul. In 1919-1923 he was a member of the group of Imagists. A tragic attitude and mental confusion are expressed in the cycles “Mare’s Ships” (1920), “Moscow Tavern” (1924), and the poem “The Black Man” (1925). In the poem “The Ballad of the Twenty-Six” (1924), dedicated to the Baku commissars, the collection “Soviet Rus'” (1925), and the poem “Anna Snegina” (1925), Yesenin sought to comprehend “the commune-raised Rus',” although he continued to feel like a poet of “Leaving Rus'” ", "golden log hut". Dramatic poem “Pugachev” (1921).
Birth name: Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin
Date of birth: October 3, 1895(1895-10-03)
Place of birth: village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province, Russian Empire
Date of death: December 28, 1925 (12/1925/28) (30 years old)
Place of death: Leningrad, USSR
Occupation: poet
Years of creativity: 19101925
Movement: New Peasant Poets (19141918), Imagism (19181923)

Didactic goals of the educational project:
1. Development of communication skills of students.
2. Development of students' creative skills.
3. Development of skills and abilities to work with information.
4. Development of students’ self-analysis skills.
5. Development of interpersonal skills and cooperation skills.
6. Development of critical thinking skills.
Methodological objectives of the educational project:
1. Development of skills in various types of speech activities: reading, writing, speaking.
2. Development of skills in using the received information in speech.
3. Development of skills in using critical thinking.
4. Students acquire knowledge of a sociocultural nature in accordance with the topic being studied.
Guiding questions:
Fundamental question: What influence did Yesenin have on the reader’s worldview?
Problematic issues:
1. Was Sergei Yesinin happy in life?
2. What works are central to his work?
Study questions:
1. When was Sergei Yesenin born?
2. In what village was he born?
3. Who were his parents?
4. What is the poet’s attitude towards the Motherland and towards his mother?
5. What fateful problems are revealed in the poet’s work?

Project structure
Project plan:

Stage I. 1. Introductory lesson. Presentation of the project (introductory presentation by the teacher). 2. Discussion of the fundamental issue and formulation of problematic issues (brainstorming). 3. Formation of groups and choice of research topic.
Stage II. (3 weeks, 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes in class, independent work at home)
1. Joint planning of the project: goals, work schedule, determination of the work evaluation system. 2.Planning the activities of each project participant. 3.Analysis of available information. Collection and study of information (searching for information on the Internet and other sources). 4. Implementation of the work plan (independent work in groups). 5.Consulting and monitoring student activities. 6. Interim assessment of work by group members taking into account self-assessment. 7.Preparing a report on the work and preparing the results of the work in the form of a presentation. 8. Preliminary assessment of the work of the entire group 9. Final assessment of the work of each student in the group.
Stage III. (2 weeks, 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes in class, independent work at home)
1. Preliminary assessment of the product of activity. 2. Presentation of the project at school subject week. 3.Evaluation of the results of work on the project by the project manager and the school teacher-organizer. Presentation of awards.
Stage IV.
1.Analysis of the results of the project. 2. Reflection.
Teacher publication
Teacher presentation to identify student ideas and interests

Didactic materials
Test "The Life and Work of Sergei Yesenin"
Poems by S.A. Yesenina


In this name the word "esen"
Autumn, ash, autumn color.
There is something in it from Russian songs -
Heavenly, quiet scales,
Blue birches and blue dawn.
There is something in him from spring sadness,
Youth and purity
They’ll just say “Sergei Yesenin”
All Russia's features are emerging

Today we have gathered to talk about the life and work of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, who would have turned 120 years old this year. Yesenin is the most popular Russian poet of the 20th century. Many literary scholars have puzzled over the secret of the all-Russian love for Yesenin’s poetry.

READER _________________________________:
- On Ryazan land in the village of Konstantinovo in 1895. September 21 (old style) October 3, new style - the Great poet Sergei Yesenin was born.
Yesenin's father - Alexander Nikitich Yesenin, mother - Tatyana Fedorovna - peasants. Sergei spent his childhood with his maternal grandparents in another part of the village.
In his poems and in his autobiography, Yesenin showed his boundless love for his maternal grandfather Fyodor Andreevich Titov. Yesenin was a tomboy as a child. In the village he was known as the first fighter. I fought with the guys almost every day and came home with bruises and even a bloody nose. Grandma scolded him. And my grandfather stood up. “Grandfather sang old songs to me, so drawn-out and mournful. On Saturdays and Sundays he told the Bible and sacred history."
Years are distant
Now you are in a fog.
And I remember my grandfather
He said sadly:
"It's an empty matter
Well, if you pull -
Write about rye
But more about mares.”

Sergei Yesenin’s grandfather was an expert in church books, and his grandmother, Natalya Evteevna, knew many songs, fairy tales, ditties, and as the poet himself claimed, it was his grandmother who pushed him to write his first poems. On holidays, grandmother and grandson went to Bogomolye. And in the evenings, children and beggars gathered in the house and everyone listened to fairy tales.

On a winter evening in the backyards
A rollicking crowd
Over the snowdrifts, over the hills
We're going home.
The sled will get tired of it,
And we sit in two rows
Listen to old wives' tales
About Ivan the Fool.
And we sit, barely breathing.
It's time for midnight.
Let's pretend we don't hear
If mom calls you to sleep.
All fairy tales. Time for bed...
But how can you sleep now?
And again we began to shout,
We're starting to pester.
Grandma will say timidly:
“Why sit until dawn?”
Well, what do we care?
Talk and talk.

Grandma. Well, it’s not possible, Sergusha, covered in scratches, got into a fight with the neighbor boys again. Did Ali climb an apple tree?
Grandfather. You, this is my old one, don’t touch it, it will be stronger!
Grandma. Just on Saturday they washed it, they fried their hair, they even broke their comb on their curls, and he...
Looks like he won't make a teacher, he's all grimy.

Grandfather. It won't work! So we’ll send him to the zemstvo school, then to the church teachers’ school, and then to Moscow to further study as a teacher...
Yesenin. I won't be a teacher.
Grandfather. And who then?
Yesenin. Nobody, I’ll compose ditties!
Grandfather. Ditties... Oh, you should contradict your grandfather! Grandma, the rod! (Leave)

Music sounds: _________________________


The village of Konstantinovo, where Yesenin was born, was quiet, clean, surrounded by greenery. The main decoration was the church standing in the center of the village. Slender perennial birch trees with many rook nests.

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle...
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.

A poet of Rus', he even took from its nature the features of his beautiful appearance: blue eyes from blue lakes and bottomless skies, soft curls from the crowns of native birches, golden hair from Russian fields. And most importantly, he took from the Motherland its deep and immense soul.

Poem "The door will open slightly"

The door will open slightly, and in the hallway
Autumn is knocking, breathing rain,
Sergei Yesenin was born here,
His soul hovers here.

Yesenin is a poet of Rus', and in his poems, sincere and frank in Russian, we feel the beating of the heart. The word “Rus” is one of Yesenin’s most favorite words. For him it is filled with great content. Here is the home, and the image of the mother, and horses drinking water from the river where the reflection of the month floats, here is the whole world and Yesenin’s lyrics.

READER: ___________________________
You can enable_____________________
Goy, Rus', my dear,
Huts in the robes of the image...
No end in sight -
Only blue sucks his eyes.

Smells like apple and honey
Through the churches, your meek Savior.
And it buzzes behind the bush
There is a merry dance in the meadows.

If the holy army shouts:
“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”
I will say: “There is no need for heaven,
Give me my homeland."

Sergei Yesenin perceived the world in close communication with nature. Nature in his poems rang with the voices of birds, the whisper of leaves, the talk of streams, the sound of rain.
The poet once saw a birch tree in winter and composed the poem “Birch”. This was the first work published in the magazine.

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.

And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

For a long time Yesenin lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He had already become a famous poet. There were many friends and enemies. And so he visited his native places. He did not recognize his grandfather; he had grown very old. After this, the poet came up with the poem “Return to the Homeland”

Well, what's wrong with you, old man?
Tell me,
Why do you look so sorrowful?
- Welcome, my grandson.
It's good that you didn't recognize your grandfather

Oh, grandfather, is it really you!
And the sad conversation flowed
Warm tears on dusty flowers.

How many times later did the endlessly dear memories of his childhood warm and calm the poet. Again and again filling the muse with a feeling of love for the homeland, the mother, to whom the poet will devote more than one poem.



Poetry is poured out everywhere, just know how to feel it. In Yesenin, the direct feeling of the peasant speaks; nature and village. The poet’s love and feelings are directed towards them.

SONG:__________ You are my fallen maple, icy maple,
Why are you standing bent over under a white snowstorm?

Or what did you see? Or what did you hear?
It’s as if you went out for a walk outside the village.

And, like a drunken watchman, going out onto the road,
He drowned in a snowdrift and froze his leg.

Oh, and I myself have become somewhat unstable these days,
I won’t make it home from a friendly drinking party.

READER:________________ There I met a willow, there I noticed a pine tree,
I sang songs to them during the snowstorm about summer.

I seemed to myself to be the same maple tree,
Only not fallen, but completely green.

And, having lost modesty, having become stupefied,
Like someone else's wife, he hugged the birch tree.


Yesenin’s very concept of “Motherland” expands from his village to the whole of Russia. Russia is his home. And in difficult times for Russia, he suffered from the thought that in his country he was like a “foreigner,” like an “alien.” But even then, he retains love for his homeland in his soul.

READER ______________________:
The feather grass is sleeping. Plain dear,
And the leaden freshness of wormwood.
No other homeland
It will not pour my warmth into my chest.

READER ______________________:
1925 Weakened by illness, the tormented poet could not withstand another attack of depression. In Leningrad, at the Angleterre Hotel on the night of December 27, the poet passed away. Did he commit suicide or was it a premeditated murder? - There is no exact answer to this question yet.
The news of the poet’s death resonated with grave pain in the hearts of millions of people. It quickly spread throughout the country. The newspapers published portraits of Yesenin in a mourning frame.
The poem sounds: _________________________

READER ______________________:
The torch of Yesenin’s life burned out early. He was barely 30 years old. Is it a lot or a little? In the Caucasus they say: a person must study for 30 years, travel for 30 and write for 30, telling people everything he saw, learned, understood. Yesenin was given three times less. His fate is a confirmation of another old saying: “Life is not valued for its length.” For 30 years he has given us a whole world, and this world lives, moves, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Music sounds._________________________________________________________
A portrait of Yesenin is shown.

Project for junior schoolchildren "Yeseninskaya Rus"

Project work passport.
1. Project name: Yeseninskaya Rus.
2. Project manager: teacher
3. Project consultants: teacher, parents, librarian.
4. Subject area: fine arts.
5. Age of students: 7 – 10 years.
6. Project type: collective, local.
7. Relevance: to increase students’ interest in the life and work of Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, to dedicate the event to the 120th anniversary of his birth
S. Yesenina.
8. Project goal: To increase students’ interest in the life and work of the famous Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin.
9. Project objectives: To expand students’ understanding of the life and work of S. Yesenin.
Create a drawing (arts and crafts product) based on the life and work of S. Yesenin.
Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, and abilities for applied and artistic creativity.
10. Project issues:
11. Necessary equipment and materials: paper, watercolor, gouache, wax crayon, school chalk, pencil, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, pastel, squirrel brushes, pony No. 1-4, bristles No. 8, 20, sippy cup, napkins, cotton swabs .
12. Expected products of the project: exhibition of drawings, participation in a competition, final event.
13. Stages of work on the project.

Organizational and preparatory stage.
Stage 1. Immersion in the project.
Stage 2. Goals and objectives of the project. Identification of information sources.
Stage 3. Organization of activities. Collection and processing of information. Selecting a project implementation option. A specific plan: what will happen, what result will it lead to.
Stage 4. Work planning: the main stages of work with children are determined depending on didactic, social, subject-material and individual-personal conditions. Selection of self-assessment criteria for the outcome of project activities. Clarification of deadlines and methods for presenting design results.
Stage 5. Consistent implementation of the project and solution of assigned tasks, constant reflection. Discussion of the progress of the project and its intermediate results. Design of the project product.
Stage 6. Pre-presentation. A mini-exhibition of finished works is organized, followed by discussion. Each student evaluates his work according to the criteria chosen earlier, and the work is also evaluated by the teacher and parents. The best works are sent to participate in the All-Russian children's and youth competition of drawing and arts and crafts "Yeseninskaya Rus".
Reflection. It is proposed to evaluate your contribution to solving the problem, what you learned, what worked or failed and why.
The final stage.
Stage 7. Final presentation. Analysis of results, identification of positive and negative aspects in joint activities. Exhibition of drawings. Awarding the winners of the competition. Musical and literary composition.

Progress of the project.

Organizational and preparatory stage.
First stage: immersion in the project.
Introducing students to the topic of this project. Description of the situation, statement of the problem. Information received: it is the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet Sergei Yesenin. A survey of students is conducted to motivate them for upcoming activities:
- what do you know about the poet S. Yesenin?
- what can we depict in memory of the life and work of the poet?
- what materials can we use?

Where to use the best drawings?
A joint discussion and selection of the name of the upcoming project is held, its purpose and objectives are formulated.

Objective of the project:
To increase students' interest in the life and work of the famous Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin.

Project objectives:
1. Expand students’ ideas about the life and work of S. Yesenin.
2. Create a drawing (arts and crafts product) based on the life and work of S. Yesenin.
3. Consolidating the skills of working with watercolors, gouache, wax and school crayons, using different techniques.
4. Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, and abilities for applied and artistic creativity.
After formulating the goal and objectives, the teacher invites students to familiarize themselves with additional information:
1. The life and work of Sergei Yesenin (separate episodes of the biography).
2. Poems (songs) by Sergei Yesenin.

Identifying Information Sources:
books, internet, library, visual material.
Second stage: organization of activities.

Collection and processing of information.
When completing this project, students actively used literary sources, visual materials, and Internet resources.
Selecting a project implementation option. Based on the information received, creativity, their own skills and abilities, the students planned to perform creative work on the themes of S. Yesenin’s poetic works and episodes of the poet’s biography.
Discussion of organizational and substantive aspects of upcoming activities to achieve the goal.

Collective review of the work plan:
1. Choose a visual technique, format, etc.
2. Theme of the work of art.
3. Work location: vertical, horizontal; content.
4. Selection of material and equipment.
5. Doing creative work.
As a result of collective analysis, the idea should emerge that the goal can be achieved in different ways. The teacher monitors the students’ work, corrects possible errors, and invites cooperation.

Work planning.
After a collective analysis of the upcoming project activity, students begin to directly plan their work:
- choice of visual arts technique;
- sequence of work;
- necessary equipment and materials;
- choose a presentation method.
Selection of criteria for oral self-assessment of the outcome of project activities. The criteria by which the results of project activities will be summed up in the future are discussed.
Main criteria for project evaluation:
- correspondence to the theme of the project: illustration of the life and work of Sergei Yesenin;
- originality of the plot, fantasy, humor, patriotism;
- quality of execution, independence in performing work;
- creative idea (the student’s story about what he tried to convey in his drawing);
- students’ activity in planning their work, preparing and conducting presentations.
Clarification of deadlines and methods for presenting design results.
Main stage (productive).

Third stage: project implementation.
Consistent implementation of planned plans and solution of assigned tasks, constant reflection. Discussion of the progress of the project and its intermediate results. Doing work independently. Design of the project product.
Pre-presentation. A mini-exhibition of finished works is organized, followed by discussion. Each student evaluates his work according to the criteria chosen earlier, and the work is also evaluated by the teacher and parents. The best works are sent to participate in the All-Russian children's and youth competition of drawing and arts and crafts "Yeseninskaya Rus".
The final stage.

Stage four: final presentation.
An exhibition of completed works is set up in the office, followed by a discussion; each participant orally evaluates their work according to the criteria chosen earlier. Parents and teachers are invited to view and evaluate the exhibition of project activities.
Reflection. It is proposed to evaluate your contribution to solving the problem, what you learned, what worked or failed, and why.

Skills acquired by students while working on the project:
- ability to predict and present the outcome of work;
- ability to analyze available opportunities and resources to perform activities;
- ability to draw up your own work plan and follow it;
- ability to search for necessary information in various sources.

Skills that were assessed during the project:
- creative skills;
- communication skills;
- skills of analyzing one's own activities.
The winners of the competition are awarded, and the most expressive works are awarded diplomas.
Guests will enjoy a musical and literary composition based on the works of Sergei Yesenin.

LITERATURE PROJECT TOPIC “Native nature in poetry S. Yesenin and A. Blok"


6th grade student

MBOU Pavlovskaya Secondary School

Tarasenkov Sergey

  • Goal: To understand the attitude of poets to their native nature using the example of the poetry of A. Blok and S. Yesenin. Tasks:
  • Study the biography of poets
  • Choose poems about natural phenomena
  • Learn to read poetry expressively
  • Answer the question: How did poets relate to the nature of Russia?

Project result:

  • expressive poetry reading
  • Computer presentation

Block Alexander Alexandrovich

Biography of Alexander Blok

Blok's parents separated immediately after the birth of the future poet, and he was raised in the family of his mother, who belonged to the circle of St. Petersburg professorial families. After graduating from the St. Petersburg gymnasium from 1898 to 1901, he studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University.

As a poet, Blok was formed under the influence of the traditions of Russian classical literature. He started writing poetry early. At the beginning of his poetic path, the mystical romanticism of V.A. Zhukovsky turned out to be closest to him. The Singer of Nature, as Zhukovsky was called, taught the poet purity and sublimity of feelings, comprehension of the beauty of the surrounding world, contact with the mystery of God, and faith in the possibility of penetrating beyond the limits of the living.


Blok wrote his first poems at the age of five.

An asteroid is also named after the poet

Dawn Alexander Blok I stood up and raised my hands three times. They rushed towards me through the air Solemn sounds of dawn, Dressing the heights in crimson. The woman seemed to be getting up I prayed as I went to church, And with a pink hand she threw Grain for obedient pigeons. They were white somewhere above, Whitening, stretched out into a thread And soon cloudy roofs They began to gild the wings. Over the gilding of their borrowed money, Standing high on the window I suddenly saw a huge ball, Floating in red silence.


Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into a peasant family, father - Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931), mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Titova (1875-1955). In 1904, Yesenin went to the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, then began studying at a closed church-teachers school.

After graduating from school, in the fall of 1912, Yesenin arrived in Moscow, worked in a bookstore, and then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin.

In 1913, he entered the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky as a volunteer student. He worked in a printing house and had contacts with poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

Father and mother of S. Yesenin

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, 1922

S. A. Yesenin and

S. A. Tolstaya

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...

Bird cherry trees are pouring snow, Greenery is in bloom and dew. In the field, leaning towards shoots, rooks walk in a stripe.

Silk herbs are gone, It smells like resinous pine. Oh, you meadows and oak groves, - I am intoxicated by spring.

Secret news shines into my soul like a rainbow. I think about the bride, I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow, Sing, you birds, in the forest. I'll spread the color across the field with an unsteady run like foam.

While working on the project I found out:

  • A. Blok and S. Yesenin wrote a lot of poems about the nature of Russia.
  • In their poems, the authors speak with love and tenderness about the nature of their country.
  • Reading the poems of these poets, I understand that nature has a soul, it is alive.

Sergey Yesenin. The name of the great Russian poet - an expert on the people's soul, a singer of peasant Rus', is familiar to every person; his poems have long become Russian classics, and on Sergei Yesenin's birthday, admirers of his work gather.

early years

On September 21, 1895, in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, an outstanding Russian poet with a tragic but very eventful fate, was born. Three days later he was baptized in the local church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Father and mother were of peasant origin. From the very beginning, their marriage did not work out very well, to put it mildly; more precisely, they were completely different people.

Almost immediately after the wedding, Alexander Yesenin (the poet’s father) returned to Moscow, where he began working in a butcher shop. Sergei’s mother, in turn, not getting along with her husband’s relatives, returned to her father’s house, where Sergei spent the first years of his life. It was his maternal grandparents who pushed him to write his first poems, because after his father, his mother left the young poet and went to work in Ryazan. Yesenin’s grandfather was a well-read and educated man, he knew many church books, and his grandmother had extensive knowledge in the field of folklore, which had a beneficial effect on the early upbringing of the young man.


In September 1904, Sergei entered the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, where he studied for 5 years, although his studies were supposed to last a year less. This was due to the bad behavior of young Seryozha in the third grade. During his studies, he and his mother return to his father's house. Upon graduation, the future poet receives a certificate of merit.

In the same year, he successfully passed the exams for admission to the parish teacher's school in the village of Spas-Klepiki in his native province. During his studies, Sergei settled there, coming to Konstantinovskoye only during the holidays. It was at the training school for rural teachers that Sergei Alexandrovich began to regularly write poetry. The first works date back to early December 1910. Within a week the following appear: “The Coming of Spring”, “Autumn”, “Winter”, “To Friends”. By the end of the year, Yesenin manages to write a whole series of poems.

In 1912 he graduated from school and received a diploma as a school literacy teacher.

Moving to Moscow

After graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich leaves his native land and moves to Moscow. There he gets a job in Krylov's butcher shop. He begins to live in the same house where his father lived, on Bolshoy Strochenovsky Lane, now the Yesenin Museum is located here. At first, Yesenin’s father was happy about his son’s arrival, sincerely hoping that he would become a support for him and would help him in everything, but after working in the shop for some time, Sergei told his father that he wanted to become a poet and began to look for a job he liked.

At first, he distributed the social democratic magazine “Ogni”, with the intention of being published in it, but these plans were not destined to come true, since the magazine was soon closed. Afterwards, he gets a job as an assistant proofreader in the printing house of I.D. Sytin. It was here that Yesenin met Anna Izryadnova, who would later become his first common-law wife. Almost simultaneously with this, he entered the Moscow City People's University. Shanyavsky to the historical and philological cycle, but almost immediately abandons it. Working in the printing house allowed the young poet to read many books and gave him the opportunity to become a member of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

The poet’s first common-law wife, Anna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin in those years:

He was reputed to be a leader, attended meetings, distributed illegal literature. I pounced on books, read all my free time, spent all my salary on books, magazines, did not think at all about how to live...

The flourishing of the poet's career

At the beginning of the 14th year, Yesenin’s first known material was published in the Mirok magazine. The verse “Birch” was published. In February, the magazine publishes a number of his poems. In May of the same year, the Bolshevik newspaper “The Path of Truth” began publishing Yesenin.

In September, the poet again changed his job, this time becoming a proofreader at the Chernyshev and Kobelkov trading house. In October, the magazine “Protalinka” published the poem “Mother’s Prayer,” dedicated to the First World War. At the end of the year, Yesenin and Izryadnova gave birth to their first and only child, Yuri.

Unfortunately, his life will end quite early; in 1937, Yuri will be shot, and as it turns out later, on false charges brought against him.

After the birth of his son, Sergei Alexandrovich leaves his job at the trading house.

At the beginning of the 15th year, Yesenin continued to actively publish in the magazines “Friend of the People”, “Mirok”, etc. He worked for free as a secretary in a literary and musical circle, after which he became a member of the editorial commission, but left it due to disagreements with other members of the commission on the selection of materials for the magazine “Friend of the People”. In February, his first well-known article on literary topics, “The Yaroslavs are Crying,” was published in the magazine “Women’s Life.”

In March of the same year, during a trip to Petrograd, Yesenin met Alexander Blok, to whom he read his poems in his apartment. Afterwards, he actively introduced his work to many famous and respected people of that time, simultaneously establishing profitable acquaintances with them, among them A.A. Dobrovolsky, V.A. Rozhdestvensky. Sologub F.K. and many others. As a result, Yesenin’s poems were published in a number of magazines, which contributed to the growth of his popularity.

In 1916, Sergei entered military service and in the same year published a collection of poems “Radunitsa”, which made him famous. The poet began to be invited to perform before the Empress in Tsarskoye Selo. At one of these speeches, she gives him a gold watch with a chain, on which the state emblem was depicted.

Zinaida Reich

In 1917, while in the editorial office of “The Cause of the People,” Yesenin met the assistant secretary, Zinaida Reich, a woman of very good intelligence who spoke several languages ​​and typewriting. The love between them did not arise at first sight. It all started with walks around Petrograd with their mutual friend Alexei Ganin. Initially, they were competitors and at some point the comrade was even considered a favorite, until Yesenin confessed his love to Zinaida, after hesitating briefly, she reciprocated, and it was immediately decided to get married.

At that moment, young people were experiencing serious financial problems. They solved the money problem with the help of Reich's parents, sending them a telegram asking them to send them funds for the wedding. The money was received without any questions asked. The newlyweds got married in a small church, Yesenin picked wildflowers and made a wedding bouquet from them. Their friend Ganin acted as a witness.

However, from the very beginning, their marriage went wrong; on their wedding night, Yesenin learns that his beloved wife was not innocent, and had already shared a bed with someone before him. This really touched the poet's heartstrings. At that moment, Sergei’s blood began to leap, and deep resentment settled in his heart. After returning to Petrograd, they began to live separately, and only two weeks later, after a trip to her parents, they began to live together.

Perhaps, playing it safe, Yesenin forces his wife to leave her job from the editorial office, and like any woman of that time, she had to obey, fortunately by that time the family’s financial situation had improved, because Sergei Alexandrovich had already become a famous poet with good fees. And Zinaida decided to get a job as a typist at the People's Commissariat.

For some time, a family idyll was established between the spouses. There were many guests in their house, Sergei organized receptions for them, and he really liked the role of a respectable host. But it was at this moment that problems began to appear that greatly changed the poet. He was overcome by jealousy, and problems with alcohol were added to this. Once, having discovered a gift from an unknown admirer, he caused a scandal, while obscenely insulting Zinaida; later they reconciled, but they could not return to their previous relationship. Their quarrels began to occur more and more often, with mutual insults.

After the family moved to Moscow, the problems did not go away, but rather intensified; the comfort of home, the friends who supported them, were gone, and instead were the four walls of a run-down hotel room. Added to all this was a quarrel with his wife over the birth of children, after which she decided to leave the capital and go to Oryol to live with her parents. Yesenin drowned out the bitterness of parting with alcohol.

In the summer of 1918, their daughter was born, who was named Tatyana. But the birth of a child did not help strengthen the relationship between Yesenin and Reich. Due to rare meetings, the girl did not become attached to her father at all, and in this he saw the “machinations” of the mother. Sergei Alexandrovich himself believed that his marriage had already ended then, but officially it lasted for several more years. In 1919, the poet made attempts to renew the relationship and even sent money to Zinaida.

Reich decided to return to the capital, but the relationship again did not go well. Then Zinaida decided to take everything into her own hands and, without her husband’s consent, give birth to a second child. This became a fatal mistake. In February 1920, their son is born, but the poet is not present at the birth or after it. The boy’s name is chosen during a telephone conversation and they settle on Konstantin. Yesenin met his son on the train when he and Reich accidentally crossed paths in one of the cities. In 1921, their marriage was officially dissolved.


In 1918, Yesenin met Anatoly Mariengof, one of the founders of imagism. Over time, the poet will join this movement. During the period of his passion for this direction, he wrote a number of collections, including “Treryadnitsa”, “Poems of a Brawler”, “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Moscow Tavern”, as well as the poem “Pugachev”.

Yesenin greatly helped the formation of imagism in the literature of the Silver Age. Due to his participation in Imagist actions, he was arrested. At the same time, he had a conflict with Lunacharsky, who was dissatisfied with his work.

Isadora Duncan

Two days before receiving an official divorce from Zinaida Reich, at one of the evenings in the house of the artist Yakulov, Yesenin met the famous dancer Isadora Duncan, who came to open her dance school in our country. She did not know Russian, her vocabulary consisted of only a couple of dozen words, but this did not stop the poet from falling in love with the dancer at first sight and receiving a passionate kiss from her that same day.

By the way, Duncan was 18 years older than her beau. But neither the language barrier nor the age difference prevented Yesenin from moving to the mansion on Prechistenka, where the dancer lived.

Soon Duncan was no longer satisfied with the way her career was developing in the Soviet Union, and she decided to return back to her homeland - the United States. Isadora wanted Sergei to follow her, but bureaucratic procedures prevented this. Yesenin had problems obtaining a visa, and in order to get it, they decided to get married.

The wedding process itself took place in the Khamovnichesky registry office in Moscow. On the eve of this, Isadora asked to correct the year of her birth so as not to embarrass her future husband, he agreed.

The wedding ceremony took place on May 2, in the same month the couple left the Soviet Union and went on the Yesenina-Duncan tour (both spouses took this surname) first to Western Europe, after which they were supposed to go to the USA.

The newlyweds' relationship did not work out from the very beginning of the trip. Yesenin was accustomed to special treatment in Russia and to his popularity; he was immediately perceived as the wife of the great dancer Duncan.

In Europe, the poet again has problems with alcohol and jealousy. Having gotten pretty drunk, Sergei began to insult his wife, roughly grabbing her, sometimes beating her. Once Isadora even had to call the police to calm down the raging Yesenin. Each time after quarrels and beatings, Duncan forgave Yesenin, but this not only did not cool his ardor, but, on the contrary, warmed him up. The poet began to speak contemptuously about his wife among his friends.

In August 1923, Yesenin and his wife returned to Moscow, but even here their relationship did not go well. And already in October he sends Duncan a telegram about the final severance of their relationship.

Last years and death

After breaking up with Isadora Duncan, Yesenin’s life slowly went downhill. Regular consumption of alcohol, nervous breakdowns caused by public persecution of the poet in the press, constant arrests and interrogations, all this greatly undermined the poet’s health.

In November 1925, he was even admitted to the Moscow State University clinic for patients with nervous disorders. Over the last 5 years of his life, 13 criminal cases were opened against Sergei Yesenin, some of which were fabricated, for example, charges of anti-Semitism, and the other part were related to alcohol-related hooliganism.

Yesenin’s work during this period of his life became more philosophical; he rethought many things. The poems of this time are filled with musicality and light. The death of his friend Alexander Shiryaevets in 1924 pushes him to see the good in simple things. Such changes help the poet resolve the intrapersonal conflict.

Personal life was also far from ideal. After breaking up with Duncan, Yesenin moved in with Galina Benislavskaya, who had feelings for the poet. Galina loved Sergei very much, but he did not appreciate it, he constantly drank and made scenes. Benislavskaya forgave everything, was by his side every day, pulled him out of various taverns, where his drinking buddies got the poet drunk at his own expense. But this union did not last long. Having left for the Caucasus, Yesenin marries Tolstoy’s granddaughter, Sophia. Having learned this, Benislavskaya goes to the physio-dietetic sanatorium named after. Semashko with a nervous disorder. Subsequently, after the death of the poet, she committed suicide at his grave. In her suicide note, she wrote that Yesenin’s grave contained all the most precious things in her life.

In March 1925, Yesenin met Sofia Tolstoy (granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy) at one of the evenings in the house of Galina Benislavskaya, where many poets gathered. Sophia came with Boris Pilnyak and stayed there until late in the evening. Yesenin volunteered to accompany her, but instead they walked for a long time around Moscow at night. Afterwards, Sophia admitted that this meeting decided her fate and gave her the greatest love of her life. She fell in love with him at first sight.

After this walk, Yesenin often began to appear at the Tolstoys’ house, and already in June 1925 he moved to Pomerantsevy Lane to live with Sophia. One day, while walking along one of the boulevards, they met a gypsy woman with a parrot, who told them a wedding, and during the fortune-telling the parrot took out a copper ring, Yesenin immediately gave it to Sophia. She was incredibly happy with this ring and wore it for the rest of her life.

On September 18, 1925, Sergei Alexandrovich entered into his last marriage, which would not last long. Sophia was as happy as a little girl, Yesenin was also happy, boasting that he had married the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy. But Sofia Andreevna’s relatives were not very happy with her choice. Immediately after the wedding, the poet’s constant binges, leaving home, drinking sprees and hospitals continued, but Sophia fought for her beloved until the last.

In the autumn of the same year, a long binge ended with Yesenin’s hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent a month. After his release, Tolstaya wrote to her relatives so that they would not judge him, because no matter what, she loved him, and he made her happy.

After leaving the psychiatric hospital, Sergei leaves Moscow for Leningrad, where he checks into the Angleterre Hotel. He meets with a number of writers, including Klyuev, Ustinov, Pribludny and others. And on the night of December 27-28, according to the official version of the investigation, he takes his own life by hanging himself from a central heating pipe with a rope. His suicide note read: "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye."

Investigative authorities refused to initiate a criminal case, citing the poet’s depressive state. However, many experts, both of that time and contemporaries, are inclined to the version of Yesenin’s violent death. These doubts arose due to an incorrectly drawn up report on the inspection of the suicide site. Independent experts found traces of violent death on the body: scratches and cuts that were not taken into account.

When analyzing documents from those years, other inconsistencies were discovered, for example, that you cannot hang yourself from a vertical pipe. A commission created in 1989, after conducting a serious investigation, came to the conclusion that the poet’s death was natural - from strangulation, refuting all the speculation that was very popular in the 70s in the Soviet Union.

After the autopsy, Yesenin’s body was transported by train from Leningrad to Moscow, where on December 31, 1925 the poet was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. At the time of his death he was only 30 years old. They said goodbye to Yesenin at the Moscow Press House; thousands of people came there, even despite the December frosts. The grave is still there today, and anyone can visit it.

“Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich” - They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, swam to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water. Life and work of the poet. In 1924, a collection of poems by S.A. Yesenin “Moscow Tavern” was published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In 1919, Yesenin met Anatoly Maristoff and wrote his first poems - “Inonia” and “Mare Ships”.

“Yesenin about animals” - Long-standing friendship between a dog and a person. The technique of anthropomorphism. Sergey Yesenin. The image of a fox. The ruthless attitude of people towards animals. Attribute of a peasant hut. Our smaller brothers. Youth. Black horse. Revolution. Image of a cow. Pink horse. Red horse. Image of ravens. The harbinger of death. The people's symbol of misfortune.

“Yesenin about his homeland” - Lesson objectives: I won’t be back soon, not soon! Folk origins. The three-star birch forest above the pond warms the old mother's sadness. Oh, Rus', a peaceful corner, I love you, I believe in you” S. Yesenin. Bird cherry trees are pouring snow, Greenery is in bloom and dew. The spring dawns twisted me into a rainbow. The period of the poet's renaissance begins.

“Creativity of S. Yesenin” - Man. Richness of color designation. Stacks of the sun. Love to motherland. The theme of the homeland in the works of S.A. Yesenina. The heart glows with cornflowers. The mirror of the backwater trembled. Birch. Snowflakes are burning. Love for the native land. Animals. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Reader's attention. Goy, Rus', my dear. Holy army.

“Yesenin 11th grade” - Here, according to the dawn and the stars, I went through school.” 1918. It’s as if I rode on a pink horse in the resounding early spring.” Native Ryazan land... “O land of formidable floods and quiet spring forces. S. Yesenin among the printing house workers. “Perhaps he will remember me...” Seryozha grew up an orphan with living parents. Teachers.

“Russian poet Sergei Yesenin” - Climax. The works of Sergei Yesenin. Imagism. Revolution. The figure of a lyrical hero. Tragic ending. Isadora. I do not regret, do not call, do not cry. Contents of the poem. Analysis of poems. Military service. Melodiousness and picturesqueness. Poems of recent years. Literary debut. The golden grove dissuaded me.

There are a total of 35 presentations in the topic