How to learn English for beginners. English Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos for Home Lessons. We select educational materials

greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to learn English easily and quickly, and also share some secrets to simplify language learning with a teacher or on your own.

Is it possible to learn English quickly?

This question is asked by everyone who has ever started learning English. And, unfortunately, there is no definite answer to it yet.

Some say that it is impossible to fully study the language, since it, like a living organism, is constantly changing - some words replace others, grammar rules are simplified.

Others claim that using special teaching methods, such as 25 frames for example, you can easily learn English in a matter of months and speak as well as a native speaker.

Although we believe that speaking like an American or an Englishman is possible only after lessons with a native speaker.

Learning a new language is a fun process that will take time and effort from you.

For starters, it's best to set yourself a goal - why do you need English: for travel, work or study abroad, or just to communicate with friends who live in America or Canada. Set only realistic goals for yourself.

If you expect inflated results from yourself and don’t achieve them, it will only break you psychologically. You don't want this, do you? Set goals that match your time and physical capabilities. For example, reaching a new language level in 1 month will be very difficult for anyone, but a period of 4-5 months is quite acceptable.

Another nuance of learning English quickly and effectively is that you will learn it much faster with a teacher who will help you understand the material, correct your mistakes, point out your weaknesses and motivate you to further advance your knowledge.

How to speed up learning English with a teacher?

  • Choose the perfect teacher for you.

Find a teacher with whom you feel comfortable (for example,). Choose the temperament that suits your needs: an old school teacher who is strict and demanding or has a good sense of humor and an energetic teacher who will not let you get bored in class.

Don't forget, your teacher should have experience in the subject you are applying to, whether it's passing international exams, preparing for interviews, etc.

When you find your teacher, you will definitely not abandon classes and will continue to improve a foreign language to the desired level.

  • Practice as often as possible.

Do not relax, because you need to prepare for an important event in a short time. Study with a teacher 3-5 times a week, for 1-2 hours each time and devote the same amount of time to self-study. 50% of the learning is your homework.

  • Always do your homework.

Studying after classes is also an important part of the process, because with repetition you learn the material better. Ask your teacher to give you extensive tasks to develop all your English skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. And don't forget about grammar and vocabulary exercises.

  • Try to communicate with the teacher only in English.

This will help you focus and quickly switch from your native language to English.

If you have situations where you cannot say a certain phrase or word, use synonyms or antonyms. Rephrase your sentence so that you convey what you want to the teacher without switching to your native language.

  • Practice with a native speaker.

If your level of English is Pre-Intermediate and above, then you can try your hand at communicating with a native speaker. This will give you more confidence if you travel abroad or when you work with foreign partners.

If you are afraid to stay one-on-one with an American or a Briton, then you can always try your hand at group classes - Conversation Clubs.

How to learn English easily and quickly on your own?

  • Increase your vocabulary daily . Paste stickers or “sticky notes” in the apartment, indicating the names of things in English. Each time you pick up an object, say its name aloud. Do not forget to write these words by hand a couple of times, arrange self-examinations and dictations.
  • Read more. Books, magazines, social media posts, articles - if they're in English, read them. They will help improve your vocabulary.

  • Listen to podcasts. Install the British Council's "Learn English Podcats" podcasts on your phone or listen to "6 Minute English" from the BBC, watch TED Talks videos - you can start with subtitles, but gradually get rid of them. You can also install the app on your phone.

  • Explore other areas. Combine learning English with subjects in your area of ​​interest; there are many free educational courses on Coursera, EdX, FutureLearn, etc.
  • Talk as often as possible. Participate in debates and conversation clubs.

Secrets of the English Language

  • Consider the articles "a" and "an".

Everyone remembers the rules from school that the article “a” is placed before a word that begins with a consonant letter, for example: “a book”, “a cat”, “a table”. And the article "an" is placed before words that begin with a vowel - "an owl", "an apple", "an orange". But the rule is not completely true ...

Everything depends on sound with which the word begins. If the word starts with vowel, then we use the article " an", if with consonant - « but».

Let's look at this example: "an umbrella", "a Universe". The letter "u" is a vowel, but it can be pronounced in different ways. Umbrella [ʌm "brelə] - the word begins with a vowel sound [ʌ], Universe ["ju: nɪvɜ: rs] - the word begins with a consonant sound [j].

  • Not all English tenses are used by native speakers.

As we know, in English there are 12 tense forms of the active voice and 8 passive ones. And if you don’t know, then urgently read!

But native speakers definitely do not use all 20 tense forms in speech. Usually, the Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous forms can only be found in printed publications.

So instead of: "His friend will have come when he leaves the office" you will hear: "When he leaves, his friend is going to come." "It'll be 10 years this August since we are friends" instead of "We will have known each other for 10 years this August".

  • The future tense can be expressed not only by the Future Simple.

There are several variations in English for the future tense.

The most commonly used construction is to be going to': 'She is going to be successful', then time is used Present Continuous(to be + V-ing): “I am meeting him at 6 pm in 2 days”, and only in third place is Future Simple (will + infinitive).

  • Every year the English dictionary is replenished with 4000 words.

We have already found this out in the article "How many words are there in English?"

So do not forget about your vocabulary and expand it every day by reading books, magazines, watching movies and series.


No language can be learned in any one way only, for example, only through speaking or listening. If you want to master a language more or less seriously, study it using various methods.

Try, experiment, learn and achieve! Only in this way can you purposefully move from one language level to another.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Despite the fact that at school a foreign language is included in the group of compulsory disciplines, few manage to master it within the framework of the school course. Therefore, the question of how to learn English on your own from scratch at home is acute.

You can learn a language at home without outside help. You just need to have a clear motivation and choose the right course of study. This will get you results. I have a collection of tips that I will present to your judgment.

  • First of all, determine the goals for which you are learning the language: passing an international exam, employment in a foreign company, communication with residents of other countries, or confidence in foreign travel. The methodology is determined by intentions.
  • I recommend starting with learning the basics. Without this, it is impossible to learn the language. Pay attention to the alphabet, reading rules and grammar. The tutorial will help you to cope with the task. Buy it at the bookstore.
  • As soon as the initial knowledge becomes stable, choose the contact study option. We are talking about remote courses, a distance learning school or Skype classes. If you are highly motivated and your language learning is progressing well, having an interlocutor will not hurt, since external control is the key to successful learning.
  • Mastering the chosen course, pay attention to reading fiction. At first, I recommend using adapted books. In the future, switch to full-fledged texts. As a result, master the technique of speed reading.
  • Novels and detective stories are suitable for learning. Even if the chosen book is not a literary masterpiece, it will help to expand the vocabulary with new words and expressions. If unfamiliar vocabulary is encountered while reading, I recommend writing it out, translating and memorizing it. Over time, you will see that an extensive vocabulary array is often repeated in works.
  • Watch movies, series and shows in English. At first, even with effective and intensive training, it is problematic to understand something. Over time, get used to foreign speech and be able to understand. Spend half an hour daily watching.

Even if you have recently started learning a language, try to talk more often and do not be afraid of mistakes. Learn to express thoughts, and master the technique of constructing phrases with practice.

Ways to Learn English in the Shortest Time

Continuing the topic of the article, I will share the technique of high-speed learning of the English language. I don’t know for what purpose you are learning the language, but if you ended up on the pages of the site, then you need it.

As practice shows, people get into awkward situations due to poor knowledge of the English language. We have to learn the language as part of the school course, but the knowledge gained at school is not enough for work and communication. Many strive to become better in this matter.

Any foreign language is easier to master in a country whose inhabitants are native speakers. But not everyone can leave the Motherland for such a big goal. How to be?

  1. If you can't afford a short trip to the States or England, recreate an English-speaking environment at home.
  2. Study phrases in the target language daily. Give preference to complex phrases containing phraseological turns. A proverb or speech of a creative person will do.
  3. Lay out each phrase, rewrite it several times, print it out on paper and hang it on the refrigerator door or in another conspicuous place. The studied material is constantly pronounce aloud, making the correct intonation.
  4. Surround yourself with English. He must accompany you everywhere. The player will help with this. Listening to music or statements in a foreign language, you will initially understand poorly. Later, learn to catch words that will eventually develop into understandable phrases.
  5. Download the English-language series to your computer in the original, but with subtitles. Watch episode by episode before going to bed and discuss with your spouse or child the next day.
  6. An electronic book will become an assistant in the rapid development of English speech. Download from the Internet and read English-language works. The e-book provides a dictionary that will help you master complex literature, and the voice function will voice the correct pronunciation.
  7. Don't forget about learning English via Skype. Find a teacher on the Internet, agree with him the time of classes and communicate within the lessons. This technique has many advantages. You can independently choose a teacher and agree on cooperation on favorable terms. It will offer a lot of interactive lessons based on an individual approach.

Videos training

The speed of achieving the goal and getting the result depends on perseverance, the level of motivation and the course of study chosen in accordance with the possibilities. Work hard and everything will work out. As a result, you will become smarter and feel free anywhere in the world.

Benefits of learning English

Compatriots are of the opinion that a thorough study of foreign languages ​​is inappropriate. Popular films, literary works and scientific works have long been translated into Russian. For the sake of other spheres, areas and segments, it makes no sense to master a second language.

If you doubt the need to learn foreign languages, read the material and learn about the benefits of learning English. I have been teaching it for three years and I find this skill useful. I read, communicate and perceive live speech. A lot of experience has accumulated over the years.

Having mastered English, you will be able to perceive the world in a different way. This will not happen immediately, but by improving your knowledge and skills, you will gain a generally accepted perception of the world.

Let's take a look at the main benefits.

  • Expanding horizons . The English-speaking audience of the World Wide Web is larger than the Russian-speaking part. Outside the information age, where it is considered the key to success not only in business, but also in life, owning a foreign language expands opportunities in terms of development.
  • Watching movies in the original . As a result, it will be possible to enjoy the sound of the voice of your favorite actor, and not the translator who voices the roles. The play on English words and original humor will never escape.
  • Understanding Music . Popular charts are overflowing with foreign musical compositions. Knowing the language, you can understand the meaning of the song, feel the composition and get to know the personality of the performer.
  • Communication with foreigners . Fluency in the language contributes to the unification of cultures. People travel and communicate with residents of other countries. Much nicer and more convenient when you can talk to foreigners. This makes the trip more enjoyable.
  • Opening the way to success and wealth . After reading a few books about success, it turns out that not everything comes down to money. At the heart of the success of Western people lies the perception of the world and inner philosophy. You can read the translation of such books, but then you can only understand the essence of the teaching. Only the original helps to absorb knowledge.

Studying a foreign language, you find around you a huge number of foreigners. I like to talk with people who came to Russia from afar. It helps to make friends and makes the world "home". If you don't already know the language, it's never too late to start learning.

Why is English an international language?

I will devote the final part of the article to the factors due to which English has gained the status of an international language. English is the fourth most spoken language in the world. But this does not prevent him from remaining international. What contributed to this, history will tell.

From 1066 until the 14th century, England was ruled by French kings. As a result, the structure of Old English changed. It's about simplifying grammar and adding new words.

Two centuries later, writing rules appeared that have survived to this day. At that time, 6 million people spoke English. Thanks to the English colonies, the number of native speakers increased and the formation of an international language began.

Britain was a maritime nation. After the discovery of America by Columbus, expeditions set off to the South American shores. Researchers were interested in values ​​and treasures, and so that each voyage ended in success, colonies were formed on new lands. The first such settlement was organized in 1607 in Virginia.

After some time, residents of many countries began to migrate to America in search of a better life. Since they spoke their native language, it was impossible to do without an international language, and English speech got its role.

The English, living in the new settlements, brought traditions along with the language. Local residents were forced to speak it. The British colonial policy contributed to the formation of English as an international language.

British imperialism lasted three centuries, and by the 19th century the country's influence had spread to the whole world. The colonies later gained independence, leaving English as their national language. This contributed to the strengthening of the international status.

Today, English is an integral element of the world community, economy, culture, technology and science. Whether you want to become a doctor, police officer, reporter or financier, English will help you succeed.

Knowing the language, you will be able to communicate with foreign friends and colleagues, draw information from an inexhaustible English source.

For those who want to start or continue learning English at home for free, strengthen or refresh their knowledge, this unique selection of services is suitable. There are more than 100 of them. For beginners and advanced.

If you are looking for fun, convenient ways to learn English online and want to expand your knowledge base, check out these unique resources for learning English.

The resources collected here will be a great tip for everyone. At least you don't need to search all over the Internet for the necessary material, because I have already done it for you.

Stop being lazy, learn English!

After all, you have wanted to do this for a long time. Now is the time to pay attention to it.

And stop collecting everything about English from all corners of the Internet. Start doing something with this baggage of knowledge, for example, APPLY IN PRACTICE!

If you answer yourself the question: "Why am I learning English?", then you will not just collect and store everything (links, exercises, tips, etc.)

Understanding “why” can work wonders and give strength. This will be your motivation.

Here are some resources for learning English. Take it, practice share with others.

How to start learning English at home for free

Language Guide

In social networks, you can often see pictures and captions to them. So on this interactive site the pictures came to life. Here you can listen, watch and play with them. Extensive subject matter. It will be interesting for both adults and children.

BBC Learning English

This well-known site needs no introduction. The BBC offers many different ways to practice English, with podcasts such as 6 Minute English or Words in the News being especially popular. Idioms, crosswords, vocabulary practice and more plus a great British accent.

British Council website

Here grammar, tests, games and much more. It will be easier to understand for those who are already learning English, for beginners it will also be suitable, but it will be more difficult. There is no need to be afraid, go and study the material on the resource.

Learning English at home for free is also possible with here m an array of fascinating material - podcasts, crossword puzzles, vocabulary and so on. If you want to know what modern English is - welcome!

And further, cool resource, pretty advanced. Here are lessons, videos, articles. To make it easier to navigate the site, select "Russian language" on the main page in the upper right corner. All information on the site will be in Russian. Another worthy resource for those who want to learn English. Work with podcasts, printouts can be made and dictionaries are attached. "bomb" resource for those who are already learning English and want to improve the language. Unique podcasts, videos on various topics and from all over the world of those who speak English. The chip of the project is that all the material is aimed at learning a "living" language, here you can compare the pronunciation from England, Australia, Canada and other countries. Printouts are allowed.

Talking to Foreigners to Learn English - The Best Resource

Verbling Service

learning English with a native speaker. I love this site. If you want to get the most out of your learning, welcome!

This is the best resource for me in terms of communication and improvement of spoken language. There is such a huge selection here! You can learn not only English, but also other languages, as well as exchange learning experiences with other users of the site, and you can even earn money. In terms of earnings, this resource will be especially interesting for teachers of foreign languages.

Learn to speak English on your own Regular viewing of free video tutorials. High-quality video lessons, after each lesson there is an opportunity to take a test. The value of the resource is immersion in the "live" environment of English (everyday life, culture, etc.). For those who studied English from textbooks, it's like a breath of fresh air, English on the other hand. - series in English. NPR Hourly Broadcast. Here are news blocks in English.

Program for learning English at home - Anki program. Memorization of new words and expressions. Helps memorize words and expressions with spaced repetitions. You can download and use ready-made words, or you can add your own words.

Learning English in a playful way

Studying English at home - an integrated approach

English Daily- site for daily activities: word of the day, grammar of the day, exercises, games, etc.

Easyworldofenglish- here grammar, pronunciation, reading, listening, interactive dictionary. Examples are voiced, lessons are divided into 3 levels, each is divided into subtopics.

Learning English online is really cool, so take advantage of this opportunity and improve your English.

To be continued...

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Hello! My name is Kristina and I learned 4 languages ​​on my own: Belarusian, Polish, English and German. I run my blog about working and living abroad. Thanks to the knowledge of foreign languages, after 8 years of work in journalism, I independently mastered the profession of a business analyst. Without dating, after 20 interviews I found a job in Warsaw. After 8 months of learning German, I found a job in Munich in 17 days. Now I live in Regensburg (Germany) and raise my son.

Especially for website I will talk about the secrets and life hacks that invariably help me when learning a new language. Get ready: it's not easy, but the result is worth the effort.

Where to begin

Before you start learning a foreign language, determine which channel of perception is most comfortable for you and in what form it is easier for you to assimilate new information. Do you like to watch videos, series or movies? Or listen to music? Perhaps most of all you like to communicate with people? There can be many answers, I talk about my examples on my blog.

But the most important thing is to choose a few channels that bring you the greatest joy, and skillfully juggle them. It is important that information in the target language is received through at least 2 channels per day. For example, you listen to music and watch the translation of songs at the same time, and watch a series in the evening.

And one more important point: when learning a language you will not have days off. It is necessary to completely immerse yourself in the language environment and draw up such a schedule, find such exercises and activities so that the process does not turn into boring and exhausting work. Which means what you read / listen to / watch should be of real interest to you.

For myself, I selected 6 basic forms of language learning. Here are some tips and helpful links on how to make the most of each one.

Here you will come to the aid of many services: YouTube, online TV and online media libraries. I recommend watching how channels for learning a language (for example, for learning English are good English with Lucy , engVid , ETJ English , EnglishLessons4U) and include videos of bloggers who will tell you about some simple and everyday things, for example, how they clean their house or what they cook for the week. In this case, assimilation will occur in the “background” and you will begin to get used to the language.

My methodology for learning a language with the help of films and TV shows is something like this: first I watch simple TV shows with subtitles and with Google Translate at hand, then without subtitles, and even later, more complicated TV shows. Many streaming services have built-in subtitles, which is convenient. At the initial stage, you can choose TV shows that you have already watched and, perhaps, more than once, for example, "Friends". And an important point: be sure to turn off the subtitles when you reach a certain level of understanding! And of course, there is no point in including Russian subtitles.

Good for visuals picture grammar books, and especially such exercises are effective before bedtime.

2. Read

My favorit - reading with the Kindle reader. If you learn English, you can download an English-Russian dictionary on your Kindle and immediately look up the translation. For advanced users, I recommend English-English: just click on an incomprehensible word - and a hint will appear with a description of the word from the dictionary or an article from Wikipedia. For fans of paper publications, I advise simple magazines like cookery, comics or art books for teenagers.

My recent discovery - service that combines "read" and "listen". Here are collected non-fiction books in an abridged format in English, which can also be listened to in audio format while peeping into the text. Some books you want to buy immediately after listening, and some you no longer want to spend minutes on - you get a kind of "trailer" of books of interest with the benefit of vocabulary.

3. Listen

You don't have to listen to boring educational exercises. Who likes endless repetitions of the same phrases? Find a radio station to your liking or choose a podcast on a topic of interest. It is important that you really like the topic. Are you interested in fashion? Or maybe psychology? Find a podcast about it, for example through your iTunes library, Spotify, or Apple Music. Podcasts are convenient because they can be listened to without straining, anywhere and anytime: while jogging, on the subway, or even while preparing dinner.

And music! Of course, music. Listen to the same song 20 times until you learn the words. Sing them in the car on your way to work. I use Spotify on my phone + Musixmatch with lyrics in sync. It is more convenient to install the Google Translate extension in the browser on the computer: open the lyrics of the song, double-click on each incomprehensible word - profit. New words can be written out - you get a combo to expand your vocabulary.

4. Play

If the gaming component is important to you, many useful mobile applications will come to your aid. Not to mention Lingualeo - I use this service with pleasure, where you can read texts and learn new words. I also like the well-known Duolingo and Busuu. There are a lot of applications, but the most important thing is regularity.

For a more advanced level, Elevate and Peak are good: here you can train speed reading, expand your synonym dictionary, etc.

5. Write

Mastering the language in writing is quite a serious level, even if you think that you know the language well, sometimes it happens that in writing you cannot connect two words. Non-binding correspondence will help overcome this barrier and improve the language.

Find a pen pal, read and leave comments in groups on Facebook or Instagram, chat on forums - thanks to the World Wide Web, we have many opportunities to practice this important skill.

And of course, it would be great to go to language courses. It is very difficult to force yourself to study boring grammar tablets, and without this, alas, nothing.

6. Talk, talk and talk again

My best teachers are the children of friends from Germany: Marlin and Luke with their girlfriend Julie.

No matter how well you know grammar and no matter how well you understand speech, there is nothing more important than live communication. It is best with native speakers, but language clubs and video communication will also work. It is advisable to communicate as often as possible, do not take breaks for yourself, ideally every day for 1 hour.

It's great if you get the opportunity to interact with locals while traveling. The best way to do this, of course, is through Couchsurfing and Airbnb.

When I moved to Germany, my children helped me a lot in learning German. They are wonderful teachers! The fact is that their vocabulary is approximately equal to your level, they will always be happy to show what they mean - for them this is a familiar form of communication for up to 7 years. Therefore, the best helpers and motivators for learning a new language are small children who speak it.

And a little from personal experience: I decided to introduce English for my child as a native language, I write about this in more detail on my blog. We live in Germany, my husband speaks German with the baby, and I speak English. We chose this path for our own reasons, and of course I do not want to recommend this method to everyone. But every day I notice that a child is the best motivation to make your own speech perfect and extend your knowledge to a native speaker.Children remember new information much faster, and perhaps when you achieve certain success in learning a language, it will be interesting for you to teach it to your kids and always learn something new.

What helps you in learning foreign languages?

Let's talk about speed today. More specifically, how to quickly learn English. Find out in what cases you may need urgent and quick training in English. Let's try to determine which training is best: with a teacher or on your own. And we will share with you tips on how you can improve your level of English in a short time. Let's get to it!

Why do you need to quickly learn English?

Let's first answer the main question that torments many: "Is it possible to quickly learn English?"

Our answer: “Yes. But at the same time, you must set a clear goal for which you need to improve your level of English.

Maybe you need:

  • study at a prestigious foreign university;
  • successfully pass an interview in English;
  • work in a transnational company or open your own international business;
  • pass an international English proficiency test, such as IELTS;
  • travel or go on a tourist trip;
  • moving to an English-speaking country, etc.

You may say, “Why? After all, I can prepare for all these events on my own: buy a tutorial or download an application with the necessary phrases and memorize them. And you will be right. Partly. But will such training be as fast and effective as you want it to be? Not really.

Reasons to study English via Skype with a teacher

  • Selected training program- after the first communication with you, the teacher will be able to choose the best program for you to learn English. It will focus on your weaknesses and help you avoid mistakes in training.
  • Understanding learning materials- in the classroom, the teacher will be able to state the grammatical rule as clearly and clearly as possible or explain why you need to use this or that expression or phrasal verb.
  • Control and motivation- the teacher will control the learning process, monitor your progress and motivate you in the classroom.
  • Expert opinion– the teacher has the knowledge that will help you when passing the international test, since he himself has successfully passed this test and knows all the pitfalls, or he has experience in preparing students for a successful interview in English. The teacher understands from his own experience what you need to know and what to pay attention to.

How to speed up learning English with a teacher

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to quickly learn English with a teacher:

  • Choose the right teacher.

Find a teacher that you feel comfortable with. Choose the temperament that suits you best: an old school teacher - strict and demanding, or a person with a good sense of humor and energy. You won't get bored during these classes.

And do not forget that your teacher must have experience in the subject with which you approached him (passing international exams, preparing for interviews, etc.).

If you find your teacher, then you will definitely not abandon your classes and will continue to improve your foreign language to the level you need with pleasure.

  • Practice as often as possible.

Do not forget that you need to quickly and effectively prepare for an important event, so do not rush to relax. Study with a teacher 3-5 times a week, for 1-2 hours each time and devote the same amount of time to self-study. 50% of learning comes from doing your homework.

  • Always do your homework.

As we have already said, learning after class is an important part of the process, because when you repeat, you learn the material better. Ask your teacher to give you extensive tasks to develop all your English skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. And do not forget about grammar and vocabulary exercises.

  • Practice with a native speaker.

If your level of English is Pre-Intermediate and above, then you can try your hand at communicating with native speakers. This will give you more confidence if you travel abroad or when you work with foreign partners. In class, you will have to speak only in English so that you are understood and you will learn how to paraphrase what you want to say.

If you are afraid to stay one-on-one with an American or a Briton, then you can always try your hand at group classes - Conversation Clubs.

How to speed up learning English on your own

  • Read more. Books, magazines, social media posts, articles: if they are in English, read them. They will help not only to diversify and hone the existing vocabulary, but also to learn new and useful information.
  • Learn words and expressions. Stick stickers with their names on all objects in the house (we also recommend reading about learning English at home). You will be surprised how many items in your apartment whose names you do not know. Stick names on room doors, appliances, and even cereal. Learn words and phrases from your favorite songs. The Genius website has not only words, but also explanations of the meaning of individual phrases of almost all popular songs.
  • Run tests. Tests not only test your knowledge, but also help you understand the misunderstood rule if there are comments on the tasks. Be sure to solve tests from the textbook you are studying from, as well as visit websites with grammar and vocabulary assignments.
  • Subscribe to podcasts and English YouTube channels. Podcasts are radio-style audio files on various topics. Find the ones that interest you and listen to them on your way to work or school. Also check out the English Youtube for interesting blogs. Try to choose channels with useful and interesting content. It may be difficult to understand native speakers at first, but don't stop! Soon you will begin to understand what you hear, and in addition, replenish your vocabulary. By the way, we advise you to subscribe to our YouTube channel !
  • Ask your friends for help. Ask friends who know English to communicate with you only in it. It will be helpful for you and your friend. We guarantee.

  • Communicate as often as possible. When given the chance, just start talking! And no "sorry, my english is not good". The interlocutor will appreciate your desire and will gladly forgive you for mistakes without unnecessary requests. Apologizing will only add to the awkwardness, especially for you.
  • Immerse yourself in the language environment. When planning your next vacation, think about English-speaking countries: England, USA, Canada, Malta, Australia and remember that abroad, instead of a hotel room, you can live with other people. Just practice your English and meet new and interesting people.
  • Consider studying abroad. Nothing will make you progress like taking a language course in a country where it is spoken. Take an English course abroad! You can go there with any level of language and at any age.
  • Be confident in your abilities. Never tell yourself that you can't speak English or that you won't be able to learn English on your own. Instead, say: “I am effectively studying English and making progress every day” or “My English level is better than half a year ago”, and if something does not work out, then say: “I am not succeeding yet, but I I know - everything is ahead! Such words will motivate you and give you confidence in your abilities.


It does not matter at all which way of learning English you choose: with a teacher or on your own. The main thing is understanding why you need a language, and what you want to achieve by getting the level you need.

Do not forget to use the language in everyday life as often as possible - this will help you not to lose your knowledge and skills. Follow our tips and you will quickly learn English via Skype. We are sure of it!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom